The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 11, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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7-- . . . .
Detroit's Flyers Welcome New Victory Six-
On Davtona Beach During Endurance Trials
Two JVeek Night and Day Run on Speedway
Tests Cooling Capacity of Graham Trucks
Splendid Roadway Con
structed Between Miami
and Key West, Florida
Bigger and Better" New
1 v ..
Model Chevrolet Has
Added Advantages
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m ..jmm. mm piw "-'"
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The "Overseas Highway," con
necting Miami and Key West. Fla.
has been formally opened to traf
fic, although a ferry is used to
transport automobiles orer an un
completed link of about 40 miles,
according to the National Touring
Board of the American Automobile
The A. A. A. says that the high
way, as it stands today, represents
an;investment of over five million
dollars' and an' equal amount willl
be" required to finish the project.
The highway follows the route of
the overseas extension of the Flor
ida East Coast railroad and a ser
ies of bridges connect the Florida
The national motoring body says
that when the project is entirely
completed the road will be 125
miles long and will be probably
one of the most unique highways
in the world. Ferries now used on
the uncompleted link, says the A.
A. A., were purchased by author
ities of Monroe county, in which
Key West Is located, and were
built especially for the transporta
tion of automobiles, with every
convenience for motorists to pass
the time away on the trip across
the inlets. The A. A. A. statement
"With the completion of the en
tire stretch of the Miami-Key West
.highway. It will be possible to
drive an automobile to within 90
miles of far-famed Havana, Cuba.
Cuban immigration authorities
have announced that 'it will be no
longer necessary to put up bond
for arrangements have been made
to facilitate the shipment of cars
between Key West! and Havana.
"More than $75,000,000 is be
ing spent on a new Cuban high
way, now under construction by
American engineers, and this is
expected to prove an added lure
for motorists."
Mrw ,
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VST t'-
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Fpctdiiig thousands of times
arotinJ tltc 2-miIe oval of the
Indianapolis Speedway night and
day for two weeks, with sudden
stop, quick starts, hundreds of
miles in low gear this is one of
the tests to which a caravan of
Graham Brothers trucks, two of
which are shown above, was re
cently subjected in the program
of engineering tests constantly
carried on by the truck division of
Dodge Brothers, Inc.
These tests were among several
which proved out the speed, cool
ing capacity and brake efficiency
of the new Graham Brothers line
to the engineering staff. In ad
dition to special tests of this na
ture, Graham Brothers trucks of
all models, loaded to capacity, are
run night and day by the engi
neering staff over a course of 100
miles on some of the most diffi
cult roads in Michigan, while
caravans are driven through the
mountain districts of the south
for all-around tests of stamina and
pulling- ability.
This policy of constant testing
under the most adverse conditions
is added assurance of the depend
ability for which Graham Brothers
trucks have become noted, the
engineers say.
Air Used In Cooling Engine
of Franklin Sweeps By
At High Rate
Air used in cooling the engine
of the Franklin Airman car sweeps
on all sides of the exterior walls
of the cylinders at a velocity of
109 miles the hour when the car
Is moving at brisk touring speed,
engineers of the Frr.-nklin Automo
bile Company of Syracuse re
vealed recently. This rate Is more
rapid than the speed of the aver
age commercial plane using air
cooled engines, it is said.
The normal cruising speed of
the jpirit of St. Louis, in which
Col. Lindbergh has made so many
spectacular, records is around 100
miles the hour. Because it uses
the air-cooling system the Wright !gear.
wniriwina engine or mis ship is
able to cool efficiently at all alti
tudes and all speeds, the rapidity
of; explosions and the amount
. of heat generated increasing and
decreasing in mathematical pro
portion to the engine speed.
. Many people consider that the
air speed of an airplane contri
butes materially to the cooling of
the plane's engines. While this
is true. It is more or less In the
nature of paradox. Franklin en
gineers point out, due to the fact
that the ship travels no faster i
through the air than the propeller
displaces the air in front and in
the final analysis, the propeller Is
the cooling fan of the nglne.
Inasmuch as the cooling fan in
the Franklin engine Is keyed di
rectly to the crankshaft in the
same manner as the propeller of
the airplane, the same relation
i. . i
noias true. What the plane gains
in actual in actual group speed or
distance covered, the automobile
gains through enclosing the air
current in a housing which pours
the cooling draft under pressure
down around the hot tope of the
cylinders and circulates it on all
sides instead of merely pushing it
past the front as the airplane
The cooling fan of the Frank
lin motor is of the turbine type,
similar in mapy respects to that
i:sed in ventilating theaters and
public buildings. Through its
direct attachment to the crank
shaft, it eliminates all moving
parts and bearings and delivers a
powerful air stream even when
the engine is idling.
The air blast is directed by baf
fle plates in the air housing to the
eix cylinder heads being concen
trated over the areas surrounding
the exhaust valves where the
greatest heat centers.
Although some advantage is
gained through the forward mo
tion of the car, Franklin engi
neers have demonstrated time and
again that this is not essential to
efficient cooling. In the early
days of the industry, many spec
tacular tests were carried out to
prove this fact. In one test in
Kansas, a Franklin engine Idled
for 60 hours in a garage, then
drove the" car in reverse on the
road forl2 miles and then for
ward in ow gear back to its des
tination. Another test included
driving for 40 ml!es in reverse
Frequent mountain climb
ing tests in reverse have been car-'
ried out in various parts of the
Sneezing Powder Stops
While most of the east and mid
dle west and parts of the south
have been suffering from cold
snaps, thaws and sleet storms, mo
torists of the Pacific northwest
have an excellent opportunity to
see. Mother Nature actively en
gaged in primping up for spring
and giving the hills and meadows
their annual garment of wild
The enclosed car is the ideal
type for spring travel, as tn fact it
is for the greater part of the year:
The possibility 'at any time pf
wind or fog makes the convenience
of movable windows a decided ad
vantage even in this favored
country.' where bad roadg seldom
interfere with touring and sun
shine for a good part of the year
is the rule rather than the excep
tion. The Chevrolet Motor company
last year sent but an imperial lan
dau to visit the various National
arks of the west in order to dem
nstrate to the motoring public
iow really easy it is to make such
m m
' -T. . 'tl
jlocal civic theater, youn mischief
renormance OF Uperd 8neeilnir nowd aeaIn8t the cur -a trip and. If taken in a Chev-
. . . Irolet, how economical. During this
BERLIN AP) Sneering j
The effect proved disastrous
theater cast at Welssenfeld recent-! the actors had to sneeze so violent
ly, jly that they were unable to sing or
During a performance of the op-' speak a word. The show had to
eretta, "Liebfrauenmilch," at the be interrupted.
tour elevations up to almost 12,
000 feet were reached, and at
I ome points snow was encountered
banked up higher than the top of
the landau. Nevertheless, bo diffi-
Brock and Schlee, famous Detroit flyers, who spent much time in Florida this untfr
endeavoring to lower the endurance flying record were enthusiastic in their praise of the
Doitje Brothers Victory Six. The "Pride of Detroit, with which they flew the greater dis
tance around the world, is shown along with the first Victory Six sedan to be exhibited tn
distance enquiring no attention whatever. The. leave the Fore River shipyards
r,,..-o .n,mr. h kTA m I so add-; Bethlehem Shipbuilding torn
v r j a -
ed to the steering ease of the car.
trip, which covered a
approximately 120,00 miles in less
than three months.
"Bigger and Better" than last
year, the new moaei cnevroiet nas
added advantages for strenuous
touring, with its air-funnel sys
tem of cooirag, thermostatic con
trol, four-wheel brakes and aj part of the regular equipment
wheelbase four inches longer than Df the U. S. S. Lexington, airplane
that of the 1927 car. It has almost carrier, one of the largest In th
U. S. S. Lexington Now
Ready for Land, Sea, Air
two-fifths more power than the
former model and a speed five
miles greater.
"The tires, too. are slightly lar
ger," said the local dealer, "and
add somewhat to the comfort of
driver and passengers, without
considering the shock-absorbing
world is a Graham Brothers truck
which carrier officers, or marlnea
to the scene of action. On top of
the truck is carried an airplane
wing to be rushed to any point
where the emergency exists.
Te keel for the Lexington' was
laid Jan. 8, 1921. and the ship was
Quincy, Mass.. until Jan. 5. 1928.
Some Interesting data regarding
the new addition to the nary are:
Cost forty to fifty million dollars;
length 888 feet: breadth (ex
treme 106 feet; carries 88
planes; speed 39 miles per hour:
engines, combined horsepower,
180,000; crew of 1S00 men and
200 officers; has eight 8-inch
guns and twelve 5-inch guns; is
largest ship in U. S. navy.
culties were encountered on the unit built into the springs and re-launched Oct. 3. 1925, but did not
Naval reduction will scarcely be
possible so long as It remains ne
cessary to scour the seae hunting
foolish stunt flyers. Indianapo
lis Star..
When an Italian feels like fore
casting the early downfall of Mus
solini he goes outsirfe of Italy to
exercise his prophetic gift. Tole
do Blade.
"Imitation Is the Most
Sincere Form of Flattery "
But nothing can take the place of
You will never know the real comfort and service en
joyment until yon let us tire your car with Miller's.
Miller Tires also for sale in Salem by Harbisons four
stations, Bert's Service Station, Vaughan's Service
- Station
features of the
See these i
S' 4 i
n or m
"ITX '4
"8 ft
i J $.
ri3 i
THE Fine Car of tow Price" is the eorsaf
title of this new Oldsmobile Six . . .
Earned by virtue of the most imposing amy of
quality feature ever embodied in any car priced
"f or the America family !"
Body features . . engine features . .performance
features . . equipment features . . features new
and different, smart and refreshing . . many so
daring, so obviously a pace ahead as to reflect a
boorant, modem pirit unappnmthed in even th
best of cars at aoywbere near its price.
- The instant you view its new body by Fisher you
will recognise these facts. But you can't grasp
their full significance till you know the whole
story of its new features.
Aetr, Larger Engine
of High-Compression Typ
If it is speed yoa want, just drive this new,
larger OldsmobUe.
If it is smoothness you seek, you will be amazed
to find acceleration from 6 to 5 mile per hour in
cond, so smooth and flowing that it has
been compared to the steady, "stageless" pickup
of an electric motor.
If power is important to you. here is developed
bo Kant
And eren with more speed and more power, here
also is greater operating economy.
All these are the results of a new aad larger
L-faead eagiiM . . a high-comjrrctsum engin. This
engiae embodies a new cylinder bead developed
in the General Motors Research Laboratories a
head ol exchmre design which permit fall, mooth
power-flow, aad provides the advantages of higb
crni npsi isii in design without special fuels.
Proved by a Million Mil
This engine staads proved br 1.177.000 mfles of
testatg . . proved under acteal traffic conditioos
ob the high ways .. proved uadter the searching eyes
of engineers oa General Motors Proving Ground.
The surpassing efficiency of this engine is aug
meatad by craakease ventilation, which ehmi
nates excessive dilation by oil flter, air cleaner,
a specially controlled eooluig system and other
features which are sources of great satisfaction.
This ens is also actable for remarkable rigid
ity 4 trssrrati and cylinder block. It rides oa a
i asm m ting; not the ordinary rub
mt a positive "discovery. ,
Two YeTAhJd
But the tikssjih aekirwd ia this great enaiae is
ontoel haiimsfsbkslietiii is which stassp this
aew larger UUsasebtst as m (sasf Ass j
b an esjUtandW raaSty .
ssest lug, saspaiifing
el loac Cfe are prasaatsJ br ooiat
ha the desjga aad mast mrt inn of
TtfsrW SOVfOsW
aftw paint
A aew dssrse of safety, seroturer
pendaoaty. added elemBts
M a i
of de-
of operatiag thrift . .
for that
Automotim Critic PruUe It
EhaaWd ef Jfssr. Boyatoa of A vkmatim DaOf
Nmm, Claarr ef Motor Aft aad Denham of
Aidomatim induttri, are among the emkssat
lef the)
Fins Car of Low Price, come aa further evidence
that it ia indeed two yeari ahead.
Naturally interested in technical merits, their
attention has focused largely eta the engine and
upon the many chassis features.
These chassis features include four-wheel
brakes, and specially selected springs which,
with a complete set of four Lovejoy hydraulic
shock absorbers, make riding gliding.
Silenced Chassis
Silenced Interior ,
la no respect is this aew Oldsmobile more truly
the fine car than in its quietness. Not till you
bar ridden in it can you realis how the new
rubber cushioning of the motor, a new rubber core
dutch, a new double-cushioned universal joint
system, new noo-squeak shackles and even rub
ber cushioned bumpers, combine with tcrund
iw ntlah to silese both chsssissndbody.
This iwsJaSMMi of the body between the interior
and tha en gma, is an out standing feature.
Hidden, bat eoestitating a tremendous aoeree of
satisfaction, this insulation provides a silenced
interior the fiaishiag loach to that all-around
riding enjoyabtlky which is a dominant charae
Uristk of this new Oldsmobile.
Super-Sturdy Neto Frame
The frame ia of remarkable rigidity, ruggedly
formed of heavier page steel with cLannais fire
aad a half inches deep, flanges 2 aad 3 inches
reapectivary, aad firs sturdy croas-members. This
fiasae ia tapesed at front to provide an in
usually abort rsgiwngTadjas.andkVw-diopyed
to achieve extsa low body lines and road security.
The rubber core dutch mentioned above also
adds softness to dutch engagement. Anew pso-
e starssr separates gear engagentent and
ss ataraasj noser me two
aperations accomplished by one pressure on the
starter a method of decided advantages. The
easy starting that results is a fitting beginning to
easy operation throughout, such as easy shifting
and easy steering with the adjustable-height
steering wheel
New Driving Enjoyment
New vertical radiator shutters, new controlled
, cooling, thermostatic charging, full-automatic
spark and engine-temperature thermometer on
instrument panel, all add new ease and enjoy
ment to winter driving.
And, winter or summer, this new Oklamobile will
be found to possess a readability posttirely un
canny . . steadiness and dependability that are
equally matters of enjoyment and safety.
And so the story of this great new Oldsmobile
i continues through details of engine and chassis
to a triumphant climax in its crowning glorr
the daringly modiah new body by Fiaher.
Seven Neto Creations By Fisher
This new OldamobOe ia presented in seren body
Coope. Sport Coope, Sport RoadsUr aod Sport
rheeton. All embody tho striLrag atrle elements
heretofore noted, aad in addition tbose rugged
structural qualities and invaluable convenience
appointments for which these master body,
makers are justly famous.
Generous use of fabric beading between metal
surfaces prerents body squeaks. FltMh door coa
atrnctiqn, so characteristic of costly ears, k a
feature. The windshield is of the Fisher W tvpe.
the parking lock of superior theft-proof design.
Rounding out the whole are equipment items
commonly xonaidered "out," but standard
with this u Cor qf Low Prio You will
instantly recognise then as extraordinary for
their conipleteness. Hie list includes rubber
cuahioned bumpers, front and rear, rear view
mirror, Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers,
engine temperature thermometer on instrument
panel, fuel gauge on instrument panel, automatic
windshield wiper and rear traffic light.
A Car to be Proud of ,
The style and luxury elements now found in this
smart car read like the descriptions of expensive
cars that everyone has coveted. To begin with
there is a longer wheelbase and longer body
design . . an over-all length of 171 inches. Doors
are larger, windows wider and lower. The low
frame provides that jaunty effect so desirable.
This jauntiness is further emphasized by new full
crown fenders of sweeping lines and by new,
smaller wheels with smart oval spokes aad
28 x 6.25 balloon tires.
Ultra-Mrdern Styling
The body design irwlf is sensational. We realize
that any automobile manufacturer, may say this
and believe it. Hut public opiniotr-Wtoo definitely
expressed, the modern spirit too unmistakable, to
permit of any doubt regarding the popularity of
this voguish, ultra-modern styfing. Never has
Fisher artistry achieved more refreshing freedom.
Vivid, vibrant colors in enduring finish further
the effect. Smart, distinctive touches complete it.
For example, the headlights are of semi-bullet
type; the radiator cap is of that smart flat design
and the front-end view is deep-radiatored with
wing-like fender lines, the whole effect beizg
enhanced by vertical radiator shutters.
Exterior polished parts are chromiom-platedr
exposed nuts and screws cadmmui-plated.
AVtc Roominess
The interiors are marked by new roominess end
the charm of new, modish upholsteries and fin
ishes, as smart as they are rich and tasteful. A
high point of beauty is the handsome new instru
ment paneL AU indicators, including fuel and
oil gauges and new engine-temperature ther
mometer, are enclosed under one glass and
indirectly uUuminated.
The all-black steering wheel is of aa attractive
design which again reminds one of expensive cars.
The sensitive horn button at the center is
mounted flush. It operates a new, deep-voiced
horn. Also on the wheel are neat hand-accelerator
and headlight levers, the latter operating twin
beam headlights with onset parking light.
A General Motors Triumph
Bach ia effect is this new OUsnsobQe sweepingry
new. smart and thrilling. Never bare the ad van
tages of General Motors resources, ef General
Motors research, of General Motors Proving
Ground facilities shown snore emphatically. Their
result is a ear which ectasia all former eoneep-.
tioos of value in cars "for the AsMricaa family .
And behind this story of achievement stands the
story ef a dserished ambttiao the story of
Oidsasobae'. rMcg fltifti to yrefrsat.
The builders of this car set oet to produce the car
he people wanted. Aad they hare done it.
80 swift, so smooth, so quiet, so caenfortabk. so
easy to drive and so rood4ooking is this new
Oldsmobile, that you will agree with the man who
inspected it and said
"You can buy a bigger car, bug not
a better on'
- .. 7
e- - assHfl 4
' ft-I
-S 1
350 No. High St.
o .
Phone 2125