The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 10, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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T . " " " -J tEGIOXXAIRE SIGNED VP -$10 1 llO MMjXW
Cor. 12th and Minion 8ts. E. O. Po
lure, pastor. Roi. Rt. B, Box 147 A. A.
O. Henderson, assistant pastor, Rca. 1155
Mission. Phone 1903W. Services: 11
.in., "The Fragrant Name"; 7:30 p.m..
"What Shall I Do With ChrUtl". "10
minute object aermon to children follow
ing Sunday aehool. Sunday school, 10 Alice If. Henderson. Sunt. C.B.C.E.
6:30 led by pastor. Young people sspe
cial!r welcome. Teacher training class
each Wednesday evening 0:45.- Prayer
services Wednesday 7:30. Indies Aid and
W. M. A. will meet at ehorrh on Thurs
day at 1 p.m. Monthly official board
meeting to convene on Wednesday eve
Ming, following prayer service.
1346 S. Church St. J. J. Gillespie, pas
tor. Res. 1115 N'. Church. Phone 0H1J.
Services: 11 am., "Building for Eter
Bity"';.7:30,"fn-The Name of The
Iord". Sunday school 10 a.m., Mrs. Wal
ter Barkua, Supt. Young people's meett
Ings, 6:30. Revival services will begin
Food ay at 11 a.m. conducted by Rev. John
T. Myers. Wood burn. Oregon, and will
continue indefinitely. Services eai-h eve
ning 7:30.
843 Court St. C. S. Johnson, pastor.
. Res. 431 S. Cottage. Services at 3 and
7 :30 p.m. Sunday school, 2 p.m., W.
Remington, Supt. Week-day services on
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.
Cor. N. 17th and Neb. Ave. W. N.
Blodgett, pastor. Bes. 1743 Xeb. Ave.
Phone 2622J. Sermon topics, a.m.. "Mis
sions"; p.m., "The Faithfulness of Cod".
Sunday school 10 a.m., A. Bradfield, Supt.
Young people's meeting; 6:30 p.m., Floyd
Bailey. Pres. Junior C. E. at 8 o'clock,
Mrs. Working. Supt. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:30, Indies' Aid
Wednesday. Sunday morning Rev. J.
Oliver and Rev. Mr. Long will take part
in the service on parts that will be of in
terest to all for "There remains very
much land to be possessed". No use to
stand idly by, there is work for all. All
are welcome to "The Church With the
Open Door".
440 Center-St. Charles E. Ward, pas
tor. Res. 440 Center St. Services. 11
a m.. "The Spirit of Chriat"; 7:30 p.m.,
"Captain Salvation". The theme of the
evening service is built around the story
"Captain Salvation" in moving pictures.
Sunday aehool. 9:45. Mark McCallister,
Supt. "The Fellowship of Prayer",
Thursday at 7:30. Women of the South
Section meat with Mrs. Charlea Elgia.
March 16 at two o'clock.
conference Wednesday evening at 8. The
mid-week prayer service will be held In
connection with the quarterly conference.
Presiding Elder O. L. LoveU will bo in
Center and Liberty 8ta. F. B. Culver,
paator. Sunday aehool meeta at 9:45.
I. L. Thornton, Supt. Preaching at 11.
Subject, "The Day of Miracles is Not
Past". Evangelical League of Christian
Endeavor meets at 6:t0. Savilla Phelps,
president. Miss Prxiitt. leader. Subject.
"How Can 1 Help Others to Find J etna!"
Preaching at 7:80. subject. "Doing Worth
While Things". Prayer meeting Thursday
at 7:30 followed by the class in "Per
sonal Evangelism". .
19th and Ferry St. H. C. eitover, min
ister: The church sckool meets at 10 a m.
C. C. Harris and Alvin Mead. gupts..
Morning worship at 11, sermon, "What
Your Church Experts of You". Musie by
the junior choir. The Christian Endeavor
societies meet at 6:45 p.m. Evening ser
vice at 7:30. sermon, "The Spiritual
Mind". Two ant horns. "I Will Rise"
(Vail), and "The Dsy is Gently Sinking
to a Close" (Stuits) will be sung by the
chorus choir.
16th and D Sts. Rev. H. W. Gross,
pastor. Sunday aehool at 9 a.m. English
services at 9:45 a.m. German aervicea at
11 a.m. German Lenten services every
Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. Eng
lish Lenten services every Thursday eve
ning at 7 :30 p.m. The choir meets for
rehearsals immediately after the services
Thursday evening. Sunday evening at
7:45 p.m. a secrei concert will be given.
This church will hold services in their
kail, "rratemal Temple", 447 Center St.
this Sunday evening, March II, at 7:30
o'clock. Topic of evening address, "Ii
vine Medlumship". Messages by Mrs.
Bates and Mrs. Gosser. The public cor
dially invited.
Corner of North Fifth and Gaines Sts.
Sabbath school, 10 a.m. Saturday morn
ing sermon at 11:15. Young people's
meeting 4 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednes
day 7:80 p.m. Subject of Sermon Sun
day night. March 11. "The Judgment
Hour Message, or Coiirt Week in Heav
en". Joseph T. Jacobs, pastor.
(Methodist Episcopal)
S. Commercial and Myers Sts. S. Par
low Johnson, pastor, 348 E. Myers St.,
Phone 2764. Morning worship 11 o'clock,
anthem by chorus choir "The Silent Sea"
(Neidlinger), sermon. "God and I". Hap
py evening hour 7:30 with song fest, n
them by women's voices, "Id Heavenly
Love Abiding" (Spintler) and sermon by
the pastor on 1 'Things or Souls T" Happy
fellowship and profitable study for all the
family in the church school hour, begin
ning at 9:45. Ivan Corner, Supt. At the
0:80 hour the young folks of Asbury
Li-ague wilt continue their study of Ex
perimenta in Christian Living, meeting
in Leslie Hall. Intermediate League at
the (5:30 hour in the church parlor. Juu
ir League at hour of moruing worship.
Monday night, 7:30, stirring address by
Ir. Gomel!, a prominent speaker from the
east. Those who have heard him sav he
has a real message and how tu pin
it accross. All Leslie men ire urged to
hear Raymond Rabbins at the Capitol on
Wednesday ('. F. French lias
a number of ticket for free distribution.
Mid-week meeting for prayer and study
Thursday at 7.30. 1 otie for rtlscussion
"Kel:gion and the. Productive Life".
Inten prayer and meditstion in every
home, daily. Let u not neglect this
means of spirit. ml growth.
Cor. N. Winter and Jefferson Sts.
Thomas Acheson. pastor. Roberty Wit
tv, assistant, in chsrcf of the junior
church. A hearty welcome is extended to
the public to attend all of the follow
ing' services: Public worship 11 a.m.
Hear lr. Cornell on "World Conditions"
at this hour. Evangelitie service 7:80
p.m. Pastor's therre "He Said, But
trod Said" or "Verdicts on A Soul". A
aong rally will be a part of this service.
Other servires sre: The church school
t 9:45 a.m.. Junior church 11 a.m. James
Ketty will speak. Three chapters of the
league, for young people, at 6:30 p.m.,
junior high, high school: and young
people's meet in separate rooms for de
votional and praise services. Open forum
for adult in church school aunex at 6:30
p.m. Choir musio morning and evening..
warm hearted fellowship ; earnest gospel
preaching. Bring your friends and test
our welcome.
Meet every Sunday, for Bible study.
Meetings are being held temporarily at
1160 Broadway. Hours 2:80 to 5 p.m.
Evening servires from 9 to 10 p.m. are
broadraat from Portland. Radio KEX,
277.6 Meters. Funeral services In Salem
and vicinity conducted free of charge by
local bible class. Phone 2726.
State and lSih. Rev. A. L. Heine, pas
tor. German services at 9:45 a.m. Eng
lish services at 11 a.m. Sunday school at
Lgious aehool Saturday at 9 a.m. English
9:40 a.m. Luther League at 7 p.m. Re
Lenten services Weduesday evening at
7:45. On Wednesday afternoon beginning
at 2 the Dorcas Society will meet in the
church parlors for their regular monthly
meeting. The hostesses are Mrs. J. Simon,
Mrs. T. Tasto and Mrs. H. Watson.
Cor. Liberty and Chemeketa Sta. Sun
lay morning service at 11. Sunday eve
ning service at 8. Subject of lesson ser
inon nubstance Wednesday
at 8 o clock. Sunday school sessions con
vene at 9:45 and 11 a.m. Reading room,
406 Masonic Temple, open daily from 11
to 5:30 except Sundays and holidays.
1810 8. High St. Bible school at 10
a.m. Bring your bibles. Rev. BenJ.
lorns will preach at the morning service
at 11 a.m. At the evening service, 7:30
p.m.. Miss Eunice Hart mill give a re
port from two of Dr. Shields' meetings In
Portland. Prayer meeting Thursday eve
ning at 7:30.
( Episcopsl )
Church St. at Chemeketa. Rev. H.
Duncan Chambers, rector. Third Sunday
in Lent. Holy Eucharist in the chapel
at 7:30 a.m. Church school at 9:45 a.m.
in the parish huuse. Morning prayer
with aermon and musie at 11 a.m. A
short service with a discussion at 7:30
p.m. in the pariah house. The extra Len
ten services are on each Wednesday at
i:S0 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. in the chapel.
The American Lutheran church 'meets
Sunday afternoon To the Presbyterian
church which it has purchased. 3 o'clock
the Catechetical class; 5:15, the Graded
Bible school; at 4 o'clock, worship hour,
at which time the Rev. P. W. Kriksen
will deliver the sermon on topic: "What
to Do Next."
Corner of Capitol and Marion Sts. Sun
day school 10 a. in., and English service
11 a. m. M. Denny, minister. ,
Church street between Chemeketa and
Center. Rev. N. K. Tolly, 1. D , pastor.
Sjnday school 9:80 a. m., with classes
for ail ages; followed by public worship
at 10:45 a. m. Sermon, "The Steward
ship of Onr Money." Younb People's aov
cietiea 6:30 p. m. Evening worship "art
80 o clock. Sermon. The Reverence
of Jesus." The pastor ill preach -at
toth services. Prayer meeting Thursday
evening, 7:30 o'clock.
13th and Center Sta. Kev. E. J. Aaeh
enbrenner, pastor. Res. 684 N. Winter St.
Phone 680-M. Sunday school at 10 a.m.,
Martin Sehreibrr, Supt. Both the English
and German languages are employed.
Preaching services at 1 1 a.m. in Gencan.
and at 7:45 p.m. in English. With the
evening service we open a series of evan
gelistic services, continuing every evening,
except Saturdays, for the next two weeks.
These services wilt probably be mainly in
English. At 7 p.m. Epworth league de
votional service, the topic being. "The
Mote and the Beam". Tuesday. March
) 1( the monthly all-day meeting of the
Marion County Holiness Association will
be held la this church. There will be ser
vices in the forenoon, afternoon, and eve
ning. We welcome you to come and wor
ship the Lord with us.
635 Ferry St. Sunday school promptly
at 9:45; Walter W. Weils, Snpt. Morn
ing worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon sub
ject "Getting Things From God". Af
ternoon meeting at Hollywood in the
Stvles Btdg., at 3. 8ermon subject, "Sowl
Satisfaction". Evening service at the tab
ernacle at 7:30. Subject of message:
"The Devil". Prayer meeting Tueaday
evening. Mid-week services at Hollywood
on Wednesday evening. Bible ttudy and
prayer for the sick at the tabernocle on
Fr.dsy evening. If you are sick or af
flicted in body and are right with Ood,
come to the Friday night meeting, or
any other for that matter, and we -will
join with you in asking God to heal yon.
The devotional meeting of the Y.P.A. will
be held on Saturday evening at 7:30. The
peblic ia cordially invited to all of these
services. J. G. Minton. pastor, Rea. 270
N- 13th St. Phone 2689-J.
241 State St. Special service tonight,
with Miss Ruth E. Tibbits, singing and
speaking, service commencing at 8. Sun
day morning, at 11 o'clock, and in the
evening at 8, both poMie meetings. Sun
day school, finish of big contest, 2:30
p.m. Y. P. L. (young people's hour) 6
p.m. Public meeting also on Tuesday and
Thnraday of the week, at 8 p.m. Look
for the blue front and red shield, where
there's weleome for all.
1 Cottage and Chemeketa Sta.. Rev. Mar
tin T. Ferrey, minister. Church school
at 10 n. m., graded Instruction. Class
for those if high aehool ago and adulu.
pevotioaal eorvices at 11 a. aa. Sabject
of the sernson, "Searching lor Ood."
Mrs. M. Ferrey will offer aa contralto
solo. "The Quest for God." by Adams.
' Mrs. W. A. Deootn at the organ.
! r-TprafT-TcSTA HT gVAMoratCAl.
; Cor. Chemeketa and N. 17th. G. K.
Xrskine, pee tor. Rea. 268 N. 17th St,
Phono 1008 W. Sorrieea, 11 a-aa., "Tk
Ca of Looking Baek1: 7:80 pjn.,
Sanctified Backbone". Snata? aenoot,
. 10 a.aa. O. S. Strauabaugh, Snpt. - Bonier
and Intermediate Christian Endeavor So
cletie moo S:S0. JourU QaartarU
Corner State and Church. - F. C. Tay
or. pastor. 636 State, phone 974. Mar
-aret K. Sutherland, director religious
education. Sermon topics: a. m., "Dor
mant Rel glon Made Dynamic." P. M.,
iift. K. t. uornall. missionary to Korea.
Special music: "Jubilate Deo," Shackley
incidental solo Waiter Kaufman "Still,
Still With Thee," Foot. Anthems by the
voted choir. Sunday school: 9:45 a. m.,
II. F. Shanks, superintendent. Kp worth
Leagues :( t : 30 p. ra.. University chapter
-Topic. ' "The Gospel of Grace to the
i'oor and Outcitt. ' ' Leaders, Leone Mar-
att; Miss Sutherland. First Church
'hapter Topic. "Anniversary Echoes."
Junior High chapter, Miss Helen Curry in
-barge. Week-day services: Tuesdsy af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. E. T. Barnes,
U75 Chemeketa the W. F. M. S. will
neet. Tuesday evening the Official
board. Thursday evening the regular
grayer and praise service led by the pas
lor . Other services: Junior chnrrh in the
Annex Pictures of the Life of Christ.
Membership in Capital Post No.
9, American. Legion, passed the
1000 mark Friday afternoon; the
membership stands at 1001. The
local post lacks just 13 names of
coins; "over the top."
O. S. Olson of Wood burn has
the honor of being the thousandth
member signed up.
Following: is a continuation of
the Capital Post honor roll which
has been appearing daily in The
Virgil Stoliker
John Stone
E. W. Stoner
Eareel L. Stow
F. M. Strausbaugh
F. H. Struble
James E. Sumner
Fendel Sutherlin
Leo Sutter
D. J. Sweeney
Chas. Swlgert
A. M. Tallman
Dan Tarpley
A. F. Tasto
Arthur G. Tatman
D. B. Taylor
Garrett H. Templeton
Ernest P. Thom
Geo. F. Tho mason
W. 8. Thomson
Robert L. Tinden
Ray W. Todhunter
Clay Toothacre
Paaeal Traglio
D. E. Twilegar
Chas. L. Unruh
Alvin J. VanCleave
M. F. Van Laanen
J. O. VanWInkle
Dr. Geo. R. Vehrs
Delnier Versteeg
Bert A. Victor
Ed. R. Viesko
W. E. Vincent
F. D. Voigt
Floyd Volkel
Ralph V. Wagner
- H. S. Walker
L. D. Walker
Paul B. Wallace
C. W. Waller
Frank N. Waters
T. C. Waters
W. P. Watkins
Herman Watson
J. W. Watson
Raymond H. Way
Wm. J. Weatherman
Grover Weaver
Mrs. Sarah Flower Adams, 1805-1849
"Nearer, My God, to Thee
"Nearer to Thee, .
"E'en though it be a cross
"That raiseth me;
"Still all my song ,shall be,
"Nearer, my God, to Thee,
"Nearer to The."
icized the political coarse of a cer
tain English Bishop. For his at
tacks, he was thrust Into prison,
through the Instigation of the
Bishop. Here many sympathisers
called on him and among them
was Eliza Gould, with whom he
became Intimate and later mar
ried. Thus, through an act o'.
vlndlctiveness, one of the world'
greatest hymns was assured.
This marvelous lyric, with
striking refrain, has been sung on
more occasions in times of disas
ter and trouble than probably any
other hymn and has been the cen
ter of many deep discussions
among churchmen. It has been
changed, re-written. Imitated, but
still the original words remain,
one of the great hymns of the
Christian world, and very probably
the greatest by any woman.
Mrs. Adams was the wife of a
Unitarian minister. It Is objected
to by some that no mention of
Christ is made in the hymn and
that the cross of which she sings
is her own cross. To remedy this
alleged defect, Rev. Arthur Tozer
Russell, a clergyman of the
Church of England added a stanza
which closed as follows:
"In Christ my soul shall b
"Nearer my God to Thee,
"Nearer to Thee."
The English Baptists added
13th and Ferry streets. George Bacon
ot HilTcrton. acting pastor. There will
be no service Sands? morning, bat regn
ar eTangelistie services at 8 p. m., and
7:45. Sunday aehool 1:45: Hoy O. Fer
gnson, supt. We hare classes for arery
one, and splendid teschsrs. Saturday
night 7:45. Christ's Ambassador (yoaaa
people) will hare their meeting; and
Thursday night at 7, the Sharon SefwU
will meet before the regular service fer
their Rainbow Bible study coarse. Perr
ies during the coming week on Tnea
day, Thursday and Saturday nights eely.
at 7:45.
Corner of Liberty and Marion Sta.
Robert L. Payne, minister. Fred Breer,
Sunday aehool superintendent. Hn. W.
F. Foster, organist. Miss Minette Ma
cers, director of musie. Sunday school
9:45. Morning preaching service It
o'clock. Topic, "Supplication." Yeong
people's meeting 6:80 p. in. Evening
preaching service 7:80 p. m. Topic, "lx
Jesus Came to- Salem." Special masts
at both services. Krayer meeting Thnra
day evening.
SEATTLE, Mar. 9. (AP)-
Four eastern Washington teams
wee left in the running today to
fight for the state high school bas
ketball championship here tomor
row. They are Cheney, Walla Wal
la, Yakima and North Central or
Cheney had the hardest battle
to uphold her honors, when the
Everett hoopsters got their aim in
the last quarter and staged a
scoring rally, Cheney barely es
caping with a 26 to 24 win. The
easterners had held Everett score
less during the third quarter which
ended 18 to 14.
Displaying marvelous checking
ability. North Central held Ana-
cortes to a single point during the
first half and had no trouble tak
ing a 33 to 12 game.
"Other scores:
Yakima 33; Wenatchee 21.
Walla Walla 27; Naches 14.
Olympia 38; Napavine 18.
Renton 21; Enumclaw 20.
II. Lee, Bremerton forward, fell
from his shooting stride and his
team lost, 27 to 18, to Mount Ver
non, thus dropping out of the con
solation round play off.
Wenatchee scarcely exerted it
self to take a listless but rough tilt
from Anacortes 20 to 10.
Continuing to show her resur
rected good form, Olympia con
vincingly trounced Renton 32 to
13. The capital five took an ear-!
ly lead which was never in danger.
High and Center Sta. D. J. Howe, paa
tor, 765 N. Cottage, phone 2438 W. Serv
ices: 1 1 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sermon
topics: "A Spiritual Vision." v m. ;
"Preaching Chriat, p. m. Special music
stall services. Sunday school 9:45 a. m..
U J. Hull. Supt. Yonng People's meet
ings: Junior intermediate and Senior C.
K. soriettea meet at 6:30 p. m. Week
day aervires: On Thursday evening at
7:30 a rally will be held with Lea
Chamley pastor from McMinnTille as
speaker. Other events: Pro-Easter evan
gelistic meeting bejrine Sunday, March 18
and continuing nightly with a great pro
gram in sermon and aong.
Court and 17th. Non-U J. Reasoner,
minister, )44 S. 19th. Next Lord's day
services: Bible school will begin prompt
ly at 9:45, followed at 11 l.y morning
worship, sermon sabject, "Playing the
Game." The Junior congregation will
meet with ue at this time as the aces
sages anonld Interest them aa well as the
adults. Cw E. meetinrs at 6:30. follow
ed by evening worshop, aermon snbject.
"Tie Conversion of n Multitude." Men
day evening we are to enjoy a treat.
Walter Inff. "Tho Irian. Evangelist,"
will deliver a lecture upon "The Whole
Troth About Ireland." A gTeat reli-
f;tone leader says, "Hi messsges are
oyai, historic, numerous, " inspirational,
and spiritually evangelistic." So admis
sion will be charged, bnt offering will
be taken. Wa hope for n large hearing.
" PASO ROBLES, Cal.. Mar. 9.
(AP) The Pittsburgh Pirates
regulars went down to defeat, 3
to 2 before the yannlgans today
In the first game of the training
camp series. V. .
: The regulars "outhlt the rookies
four to two bnt the Utter bunched
their Wows - with three. base-on
balls' and an error In the sixth
Innlax for all their runs.
ORANGE County Fair Grounds,
Cal.. Mar. 9. (AP) Orlin Ber
ry. Santa Monica. Cal., high
school boy, .has been signed to a
Portland Beaver contract and
Manager Ernie Johnson predicts
that the youthful catcher is des
tined tobecome a star.
Berry, not yet 18 years of age,
stands five feet 114 inches in
height and weighs 175. He bats
well from the ports aide of the
plate. Pilot Johnson is enthusi
astic over his young protege.
Marty Krug, pilot of the Los
Angeles clnb of the Pacific Coast
Baseball league, indicated today
that a half dozen of the young
sters be!ng carried by the Angels
will feel the axe tomorrow.
Krug said he Intends to drop
four of the young pitchers, a cou
ple of catchers, an lnflejder or
two and about three of his rookie
ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla., Mar. 9.
(AP) Glenna Collett, former
national women's golf champion,
went into the final round of the
Florida east coast women's tour
nament today with Virginia Van
Wie, sensational - young Chicago
golfer, each defeating sturdy op
position in the semi-finals.
Miss Van Wie was pushed to the
utmost to survive, subduing Mau
reen Orcutt of Englewood, N. J.,
three and two. while Miss Collett
won handily from Virginia Wil
son, Chicago, 7 and 5.
EUGENE. Mar. 9. (AP)
University high school of Eugene
won the district basketball cham
pionship and the right to play in
the state tournament in Salem
next week when it defeated Wald-
port high school, 47 to 10 here to
verse beginning "Christ
beareth me." Others have quar
reled with it because it is said to,
stick so closely to the figure sup
plied by the history of Jacob at
Bethel. In response to this. Bishop
How, of London wrote a para
phrase to the hymn, "expressing
more definitely Christian faith and
better adapted for Congregational
worship." Still another hymn
was written In the same meter,
apparently to displace it, by Mrs.
Elizabeth Payson Prentiss, the re
frain of which is:
"More love, O Christ, to Thee,
"More love to Thee."
The hymn, as originally writ
ten, however finds response in
Christian hearts and the changes,
the added stanzas and the imita
tions. If such they be. are usually
rejected. ,
When the Titanic went down iu
1912. the unfortunate victims of
that great marine disaster are said
to have joined In this old hymn,
raising the famous words in the
dark of the night, while the band
played the old familiar tune. Wil
liam McKlnley repeated the words.
Just before passing away, after he
had fallen under the shot of an
assassin. The hymn was dear to
the heart of Theodore Roosevelt,
because his own Rough Riders
sangft at the burial of their com
rades, after the battle as Las
In the fighting around Peters
burg, during the Civil War, a
faithful Union soldier was badly
wounded. He was taken to the
operating table, .where the surgeon
said "Sorry, my boy, but your leg
must come off, for the bone is all
shattered by the ball." The boy
stopped to pray for a minute be
fore the chloroform was adminls
tered and then he said, "Now, I'm
ready. Go ahead." Unconscious
and while under the knife, the pa
tient broke into singing "Nearer,
My God; to Thee" and with uner
ring memory sang the hymn
through to the end, without miss-
Ing a stanza. Many a bronzed
cheek was dampened when the
operation was over and even the
hardened surgeon was forced te
wipe the mist from his eyes, while
he worked.
Mrs. Adams was the daughter
of Benjamin Flower, who as ed
itor of the Cambridge. Intelligenc
er, in England, defended the
French Revolution and also crit-
Can eocitivelv be cleared no often
in 24 hoars I Sulphur in combination
with menthol does it I Succeeds where
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the skin, reaches down into the skin
and kills the parasites that cause most
skin troubles. And as sulphur clears
the skin, menthol heals it. Twofold
Alone action for perfect results. Pimple,
blackheads, acne, skin eruptions even
fiery eczema yields. The itching and
burning stops instantly and soon thor
ough taaliiur sets in. Rowles Mentho
C 1 1 ? e.
ouirnur is inexpensive ana ail drug
gisti supply it in jars ready to use
He sure it s Rowles.
1000 Methodist Families
in Salem
Unite in Lenten Season Evangelism
SUNDAY 11 A. M., 7:30 P. M.
Join the Fellowship of Prayer, using outlines provided.
Bring another with you.
You will find a cordial welcome and a warm gospI
message at all of our churches.
Central Methodist Church
E. J. Aschenbrenner. Pastor
First Methodiiit Church
F. C. Taylor, Pator
Ford Memorial Church
F. L. Cannell, Pastor
Javson Lee Memorial Church
Thomas Acheson, Pastor
LeUe Memorial Chnrch
S. Darlow Johnson. Pastor
Mill St. Methodist Ctmrch
Patrick Dahlin, Pastor
Mass Meeting First M. E. Church
Thursday, March 16, 7:30 P. M.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
For many year, men
and woman reryvher
have been using and
recommending -
Foley IPiMs
A tiiiiretic stunolant to the kidneys
Quick to relieve
Try them
& A
The perfect food for growing children. Even when
youngsters do not like bread . . . they are fond of crisp,
golden brown, tasty toast. Tender, tempting . . . always
appetizmgly fresh when made electrically, right at the
table! The fragrance of it prepares you for the de
licious flavor of sandwiches or creamed delicacies served
on toast. Enjoy an electric toaster at your own table.
During March . . . Our Special Offer
WStlllghOllSe Turnover Toaster
only 1.00 DOWN and
1.25 a month for 4 months
Daring; March Only ...
With each Weetlngheuse
Turnover Toaster, a
handeemo a liver-plated
Jsread Tray and m Jar
of Alice Leve'a Orange
1 Loaf of
Bake Rite
Portland Electric
Power Co.
237 No. Liberty, Salem
You rt inrlttd
to atttnd m
of txpert
totl making
mt our
Eltctric Storm
t)reon Citv -
St. Johns
Salem Hillsboro
y&ncouvet St. Helens
Read the Classified Ads
Photographic Service
sOl ET photographs from i
Jf the continent as easily aa
abas the f&reet. Our dependable .
sttsodateg in every intpottant drjr
photograph any aubjecl. Deal
. direct with us. Save time, trouble.
Oregon Building
Photo graphs
Drive to the Market there is abundance of parking space and no time limit. Compare our prices and you will
be convinced that the MARKET FURNITURE does undersell all others. You will also be surprised at the fine
assortment of merchandise shown here.
Blown glass, barrel tumblers. Clear,
light weight. Set of 6
A splendid polish for woodwork,
metal or any enamel surface. 6
oz. bottle
1 1 iir ftwMkJ
a J'.i f V -. :-- -avr 11 m a
Half round mahogany finished end
tables, with turned legs and cross
Save Money On
Solid steel shank round pointed
shovels .... -, - $1.25
14 tine steel garden rake .... 98c
Garden Hoe ...... 89c
Lawn Rake 68c
Lawn Mower $6.75
Walnut , or Mahogany rocking
chairs', with motor constructed
cushions covered ni bright art vel
our. " v
Unfinished Breakfast Table with
drop leaf.
VVe have a large assortment of odd
dishes, such as plates, cups, sauc
ers, vegetable dishes, etc. These
are being closed out at greatly re
duced prices.
This is a heavy weight cake tin,
size 7Vfcxl2.
Saturday Only
9x12 RUGS
- r - a V .--. i t. - Vi
: 1 k " ' , '
A fine assortment of Axminster
rugs. Some of these are the very
latest patterns. : . " .
-- Market Furniture Price