r:7 fHE ORECfON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, 4 THUBSDAV MORNING, MARCH 8, 1928 7 1 j ! t - t i I- t r r .Before yon can believe yon aire reading riht. It's hard to think we could offer such fine ware 4n these large pieces at this price. For week end selling, this Friday and Saturday, we offer you a fine assortment of Brilliant Blue first grade pieces as fol lows: 'I-, IV2 arid IV2 and 2 qt. Mixing Bowls 11 and 12w Wash Pans 5 qt. Sauce Pans , 10 qt. Shallow Dishy Pans 5 qt. Preserve Kettles .Also Campers Cups Plates and deep pie plates in Grey ware. Take any piece while the lot lasts for only 9 cents. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Also remember our special Pennsylvania Tire Sale lasts all week. You can buy a strictly high grade tire at the price of a second. HARDWARE, PAINf S, PLUMBING, MACHINERY 1 New Road Asked Petition waa received by the Marion county court from Tbeata Jory and others asking that a new road be built near Rosedale, in Districts 38 and 44. A first hearing on the petition was held yesterday. Dancing Every Friday Wight Thomas Bros. Band, Domes Pa vilion, McCoy. Taylor Bound Over Fred Taylor, arrested a few weeks ago in connection with the robbery of the George Waters to bacco atorehouse, was yesterday ordered held to the grand jury by Justice of the Peace Brazier Small. Rational 0)x Pointex Hose week. Reduced prices ihlaweek only Shipley's. Three Link Club MeeU The local Three Link club will .fL-jpt meet in the club parlors Friday JT afternoon, "March 9, at 2 p. m. for imJPj , social time, It -was announced last night. An invitation has been v ' extended to all Rebekahs to at tend. ! Men and Woman Alike Appreciate these jar proof watches at Poraeroy & Keene's. Appoint Representative Superintendent Oeorge V. Hug, president of the Northwest Asso ciation of Secondary and Higher Schools which meets In Spokane .April 3, has appointed P. H. Sou len, secretary of that group and high schooL inspector with the University of Idaho, to represent the association at the North Cen tral association of secondary and higher schools In Chicago March, 15 nd 18. B. F. Carlton of Portland, secretary of the state teachers' association, will act aa secretary at the Spokane meeting next month since Mr. Soulen will spend soma time in the east. S300 Do Move in new modem homes f built better all balance of price to be paid exactly. like rent. to choose from. Priced 1900 to $. fireplace, garage, paving hard fireplace, garage, paving, hardj wood ete. Becke tt Hendricks, 189 ,North High street. Want Tax Flgnree - Tax tlgores for the Salem school district for the calendar year 1927 have been requested of Superin tendent George W. Hug from C. C. Chapman of Portland, writing for the committee on bond Issues, tax .limitations and millage taxes. The committee is compiling tax figures for that year. . I We Must Move In order to dispose of our stock at once we are offering the best grade of eastern oil at 81 per gal - Ion, - western oil at 70c per gallon. Special prices on five, ten and flf - teen gallon lots.f Change your oil now while you can get these prices.. We -also Coffer all our equipment for sale or trade. A . ' real bargain for someone who can ' use th,ls equipment. The Grease Do Ctorrespondenoe Work Nineteen teachers of the Salem schools this jax nave done or are idoing correspondence stady, ac-, wording to, figures Just compiled t the superintendent's office. Dnly in a few Instances will this tndr pply on reading . : circle i .credit. Parrish teachers v were most numerous -on .the list, neing selght in number. Three) ware frpmj (the senior high, two from -each ;Eark and Leslie, and one Tram each Englewood. Highland. Grant sad McKlnley.- Twelve desi- sated the , UaiTersltr of Oregon ,1 2 qt. Pudding Pans NEWS BRIEFS and Its extension divisions as fur bishing their courses; two have studies from the Federal Art school at Minneapolis and Univer sity of California at Berkeley; one from the Sherwin Cody school of English, the University of Sou thern California and the Anthe naeum, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Kill Bros. Acclimated Garden Seeds at Pearcy Bros., 178 8 Commercial. Fined SI R W. Wyatt, charged with overtimetnarktng. was fined SI In police cTrart yesterday morning. He resides at 1960 Church street. Couple Marries Hugh H. Coleman, Jr., 24, of Coquille, yesterday took out a li cense to wed Stella E. Stdregaard, 24, of Marshfleid. Want Private Money to Loa Moses Realty Co., 451 Court. Road Vacated The Marion county court yes terday Issued an order vacating a road in the vicinity of Smith's Fruit Farms No. .3. H or ton Held to Grand Jury Chester Horton was yesterday ordered bound over to the grand jury by Justice of the Peace Bra zier Small. He Is charged with having stolen a Ford coupe be longing to Ralph Campbell. The theft 4s alleged to have occurred on February 9 Sat and Fruit Ti Pearcy Bros., 178 S. Commer cial. Visit Schools County School Superintendent Fulkerson visited schools at Pra tnm and Pleasant Point' yesterday forenoon and afternoon, respect ively. ; GAR Memorial Sunday-r- Memorlal services for deceased members of Sedgwick Poet, GAR.' who died In the past year will, bei held in the post room at the arm ory at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. Rev. Thomas Acheson of Jason 7e churrb.. will give the address For Rent Small Homes 42.0 to 835, 952 8. Commercial 1970 S- Cot tags 1 4 87 Fairmount 727 South 12th 22nd and D. 1335 North Capitol 714 North 14th. All seven vacant. Kvery one Is plastered, bath. Becke A Hendricks, 189 North High street. More Measles Noted-- he high water mark so far in the measles epidemic In .Marion county was reached last week when 74 new cases were reported1 to the state department ot haelth. Other diseases reported were one case of diphtheria, five of tuber culosis, two of chicken pox . and one of erysipelas. Invitations Sent Ont W. .A. Eliot, president of Ihe state Audubon society, Trill give an illustrate! lecture on hirds likely to be seen In .this vicinity during- the spring, ai the YMCA Saturday night. Invitations have been sent out by the Salem Bird, club .to all the school children; in the (City, urging them to attend. : Wastted Second Hand Disk .And spring-tooth via trade for fruit or ant trees. Pearcy Bros.. ITS 8. Commercial. Pair Released .. Albert Weston and WlUam Mc Kay, mho "wexejarrested t "vVeod- born some four weeks ago. charg ed with; breaking: into the home ot Mike Marvas of that city and who have been confined in the county jail ever since, were yesterday re leased on their own recognizance. They stated that they were lookinr for some whiskey at the time but were unable to find any, so appro priated some candy Instead. NatJoaal Onyx Point Hose week. Reduced prices this week only Shipley's. Rogers Pays Fine ' L. E. Rogers, 664 South Court street, paid jl $1 fine in police court yesterday charged with overtime parking. Leaves For California W. D.AlorslIne of this city left Tuesday with a carload of regis tered Jersey and Guernsey cattle, which he will market in Vlsalia, California. He win return within two weeks. flOO Down S27 a Month Modern small cottage nice dis trict at 1970 South Cottage. Plas ter and bath, garage, fruit and flowers. Total price 82200. Va cant. Becke & Hendricks, 189 North High street. Dr. Canse In Portland Dr. J. M. Canse. president ot Kimball School of Theology, spent Tuesday and Wednesday In Port land where he was In conference with Methodist leaders of the northwest concerning religions ed ucational matters. He will return to Salem today. Dr. DeKJelne to Speak Dr. William DeKlelne , will speak at the Lions club luncheon tomorrow noon, telling ot the work In the county of the child health demonstration, of which he is the head. John Medler ot Le-; banon, will furnish the magic. ; k .... ; A La Carte Service In Dining room Marlon Hotel. j Prohl Staff Active State prohibition department operatives participated In 77 ar-t rests in the month of February rises Imposed aggregated 19025. 50, with Jail sentences totalling 610 days. The officers destroyed 5199 gallons ot mash, 2375 gallons- of liquor and 14 stills. George Alexander is state .prohi bition commissioner. National Onyx Potntex Hom week. Reduced prices this week only Shipley's. Doaough Visits City Carl Donough of Portland was In Salem Tuesday and expressed his intention of being a candidate for delegate to the national dem ocratic convention, jjonou&a was connected with the corporation department under the Pierce ad-, ministration. He vis now secretary of .the .state democratic central committee. V For fSSOO -Terms A STOOO 'Home, close In on North Church street. Right now wer have some ex ceptional bnys in homes df this class. ATairmount Hill' home that the owner has $9300 in can be boutbt for $7000.00. Becke tc Hendricks. .189 North High atneet. Agrees to Depart Upon his agreement to absent himself from this section of the country In future, frank Hughes ot MCI City was yesterday released by local authorities and charges of assault and battery mot . pressed. Hughes was first arrested about a I year ago on an assault and battery j charge. SuDsequenuy, . wun txnia charge still pending, he Ibecamej Involved In a- charge growing oat (())(! DID) w, n 0 0 SAYS We, have a 1924 Chevrolet Coupe fully equipped. 90 new balloons, and In Al con ditio a m every way, priced at S273.00. B8fe4.n 'The House That Service BuCt' of unlawful possession of deer meat. Possibility of a charge of Il legal killing of a deer also hangs over his head. Authorities have told him, however, that aa long as Hughes remains absent from this section everything will he for given and forgotten. Shrubs Rose Bushes Shade trees. Pearcy Bros., 178 S. Commercial. Will Visit Lodge Tonight Max Page ot this city will pay his official visit to Elks lodge In his jurisdiction when he vslts with the local lodge, B. P. O. E. No. 336, tonight. In July he will go to Miami, Fla.. where he will pre sent a report on conditions In his territory to the grand exalted rul er at the national convention to be held there. Besides his visit at the local lodge, there will be ini tiation and a Johnny Jones feed. Furniture Upholsterer And repairing. Glees-Powers Furniture Co. Estates Appraised Inventory and appraisement was filed in probate here yesterday in the matter of the estates of Caro line Hemming and Jacob Vorhees, The Hemming estate is valued at $1000, that amount being her half of a note. Appraisers are George Bergeon, J. E. Scott and R. K. O til ing. The report filed in the guard ianship of Jacob Vorhees estlmat ed the estate at $1198.07, mostly in bonds and savings. Appraisers are W. F. Norman, C. J. Espy and J. J. Hall. Three to Lecture The principal speaker at the meeting of the Salem Heights community club Friday night will be Ernest Iufer, who will lecture on "Landscaping and Rock Gar dene." Others to speak are Jay Morri3, who will lecture on peren nials, and Mrs. Myron Van Eaton who will discuss the culture of roses. A reading will be given by Mrs. George Wilson and Dorothy Browning will give a piano solo. SPRING VALLEY 1 CLUB TO MEET ON FRIDAY SPRING VALLEY, Mar. 7. (Special) A good program is be ing planned tor the Spring Valley community club meeting Friday evening, March 9. .A cafeteria luncheon will be served in the basement. Everyone is Invited to attend. Mrs. A. E. Stevenson and daugh ter Ruth were Thursday visitors at the home of Mr.. and. Mrs. C. Ei Alderman. A. J. Stratton Is again serious-1 ly 111. -aV his home here. j Mt. and - Mrs. Aaron Thompson and two children, Yvonne and Darrell of Oregon City, and Mls Maude Perkins of West Linn were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Li B. Vers teg. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wilson and family : of Wheatland were Sunday afternoon guest at the Versteeg home. Mr. and Mrs. R. Shubert enter tained with a family dinner Sun day in honor of Mr. Schubert's birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haines and son Floyd of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKenxle and sons Jack and Lloyd of Hebo, Miss Anna Schubert and Edwin Schubert. Gargle Aspirin for Tonsilitis n rtti or aore inroai . A harmless and effective gargle is to dissolve two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" in four tablespoon fuls of water, and gargle throat 'thor oughly. Repeat In two hoars If necessary.- - Be sure you use only the gene Ine Bayer Aspirin, marked with the Bayer Cross, which can be had hi tin boxes at twelve tablets for few-cents.' Sale Rent Repair Expert Mechanics Also repair Adding Machines. Numbering Machines, Check Writers. Phone S40 ,, ATLAS BOOK STORE . 4CS State St. mm n ii FIFTH ANNUAL COUNTY MEET. . TSQ SATURDAY . The fifth annual; Marlon county elder hoys conference will be held In this city next Saturday and Sun day, and more than 125 hoys are expected to attend. The delegates will be entertained at the home of Salem people. , The principal speaker for the conference will be Frank Moran, who is the head of a -school for boys st Rolling Bay, Washington. Other speakers on the program are U. G. Dubach, dean of men at Ore gon State college. ; Roy Hewitt, dean of the law school at Willam ette university; and Ben J. Ktm ber of Dallas, former secretary of Marlon county Y. M. C. A. The conference will be opened by a pep rally at 5:30 o'clock to morrow afternoon; which will be followed by the lecture by Dean Dubach on "How to Choose a Vo cation." - The boys will hold meetings all day Saturday and Sunday morn ing and will assist in conducting services in the various churches in the city. W. U. CO-ED TEAM TO VIE WITH WEBER SPEAKERS A debate 'of interest to local de bate fans will be staged here Mon day night when the Weber college men,1 frem Utah meet the co-ed nteam of Willamette university. This all came about accidentally. The Willamette men's team were scheduled to meet the Weber col-, lege speakers, but later xlt was found that the Utah debaters were using the same question the Wil lamette women adopted this year, so It was decided that they meet the co-ed pair. v The Willamette team will con sist of Evangeline Hall and Mar garet Pro. It will be a no-decision contest. , Due to the fact that the Utah agricultural college 'debate team will not arrive in Salem until ear ly Sunday morning, the men's de bate scheduled for Saturday night will probably be cancelled. The Aggies want to schedule the de bate for Monday night, but that will conflict with the above men tioned contest. RESUME LUMBERING FIRST TRAINLOAD OF LOGS GOES TO PORTLAND ; WOODBURN, Mar. 7. (Spec- RHEUMATISM Cannot Exist in the Human Body It i now Kbftnrd anil -nrrw.. t.rnn . A tuffer rkBiatia pin fron rauiealar, inflftmstorr. ariikiA nnriti IhmK... - - ' . t ...... .rwW Wl . dt form of -rhaumitiam. ' iruni TMiiptoa dost not depreii tha haart nor ruin tha , stomach, and no (Hating Is aaaaaaar? t ma it effactiTs.: Trnik's PntMrinii.. v . ". bnt conbiaaa infradiaBt deatgvad' pmurwr (Hwnuat an 7 aiaa ot rnm m4ism. It U impossible to gat aomataidg battsr. What mors do jrou waatt An idaai ITrfa A nU fklml.nJ T ui siaa aayooai caa oaa with safety and sat-, imkhw: nuouinrwi . aaa,Biisft4 85 jaars. ; Trunk's Prateriptlon is sold bri raliabU drsreiats- arrwhara liks Par-, ry's Drat Stow, lis So. Oawuaarcial St. ; We Manufacture All Kinds of RUBBER ; STAMPS j Make 1 Corporate and Notary; Seals j Prompt Service : i Atlas Bwi ; Btore Phone 340; HQIEfiCE UK Ml DEBATE WOMEN Ami Let Kennell-Ellis Make Your View and Cbmmerclal Pictures, Any Time, Any Place Old Photographs Copied Often ytk want old photograph reproduced, bat fear entrust tut themxDstrasgarB. ....... .- , Our reputation assure the safety end proper cts of your picture, which are wlil -copy.' enlarge, .frame or hand color At a price lowe than the -unknown Agent caa otter. Kennell-Ellio Studio ... J ' 429 Ovecot. X22x. ..T ' lal) The Eastern and Western lumber company, which owns a large tract of standing timber In the southern part of Clackamas county and east of Scotts Mills, has resumed operations in the var ions, camps after having been idle since November. The first train of over 29 carloads of logs left tne camps, over the company s own track for Portland yesterday. Warren Hasklns of this city at tended the funeral services of his half brother, Andrew F. Brown, who died in a Portland hospital last Thursday. He waa nearly 70 fears of age. Interment was at Rock Creek cemetery, in the fam ily burial ground. Rev. and Mrs. Silva of the Free Methodist church departed Mod day for Seattle, where they will attend church meetings now in session. The Clover Growers of Clacka mas county are to have a meeting at the Can by union high school Friday, March 9, at 2 p. m. Coun ty Agent Inskeep and G. R Hyslop of OAC will be the speakers. S. E. PUIS MEET PROBE OF UNDER COVER AGENTS TO BE REQUESTED STf PETERSBURG, . Fla., Mar. 7. (AP) The southeastern states prohibition convention of the Anti-Saloon League went on re cord here today In favor of a con gressional appropriation to obtain evidence in prohibition law viola tions by under cover agents. Acting on a motion ot David Kepburn. superintendent of the Virginia state organization of the league, the convention In open forum expressed its sentiment In favor of the proposition by an unanimous aye vote of the approx imately 100 persons. Including delegates, in attendance. A proposal advanced during discussions on the floor to request higher compensation for federal enforcement officers and govern ment pensions for the families of those killed or Injured In line of duty was referred to-the conven tion resolutions committee which was meeting In executive session, all the time to draft the official pronouncements of the meeting on political and other problems of the drys. TYPEWRITERS L. O. SMITH COBOWA SUlTDSTSJtNI) ASDBSS Ail Makas Vssd Macblnsa THOS. XOZV PhOM 6S1 21 Conn St. v PILES CURED Witkavt oparsttoa or Ism of DK. HAR8H1LL S29 Oracoa Bids. Spring Colds are Dangerous Stop That Cough Now with SCHAEFER'S THROAT and LUNG BALSAM Schaef er's DRUG STORE 135 North Commercial St. . Phone 197 Original Yellow Front Penslar Agency EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Ten Tears Practice in Salem Phone 625 Dr. L. R. Burdette Optometrist 401 Fttet National Dank Bldg. o LISTEN IN I 1 THTJSBDAT AJrTZSJTOOH :00-: KTBft (23S). Coaer. :0O :O0 ki.ll. (8.0). Irir aia Crsat. t:00-10:Oe nL Porthud Early Blrda. t:00-10:00 KTB&. (2). Woman's ax- ebsaya. tiOO lO.OO XXX (STS). Pattia Cooka. t:O0 l0:0O Duncaa Siatera. 10:00-11:80 KOW (493). HoBSao!d flBtilat aatai SNHSiif 10:00-12:00 KOIS (519). Houaswlfs'sl profraot. 10:00-12:00 KIU eourtasj profrans. THUS S DAT Live Wire and kronwTjra 18:OO-:00 KKX. 12:00-1:00 KFEO port and Biilc. 12:00-1:00 KOIN. 13:00-6:00 KXL. 1 :00-l : 15 KOIN'. 1:00 :00 KTBft. Ceaoerts. (214). Weather re- Organ concert. Afternoon nresenta- yann flash. 8mi-claeeicl ainslc. (150). Concerts. News aad hiusie. Concert. (200). Concerts. Topay-Tarry Tines. 1 :00-8:00 KVW 8 .00-4:00 KOIN. 4:G0-5:OO KFEC. 00-8:00 KWBS 15 :00 KOIN. tiona. THT7H.8DAY NIGHT OO:S0 kOW (48). Cooeert. 00-6:80 KEX (278). Annunceiaata. 6:00 7 00 KFEC (214). Concert. 6:00 7:00 KOIN 31). Orcaa concert. ;CO-7:00 KWJJ (250). Dinner con eart. 6:S0-7:00 KTBE. Road reports, -music and fishing news. 6;80 7:00 KEX ! V ... 1 :80-730 KG W. 7:00-7:30 KTBE voltaren s nour. Ooncart. (229). Civics broad - csst. 7 :00 8:00 KEX. 7:00 0:00 KXL. IManer dance concert. Courtesy programs. Staff vocalists. Soprano, Tlolin snl 7:80-8:00 KOW. 8:00-o:S0 KOIN. piano. d:00-8:80 KEX. Studio nrorram. 8:00 9:30 KOW. NBC programs. 8:00-10:00 KWJJ. Courtesy orotTaws. 8:00-10:20 KJBB. Ice hockey descrip tion. 8:00-11:00 KWBS. Studio program. 8:30-10:00 KEX. Esston Kent, tenor. 9:00-9:80 KOIN. Billy's Hawaiian duo. 9:00 12:00 KXL. Mysterious Thirteen. 9:80-10:00 KOW. Conrtesy program. 10:00-11:00 KGW. Dance program. 10:00-12:00 KEX. Dance frolic. 10:80 12. 0OKTBR. Iance music 12 :00-1 :00 KXL. MusU. NBC 8-9, orchestra and rocalists; 9 9:30, orchestra and quartet; 9:30-10, "Moon ktagic;" 1011, dsnce orches tra. KOAC CorraUU (270). 7. reporter; 7:80. farm utility; 8, forum. KMO Taeoma (254). 0-10, varied. TERWILLIGEKS Perfect Fnnerat Service For Lees Urensed Lady Blortldasi 770 Cbemeketa Street Telephone 724 The Heart is lifted and sadness will find here a service that is the reverent essence of human thoughtf ulness and tact. Webb s Funeral Parlors Telephone 120 ELECTRIC- MOTORS Rewound and Repaired, Kevr pr.Used Motors Vlul & TODD Things Electrical 191 Soutlt High Tel. 2112 cor.UNG to The elsinoeie Sunday and Monday The Original Blackbirds LADD & BUSH, Bankers EsUblished 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. n. TRANSF; 8LUU Lfmjr and Short Distance Hanlinz Public and Prirate Storairv Fireproof Building .. GRAIN, FEED and SEED TVee Delivery to any. part of the dty. ' - . . - - ..- i,' " - , - .''. ' "' - . " v ,.. ' " ; " v ' " ' ; ' v ', .--i : .'. t QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION Faianers Warehouse 'PAUL TIlAGLIO.Prop. Day Telephone '23 ; . Night Telephone 1267-Trf EGO Oakland (284). 8, 8:10. tncirt, 8 10. NBC; 10. daaoe aiaale. : KFLA Los Aaela (268). S, T. 8, .iaao; 8:M. S. reheatra; 10, ainsta. I V Angolas (488). , ale quar tet; 7. aymphonette; 8-10. NBC; 10, Soli elaasies. KrOA Seattle (447). 8, 8: SO. orches tra; 7:80. vocal trio; 8-10, NBC. aTPO San Francisco (421). S, 8:80, K ran; 7,, 8-11, NBC; 11, dsaea orchea m. KFRC Saa Francisco (454). 8. 8:30, Ceeilians; 7, oreheerra; 8. music ; S, aoTio elub; 9:45. fly lag Uaaens; 10- 12. dance orchestra. KHJ Los Angeles (400). 8. 8:15, sie; 4:45, bows; 7. daaoa orchestra ; S, symphony quartet; 9, 10, eeacert or choetra and Tecaliste. KJR Seattle (848). S. sports; 8:80. eeacert; 7:80, orchestra-, 8:80, tenor; 10-12, daare orchestra. KTA San PVaaeiseo (881). S, bows; 8:80, 7, S, baud; 8, aaosis; 10, dsnce music. KHQ Spoksne (870). S, concert orches tra; 6:30. oreheetra; 7:80. travaloC; 8 10; NBC; 10-12, dance oreheetra. KOMO Seattle (809). 8:45-8, orehee tra; 8-10. NBC; 10-11:80. asaai. "B.WJ3." Tested BABY CHICKS All popular breeds of baby chicks now on sale at Flake's Petland, 273 State. OH BOY! CHICKEN PIG DINNER at the ARGO Every Thursday Evening FLORAL DESIGNS CUT FLOWERS, PLANTS GOLD FISH, BIRDS C F. BKKITHAUPT Telephone tSO IIS BtaU It. FIVE TORIC reading leases. We la sers your glasses against breakage. Examination too. Thompson-GIutsch Optical Co. liO N. Ooana'l Bt. For Sale 1927 Oldsmobile 6 SEDAN Good Buy Call at Eikers Auto Co. Ferry and Liberty Streets 3 Distinctly Correct FOOTWEAR Expert Shoe Fitters For For Men Women Boys Girls John J. Rottle A 413 State Bt. yTJ m