The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 19, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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Wrftt C OS ( VSSSSfl it at
v" -. - "v-w m t -a 2 w a
Brine the little boss here it's his drug store as well as yours. This shop
makes every member of the family better satisfied with life.
YouTI be satisfied with our prices, also.
Justice Appointed
A I. Johnson Saturday waa ap
pointed by Governor Patterson Jus-1
tice of the peace of Drewsey ois-
trict, Harney county. Mr. Johnson
formerly served as county judge.
Eat Turkey Dinner At
The Gray Belle today.
Moore to Hun Again
A. J. Moore of Bend Saturday
filed with the secretary of state
here his nominating petition for
thp office of district attorney of
Deschutes county at the re pa Mi
can primary election. He Is the
I urn m hpnt and has serred two;
terms. ,Courtepy, fair dealing
strict law enforcement and Justice
to all," la the slogan adopted by
Mr. Moore.
Klks Dance
Tomorrow night.
JTDp Antremont Has So
JT , Mrs. Ray DeAutremont. whose
LViUhusbaud Is serving a me ierm m
the state penitentiary here In
connection with the staying of
three Southern PaclHc trainmen
in Siskiyou tunnel, a few years
ago. has given birth to a son. ac
cording to a letter received at the
prison Saturday. Mrs. DeAutre
mont is now living with her par
V ents at Hanging Rock. Ohio. The
babr has been named Ray. Pen-
it.ntinr nffirials said that De
Autremont appeared elated when
Informed that the child had ar
rived. It Really Waves and Curls
Hair that's had a perm, wave at
the Capital Beauty Shoppe.
ftlott Speaks Tuesday
James W. Mott, state represen
tative from Astoria, will be the
speaker on the Kiwanis club pro
gram at Tuesday's luncheon, it "has
been announced.
Fly Today In Waco Plane
At Fairground Field. Safe ex
perienced pilots. No fears. Just
thrills. Three free
given away today. PaxIii.aUr
plane Service.
Visa Old Time Friend
Lloyd A. Duncan, Los Angeles
electrician, dropped in to see his
school day friend. Judge Mark
Poulsen at the city recorder's of
fice yesterday. Duncan arrived In
Salem yesterday to attend the
funeral of his father, J. M. Dun
can, who 'died Wednesday.
Read the Article
On Children's Dentistry by the
Salem Progressive Dental Club in
today's paper. It pays to take
care of your child's teeth.
Honor Great Americans-
There will be special patriotic
serveies, this evening at 7:30
o'clock at the First Christian
church, High and Center streets, in
honor of the great Americans
whose birthdays are celebrated
this month. A number of patriot
ic songs will be sung, led by the
choir. The pastor. Rev. D. " J.
Howe, will have for his subject
"The Builders of a Nation." All
patriotic orders are invited to at
Elks Dance-
Tomorrow night.
Spends Week With Daughter
C. J. Latham of this city has
been at Gates this week visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Jones, the latter being his daugh
ter. 40 Acre Farm
For $8300. The best farm buy
you hare .seen. Buildings and
equipment. Real creek through
pasture. 36 acres la grain. 8)4
miles east of Salem. Fared or
similar road all way. Becke A
Hendricks, 189 X. High Street.
Woodworm Faculty Visit
Members of tho teaching staff
of Woodburn high school enjoyed
a skating party at the Dreamland
rink here Friday erening.
2 -.To $12,000. Here are T to
choose from. Immediate posse
sion on 4. Site to 199 to
handle. Balance EXACTLY like
rent. Becke Hendricks, ltf N.
Peter Daler Dies
- Peter Fuler, $8, and a resident
of Aumsville for 27 years until
pthe family moved to Salem a year
aro. diAd at his noarm. BSC Hanxnl
19th yesterday morning f0now4was Mstauauom oi wwaicn.are
, ing a lingering illness. The fam
ily came to Oregon from New
Rockfom. N. D.. in lnoo. Fnn-Jwas done hy the saiam. racinci
era! sarrieas will be hold at.
r-dock the-wCbxsMnjrmSmtimrMt IM,
-hurch in AnmsTllle with inter
ment in the Aumsville cemetery.
A daughter, Mrs. Metrin Gildow
and two grandchildren, and his
widow, all of Salem, survive.
Illihee School Has Social
The Illihee school was the scene
of a basket Social Friday night.
The event was sponsored to raise
funds to be applied towards the
tandardltation of the Illfhee
White Mountain Hoaey Is ther.
Best. l&ead afSFS.
l-ocnl Mew at Seattle
W. Connell Dyer, Frank Spears,
T. A, Roberts, and Harry Hawkins
are In attendance at a loan and
mortgage association meeting in
Seattle. They will return to Sa
lem Monday evening.
j For Sale, Below
t Modern home.
Good location.
Phone 2156-W.
Waconda School Has Paper I
Lela Aspinwall is editor of "The
HappyviUe Herald," a miniature
typewritten newspaper that has
.made its appearance at the Wa
conda school. News of interest to
parents and teachers, as well a?
students, is promised. Vivian
Helser is assistant editor; Grace
Weinman, circulation manager,
and Miss Helen Com mack, printer.
Gray Belle French Pastries
For your Sunday dinner.
Rogers Has Grandson-
Word reached Salem yesterday
that a son had been horn to Mrs.
James G. A. Hutcheson, daughter
of George Rogers, who has been
well known here. The child was
bom Friday morning ot this wee
Mrs. Huteheson was formerly
llipMKl flnnn nf this eltv. -
Pared Corner fOSO
Both parings paid in full.
at Marlon and 23rd. Becke
Hendricks. 189 N. High Street
Special Sunday Dinner
Serred 5:45 to 8 p. m.,
Moore Sued For
Action was begun In circuit
court here yesterday by the John
Elliott Clark company of Salt Lake
City against Hurley L. Moore for
$836.56 alleged to be due and ow
ing on a bill of goods amounting
to $2826.33. '
Bullock Estate 1500
Inventory and appraisement fil
ed, yesterday in probate court, in
tho matter of the estate of Eliza
beth Bullock fixes the amount of
the estate at $1500. consisting of
a piece of Salem property. Apprais-j
irs are R. D. Gray, H. R. Crawford
aad E. B. Grabenhorst.
Fly TcJay la Waco Plane
At Fairground Field. Safe ex
perienced pilots. No tears, just
thrills. Three tree rides will be
given away today. Pacific Air
plane Service. '
Diphtheria Scare False
The diphtheria scare which was
manifest at Sublimity following
the sudden death of 11-year-old
Mae Lehr and death of a Boedlg
hemier girl shortly after from
throat Infection, has no founda
tion reports Dr. Vernon A Doug
las, deputy health officer follow
ing receipt of negative reports on
cultures sent to the state board
of health. Diagnosis showed Miss
Lahr to hare died ot meningitis.
Attends Howell
County Superintendent Fulker-son-was
at Howell Friday night to
participate In a program of the
North Howell community club.
Other speakers were A. N. Fulker-
son, Ivan B. Stewart, who ex
plained' the working of the new
toning plan for the connty fed
eratlon, and Warren Crab tree of
Residencs and business. We
mare noma exceptional lot buyal
KHr'week. Here's Falrmount HID
lot at Superior aad Falrmount.
50x100 wtth all parings paid. To
tal price $1509 CASH. Another
71x199 reduced from $8099
$1199 $100 to handle. A Bast,
neas -Corner om 12th Street, for
f3d6o It's 80x109. Becke A
Hendricks. 189 N. High Street.
199 Bar Phones At Jlowpital
The stabs taharenlosls hospital
win have a total of 190 ear phones
nowv being added is completed
Wiring for those now being added
tfTalepkona and Telegraph
- I
Portland Oregonua ' radio station.
was here Friday to supervise in
stallation of the new phones,
which are for pavilions A and B
Patients as Salem Hospital
Among those receiving medical
treatment at the Salem general
hospital are Albert Dixon of Val
setx and Theron Finch of Wood
burn. Turkey Dinner Served
Today at the Gray Belle.
Bicycle Larks lights
Robert Ram age was fined II
in police court here Saturday on
a charge of operating a bicycle
without lights.
Charge Drunken Driving
it. tr. snears or rortiana was
arrested Saturday afternoon by lo
cal police on a charge of operating
an automobile on the Pacific high
way while Intoxicated.
Mortgages, Real state
Insurance, W. E. Moses.
Plans New Dwelling
J. H. Farrar took out a permit
Saturday Tor a new residence at
267 North Cottage street, estimat
ed to cost $3808.
Elderly Couple Weds
A marriage license was yester
day issued from the office of the
Marion county clerk to Charles A.
Parsons. 58, of Albany, and Mrs.
Jessie Miller, 51, of Aumsville.
The marriage is his third and her
Fly Today In Waco Plane
At Fairground Field. Safe ex
perienced pilots. No fears, Just
hrllls. Three free rides will h.
away today. Pacific Air
Service. tegoa City Maa Fined
O. E. Osburnof Oregon City
was fined $5 in police court here
Saturday on a charge of speeding
Portland Couple Marries
J. D. Lyman, 33, of Portland,
yesterday took out a license to
marry Lois Stafford, 32, also of
Portland. The marriage is his sec
ond and her first.
Fly Today la Waco Plane
At Fairground Field. Safe ex
perienced pilots. No fears, just
thrills. Three free rides will he
given away today. Pacific Air
plane Service.
Wins S500 Verdict
Frieda Heinzelmann was yester
day awarded a verdict ot $600 in
her damage action against Fred
Elser for Injuries sustained in an
automobile accident. She was su
ing Elser for $2500.
Licensed to Wed
A marriage license was yester
day issued from the office of the
Marlon county clerk to Preston M
Lee, 25, of Portland, and Margaret
A. Missler, 19, of Stay ton.
Notice To Parents
The youngsters who are tearing
down my wood piles on South 14th
Street, will be prosecuted to the
limit, if they do not stop now. The
parents will have to pay the dam
ages. Fred E. Wells.
BoeweU Jailed
David L. Boswell was yesterday
lodged in the Marlon county jail
on a charge growing out of an al
leged misappropriation of an au
If Al Smith's campaign manag
ers are as clever as they ought to
be they will pretty soon begin
take straw votes along the Bow
ery. .
Great News for
It yaa sstfar (ma Oh, Bt tlsty Heart-
m. Tern aoa't have ta
U ar tma taaaenda s
Jt m eaa avleklr siaa taal
yaa aava Ummi ffca Siilail
Vr awai wwla aas 4a it-at
ftak. -a faftiaat wtivt that ZHsUs
arta swka ra
awka ran a I , W
Bflsf V gMttataP vtatty
taka a m rtgtt
tbara If rem wlaa
if rae iaa't aaam'
faai jraaUr hasaavas
)oat iam taa pack--wa'U
aw la fall
whaaa. sairttoa ar
it D a t
Daa't auffar.
PerryY Drug Store
115 S. Commercial
n (iixi "ID)
Ws havs si Ford ton track'
that has heem driven bat
Tery little and runs liks a
nsw job. Equipped wtth a
good cab. staks ' body aad
stock loading platform and
priced at SimoO.
Hits For Brealcf act I
Some good advertising
Hare yon noticed the pace be
ing carried by the Salem Realty
Board? Turn to the last page of
the Automotive and Better Homer
section of this morning's paper
That Is good copy, yon must agree
It Is evidently written by a man
who has vision without being
visionary, and one who knows how
to put facts and conclusions Is
Tlaln, readable English. And so
it has been with all the series. The
campaign Is -constructive, convinc
ing, and conducive of good results
Talking about advertising some
nore, the baby chick men of the
United States are organizing
Treat campaign. A survey show;
nat tne nig natcnerles are now
urning out five hundred million
f baby chicks annually; but that
is only 25 per cent of the whole
number hatched In this country
the balance being hatched unde
hens and by small incubators or
the farms. The big baby chid
nen are going after a larger Bharc
if the 75 per cent, through a ion
md intensive advertising cam
palgn, in newspapers and farm ant
poultry papers.
A woman went Into a Salem
restaurant looking for work. The
Salem T free employment offic
was phoned to. After some in
3 u tries, the woman was put Ii
onnectlon with a situation tha'
was open, and which it appeared
ihe could fill. She was employed
Bat In the time that was taken
the woman appeared to become
weak; dated. She had not asked
tor food. But It was suKested
hat a cup of coffee might be good
.'or her. Then she confessed tha
he had had nothing to eat that
lay, and little the day before anc
lays before that. A hearty mea"
vas offered her, and she did ful
lust ice to the viands, to the last
Tomb and morsel. It Is noeoin
asual for hungry men to ask tor
neals, at restaurants, or else
where. But this Is the first ex
?erlence of the kind in that res
aurant, of a hungry woman ask
ng for food and, indeed, she did
not ask for it -It was forced or
her. Is there any woman readei
3f this paragraph who can imagine
herself as being half starved, and
being too proud and sensitive to
lsk for food? Likely there are
many. But not many In this land
tt plenty who are likely to come
to such a condition.
The Outer Gate
(Cot tinned from -page 0.)
Borden has been having businest
trouble. I'll not bore you with
too many details. These trouble?
hare been accumulating for many
months. Once they were tided
over. This is the second and
final crisis in his business affairs.
"The Berkeley Steel compsny,
of which he is operating vice pres
ident and part owner, has expand
ed too rapidly for its own good
It was a small corporation and a
rnTE TORIC ra4iBg ten mi. W lm
n ror flaw fiat 1rk(.
IxamiaatiM too.
TTnompson-Glwtsch Optical Co.
lie ir. on'l at.
Re wo wad aad Repaired, New
or TJsed Motors
YlooAJtrr & TODD
Things Electrical
19)1 Sowth HhpV ' TeL S1ZS
Now Is tho Time To
Plant Your
Wo are offering a fine line
of fruit and not trees at at
tractice prices. Don't mis
toeing us .before buying.
Twenty years in the busi
ness. vv
Sales Tard So, cf Arfa cry
Office 174 So. libertr SL
PnONC 377
TTfYTR Tl 1 TTS-M . .
successful ons. Its stock has ner-
er besn on th emarket. It was or
ganised by, and la tho property oti
small group ot lnQmantial and
wealthy ctthtens. Jonas Merrt-
wether is. I understand, tho chief
"Their program of expansion
got away from them. It took Its
own hand and before thay realisad
it they wero in too deep to do
anything other than throw In
morn money. There was bo tumH
ins hack. They borrowed to the
hilt until they reached the point
of loan saturation. No hank In
the city would lend any more
money on the physical securities
of the company. And they havs
again reached a point where they
must hare money. Cash! And
sometimes. Terry, the need for im
mediate cash Is a Tery embarrass
ing thing."
(To be Continued.)
(OostinoW from g 1.)
chants, In the amount of $11,486.-
66. Both losses were covered by
At Tonealla, Douglas county, on
November 16, 1925, Torres and
3Uva set fire to the general mer
chandise store of Ida M. Banyan
The loss of merchandise and fhc-
ures aggregated $4917.21. with
insurance of $2 200. -
The pool hall of J. J. Lots.
which adjoined the Bunyan store
was destroyed, with a loss esti
mated at $10,000. No insurance
was carried by Mr. Lutt.
On December 27. 1925, at Oak
land, Oregon, the Mexicans set fire
o the store ot J. T. Bridges
company. The store previously had
een robbed. Tho fire was discov-
red before it bad gained substan
ial headway and was extinguish-j
d. The loss resulting from the fire
xras less than $50.
A large bundle ot merchandise
rained at mora than $1000 later
jvas found by the officers under
in old building. Silva told the of
'leers that he carried away two
nitcases of loot taken from the
bridges store.
At Medtord February 13, 1927,
McPherson's (F. J. Men's) store
jras robbed and burned with a low
it $7751.90. Other losses resulting
rom this fire Included the "Ad--ienne
Steward" shop. $5632.99.
covered by Insurance; Diamond
.restaurant, $436. covered by in-
;urance: J. H. Cooley, owner of
building, $4047.35. Torres was em
ployed as a dishwasher in the Dia
mond restaurant at the time ot the
At Oakrldgs on October 25,
1937, SUva confessed that he roh
ed two stores and later set tire
o one of them. The fire destroy
ed an entire block of building?
jrith a loss of $35,000. Insurance
was earrte din tho amount ot $7,
Silva also confessed to Fire Mar
shals Malehorn and Warren that
tie committed four daylight rob
beries. These Included stores at
Medford, Eugene, and Grants Pass.
MEDFORD. Feb. 18. (AP)
W. W. Gregory was named chair
man of a new board of directors of
the Jackson county farm bureau
at a meeting this afternoon with
J. R. MacCracken of Ashland;
Frank Upton ot Central Point;
Justin Judy ot Griffin creek and
jh ester Fitch of Medford, asso
ciate remaining members of the
Fancy Dogs Cats At Stmd
Boston and Fox Terriers, Eng
lish Bull, German Police, Pers
ian Cats. Pets boarded.
27S State and Pacific Highway
Telephone 889 111 StaU St.
X7 N
Ditinctly Correct
John J. Rattle
Expert Shoo Fitters
TEST often noople who are
taadern wrtUag mnahlne are euiitai U laarm, that
t. iii.f miA Omt mar not bars used far a lemg '
a mnrhet ralne and win he asssplii to pext psTieant. If yo
hare am old macalma. par haps jom wd he toterosted ta leara
tag what tt ar worth. If roa SI SX la taa rpaca below we
win he glad to aire you whatever WmrmarJom ywa require,
QnoU ma aUewanee on ar ........... .sCedel Ne. ........
Serial No. Send fwB rnfermration as to wrlces
and terms ( ) Send me a Corona for one week en tree trial ( )
Typewriter Exchange
sxccsr . . dsi cm
Eat Turkey
Today at the Gray Belle.
Rabbit aad Turkey
Serred all day at The Spa.
For Dinner This
$1.25 dinner
at the Marion
hotel today.
O'Leary's The New
Special chicken dinner.
CMekea Dinner at the Laach Box
181 S. Liberty St, Tables for
ladles. Open all day.
Special Dimmer Today
And home made salads. State
Special Cfclckem Dimmer
And supper at Argo Restaurant,
Betty Loo Luncheonette
1236 State, chicken dinner, 60c
Special Roast Chicken Dinner SOc
Home Restaurant
Special DeHote Chicken Di
11 a. m. to 9 p. m. White House.
Kmmm Lens at the Nook
379 N. High, serves Barbecued
Chicken dinner today, 60c.
Coatin4 pgv 7.)
boat when
the gangplank If
The Key System, owners of thf
vessel, conducted an investigation
today, independent of all other
agencies. The company official!
Statement Quoted
"At this time we cannot ascer
tain what caused the wash over
the deck of the boat Peralta
There vas no danger at any tlmr
of the Peralta sinking because
she is buoyed with water tight
compartments which would make
it Impossible. The only danger
was the danger that happened
that of panic."
The list ot known missing to
night follows:
J. W. Collins. Oakland, em
ployed by the Pacific Telephone
nd Telegraph company.
Hngh Findlay. Berkeley, assist
ant editor of a trade magazine.
Lewis Keen, no address.
W. Fayre. no address.
Dan Petker. Oakland, candy
Mrs. Evelyn Kraft. negress
A man named Tyrell, no ad
Boston Terrier Puppies
Males for
Ckanpiae. Hasarty's
Klag Jr.
Why Risk
the Dangers
that result from
A Bad Cold
It is ..easier and safer to
stop that cough now with
136 North Commercial St.
Phone 197
Original Yellow Front
Penalar Agency
eemsilerlng tn pnrcaaee
: J
of a
Uamv has
c 1 '
(From Cbtmmns of The Statesman,
February SO, IPOS)
Washington An appropriation
of $5,000,000 with which to pur
chase submarine torpedo boats was
passed by congress.
Everett The first Installment
ot homeseekers arrived last night.
Many have already secured Paget
Sound land holdings. "
The Oregon legislature put Into
the special appropriation act pro
vision tor purchasing a mansion
for the governor of the state.
Frits Kraaek. 42. died February
ii a local nospnai. The re
mains, accompanied by his wife
were forwarded Saturday by the
Terwllllger Funeral Home to Port-i
land for funeral services and in
terment. McCorkle
Ann McCorkle. wife of the late
William J. McCorkle. died today
it the residence of hre daughter
Mrs. A. D. Hale at Claxter, at the
tge of 92 years, 11 mouths. She
is aiso survived oy two sons,
George W. and William E. Irons
of Idaho, 13 grandchildren, 12
Treat grandchildren and eight
?reat great grand children. Fun
eral service will be held at the
Haresvllle church Monday at 10
with interment in the Jefferson
cemetery. Webb's parlors In
Peter Gulen died at his reel
aence at m so. istn street on
February 18, at the age of 83
Survfved by his widow. Elizabeth
ind a daughter, Mrs. Melvin Gild-
. - t
Mutual Sayings and Loan Association
A Salem Institution Organized in 1110
Place your savings with us (
Let us finance your home on weesdy
or monthly payments
142 South Liberty Street
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Let Kennell-Ellis
Make Your View and Commercial
Pictures, Any Time, Any Place
Old Photographs Copied
Often you want old photographs reproduced, hat tear entrust
ing them to strangers.
Our reputation assures the safety and proper care at roar
picture, which ws wtil copy, enlarge, frame ar hand eoler at
a price lower than the unknown agent can otter.
Kennell-Ellis Studio
429 Oregon Bldg.
amid Storage
Loos aad Short Diatanca Ilagllng
PubSie and Prrraie Storast
Fireproof BnHdinx
Free DeHTtry to any part of tho dtjr, '
- PAU1V TRAGLIO Pre?. r i
Pay Telephone 28 ;; inht Telephone 12S7-T7
ov, both of Salem, and two grand
children, lanerai serriee wffl be :
held Sunday at 2:90 p, m at tho
Christian church at Aumsville with
Webb's funeral parlors in charge. -
Interment In the AamsriUe ceme
Mrs. Josephine Kelly Krats.
aged 61. died Saturday morning
at a local hospital. She Is sur
vived by her husband Charles
Krats. of 1889 Center street. Re
citation of the Rosary at Terwil- .
llger Funeral Home Sunday at 7
p. m. Faaeral services from St.
Joseph's church, with Rev. J. N.
Back officiating, Monday at 7:30
a. m.
Frank Bansr died at a local
hospital Saturday at the age of 26
years. The remains are being
forwarded by the Terwllllger
Funeral Home to Portland tor
funeral services and interment.
Perfect Funeral Service
For Leas
Licensed Lady Mirticlam
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
The Heart
is lifted and sadness will
find here a service that is
the reverent essence 6f
human thoughtfulness and
Webbs Funeral Parlors
Telephone 120
Ten Years Practice in
Phone 625
Dr. L. Ra Burdctte
401 First KaUona namk Bldg.
' . 4..-