The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 22, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    , Salem Citizen, Becomes Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, Most Poiverful Committee of Congress
"The City Dump Is Dead! Long Live the Incinerator!" Not Quite Yet, But the Site Is Purchased and the Work Will Start Soon
Weather forecast: Generally -cloudy,
probably with rains in west portion; mod
erate temperature; moderate west winds
becoming variable. Maximum tempera
ture yesterday 53, minimum 36, rirer 1.5,
rainfall .07, atmosphere part cloudy, wind
"Fifteen Salem TMCA boys enjoyed
snow sports here by moonlight tonight,"
says dispatch from Swim to Portland
paper. Our North Santiam correspondent
is glad the boys enjoyed themselves, but
says it was dark of the moon there. Par
tiality somewhere.
I III IIIIWiiiiiw was
Will Be Chairman of Ways
and Means Committee
of House, Assured
Appointment Will Be Delayed
S cial Days But AH Agree
Oregon Solon Only Logical
Clio ice For Office
Congressman W. C. Hawles's
legion of friends in Salem,", his
liojif city, were high1 elated
'i u. -('.ay on receipt of word that
he is slated for one of the biggest
offices In the United States con
gress, that of chairman of the
ways and means committee of the
house of representatives.
Some of them have already sent
their congratulations, but most
are waiting for the congressman's
actual appointment to thU post,
which it Is conceded in Washing
ton he will receive without any
Green to Resign
The appointment, when it is
announced in a few days, will be
the result of the appointment of
William R. Green of Iowa, who
has held this office since 1923.
by President Coolidge to fill a
vacancy on the United States
court of claims which sits in
Washington. Representative
Green will resign his seat in con
gress as soon as his nomination
for the new office is approved by
the senate,, which, is expected to
be within a few days.
Congressman Hawley is entitled
to the chairmanship on a basis
of priority, as he has been the
ranking member of the commit
tee during all of the time that
Green was chairman.
Hawley Well ..Fitted
This does not necessarily insure
his appointment, but it to the
usual procedure and it Is recog
nized at Washington that Con-
"pressman Hawley is eminently
fitted for the position. In addi
tion. Speaker Longworth and Rep
resentative Tilson have Indicated
that the Oregon representative
would succeed - Mr. Green to this
Mr. Hawley began his service
in congress on March 4, 1907, and
ha served continuously ever
since. Only three republican
members of the house surpass
him in point of continuous serv
ice. He has been a member of
the house four years longer than
Representative Green, the retir
ing chairman, but the chairman
ship of ways and means went to
Green in 19 23 because he had
been a member of 'that commit
tee longer than the Oregonlan.
Dozens of senators and repre-
(Ton tinned on pmge 2)
Forced Down SOO Miles Short of
Goal When Fuel Gives Out;
Machine Damaged
TITTSV1LK, Fla.. Feb. 21.
(AIM. Harry Brooks, flying a
Ford "flivver" plane from 'De
troit to Miami, on an attempted
non-stOD flight, was forced down
here tonight by lack of fuel. Ti
tusville is 200 miles north of Mi
ami. i
A blade of the plane' propel
er was broken in the landing, but
the plane was otherwise undam-
aced and Brooks was unscathed
The landing was made shortly
after 8 o'clock
The little monoplane had cov -
ered anoroximatelv 1000 miles
on the 52 gallons of gasoline with
which it left Detroit. All of the
fuel was carried in the regular
tanks and there was no reserve
Expressing disappointment at
his failure to reach his goal.
Brooks added: "I set a record
anyhow, of course we will try
It a sain and we will make it.
'The hardest part of my trip
was getting up over the moun
tains in the high altitude," he
declared. 1
After seeing to the safety of his
plane, the pilot Immediately went
to bed at a local hotel, tired from
his long aerial journey.
DETROIT. Mich.. Feb. 21
fAP) In flying to Titusvllle,
-"Fla.. from Detroit, an airline dis-
tance of approximately 1000 miles
in his Ford plane. Pilot Harry
Brooks Is believed br officials of
r - the National Aeronautic assocla-
tion.i under whose supervision the
flight waa undertaken, to nave
U. broken the world's non-stop re-1
t cord for planes of 40 horsepower
I1: or less.
' " The previous record of 871
'-miles waa held by Max Knlpplnc.
r French aviator who piloted a plan n
& from the Le Bourget field, near
I Paris, to Koenigsberg, Germany
fOet. 59. MIT.
s, Brooks -charted a coarse con
slderably ou pt the regular route
between Here ana Miami, ma oes-
tination; and officials estimated
r" (OontloM pr i)
Same Sentence Already Imposed
Upon FiTe of Those Who Led
Cal.. Feb. 21. (AP) All six con
victs accused of being leaders in
the bloody Thanksgiving day riots
at Folsom prison were found guil
ty of first degree murder by the
Jury today. The Jury, however.
recommended life imprisonment
for all six.
The six convJcts.are: Anthony
Brown, San Francisco serving a
life term for robbery; Albert M.
Stewart, Los Angeles, sentenced
in effect for life for forgery and
burglary; Waiter E. Burke, Sac
ramento, serving life for robbery;
James H. Gregg, Fresno, murderer
serving life term; Eugene Crosby,
Alameda, serving life term for rob
bery; Roy E. Stokes. Lbs Angeles,
serving term for burglary.
Five of the six are already un
dergoing life terms.
The Folsom prison riot of
Thanksgiving day, 1927, was the
biggest and most exciting prison
uprising in the history of Califor
nia institutions. More than 1200
convicts were involved and before
order was restored 14 guards, dep
uty sh'eriffs and convicts had lost
their , lives and about 1,000 na
tional guardsmen and special po
lice had been summoned to quell
the disturbance.
Leaders of the uprising launch
ed their first move, which was de
signed to be from a wholesale de
livery, while more than half the
prison's population was assembled
in the. library for a motion picture
Supervision of Electon In N icara
gua Asked of U. S.
MANAGUA. Feb. 21. (AP)
General Jose Moncada in a for
mal statement accepting the pres
idential nomination of the liberal
party today strongly approved
American supervision in the Nic-
araguan election next October.
General Moncada. said "for the
liberal party there is only one
open window, one distant lights
namely, electoral freedom for
192 gnaranttSBd-by thVWasning-
ton government.
"It la said in some quarters that
the Monroe doctrine 1 unneces
sary. Nevertheless, it is easy to
remember that the pearl of the
Antilles was born not long ago an
ndependent nation, thanks to this
name doctrine. It can be remem
bered too. that because of it,
Porto Rico has been reborn and
enjoys a now free and prosperous
"Central American nations do
not have the power to oppose the
United , States, but furthermore
the United States le still the bul
wark of our independence."
Burglar Accidentally Touches off
Musical Program
BUTLER". Pa.. Feb. 21. (AP).
The radio may now be classed
a burglar alarm. A burglar
entered the home of L. F. Shaff-
ner here, while the family. was
asleep, and while exploring for
valuables accidentally bumped in
to the radio set. The radio went
into action and toud strains of
music aWoke Shaffner, who was
attacked by the man when he
went to investigate. Other mem
bers of the family summoned po
lice, who subdued and arrested
the nocturnal prowler. He faces
charges of aggravated assault and
battery, robbery and breaking and
Her Father Drove Wagons For
Revolutionists at -12 Years
21. (AP). A real daughter of
law. AMA.l.An twvl. Inn w(1T Afit.
ii , . . 7,,
ebrate Washington s birthday In
this city tomorrow. She is Mrs.
Jane Squire Dean, who will be 97
years old on July 4. She is a
daughter of Jonathan Squire of
Fairfield. Conn., who at 12 years
of age drove wagons for the rag
ged continentals. Her uncles,
grandfather and great grandfath
ers fought for the independence
of America. I
Team From Thin State Receives
Rousing Reception In Soutb.
WACO, Tex.. Feb. 21 (AP)
Tha rtreron State Agricultural
college debating team last night
won an audience decision over the
forensic representatives of Baylor
nnlversity. Waco gave the visit
ing collegians a rousing recep
tion. - V . ' -
The Aggies, headed by John R.
West,. beratoday for . New
Orleans. ' , ' " : ' 'f --p
Committee of Hone Haa: Long
SeMlon For Diacmsalou
Closing Its doors to the public, the
house naval committee aat : for
three hours today discussing what
should -be done with President
Coolidge : proposal: .to construe
17 new warships at a cost of ap
proximately 74D,000.' .
Jury Shadowing During Tea
pot Dome Oil Trial Pun
ished By Court
Criminal Contempt Proceedings
Culminate Successfully Against
Harry Sinclair, W. J. Burns
and H. M. Day
(AP) Jail sentences were meted
out today to Harry F. Sinclair,
wealthy oil operator and sports
man, W. J. Burns, widely known
detective, and Henry Mason Day
of New York, for their part in the
shadowing last fall of the Fall
Sinclair oil -trial jury. W. Sher
man Burns, the other defendant,
was let off with a fine.
After a criminal contempt hear
ing that continued for weeks. Jus
tice Siddons sentenced Sinclair
to serve six months in the District
of Columbia jail. He already was
under sentence to spend three
months there because of his re
fusal to testify in the senate Tea
pot Dome inquiry.
Justice Siddons levied a four
month jail sentence on Day who
is a confidential business asso
ciate of Sinclair. As such he
hired Burns detectives to shadow
the jury which was to determine
the fate of Sinclair and Albert B.
Fall on charges of defrauding the
government in connection with
the leading of the Teapot Dome
naval oil reserve.
Burns Gets IS Days
"W. J. Burns who steadfastly
contended that he had no direct
connection with the jury surveil
lance, was given a 15 day jail sen
tence. His son, who Is active
head of t the Burns detective
ArfTirv XT. ft ni ti nnn.
O" -V , - - - - . Ll
Justice' Siddons who presided at
the contempt hearing terminated
today, laid down for the first time
the broad principle that shadow
ing an "unsuspected jury" was
unlawful, that It tended to ob
struct justice and therefore was
(Continued on page 2)
Representative of Commission
Calls on Marion Court
George Wood, representing the
state industrial accident com
mission, was in conference with
the Marion county court here yes
terday with a view to arranging
for compliance on.the part of the.
county with the amendment to
the workmen's compensation law
passed by the state legislature a
year ago.
Under the amendment all em
ploye of public corporations en
gaged in hazardous occupations
ire required to be brought under
he state law.
School districts throughout the
ounty began several months ago
to make preparations to comply
with , the 1927 amendment.
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These -scenes were familiar ones in the life of George Washington, the nation's first president.
'Above la a' view" of 'his home In Westmoreland county. Virginia, where be was born, on February 22.
1731. In the center Is the room in which the first president died at Mount Vernon, and below an
'exterior view of Mount VernooT To the left Is Washington' tomb and to the riht one of his best
known portraits.
Attorneys Disappointed Delay Did
Not Continue Until Bar
The long anticipated salvation of
Marion county took place yester
The county court, completely re
tracting former announcements
and agreements, executed a com
plete about face and took action to
abolish the Marion county law li
Salem residents, including attor
neys, expressed disappointment at
the court's action, particularly in
view of the fact that It was an
nounced a few days ago that no
final action would be taken until
after the next meeting of the Mar
ion County Bar association, which
is scheduled for Saturday night of
this week.
"There Is a small faction in Sa
lem that has been very petulant
about this whole affair, and has
carried on a blatant campaign
against it," said one local attor
ney yesterday. "Among other
things they represented that a
good many lawyers were opposed
to the library. Saturday night
there would have Been a show
down on this point at least."
A total of $41.35 has been col
lected for the purpose of buying
books with which to settle points
of law that come up during trials
in circuit court. The average
amount per litigant has been be
tween 75 and 76 cents. This will
be returned to the sources from
which it was originally received.
A brief outline of the history of
the library is as follows:
February 8 Marion county
court takes action with view to
purchase of several sets of law
books, which circuit court judges
and Marion county Bar association
declare are needed for correct lit
igation. February 9 Court's action be
comes generally known through
publication in Salem newspapers.
beginning with The Oregon States
man. Following on the heels of this
a small faction begins a loud cam
paign of protest against the li
brary, jumping to the conclusion
that it is for the mere convenience
of attorneys who could just as well
or better go elsewhere.
February 10 County Jndge J.-
(Continued on pace 3)
Attorneys For Condemned Con
vict Make Another Move
Pejtitlon for rehearing of the
habeas corpus case of Ellsworth
Kelley, convict, was filed In the
state supreme court here Tuesday
by Judge Martin L. Pipes. Port
land attorney. The court allow
ed Mr. Pipes to file an unprinted
Kelley was convicted of first
degree murder and sentenced to
death in connection with the
slaying of two guards during a
break at the state prison in Au
gust, 1925. Attorneys tor Kelley
subsequently filed habeas corpus
proceedings in which it was con
tended that the convict was de
tained illegally in the prison at
the time of the break and had a
legal right to shoot his way out
of the institution.
Judge L. H. McMahan of the
Marion county circuit court held
against Kelley. The supreme
court later affirmed Judge Mc
Mahan's decree.
Fish and Game Commissions
Allege Fishing Industry
Is Threatened
Fishing and Fish Propagation
Areas Would be Ruined, Al
leged; State Engineer Asked
to Delay Findings
Officials of the state fish and
game commission started their at
tack on proposed power develop
ment which they claim will ruin
the fishing grounds and fish pro
pagation areas on a number of
Oregon streams, Tuesday when
they filed with the state engineer
resolutions protesting against the
granting of power permits on
these streams.
State Engineer Rhea Luper an
nounced that under a recent rul
ing of his department he would
give 60 days notice in cases where
an application was to be consid
Many Streams Listed
Applications for permits against
which protests have been filed by
the fish and game commissions
City of Eugene, preliminary
permit for construction of three
power developments on McKenzle
river in Lane county. One per
mit includes diversion dam, canal
and power house. Another per
mit includes diversion and stor
age dam, reservoir, canal and
power house. The third permit
includes power house to be used
as peak load plant.
Deschutes Affected
Charles H. Lee and Romaine
W. Meyers, preliminary permit to
construct two dams, canals and
two power houses in the Rogue
and .Illinois rivers. JUuCurry and
josepnine counties.--
Deschutes Falls Power com
pany, preliminary permit for con
struction of a dam 60 feet high,
reservoir, conduit and power
house on the Deschutes river in
Sherman and Wasco counties.
J. G. Kelley, preliminary per
mit to construct project designed
(Continued on pace 2)
Violation of Parole Alleged;
Tried to Get Others Out
Paul Dormitzer, formerly a
practicing attorney in Portland.
has been returned to the state
penitentiary here to serve out a
term of one year for larceny.
Dormitzer was released from the
prison December 1 of last year,
but later violated his parole.
Officials said that after being
released Dormitzer solicited rel
atives of his convict friends un
der the pretense that he would
obtain their freedom for $150.
Dormitzer was located in Lake
county when his parole was re
voked. He was sent to the pent
tentiary from Marshflejd.
Incinerator Site Bought
Work to Start at Once
Abstract Matter Settled, Location South of City Trans
ferred; Drainage Problem To Be Settled Before
Actual Construction May Begin
An agreement with Alice Harold for transfer of the incin
erator site southeast of the city was reached yesterday by
city officials and the purchase contract will probably be I
entered into today.
Mrs. Harold agreed to pay half of the cost of obtaining
an abstract, the city to pay the other half, the total cost
being $95. When negotiations were opened and Mrs. Harold
agreed to sell the ten acres for $1500, nothing was said about
an abstract, and she is said to have understood that the city
would care for this item.
The matter was to have come
before the council for settlement
Monday night, but Alderman
Dancy did not present it, prefer
ring to settle it in private nego
tiation with Mrs. Harold.
The agreement reached yester
day removes all obstacles in thf
way of taking over the site, and
the Pittsburgh-Des Moines con
cern, successful bidders on the
garbage disposal plant, will take
immediate steps to construct the
plant, according to Alderman
Dancy, chairman of the incinerator
The tract has some drainage
problems which need attention be
fore actual building can start.
Among other things needed is the
dredging out of the ditch along
the slaughter house road.
There will be plenty of room
for trenches in which to bury cant
and unburned rubbish on the ten
acre tract.
Signing of the contract will end
a fight on the incinerator's lo
cation which has been waged for
more than half a year. Consider
able time was spent before that by
the committee in investigating
President Participates in Cere
mony Honoring Washington
President Coolidge will journey
tomorrow to nearby Alexandria,
Va., to participate in an observ
ance of the birthday of George
Washington by the state which
was his birthplace.
The president will sail down
the Potomac on the Mayflower for
the little Virginia city and his part
fn the program will include a re
view of a parade and a recepton
at Carlisle house, where the con
vention to frame the constitution
was conceived.
In Alexandria the president will
be joined by Governor and 1 Mrs.
Harry F. Byrd. of Virginia, state
officials and many Washington
officials including members of the
Mrs. Coolidge will not make the
trip. Although considerably im
proved from the cold which trou
bled her for two weeks the trip
is expected to be too strenuous for
her to undertake.
Portland Senator Occupies Execu
tive Chair Few Hours
State Senator Henry L. Corbett,
governor of Oregon during the
absence of 'Governor Patterson
from the state, passed a few
hours in the executive office
Senator Corbett arrived at the
capltol shortly after 9 . o'clock,
signed a number of routine pa
pers, and left for, bis home in
Portland at noon. He indicated
that he would return to Salem
Governor Patterson crossed the
line into California at 9 o'clock
Tuesday morning and will not re
turn to Oregon until late Satur
day. A number of letters addressed
to "Governor Corbett," were on
the desk in the executive depart
ment Tuesday.
Rescue SqHads Ifork Feverishly
Following Big Disaster
Rescue squads were tonlgnt
hacking and cutting at a barrier
of debris in the darkened passages
of the main workings of the Val
ley Camp Coal company Kinlock
mine at Parnassus, near here, in
an effort to ascertain the fate of
seven miners unaccounted for fol
lowing an explosion which took
a knodn death toll of six. Rescue
crew leaders had lost practically
all hope of finding the men alive
but the effort put forth under
ground was not diminished because
of this belief.
.Four of the dead workers lost
their lives at the time of the blast
and the other two succumbed when
overcome by fumes created by the
explosion when they went to work.
hours after the accident. In a sec
tion of the mine several miles. from
the main entrance. They had en
tered x the working from another
opening and were unaware of the
Crime Briefly Recorded as Daily
' ' Happening fa City
(AP) The dally bank robbery:
Branch agency of the V. S. Na
tional bank; lone bandit', note
shoved through the -'window;
Teller M. W. Phelen handed out
a sum said to be $700; large se
dan; cloud of dust.
Trip Absolutely Devoid of Politi
cal M olives, Ho Declares
Upon Arrival
NEW YORK, Feb. 21. (AP)
The romance and adventure of en
gineering exists chiefly in the
imaginations of laymen. Secretary
of Commerce Herbert Hoover said
tonight at the annual banquet oi
-he American Institute of Mining
ind Metalurgical Engineers.
Mr! Hoover was presented with
the Saunders gold medal for hit
accomplishments as a mining en
sineer. Earlier he inaugurated c
nation-wide inquiry into industrial
employment conditions at the first
meeting of the new economic sur
vey, and attended the quarterly
meeting of the American Child
Health association of which he is
On arriving in New York Mr
Hoover announced that his visit
had nothing to do with politics.
"Living on the edges of civil
ization," he said to the engineers
"is a much more drab affair than
the current novels on frontier life'
would lead one to surmise. Yet
there endures to the layman some
thing of romance and adventure
n the engineering profession.
Kipling. Richard Harding Davis,
ind others have given high color
to the romance of our profession
"My own experience of the ro
mance of it haa made me wary7 at
imeg of the romance parts. When
hear of it I have a desire also tc
know how long ago it took place.
I have, learned that the romance
factor Increases with time.
."My experience with the adven
ure parts of the engineering pro
fession is even more dubious
anything of this sort from bad
men to armies, wars, shipwreck'
r floods which come across the
engineer's orbit, are disturbers oi
progress. They interrupt the job
hey all require repairs afterwards?
vnd no engineer gets satisfaction
from repair jobs."
Mr. Hoover made it plain, how
ever, that he thought no less of
the profession. Just because it
didn't seem to be painted In a;
bright colors when viewed from
'he inside as it did from without
"After all it is an occupation of
enormous diversity of Interest.''
he said, "of change of scene, ol
vivid and human relations. There
ts but little of repetition. It is e
constant call for all that lies in a
California Girl Scouts Send Fruit
Blossoms a Token
PALO ALTO. Cal.. Feb. 21
(AP) Fruit "blossoms from the
Sinta Clara valley in California
Kere started by airplane tonlirht
to Mrs. Herbert Hoover in Wash)-
ington, D. C, as the gift of six
hundred Girl Scouts of America
of this district.
Mrs. Hoover is a past president
of the national organization and
a member of the Palo Alto coun
cil. The Hoover's home Is here.
When the girls learned Mrs. Hoo
ver is giving a party next Monday
they decided they would send her
Mme fruit blossoms for decora
Haiti Scene of Disaster Which Re
sults Fatally to Yanks
21. . ( AP) Second Lieutenant
John T. Harris. U. S. M. .C. and
Homer Howell, representative of
the United Fruit company, were
killed this- afternoon in a plane
crash at Port de Paix. The cause
of the crash wasundetermined. "
Lieutenant Harris was in charge
of the hangar assigned Colonel
Lindbergh dating his" visit here
and was the first to greet that
flier upon his arrival. His home
was said to be at Greenfield, Mo,
Circuit Court . Incumbent at
torla Seeks - Renomlaatiew
j; jl EAkln of Aatori Tues
day filed with the secretary of
state here his declaration of can
didacy for the republican nomin
ation . for Judge , of the circuit
court of the 20th Judicial district.
comprising Clatsop' and Columbia
eountles. - Judge' Eakla l incum
bent of the office." - ,
I will administer Justice fair
It- fearlessly -And Impartially, to
all.' . Is the slogan adopted by
Jndge EAkln. f. ,
Patterson's Good Will Car
avan Crosses Boundary
Into California
Snowy and Rainy Weather Km
countered by Party l'pon Lea,,,
ing Oregon, Hut Greeting
Nevertheless Warm
REDDING. Cal.. Feb. 21.
(AP). Governor I. L. Patterwoa
of Oregon and his party receive
a formal welcome from 2,000 Rea
ding residents early this evening,
when the caravan reached the
northern limits of the city.
A dinner was held in Governor
Patterson's honor here toafent
with Assemblyman Rcecoe J. An
derson delivering the address f
welcome. Governor Patterson re
sponded and expressed his pfoaa
ure at the hearty reception and
the spirit of cooperation displayed
by Redding and Shasta county.
The governor and his party will
remain here over night, leaving
early tomorrow for Cbjco, Oro-
ville and Maryeville. From tl
they will go to Sacramento.
YREKA, Cal., Feb. 21. (AP)
With hands clasped across tb
Oregon-California line. State Sen
ator James N. Allen of Siskiyoa
officially representing Govern
C. C. Young of California tkls
morning welcomed to the mam
Governor I. L. Patterson of Ore
gon and the good will caravan
accompanying him.
An official welcome also was
extended by L. W. Hcjes of the
Sacramento chamber of
merce. Snowy weather with
casional rain at the line did t
prevent the greetings from 'beieg
warm.-- - ' J i ":f rii
After a few minutes stop th :
caravan, consisting of ."0 perma
and 15 automobiles resumed tfee
trip to Yreka where the first rtv
ic welcome was given to the Ore
gon party.
The caravan is In charge of T.
A. Raffety. chief of Oregon stale
traffic officers. Traffic Inspec
tor Fred Bly of the Siskiyou dis
trict and three traffic officers '
guided the Oregon party over tbw ;
California highway.
Whole City Decorated
Yreka was decorated with flare
and bunting and greetings were".
exchanged between the visitors -and
citizens representing" the city,
(Continued on page 1)
Thirty Entries Made; Polu
on Sncrcsftful Growing Give
by Judge
Rabbitries in Salem and vieia- :
ity entered some 30 animuU In
the second annual rabbit show,
sponsored by the Salem Rabbit
and Small Stock club, and tbe
quality was much superior to
those entered last year.
The show was held at tl
chamber of commerce rooms lant .
night, with II. E. Oburn, of Port- .
land, acting as Judge. Mr. O--burn
is licensed by the American
Rabbit and Cavy breeders a
elation and represents that
elation in Oregon. He Judged ,
rabbit entries -at the state fahr
here last September. - -;
The Chinchilla rabbits entered
were of an especially fine grade -and
competition for prizes was v
close. The, New Zealand rabbits
tered were considered " by Judge
Osburn , of rather inferior merit.
He said that New Zealand rabbi-rs
all over the country were poorer.,
than In past years, showing; lack ,
of color depth, size, end given lo
black eye circles and black' tkk- -lag.'
" . ' ' - .'- "
Good fur ; seldom' goes r wi:
large rabbits, Osburn tolL' tb.
club "members. Pelts from tb .
larger rabbit breeds do not: com
pare, for Instance,, with those d -the
Himalaya rabbits which are
small, seldom weighing more than
four pound At--maturity. tm
small pelts, the fur U dense' and .
(ntino4-on par 1) vr.
What Salenv Girl.
A Vacation,
- Twelve weeks visiting coart
cities. It of. them la all, with
ISO a week expenses paid
How can It be done? Le
for the - Answer ' In- Friday
morning's . GREEN, "MARKKT
SECTION of The; Ortgtm
Statesman. v -r-:', 'f
And -watch for the Greesi
Matinee conpon. The - pictAt
Is rsorrell And 8onT At the O
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