HIE OKEGOX STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 3, 1928 Si 2b CHURCHES CHURCH OF GOD X. t'hurrh St. J. J. iillspi. pas tor. Ret. Ulj. X. Church. I'hone l!Ortl-J. Service at II a.m., and 7:30 p.m. Sun day school. 10 .m.. James Davis. Supt. Young people's meetinsr, 6:30. Missionary anbject. Miss lora Hanson leader. Prayer meetinjr and the study of the sounding of the four trumpets in the eighth chap ter of Revelation Wednekday evening, at 7:30. Teachers" meeting i'ridav evening, 7:"o. FIEST CHRISTIAN Jligli and Center Sis. 1. J. Howe, pis tor. Res. 7U5 X. Cottage, Phone ' 2 i:iW Services: U a.m.. "The Will of Christ for the World;"' 730 p. m . How May Christ av. the World?'". Mixed quartet ' .Nearer My Ood to Thee" Minshalll. Mrs. Rose Babcock. Mrs. Trista Pqwers, Karl Wenger, Stephen Wolfe. Sunday school, 9:45 am., O. J. Hull. Supt. Sen ior. Intermediate and Junior C. K. So rieties maet at 6:30. A fine training for the young people. Prayer meeting and Bible study Wednesday evening 7:30. Kvanrelistic -meeting begins Sunday, March 18 and continues each evening un til Kaster. K. P. Hurley of Los Ange'es will assist as singer and young people's worker. IdLX. STREET METHODIST 15th and Mill Sts. Patrik lahlin. pas tor. Kes. 305 S. 15th. Services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., Miss E. Erickson, Supt. Young people's meeting. b:30 p.m. The W. K. M. S. will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. A. Stenstrom. 2095 -Trade St. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m. You are all cordially invited to our services. TOED MEMORIAL M. E. Wj Salem. F. I... Caanell. pastor. Res. W ij Cdgewater. Phone 1341 K. Ser vices: 11 a.m., ''The Friendship of Christ"; 7:30 p.m.. "The Drudgery of the Unchristian Life"'. Sunday school at 9:4i, J). V. Sebern, Supt. 'Junior League meets at 11 a.m.. Kpworth and Inter mediate Leagues at p.m. Bible study Thursday evening. 7:30. The pastor will le in charge Sunday morning and evening. fm,V ?- pr'wf ?.' topic, "What IS It ID Juant TV.... .. i- nlef i i, . Allrl," loung Peo ple! Miss Hardman, leader. 7:30. eve- .d H.. . sermon.: "Th. Christian ana nig Aniuemen." tw j- i a?t P"T v Dleel'nR- followed by! choir ... , u invited U these ser vices. - RACING TOWARDS GLAD TIDINGS MISSION 3 43' Court St. C. S. Johnson, pastor. Res. 431 S. Cottage. Services at 3 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school, 2 p.m., W. Remington, Supt. Weekday services on Tuesday,' Thursday and Saturday evenings. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Cor. State and Church. F. C. Taylor, pastor. Res. 636 State. Phone 974. Mar garet K. Sutherland, director religion; education. Phone 87-. Service: 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Topics, "The Riches of Religion" based on ' "The 1 Christ of the Round Table", K. Stanley Jones' latest book, and alio a pre view of the Lenten studies from "The Fellowship of Prayer". In the evening Miss Margaret Palmer, a national secretary of the W. IL M. S., will - speak with the (Jut-en Father societies as special guests. Special music: So!o, "Like as a Father" Scott sung by Miss Aldeane Smith. Anthj-m, "Sanctus" Hiounod). Sundav school, 9:45 a.m.. Mr. JL F. Shanks. Supt. The 38th anniversary f the organisation of the Kpworth League in First Church will be appropriately cele brated by an informal program and rem iniscence meeting beginning at 5 o'clock in the church parlors. Dr. T., H. Matthew-, will give a talk on "How We Did It in the 80V. and others will speak o. the league in other days. S. S. Hoard will n-eet Monday evening at the church at 7:30. Queen Ksther societies will meet l to hear Miss Palmer on Tuesday at 4:30. 'Wednesday at 2:3t the V. H. M. S. will meet in the church parlors. Thursday evening the pastor- will lead the study on "Things Which are Impossible" in their regular mid week prayer and praise ser vice. Junior church will meet in the rliunh unnex at 11. CENTER ST. METHODIST. EPISCOPAL 1.3th and Center Sis. Rev. E. JAsch enhrenuer. t;84 X. Winter St., Phone 680 M. Rev. F. B. Culver, of the First F.vang, Heal , hur h of this city, will virPiirb,fct 11 m on "Ked-mption". Mr. n .Vids:"'1 and Mr. Herman Rehfoss will sing a duet at the morning service. rmon by pastor at 7:45 p ai Sunday -chool at 10 a.m.. Mr. Martin Schreiber. -upt. Th.s is conducted in both Faglish ind Cerman. Fpworlh League devotional service at 7 p.m.. "Adventures in Chris tian Living" will be the topic discussed. The mid week prayer meeting on Wednes day veninE at the home of Mr and Mr. C. ti. Schramm. 1255 Marion St You are welcome to worship with us. KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREGATIONAL 19th and Ferry Sts. H C. Stover, min ister. The church school meets at 10 a.m. C. C. Harris, Supt. Morning wor ship at 11. "A Spring Tonic" will be the morning sermon subject. Music by be junior choir and ma!e quartet. The Christian Endeavor societies meet at 6:45 ,i.m. In the evening service at 7:30 the pastor will speak on "Why I Pray". The vested choir will King "Jesus, Thy Child-1 ren Keep" (Williams). At the ronelu- I ion of the i-ermon Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bradrn will sin? "Sweet II (Irwin). The lades of the Soc-al Cirrie plan a birtbdav luncheon. Wednesday, March 7 at 1 o'clock. All ladies of the church and friends are invited. A busi ness, session follows the lun.heon. JASON LEE MEMORIAL M. E. Corner X. Winter and Je.'ferson Sts.. in I vites Uie public to all of its services nm the coming Lord's day. Public worship! l I a.m., airs, .'aimer. b ranton. rVnn., a nationally known religious worker, will Ke the guet of this church and will speak. Junior church in Wesley iiall. 11 a.m., with Robert Witty incharge. Three chap ters of the Kpworth League at 6:30 p.m. for devotional and praise services. Young people of jun or high, high school and senior ages invited. Open forum for adults in Wesley Hall at :3i p.m. Joseph Barber in charge. At 1 :'Mt p.m. evangel." tic service. Pastor's therje: "The Re ligion of the Jeriro Road". Rousing song service as a prelude to evening service. There will be special music by the choir, and a male quartet: good fellowship at these services. Thsma Acheson, pastor. Kobert Witty, helper. TI BIG FINALS This Will Be a Very Import ant Day in the Great Auto Voting Contest HONOR ROLL TODAY Mrs. Lea Gronke Nina Williams Mrs. II. . Donaldson Zelda Parrish D. B. Boydston (By the j Contest Editor.) Mrs. Leo Gronke leads the whole race today. With but a few hours in which to enter subscriptions in The Ore gon Statesman's great automobile campaign and secure the maxi- FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Center- and Liberty Sts. C-iiarles F. Ward. pastor. Services: 11 a.m.. "Christ's Invitation": 7::t0 p.m., "Fam ily I.ovaltv". This service will include tile picture, "What Kvery Girl Should K now - How to Laugh and How to Pray". Sunday school, 9:45. Mark McAllister, Su.t. " Fortnightly club meeting Monday evening, March 5, at the church. The Fellowship of Pray, Thursday at 7 :0. Missionary meeting March 7 at the nana of Mrs. Luella Cbarlton, M3 Coart St. EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL MISSION 4JO State St. Ralph D. Bullock, pas tor. Res. 460 S. Cottagd St. Phone !):;!(. Services. 2 :30 and 7:45 p.m. Sun day school, 2 ::: p.m. Young people's meeting, 6 p.m. . Week-day services Wed nesday, Thursday and Saturday nights at 7:45. Come and see and hear the old time Apostolic gospel in operation aa in bible day. Lvsngelit Ada Dowe will apeak Sunday afternoon and evening. CHEMEKETA ST. EVANGELICAL Corner ( hemekets and N. 17th. r. E. Frskine. pastor. Res. 'bH X. 17th St. Phone looV. Serviced 11 a.m., " Re-fusim,- (iod Voice"; 7::!0 p.m.. '-The Secret of Happiness". Sunday school 10 a.m., tt. R. Straushaiigh. Sopt. Senior and Intermediate Christian Endeavor so cieties meet simultaneom ly at H.'uO. Mid week prayer service Thursday evening at 7:.'10. K. Kur. leader. Choir practice Wednesday evening at 7:30. CASTLE CHAPEL UNITED BRETHREN Cor. X. 17th aud Xcb. Ave. N . N. Itlodgett. pastor. Res. 1743 Xeb. Ave. Phone 'J 6 2 '.'J. Servi.es: 11 a.m., "The Potters Clay"; 7 SSO p.m.. Evangelistic. Sunday" school. l a.m.,' A. Bradfield, Supt. Young people s meeting. 'C:30. Floyd Ba lev. president. Junior C. E. at 3 fs'clock. Mrs. W. irking, Supt. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Ladies Aid Wednesday. A hearty welcome to all at "The Church With the Open loor''. - AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Tins church will hold regular services In the Presbyterian church, which it has' purchased, this Sunday afternoon. Graded bible school. 3:15 p.m. Preaching cr v'ce at 4 p.m. ( onfimation class at X Rev. Luther B. Deck will preach on "Saul Value". The chnrrli boaid will meet at the home of A. F. Hon yer. 825 X. '22nd St. at X p.m. Cordial welcome to all. P. W. Kricksen, pastor. TREE METHODIST Corner of Market and X. Winter Sts. Bishop Criff'ith of Los Angeles-will speak both morning and evening. The - public will be cordially welcomed. Come early. Sunday school. 0:45. Preachiag at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Y. P. M. S. meet at i::so with Emory (ioode in cbarge. Prayer meetings as fol'ows: Wednes day evening. '1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Caroline Jackson, 14tKl X. Winter St.. This' meeting is especially for women. Tharsday evening at 7:30 at the chnrch. CSIass meetings 1. 2 and 3 will be held as aaniunced from the pulpit. Bible study crass meets at the parsonage Saturday evenings at 7:30. W. X. Coffee, pastor. FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH This charrh will bold services in their kail, "l-Yaternal Tempi", 447 Center St. this Sunday evening, March 4. at 7:30 o'clock. The Kev. LoueUa M. I-aYsHey of Portland wil give an address on "Spirit. fWul and Body". Messages, trance work, special music. The public cordially in vited. v- - - - CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE TABERNACLE boj rerry St. Sundav school at 9:45, Walter W. Wells. Supt. 'Good classes and eachers for all ages. Morning worship it 11 o'clock. The message will be giv n by Supt. Dr. W. W. Newberry of the Pacific Xorthwest district. The annual -nissionary convention is still jn progress, and there will be aa afternoon meeting at I o'clock and the regular eveqing ser vice at 7:30, both of which will be given over to inspirational reports and mes sages from some of the returned mission aries. At the regular Sunday afternoon meeting at1 Hollywood at 3 o'clock the nessage will be given by a missionary. This meeting will be held in the Styles Building at' tiie junction of Capitol St. and Fairgrounds Rd. Everyone is invited to attend these Sunday services .and bear what Cod is doing in the foreign fields. i. V. Minton. pastor. 270 X. 13th St. Phone 2689-J. LESLIE MEMORIAL CHURCH 8. Comercial and Myers Sts. S. Dar low Johnson, pastor. Res. 348 E. Myers St., Phone 27H4. 11 a.m.. sermon,-"How to Be Happy", anthem "Guide Me, O l'hou -Great Jehovah". (Monegtel), solo, "Reside Still Waters" (Hamblen), by John M. Kelly of St. Helens student of of J. William Belcher. 7:30 p.m., stere opticon pictures and address "Building the House of God". A sextet of women's voices will sing Barri's "The Good Shep herd". Church school at 9:45. Ivan Cor ner. Supt. Junior league at 11 a.m. FiancU Asbury Kpworth League and In termediate League at 6:H0. Mid-week service Thursday evening, 7:30, with discussion of tha references for the week aa foaasl ia TV Fellowship of -Frayer". Sextet praetieo at ff:45 and choir at 8:30 Thursday evening. J. William .Belcher of Portland, director. General congregation meeting Friday evening at 7:30. We nrge all our people to practice daily meditation and prayer during the Lenten period, us inir the topics suggested in "The Fel lowship of Prayer for 1928". Reserve the datea April 1 to 8 for special Holy Week services. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Church St. between Chemeketa and Center. R"v. X. K. Tully. I.D.. pastor. Sunday school 9:30 a.m., with classes for all ages: followed by public worship at 10:15 a.m. Sermon. "Tiie Stewardship of Time". Young people's societies at :30 p.m. Evening worship 7:30 o'clock. Ser mon. "The Anger of Jesus". Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p.m. The public is cordially invited to these services. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Liberty and Marion Sts. Robert L. Payne, preacher; Fred Boer, Sunday school Supt.; Mias Minette Magers, di rector of music; Mrs. W. F. Foster, or ganist. Sunday school 9:45. Morning preacting service 11 o'clock, topic "Win dows Opened Toward Heaven". Toong People's meeting 6:30. Evening preach ing service 7:30. topic "Show Thyself Man". Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning 7:30. UNITARIAN CHURCH .Cottage and Chemeketa Sts. Rev. Mar tin F. Fcrrey. minister. Church school at 10 a m. Graded instruction. Class for adults and those of high school age. De votional services at 11 a.m., subject of the sermon. "Baptim and the Psychology of Conversion". This if fifth of a series of sermons dealing with the formulation y( Christian experience and development of the church. Mrs. Martin Ferrey wil of .'er a contralto solo. Mrs. W. A. Denton st the organ. EVANGELISTIC FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 1 3th and Ferry streets, fl. Hanson. ?atr. Phone 212IR. Sunday morn ing devotional service 10:30 a. m. Evan ;elistie erv:ces at 3 p. m., and 7:45 p. m. as usual. Sunday school at I :45 p. m., Koy C. Fergnson, Supt. Our Monday school has the best of teachers, and class es for everj one. The Sharon Scouts (junior young people) will meet for their regular " Rainhow Bible study course, Thursday evening at 7 o'clock... Snnday school teachers and officers meet , Fri day evening at 7. to- discuss special Sun day school problems. The Ambassadors for Christ (yonng people society; win hold their service Saturday evening at 7:45. Meetings during the coming week on Tuesday. Tharsday and . saturoay nights only, at 7:45. We are cxpoctmg Evanpelitt Russell P. Botbgeb, woo re cently held a campaign in tha tabor- naclo to be with us Tuesday evening. FIRST GERMAN BAPTIST CHURCH , Corner X, Cottage and li Su. O. W. Rutsch, paster. Sunday school. 9:45 a m., Services, II a.m., topic "Christ the Only Door to Salvation". Coma union service following. - M. Y. P. V. bible study on "Life of Christ" at 7:30 p.m. Regular and mid-week service 8 p.m. Wednesday. Come with us and we w.ll do ,ihie good. BETHANY REFORMED CHURCH Corner Capitol and Marion Sts. Snnday School 10 a.m. and German service, at 11. M. Denny, minister. f ST. PAUL'S CHURCH (Episcopal . ' Church St. at Chemeketa. Rev. H. Duncan Chambers, rector. Second Sun day In Leot. Holy Eucharist at 7:30, a.m. in tha chapel. Church school at 9 :45 a.m. in the parish house. Second Celebration . . i- - -; . t a f 11 Am with sermnn . af tne hmw - : r .-- snnw music. Short evening services with discussion at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hosM The estra Lenten services are on i" Wednesdays at :30 p an- ? : P i FIRST EVANGELICAL CHURCH Cter and Libert, 8 ta. - F. B. -Culver. 1 castor. Sunday achool BeeU. at :45 Vrt . Thomtoaf. Supt. ; At 11 o'clock ... K. 3. Aschenbrenner. Ptr of tho Tiotral Methodist rhurch- will apeak. His subject will bo "Unity lay Christen ' " Evangelical League of Christian i vawevsr- meets at Savillo.Fheipa. rHno H ckli. leader. a tba Jvoiing at 7:30 tho pastor will apeak ost - Conv!elio., ' Pryr BaeetiBj Thursday :AMo."",'.'' ' --; ' SOUTH SALS3C niZKB CHORCH . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE , . , First church, .corner of Libert and CSeasokota street s .. Sunday movoing services at II. Sunday evening services at 8. Subject of lesson sersnoB. "Man." Wednesday evening, testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Sunday school .sessions convent at 9:45 and 11 a. m. Reading room at 406 Masonic Temple, open dily from II to 5:30, except Sundays., and holidays. - - PROF HAS ANNIVERSARY A. R. Sweetser of .Univrrsitv of.. urrson ueieDratrs .5; EUGENE. Ore.. Mar. 2. (AP) When Professor A. R. Sweetser, head of the plant biology depart ment of the University of Oregon, and ..Mrs. Sweetser celebrated their ninth wedding- anniversary Wednesday; they received congrat ulations from friends for having been married 40 years. - - Professor ' and "Mrs." . Sweetser wero" married in- CenteTViUe, Mass.. February 29, 1888. Since then they hare bad a wedding an niversary only every four -"years. At one ..time they waited eight years for an anniversary, as 1900 was not a leap ear. , , rrrmifimrkv. U 1! yio-e: MY JESUS AS THOU WILT Benjamin Schmolke, 1672-1737 "My Jesus, as Thou wilt ! Oh, may Thy will be mine! ' Into Thy hand of love I would my all resigji; Through sorrow, or through joy, And help me still to say My Lord, Thy will be done." Miss Anne Simpson of the Marion county health unit. W. W. Fox, rural school supervisor. A general assembly will be held in the after- easps and other illnesses. 55: Sarah Halvorsen children readmitted to school fol-. c.lyU UCm"n lowing treatment or correction, 3S8; water samples for laboratory noon, with addresses by promin-lexamination. 4; cultares taken for f V ' .4i? A young man posing as a tilt football star is sent to prison oa Airs. Ia'o Gronke, leader in The Statesman's Auto Contest today. This yonng lady has a host of friends in and around Salem who wish her success and admire her for her systematic efforts In get ting subscriptions. She is to be congratulated on her success thus far. mum rotes allowed in this period, and with but a few days until the special Whippet prize period comes to an end, candidates in The Statesman's auto contest are straining every nerve in a final effort for supremacy as the end looms in sight. The beautiful automobiles, fully equipped and ready to take a de lightful epin, stand waiting for the owners. If they could talk, those big cars would undoubtedly say. "Look at me; am I not a mighty fine and costly prize, well worth every effort It takes to win me?" A big $1343.00 Oakland Sedan is truly a wonderful prize for a few weeks of hard work and a splendid Whippet Coach worth $687.00. and when it is taken into consideration that all the prizes to be awarded are over $6,000.00, it Is not strange that the live ones are speeding up their pace and preparing with feverish interest for the best remaining opportuni ty of piling up the winning votes. The Rig Votes Count Any candidate can win the mammoth prize with a little real effort, as close as the race now stands. In fact, each candidate's success or failure gold or glory, the congratulations and commen dations of all Oregon, and the best cars in America everything de pends upon what each candidate can accomplish in these next few days. Every day every hour in the short time that remains should be utilized to the fullest possible ex tent by the earnest hustlers who really want to take advantage of what may prove one of the great est events in their lives. It's "do or die" in the next few hours in the bfg vote period which ends at 10 o'clock tomorrow night. After this the vote schedule is very much reduced. Watch them go in the few hours that are left. It will be interest ing, indeed, to see which candi date will be able to get to the top and stay there. The wide-awake candidate can, in this big vote period, pile up guch an enormous amount of votes that it cannot be overcome. e Over-confidence is a great hand icap under which a candidate can work. This unwelcome handicap causes more regrets than anything else in a campaign or this kind. The only way to be sure of win ning is to spend every minute se curing subscriptions. - (Perseverance is tbe only win ning quality. .See. what there Is at the top of the ladder of success for the plucky ones luxurious motor cars, worth respectively $1343.00, $970.00. $681.00, and 9500.00, electric washing ma chines, diamond ring, cash prizes. These prizes will make their own ers proud. No. luxury., compares with the delight of a really fine and costly automobile, and these dandy cars that will be given away stand out with radiant splendor. Some Active One Zelda Parrish is making a won derful effort, and judging by ber activities and consistent work she is llkelv-te be one of tne serious contenders in the grand finals. Nina Williams is stepping fast every day and she is some go-get-terwben she speeds up. Beula'h Witxell knows how to get them, too. Gladys McDonald is to be con gratulated on her ability in get ting subscriptions, but she is not as consistent as she might be , Mm. George Tucker took a trip to the country today. She has not told us what her success was. but we know from'v past - experience that Jjbeil she goes after tjiem she brlnH home the bacon. Carol Smith came to see us yes terday to get 0 me ammunition, and we expect to hear from Carol tomorrow. -.D.-B. Boydston is hard -at it and is leaving no stone unturned to win the prise of his choice. Thelma Hansen Is a good work er with a pleasant manner and is From the heart of a pious Ger man minister came this famous hymn, which breathes the spirit of resignation which is bred in those who have suffered much Schmolke was a Lutheran pastor in Silesia. Germany, where for some years he was a popular writ er of hymns. He was considered a leading meipber of the Pietist movement which swept over his native land in the hundred years from 1630 to 1750. In 1730 he was paralysed and partly lost his sight A little later bis home was destroyed in a fire and all jais property burned. This was followed by the death of his wife anjd then, one by one. his children' passed on. leaving the man homeless and with but few friends. It is in these dire straights that he must have turned to his most famous hymn and repeated the words "My Jesus, as Thou wilt"! to himself. The hymn was written in 1704. sometime before this period of suffering in his life, contrary to the beliefs of some, who attribute it to the period af ter his tribulations. After the year 1650, religion sank to a low level in Germany and Lutheranisnl, it is said, sank from a living conviction into a dead dogma. In the first part or and Bible texts and sacred hymns were made the frequent subjects of jests and laughter. vIu opposi tion to this condition, there arose the Pietists, so-called because of their beliefs. Schmolke associat ed himself with this group which led a mild revival in Germany in those perilous years. He was the son of a poor Sile sian minister who was unable to rive his son an education. Cer tain benevolent persons in his dis-!Pnon-v' primary pupils; chorus trict provided him with means and:b,rd and fourth grade pupils; se he studied for the ministry. Lat- l!f'on,s, Jrom u operetta. "Sailor er he "became his father's assis- '"'tu LU""' g . ' ,U.DS' a,a tant. in the year 1694. and after , irtment of WiHamette university: address. Harold S. Tuttle. sc-honl ent educators and a musical pro gram. 1 ? I The complete program: 10:00 singing andl announcements audi: torium; 1;15, Departments Primary, rojjoni 122, Nellie Muir, chairman, demonstration "Primary Reading," Eleanor Conant; Inter mediate, room 120, W. W. Fox. chairman, jlemonstration. "Long division," jMargaret Davenport; Advanced, ioom 118, Harold As pinwall. incharge, "Health Pro jects," Myrile Clark; high school, room 108, Ray Wolf, chairman, "An Experiment in Teaching Lit erature." Helen Andrews; audi torium: business meeting" Marion county principals' association. 11:10, Departments Primary, demonstrations, "Devices in Third Grade Arithmetic." Ruth Holt; in termediate, "Sources of Oregon History." Hary Stollard; advanced "Eighth Grade Examinations," Marly L. Fulkerson; higtr school. "Ex t r a Curricular Activities." Maud Mochel; auditorium. "Her alds of Health Program Commit tee," Anne Simpson. Afternoon:- 1:15 general as sembly, auditorium; selection by nign school orchestra; Toy Sym- contact with diphtheria or where it was suspected. 7; nurses made 217 visits to homes of school children and 4 for bedside care of school teachers. Medical and dental service ren dered by the unit included 27 ex aminations of school pupils. The health education service depart ments made 13. classroom visits for demonstration and supervision of health education, and conducted 4 teachers' meetings - during the month. Forthy hours wre spent by the some years in this work, secured his own parish, at Schweidnitz. The hymn was translated by Miss Jane Bothwick, who. with her sister compiled a remarkable work "Hymns from the Land of Luther" which gave to the English speaking peoples some of the fin est of the old Old German hymns. The hymn is most frequently sung to the tune "Jewett," which was arranged by Joseph Holbrook from a selection by Carl Maria Von Weber, one of the most fa mous of German writers of music. The tune was taken from Weber's overture to his opera "Der Frei- schutz." The adaptation has prob ably become more famous than the this hymn is lli 18th rntnrv. it IS said. : DOi"' &"". "cv.uoc satire in Germany could be witty sung and loved by Christians in except at the expense of the Bible' every land. Mrs. H. E. Donaldson is getting better all the time and her ability as a subscription getter is about 600 per cent better than when she first started. Mrs. Hoogerhyde is a gOod worker and is developing a lot of salesmanship talent and if she could make herself believe that she could get 5 year subscriptions instead of 50 cent ones it is doubt ful if a candidate could compare with her in this contest. PLAY TO BE GIN MRKRTY YOr.NG FOLK TO APPEAR AT TURNER j Portland will hold three services at the M. E. church Sunday. INSTITUTE PLANNED MARION' COUNTY TEACHERS TO MEET AT WOODBURN TURNER, Max. 2. (Special) The public is cordially invited to J an entertainment given baturaay. Mar. 3. at 8 p. m., in the Turner high school auditorium. A group of young people from the Liberty Sunday school will present a 3 act comedy, "Leave it to Judkins." Special numbers will also be furn ished. Ball Bros. new commodious saraee is nearing completion. Charles Standley. Sr., is tho I new school janitor, Mr. Burge! having resigned. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thomason pent the week in Portland. They are perfecting plans for their new house, to be built soon. Professor John Watson took his i basketball team to Newport Sat urday. The game with Newport j high ended 23 to 20 in Turner s favor. Mrs. Gayette Barnett. teacher of j mm the Cloverdale school, gave a 1 school program, and "pie social" Saturday evening. The house was crowded and a pleasant evening was spent. Mrs. R. M. Kiser, teacher at the bovs' trainine 6chool. and her daughters. Misses Phebe and Car ol, were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bear. The M. E. Aid society will hold a silver tea at the home of Mrs. C. A. Bear Friday afternoon. Friends are invited. Mrs. Ada Mathias is ill at her home. A bunch of Bible students from The second local teachers insti tute for Marlon county teachers will be held at Woodburn, Satur day, March 10, beginning at 10:00 o'clock in the morning. Program for the institute, copies of which were sent out yesterday from the office of County Super intendent Fulkerson departmental work in the morning, in charge of teachers from the Woodburn and other schools, Mrs. Fulkerson, Rowles of education, University of Ore gon. CHILDREN XMN deputy health officer for diagnosis of communicable disease. health department also gave 4 vaccinations and 19 diphtheria immunizations during January. Mrs. C. Hocferbyda Joseph Johnson Mrs. K. Klawsoa Edgar Kirg j Kenneth Levis Cecilia Litton Mrs. Culn I.org; (iladys Maolona!d l"cfty Mr!nwell Hazel McMorris Mrs. Henrietta Martindala Mrs. .lames Moormi.a Lane Morley Robert Sewbnrrh Mrs. Orvjlle Oglesby Ha-el. Ptr Fldon Slavens Carol Smith Ted Snyder Jvthel Htsrkev Mrs. Geo. Tucker (leorlfe Vedney Maxwell White Mrv Mildred Wiegant Roje J. Wilkes XV. Q. Wilson J ... vc T. Wilua T h e; Beaiah Witiel Chester Lavern Wilts Mae Young OREGON STATESMAN AUTO CONTEST List of Candidates Re ceived. Noon. Friday March 2 Tha lilt of nouTnstions includes those names received up to noon Kriday. The votes as shown Jo not neressari'y in ilude all votes earned, as subscriptions tie snbject to varif iration. Diitri. t No. 1. Cut ol Saless r The monthly report of service of the child health demonstration to Salem school children was re ceived at the office of the city su perintendent yesterday and show ed 663 children were given special inspection at the request of teach ers, children or parents. Nurses of the county health unit made a total of 81 visits to the schools during the month, the re port shows. Other work of the nursing department was: children included in classroo-m inspection for communicble diseases, 25; con ferences with teachers, 187; child en excluded for communicable dis- Owinn Barham (ieo. B. Causey Charles C'!:i!fsett i Neva B. Co!y Mrs. H. E. Jonaldson l Tom Down Dorothv Kastrulfie f Mrs. fcllio't I Kalph Kvre Kd.th l':J!ay ClareniU Mrs. Lee (jronk Kva Goff liernie l.odsey Idissell Gentry Kldora Gardner 1 Bertha Ilalseth 1.1 14.4f0 4OB.20C 8(14.800 1.068. 329 i0 1.800 l.c-jH.aoo C4H SlIO 1.1 16.900 :u4.oc3 t:5 1 .CC i r. 1.500 4J7.800 -14.000 47 7.'-'00 157.000 6tt,t00 7oe TI2.400 1.106,300 706.800 912, 100 Ssl.ovt 137.20C1 , 241.(X J.053.00 soa.fiot 1.106,80 1.1W.20C 490.000 l,07f,00 6!.400f 1.10S.9OC 1 S4.00r 91 4,6W 1.116.400) 1.105.20C1 0Ct.40t 1,121. ROC 51.20 314.M 1.103.80C 1.062,2004 I 57.0IK 1.107,Ki 1.106.40OS SC.SOOf l.U8,60Or Pistnot Xo. Ruth Atifdcrhelda ..:.:. Baii'io Margaret Bernadint Doris Barnett Olaf Rlisseth Mrs. Dora Boltnn D. B. Boydston Bsrnev Cannb'l Mrs. L. H. Cobb Robert' Cac-ell Vsa Ceqnillett. Mav Pnuslierty kir. Downing Thelma Haupen .lohn Haua-en B. L. Holland Mrs. J. II. .lobiiston Marian Judd Mrs. O. Kelly Franris l.o'ett Floyde MrCM Delores MrKinnon W. W: l'cwe'l Zelda Parrish John W. Scott Mabel M. Straw Julm Ptmti Nina Williams 2 (Ootsid City of Falem) a 127,60C 4,;i.sik 1.049.4331 1. 107,000 64? 6002 241.SOOJ 1.103.20OJ -02.S001 1.104.6001 8 14,00 j 50.000C !V0.000 ; 4 600? 1,114.800' 998. BOO 1.108,200 J 1. 109.600 4 - 61O.8O0U 5U.00W J iO.OOO 71 inn ' 1,060,600 f !, 4 58.200 "( 11,108,000 J . fi in nan ' 50000 I 50,000 I 1,062,000 ' I V-4fftW fa.aT.at ItsTHftrsnkS A ,.! V7tv VkUWtn .MaaHA I BMi Ui la Ka4 sad t14 t t iAnta aai PUialaKaa'awi metal Ue bom. sasM tta Btaa RIMaa. Tiasasataas Umw i ft HULVD P1L1JS. 44Vr-" Don't let your sldn torture or embar rass you another day ! Lasting relief is yours if you will use the remedy that works two ways at once. The sulphur in Rowles Mentho Sulphur clears the skin, while the menthol heals the sore, red and broken tissue. All itching stops instantly on application! Soon the trouble is cleared no and your skin is in a fine, healthy sHate. This is the combination you have been look ing for. Rowles Mentho Sulphur is inexpensive and all druggists supply it in jars ready to use Be sure it's Methodists, Get Ready! For a Fruitful Easter Tide. Join the Fellowship of Prayer, using outlines provided. Attend Sunday and mid week services. Bring another with you. STUDY. PRAY. WORK. WORSHIP., You will find a cordial welcome and a warm gospeI: message at all of our churches. . Central Methodist Church E. J. Aschenbrenner, Pastor First Methodist Church F. C. Taylor, Pastor Ford Memorial Church F. L. Cannell, Pastor Jason Iee Memorial Church Thomas Acheson, Pastor fiCttlie Memorial Church 8. Darlow Johnson, Pastor Mill St. Methodist Church Patrick Dahlin, Pastor i 1 J i V 'I. 0 I (Slant IPaoti IToon en TTdDnm? A cold is a aerioua germ attack, highly contagious. Don't neglect it for an hour. Nobody knows where a cold may lead. t Four things should be done for a cold and at once. Break the cold, check the fever, open tbe boweJa, tone the sys tem. lIILL'SCaara-Bi-dTnideQuinirie tablets do all this in 24 hours end the cold in one day. HILL'S means safety as millions know. Opens Checks the Bowels the fever' r Tones Stops f - theCoIoVjrU- -W : niiio i . ss KaU.'S tai y si hm What is milk? What is Molken? What is albumen? What is free milk sugar? What is "green curd" cheese? What is, cured cheese? What is MOLKEN CHEESE? Why are some cheeses constipating? What is casein? What is butterf at? collar buttons, door Constipation? Gout? From what part of milk do we make Glue, knobs and billiard balls? What is intestinal gas? Auto-intoxication? Rheumatism? What did Christian, famous medical authority, say about milk sugar controlling the putrefaction. of food in the intestines? What did Metchhikoff Director of the Pasteur Institute, and author of ''The Prolongation of Life" say the most important factor in add ing many years to the ordinary human life? What part of the body is called "the seat of disease? Why are the native Swiss cheesemakers noted for their complex ion? Why did Anna Held bathe in milk? In what way does the Willamette Valley compare with parts of Switzerland? Why is milk in the Salem district ideal for the manu facture of Molken? - ... . .... . - : Molken and Molken Cheese will be placed on the market in Sa lem within a few days. Watch for the announcement. ,. .. . ...... .. , , '..! - t-.- v . . ..,. aw. (Sole manufacturer of Schmid's Swiss Molken and Molken Cheese) 310 So. Winter St. Salem, Oregon s1. t ' .;0-;' t In ' S.t ft H. Commercial au , " ' T; -s3h.a. C Hawortl por. W J5 8- a charge of" rorgry.'TlseT -ant ttirr-witnv.rwirt4riie neees