THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, 1928 a..,.. THE NORTHWESTS FINEST AND BUSIEST MEN'S STORES JZOT.r.LLA savoy m I - i s - 'i 'J i : : .L - ;Miss Winifred Byrd Announ- cea Date of Salem Concert . ' as March 29 ; Music lovers of Salem as well as I the other cities and towns of the f 4 state will be delighted to learn V 'f that MlsWlnlf red' Byrd will play w a concert Thursday eyenlne. March J" '-?3. at" the Capitol theater. Miss Byrd, who is recognized at jpne of the foremost pianists of x America, canceled her concert en- gagementa in New York and came v to Salem to be with her father. Dr. V. H. Byrd, who is now conval escing from a serious illness. Although M13S Byrd has been urged to appear in practically all of the cities of the Pacific coast. she has accepted no engagements with the exception of the concert wmcn sne win piay rviarcn z, in Salem. SJurman Clay Company Will Give Program at the Y. M. C. A. This Evening The . Sherman Clay entertainers will give their program at the Y M. C. A. this evening. This' will be the regular weekly entertainment and the public is in vited to attend. The following numbers have been arranged Piano solo "Japanese Sunset"..i Deppen Kenneth McCormick . $ Vocal solos "Life" Galloway j "Felice" Lieurance Naomi Phelps kNk? Violin Solos "Souvlnir" ....Drdla 1 "Roses" ...Selected Waldo Fuegy i Vocal solos "Where 'ere You Walk" Handel "On Wings of Song" j. Mendelssohn ' Leon Jennison Instrumental selections "Apple Blossoms" Selected "Believe Me If All Those En dearing Young Charms" Moore, Violin 'cello, and viola Vocal duet "Si, la Stanchezza Mopprime" .Verdi Naomi Phelps, Leon Jennison Accompanists: Mrs. Leon Jenni son, Edward Millburn, Kenneth McCormick .? Interesting Meeting of W. H. I M. S. of First Methodist Church -The Woman's Home Missionary the First Methodist church enioyed a very i Interesting 1 meeting Wednesday .afternoon in the church parlors. ! Mrs. T. T. Crozier conducted the devotional service. Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney presented the lessson chap ter from the studv book. "The Ad- 2 f venture of the Church." 0ei- The feature of the afternoon was the delightful travel talk which Mrs. M. C. Findley gave concerning her recent trip to Cu ba. The tea table was unusually lovely. Yellow daffodils were ar ranged in the center and a bowl of violets and two tall green ta pers in crystal holders placed on either side. Mrs. George H. Alden, president of the Woman's Home Missionary society, and Mrs. M. C. Findley, president of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society, presided at the serving urns. The tea committee included Mrs. E. E. Gilbert chairman; Mrs. F. A. Legge, Mrs. Almira E. Hale, Mrs. W. C. Young, Mrs. A. B. Han ccn, and Mrs. W. C. Keck. " Fifty members of Uie society were present for the afternoon. Mrs. Laban Stceves Hostess at Attractive Bridge Luncheon One of the most attractive af fairs of the week was the bridge luncheon for which Mrs. Laban Steeves was hostess Tuesday after noon atthe EIkScTub. A spring color plan of yellow and green was carried out on the luncheon tables which were cen tered with tapers in those shades and a low bowl af daffodils and fern. Covers were placed for Mrs Harry Willett, Mrs. Harry Craw ford, and Mrs. James Lewis, spe- iV cial guest:; and the following club members: Mrs. M. P. Ad ams, Mrs. L. D. .Brown, Mrsl Lu cille Sweeney, Mrs. John W. Orr, Mrs. F. E. Sherwin, Mrs. Sam Laughlin. Mrs. Harold M. Brown, Mrs. George Alexander, and the hostess, Mrs. Steeves. Several hours of bridge were en joyed following the luncheon. The high score prise was won by MrsF. E. Sherwin. Mrs. Lucille Sweeney will en tertain the club in a fortnight. AS, Club Entertained at Vtey Home The members of the J. S. club were entertained Wednesday eve ning' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Busey. j Lovely baskets of daffodils were arranged about the living rooms. Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Hansen re ceived, the high score prize. Mrs. J. R. Kennedy and Mr. T. W. Da- rles won the second award. - Mrs. Louis Bechtel assisted Mrs. Busey in serving the late supper. Members present were Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Davies, Mrs. Ed Keene, His LaVelle Keene, Mr. and Mrs. : J. R. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Lou is Bechtel," Mr. and Mrs. John Spong, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Han sen Mr.- and Mrs. M. P. Dennis, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Social Calendas o , Today Salem Heights Community club. Community hall. 8 o'clock.! Program at Y. M. C. A. given by Sherman Clay musicians. 8 o'clock. Public invited to attend. :. ' Concert. First Presbyterian church. J. Scott Milne, featured irtist. 8:15 o'clock. San Souci "500" dub. Mr. and Mrs. Al Propp. 3 65 South 23rd street hostess. Woman's society. First Baptist church. Mrs. Emil Both, 1113 North Cottage street hostess. 2:3w o'clock. Saturday Salem Nature club. Mr. W. A Eliot, president of Oregon society speaker. Y. M. C. A. 8 o'clock. ! Monday Drama class. Mrs. W. E. Kirk,' director. Miss Edith Hazard. 640 South Summer street hostess. Tuesday R. N. A. Sewing club. Mrs. Sar ah Nelson, 705 North 20th street hostess. 2:00 o'clock. Drama League class in charge of Mrs. R. M. Gatke. Mrs. Karl G. Becke, 730 North Summer street hostess. W. F. M. S., First M. e! church. Mrs. E. T. Barnes, 325 North Cap itol street hostess. Mrs. Norton of Korea will be speaker. 2:30 o'clock. Thursday Drama League class. Mrs. W. E. Anderson, leader. 1491 Court street. Judge Percy Kelly Gives In teresting Talk at B. and P. W. Club Meeting Judge Percy Kelly came from Albany Wednesday evening to ad dress the Business . and Profes sional Women's club at their meet ing at the Gray Belle. In an exceedingly interesting and Instructive talk. Judge Kelly explained in detail the jury system tracing its development from the reign of Henry II when the first record of trial by Jury 13 known. He explained all the details of the challenge system of calling the jury. Judge Kelly said that the point is not whether the jurors knows anything of the case for which he has been called or whether he has formed an opinion, but whe ther he can concentrate his mind on the points which are brought out in the court procedure. The speakers advocates in cases Involving a sum up to S250 to call two Jurors to sit with the judge instead of a panel of 12 men. and in cases involving from $250 to 81,000 there should be six men. If the judge instead of the law yers would question the jury much time would be saved and needless repetition avoided. Judge Kelly, however, is not at all in favor of abolishing the jury system for, as he said in conclu sion, this is the institution which represents more nearly and more clearly the principles on which our government is founded. The jury is the link between the laity and the law. A number of new members were formally admitted to club member ship at this time. They are: Es ther M. Hanson, stenographer in State Highway Department; Sarah E.' Atwood, teacher at Highland school; Miss Erma J. Cobb, teach er at State school for the Blind; Miss Naomi E. Cobb, teacher at State school for the Blind; Miss Esther L. Hagedorn. manager of department store, 235 South High street; Miss Ruth Moore, book veeper and stenographer; Mrs. Ef fierce Tachanz, teacher, state school for the Blind; and Mrs. Ma bel Rutherford of the Oregon Elec tric depot. A short business session follow ed the talk. The club donated $25 to me local Y. W. C. A. The state convention Of Bus! ness and Professional Women will be held May 18, 19, and 20, in Roseburg. The national president. Lena Madesln Phillips, will be pre sent. The next district meeting and dinner of the Oregon Federation will be held at the Portland ho tel, March 17. Reservations should be made with Mrs. Maude Pointer not later than March 15. Miss Dorothy Neale Povey, Port land president will assist Miss Mo selle Hair, state B. and P. W. pres ident. In conducting Che session. The program will include se lections by the Portland B. and P. W. Choral club, with Madame Freda Stjerna, director, and Mrs. Rose Weinberger, accompanist; the roll call of clubs; open forum discussion, a vocal-solo by Miss Gladys Collins; and an address on "What a National Organization of fers its membership." given by Miss Adelia Prlchard, national member ship chairman. ; Centralia Temple of Pythian Sisters Has Regular Meeting Centrallan temple; No. 11, of tne Pythian Sisters held its regular meeting Tuesday evening at the Fraternal, tern pie. . - 'x,, Nancy Burk, ; district V deputy grand chief, announced that the Pythian Sisters district convention will be beld in Salem on April 24 r The district, which la the larg- UNION STORE No Interest or Extra Charges Sp Only because we buy in huge quantities for seven busy Fulops stores can we obtain such remarkable values, such exceptional qualities, such carefully tailored garments and such a vast assortment to choose from. Your size is here whether you wear a regular, a short, a stout or a slim! More Than 22,000 - - . Men are now buying their clothes on Fulops Ten Pay ment Plan and are dressing better than they ever dressed before. Salem Portland Eugene"' fcMMMMMiMMMWSSMMasjsjSBBSBSfjMssBB New and Larger Shipments Have Just Arrived Included in the Most Magnetic Value Offering of Even Better Qualities, Finer Styles in the store Hs and made to sell 456 State St., Salem on P and Greater Values at at No "Red Tape" in opening a Charge Account and Are All Time aits There is a fabric, a color, a style and a fit for every man and young man in this marvelous group of Suits and Topcoats. Dur able worsteds, new twists, fashionable cashmeres and novelty weaves. The same prices prevail I in all Fulops Stores !J Friday and Saturday " ONLY.'v::;:C-'-: $2.50 White Broadcloth SHIRTS , I 3 for $46 With mnd without collars : Longview Vancouver Aberdeen 'K j-i'.;. r ,! " . jira, Busey. ; : : ;-;; ' (Csatinscd page 4.J