The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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A. A. V. W. Director is
Honor Guest at Meeting
i I Saturday
f I Mrs. Melyln Brannon of Helena,
Montana, director of the North
Pacific section of the American as
sociation of University Women,
was a special guest at the dinner
meeting of the Salem chapter of
the A. A. U. W. Saturday evening
Vi St. at tne uray aviii.
L-", ? Mrs. Brannon, in the interest
ing talk which she gave in the eve
ning, said that recognition of the
various institutions by allowing
their graduates complete or as
sociate membership in the organi
zation is one of the endeavors of
the national organization.
The national organization of
the A. A. U. W. sponsors five fel
lowships and administers 10 oth
ers. Oregon, according to Mrs. Bran
non. is the only state offering a
graduate fellowship of its own. A
number of the sections in the na
tional organizations, units com-
I " posed of several states, have fel
lowships, but Oregon has the dis
tinction of being the only state
with a garduate fellowshp avail
tf The pre-school child work, the
elementary education program,
the adolescent education program,
the international relations work
and the loan libraries, as well a?
other activities of the American
association of University Women
were discussed by Mrs. Brannon.
The program Saturday, also in
cluded two piano solos played by
Miss Bettv Corskie. a student at
Vy Following the meeting of the
1 j " Salem chapter, Mrs. Brannon held
a conference with the executive
board of the Salem branch and
with the leaders of the pre-school
child and international relations
"j study sections,
f Forty-fouf members of the Sa
lem group were present.
Wednesday Afternoon Club
Members Entertain
Wednesday Afternoon club
members entertained their hus
bands one evening recently with
a card party at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Eby.
In the group were Mr. and Mrs.
Desmond Daue, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Mase, Mr. and Mrsl Harry
Kroner, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carter.
Mr. and Ms. Earl Allport. Mr. and
Mrs., Elbert Bradford. Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Ftazler, Mr. and Mrs
Forrest Fulton, and the Mr. and
Mrs. Edwfn Eby.
High score prizes were won by
Mrs. Desmond Daue and Ralph
Y. K. K. Class of First M. E.
Church in Charge of Box
The Y. K. K. class of the first
Methodist church Sunday school
is in charge of the box social
which will be held at eight o'clock
this evening in Epworth hall.
Mrs. Hobart Shade is chairman
of the committee which is making
arrangements for the affair.
Week-End Guests in
Miss Bertha Babcock and Miss
Dillie Cupper spent the past week
end in CorvaUis as guests, at the
Alpha Chi Omega House.
Mrs. Walter Spaulding Hos
tess at Two Delightful '
Two of the most delightful af
fairs of the many, given last week
were those for which Mrs. Walter
Spaulding was hostess.
Early in the week she enter,
tained with a six table bridge tea
in her home at 1630 Court street
The living rooms were lovely
with baskets of freezia and pink
and white carnations.
High score prizes were won by
Mrs. Paul Johnson and Mrs. W. L.
The guest group included Mr
and Mrs. W. L. Phillips, Dr. and
Mrs. George R. Vehrs, Dr. and
Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mr. and Mrs
Karl B. Kugel. Mr. and Mrs. Pau
V. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
J. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin F
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sch
mahl, Mr., and Mrs. S. J. Butler,
Mrs. Catherine Darby, and - the
host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs
Walter Spaulding.
On Thursday afternoon, Mrs
Spaulding was hostess at an at
tractive one o'clock, luncheon.
Lovely Bpring flowers centered
Bach of the small tables. . The
Washington day motif was carried
out in the favors and place cards
Covers were arranged for Miss
Madeline Gerlinger of Dallas.'Mrs.
E. J. Hodge of Woodburn, Mrs.
Ray Hartman, Mrs. Paul V. John
son. Miss Zoe Stockton, Mrs, W.
J. Buslck. Mrs. H. V. Compton,
Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs. Lewis D.
Griffith, Mrs. Frank G. Myers,
Mrs. Frank E. Brown, Mrs. Leo
Page, Mrs. Laban Steeves, Mrs.
Harry Willett, Mrs. Carl Arm
strong. Mrs. Earl Daue -Mrs. J. E.
Law, Mrs. Don Roberts, Mrs. W.
W. Daum, Mrs. H. K. Stockwell.
Mrs. George H. Vehrs, Mrs. Karl
B. Kugel, Mrs. Charles K. Spauld
ing, Miss Leone Spaulding, and
he hostess, Mrs. Walter Spauld
ing. Several hours of bridge follow
ed the luncheon.
The first prize for high score
honors was won by Mrs. Laban
Steeves. Mrs. Carl Armstrong re
reived the second prize.
Mrs. Spaulding has arranged a
-eries of such affairs which she
will give within the month.
Prominent W. C. T. U. Worn
en Will Have Charge of
Two prominent W. C. T. U.
women Mrs. Ada JoUey of Port
land, state president of the W. C.
T. U. and Miss Helen Byrnes of
California, national field worker.
will have charge -of an afternoon
council and federal meeting, be
ginning at two o'clock, Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
William McCarroll, 2119 Hazel
avenue. The two women will also
have charge of a meeting at sev
en-thirty in the evening at Jason
Lee church. I
AU women interested are Invit
ed to attend.
A Correction Concerning
Party at Mrs. S. Willis' Home
Members of the Count-On-Me
class of (he First Bapti3t church
surprised their teacher, Mrs. S.
Willis, and her husband in a most
delightful manner last Friday
night when they, with their hus
band as guests motored to the
Willis home near Hayesvllle and
U -R TF H,
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Miller V are prcpirmi to liiiiroji
troods sale of sift 3wca. . . Every home
Social Caxekdab
Benefit card party, sponsored by
Teachers of SL Paul's Sunday
school. Parish house. 8: 00 o'clock.
Colonial tea. Benefit of Student
Loan Fund. Chemeketa chapter, D,
A. R. Mrs. A. D. Hurley, 97S South
High street hostess.
Salem Music Teachers associa
Uon. Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby, 879
North Cottage street hostess. 8:00
D. E. club. Dancing and card
party, McCornack hail.
Etkota club. Mrs. Alice E. Fish
er, hostess, 615 Market street,
J Card party, sponsored by St.
Vincent de Paul Altar society. 8:00
Benefit bridge and "500" party
Sponsored, by B. and, P. W. club
Miss Burch and Miss Dimick, hos
tesses, 468 North Winter street.
Reservations 2 i 5 8-R.
Concert. Choir of Knight Mem
orial church. Rickreall church
7:03 o'clock.
Barbara Frietchie Tent. No. 2
Woman's club-house. 8 o'cock.
Ladies' auxiliary of Fraternal
Order of Eagles. Sponsoring bene
fit card party. Lodge hall. 2
o'clock. South Section, Woman's Union
of First Congregational church
Mrs. F. D. Klbbe, 695 South Com
mercial street hostess. 2 o'clock.
Meeting in charge of W. C. T
U. officers. Mrs. William McCar
roll, 2119 Hazel avenue. Those In
terested invited to attend. 2:00
o'clock. '""""
Town and Gown club. Lausanne
hall, 2:30 o'clock.
Ladies' Aid and Missionary so
ciety of American Lutheran church
Presbyterian church parlors. t:30
Woman's club. Club-h o u s e,
North Cottage street. 2:30 o'clock.
spent the evening playing old
fashioned games.
Abont nine-thirty refreshments
were served. After singing, "Blest
Be the Tie that Binds," the guests
left for their homes, happy foi
the good fellowship that exists 16
their class.
Interesting Sacred Concert
and Dramatic Recital Given
Sunday Evening
An interesting sacred concert
and dramatic recital was giver
Sunday evening at the First Con
gregational church by Professor
Edward Brigham of Steinway hall,
New York City.
Professor Brigbam is well
known in all parts of the United
States for his splendid concerts,
and an enthusiastic audience fillr
ed the church auditorium for hit
prdgram last night which includ
ed the following numbers:
"Vesper Hymn" (Old English) . .
"The Ninety and Nine" ....Solo
"King Robert of Sicily" Recitation
"Angelus" Solo
"Flee as a Bird" ..Solo
"No Night There" Solo
The Selfish Giant" ..Recitation
with musical accompaniment
"The Fire By the Sea" Recitation
"We" or "The Spirit of the Plane"
(Composed by Mr. Brigham)
"It's Me O Lord" Negro Spiritual
"Crucifixion" ....Negro Spiritual
"Go Down Moses" Negro Spiritual
Good Citizenship Institute -Will
Open This Morning at
the Y. M. C. A.
A Good Citizenship Institute
will open this morning at the Y.
M. C. A. under the auspices of the
(Continued ea Pf 10)
a s.
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Northwestern Electric Com
pany To Be Bought Out
By P. E. P. Firm
PORTLAND, Feb. 20. (AP)-
A proposed $104,000,000 power
merger in which the Portland
Electric Power company plans to
purchase, all properties and bust
ness of the Northwestern Electric
company was announced here to
A basic element of the proposal
is a pledge to slash rates to the
tent of saving users of electricity
more than 1300,000 a year. It Is
promised that the lnitia 1 rate
to . domestic users . would be
reduced from seven cents a
kilowatt hour to not more than
five cents per kilowatt hour, af
ter the monthly minimum.
Announcement of the proposed
purchase of the Northwestern
Electric by the Portland Electric
Power company was made Jointly
by Guy W. Talbot and Franklin
T. Griffith, presidents of the re
spective corporations. The an
nouncement lacked details as to
purchase terms but otherwise out
lined the plant.
. In the franchise obtained by the
Northwestern Electric company
from the city of Portland is a pro
vision that the corporation cannot
be sold without consent of the city
council. Presidents of the two
companies stated todav thev have
every reason to believe the coun
cil will, approve the sale under
the conditions that have been
$6000 Enter Prize Campaign Now! Win This Added
the Whippet Coach value $687.00. Purchased from and on
Alfred-Billingsley Motor Co. exhibition at the
Display Room, 333 Center Street
This $687 WHIPPET COACH to be given as addition
al award in the Statesman's $6000 Prize Campaign.
An amazing new off er an Extra prize in The Statesman's mam
moth $6000.00 prize campaign an opportunity to win two motor
To the man or woman who turns in to the campaign depart
ment the largest amount of money on new or old Statesman sub
scriptions during the period beginning Tuesday, February 21st,
and ending Monday, March 12th, at midnight, The Statesman will
give free a new $687 Whippet Coach ! Note that you da not have
to wait until the end of the campaign to win this beautiful car.
It is an ADDED PRIZE, a Special Event. .
!!rs?-a JU&ot lse4 tn IMt for CM
workad oat Tfc sUUtjr cntets !
however want jubllo approval
backd any such Important act
of tha couacll and , propos . a ;
referendum tow on the merger
proposal, such election to be held
without public cost.
The scope of the projected uni
fication of ' the two companies Is
far-reaching. Tbe companies bare
140,000 customers In 100 com
munities of the Willamette valley
and in southern Washington.
There are fully 12,600 holders of
stocks and bonds of the companies
in Oregon Eight plants of the
Portland. Electric Power company
have a generating capacity of
186,000 horsepower and three
plants of the Northwestern have
51,000 horsepower capacity.
Valuations of plants and prop
erties of the larger corporation is
placed at $81,000,000 and that pt
the Northwestern at $23,000,000.
The Northwestern's capitalization
on-.Marclr 1. 1926, when control
was purchased from the Flelsh-
hacker interests by the American
Power and Light company was In
excess of $21,000,000. It Is stated
that since that time Improvements
and extensions costing more than
$4,500,000 have been made.
Archerd Addresses Meeting
of Stayton Community Club
STAYTON, Ore., Feb. 20.
(Special) The Stayton commun
ity club held its regular meeting
and banquet in the dining room
of the Stayton hotel, Monday eve
ning. Topics of interest to Stayton
and vicinity were disclosed.
Several out of town men were
guests of the club, among whom
was Charles R. Archerd, a busi
ness man of Salem. Mr. Archerd
gave a very interesting talk before
the club which was enthusiastical
ly received.
. , :
No w Is the
; ' PrOCotmUd loan Entrant
Comrades of Ten Years Ago
Can Find Each Other If
Jhey Affiliate
"I'm a stranger In town, Just
passing through, and I want to
find my old buddy that was in the
umty umpth Infantry. Do you
know where he lives?"
This Is a question that is often
asked these days, even though itV
ten years after the war. A good
Lmany boys who fought side by side
have lost track of each other ex
cept that they know the other fel
low was from Salem or some gen
eral locality.
The best4lace to find out where
that old buddy is, is to ask the
American Legion adjutant, and
the best way to avoid being listed
among the "lost buddies" Is to
have a legion membership card
and be on the legion directory at
the adjutant's office. Here is a
continuation of the list of paid up
members of the local post, which
has been running In The States
man for several days:
O. O. Eksman
Lester R. Evans
Robert Evans
Leonard Evenden
Charles Faltus
Ivan L. Farmer
Lester Farnam
Arthur N. Fafr
Roy S. Farrand
Grant Farris
Ben Faught
Geo. Feller
. . . .- .- -. - -I.'-, .-
Time fo r LdteStdrters
H.E. Feller
Frank Feltoa. . . - -
John Fincke
W. G. Fisher
Prank C. Fitts
Ira Fltts
James S. Fltsgerald
Q. Max Flannery
Archie C. Fleener
Allen T. Fletcher
Christian Floer
A. M. Follrlch
Benjamin F. Forbes, Jr.
Bert T. Ford
E. C. Forsythe
Homer D. Foster
S. II. Francisco
Ray A. Frasier
W. A. Free
J. G. French
M. C. Fruit
Dan J. Fry, Jr.
Orris" Fry
Jake Fuhrer
Carl D. Gabrieison
Fred Gahlsdorf
LeRoy Gard
A. W. Gardner
Niel G. Garner
Dr. J. H. Garnjobst
Charles E. Garrant
James A. G arson
Chalmer Lee George
J. R. George
Geo. R. Claxton
Alvie Davis
W. R. Dallas
William Ector
Geo. W. Edwards.
Sale of Marian Parker
Photos Creates Furore
(AP) Orders for the arrest of
persons selling photographs of the
dissected torso of Marian Parker,
kidnaped, murdered and mutilat
ed by William Edward Hickman
have been Issued here by Dis
ages which it
new features of design and equipment
the perfected Whippet sets a value
standard never before reached.
It still leads in its power, efficiency,
economy of operation and smoothness.
It is still ahead in its development of
BIG 4-wheel brakes, long, semi-elliptic
springs with snubbers, over size balloon
tires and gasoline tank at the rear. . '
In spite of fast-mounting demand,
we are still able to make immedtat'He
livery of the Whippet. Come in and see
it ffy 7nnrclf tnrlflv -T
Four automobiles and other awards are to be awarded when
The Statesman campaign ends March 20th, but the $687 Whippet
Coach will be won by March 12tli eight days before the close of
the main event.- A candidate in the campaign can win this spec
ial prize car and also win one of the other four automobiles to
be given at the close qf4the campaign, ; , ;. J w
Don't let this wonderful ; opportunity to J
win an automobile slip byl j . If you are not -yet
entered in Ws great p : , .
send in your nomination at once! VWf .
,V For further information subscriptidn blanks, etc.). call,
- J- .v V Office Orescn Statesman T
215 S. Ccsuatrdal St, Saba, Ore. Tclcphcra ZZ3
trict Attorney Keyea. . Tha orders
followed the report of bis chief o'f
Detectives George Contrerms . that
copies of the photographs were
being displayed publicly and eold
In considerable numbers. The in
vestigation Is being continued to
determine the source of the - dis
tribution. ; . J '
Contreraa reported "nis'lnvestl-1,
gatlon revealed that the only ex
isting photographs from which
copies could have been made were
those placed in evidence 'in Hick
man's sanity trial for the child
slaying. These were displayed to
the jurors who returned the ver
dict that the killer was sane.'
Read the Classified Ads
"iiEuems so bud
"lly right arm was almost useless
from neuritis. The piercing pain
bothered me all day.
At night the sharp "
twinges would wake '
me right out of my
sleep. I suffered ter
ribly nntU one day;
I tried 'St Jacob's
Oil'. The relief I
got from this simple ,
oil was unbelievable.
My arm feels fine
Good old "St
Jacob's Oil" is one
remedy that really
- r stops the pains and
aches of Neuritis, Rheumatism, Back
ache. Lumbasro. and Neuralgia. The
.relief U almostinstantaiwous because
this marvelous ou goes oirecuy wiw
affected part and as quickly draws out
all the ache and pain. And It doesn't
burn or blister the skin. Get a small
trial bottle of St Jacob's Oil today
at your druggist's and see how it re
lieves pain.
the important advaht-
introduced and offering
a t 1 c ri. r
La J I n