The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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703-706 First National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon
We Pay 7 Per Cent
An Investment Worth Investigating
Carl D. Gabrielson, President.
C. A. Reynolds, Vice President.
Jas. H. Nicholson, Vice President.
Chas. Wiper, Secretary-Treasurer.
J. J. Elliott, Assistant Secretary.
C I. N
t .1 -
p.- ;' i''-.
I.. i - rt.i'
;-n itp 7, was arres
rharKe or op:
without li-
-nn. 1460 South
was fined $10 in
i .,::ilay on a charge
:ii automobile with
issued for another
; alUli:
OM Time
C a r i f.n.
IT-mcj-t'H' to Itrpair
The BonM'i-k' Motor company
took out a permit Monday to re
pair the roof of its huildiiiR at 474
South Commf r' ial street, at a cost
of $300. H. (; farl is in charge of
the work.
Ilctnnied In Otrvallis
Andrew Larson and C. Angel
were taken to CorvalUs Monday to
be- turned over to Henton county
authorities. Larson was held on
a charge of stealing an automobile
which was found in his possession
her and it is understood that An
pel was hH l on suspicion of con
ne (r;on with the same charge.
i ti Make Delirious and
WImI. -some Waffbg by Mrs.
Kerr, at Gahlsdrrf 's. 325 Court.
Ilockhill To Build
J. W. Rockhill took out a per
mit Mondav for a new residence
which wtll be erected at 4 30 South
isth street at a cost of $3000.
YW Tl Leader Here Tonight
Mr Helen Byrnes, national
fi Id MMf tary of the WCTC. will
deliver an address at the First
Methodist ; church tonight at S
o'clock, i h general public beinp
invited This morning she will
talk at th- Willamette university
chapel exeriKcs; on Wednesday
morning a L lie junior high and
the senior high school, and Wed
nesday evening at the Jason Lee
40 Acre Farm
For $B3uo. The best farm buy
you have seen. liutldings and
equipment. Real creek through
pasture. 3 6 acres in grain. 8
miles east -of Salem. Paved or
similar road all way. Becke &
Hendricks. 1S9 X. High Street.
Will Build. On Saginaw
I. L. liond was issued a per
mit Monday to build a house cost
ing $4M.u at 1330 Saginaw street
o Tail Light, Fhied
A. J. Boothby of West Salem
was . fined $2.50 in police court
Monday on a charge-of having no
rail light on his automobile.
During Wafflo Demonstrations
At Gahlsdorf's by Mrs. Kerr,
the Westinghouse Waffle Irons
with tray attached will be sold
special $8.95 each.
Takes Dwelling Permit-
Hubert Seamstern took out a
building permit Monday calling
for construction of a new residence
at 670 North 21th street, at a
cost of $4000.
Flans Two Houses
If. M, Lehman was issued on
Monday permits to build two
houses, each costing approximate
ly $2500. One Is at 1640 Berry
street and the other at 1630 Berry
street. L ,
Lot Buyers Both
Residence and "business. We
have some exceptional lot buy?
this week. Here's Fairmount 1111!
lot at Superior and Fairmount,
50x100 with all parings paid. To
tal price $1500 CASH. Another
75x100. reduced from $3000 to
$1800 $600 to handle. A Bus!
ness Corner on 12 th Street for
$2060 It's 80x100. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 N. High Street.
Garage Operators Sued
Myrtle Williamson yesterday be
gan action in circuit court here
against Barrett Brothers, alleg
ing mat tney leasea the garage
site ad99f North Capitol streets
date in 1927 at the rat tof$60
er month. There is $417.75 due
ind unpaid, she declares, and de
mands judgment in that amount
Igainst them.
Drake Estate $1)21.03
The estate of Lavina H. Drake
was yesterday appraised at
$9244.93 by M. G. Gunderson, J.
A. Campbell and Clifford (J. Hue.
St. Paul Couple WcUs
A marriage license was yester
day issued from the office of the
Marion county clerk to Laurence
Herman Dunning and Mary Bren-
tano, both of St. Paul.
A Ia Carte Service
In dining room, Marion hotel.
Dean Robertwin 111
Miss Mabel Robertson, dean of
girls at the senior high school,
was absent from school yesterday.
Miss Robertson has the "flu."
and her work is being cared for
by Mrs. J. C. Nelson.
Mrs, Schroeder Visits
Mrs. G. L. Schroeder ' will re
turn to her home in Portland to
day after visiting since Saturday
with her daughters. Misses Bern
ice, and Lillian Schroeder, teach
ers at the senior high school.
Men and Women Alike
Appreciate these jar proof
watches at Pomeroy & Keene's.
Preparing Outlines
Outlines of study for the last
ttuarter of school work are now
heine nrenared at the office of
County Superintendent Fulkerson
and will be ready for the printer
in a short time.
Girl Itetum'-'l to School
Reulah Colwell. runaway from
the state industrial school for
girls, was picked up in Salem
Monday morning by the police and
returned to the institution.
In Xew Homes 4,000
To $12,000! Here are 7 to
choose from. Immediate posses
sion on 4. $500 to "$1000 to
handle. Balance EXACTLY like
rent. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N.
High Street. . .
()in Class Banquet
Women's gyio' classes at the Y.
M.C.A. will hold a banquet Thurs
day evening to Which all Salem
women who- wish to see the dem-onstrations-'of
dancing and gyro
work are invited. Reservations
must be made with the Y., M. C.
A. before Wednesday evening at"
8 o'clock.
II. P. Shears Arrested
ArreBted pn a charge of driving
while drunk, IL P. Shears, 615
North Capitol street, yesterday de
posited bond in Justice court in
the Fum of $500. The case was
continued until February 28
Shears being released until that
time. '
Paved Corner ASO
Both pavings paid in full. See
at MaTion and 23 rd. Becke
Hendricks, 189 N. High Street.
Williamsons Have Sou
A son was born yesterday to
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williamson of
this city. The child, which has
been named William, Jr., weighs
four and a half pounds. The birth
occurred at the Bungalow Ma
ternlty hospital.
Plan for HanUne's Visit-
Members of the county council
of religious education have been
Invited to meet with the Salem
Rewound and Repaired, Ne
or Fsed Motors
VlxmanT & TODD
Thing Electrical
11 Sowthulllz Z ZTeL JE113
E. B. Williamson
T. A. Livealey.
E. F. Blade.
John H. Carson.
L. C. Farmer
H. M. Hawkins.
Carl D. Gabrielson.
r. A. Reynolds,
las. H. Nicholson.
council Tuesday evening at 7:30
o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. There
will be a discussion of plans for
the coming visit of Dr. M. A. Han
line of Pasadena, Calif. Dr. Han
line, who will be here March 2, it
known throughout the county for
his religious education work.
Visit Bert lic-scman
Bert Heseman, who is said tc
be seriously ill at his home here
had as Sunday visitors Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Davis, Virginia Davis,
and his sister, Mrs. Minnie Hese
man Robinson, all of Gates.
Xirkcll Kstate $6701
Inventory and appraisement
was filed in probate yesterday in
the matter of the estate ot
Harrold William Nickell. Tht
value of the estate was estimated
at $6761.01 by Frieda M. Oehler
A. E. Shirman and Martin F.
Ferrey, appraisers.
Furniture Upholsterer
And repairing. Giese-Powerr
Furniture Co.
Kays to Co to Honolnl
Thomas B. Kay, state treasurer,
is planning to turn the keys to
the state coffers over to his as
sistant, Fred Paulus, when the of
fice closes Saturday. Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. Kay will leave for Hono
lulu where they will vacation for
a month or so.
Klamath Falls Pair Weil
County Judge J. C. Seigmund
yesterday afternoon married
James T. Jolly, 45, to Pearl A.
Edwards, 19. Both are resident?
of Klamath Falls. They secured
a marriage license from the of
fice of the Marion couiity clerk
The wedding was the second for
his and the first for her.
Mrs. Irene Kerr Will
Demonstrate how to make deli
cious waffles at Gahlsdorf's, every
Albany Ad Men Coining Strong
A full bus load of ad writer?
will be Albany's representation at
the Oregon Advertising club meet
ing tomorrow night, word from
that city says. Melody Vagabondc
quartette of Albany will be fea
tured on the entertainment. Dele
gations will come from Portland,
Eugene, Albany, Corvallls, and the
(J. of O. and O. S. C. clubs.
Kl wantons to Hear Mott
Speaker at the Kiwanis lunch
eon tnls noon will be James w
Mott of Astoria, member of the
state representative body from
Clatsop county. The state legis
lator is a brother of Dr. William
B. Mott and attended the Salem
schools during boyhood.
While Down Town During
This week come In and see how
Mrs. Kerr makes delicious waffles
GahLsdorf's, 325 Court St.
Pageant This Evening
"Two Masters," a pageant, will
be presented this evening at 7:30
at the Jason Lee Methodist
church by a group from the SiJ
verton Methodist church. Partic
ipants are mostly teachers from
the Silverton schools. Coaching
Your Momaco
At 70a btiered with c&. blotting,
basrtbarn, nam v belching da to jxr
digestion I Does gat praaara on tha
heart worry yon I la roar aleep dlstarb
4 and vitality lowered by dyspepsia t
Them rem eve it tm yourlf try the
new Siotex IS Minute Test. In fact we
are so confident 700 will toon feel like
new after trying Dlotex, we want all suf
ferers from these
conditions to test it
at onr risk. Ion't
wait. Don't saffer.
Get Dtote today. If
yea don't think it's
the . greatest find
yon ever asade re
tar, the package top
and we'll re (and
voor aeoney withoat
rjnMtion or argument.
Ptoses may be worth
it weight ia gold te
yon, ret coats only
Perry's Drug Store
115 S. Commercial
We have a Id 27 Pontlac Coupe
equipped with new tirea and
disc wheels. This car is in per
fect condition, has 1928 license
and is a snap at 8700.00.
"The House That Ben-ice BaUt"
of the pageant was done by Rev.
Hardy of the Silrerton church.
The public is invited to attend.
Seeks Fruit Data
ine saiem cnamoer or com
merce is in receipt of a request
for history and statistics of fruit
production in this district. The
inquirer is Prof. Juan Balme. Mex
ico City publisher, who wishes the
information for a book he is writ
ing on "U. S. Western Coast
Fruit Growing."
IVhaters Due Tomorrow
The three Marion county young
men, Jack Hempstead, Benoit Mc-
Croskey, and Avery Thompson,
who compose the University of
Oregon's round the -world debat
ing team, will reach New York
City Wednesday, according to lat
t word. Before they left Lonf
don they wired heir manager on
the Eugene campus that they werf
without funds to complete the tout
alliti- for 30 debates in tlu
United States. The students or
sanized. with the result that the
tour will be completed according
"o schedule.
Uic'iards Named Manager
Homer Richards has beer
named general manager of ar
rangements for the state DeMolaj
-onclave which will hft held here
March 4-5. Two hundred fifty
boys are expected for the gather
ing and elaborate plans are beine
made by the local boy3 to enter
tain the visitors. A feature wil'
be the drill team competition with
drill teams from all over the state
OKMULGEE, Okla.. Feb. 20.
(AP) Urban Shocker, veteran
pitcher of the champion New York
Yanks, declared here tonight that
he has quit baseball for good and
is considering taking up aviation
in confirming the announcement
he sent officials of his club.
Shocker is a flying enthusiast and
intends to enter a flying school hi
;aid. He is here with his wife vis
ting friends and taking a rest.
"I'm through," Shocker said
Twelve years of baseball is enough
for anyone." He is 35 years old.
LA GRANDE, Ore.. Feb. 20
(AP) A telegram was received
by the district basketball board
here today from Roy E. Cannon
secretary of the Oregon high
school athletic association, stating
.that North Powder high schoo
had been suspended for the rest
of the basketball season for play
ing an ineligible man in the Baker
county tournament.
North Powder and aliines were
to play tonight for the honor of
entertaining the distric ourna
ment at Union, March 1, 2 and 3.
The board's action automaticall
gives aliines the right to partici
pate. .
The presidential term In Mexi
co is to be increased to six years.
Wonder if they'll let a president
live that long as chief executive
down there. Klamath News.
Wlthont operation or lots of
829 Oragon Bids.
Piano & Furniture
Wed. Nite 7 P. M. at
Auction Market
Furniture Store
i 1010 N. Summer St.
Consisting of
UDrisht nlano and stooL radio.
1 seven-drawer, drophead Sing
er sewing machine, Duofokl,
oak library table, oak ex. table
and 6 diners, oak dresser, fir
iir.-Mi!Mr. ivorv dresser. Ivor J-
walnut beds, 1 large walnut
book case, fabric and coil
springs, cotton and wool mat
tresses, linoleum rugs all sizes,
linoleum by the yard, other
floor coverings, bridge lamps,
book cases, range, home canned
fruit, apples, onions, potatoes
and many other miscellaneous
Public Attention
Mrs. P. N. Woodry and her or
chestra will give musical en
tertainment between 7 and
7:80. Everybody welcome.
Cash Paid for Used Furniture
Mannings of Colombia Have
A Daughter, Born In
Panama Hospital
Born, in the Panama hospital,
Panama City, to Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac A. Manning. January 8.
1928, a daughter, weight 8 pounds
10 ounces. This event occurred
the day before the arrival at
Panama of Lindbergh.
Mr. Manning writes to a Salem
friend that he was there during
all the Lindbergh reception, which
was very interesting, as Panama
surely gave the renowned flyer a
great time.
Was Salem Citizen
Salem was for a long time the
home of Mr. Manning. He was re
porter and city editor of The
Statesman, and at a later time was
managing editor of this paper.
after he had spent several yearn
in Nicaragua managing coffee
plantations. He is now a resident
of Cartagena, Co.'ombia, where
he is with the South American
Gulf Oil company. His first wife
was Alice Hatch of Salem, very
well known to the residents of
this city in the eizhties and nine
ties, but for a number of years
(Continued Mom page 1.)
mony and collaboration. :
"More than mere stock, differ
ent temperaments, a different in
'ellectual outlook, those economic
interests which remain apart and. f
ibove all. language are diverging
forces which only come together
when the abyss of misunderstand
ing which still exists in import
int sections of public opinion in
the north and south, shall be con
quered." The highest aim of the Pan
merican congress, Senor Varela
added, was to "promote a better
understanding for a fuller knowl
dge of the cultural and mora'
worth of both civilizations and for
iic?passionate examination and
"ompaison of their interests and
ispirations in an effort to recon
cile them in a spirit of harmony,
and not intransgence."
Iiuds American Cicnius
"The United States," he added,
"is not only a marvel of industrial
jrganizatlon. an eldorado which
its citizens know how to conquer,
but a prodigious country which
gave to the world a model of free
institutions, which later even
made objects speak, through the
genius of Edison, and sent with
wings, which the Wright brothers
created, Lindbergh, to conquer the
heart of France and Europe."
Dr. Bustamente in his speech
reviewed the work accomplished
by the conference, assuring tne
delegates that no previous inter
national conference "surpasses
our gathering for quantity and
quality on the results obtained.
"We converted International
law which for many years was the
law of war, into an instrument of
good works, of solidarity, equally
preoccupied with Individual and
nations, which operates intensely
for the happiness of both to
make the latter prosperous and
"B.W.D." Tested
All popular breeds of baby
chicks now on sale at Flake's
Petlaml, 2 73 State.
FINE TORIC reading lenses. We in
sure your glasses against breakage.
Examination too.
Thompson-Glutsch Optical Co.
110 N. Comm'I St.
Distinctly Correct
John J. Rottle
Expert Shoe Fitters At
41B Btate Bt. z j
VERT oftan peopla who ara considering the purchase of 1
modern writing machine are surprised to leam that some old
typewriter, which they may not hare used for a long tlma. has
a market value and will be accepted in part payment. If yon
have an old machine, perhaps you will be interested in learn
ing what It Is worth. If you will fill In the space below we
will be glad to give you whatever Information you require.
Quote me allowance on my Model No
Serial No Send full Information vas to prices
and terms ( ) Send me a Corona for one week on free trial ( )
Name and Address .
former cultivated
PULLMAN. Wash.. Feb. 20
(AP) The Washington State col
lege basketball team took its 13th
consecutive beating here tonight
when the Cougars bowed before
the strong University of Oregon
fire. 42 to 18. The first half was
fairly even, with the score tied
four times but in the Becond frame
the invaders quickly piled up a
lead. The half score was 14-10
for Oregon.
The tUt was fast and somewhat
rough, the Cougars having 13 per
sonal fouls chalked up against
Oregon (42)
Ridings, f
Bally, f
Edwards, c
Reynolds, c
Milligan, g
Epps, g
McCormtck, g
W. S. C. (18)
great and the
and healthy."
2, 4 1
10 0
1 3 0j
3 0 0
4 0 3
10 0
3 5 1
15 12 5
0 12
0 0 1
3 0 1
10 0
0 0 1
3 0 3
10 4
0 11
8 2 13
Buckley, f
Paul, f
McDowell, f
Mitchell, c
Brumblay, c
Gilleland, g
Gough, g
Rohwer, g
Referee, Morris,-Seattle; umpire
Hunter, Moscow.
Z0. (AIM Frank Lockhart. not
ed Indianapolis race car, late to
.lay sent I114 tiny Stutz Blackhawk
special roaring ovi-r the sands of
Paytona Beach at an officially tim
d speed of 2 0 ".2 2 4 6 miles an
hour against the wind in an as
sault in the world's speed record.
MISSOULA. Mont.. Feb. 20.
(AP) Montana university won
t3 third Pacific coast conference
victory of the season tonight by
nosing out Oregon State by one
point, 44 to 43., Montana had a 10
point lead midway in the last half.
)ut Oregon spurted and Torson's
rnid-floor shot brought them with
n a point with 25 seconds to go.
Through the first half not more
than three points separated the
teams, the intermission finding
Montana ahead, 22 to 21. The Griz
zlies were never Tiraded in the
Telephone S80 SI 2 State St.
for Your Noon Lunch
341 Chemeketa
Why Risk
the Dangers
that result from
A Bad Cold
It is easier and safer to
stop that cough now with
135 North Commercial St.
Phone 197
Original Yellow Front
Penslar Agency
Tour Old Typewriter
for a New
421 Court St.
second half, a four basket spurt
giving them an advantage which
Oregon state could not overcome.
The score:
Montana (44) FG FT PF
Overturf, f 6 2 2
Chinske. f 5 3 1
Kain, c 3 3 1
Rankin, g 10 1
Wendt, g 3 0 3
Lewis, g 0 0 0
Totals IS 8 8
Oregon State (43)
Mathews, f 6 4 3
Hartung, f 12 3
Savory, c 2 0 2
Wascher, g 10 0
Burr, g 7 11
Torson, g 10 1
Totals 18 7 10
Referee. Mulligan; umpire.
Bits For Breakfast
Eight Victor artists
"a V
So pleased Salem that they were
Induced to remain over today,
with complete change of program.
At the Elsinore.
Salem is to remain safe and
ane and orderly. The city coun
cil provided additional policemen
and police equipment at the meet
ing last night.
Tex Rankin claimed he was a
nervous wreck after having been
Iriven to Salem by a friend in his
Chrysler yesterday, at around 55
miles an hour. He said he would
have taken the easier and safer
way. and the quic ker, through the
:iir. but for the fop.
Fred I.ockley, in his column in
tlx- Portland Journal of Saturday,
told of Dorothy L. Hush, who has
been doing stenographic work for
him: the most competent person
he has ever had in that Itne. She
worked in the federal reserve hank
in Portland, saved money nd
went to O. A. C. where she grad
uated. Then to Northwestern uni
versity, then taught history at
Saginaw. Mich., a year. Then re
urned to Portland, and is a stu
ient of flying. She says that
when she runs up a couple of hun
lred solo hours she will buy a
plane and go barnstorming. She
plans to get In touch with two
lther girls and put on an atrial
ircus. She eays there is a young
woman in Salem, a Miss Devore,
V-St &r?7
l ajWrsP'fcSaSasssMM
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
General Banking Business ,
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. xxl'
Let Kennell-Ellis
Make Your View ani Coram ere Ul ;
Pictures, Any Time, Any Plata
Old Photographs (Copied
Orten you want old photographs reproduced, tmt fear entrust-
Ing them to strangers. , .' '
Our reputation assures th safety tnt proper cart ot your
picture, which we wtil copy, enlarge, frame sr kanA color at
a price lower than the unknown agent an fitter. . r- ' ;
Kennell-Ellis Studic
429 Oregon BK.
Long and Short Distance HzrHrj
Public and Prirate Ctcrst ;
Fireproof Buiilr
- ,; , . . - f v r
Free Delirery to any part cf V i c'!. ,
Day Telephone 28 jl Night "
who is a wing-walker. She hopes
to enlist her. There are a num
ber of women students of aviation
in the Portland schools. This may
seem a strange ambition for ; a
woman who is so competent in
several other lines and who Is
capable of holding teaching posi
tions. It is an indication of the
air minded passion that is sweep
ing over this country and that will
likely soon land the United States
tn the front rank in the naviga
tion of the air.
CHICAGO. Feb. 20. (AP)
Health Commissioner A. H. Kegel
announced today he planned in
stallatlon of ultra-violet ray ma-
chines in all Chicago schools. "By
use of the violet raye children will
benefit the same as if they were
in the warm sun," Kegel said.
TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 20.
(AP). With delegates from five
states and representatives - of
state, federal and British Colum
bia forestry departments attend
ing, the annual convention of the
Western Forestry and Conserva
tion association opened a three
day session here today.
The first Oregon candidate to
come out fearlessly and flatfoot
edly for "protection of the home
and fireside" is loose. He also has
no objection to the wind and the
stars, and the month of June.
Medford Mail-Tribune.
Terfecl Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
Worthy and esteemed by
many grateful families
knowing our principles of
Minority, sympathy and
thought fulness.
Webbs Funeral Parlors
Telephone 120
Ten Yeats Practife In
Saleta .
Phone 625
, . . -:
Dr. L. R. Biirt2tte
Optometrist '.'1 v
401 First National JUaJtt pJlSfi.
. - t