J-s? 1,1 " 1 , ;: : -f Charter No. 58 .ResejTw DIttrlet No. REPORT OP THE COXDITIOX OP THE SALEM BANK OF COMMERCE At Salem, In the State of Oregon at close of business February Kl 29, 128. . RESOURCES 1. Loans and discounts. Including rediscounts, ac ceptances or bills of exchange, sold with en dorsement of the bank (Including items shown in 29. 30 and 32, if any) ... S 547,519.78 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured 1,420.08 3. U. S. government securities owned, including those shown in items 30 and 35. if any 15,000.00 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign government, state, municipal, corpora tion, etc., including those shown in items 30 and 35. if any 440,989.91 5. Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgments, etc. . None 6. Banking house, 150,000.00; furniture and fixtures, $19,700.00 9,700.00 7. 8. 8. 9. Real estate owned other than banking house .... None (a) Lawful reserve with federal reserve bank . . None (be) Cash on hand in vault and due from other banks, bankers and trust companies None (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust companies designated and ap proved reserve agents of this bank . . 168,067.34 (c) Net amounts due from other banks, bankers and trust companies .. None Exchanges for clearing house and ifems on other 10. banks in the same city or town as reporting bank 5,724.27 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash Items . Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10 and 11, $173,791.61 12. 13. 14. Interest, taxes and expenses paid None Customers' liability under letters of credit None Customers' liability account of acceptances ex ecuted by this bank and by other banks for ac count of this bank None Other assets, if any None J 5. Total $1,248,421.38 LIABILITIES 16. Capital stock paid in .....$ 17. Surplus fund ..... 18. (a) Undivided profits $9,051.85 (b) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid ... 6.088.97 19. Reserved for taxes, interest and depreciation . . 20. Dividends unpaid 21. Net amounts due to other banks, bankers and trust companies United States deposits, including postal savings and deposits of United States disbursing officers DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject 21. to reserve: Individual deposits subject to check, including de posits due the State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds 834,204.42 23. 24. uemana certificates of deposit 25. Cashier's checks of this bank on demand 26. Certified checks outstanding Total of demand deposits, other than bank de posits, subject to reserve, Items 23, 24, 25, 26 $835,653.08 ITAIE AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to re serve and payable on demand or subject to not ice: Time certificates of deposit outstanding Savings deposits, payable subject to notice 27. 28. Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28, $295,805.42 29. Notes and bills rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank . 20. Notes and biils rediscounted including bonds or other securities sold under repurchase agree ments with contingent liabilities 31. Bills payable with federal reserve bank or with other banks or trust companies 32. Letters of credit outstanding 23. Acceptances executed by this bans, ror customers based on actual agricultural or commercial transactions or by other banks for account of this bank United States government or Liabilities other than above, 24. 25. Total ...$1,248,421.38 STATE OF OREGON, County of Marion ss. I, H. V. Compton, cashier of the above named bank, do, sol emnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. V. COMPTON. Cashier. CORRECT Attest: S. B. Elliott. J. C. Perry. H. H. OHnger. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of March, 1928 A. W. SMITHER, Notary Public. My commission expires Aug. 15, 1930. I y XmilKJK AND ROAD COX STRUG TIOX AWARDS MARCH 27 Bids for the construction of sev eral new bridges and improve ment of highway will be. opened at a meeting of the state highway commission to be held in Portland March 27. Projects for which bids will be considered follow:- Coos county Furnishing 4 2, 000 cubic yards of crushed gravel - or broken stone for maintenance operations on Riverton-Coq utile Hoffman section of the Roose velt ast highway and the Coos ! Douglas eount,y-H5teel span Bay-Roseburg highway. Douglas county Steel span ov - er Schofield river on the Roosevelt-Coast highway at Reedsport. Lane county Bridge over the McKenzie river on a county road about 1 M miles south of Coburg. .This is a county project advertis ed in behalf of the county court. Lane county Bridge over Wil - lamette river on the McKenzie highway at Springfield. TUlaanook county Bridge ov er the Tillamook river on a coun . ty road about a mile from Tilla ? mook. This is a county project advertised in behalf of the coun- vtr court. Payments will be made direct by Tillamook county. Union county Construction of buildings on state owned proper ty in the city of LaGrande. Health Education Talks Will Be Given Teachers ASK lew Jlira Anne Simpson, county su ' pervisor of health education with the child health demonstration, will give a series of lectures on health education for Salem teach- ers and , principals, the educators , were notified - Friday. Lectures .,wlll bo held each Monday and Thursday afternoons at the high i school at 4:15 o'clock. T" " "The Law of Health and How to Teach Them," one of the state reading- circle books, will be used as a reference throughout the ser ,.les of lectures, a couple ot which will be given by Dr. William De i Klelne, director of, the county health demonstration.-' J Any-Marion county teacher In-, " terested Is invited to attend. ; OVERTURES MADE GENEVA, Mar. S(AP) The text of long appeal which will be 100.000.00 14,000.00 2.962.88 None None None None outstanding .... None outstanding payable 1,092.47 356.19 31,662.80 264,142.62 None None None None -4 other bonds borrowed if any None None None sent to Spain and Brazil asking 'them to reconsider their decisions in withdrawing from the league of nations were unanimously ad opted by the league council today, TREATY APPROVED TEGUCIGALPA. Honduras, Mar. j. (Af) ine Honauran cong rsess today ratified a treaty of friendship, commerce and consular privileges between the United States and Honduras. The treaty was signed by representatives of the two countries December 13, 1927. CALL FOR BIDS OX SEWER PIPE The undersigned will receive sealed bids up to 7:30 p. m., March 19. . 1928, for sewer pipe as fol lows: Item 1, 20,000 Lin. Ft., more or less, 8 in. pipe. Item Z. 14.000 Lin. Ft., more or less. 10 in. pipe. Item 3, 12,400 Lin. Ft., more or less 12 in. pipe. Item 4, 10,000 Lin. Ft., more or less 15 in. pipe. Item 5. 5,000 Lin. Ft., more or less 18 in. pipe. Item 6, 3,000 Lin less, 21 in. pipe. Item 7. 2,000 Lin less. 2f In. pipe. Item 8, 1,500 Lin less. 27 in. pipe. Ft., more or Ft., more or Ft., more or Item 9, 2.500 Lin. Ft., more or I less, 30 In. pipe. Item 10, 1,500 Lin. Ft., more or less, 36 in. pipe. Item 11. 3,500 Lin. Ft., more or less, 42 in. pipe. Said pipe to be ready for de livery in approximately the follow ing amounts: Items 1, 2, and 3. covering a per iod of 8 months, divided equally over the said 8 months. The first installment of one-eighth to be ready for delivery on or about the first day of April, 1928, to be fol owed by a like amount each month as .may be the demand until the fulfillment or the said amounts. Items 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, and 11. within the next S months, an equal amount each month, . one-fifth of which shall be ready for delivery br Anrll 1st. 1928, to be followed by like amount each month until the order has been filled. The tight Is reserved to accept bids as a whole or on separate sixes or to reject any or all bids In the Interest ot the city.. A -certified check for 2 per cent of the amount of ttae bid must be filed with bids. Specifications are on file In the office of Cupper, Cooper ft Simp son,, Engrs., Masonic Bldg., Salem, Oregon. - . M. POULSEN, City Recorder, Salem,' Oregon. ' M 10 and 11 J. "THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, The Want Ad is a The Oregon Statesman Publlthrd svery maraing umI Mob day. at Salem, the capital af Oregon. T-O Local Rates For Classified Advertising Dally ar Saadey S eeatt par war , eeeate par ward Oaa time Thre tim.. Six times casta par wera 1 ae. daily and Saa.-lu aaaU par ward la ardor ia eara Ut mora taaa aaa tlaae rata, advertising moat ra la aaa- tcutve lesuea. No ad takca far laaa ttaa SSo. Ada rsa wuaday ONLY ehargad at eae l-ae rata. Advertisements (exeept Fersoaala aad 8:taatoae Wanted; will be tekea rax the telephone if the advertiser a eubsenber ta pbeaa. Taa Staleeiaaa will receive adver tUenaate at aay tuna af taa Cty ar night, 'io iasara propar la -ficatlaa A a should ba as before 7 p. m, TELEPHONE :r OR 5S ' ADTIATISEJtENTS H OX EST aUVkUliaiA'ti lheee eol- toil mtit ba kpt fraa Irow anything r quesiwaaoie nature, atisreprasen tatloa will Lot ba tolerated, lnierma- tMi ahawiag aay queettoasbl inteat aa the part of tba Utuiimt should ba reported to thia newspaper mt taa Hm itm a eiaa. LODGE ROSTER CHEMKkiTA LODGE NO. 1. X. O. O. X. Meet every Wednesday evening at 7:0 o'clock; third floor of X. U. O. F, Temple, cor oar of oOurt aad Sigh Su. AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry In. Salem' leading Auctloaear aad Furniture Dealer. He, m Store, 1610 N. Siaatr St. Phone fill H. F. Woodry & Son Bight dewa town. Oah paid far uted . .... n . i . ? .a Tel. 76. Ageate for Lang Range, t OOI. A. Ik 8TKVKKSOX AUCTIONEER 3S year exyerieace ia taa Willamette valley, far aate ar arrangement aaa r. A. Poerfler, farm aariaer, Firt ha tienal Bank, Salem. Pheae or write, A. L. BtereneoB, Ocrrallie. Ore. BATTERY-ELECTRICIAN 3 BROWKKIX ELECT JUC CO.. MS STATS tci. 931. contract wiring. dec trie ai-plie. Call n for aleeUieal vera. B. D. BABTOX - Starter aad Santa High. - IIIDI BATTKSIE8 geneiator werk; 80S S Tel. 16S . HIGH AMD 3bt v.lLLiAMS rLEENER ELECT SIC CO. HOCSX wiring by aenr or contract. Kttiavatea (Braithad. Tel. 90 471 Court St. U. S. L. Service Station IntomotiTe Electrician Vick Bros. High St. at Trade. Tel. Hal BICYCLES Repairing 4 LLOYD K. RAafSDEKr COLUMBIA Bi cycle and repairing. S87 Conn CLEANERS AND DYERS 5 CHERRY CITT CLEANERS. O. Ihiane. 2.0 M. Liberty. Tel. . SALEM CLEANERS 107S U. Coa'L DTERA TaL 18t Salem Markets GBAXW Na. 1, what. whit $1.21 Red wheat, tacked $1.15 Oat, per bu. milling $ .05 FORK, MUTTON kSV BEET Top hog 8.60 Bow 063.07 Top tteer 1K3.13 Cow 03(5-07 Spring lamb 09.13 Dreiaed Teal 18 Dreued bog 11 POTTLTRT Light - ban Heavy bene Spring m i9a i ..ia Broiler EGOS, BUTTEJL BTJTTEBEAT Btandarda Bntterft Print Butter ..4S0.49 VEGETABLES Beets, tacked . New cabbage . Potatoes - Celery, boaehe Bwaet potatoes .OS 04 4 $1.80, $1.55, $1.35 $1.85(31.75 fw potatoes .15 Rejuvenated potatoes 10 Lacal onion $2.750 $3.50 o I General Markets raoDTTCB PORTLAND. Or.. March . (AP). Butterfat aUady; 44e itatioa, 43e track, 52c fob Portland. Poultry steady: beary hens 23 24c pound; light 15 20c; springs 80 21c; broilers 23 025c; pekin wblta ducka 80c; eolored nominal; tnrkeys aliee 2527e. Oniona steady; local $2.50 3.25 per cwt.; potatoes 75e$1.25 ssck. JJVE STOCK PORTLAND. Ore.. March 9. ( AP). Cattle ateady; no receipt. Hog steady; receipte 155, all direct. Sheep steedy; no receipts. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO. March 9. (AP). A bit profit taking ware all grain underwent a setback today after a general advance in which May delivery corn touched $1 a bushel. Upturns scored by corn were ascribed to the fact that official eti matea of farm reserve stock of corn were mach below wast the trade a rule had looked for, being 114,000,000 buihel smaller than a year ago. Closing quotation on corn were nerv ous at 1-8 e aet decline, with wheat ETTA KETT TioS. St2aS V ( Roosr txWr be sally, vuy SS Vi-MV J MAN VHO SOLD HH S UA UDCX AT"THE Tf?CK- S(J l SScSS OCortTA Tb C tD SAID WE K t30V3 TAUGHT-J M VJ JCAlJa THE OtWER GWS AWAY ) V POSOK TO VAETK- ,SL' HIM LAST NIGHT T& xZL. . 1 rwon rtfi?p - ' NJ CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. H. B. SCOrriaXP. 7. S. Pi ret NaUoaal Bank Bldg. 80 DR. O. L. SCOTT, PrC. CHIBOPHUCTO 3S M. Hlga. TaL ISS-at. Baa. tlW FLORISTS 11 FLOWERS rOB ALL. OOOABIONS Olaaa'a, Caart nigh St. Tal. SOU CUT FLOWERS, MTDDINQ BOUQUETS Faneral wraataa, aeceratljaa. v. r. Brwlthacpt, flariat. SIS flsata Street, TeL 8W. INSURANCE 12 fOB SALE FLBST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Trot Daada. Oowtraeti aa heaaa Will aet to 30 per eeat. BECKS a HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 149 N. High St. FARM LOANS PLENTT OF MONET te Wan aa read fans aaearlry. CITT LOANS Wa ara loaaiag Pra deat!al Iaiuraae aoffipaay aaoaey ea eUy real dene and baslna property at Vb par oent, pin a aamalMlaa Maw kin a Roberts, Ine-, SOS Oregoa Bulldlag. Insure Taur Hease ar Car aw. BECKS a HENDRICKS Parma 161 X. O. O. F. Bldg, 189 K. High St. WANTED Employment 1? TRUCK HAULING WANTED. WILL GO aay where. Have a new track and fatt worker. John U. Soott, 805 Oregon Bldg. Tal 254 or 032. POSITION WANTED. BT THOROUGH- ly trained aad experienced book and ceat-kaeper. Caa take charge ! office aad accounting work. Reference. Sal ary ao object. Singla, aga 83. Box 858, McMinavilla, Oregon. FOR RENT Apts. 15 DUPLEX APT. 951 N. WINTER. NICE FURNISHED APARTMENT. Unlen. 890 LIGHT. OOZT TWO ROOM APART menu Garag. Faene 469-J. FURNISHED 8 ROOM DUPLEX APART meat, ao children. 623 N. High. ONE BOOM AND KITCHENETTE. WA- tar, light, aad foal. $16.00. Oloo la. $58 Marios. TOU CAN FLAT GOLF, FISH AND MOTOR. WE TAKE CARE OF TOUR HOME. High eiaa residential district. ew, strictly modern, quiet apart ments. Frigilaire, Eleetrie Ranges. Radio, Staaas Heat, Brick faced Buildiag. Efficient service. Twa nnfurnltbed rooms, bath, $30, $85. Throe unfurnished rooms, bath. $40, $45 Two rooms ruralaaod overstuffed, $87.60 to $40. Three rooms fuixtaaed overstaffed, $45 to $50. Children Welcome Naw Management, R decorated Ambassador Apartments 550 North Summer St. Phone 1973 FOR RENT Rooms 16 MODERN FOUR ROOMS NICELY FUR- aished, bargain. Sea owner 795 HigB lsnd. FOR RENT Houses 17 HOUSE FOR REST. 355 DIVISION. MODERN HOME, 678 N. COTTAGE. PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE, 438 Water St. Phone 657. MODERN HOUSE WITH GARAGE. Phone 303, or inquire at 2140 Maple Ave. WANTED TO RENT 19 WANTED TO RENT A FARM OF about 100 acres suitable for dairying, for term of years, cash rent. Phone 870 or 1964 M. BOARD AND ROOM 20 ROOM. BOARD. SINGLE MEALS. SUN day dinners. Alexandria, 1030 Cne mekcta. Phono 1639. ROOM AND BOARD IN MODERN home, $30 per month if taken at once. 635 Chemeketa St., corner Chemeketa and Church. LAUNDRIES 21 THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THB WEIDEB LAUNDRY Talepbaaa 35. 268 S. High fRY THE BOMB WET WASH LAUN dry. TeL 171, 1856 B Streak, CAPITAL CITT LAUXDRT "The Laundry at Pure Materials" Telephone 165. 1-64 Broadway 1 822c dowa and oat 6(27'8l21c off. PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Or March 9. (AP). Wheat bids: BBB bard white. March, April $1.41; hard white, blue steaa, baart, Ul $1.824; federation, soft white, west ern white, all $1.80H ; bard winter, west ern red all $1.244; northern spring all 1.25 H. Oat. No. 3, 80 ponad W. F. and ditto gray Marcn, April 843. Barley, No. a, as pound H. w., all fat. Cora, No. 2, E. Y. shipment March $40, April $39.50; No. 3 ditto March 39.50, April $36.50. HAY PORTLAND. Ore.. March 9. (AP). -lav buymc prices: Eastern Oregon tim othy 20.5021; ditto valley ); alfalfa ll.ou; oat nay la.ouiff 15; straw $9 per ton. Selling prices $2 t ton more. DAISY PORTLAND. Ore.. March 9. (AP). )airy Exchange, aat prices: Butter, extras 44c; standards 43Hc: irime firsts 43e: firsts 42 He. Errs, extra 24e; f irate 22e; medium extraa 22e; mediant first 19e. Good Salesman, TAILORS 22 D. H, KOSHXK TAILOR FOB MEN til vgsNS.) 474 Oonrt St. WANTED Misc. 23 FCBNITCB& PiXKISO FOB SHIP Gleae-Fowara Foraltara Oa. J. JOHNSON. CARPENTER AND BUILD or. Reasoaablo charge. Figures free. 199S North Commercial. WANTED FBITATB MONET FOB ' f antL laaaa. W have several applica tioaa aa kaad. Haw kiaa aBaaorta, Iac'305 Oregon Bldg. ' WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Riga not entailer than 1- yard to aa (or wiping asaebiaory. Highest prlee paid far good cleaa taga, apply al tatoeasaa axuea. aaa at a ler. More Than a Tonic More Than a Health-Food A Natural Remedy! Pacific Health-Ore This vrodaet sappllas Natare with vital working and buildiag material pivvidea element to ataintaia the normal chemical balance to laauro th aataral harmony aad proper functioning of gland aad or gan and to maiatala a rich and health blood stream. Used aa a mineral water pleasant to take oaa package la sufficient for thr months treatment. Sold aadar a positive money-back guarantee. MATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT THE Capital City Betiding Oo, 1190 North Capital. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel. 19. FOR SALE 25 HAT FOR 8ALE $9.00. phone 89F13. LARGE YOUNG MULES. Box 194. B. F. D. 8. THREE TEAR OLD PURE BREI COL lie dog. Bale. Phone 1S3F3. 13 GOOD VALLEY RAISED WORK horses and males. W. H. Strsst, 1870 Missloa street. MONGER BLACX CAP TIPS AND RE sets,, well developed, mo ua tal a grown. S. P. Matheny, Sublimity, Oregoa. GUARANTEED USEI SEWING MA chines, all makes. Singer A White Electrics cheep for cash. Wo give .terms. 321 8. High. DUBOC8 AND POLAND CHINA'S BOTH breeds, pure bred, young breeding stock for sale. Phono 49F38 or call at the farm, ana half mile south from th feet ef Aakeaey Hill, 10 miles South of Ssiem. GULBRAN8EN, CLABEDON. CABLE, riiUmii, Bovirt and Ludwig pianoei tnat wa have repossessed, will be sola for the belan-ie due aa them. If yoa . waat a aaarly new piano, cheap, here's your shanco. Term a to responsible eartle. Oregon finance Corporation Phone 2881. WANTED Live Stock 26 CATTLE I NEED CATTLE OF ALL kind. Phone 2541. Walter Corbet, 1885 N. 31st atreet. I WANT TO BUY A FEW GRADE OR purebred Jersey or Guernsey cow or heifers. E. A. RhoUn, 1595 So. High St. Phoa 263 R. VETERINARIAN 28 FRED W. LANOE, VETERINARIAN Office 629 8. Commercial. TaL 1198. Rea. Tel. 1666. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1677. North CommerelaL 1610 WOOD FOR SALE 30 fiOOD OLD FIR $8.00. PHONE 2096-J. GOOD DRY WOOD. D. Mayfield. PHONE 7213. M. 16 IN. OLD FIR $8.60 FEB) OORt (t rfck) Tel. 3188. CALL TRACY'S FUEL YARD FOR GOOD wood. Phone 331f. DRY OLD FIR AND 2ND GROWTH. A. Tucker. Phone 20124 M. OLD FIR WOOD., PRICES INTEREST ing. J. M. Peeblea. Falls City, Oregon. ALL KINDS OF DRY FIR WOOD. C. U. Harbaugh, 1088 Highland Ave. Phone 1990. 16 INCH OLD FIR, DRY 3ND GROWTH, and ash. C. U. -.Harbaugh, 108$ High laad Ave. ThoBe 1990. , O. (SEE) A. ANDERSON PO WOOD TO BL'RN SALEM TRANS. A FUEL. CO. GENERAL TBANSFEB WORK. TEL. 82.9 ALL KINDS OF WOOD. TeL 2028 J. C. A. TUCKER. GOOD DRY WOOD Larmer.. Tal. 980. FOB TOC D. A. 16 INCH MILL WOOD. PARTLY SEA. aoned. $8.50 per load at Trace.-'. Tel. 3318. i ' GOOD COAU w DRY WOOD PBOMPT DELIVERIES V HJLLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood 4 ft. aad 16-iaeh. Largo load ara cneaper to boy. Mill wood la oar specialty. Prompt delivery aad reasonable price. ' FKED E. WELLS 280 B. Church TaL 1543 POULTRY AND EGGS 32 PUKE PLYMOUTH ROCK HATCHING egg. 3315 Soatk Cottage. Phone 2585 W. ASSORTED BABY CHICKS LIGHT breeds $13.00. heavy breeds $19.00. Phone 188F2. Lea' a Hatchery. A Total Loss MARCITTO, 1928 POULTRY AND EGGS 32 POULTRY WANTED ANY KIND. 8IZC or amount, top market, highest cash ! price. Salem Poultry Co., Corner High j aad Mill. Phoao 2490.- ALL POPULAR BREEDS OF B. W D. ; seated baby ehicka at popular prices. Always oa kaad. Onr ' Livan Gro' I brooders are $3.45. Flake s Petland, : 378 State. BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH ing Expert service moans efficiency ; and kigh quality. All baby chicks from ?areat steak Officially tested and Of icialiy Approved. Salem'a oldest Cua ; teat Hetikiag plant. Phone 1332. : Lee' Hatchcy. BABY CHICKS BVEBY MONDAY AND Teeaday. 6 leading varief.es. Beat i local stock. Prices reasonable. Salem Chieheriaa, 364 North Cottage Street, : salam. MUSIC STORES 33 GEO. O. WILL PIANOS. PHONO j graphs, aawiag machines, sheet niusi aad piano atudlea. .Repairing pnoao i graphs aad eewrng macblnss. 432 Sute atreet. Saleau MUSIC TEACHERS 33a rMODERN PIANO JAZZ FRANK BUT- tou, Waterman course. Studio 15d S. Liberty. Tel. 1207 or Res. 2165J. KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLAIUJVMENT WITH EVERY 50 order Kodak work. Bawliaga, Fortlaad, Ora. Newspapers Magazines 35 CriE PORTLAND rtLEORAa SALEM Agency. The Ace. TaL 989. rHK OREGON STATESMAN. SO CENT8 ' par month delivered to your home early each morning. TeL 33 or 583. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper aend five 2 cent stamps to taa Paeifie Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a three aaontua' trial subscription. Mention thia ad. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO coat stamps for special three month' . trial far th beat aad oldest Journal ia the West. The articles and adver tisements aro of spscial interest to the ' poultry breeders ef the Northwest , Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 8. Com ar'ci 84 Salem. Oreaoit- NURSERY STOCK 36 FINE LIKE NURSERY STOCK. ALSO mm flowerirg Hawthorne. See these trees before buying. Willamette Val ley Nursery. Home phone 70FS. Bala yard 289 Oonrt St., acros atreet from , Butick'a store. PAPERHANGING 37 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOU8B deearaUhg, paporbaagiBg. tinting, ate Reliable aorkmaa. PAINTING 33 OH AS BENXST-W e-AHTriNO CON tractor, palatine yaper hangiag. 2281 J. 187 Wast Millar. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR SALEM SCAVENGER BERN "ICE call 167. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE pairing. G!ese-tower Furniture Store. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cents a handle. Stateaman office. -313 South Commercial. WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT STUD. Salem's White K'ng. Register number 685981. Service guarantee'!. Puppies and grown stock tor sale. Mrs. Bsn nrtt. 1030 Chemeketa. Phe 1539. STOVES AND STOVE RE PAT KING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinda of wovaa wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hop baaketa and hooka, logs a bucks. Salem Fence and Stove Work. 250 Court atreet. CAPITOL BARGilN AND JUNK HOUSE, jus-tea center. lei. awa. ah kinds of Junk bought and rold ; Rags, Rocks, Bottles, Barrels, Hides, Pelts, Wools, Furs, Tallow, Catcara Bark, Crape Root, Pitch, Peppermint Oil, All kinds of Iron A Metal everything from a needle to a locomotive. Onion Skin Carbon Paper Typewriter Ribbons W. S. Du Fresne 738 V eoth St. N. Portland. Oregoa Are You All There? Chemical analyst of th ho man body shows that It ia composed of th follow ing elements: Oxygea. Carbna, Hydro gen, Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus, i'otasaium Salohur. Sodium Chloride. Magnesium,.- Iron, Iodine, Fluorine, 8il n, giae. Manganese. Yoa supply your body with these chemical elements through the food yoa eat. the air yoa breathe aad the water yew drink. Good health depends much npea the chemistry of the body, as thai supplied ansa maintained, isaay renaoa rood ia common aso today ar laekiag to aa alarming extent la theao vital and hearth promoting propertiee, aad thia dafieaaaey is responsible for rose 7 chronic ailmeata. Pacific Health-Ore ia rich la tba majority of these elements and its use haa accomplished marvelous reaulta ia roatoriag health. Give Nature chance yea 11 bo surprised at her re tpone. BEE XOUB DRUGCIST TODAY PIANO TUNERS 42 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave erdare W.il Muaie Store, PRINTING 44 FOB STATIONERY, CARDS. PAMPH- Jet, program, aoooka. or aay kind of printing, oall at the Statesmaa Print ing Dvpartmoal, SIS S. Coonaarcial TeL 6f8. and His BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY THE BEAUTY BOX rniii:u Haaatv Service 520 fitate SU To'- 1$3 Tirt rii-iTftl, HgAtTTY SHOPPB 228 N. Kiga. For Appt. TeL 86$ -ELITE BEAUTY SHOPPB Over th Ciiay Bella. Tel. 914 LA ROSE EEAUTT SHOP Marcelling 75. Phono 754 MARINEULO BKAITTY PA RLOSS Fersanant Wave bpecialist ZS N. High ot.. Tal. 16 THE MODEL BEAUTY aVBIXB 113 S. Commercial. TeL 956 lUk MODERN MAUAELLO For Men. VSoir.n and Chudren 306 Maaonic Bldg. TL 879 NIFTY BOB SHOP Eugea rrmaaeat Waving. Hair Cutting and Marvelling. 811 State St. TaL 370 HOTEL DIRECTORY Salem's New Hotel Senator Toe fines; chain tf Terminal Hota'a ia Oregon Biiw Cpea Ofte al I'epot For All Oregoa Pickwick xiaiamaad aad Parker Stagot Ktriciiy Firat Class Lp to tne Minute ia service and Accbmntodartona Metiaptne Floor V ith Baby Grand Piano, Large Writing Rioum. ! La lies' L-reasica Room 111 Rooms 99 with Bath and Shower Stage Terminal Hotel ! Company W. W. Chadwick, Pres. . Mf. A.C'ainminga, Local Mgr. Cbas. V. Cooley, Ass. Local Mgr. INSURANCE DIRECTORY X Anderaon A iiuvart Qeneiai Insurance 109 S. High. TeL 1644 E. 11. &AIREY, Life, Aocident. Sickaeee ei8 Oregoa BiUg. TeL 1T47 BECKB HENDRCKS 189 N. High. Tel. 161 G. H. BERG, Life. Accident, Sickness 828 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1747 C. B. WILLIAMS, Central Life Agency 806-7 Oreson rJMg. Tel. 400 B. D. GRAY General Insurance 147 N. Coai'L TeL 2415 LAFLAB A LAFLAR Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg. Tal. 646 W. A. LI. "TON. General Iasuraaca 404 3 Ms to. n. Bldg. Tal. 1S1 RICH. L. KKIMANN Gca. Ins.. Loans 310 N. High St. Tel. 865 Wash. Fidelity National Forgo-Fhilipri 405 Bank of Com. Bldg. Tel. 3160 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 115 Maaoaic Bldg. Tal. 82 MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM IX)AN S. Wood, 341 State St. F. L. P. H. BELL. 319 C. 8. BANK BLDC Residence aad aoalaear Wane. TeL 607 or 1U1-W, WE HAVE $2500 TO LOAN' ON GOOD security. Gertrude J. M. Page, 484 Court. Tel. 1882 or 1186. MONEY fCO LOAN JOHN H. SCOTT 905 Oregon Building MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on city property. B. 8. ilsrtln and L. R. Martin, attorneys. 41i Oregoa Building. Tel. 2084. CITY AND TMACT LOANS Reasonable Kates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS'N 703-6 First National Bank building Phone 457. Salem, Oregon. CITY AND FARM T.OANS AT LOWEST rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance depsrtmeut - offers you ex pert advice and service in all lines. HAWKINS HUBERT 8 (Inc) Tel. 1427 205 Oregon Bldg. WANTED LOANS 45 WANTED Private money to loaa oa BEAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENH038T A CO. 134 8. Lilerty 8t. PLUMBING 47 PLUMBING AND GENKRJ L REPAIR work. Or bar Bros, 144 8. Liberty Tal. 550. BUSINESS OPPR. 43 Have a. client for a good well lo cated Service Station and Camp Ground. What have you f A. C. BOHRSSTEDT 147 North Com' I Ut. Salam, Oregoa FOR SALE FURNITURE LEASE ef 3 room ing bouses. One oa Cora'l Street 1700; one on State atreet $1200. GROCERY A CONFECTIONERY 8TOBE. Lease, stock A fixturee with living rooms for small family. Price $1050. SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 820 State Street. Phone 1727 A REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ATTENTION BUTCHERS, GROCERS and CONFECTIOXER8I Large space for rent ground floor lots of room for batcher hop, gro cery and ic cress parlor. Close to atatehou grounda, S block from P.O Long lease, llttl money needed. Lo cation ia ideal, wide atreet, parking apace, on the way home for thousands of people. Need man for each propo sition, or someone who can handle all. All replies treated aa confidential. For , appointment addresa Box (14) Statesmsn. - L "HtY MADE A REGULAR PT OOF Or Him - HERE- YOO PLA wnrw HtrA wwie x GET YOO oOfAE CANOt X - . Services aVVB'JBi at k UL" i d W . W aBBC-' New First National Bank Buildmg Directory , BASEMENT Do Laa Shlaing rrvt y.MrtT for Ladies aad G'em", 8E0OND FLOOR Coffey ' Photo Servio Tel. 708. Over th Spa THIRD FLOOR Morria Optical Co. M"?..11'1 Ar. Htutj B. Morn. Telephone 389 C. F. G lletto '. Suite 810 1111 Lawyer Telephone 1056 Dr. Iavid B. Hill, Orthodontia t atraighteniug of irregular teeth) Suite 06. Hour 9 to Every day eaeopt TBuraday FOCRTU FLOOR Dra. O Neill k Burdetto, Optometrist Fhone 633 . 401-403-403-40 4fl SIXTH FLOOrt Ue. B. Vehr M. D., Phyeieian A 8argn Suite 608. Tel. 3376-3379 Bee. T7I Re bin D. Day aad Donald W. Miles Attorney at Law Telephone 198. 1 10-611-6H EIGHTH FLOOR tr. O. Ward Dav'.a. General Dentistry" Tel. 616. Evening by- appotalateat. D Dr. 11B. Scofieid ChireprVctor, Ne euroi a'ometer Serv 'ice TENTH FLOOB Dr. W. A. Job neon, Deatiet Telephone 1385 . 1C61 BUSINESS OPPR. 48 FOR RENT VERY DESIR&SLE BAT tery and ignition department space n new downtown Bnper Service Ststioa Balem, aveilabl April 1st. Inqu'.ie Box 107, Salem. RADIO K 49 Rad tolas For every arpose, for ovary purse All standard sites of Radio Totes, EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 815 Cojrt St. Tel. 488. FOR SALE Houses 50 For Sale Strictly modern houee with fell cement bsfement, furnsre, fireplace and breakfast nook : on paved street. A k' J buy at 93500. Pottettion gnu. at once. We Q. Krueger 147 N. Com ! Ph..r. 1' i 7 REAL ESTATE 51 l or Sare. New modern 4 Km m house with new furniture. Choice ., paved St. North Salem. Owner (oir.g Kstt and roust sell. $3150.00. F. L. WOOD, GEO. F. PEED 341 Stste St. , BEPT BEST BKST LOT LOT LOT IN TOWN FOR 6750 NOT OCT IN THE STICKS Bt located on a da rid v corner Both streets paved and paid To see this lot See Mr. Beehtel -r Mr. Sesrs, 341 Stste St. Room 4 THI8 EXTRA SPECIAL OFTF.ft 5 room Cottage with basement, ghi age, severs! choice trees. Ksst f - r lot 60x129 ft . street paved and ts In and paid. Price only 61800, rh 00, balance easy. Let C8 Show You This Todsv. LEO N. CH1I.DS CO.. Reslto'r. 320 State Street. Phone 1 T27 Would take for equity on grocery stock In iri.te house and lot. l.od locetion in 8a! em. Well located farm eauipDed a Ith stork and mac hinery, haa good wells and running Will trade for Trade a.nall berg for house from 8 SO 00 to water. Price $25,000. Salem income property. farm close la to New and lot ia Saleji. Price $4500. GEHTRL'D E J. M. PAGE Phono 1882 484 CouTt St YOUR NEW HOME Just the kind yon have been wishing for. Modern and beautiful. Located In a choice residential district, S nice rooms and nook, hardwood floors, full of built ins. fireplace, best of plumbing, full basement, furnace, garage. Street psved and walks in and paid, lawn aad shrubbery just planted, cbo'.-e lot with East frontage. Price for short time $8900 with terms. SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 Stste Street. Phon 1737 FOR SALE OR TRADE 75 acre dairy farm near Toledo t trade for Salem property. 42 acre farm near Woodburn to trade for Salem property. 6 room new English typ house to trad for acreage or small bout. Clos ia t-artmnt house to trsd for farm. Auto ramp with store and filling station to trade for farm. WHAT HAVE YOUt Insurance Money to Loaa 219 North High Street Telephone f 65 By PAUL ROBINSON ( VMAT A TiG VAtLPVou I ARE TO "LAW-- YOU'RE wUST rFTY BUCV ) V y . 'WORTH Or ot V 1 X