The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 09, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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The MANIKEW STICK costs you nothing!
Combination price effective until March 16 ; .
Silque (pronounced silk) is a fragrant lotion, really fold cream in liquid form, that
keeps your face and hands soft and well-groomed. Manikew is the modern nail
and cuticle stick. The genuine bristles at the tip will not injure the nails and are
excellent for applying cuticle remover and nail bleach, and keeping the cuticle well
formed. Until March 16 the Capital is selling these two good products for 50c. In other
words, pay the regular price for Silque and get the unique Manikew for nothing!
405 State St.
Phone 119
We hare a 1925 Bulck Stand
ard Coupe well equipped, 70
new robber, glass enolosure,
1928 license and a fine car in
every way for f5 75.00.
w u m
"The House That' Service Built"
Charles Van Cleare.
Mr. and Mrs. Ragon and family
of Grants Pass were week-end vis
itors at the home of their rela
tives here, Mr. and Mrs. Laurance
Mr. and Mr. Fred Davis and
three children are now visiting at
the John Davis home.
Collins Fined $1
Jack Collins. 597 North Liberty
street, who was charged with rid
ing his bicycle without a light af
ter dark, was fined II in police
court yesterday morning.
Services to Be Held
Revival services will be held by
Rev. Jonn r. wyera -
at the Church of
North Church
with Sunday.
God at 1346
street beginning
Dancing Every Friday Nights
Thomas Bros. Band. Domes Pa
vilion. McCoy.
Mrs. C. Darby Returns
Mrs. C. Darby who attended the
funeral of her aunt. Mrs. C. F.
Hotchktes at Corvallis. returned to
her home in this city Wednesday.
Visiting Knights Coming !
On Tuesday night of nextweek
the Knights of Pythias of Salem
vrill be hosts to a large group of
visiting knighte from Albany. Sil
verton. Lebanon, Dallas and Inde
pendence.' and Corvallis. The rank
of esquire will be conferred on a
iaa of nases from Achilles Lodge
No. 77. This will be followed byj
a banquet.
National Onyx Pointex v (
Hose week. Reduced prices
this week only Shipley's.
Bail set at 2OO0
Chester Horton. charged with
the stealing of an auto belonging
to R. H. Campbell of this city and
who was arrested in Portland on
a Salem warrant, was bound oer
to the grand jury after a prelimin
ary hearing in police court Wed
nesday morning. Horton admitted
stealing the machine and stated
that he had driven it between
Portland and Cottage Grofe ria
Salem many times before being
arrested. Hie home is in Cottage
Grove. His ball was fixed at
$2000 which he failed to meet.
He is being held in the city jail.
Mrs. Florence Cochran of this Green',
,-ity, who will visit with friends bridge.
there before returning home.
Inspects Schools
Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson. county
school superintendent. Thursday
made a trip to the schools at
Aumsville, Crawford and Witzel.
The Best In Dentistry -At
the lowest prices Dr.
Eldr ledge. Dentist. 303
street, Salem, Oregon.
C. A.
Cherrlans Meet Tuesday
At their regular monthly din
ner meeting next Tuesday evening
in the chamber of commerce rooms
the Salem Cherrians will lay
plans for the observance of Blos
som day, it is announced by King
Bing P. D. Quis8enberry. A pro
posal to organize a drill team, and
general activities for the month
will also be discussed.
National Onyx Pointex
Hose week. Reduced
this week only Shipley's.
Revival Begins Sunday
Revival services at the church
of God, 1346 North Church, con
ducted by Rev. John T. Myers of
Woodburn, Oregon will begin Sun
day, March 11 and continue indef
initely. - :
National Onyx Pointex
Hose week. Reduced
this week only Shipley's.
Visits Wholesale House
Jay Fike. sales supervisor of
the Pacific Fruit and Produce
company, left for Silverton Thurs
day afternoon after visiting the
local offices a couple of: days. Mr.
Fike works out of Seattle.
Old Time Dance-
Crystal Garden, Saturday night.
Two Bauds at Schindler's Sat.
Stage leaves Terminal at 8:45.
i .
Cannon Visit City
Roy Cannon of Oregon City, and
secretary of the Oregon state high
school athletic association, con
ferred with Coach "Spec" Keene
Bishop Tenure Issue
The question of limiting the ten
ure in office of bishop of the Meth
odist Episcopal church, will be one
of the important issues at the gen
eral conference of the church to
be held in Kansas City in May, It
was stated by President Carl Gregg
Doney of Willamette university, in
a talk before the students Thurs
day at chapel; in which he describ
ed the work bf the general confer
ence. Achange In the administra
tion of the colleges under the
vesterdav afternoon concerning
, v. 1ntft annual
r"nr. ", 7; beichurch's supervision will also be
e-iaie T," L...... soujtht. Dr. Doney said
held here next weea.
Manager Lestle Sparks of Willam
ette university also met with
A La Carte Service
Diniag room Marion Hotel.
Furnished Home. S4 100
Furnace, fireplace, garage, 120
foot frontage on Fairgrounds road.
$500 down, balance exactly like
rent. Immediate possession. Becke
& Hendricks. 189 North High
Miss Brandt Leaves
Miss Mary Brandt,
nurse in Salem General hospital.
ha left for Portland where she
will further her training in the
Doernbecher hospital. After com
pleting her course there she will
take her state examination for
sought, Dr. Doney said. He and
Dr. B. L. Steeves will be delegates
to the general conference from Sa
lem, representing the Oregon con
bridge and the Mehama
Marion county assumes
responsibility for Stayton, Mill
City and Gates bridges.
Furniture Upholsterer
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture Co.
Gravel Agreement Signed
The Marion county court yes
terday entered into formal writ
ten agreement with the Oregon
City Sand and Gravel company in
conformance with acceptance of
the company's bid to furnish 15.
000 yards of gravel for use on
roads in the northern part of the
county. The gravel to to be bought
at 84 cents a yard.
At Monitor I00F Hall; Aur
ora Boy,, Woodburn High
Student, Dies
Axe Injures Finger
Alice Butterfield. 14. injured
a finger on her left hand when
she slipped and fell on a sharp
axe Wednesday at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. But
terfield, who reside about three
miles southeast of Turner. She
was immediately rushed to the
Deaconess hospital where several
stitches were necessary to clcse
the wound. She returned to her
home last night.
(AP). Federal grand jury inves
tigation into a loan of $15,000 to
W. S. Hill, former member of the
shipping board, by Joseph L. Bley,
representative of weat coast ship
ping interests and the opposition
of Hill - and Commissioner P. S.
Teller to the board's program for
the sale of Pacific coast lines is
being made to determine if there
was a conspiracy to defraud the
The grand jury action became
known today when Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Connolly obtained
the signature of Justice Frederick
L. Siddons in the District of Col
umbia supreme court to an order
impounding 89 telegrams that
passed between Bley and persons
outside of Washington. The gov
ernment's petition for the order
said that the grand jury was in
vestigating the shipping board
controversy on allegations that the
conspiracy section of the criminal
code had been violated.
A New Class In Shorthand
Will be starteo. at the Capital
Business college day school next
Monday. There are also new class
es in other subjects. This is an
especially good time to begin a
conrce. Call, let's talk over the
O. R. Thompson Jailed
0. 'R. Thompson was arrested
and hrnnffht before Justice of the
Student D... d,u. Small VMterdiT on
a charge of passing cheek with
out having sufficient funds to
cover it. Bail was set at $1000,
which he failed to 1 produce, and
was lodged in the Marion county
Jail for safe keepings The check
in question la stated to have been
Start Now A Dollar or Tw
Now and again will assure yon
of a worthwhile gift for your grad
uating son or daughter. Talk' It
over with Pomeroy & Keene.
A Great Opportunity
For those desiring plates, an
upper and lower plate for $25.00.
Fit guaranteed or money refund
ed. This offer good only until
April first. Dr. C. A. Eldriedge.
Dentist, 303 State street, Salem,
Oregon. ... ,
Wolf ec Move to Corvallis
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wolfe, who
have -resided in Salem for a num
ber of -years, have moved to Cor
vallis where they plan to make
their home. Mr. Wolfe was in the
Insurance business here, which he
will continue in Corvallis. They
were accompanied to Corvallis by
er for $25.95.
$30 and $35. with garage," not
water, beat, electric range, fee
boxes. See' owner, Mrs. Styles.
2075 Fairgrounds Road. .
Two Plate For $25
Fit guaranteed or money re
funded. This offer good only un
til April first. Dr. C. A. Eldrtedge,
Dentist, 303 State street, Salem,
Oregon. V . . :Jr.y
Bridge , Upkeep Settled ; ' ;
The Marion county court yester
day received a certified copy of
an order of the Linn county court
which closes the agreement be
tween the two courts as to the- up
keep of bridges across the Santi
anx riTer. .- Linn county Is to as
sume responsibility for upkeep -of
Record of Petty Offenses
Laid On J. B. Hadley
By Officials
J. B. Hadley, who was arrested
in Salem last Wednesday night.
when he went to the express of
fice to claim some bundles which
he had shipped to him from Texas,
is the man wanted by Texas of
ficers on a charge of jail breaking
He went under the name of J. B
Hansen, and was arrested by De
tective Lou Olson, on information
received by the local police department.
His home is in Salem and he
told officers that his parents re
sided at 1609 North Fourth street.
He first denied the charges
against him but later admitted his
Some years ago he deserted the
navy after which he went to Den
ver where he was married. Later
he was arrested in Texas for rid
ing a mail train and was sentenced
to a term in jail, from which he
eseaped and came to Salem. He
will be held in the local jail until
further advice is received from
Texaa officials, concerning the
(Special). The community club
meeting will be held, tomorrow
evening, Friday, in the school
building. Members and friends
will be entertained by a play en
titled "Too Much Married." The
cast Includes Mildred Nummena-
ker. Mrs. Myrtle Cheatham. Ed-
one made out to Aubrey GreUlng-lwjn Cheatham. Frank Crane and
Owen Crane.
comedians now engagea ai me
Capitol theater; In Salem, have
moved into the community. Their
three children will be enrolled in
the primary room at the Middle
Grove school. -.
The advanced pupils of the Mid
dle QrdTe school are planning a
baseball game with Central
Howell school Friday. ; j r
Mrs. Frank Crane and daugh
ters Laura and Lucille, in com
pany with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Schraf t and daughter Genevieve,
were callers in Portland Sunday.
Sunday visitors at the Victor
La Doe home were Mr. and Mrs.
Francia Manley and Mrs. Manley,
Sr. vJt' ...7 v"'-"
Miss Ella Fendrlch Is now em
ployed la the " home of Mrs..',
Miss Crowley At Work
On Course At Nashville
WOODBURN. Oregon. Mar. 8.
(Special) The Rebekahs of Mon
itor will present a nlar. "The Path
Across the Hill." at the Odd Fel
low's Hall in Monitor Thursday
evening, March 16, at 8 p. m. The
receipts will be used in improv
ing the hall. Everyone turn out
and help to make this program a
Christina Nelson, wife of Hans
Nelson, of Monitor passed awar
at. her home on Monday, March 5.
The funeral services were held at
Woodburn on Tuesday, interment
being at Belle Pass! cemetery.
Captain Albert Johnson, who
was captain of the Texaco Oil com
pany s ships plying out of Port
Arthur, Texas, departed on Mon
day for Port Arthur. He is a heavy
stockholder in that company and
went down to attend the annual
meeting of the stockholders and
to attend to business there.
Joseph Evans of Aurora died at
his home on Tuesday night. He
was a member of .the Senior class
of Woodburn high .school. The
funeral services will take place in
Aurora Thursday afternoon at
which the senior class will attend
in a body. School will be closed in
honor of this boy who was much
loved and was the high school's ac
tivities manager.
C. R. Brown of Clackamas coun
ty has Inherited a farm near De
troit, Michigan, valued at 830.000.
also $10,000 In government bonds
from a former friend of his nam
ed Sam Watts who died recently
in Michigan. It appears that Watts
and Brown had been old time
friends and both had been employ
ed at the Oregon City Paper Mills.
Brown, who has been a laborer all
his life, expects to make rood use
of this unexpected windfall by go-
.ng and securing an education.
of the time was taken up by selec
tions on the organ by Professor
Roberta. Some of the selections
played wore "Moon light and Ros
es." with chimes accompaniment.
"Holy Night," "Evening Song,"
and the "Pilgrim Chorus" from
Tann house r. A lovely time was en
joyed by all those present.
North Howell Boy Fast
Recovering From Burns
(Special) The little three year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Morgan is recoverina nicely from
the severe burns which he receiv
ed a week ago while playing with
Sunday afternoon callers at the
home of Virgil Morgan were Mt.
and Mrs. Ralph Patterson and
daughter Edith of Salem. Mrs.
Syllva Baughman and daughter
June, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Dunn
and son Keith.
Farmers here are busy with
spring work.
The house of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Rickard was totally destroyed by
fire Saturday evening between 5
and 6 o'clock.
A large new addition has been
built on to the North Howell
Grange hall, which will serve as
a kitchen.
Last Sunday Mr. Eckwal from
Talbot gave an Interesting talk at
the North Howell church, tellin
or missionary life in that country,
Salem Teacher Fills Vacancy
Left By .Miss Caiiotta
Salem friends of Miss Carlotta
Crowley, elementary supervisor In
the Salem schools now on a leave
for study at Peabody Institute.
will be pleased to learn that she
has recently written her associates
at the high school saying she is
well into her course at the south
em school. Her address is 1610
B. 19th avenue South, Nashville,
She reports the weather there If
much like that in Salem, except
not conducive to so much pep. Con
cerning her work, she writes that
her morning hours are spent at
the -demonstration school, observ
ing the different rooms and help
ing with the measurement and
checking of children in standard
physical tests.
She mentions two studies, one
on supervision of a school health
program and another in early
childhood education, the latter
from a Miss Gage, president of the
national Primary Council. A visit
to the health demonstration con
ducted by the Commonwealth
Fund at Murf reesboro is called for
in her weekly schedule.
Miss Crowley writes that her
trip south was delightful and that
she particularly enjoyed the old
French quarters In New Orleans,
where she stopped for a day.
Malheur Railroad Given
Delay As Common Carrier
An application of the Malheur
Railroad company to suspend un
til June 30 its operation as a com
mon carrier between Seneca and
Burns was approved by the oublic
service commission here Thursday.
Approval of the application was
based on a showing made by the
railroad corporation that it lacked
equipment sufficient to meet the
demands of the common carrier
law and "that a portion of its line
was not completed.
Under the order of the nubile
service commission the railroad
company will be compelled to han
dle livestock, shipments in five or
more carload lots.
The original order making the
Malhenr Railroad company's line
a common carrier was Issued last
rnrg TORIO ruling leas. W im
twn yr flMaa sgsla Ttraskaga,
ThompeoB-Glntsch Optical Co.
. 110 K. Ooma'l St.;
(AP). The Columbia river basin
project passed the second commit
tee mile post today when the
house irrigation -committee order
ed the Summers bill, to provide
for adoption of the rast reclama
tion project in the state, of Wash
ington, favorably reported to the
The committee attached the
Borah amendment which the Ida
hp senator has announced he
would offer when the companion
bill, reported by the senate com
mittee reached the floor of the
His amendment provides that
no appropriation shall be made
for construction of . irrigation
works for the project until a com
pact has been concluded between
Montana, Idaho, Oregon and
Washington governing the distri
bution of waters. The change car
ries a further proviso designed to
protect property rights of the peo
ple of Idaho and Montana.
Kimball Students and
Faculty Visit Roberts
The Kimball group were invited
to the residence of Professor F.
R. Roberts, the blind organist at
the First Methodist church, for
chapel hour yesterday. In his home
he has a reception room equipped
with a piano and pipe organ. The
group sang two hymns and then
prayer was offered, and the rest
Telephone 880 CIS Btata St.
' Yeager
In this city, March 8. Mrs. Lau
ra Yeager died at the age of 74
years. She is survived by her
husband, Chris Yeaeer. three
daughters, Mrs. C. G. Schules of
Middleton, Iowa, Mrs. Mabel
Starks of St Johns. Oregon, and
Mrs. K. F. Ludington of Carleton,
Oregon, and three" sons, C. W.
Fox of Oakland, Calif., Warren C.
Fox of Topeka, Kansas, and Bruce
Fox of Salem. Announcement of
funeral will be made later from
the Rigdon mortuary.
Robert A. Snider, age 59, died
in Los Angeles. Survived by his
widow, Lillian Snider, two daugh
ters, Mies Helen Snider and Mrs.
Gladys McDonald, both of Salem;
one sone, Jess Snider, Seattle;
one stepson, Fred Rice, of Los
Angeles; three brothers, Bert Sni
der and Rev. A. B. Snider, both
of Portland, and George Snider.
Lyle, Wash.; and two sisters, Mrs.
Hattie Hinshaw, Newberg, and
Mrs. Belle Lyle, of Drain. Fun
eral services will be held Saturday
at 1:30 p. m., from the Rigdon
Miss Lillian . Schroeder, in
charge of the general part time
(continuation school since it was
established at the high school two
years ago, Thursday morning as
sumed the duties of elementary
supervisor in the Salem schools
Miss Schoeder is carrying on the
work of Miss Carlotta Crowley,
who left last month to do advanced
study in health education at Pea
body Institute, Nashville, Tenn.,
under a Commonwealth Fund
scholarship. '
' Miss Schroeder contemplates no
change in the prgoram as outlined
by the absent supervisor. She will
be in charge until the end of the
present school year. The elemen
tary supervision work covers the
first six grades of Salem schools,
including the 70 teachers in
charge. Miss Schroeder made her
first school visits in the new ca
pacity yaatertfay.
Miss Lilah Holloway, who has
been teaching in the Mill City
schools, has come to take immed
iate charge of the part time school
work, directorship of which has
been retained by Miss Schoeder.
Miss Holloway assumed charge
Wednesday afternoon.
.The new elementary supervisor,
a graduate of the normal school at
Monmouth and who has studied at
the University of Oregon and Ore
gon State college summer sessions.
has been with the Salem schools
four years, first as sixth grade
teacher at Englewood and then at
the Parrish high school two years.
The part time school, conducted
for anyone who wishes to con
tinue with school studies and for
any length of time desired, has
been a marked success under the
retiring teacher. Miss Schroeder
not only developed the class room
interest and work until this year
there has been a 20 per cent in
crease over last year, with a good
glass of people taking more and
more interest, but she has made it
a point to become acquainted with
the business concerns and enlist
their aid in giving work to pupils
in the school. Once students are
(placed in jobs, every effort Is mada
to keen a check on the work they
tto m .'.-.-'-.
At the present time many of the
students, especially the boys, need
part time Jobs and are willing to
do any odd work, such as wood
AAl . M S .
cuiimg, spaaing ana noeing gartx
ens, trimming lawns or anything'
that is offered. If those who have
an odd job or steady part tima
employment would get in touch
with either Miss Holloway or Miss
Schroeder at the high school a de
pendable boy or girl will be sent
to do the work.
WINTERHAVEN, Fla., Mar. ,8
(AP) The Boston Americans
nosed out the Philadelphia Nation
als today, 4 to 3. It was the see
ond straight defeat for the Phil
lies, who lost yesterday to t h o
Philadelphia Athletics.
FORT MYERS. Fla. Mar. 8
(AP) The Philadelphia Athletics.
suffered a 14 to 4 defeat at the
hands' of the Baltimore Interna
tionals today. The Baltimore team
pounded three Mackmen pitchers
for 17 hits and took advantage of
me Aiuieucs nve errors.
Tris Speaker, recently signed br
Manager Connie Mack, roamed
around centerfield for five inninsrs
and made a single and drew a bass'
on balls on three trips to the plate.
Metropolitan Staff Here
Goes To Seattle Banquet
John B. Hunter, district mana
ger of the Metropolitan Life In
surance company, and his entire
staff will attend a banquet which
will be given by the Metropolitan
company in Seattle on Saturday
evening, March 10. s
Local agents who will make the
trip are Solon Shinkle, C. W. Sny
der, G. A. Bleary, Raymond Saun
ders and John B. Hunter.
The Salem company haa met all
requirements in writing and plac
ing business during the month of
A New York sociologist says the
college girls generally remain sin
gle because they can't find the
right man. What do they go t .
college for anyhow?
Read the Classified Ad
When Glasses Are
New Location
Dr. C. B. O'Neill
Fourth Floor
First National Bank Building
. Phone 025
Perfect Funeral Service
For Leas
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
-B.W.D." Tested
All popular breeds of baby
chicks now on sale at Flake's
Petland, 273 State.
tO. UCtH k COftOYA
Ail Mmkaa Um4 HkUmi
non SSI 1 Coart St.
V :
Distinctly Correct
Expert Shoe Fitters
Ito For
Men Women,.
Boys Girls
TrJkn' T RrtttV
r rlV.- '. . . . J"K I, Tl
All Kinds of
and Notary
Atlas BucJL
Pfcone 340
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868 j
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a, m.v to 3 p. m. -
' Expert Mechanics ,
Also repair Adding Machines,
Numbering "Machines,- Check
' Phone 840
465 State St. -
Rewound awl Repaired," New
'CT tteed Motors
Vlitil' & TODD
Things Electrical c.
191 South High : Tel. 2112
in Light and Dark . also Car
ol els and soft centers, all as
sortments. This sells regular
at 80c a lb.
Week End Special
at, per lb.
Two lbs. for
We leeerve the right to limit
on this special. Sold only la
pound lots ai this price.
Only at the Original Candy
Special Store
Schaefer s
133 N. Com'l Sc.
.( Phono 17
The Penslar Agency
Original Yellow Front
Let Kennell-Ellis
Make Your View and Commercial
Pictures, Any Time, Any Place
Old Photographs Copied
Often you want old photographs reproduced, hut fear entrust
Ing them to strangers.
Our reputation assures the safety and proper cars ot your
picture, which we wiii copy, enlarge, frame or hand color at
a price lower than the unknown agent can offer.
Kennell-Ellis Studio
420 Oregon Bldg.
Long and Short Distance Hauling
Public and Private Storage '?
Fireproof Building -
Free Delivery to any part of the city.
Farmers , Warehouse ;
Day Telephone 23." Night Telephone 1267-V7