4 I "3 -V f 3 1 i 5 5 . 1! 1 Ui a At 1 4f 1 X i1 t r I. - I f t t m m FnurrNOT,TREES in?eec ; Extra Select Peach Trees at Reduced Prices for a short time. Come to our Sales Yard and make your selecr tions. v Also a fine lot of Bartlett Pear and Other Fruit and Nut Trees V 7 to select from. A Cherry City Nursery Sales Yard 275 So. Hleh. Opposite Tick Bros. Gnrago Nursery 7 miles from Salem 0 Silver ton Boad OFFICE FHOXE 2802; RES. 10F4 Top Graf ting Enquire Fniitland Nursery; 174 S. Libert jr Phono 1775M v . r ; : In n 13 V ecUvc dabe T I i ! r - , NEW AC. electric EvA radios are Come in today! Fada A. C. Special $160 less fwfces ami loor cabinet ... 1 J " m : 4 111 li ms. lllil -4-fl I I "V l I ft X TVTEW volume control new circuit new principles of design newest improved indirect heater element A.C. tubes exclusive Fada Harmonated Reception and "life -tested" in Fada research laboratories. Built, inspected and shipped, complete with tubes, from the Fada factory ready to operate in your home by just plugging it into your light socket. A 4 9- 0$m (iiiiifii mm Easy Terms ts g mm r 1 m jhi No Interest : j m m t: m m n m. m r: m m m Mi :3 : t I a m li :5 i 3 r? A flomp in nnrl W Lift the lid! 't Headquarter -S imoDaciD the imew Model 37 rssns DU1, nlf ! A. C wtlKWnty rx p ffc aad a if I it. fl f u an i4f r lra4 Ar. f ly wfch oU, M-fmU. Ahmmmtf. bnw. Cm U A. C tW, mm rmtafria tmk. A GLANCE inside thi new Atwater Kent A.' C set tells you why it ' pives you such wonderful reception. The secretes in the design and work manshipthe perfection of even the tiniest parts. You can well believe that x every Model 37 has to pass 222 in. spections or test before it leaves the factory and if it doesn't pass it doesn$ leave 1 " No batteries, of course. Everything but the speaker in a remarkably com ' pact cabinet, and all the power comes from the A. C house circuit and costs only a fraction of a cent an hour. And the beauty of the little cabinet! It's a new finish. Yon could bur thii set on its name and appearance alone. But you don't have to.. Come in and turn the FtXL-yisiorf Dial and then listen to the tone. Don't delay. Many people have found out about the Atwater Kent 37, and at the low. price. Which Atwater Jkent manufacturing facilities , make possible, our customers are taking them away as fast as we can get them. Come in and try' one today. Model E Radio Speaker '26 C1M I KmU' Mat tmm. AS rMtwl afaian) !). I aeMMifal 1 & .. .--. . " '" : - - ttU fa aaattal m taaUa ataa k -.. .Shall naijanai-l I mm ' - . ' II in I 111 Mlidikj. Tkfct rin. W ill Serrle Stsw Xo. . U P E R Our Service Satisfies, Saves Time, Trouble and' Repair Bills. See Us Resrularly and Avoid Re pair Iftus. Yung & Eckerlen illgfa and Ferry - AUTO ELECTRIC SER1CE R. D. Bartoat Batteries. Magnetos,' Generators -. Electric Service for Anto or Radio v TELEPHONE 1107 '" E R V I C E MA S ON TIRES - TUBES s TATION Service Bta, No. 2 Oam'l. and Cbaaakat. s SC. -7 Old Fir Dry Slab and Block Wood HIGH PRICED FUEL IS NOT ALWAYS ECONOMICAL Large Load of 16" Old Fir Block Wood, Partly Seasoned. Is $5.50 It Is the Best Buy for Your Furnace or Heater 4 ft. Old Fir Dry Slab wood $6.50 .16V Old Fir Dry Slab wood. $7.50 This wood has been banked 12 months in ricks 9 ft. high, 3 ft. apart, and is thoroughly seasoned. We make prompt delivery. OUR LARGE; LOAD of dry slab is a full cord of 4 ft. wood sawed 16". We Would Appreciate Your Next Order. FRED E. WELLS PHONE 1542 280 S. Church St. ICEC BROTH EES' USED CAMS 1927 Pontiac Coupe - 1925 Buick Roadster glass enclosure - 1926 Chevrolet Coupe - 1927 Ponfiac Roadster -1924 Buick Touring 1927 Chevrolet Coach -1926 Ford Coupe - -1924 Willys-Knight Sedan - $695.00 575.00 450.00 e 650.00 475.00 500.00 325.00 550.00 Phone 1841 280 South High Street The House That Service Built McPherson Give me five cents worth o poison. Druggist We can't make up five cents worth. "W'e can only make up 25 cents worm. UDiarnn f after flppn thOUCht) Aw well. I'll na commit suicide. The Pathfinder. Part With Your Good' ? Right Eye Tou would not for any price. Yet that is what many people are doing by degrees giving the right eye. or the left eye or both eyes. Glasses, properly fitted, will save you. AN EXAMINATION WILL TELL f Morris Optical Co. 803 First Nat'l Bank Bide. SALEM. OREGOX San Francisco LOS ANGELES 22 V AUflie'Vfesl Coast frEasl WORLD'S GREATEST , MOTOR COACH SYSTEM Same reduction to Sacra mento and Oakland.) Here's a big saving in travel cost, with SO day return limit allowed on round trip tickets. Finest coaches, best terminals, most dail schedules. LOS ANGELES $22.50 Ntmilar low farm to Baa' Diego, all California cltiee. Phoenix, Kl Faao, St. Ixmls aad aau ' Depart 1:30, 10:10 A. M.; 7:80 P. II. TERMINAL ; HOTEL TeL 696 li j Whippet Coach Offer Closes Mon- day at Midnight Htt lis a R3atWtecr 0 IHIoimirs Just a few more circuits of the minute hand and too late for the Magnificent Whippet Coach. If today, tomorrow, Saturday and Monday pass without speedy; action on your part, the responsibility rests upon yourself. The Whippet Coach will be won or lost by that time. Long term subscriptions count most and a few such orders now while they count the most might be the deciding factor in this race. After the time for action has passed all the regrets in the world will be of no avail. Readers: Now is the time to help your favorite. Your sub scription given NOW may mean the winding or los ing of this Whippet Coach for: your friend. Showr your favorite what real friendship means by doing your friends a real kindness that will mean real cash to them. If you have promised your subscription, see that the candidate gets it before midnight, Monday, March 12. Or, if you have not yet been solicited, give it to a candidate or bring it to the of f ice and we will see that your candidate gets full credit for it. Candidates, make these days count. Get in touch with all those promises that have been given to you. Make every minute count so that when midnight. March 12, comes you will be able to say,"I have done my best. You will not be sorry, for you are bound to be repaid for the work you do. There is nothing that will repay a person more than honesty-to-goodness work. Remember, ALL THINGS COME TO THE OTH ER FELLOW IF YOU SIT DOWN AND WAIT. Don't be a Vaiter,' be a "go-getter. All the world loves a winner and you can be one if you but try. iilffiliiiilllillillllplilPlllii I i"'n-!iiiXr'''' , :':::::t::?;5:H: :-:.:-:.;-:r:3:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;:;;:;;;.;;:;::; I, - Purchased from and on exhibition at Jhe Alf red-Billinsley Motor Co. v . ."j :Duplay Room, 333 Center Street THIS S687 WHIPPET COACH TO BE GIVEN AS ADDITIONAL AWARD IN :'ZJ3 : ' ,lf' r VhrawawaaaTaaT'Ba'aayit aHSaW