The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 19, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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Upper right: Mrs. Lawrence Woodworth, who with her husband, arrived from Portland a short
time ago and is now making her home at 2020 South High street. A number of affairs have been
given recently in her honor. Upper Iefv: Mrs. Russell Pratt -l(Alice Roth) whose wedding was an
event of February 5 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Roth, in Salem. Lower right:
Mrs. Mason Bishop, active in the Y. W. C. A. campaign for funds which was held February 6-11.
Lower left: Mrs. Roy Klein, present of the local chapter of the American Association of Uni
versity Women one of the most active organizations in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy En
tertain With Tico Attractive
A (fairs
Two attractive affairs were
given Thursday at the; Frank Mc
Carthy home on D street.
In the afternoon Mrs. McCarthy
was hostess at a two table bridge
The living rooms were decora
ted with Valentine hearts and nov
elties. The Valentine motif was
rarried out also in the refresh
ments which were served at the
tea hour.
Mrs. George
Wenderoth won
tn hririea and'
high score prize
Mrs. Charles Wilson received the
second award.
Tha ornaata KAH AIra .ToPPtlhilie
Butts. Mrs. Charle, Wilson. Mrs.
Srant Alkire. Mrs. B. E. Cooper, j
.Mrs. Reuel Smith. Mrs. Irving De-
France, Mrs. George Wenderoth.
Mrs. Theodore Amend, and the
hostess, Mrs. McCarthy.
Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy were
hosts at ditfner in the evening,
having as their guests Mr. and
Mra Theodore Amend. Mr. and
Mrs. Reuel Smith, Miss Maxlne
Amend. Mr. and Mrs. George
Wenderoth, and Miss Cecil Wen
deroth. The evening was spent playing
-uOd." Mrs. Smith and Mr
(Vend roth received the high score
Barbara Frietchie Tent Will
Meet Wednesday Evening
Barbara Frietchie Tent, No. 2
will meet Wednesday evening at
8 o'clock at the Woman's Club
house on North Cottage street.
Ted Roy Will Present Febru
ary Concert of Salem Mc-
An event of thia month will be
the February concert of the Salem
McDowell club which will be sung
February 27 by Ted Roy tenor,
winner of 8cond place In the na
tional Atwater Kent anaitlon
which was held earlier In the
spring in Washington. D. C.
Mr. Roy, whoae (home Is in
Pilot Rock. Ore.. Is a junior In
music at Oregon Stat Agricul
tural, college. Corrallla, and hi
beautiful voice la winning for him
a permanent place In national
musical circlet.
Barnard Sager, violinist, of Cor
valHs. will be the assisting artist
1 for the evening.
Professor and Mrs. Panl E.
II IX,' Jf - 111
The foolish little dream
I dreamed
Was but a tinseled toy
Life shattered it
To make me seek
A richer, deeper joy.
And I have lived to bless
The hour
That brought me tears and rue.
Life bade me dream
A greater dream
And lo '. the dream came true.
John Moreland.
Petri will be present for the con
cert and will accompany the two
featured artists.
News of the concert is being!
received with the greatest interest
by the music lovers throughout
the Willamette valley.
Mrs. Graham Entertains M.
M. Club Members at Luncheon
Mrs. C. A. Graham entertained
the M. M. club Thursday after
noon with a 1 o'clock luncheon.
The table decorations featured
Washington's birthday.
A business session followed the
The following members were
present: Mrs. Leo Huddleson, Mrs.
Gale Hathaway. Mrs. Smith. Mrs.
Nettie Stanton, Mrs. F. L. Deni-
on. Mrs Cncar Donaldson. Mrs.
J- Vn Osdal. , and the hostess,
Mrs. Graham
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Leo Hud
djeston will entertain the club in
a fortnight at the Huddleston
home on North 15th street.
Meeting of Royal Neighbors
Sewing Club
. A nee ting of the Royal Neigh
bors Sewing club was held Tues
day afternoon at the home of
Mrs. C. W. Aplin. Twenty-three
members were present.
After a short business meeting
games wre played and refresh
ments served by the committee
in charge which Included Mrs.
Rose Abbott, Mrs. Sarah Peter
son, and Mrs. Ida McCully.
The next meeting of the club
will be held at the home of Mrs
Carrie Bunn, 2235 Hazel avenue
Interesting Meeting of West
way Club Held at the Fra
ternal Temple
An unusually interesting meet
lng of the Westway club of the
Woman's Benefit association was
held Thursday afternoon at the
Fraternal Temple.
Patriotic decorations were ar
range dabout the club rooms
where tables of bridge and S00
were in play throughout the af
Mrs. O. A. Olsen won high
score honors In bridge and Mrs.
Howard Crawford received the
second award.
Ut Mrs. Melvlna Sloper won the
high scVJre prlxei in ."500" and
Mrs. Ernest Peterson received the
door prise.
The long tables arranged In the
dining room wera very attractive
with miniature cherry trees
hatchets, and other patriotic fav
ors. Hostesses for the afternoon
were Mrs. James Imlah, Mrs. W.
S. Shearer, Mrs. Chris Hampshire
Mrs. liosella Crossen. and Mrs.
Norma Terwilliger.
Entre Nous Club Has Enjoy
able Meeting at Club-House
Entre Nous club members held
their regular social meeting in the
club-house Wednesday evening.
"500" and dancing were enjoy
ed by the guests.
High score prize was won by
Mrs. Chris Hampshire and Mr. H.
Hummell. The second award went
to Mrs. R. Howard and Mr. Harold
Hostesses for the evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Aline, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jacobsen.
In the eroun were Mr. and Mrs.
Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. KighUInger.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Rachel
Howard, and Mr. M. Perlman,
special guests, and the folowing
club members: Mr. and Mrs.
Smart, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hamp
shire. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ham-
seyer, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Good-
enough, Mr. and Mrs. William Mo
ses, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Howard, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Hummell, Mr. and Mrs.
1 lmer Cook, and the hosts, Mr. and
Mrs. Aline, and Mr. and Mrs. Ja
cobsen. Miss Magers Will Present
Talented Pupils in Song
Miss Minnetta Magers will pre
sent the following students in song
recital Tuesday evening, February
28. at 8:15 o'clock in the audi
torium of the Nelson building; so
pranos. Miss Eleanor Moore, Miss
Dorothy Tweedale, and Mrs. H. VS.
Russell of Marion: contraltos,
Grace Fawk. Arbutus Rudie, and
Myra Gleason; baritone, Lawrence
Deacon: tenor. John Medler of
Assisting on the evening's pro
gram will be John Wallace Gra
ham, talented young violinist of
Portland, and son of William Wal
lace Graham, who hasvbeen the
teacher of so many accomplished
Salem violinists. John Wallace
Graham is also teaching violin in
Salem this season.
Miss Lena Medler. pupil of Miss
Ruth Bedford, will play a group
of piano numbers.
Mrs. Harry Hawkins Hostess
at Delightful One O'clock
Mrs. Harry M. Hawkins enter
tained Tuesday afternoon with a
delightful one o'clock luncheon at
the Gray Belle, having as her
guests members of her bridge club
and several additional guests.
Red carnation and tall tapers
centered the luncheon table ar
ranged in the Chinese room. At
tractive favors marked covers for
Mrs. T. A LlTesley, Mrs. Clifton
Irwin, Mrs. W. Connell Dyer, Mrs
Sacred concert and dramatic re
cital given by Professor Edward
Brigham of New York City. First
Congregational church. 7:80
"The Pill Bottle," a medical
Missionary play, presented by Sen
ior and intermediate Christian En
deavor societies of Knight Mem
orial church. Church auditorium,
7:30 o'clock.
Pageant, "Two Masters" present
ed by young people of Sllverton
M. E. church. Jason Lee church.
7:30 o'clock.
Stated communication, White
Shrine, No. 2, Order of White
Shrine of Jerusalem. Masonic tem
ple. 8 o'clock. Piogram in charge
of Oregon Shrine.
Willamette Shrine, Order of
White Shrine of Jerusalem. fason-
ic temple. 8r00 o'clock. Oregon
-Shrine Patrol will be guests.
"Heritage Banquet" sponsored
by W. F. M. S. of First M. E.
church in honor of Standard Bear
er Girls. Church parlors. 6:00
Benefit card party, sponsored by
Teachers of St. Paul's Sunday
school. Parish house. 8:00 o'clock.
Colonial tea. Benefit of Student
Loan Fund. Chemeketa chapter, D.
A. R. Mrs. A. D. Hurley, 975 South
High street hostess.
Salem Music Teachers' associa
tion. Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby, 679
North Cottage street hostess, 8:00
D. E. club. Dancing and card
party. McCornack hall.
Benefit bridge and "500" party.
Sponsored by B- and P. W. club.
Miss Burch and Miss Dimick, hos
tesses. 468 North Winter street.
Reservations 24 58-R.
Concert. Choir of Knight Mem
orial church. Rickreall church.
7:30 o'clock.
Barbara Frietchie Tent, No. 2.
Woman's club-house. 8 o'clock.
Town and Gown club. Lausanne
hall. 2:30 o'clock.
Ladies' Aid and Missionary so
ciety of American Lutheran church
Presbyterian church parlors. 2:30
John J. Roberts, Mrs. Clifford Far
mer, Mrs. Paul Hendricks, Mrs.
Fritz Slade, Mrs. John H. Carson,
Mrs.i Prince Byrd, Mrs. Frank
Spears, Mrs. R. M. Hofer, Mrs. W.
Connell Dyer, and the hostess,
Mrs. Hawkins.
Several hours of bridge in the
Hawkins home on Lincoln Hill fol
lowed the luncheon.
Mrs. John J. Roberts won the
first prize for high score honors.
Royal Neighbors of America
Will Meet Tomorrow Evening
The Royal Neighbors of Amer
ica will meet at eight o'clock to
morrow evening in the Fraternal
.emple. The juvenile organization
will meet at seven.
As there will be initiation ser
vices, all officers are asked to
wear white.
Interesting Meeting of Hal
Hibbard Auxiliary Held at
Thompson Home
The members of Hal Hibbard
iuxlliary, U. S. W. V., were guests
f Mrs. Fred A. Thompson in her
home on South Commercial street,
Friday afternoon.
Following a Bhort business ses
sion, a patriotic program of music
and readings was given. The 30th
anniversary of the sinking of the
"Maine" was observed as well as
Lincoln's and Washington's birth
Many interesting articles and
pictures from the Hawaiian Isl
ands, China, Japan, India, and
Egypt were shown to the guests,
These were sent to Mr. and Mrs.
who is with the world debating
Thompson by their son, Avery,
team from the University of Ore-
Mrs. William Everett Anderson
poke of the. splendid Abraham
llncoln drama which will be shown
it the Elsinore theater early in
Baskets of Oregon grape and
pussywillows were arranged about
the rooms.
A centerpiece of daffodils and
pussywillows together with yellow
tapers centered the tea table in
the dining room. Mrs. Jay Wood
ard, the honor birthday guest, and
Mrs. Henry O. Miller, president
of the auxiliary, presided at the
serving urns. The auxiliary colors,
red, white, and yellow, were car
ried out In the refreshments.
Guests for the afternoon Includ
ed: Mrs. Henry O. Miller, Mrs. Jay
Woodard, Mrs. Charles Brant, Mrs
J. H. Arnold, Mrs. Carle Abrams,
Mrs. E. E. Buckles, Mrs. John Sey
mour, Mrs. F. M. Alley, Mrs. A. T.
Woolpert. Mrs. R. C. Churchill,
Mrs. M. W. Baker, Mrs. C. F. Har
rington, Mrs. V. E. Newcomb, Mrs,
B. W. Walcher, Mrs. Arthur
Welch. Mrs. O. J. Hull, Mrs. Lulu
Humphrey, Mrs. Charles McKin
ley, Mrs. John Bertelson, and the
hostess, Mrs. Thompson.
Social Meeting of Ladies' Aid
Society of W. R. C.
A social meeting of the Ladies'
Aid society of the Woman's Re
lief Corps was held Thursday aft
ernoon at the home of Mrs. Bertha
Members present were Clara
Adams, Elizabeth Bliss, Mary
Briggs, Myrtle Collins, Delia Clear
water, Hattle Cameron, Hannah
Hlggins, Jennie F. B. Jones, Mary
Johnson, Louisa Kraps, Louisa
Koon, Louise King, Cordelia La
Bare, Mary Llckel. Laura McAd
ams, Bessie Martin, Clara McDer-
by, Jennett Mathews, Elisabeth
Pound, Mlrah Robertson, Gertrude
Aeml&fton, Elisabeth Remington,
Helsa South wick, Ada Simpson,
Mettle Schramm, " Phoebe Smily,
Mary Thorp, Rose Toris, Martha
Mann, Laudena Alley.Evallne Sing
Bernice Boufflear, and the hos
tess, Bertha Loveland.
Mrs. Llckel, Mettle Schramm,
Helen Southwlck, Louisa Kraps,
Hannah Hlggins. and Jennie F. B.
Jones assisted the hostess In serv
ing. Silverton Young People Will
Present Pageant at Jason .
Lee Church
A group of young people from
the Silverton Methodist church
will present a pageant, "The Two
Masters" this evening, beginning
at seven-thirty o'clock at the Ja
son Lee Memorial church.
This pageant is a gripping pres
entation of the struggle between
the spirit of the world and the
spirit of the Christ in modern life.
Rev. Hardy, pastor of the Sil
verton M. E. church, has directed
the presentation and will be pres
ent this evening.
The public is invited to attend
Jhis interesting program.
Week-End Guest in Portland
Miss Thelma Young is spending
the week-end in Portland with
Miss Gene Belle.
Surprise Party Given For
Mr. and Mrs. Bartell
The 4-M club of MacCleay spon
sored a surprise shower one eve
ning recently for Mr. and Mrs,
Henry F. Bartell who lost their
home recently by fire.
Refreshments were served late
in the evening.
Those present were Mrs. V. L.
Martin, Mrs. W. A. Jones, Mr. and
Mrs. John Packenberg, Mrs. H. O.
Taylor, Mrs. Ben Clacher, Mrs.
George Berg, Mr. and Mrs. William
Farr, Mrs. Henry Martin. Mrs. Mil-
er Kephart, Mr. and Mrs. Feust-
man, Mrs. Arthur Stellbrink, Mrs.
Loula McGee, Ed Tooker, Miss Vi
ola Tooker, Mrs. Joy Patton. Mr.
and Mrs. B. Miller, and Mrs. and
Mrs. Bartell.
Return to Make Their Home
in Salem
After spending several months
in Olympia, Washington, Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Brock, have re
turned to make their home in Sa
lem. They have taken an apart
ment at the Stratton.
Wedding of Interest Solem
nized at St. Joseph's Rectory
'l he Wedding of Miss Ethel
Blakeley and John Herberger wa&
solemnized at 2 o'clock Thursday
afternoon, February 16, iat St.
Joseph's rectory.
Rev. J. R. Buck read the serv
ice in the presence of immediate
relatives of the bridal couple.
Miss Leona Gilbreath was the
bride s only attendant. Joserp
Brich acted as best man.
After a short wedding trip, Mr
and Mrs. Herberger will return to
make their home in Salem.
Institutions Department Will
Sponsor Program at Boys'
Training School
A rrogram has been arranged
by the Institutions' department of
the Salem Women's club to be
?iven Tuesday evening at the
state training school for boys at
Mr. William McGilchrist, Jr.
will tell of his trip abroad and
will show pictures of points of
interest in the countries which he
Musical numbers will also be
Included in the program which is
being arranged by Mrs. E. E.
Kennell, chairman of the division
which is sponsoring the entertain
ment. West Side Circle of Jason
Lee Church Entertained
Members of the West Side Cir
cle of Jason Lee Methodist church
were entertained Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Richard
Fifty members and guests were
included in the guest group.
The living rooms were decora
ted with valentines and patriotic
The program opened with the
singing of "America" and in
cluded vocal solos, piano numbers,
and readings.
Mrs. C. M. Dennison, Mrs. E.
S. Collins, Mrs. A. C. Bonney, and
Mrs. Hattle Glvens assisted the
hostess in serving refreshments at
the tea hour.
Will Entertain Writers' Club
Miss Ruth Mae Lawrence will
be hostess at the meeting of the
Writers' section of the Salem
Arts League Tuesday evening.
February 21, at the home of Mrs.
W. M. Bushey. 14 S 6 Ferry street.
Honored on Birthday Anni-
Mrs. George Wenderoth and Mr.
Frank McCarthy were honored
Tuesday evening with a surprise
party, the occasion being their
joint birthday anniversaries.
Several hours were spent play
ing cards. Dancing was enjoyed
Two lovely birthday cakes were
the features of the supper served
late In the evening.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Frank McCarthy, Mr. and
Mrs. George Wenderoth, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Wiggins, Mr. and
Mrs. Reuel Smith, and Mr. and
Mrs. Monroe parrlsh.
State Meeting of B. and P. W.
Clubs Will Be Held in CoquiUe
The Oregon Federation of Busi
ness and Professional Women's
clubs will hold a district meeting
and dinner at Coquille on Satur
day, February 25, with Miss Mo
selle Hair of Eugene, state presi
dent, presiding.
Miss j Ines R. Chase, president
of the CoquiUe club is assisting
Miss Hair In completing plans for
the dinner which will bo held at
the Coquille hotel at 7 o'clock..
X shopped for lots of little but
Important things yesterday, and
had a glorious time.
With the s hort skirts girls have
quit rolling their hose and are
wearing the garter belts. I get
mine at the Howard Corset Shop
where they have them in all
A. E. Lyons, 420 Court, "The
Friendly Store," has some won
derful values in hosiery, clear silk
following the executive board
meeting which is called for 6.
The main topic of the evening:
"Why I Believe in Business and
Professional Women's Club," will
be discussed by the past president
of the federation, Mrs. Alice B.
Maloney. Mrs. Maloney is a
speaker of sincerity and charm
and her subject is one of interest
to the business and professional
women of the state.
Delegates representing the var
ious clubs will take part in an
open forum discussion of club ac
tivities program, publicity, fi
nance, and membership. An em
blem recognition service will be
enacted by the Coquille club.
Reservations should be made
with Miss Saima Lindros, secre
tary of the Coquille club. Coquille.
Ore., not later than February 23.
W. C. T. U. Sponsoring Good
Citizenship Institute
A Good Citizenship Institute
will be held Tuesday, February
21, at the Y. M. C. A. under the
auspices of the local chapter of
the W. C. T. U.
The program follows:
10 a. m. Devotions and sing
ing lead by Mrs. W. C. Kantner.
10:30 a. m. General confer
ence, Mrs. Ada Jolley of Portland,
state president of the W. ('. T. U.
presiding. Also reports of the re-
rent conference in Portland.
11:00 a. m. Noon-tide prayer,
followed by a social hour.
12:30 Luncheon at Y. M. C. A.
Reservations made by phoning
Mrs. J. J. Nunn, 690.
1:30 Song service followed by
Frances E. Willard memorial ser
vice, lead by Mrs. H. F. Shanks.
2:00 p. m. "Why the Good
Citizenship Institute?"
2:30 address "Our Country's
Call to Law Observance" Mrs.
Ada Jolley.
3:00 Music, followed by an
xddress given by Mrs. Helen
Byrnes on "'The Responsibility of
the Individual."
The public is invited to attend
the sessions.
Mrs. Thomas B. Kay Honored
With Attractive Afternoon
Mrs. Hollis Huntington and Mrs.
3rcel Kay entertained yesterday
ifternoon in the Huntington home
m North Winter street with an at
ractive bridge tea, in honor of
.heir mother, Mrs. Thomas B. Kay.
In the group were the honor
?uest, Mrs. Kay, Mrs. Charles Gray
ot Eugene, Mrs. Russell Catlin
Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs. Curtis B.
Cross. Mrs. H. B. Thielsen, Mrs.
Charles ll. Robertson, Mrs. E. T.
3arnes, Mrs. Reuben P. Boise, Mrs.
Frank Snedecor, Mrs. J. N.. Smith,
and the hostesses, Mrs. Hunting
ton and Mrs. Erccl Kay.
Student Body of Capital Busi
ness College Has Valentine
The students at the Capital Bus
iness college enjoyed a Valentine
party in the class rooms of the
school on Thursday evening.
Special guests for the evening
were Professor W. I. Staley, MrB.
Mona Yoder, Mrs. Ora F. Mcln
tyre, and Miss Lillian Erickson.
Baskets of pussywillows were
arranged about the rooms.
Games and dancing occupied the
The committees in charge of the
affair were: decorating committee:
Dolly Troutman, Melissa Persons,
sraldine Blgelow, Ben David, Bud
Morris, and Maurice Wood; enter
tainment, Vida Stewart, Lillian
Lyman, Corrine Reeder, Eula
Reeder, Walter Bottinger, R. R.
Parker, and Fred Scheffe; refresh
ment, Mary Small, Dot Smith, and
Isabel Mielke.
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith Enter
tains Capital Bridge Lunch
eon Club
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith enter
tained the members of the Capital
Bridge luncheon club Wednesday
afternoon in her home on South
Winter street.
The luncheon table was very
lovely with a centerpiece of early
spring flowers in pastel shades
Covers were arranged for Mrs. Ar
thur J. Rahn and Mrs. E. N. Qil-
lingham, special guests for the af
ternoon, and the fallowing club
members: Mrs. E. L. Baker, Mrs.
W. H. Dancy, Mrs. Joseph H.
Baumgartner, Mrs. Frank W. Dur
bin, Sr., Mrs. L. F. Griffith, Mrs.
O. C. Locke. Mrs. H. H. dinger.
Mrs. George L. Rose, Mrs. W. A.
Jones, and the hostess, Mrs. Smith,
Mrs. Olinger received the high
score prise as the result of several
hour of bridge.
Mrs. George Rose Will enter
tain the club in a fortnight.
Three Plays Will Be Present
ed Monday Evening by Salem
Drama League
Three Interesting plays will be
presented Monday evening la the
Little theater of the Kelson build
ing by Salem Drama League mem
A Few That Put Father Out
with pointed heels for $1.00.
Ab for shoes I simply get the
ones that match my clothes best
and that they tell me at Price's
are correct and smart, for really
they always have the latest lines
and they know.
Good news! 65c bottle of per
fume with each $1.00 box of Coty
Powder at the Central Pharmacy
Yes, I think my permanent
bers under the direction of Miss
Marjorie Walker.
The first will be Hamilton's
"Araminta and the Finger Bowl"
with the following cast: "Aramin
ta," Mildred Judtson; "Roxy," Mrs.
W. R. Bush; "Mrs. Weaver," Vir
ginia Page, "Sophie Hoover," Hel
en Pollock; and "Fan," Jane
"The Rescue," a play written by
Reta Creighton Smith, will be the
next offering. The cast includes
"Miss Elvira Warden," Bertha Or
ford; "Anna Warden," Mrs. Craw-ford-Newcomb;
and "Kate," Miss
Beatrice Walton.
Winifred Hawkridge's play, "The
Florist Shop" will be given by a
cast which Includes "Maude," Clair
Cornel "Mr. slovsky," Robert
Newmyer; "Henry," Lester Mc
Donald; "Miss Wells," Mrs. C- A.
Downs: and "Mr. Jackson," Nor
man I'urbrick.
The curtain of the first play will
beat 8:15. The public is invited to
These plays are being given in
observance of drama week which
is sponsored by such notables as
David Belasco, Charles Rann Ken
nedy, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Skinner,
Augustus Thomas, George Arliss,
Winthrop, and Ames.
The Salem drama league is di
ected by the following officers:
president, Mrs. W. E. Anderson
vice president, Miss Leah Ross;
second vice president, Professor
Robert Gatke; secretary, Mrs. Wil
lis Roughton, and treasurer. Miss
Charlotte Ziehen.
Womaji's Societies of Ameri
can Lutheran Church
Will Meet
The Ladies' Aid and Missionary
society of the American Lutheran
.hurch will meet In tho Presby
terian church parlors Friday, Feb
ruary 24, at two-thirty o'clock.
Hostesses will be Mrs. O. E
Royen and Mrs. Clarence Byrd.
Mrs. E. T. Barkus Hostess
it Meeting of W. F. M. S
of Leslie M. E. Church
The Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society of Leslie Methodist
church was very pleasantly enter
tained Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. E. T. Barkus on Sag
inaw street. Mrs. Henry Humph
reys was assistant hostess.
A short program was given fol
lowing the business session.
Those present were Mrs. A. S.
Mulligan, Mrs. Emma Whealdon,
Mrs. Clyde French, Mrs. A. C.
Bohrnstedt, Mrs. Shafer, Mrs. J.
Murray, Mrs. W. J. Linfoot, Mrs.
L. C.McShane, Mrs. A. R. Fergu
on, Mrs. A. S. Teeple, Mrs. Clara
Lulcas, Mrs. Stanis Rock, Mrs.
John Bertelson, Mrs. Montgomery,
lrs. Bertha Lucas, Mrs. Rasmus
ien, Mrs. Ben Otjen, Mrs. V&rley,
Mrs. Yule, Mrs. Laura Corner,
.drs. Shank, Mrs. Laurie, and Mrs.
Plant and Mrs. Winn of Portland,
and the hostesses, Mrs. Humphreys
ind Mrs. Barkus.
Guests For the Week-end
it Blatchford Home
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Blatch
ford have as their week-end guests
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Niblock and
heir children Ambler and James,
of Scappoose, Oregon.
Attend Evening Affair at
A group of the members of the
Count-On-Me class of the First
Baptist church with their hus
bands, motored to Hayesville to
surprise Mr. and Mrs. S. Willis
.vith a party.
Mrs. WiUls Is teacher of the
rount-On -Me class.
Refreshments were served fol
lowing several hours of bridge.
The evening closed with the
singing of "Blest Be the Tie that
Council of Church Women
Will Observe Day of Prayer
The Council of church women
will observe a day of prayer Fri
day. February 24, at Jason Lee
The program will be announced
Standard Bearer Girls WUl
Be Honored at "Heritage
The ladles of the Foreign Mis
sionary society ot me rirst Metn-t
- Ml -L . 1 V . . '
a "Heritage Banquet" to be given
tomorrow evening at six-fifteen
o'clock at the First Methodist
church for the 30 Standard Bearer
girls of Salem.
Eleven tables will ba arranged.
Eight women dressed in old-fash
ioned gowns to represent the eight
founders ot the W. F. M. 8. in
1869 will be seated at -the center
These will be Mrs. Fred Taylor,
Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. T. T. Cro
ser, Mrs. R. G. Baldaree, Mrs. Elis
abeth Merrill, Mrs. C. F. Brelth
aupt, Mrs. Benjamin Blatchford,
Miss Muriel White, president of
the Standard Bearer's society, and
Mrs. A. S. Hlsey, president of the
W. F.M. 8.
wave is the best, and it didn't
cost too much. It's a Eugene and
I had it done at the Modern Marl-
nello, Z06 Masonic Bldg.
I looked over last Friday's
Green section of The Statesman
and found the Theatre coupon. I
could hradly find a seat but I got
In alright. Just Inside the door
I noticed a whole waste paper
basket full of tales slips people
surely read the ads In that Green
section. The show was very good.
The other 10 tables will be dec
orated with place cards and dec
orations representing the countries
where missionary work is carried
on: China, India, Japan, the Phil
ippines, Malaya, Korea, South
America, Mexico, and Africa.
At each table will be seated a
hostess costumed as a National.
They will be Mrs. D H. Mosher,
Mrs. E. T. B. Hill. Mr. Leonard
Nelson. Miss Lina Heist, Mr.
John Reed. Mrs. IUff. Mrs. A. G.
Wells, Mrs. Harry Scott. Mrs. Har
ry Swafford. and Miss LaVada
Mrs. J. W. Phenicie has made
the Jirrancpmpnt for hannntt
She has been . assisted by Mrs.
Hale, Mrs. Lavendar. Mrs. Brici
man, Mrs. U. G. Boyor, and Mr.
Mrs. R. V. Hollonb-rg, Mrs. H.
M. Durkheimer, and Mrs. A. A.
Lee are in charg of the program
which will be given in the eve
ning. Entertain With Dancing
Party Saturday Evening
Mr. and Mrs. Claude 3ettlemeUr,
entertained last evening in thcr
country home north at Sa'enji with
in attractive dancing party and
muslcale in honor of their son and
daughter, George and Claudia Stt
tlemeier. j
Mrs. S. E. Price and her daugh
ter, Miss Bertha Ri.'o. of Port
land were special gues.
Salem People Attend Fniuimt
at Multnomah Hotel in
Mr. J. W. He'wick, vice-preM-dent
and general manager of the.
Oregon-Washington Water Service '
company was host at a banquet
held in the Spanish Ball room of
the Multnomah hotel in Portland,
Saturday evening. February 11,
for officials and ;! ees of the
company from the districts of
Hillsboro and Salem Oregon, Van
couver, Hoquiam. Burlington, and
Sedro Wooley, Washington.
An impromptu program was
(Continued o pa a)
Broadway Sets
New Hair Vogue
"So many girls In my crowd are
talking about the new way thevre
doing their hair. I Just had to try
it," says Miss Dorothy Connor, 737
Bergen Street, Brooklyn, attract
ive secretary for a prominent New
York City business man. "You've
no idea how silky and gleaming it
makes your hair. And I don't
have to shampoo mine more than
once a month, now. Danderlne
keeps it so clean. All you do is
put a few dashes of it on your
brush every time you use It. It
makes your scalp feel Just grand.
Your hair Is lots easier to drs.
and it stays in place wonderfully."
Tou won't wonder at the over
whelming way millions of girls are
showing their approval of Dander
lne, when yon use it. It quickly
nemoves that oily film from your
hair, brings out its glorious color,
gives it lustre. It dissolves dar.-
druff, cleanses, tones and stimu
lates your scalp. All drug stores
have the big 35c bottles. A fra
grant necessity for the well
groomed girl.
220 IT. LUx-rty
Announces the ;
arrival of new
silk dresses for ,
Spring. .
Selling at only
$9.95 !
0 '