The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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It WilliBe Awarded For the
Most Votes From Today
", Jill MarcK 12th
ill v . s . v iritt t r
L. Holland
D. B. Boydsfon
J1 Mrs. Geo. Tucker
Doris Barnett
Delores McKinnon
ny the Contest Kditor.)
1. L. Holland leads the wbolr
cont-;t today.
'-radio contest has come ant?
' ' Vnd the winner of the radic
;';V announo'd at the close o'.
'i-'hole contest by the commit
judges when they announce
vinners of the grand prizes,
carefully considering th
-r, it was decided that i'
".'! not be fair to the rontest-
winning the radio to an-
- it at this time, and it would
Qv er to have lh- committer I
t -Twdges make the announcement!
Nw: close of the contest after
.jjch '20th.
A Contest in a Contest
Estwhere in today's paper w.
are announcing the additiona
prize of a Whippet Coach which
will be given to the contestant
l'ree, who secures the most monej
on new or old subscriptions in the
period from Tuesday, February
1st, and Monday, March 12th, at
midnight, inclusive. This is in I
compliance with rule Jo. 9 of tht
contest. Everybody jiarts out
even .main on this period, and it
l.-t a contest within a contest.
A (ireat Chance
An absolutely new candidate can
nter the contest on an even foot
ing for this special Whippet Coach
and absolutely no handicap what
ever. This is a wonderful oppor
tunity, and new contestants and
contestants who have fallen a little
behind in the general race may
tune in and work especially hard
for this splendid additional prize
H. L. Holland flashes into in
lead today, and if he can maintain
his pace he will be a very seriou:
contender for this special priz
and also the grand prizes. Mr
Holland is to be congratulated for
the splendid work he is doing. j
Many Oood Workers
Doris Harnett has flashed tc
the front in a very short space of
time and is going wonderfull
strong. She has a splendid per
sonality, a lot of good friends, anc
if she will only make up her mine
to work, she has the ability to win
any prize that we have to givi
Delores McKinnon is a splendk!
cdntepfant, popular in her district
and if she will apply herself con
Fistently she is bound to occupy ar
enviable position when the prize,
are passed around.
Carol Smith has had a littk
rest, but he is now getting int(
; ltion again and we expect to heai
ntni Carol consistently from now
11 the close of the contest. Car
ol has an eye on the Whippet
Ccach. and reports are going
around that he would like to wic
this special prize for his mother
Gladys MacDonald took a trir
into Polk county to see some; o
her friends and expects to com:
back with a pocket full of sub
periptions. she is to be congrat
ulated for her ambition and he:
energetic work.
TURNER, Feb. 20. (Special).
- Mrs. Ada Jolly, Oregon State W.
C T. V. president, of Portland,
j iid Miss Helen Byrnes a speaker
if national reputation, will hold a
public meeting in Turner Thurs
day afternoon and evening, Febru
ary 23. They will discuss the live
i;cues of the day. The public is
cordially Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Funstin en
tertained friends the evening of
the tenth, their wedding annivers
ary. A large delegation of Turner
people attended the funeral of J.
N. Duncan in Salem Friday.
Turner basketball teams went
to Monmouth Friday evening and
lct.t to Monmouth In both games.
Mrs. H. O. Hasslet is reported
a little better.
Grandmother McKay is very sick
at the home of her daughter Mie.
Miss Knebel, commercial teach
er with her students gave in invi
tational' valentine party at the
gymnasium Tuesday evening.
Elaborate preparations were made
for the invitational affair, mem
bers of the school board and teach
ers being honor guests. A pleas
ant evening was spent.
Dr. John M. Canee, president of
Kimball college, preached the
norning sermon at the M. E.
cliurch Sunday.
Charity Matinee Brings
Big Quantity of Goods
Kiddies with bread, milk, pota
toes, canned goods, and groceries
of all kinds paraded into the Hoi-
lywood theater Saturday morning
for the children's charity matinee,
and when It was over two auto
mobiles were required to trans
port the goods to the Associated
Charities office.
" The matinee was arranged by
the Hollywood theater, the price
f 6f ' admtasio for- eaehfChlM beta
' some artielaet re4.
Who Lifted Horse?
s.-.'a.'.'S.: I
Joseph Dulaney, above, of Bal
timore, is looking for the man
who pulled a horse off him 64
years ago. Dulaney was riding in
Virginia with Union dispatches.
He was fired on by rebels. In
jumping over a fence, Dulaney's
horse fell on top of him. The
rebels caught him and one of
them pulled the horse off Dulaney.
"I never found out who he was,
for they released me," he says.
"But I'd like to know, and thank
MITCHELL. S. D., Feb. 20.
(AP). Herbert Hoover, as a can
date for the republican nomina
tion, has been asked by the South
Dakota agricultural equality com
mittee to give his views on farm
relief legislation.
Charles S. Weller of Mitchell,
hairman of the committee, which
was created by the last state leg
islature, made public a telegran.
he Bent last week to the secretary'
f commerce.
"Please wire your position and
constructive suggestions to restore
canning to the level with other
Industries," the telegram said,
it is the only major industry that
"having due regard for fact that
haa nothing to say about price or
exchange value of its products."
The telegram recited the farm
rs' increase in production in re
sponse to Mr. Hoover's suggestion
while he was food administrator
and to meet this the farmer, Mr.
Weller said, went heavily Into
debt for equipment, only to be
met in 19 21 with sudden demand
o pay what they owed.
"This caused collapse in mar
ket," the message' went on, "de
creasing prices in one season up
'o 90 per cent with resulting loss
f billions and financial ruin to
ens of thousands.
"Since you were responsible In
part, at least, for the appeal which
led to disaster for farmers, I
would assume you of all public
:nen, would ineist that now, after
ix years of agricultural depres
sion and market discrimination
.he farmers' dollar be brought up
to parity with the dollar of other
YMUIDEN, Holland, Feb. 20.
(AP) Thirty-eight men, the en
tire crew of the British freighter
Shonga, which stranded and brok
n two Friday were rescued Satur
(Special). The community club
here has changed Us date of meet
ing from February 24 to March 2,
so as not to conflict with the meet
ing of the Central Howell club.
The program promises - to be es
pecially good, but has not been
completely arranged. Miss Laura
Gaskill of Salem will give a piano
solo and Mire Jewel Gardner's
pupils from Keizer will appear.
L. D. Eaton and family of Long
Beach, Cal., en route to Washing
ton were guests of Mr. Eaton's
cousin, Mrs. Alion Van Cleave, last
The revival meetings opened1
fSunday and will continue for two
weeks. Good interest was dis
played in the splendid sermons by
Rev. Carmichael. a preacher of
the old fashioned gospel. The
services begin promptly at 7:30
o'clock each evening. The sermons
are from 20 to 30. minutes in
length. A cordial invitation to
attend is extended to everybody.
J. C, Schneider has started to
Bend, Oregon, on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Zelinski and
children 6pent Sunday in Stayton
as guests of Mrs. Zelinski's moth
er, Mrs. Pietock, the occasion be
ing a family gathering.
The teacher. Miss Georgia Al
bee and Miss Sylvia Paulson, are
preparing a splendid program for
Washington' birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Van Cleave
are rejoicing over the arrival of
a son, born Thursday at the Salem
Sunday school had 52 present,
an increase of 10 over the preced
ing Sunday. At this rate the sides
of the church will have to be
moved to provide room or the
parsonage be used for class roome.
The church is planning for a
meeting early In April to celebrate
the 25th anniversary of its organ
zation. Former pastors and mem
bers and friends will be urged to
lake part in the program.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Mrs.
Anderson's mother and Rev.
Carmichael of McMinnville were
quests of G. G. Looney Sunday.
Mrs. Thomas Eaton of Dallas
was a guest of her son-in-law and
laughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Van
Cleave last week.
Rural Supervisor W. W. Fox
visited school Friday and organ
ized a boys' cooking club with the
following officers and members:
iresident. Peter Hashlebacher;
ice president, Leonard Fiest;
secretary, Fred Renison; Arthur
Clemeres, Louis Zelinski, "William
Dunigan, Joseph Hyde, Alfred
Montandon, Sanford Davis, Cecil
L.uckey, Frank Lucanbeal, Glen
Looney. The teacher. Miss Albee,
vill be instructor.
The Live Wire Sunday school
2lass met at G. G. Looney's Friday
3vening for a sing and to play
SEATTLE, Wash.. Feb. 20.
(AP) Suspension of the Seattle
Union Record, an afternoon dally
aewspaper, which has been in the
'tands of receivers since January
I, was announced ' here by F.
3. Ault, editor.
. .. Unnru and
roicy & - ,
Tar vukv-.
quickly stops teasing
harassing coughs that
tire oui auu ------
-Mrt i-Vilnrotorm,
il:,c to drv up
secretions and cause
constipation. Ideal
r u.riv nersons.
IOr Ci"'4 J r-
San Francisco
412 V
AU&eTfest Coast &Eas
(Same reduction to Sacra
t mento and Oakland.)
Here's a big saving .in travel
cost, with SO day return limit
allowed on round trip tickets.
Finest coaches, best terminals,
most dally schedules.
Similar low fares to San Diego,
all Calloral rities, Phoemlx, El
rao, St. Louis , and East.
1:80, 10:10 A. M.; 7:20 P. M.
Tel. 696
110 Measles Cases Bring
Sickness Total up to 182
Total number of cases of com
municable diseases reported dur
ing January. 1928, was 182. ac
cording to the monthly report of
Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, Marlon
county health officer. Just re
leased from the officer of the Mar
lon county health unit.
A large percentage of the con
tagion In January was due "to
measles, of which there were 110
cases reported. Of this epidemic
the report says "On account of
the extreme contagiousness of
measles, the management of an
epidemic of this disease resolves
itself Into trying to prevent as
many complications and deaths as
possible by encouraging early and
adequate treatment. vThe rapidity
with which measles spreads is
much the same as would occur
with smallpox without vaccina
tion." Contagious diseases for Janu
ary were 96 more than for the
previous month, when only 86
were reported, and considerably
above the corresponding period of
1927, when only 69 caees were
recorded. Of the latter figure, 25
cases of chickenpox constituted the
greatest single disease.
In addition to measles, other
communicable diseases for Janu
ary fell Into this division: chick
enpox, 28; smallpox, 2; tuberculo
sis, 11; pneumonia, 10; scarlet fe
ver, 1; typhoid fever, 1; poliomyel
itis, 1; whooping cough, 11; ery
sipelas, 2; diphtheria, 2; memin
gltls, 1; gonorrhea, 2. No influ
enza Is Included in the report,
though for the same period last
year, 3 cases were reported.
Toxin-antitoxin and vaccination
clinics occupied much of the time
THE astonishing smoothness, the remarkable absence of vibration,
that characterize the movements of The New Maytag Washer are
silent but striking evidence of perfect engineering. As the
Automobile mechanic would say, it is "Sweet Running."
The precision, steel-cut gears of The
New Maytag are so true, mesh so per
fectly, so smoothly, and are so thoroughly
oiled, that you can run the New Maytag
In an apartment kitchen without the
slightest annoyance to anyone.
The Roller Water Remover of The
New Maytag marks another advance in
washing machine construction. The top
roll of soft, compensating rubber, rides
on the firm, hard bottom roll, like a
.balloon tire hugs the pavement.
The extra working surface of this
never-crush roll thoroughly removes the
t surplus soap and water from the clothes
with perfect safety to delicate buttons
and filmy laces. It hugs the high and
467 Ferry Street Salem , Ore. , Telephone 2218
Aberdeen, Wsu, 809 S. I St,
Albany, Ore 115 Ferry St.
Astoria, Or4 l&O 12 St. ,
Anbara, TFm Dowmtmg Bldg.
r, Oite. 1P17 Corn fit. .
WBq 1230 BtatBt.
om, fS9 wan fit-.--
Wa.. 803'Padfle ,
(CeatnOla, Wat, 11 7 K, Tower
of the county health officer dur
ing January, when 325 vaccina
tions. 93 Shick tests, and 499 Im
munizations against diphtheria
were made. Activities of the of
fice were divided:
Time spent: school physician,
40 hours; H. C. examinations,
.5; Immunization clinics. 37.5;
communicable disease, 17.5; sani
tation, 2; meetings and confer
ences, 27; office, 36; travel, 34.5;
other activities, 14.
Mileage: City, 64 miles; coun
ty 1199.
Visits: Diagnosis, 15; quaran
tine, 11; release, 1; other, 9,
Meetings and conferences: com
municable disease control, 4; oth
er, 17; visits to city Jail, 2.
The report Included a compila
tion of vital statistics for Salem
and Marion county, showing that
there were 79 births for January,
four lesa than the same period of
1927 and five less than for De
cember, 1927. Deaths during Jan
uary, 1928, numbered 96, five
more than for the same month
last year, December deaths to
talled 77.
Parents of 24 of the January
babies reside in Salem, 41 of the
remainder in Marion county, and
13 lived outside Marion county.
Deaths divided as to causes
were recorded: heart and blood
vessels, 37; nervous system, 8;
respiratory system, 14; including
8 tuberculosis; diseases of the kid
ney, 8; cancer, 9; communicable
diseases other than tuberculosis
and memingitis, 4.
The report also ehowed the san
itary inspector to have traveled
583 miles, with inspections as fol
lows: dairy, 3; sewer, 11; hotel,
1U 1J (
of the
Found ISM
Colfax, WmM 200 X. Mala '
Colrffle, Wi, 100 8. Main
Eaee, OreC, Ml Oak. )Bt.
Everett, "Wm, 2S18A Rockefeller Ato.
JCelsov Wa. 11S:W. Xaia : ;.
laaisth Falls, Ore, 834 -B. 7 .
I Ormndey Qre Holmes BMg. -
12; restaurant, 15; school, 4: nui
sances, 18; plumbing, 25; other,
16. Eight meetings and conferen
ces were also attended.
Nice Question of Law
Presented Into Court
PORTLAND, Feb. 20. (AP)
Whether oil companies can re
scind their contract to supply ser
vice stations with gasoline be
cause the operators advertise the
fact that they will sell gas below
the market price to meet compe
AIV- :
low spots without pressing wrinkles that
are hard to remove. There is a new
safety feed that starts the clothes
through the rolls quickly. This is the
safest, most effective method of water
removal known. It is exclusively owned
and controlled by Maytag.
See this marvelous New Maytag.
Wash with it in your own heme. All the
former advantages have been retained
speed and big capacity; thoroughness
that does away with hand-rubbing even
of the grimiest clothes ; the seamless, cast
aluminum, self -cleaning, self -emptying
tub, and the addition of new improve
ments that, more than ever, entitle the
Maytag to its position of World Leadership.
Newton, Iowa
Mt. Veraoa, Wau, 820 Klncald
New berg. Ore., 1st M Meridian ;
Odessa, Wa r f .
Okaaosaa, W4 ' Seeond Areaae
CNympta, Wa SIS K. 0 St. i '- '
Fadletoa Ore4 197 W. Attalr. I
Port Aacelea, Ore. 118 W. Froat .
rortlaadpr, 182 Fortfc St. :
SalaaCOrSv 4T Ferry St.,;- - i-
tition Is a question
to the Multnomah
court recently by
attorney for James!
vice station owner."
The suit is almq
Oil company of Cali
es of 82,750 and cOff
(AP) Tiny Hayes too)
aver Pete Jackson ami
drew with Ace Boles
ras knocked down twij
ing show here Saturday
Internationally Noted Evangelist
of London, England, to visit Salem
She will begin her meetings
Wednesday night, Feb. 22nd at
420 State Street, upstairs over the "Man's
Meetings will continue every night for
several weeks.
Every honest, hungry child of God will be
glad of this unusual opportunity to hear the
sweet story of Jesus and Ills love and power
presented by this anointed servant, who is both
a prominent and successful evangelist and at
the same time filled with the love and humility
of a little child.
She has had great soul-saving campaigns In
different countries, God working with her "con
firming the Word with signs following." Mark
16:15-20; Jude 3.
- -' " 1
.. v
for a Maytag. Use it for V;i
trial washing in xour own : i
home. If it doesn't sell itself, r
don't keep it.
Muminum HVasher
Spokaae, Wa, W. 885" Spracna
SaanrsldA, Ta, 823 Sixth St. 1
Tacotna, 7a, 740 H St. lleleas Aray
The paUea, Or 408 M WaOOagtoa ,
Vaacotfrer, Wa, 1119 Mala St..
Walla. Walla, Wa.17 B. 4
Wematcbi Wrn 81 8. Mkwfcm : j .
raksna, W, 80S TTi Taktea' -
Bocx Brtw Orefoa C5ty, prp CZi,
.i-LMalflfcfe:':'-.-- -
v . - :
y "WiL, 1018 Third Ar.