1 N A FULL MEAL OR A".; BITE TO EAT v ; v V -jr ' i IFaimlfoEim4&aG?s Eat What You Want See What You Arc Getting r every day with PACIFIC AIRPLANE SERVICE State Fair Grounds Airport Passenger Flights $2.50 Student Training Under Army Trained PUota New Waco Planes Used Strongest, Safest Commercial Plane Built State Cafeteria State St. SALEM'S BEST 3t iMJ, ; - ' II V if 2" .V 1 lie vac. ': '... "f V"' Take Advantage of Our Special Prices On REBUILT MOTORDYCLES WE LIST A FEW OP OUR COMPLETE STOCK t 1928 Harley Big Twin, Nearly New, Front Brakes and Everything f325.00 1937 Harley-Davidson, Guaranteed the Same as New 290.00 1926 Harley-Davidson, Repainted, Completely Rebuilt, 2 New Tires Xew Battery Etc. . 240.00 192. Harley-Davidson, Completely Overhauled and Guaranted, Special 190.00 1927 Harley Single, Fine Condition . f 100.00 J, EASY TERMS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE 'The Cycle Man' Harry A. Scott 147 So. Com'I. St. TIRE SPECIALS Guaranteed Retreading Tire Shop. Small profits, quirk turnover Sale or no sale, you always find our prices the lowest in Salem. $6.80 ..$5.50 ..$5.50 $7.00 30x3 i, giant oversize, guaranteed, regular $9.50 , 80x3, regular size, guaranteed, regular $8.00 , 29x4.40, big heavy tread, price .- 30x4.60. price '. SEE US FIRST WE DO EXPERT RETREADING A. C. CHAPLIN, Prop. 262 Chemeketa St. A NON-STOP FLIGHT TO SUCCESS JTie Early Hatched Chicks Will be Laying When Eggs are Sky High ALWAYS ON SALE AT Flake's Petland 273 State St. DAVENPORTS Betterbllt, Jacquard Velour . f 47.50 (See this wonderful line of Davenports at prices much less.) 2 piece Bedroom Suite, Dusted Ivory, Vanity, Chiffonier, Bed S55.00 Oak or Ivory Dressers .f 13.75 WE ARE CROWDED FOR ROOM BUY NOW ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED TERMS EASILY ARRANGED H. F. WOODRY & SON, AUCTIONEERS New and Used Furniture Dealers-A gents for Lang Stoves 271 N. Commercial RI Town Dress Better Yet Spend Less A visit to our establishment will convincingly prove to you that to dress well and stylish ly is mostly a matter of know ing where to buy. Here you will find the kind of dresses you long to wear priced Well within the reach - of your purse ; and, in addition, a range of selection that insures individuality. THE WADE STORE 220 N. Liberty (Sfleaimnimg Quality and Service 11 li i! M 1TIHIE QIMGHNAIL mm 66 DC n m On n (S 0 o O o mm rv7 vw I v' I ''fa V 99 Regular Prices Monday Matinee 25c SPECIAL Friday and Saturday z z WithEaclvSl.OOBoxof BOUQUET RAE2EE FACE POWDER FREE Your Choice of 50c Bouquet Rantee Talcum or 50c Bottle Bouquet Rammee Perfume Perry's Drug Store 115 S. Com'I. St. Salem, Oregon n "EVERY CUSTOMER A GUEST" Use Our TTeim IPayraoeimit IPllaim In Selecting Your j Ieims Weai? FOR SPRING 1928 344 STATE STREET ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE OPENING OF THE New Nestle Circulme Permanent Wave Shop MONDAY, MARCH 12TH Room 138, New Bligh Building, Telephone 1173 OPENING COUPON THIS COUPON Is Good for $5.00 on a $15.00 Ticket if Presented on or Before April 12th. All Work Including permanent Waving Good on Tickets . I Specializing irt Nestle Circuline Waving THE (5)IKLAIE rvlIillLIL CARL KUTSETH, Proprietor 439 State Street j OPEN SATURDAY March 10th I DROP IN AND TRY THIS HEALTHFUL DRINK It if FOR YOUR ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARTY! These novelties and delightful favors will add twice the zest to your St. Patrick's Day cele bration. Nowhere else can you obtain such un usually attractive things to carry the spirit of the occasion merry makers that cost little and make the party a sure success. See these large assortments and make your selections - while they last. . The Commercial Book Store 163 N.' Commercial j Telephone 64 ARMY & OUTING STORE ' ' - r i 1 :i - .... . . j ' ' ' ... Next Door to BusicVs j 189 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon ! ''Everything for the Working Man and Camper" ISO N. Liberty PHONE 934 J :