The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 09, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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    J :
The Oregon Statesman
; lata' Daily Eieapt Moa4ay fcy
- -IIS Saata CouhnUI StrMt. Btlaa. Oncw
ft. J. Haafrick
Xri ft. Mc Blurry
KaJp C. Cnrtia .
' Kaaagar
Vutf Editor
CW Editor
Saeiatj Zditar
Ila Baaea -
aoaoss or the associated fbxsj
T .Asiorlste Pratt la axclaaivaiy auUe4 tm taa aaa fa paalieatloa at all
ava tfiaaucb rradita t it ar ut ataarwiaa trail Wd is tkia'air aa alaa taa
Jaeal aewa pnbLihad fcuraia.
Oracon Sawipapaa Paatfia- Caaat
Krabat Salacta
Rraaa. lar.
reruaaa. aaeanty
Aagalaa, Caaaiaar a Coausarea Bid.
Tark. 11S-
Braiaaaa Office 3S r SSI iw
Society gjiHar 10
Eatarad at th Poat Otfie la Sail
And as they did est, he said. Verily I say unto yon. that one of
yon shall betray me. And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began
erery one or them to say onto Him, Lord, Is It IT And he answered
and said. He that dlppeth his
Mail betray me. Matthew 28:21
The Associated Press in sending; out the news of the intro
duction of a bill in congress
ing; at Crumpoegr put the reason for the proposed structure
like this:
"To commemorate the British-American treaty on the
acquisition of the Oregon Country."
The Washington newspaper reporter (or the Associated
Press reporter) who used the quoted words needs to brush
iup on his history
For every Oregon pioneer, and most of the other people of
this state who read the newspapers, know that it was no
treaty that was ratified on r,iay 2, 1843. Far rrom It. But
the vote taken at Champoeg on that day had the binding
effect of a treaty
A vote of the people of this country, the Oregon Country,
which was then foreign territory; a vote of only a few more
than 100 men. There is doubt as to the exact number. The
current record has it 102, with 60 in favor of the British
flag and 52 in favor of the Stars and Stripes.
That vote decided the Oregon Country for United States
And the place and the event deserve the memorial. It
would be a grand thing if the proposed new building could
be ready for dedication in 1934, during the centenary cele
bration of the coming of the
led to the historic vote there,
bers were necessary to decide the question of making the
Oregon Country United States territory.
These things would work together for the building of the
proposed Champoeg highway from the capital to the metropolis.
(Portland Telegram.)
The Oregon Statesman, breathing always of optimism and
occasionally of mint, tells us that a batch of 1000 yards of
toweling was put through the bleachnig process in the new
Salem mill the other day, and they got a perfect "do" on it,
so solving at last, a vexing problem.1
; This is news of real importance' to all of us who have
watched wftfc interest the development of an industry that
means muili to Oregon. The Statesman goes on to say that
toweling is now woven in a variety of patterns and that the!
workmen are becoming daily more expert at their new
learned task, so that the Salem product may find welcome
in the most exacting markets. ;
Even the first comparatively unbleached output of the
baiem mm has proved to be a
Etructible and growing, like all good linen, softer and silkier
... with wear, and its rough, homespun texture gives it a beauty
v an us own.
J It's good stuff, all of it, and
gratuitous recommendation. The more of it that is bought
in Oregon, the more of it may be made in Oregon and the
t. sooner a great industry will be
(The above from the Portland Telegram is printed with
"If it were only as easy to make everybody Hooverize as
it At-as several years ago!" says the Charleston Post. The
- -events are showing that it is
case of the politicians, and
band wagon before long.
The new telephone building now being constructed in
Denver will be the largest and tallest building in that city.
Will some one please make a motion that the new telephone
building in Salem, when it is built, shall be the biggest and
tallest building in the capital city?
Delegate Requests to Vote- For
. , Candidate at Convention
V DENVER. Colo., March 8.
(AP) Iowa's sere (relegates at
large; to the republican national
convention at Kansas City, were
Instructed today by the state re
publican ' convention to support
former Governor Frank O. Low
den of Illinois for the republican
presidential nomination.
Tna state's 22 district delegates.
"two from' each of the 11 congres
sional districts were "strongly
urged" to cast their votes for Mr.
Side , of Church Falls oa M.
v - - Minister At Oakland, Ore.
SUTHERLIN, Ore., March 8.
(AP) Rv. George r. Trltea, It,
pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
church here, was killed at Oak
land. Ore., near here today when
section" of the bid Methodist
Episcopal chnrch fell on him aa he
and three other men were tearing:
it down. V He had livedo here for
II years. v '
uxor AT If. T.
s tr ( AP) .Colonel - Charles Ar
Q Lindbergh arrived at 2 p. m. to
day from Washington. .
Ralph H. Ktotafag. AdVarttttac Maaafar
Zm. BtiHIar - - Snpriatant
W. H. Haaaaraas. CirraUtaoa Maaacar
E. A. Khataa - - Livaateek Wlfca
W. C. Craaer .... Paaitry UiW
lipmnliMfu Vy7j k
W. Sl 01; CfciaaC. kfara Ua Bid
i Aa afc Dtaailaiaat
, . CiaalatLa Offiaa
9, 1028 ;
band wltb me In the dish, the same
- 22 - 23. ,
for a f 300,000 memorial build
missionaries, whose influence
and the votes of whose mem
sturdy fabric, practical! v inde
we offer a hearty and purely
an assured success.
about as easy, excepting in the
they will likely all be in the
Typical Confidence Expressed
Behalf of Candidate
DENVER. Colo.. March 7.
(AP). Predicting ultimate sup
port of the western states for Sen
ator James A. Reed of Missouri.
In the Houston, democratic con
vention Lee Meriwether, a friend
of' the senator who haa accompan
ied him through the west, indicat
ed here today that the Missourian
would go into most of the middle
western states before the conven
tion meets.
CORVALLI3, Ore.. March 8.
(AP). Bids for the construction
of a; men' dormltory.111 be open
ad here Friday at 2:80 p. m., by
the building committee of the
board of regents of Oregon State
Agricultural college.
(AP). Julius J. Mack. 70, fi
nancier, L died of a heart attack
here today.
Andrew Jackson, the seventh
President of the United States, was
called "Old Hickory." according to
aa answered ouastlon. in Liberty
Magastne. -
Reathe Classified Ads
aaaaaaaaMaMaMMmBaaaaaaaaaaB ' 1 ' , ..- .. - . ' - ' "
Lynda Fentbn, daughter of John
Fenton, a periodical drunkard, has
Just obtained her first job as a
typist In the office of Armitage A
Son, owners of one of the biggest
factories in the United States.
Her father continually harps
upon Lynda's mother, how she ran
away with a man who had more
money than he. He insists every
woman has her price and will yield
to her destiny sooner or later.
- Lynda s one mend and com
panion Is David Kenmbre, whose
father has sunk from prosperity
to poverty through high living.
- He has obtained the job for her
at Armitage & Son. But he be
gins to regret this when it Is
known that Ralph Armitage had
-spotted" Lynda,
Dave, meantime, had been at
tracted somewhat by another girl
in the office, Emily Andrews.
Chapter 4
Lynda Meets Emily Andrews
At first Lynda didn't realize
that the information of "Armi's1
return was meant for her, and
then she felt her face grow hot.
for there was a malicious note in
Emily Andrew's voice. She said
nothing, however.
The morning passed very swift
ly. When the twelve o'clock gong
sounded, they all trooped out for
luncheon. Then she suddenly re
membered that in her hurry to
get away she had brought nothing
to eat with her.
As she reached the sidewalk.
she felt a hand steal into hers, and
a voice said, ooaxinely:
"Come on and dash over to the
soda fountain with me for a bite.
They have the best chocolate sun
daes in town."
Lynda turned quickly. Beside
her was the girl whose desk was
next to hers.
I never eat lunch." she fibbed,
for she realised that she. had no
money with her.
"Look here, old dear, what are
you reducing for? You are noth
ing but skin and bones now. Come
on, there goes Dave Kenmore, and
if we can get a seat next to him,
he'll pay for our lunch."
"David hasn't any more money
than I nave." blurted out Lynda,
and could hare bitten her tongue
out for the break.
"Oh," exclaimed Emily, "you
know him, do you? I thought 1
saw you come in together this
morning. Tell me all about him.
I'm dying of curiosity. How does
it come that you know him so well
that you can gauge the amount of
his shekels off-hand?"
"I've known David Kenmore
ever since I was born," replied
Have you? The girl came
closer. "Isn't he the handsomest
ever? Every girl in the office has
fallen for him with a thud."
Lynda stopped still In amaze
"What do you mean, 'fallen'?'
she asked.
"Look here. Miss Innocence
Don't pull that stuff on 111' Emily
Just wait until the next time
David walks through the office
and you'U see every girl in the
place lamp him. He gets more at
tention, from everybody but me
than even Arm! himself. Oh,
don't mean to say that I'm not as
sweet on him as the rest, but 111
Emily knows her cream pie. I've
been in that office about two
years, and I've learned a thing or
two not handed out in school, and
one of them is, if a fellow thinks
you are chasing him, he'll run like
a rabbit; so I've been most Ritzy,
old dear, most R-I-T-Z-Y. I'm
glad to say that up to date virtue
has been rewarded. I'm the only
girl that Mister Davie has paid
any attention to whatever."
By this time Emily had man
aged to pull Lynda to the entrance
of the drug store, and they met
David coming out. Lynda was for
hurrying on. but Emily stopped.
Hello, David called happily.
"I'm glad you've already made the
acquaintance of the nicest girl at
Armltage's, Lynda.
For the rest of her life Lynda
Fenton wonld remember her won
der at the sharp little twinge of
pain at her heart when she heard
David say this. It was like noth
ing she had ever experienced be
fore. ": v '
"David Kenmore. you're ahetk-
inr again." remarked Kmny.
dimpling. "1 knew Lynda was the
sort I'd like the minute ahe joined
the force, so I spoke to her right
away. She tells 1 me she doesn't
eat lunch, but I've been telling
her she needn't be careful of her
diet yet. She has a more boyish
firure now than the boys them
David understood right away
that Lynda was not eating because
she had no money.
"Come, girls, I'll stake you. I
was lust looking for Miss An
drews to ask her to lunch."
He could have choked himself
when he saw Lynda's expression.
After a frigid silence, hi which
Lynda was sore that she could not
have made her tongue .behave If
she had tried to speak, she man
aged to say:
Thanks, hut I've jast told Miss
Andrews that I do not eat lunch
eon. 1 11 leave yon now ana gei
back to the office I have to work
a little longer tocatch up, as I'm
a new beginner, you know.
She marched oft with her head
in the air,' and David went Into
the drug store with.' Emily An
drews, where she ordered a chick
en sandwich and a chocolate nut
sundae. As she ate,- he could not
help thinking of Lynda pounding
away at her typewriter. "
i b fwti a
David looked at Emily narrow
ly. Somehow she did not seem as
fascinating as she had at first.
The little, sleek, black head of
Lynda seemed much more beauti
ful than Emily Andrews' much
curled locks.
"I don't thmx that Emily could
teach Lynda much." David kent
thinking, as he walked back of
Emily into the drug store, and as
she sat down at the table he de
cided that he liked Lynda's
straight-forward sincerity much
more than he did Emily's sophis
He wished he didn't remember
how little Lynda usually ate in
the morning. Knowing her so
well, he realized that In her pride
she would not accept a luncheon
from him if she knew she couldn't
pay for it.
Still he was somewhat mystified
to think that Emily and Lynda did
not seem to hit it off. together at
Girls are funny things, he said
to himself, as he ordered a cup of
coffee just to keep Emily com
"Tell me about your childhood's
passion." Emily demanded, after
she had satisfied the first edge of
her hunger.
(To be Continued.)
Federal Trade Commission
Hears Five Witnesses
At Lone Session
Raising the curtain on its in
vestigation into the financial struc
ture of public utilities power com
panies, under the direction of the
anate Walsh resolution, the feder
al trade commission heard five
witnesses, and looked over a mass
of documentary evidence today,
and recessed for unannounced per
iod. The hearing, merely a prelimin
ary gathering of facts which will
form the basis of the main inquiry
concerned itself with the activities
of the National Electric Light as
sociation and the American Gas
association, which were declared
by" their officers to represent the
majority of public utilities com
panies in their class.
Paul S. Clapp, of New York
managing director of the Nation
lal Electric Light association, told
the commission that his organiza
tion represents 50 percent of the
electric light companies in this
country, who produce more than
90 per cent of the electric ener
Alexander Forward, of New
York, managing director of the
American uas association, con
sisting of both artificial and nat
ural gas companies, testified that
his association represents between
60 and 65 per cent of the number
of companies, and 90 or more per
cent of the volume of business In
this country.
Senator McNary Compiles
Extensive Report Ex
plaining Measure
While the house agricultural
committee continued to wrestle
with the farm relief bill In execu
tive session, the month old action
of the senate committee in approv
ing an almost identical measure
was formally reported toady to the
senate. .
This proposed assistance for ag
riculture, the- 1928 version of the
widely known McNary-Haugen bill.
now takes Its place In the senate's
long Ime of pending IegishUion.
Action by ths senate is not expect
ed to materialize however, until
more progress Is made by farm re
lief by, the house, since priority Is
held by two other major problems.
Muscle Shoals and flood control.
The house committee concerned
itself today with that section of
the bill relating to the powers of
the federal farnf board which created under the bill.
Hut came to no conclusion. Mean
while Chairman McNary, Oregon,
of the senate agriculture commit
too, submitted to his colleagues an
extensive explanation of his modi
fied tlU. This noted that "far
reaching changes' had materially
altered the measure from that
passed and vetoed last session but
n i
- Sunday and Monday
The Original
declared that "it
4a addraaaed tolhata and
the same problem and Is based on
the same general principles.
Attempted Annulment of Consti
tution Resented by Speaker
8. (AP) Men who say that the
constitution of the Untied Statea
can be annulled are f orgetlng that
half of the electorate are women
who Intend to see that It is not.
Mrs. Henry W. Pea body, of Bev
erlv. Mass.. sreneral chairman of
the Woman's national 'committee
for law enforcement, told the
southeastern prohibition conven
tion of the Anti-Saloon . league
here today. ..
Appearing as the first woman
speaker of the four day convention
before an audience made up chief
ly of women Mrs. Peabody declar
ed that the women of the coun
try "ee why the law Is not being
J enforced ow." and that they in
tend to take part in the next elec
tion to "pat things in shape so
that it will be."
(Continued from Page Three)
est in the state, includes Albany,
Brownsville, Corvallls, Cottage
Grove, Dallas, Eugene, Indepen
dence, Lebanon, Scotts Mills, Sclo,
Silverton. Salem, and Toledo. The
Salem district Is the largest in the
Concert Will Be Given by
St. John' 8 Lutheran Choir
A concert will be given Sunday
evening, beginning at 7:45 o'clock.
by the St, John's Lutheran choir,
directed by 'Rev. H. W. Gross.
Assisting ! on the program will
be Mrs. W. Fischer, soprano; Mrs.
W. Smetana, pianist: and Miss C.
Sonstelie, violinist.
. The program follows:
Organ Prelude
W. Fisher
Choir "The Man of Sorrows"...
"No Shadows' Yonder" .. .Parks
Piano "Prelude In c Sharp" ...
- Bach
"Opus 25, No. 2" Chopin
Solo "Supplication" ....Blanchard
"The Lord is Mr Shepherd" ...
Mrs. W. Fischer
Violin "Yme Air Varie"
Christine Sonstellie
Choir "Evening Song" ..Langley
Piano "Moonlight Sonata"
Mrs. W. Smetana
Solo "Hast Du Gebeteet, Mein
Kind?" (by request)
"Muede Bin Ich, Geb zur Ruh"
Mrs. W. Fischer
Piano -"Finale in E minor sona
ta" Grieg
Choir "Let the Heavens Rejoice"
"Praise Ye the Lord" ....Molitor
Organ Offertory-Postlude
W. Fischer
First Meeting of Pythian
Sisters Club
The P. L. E. F. club, newly or
ganized Pythian Sisters club met
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Irene St. Helens.
Mrs. Mamie Gallaway of Browns
ville was an additional guest.
The afternoon yas spent with
sewing and conversation. Mrs. L.
B. Hixson presided at the short
business session.
Miss Sylvia Furlough and Miss
Norma Terwilliger assisted Mrs.
St. Helens at the tea hour.
Mrs. Nelson Will Entertain
R. N. A. Sewing Club j
Mrs. Sarah Nelson will enter-1
tain the Royal Neighbors of Amer
ica Sewing club Tuesday after
noon In her home at 705 North
20th street. Assistant hostesses
will be Mrs. Pearl Lickiss and
Mrs. La Verne Flala.
Spending Several Days at
the Beach
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolt left
Wednesday morning for Cutler
City where they will remain for
10 days in their summer cottage.
Return From Southern
Mrs. Joseph Albert, Mrs. J. C.
Griffith, and Mrs. Asel Eoff re
turned to their home in Salem last
night after spending several weeks
in southern California.
WiU Sponsor Card Party
at Fraternal Temple
Members of the P. L. E. F. club
will sponsor a benefit card party
from two to four o'clock Tuesday
afternoon, March 20, at the Fra
ternal temple.
The committee in charge of the
affair includes Mrs. C. J. Pugh,
Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Wayne Green
wood, and Mrs. L. B. Hixson.
4-M Club Members Entertain
ed With Attractive
Luncheon ;
4-M dub members of Macleay
were entertained with an attrac
tive one o'clock luncheon Wednes
day afternoon at the home of Mrs
George Terwilliger.
The living rooms and dining
room were ! decorated with green
carnations, small pipes, shamrocks
other St. Patrick's day
novelties. The same motif In decor
ation was followed on the lunch
eon table,
Th afternoon was spent with
roeal and Instrumental music, and
In the group were Mrs. St Hel
ens. Mrs. Reeder. Mrs. J. M. Mar
tin, Mr. and Mrs. John Takenberg,
Mr. and Mrs. Feustman, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry E. Martin, and the
host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs
Portland Artists Will Appear
in Concert This Evening
Mr. J. Scott Milne, baritone:
Mrs. Charles C. Welker, soprano,
and Mrs. Sam H. Pierce, pianist,
all well-known musicians of Port
land. -will appear in concert this
evening at the First Presbyterian
church. Opal Ambler Klein, read
er.1 will assist on the program.
The program for this interest
ing musical event will be as fol
lows: (a) "Mood" Barnet
(b) "Listening" Besley
c) "Sea Rover's Song" ....Fraser
Mrs. Charles C. Welker
(a) "March"
From "The, Morning of the Year"
:.. Cad man..
Mr. J. Scott Milne
"The Convert from Stirrup
Ranch" Connor
"The Young Reciter" ..Hardy
Mrs. Opal Ambler Klein
Duet-"Nay. Bid Me Not Re
sign. Love" Mozart!ln
Mrs. Welker and Mr. Milne
(a)' "Court Room Scenes" from
'Friend of Napoleon" O'Connell
(b) "The Airyplaning of Biddy
McFee" Maize
Mrs. Opal Ambler Klein
"Goin Home" Dvorak
"My Sweet Repose" ..Shnbert
"The Star" ...Rogers
"Shepherd, See Thy Horses
Foaming Mane" Speaks
Mr. J. Scott Milne
"The Little Shepherd's Song"
- Watts
"When Myra Sings" , A. L
"The Dream Song" ..Warford
"The Call of Rhada" ..Wares
Mrs. Charles C. Welker
Interesting Production Will
Be Given In CorvaUis
A number of Salem people will
motor to Corvallls to attend the
presentation of "Pinafore" which
will be given this evening and
again Saturday evening by mem
bers of the Madrigal club the
gins glee club at Oregon State
College. Professor Paul Petri will
direct the operetta.
Miss Macyle Hunter, daughter
or Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hunter of
Salem, carries one of the leading
roles In the production.
Needlecraft Club Members
entertained at F. G. Stearns
Needlecraft club members were
aeiignuuuy entertained Tuesday
auernpon at the home of Mrs. F.
I. Stearns, 180 South 19th street
The guests spent theafternoon
with sewing and conversation.
In the group were, Mrs. A. J,
Basey, Mrs. Louis Bechtel. Mrs. L.
C. Brotherton, Mrs. George Mar
tin. Mrs. E. J. Patterson, Mrs. F.
G. Jewett. and tha
Stearns. Mrs. Jewett is a new mem
wwvwftva iUI 0i
ber of the club.
Refreshments were served at the
tea hour. The luncheon table In
the dining room was very lovely
with a centerpiece of daffodils,
daisies, and violets.
In a fortnight, Mrs. C. H. Busey
1 was almost laid out with the
terrible nains and stitches m m
back. I had just about
given up hope of get
ting reiiet when a
neighbor gave me a
bottle of 'St Jacob's
yJu to rub on my
. -
oacjc a got imme
diate relief and have
enjoyed perfect cotn-
iort since.
Its a pity that
everyone with Back
ache, Lumbago.
Rheumati sm and
Neuritis doesn't
know abnnt "C; Ti-
cob's Oil". Its action is amazing. With
out burning- or blistering the skin,
it penetrates to the affected part and
draws out the pain like magic If
you want to know what relief is.
go to your, drucciat and ret a amari
trial bottle of "St Jacob's Oil" and
apply it to any aching spot.
string as compared to made to order forms. oral a Ng
-A :- -:-Vi r .'V
Some of the forma: Contract of Sale. Road Notice, win tgTi.. a --
ment of Mortgage, Mortcase f onnaQmH rv21n YSfM'
BIB of Sale, Buudirl Prte f
The Statesman Publishing Co.
At Business Office, Ground Floor ,
By Robert Quillen
"I've got to have stronger hing
es put on our side door. Its the
one Pa slams while I'm finlshin'
up an argument."
(Copyright, 1928, Publihrs eradicate.)
will entertain the club in her home
at 570 South Winter street.
Salem Heights Community
Club WiU Meet
The Salem Heights Community
club will meet at eight o'clock Fri
day evening in the community hall
After the short business session,
a program will be given which
will include a talk on "Landscap-
and Rock Gardening" by Mr.
"r. oiscuaswn i rDa..
bv jav Morns, ana a taix on "kos-
es given 07 airs. Myron van jtai-
A negro minstrel number will
be given by Mrs.' Boot's class, and
a song by a group of school child
ren. A reading given by Mrs.
George Wilson and a piano solo
played by Dorothy Browning will
conclude the program.
Later In the evening the school
children will serve coffee, pie and
cake. The proceeds will be used to
pay for the playground equipment.
GwiSfr1,sr frost. aucru
18 N. High Telephone 161
By Claude Callaai
'Ma says our daughter-in-law
talks about the baby k no win' me
so I'll help them get a new car.
CaayriffBt, 1928. PubliUr SrtftJaate.)
(From columns of The Statesman
of March 10, 10OS.)
Olean, N. T. More than a
score of people were killed in an
explosion of oil near here.
Jack O'Keefe of Chicago won
from Jimmy Britt of San Francis
co on a roui, m tne sixth round of
their bout at the Pastime club.
John Sappingfield, who cam"
across the plalne and settled on
Howell Prairie in 1847, died at hi-i
home there March 7.
Work has been started on th
newi boys' dormitory at Chemawa
Indian schooL
The hairpin is no . lonesbmer
than the buttonhook. Boston