The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 19, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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FIVE Id Bill
Capitol Orchestra To Be
Featured On Program
Fire MU Ackerman & Harris
audevilst, consisting' of Cherie
and her IJrlng Models, comes to
the Capitol today. An artistry is
manifest in this act to an unusual
degree. Cherie and her Jiving
models present beautiful, graceful
and artistic reproductions of a
number of world famous master
pieces. The girls are all In white,
resembling the purest marbel as
they appear in each of the pre
sentations. The Eclipse Trio is composed of
two ladies and a Itube, who sing
in harmony in a captivating way.
Their voices blend perfectly
Their songs are popular and
noappy. Glenn Runyan. a nifty
looking chap, who styles himself
"The Pun Boy" has a pleasing
tenorf voice and sings songs as you
like them, using both popular and
special selections and like the
irorerbial apple does to the doc
tor. Glen will do to your blues
with witty and humorous stories,
giving plenty of exercise to the
muscles of laughter. Tommy Mc
Carry and Pop Hall, the Homeo
geneous Chaps, come direct, froir
the pier at Atlantic City, when
they hare been appearing will
the best of the recording bands
They are two of the cleverest ant
most accomplished dancers on the
vaudeville stage. They are orig
Inal as well as skillful and their
act is one that is bound to pleasf
the most discriminating audiences
Viola Vercler Holman and her
Capitol Orchestra will be featured
on the bill. The screen attrac
tion "'Chicago" is one of the most
outstanding pictures of the year.
Mauric Ryan, who was featured
with William Boyd in "Dress Par
ade; Victor Dellnsky. whose re
cent characterizations in "The
Magic Flame." "The Volga Boat
man" and "The Angel of Broad
way" were well received, and
Robert Brower, eighty-three-year-old
veteran actor, are others in
this choice list. Robert St. An
gelo, who won a contract with De
Mille through a "bit" la "The King
of Kings," Al Priscoe, Monte Col
lins, Harry Bailey and Jack Dillon
complete the Jury.
Victor Varconi plays the domin
ating masculine role in "Chicago."
which will be on view at the Capi
tol today. Robert Edeson. Virginia
Bradford. T. Roy Barnes and Julia
Faye are featured in the support
ing cast.
Fifty Names Being Published
Each Day for Capitol
Post No. -9
Famous Picture To Be Ope:
For Five Day Showing At
Capitol February 26
"Chicago" To Show At Capi
tol Theater With Wond
erful Cast
Selecting the "Gentlemen of the
Jury" never was given more care
ful consideration by a lawyer in
court than Director Frank Ursor
gave to the Choosing of player:
for jurymen in "Chicago," thf
dramatic De Mille Studio pYoduc
tion featuring Phyllis Haver af
Roxie Hart, the "jatz slayer." and
Victor Varconi, her cigar clerV
husband in the story.
Determined to present a typita
group of "twelve good men am!
true" in the climatic court roon
iicenes. Urson spent days prior to
the start of the production in
rasting these twelve pars. Thr
rM It is that the Jury of "Chicago"
t:'sent-i the wide variety in age.
rsiinality. nationality and social
..ition of the usual Jury.
Hospite their variety of appear
iic- the juryman are on an equal
hasis in dramatic ability. Tin
eiie, of close-ups Director Urson
ma I to establish the reactions of
tht jury to testimony rendered
ability of prime importance.
Hector Sarno, widely praised
for his portrayal of Galilee In
The King of Kings." is conspicu
ous among the Jurymen, as Is Fred
Walton, veteran character actor ol
stage and screen. Robert Ells
worth and Clayton Packard, both
of whom were prominent In tlK
cast of "The King of Kings." serv.
as j'irors.
There is something new under
the sun and that s the portrayal
of the role of Diane by Janet Gay
nor in Fox Films version of "7th
Heaven." The flower-like charm
-f this young actress Is something
new, appeallngly refreshing and
spiritually beautiful. Words can
not describe the wlnsomeness of
her tear dimmed smile, her happy
laugh or the manner in which she
ihows her spiritual growth from
a cringing street waif to a woman
fearless In the face of appaling
danger and who meets the worst
that life threatens to offer un
Charles Farrell. who also rises
'o stardom with his performance
n the role of Chico, that "remark
ihle fellow." is equally appealing
A-tth his stalwart manhood and hi
arefree way of 'leading Diane
from the gutter up the long wind
ng flights of stairs to his heaver,
n a garret beneath the stars.
Space does not permit an out
'ine of the story, except to say
hat for sheer simplicity aud a:
he same tremendous Interest, it
has probably never before beer,
equaled on the screen. The cast
'oo. Is not only an unusually flnr
?ne, but each member of It seeni.-
o have poured his heart into tin ;
'nterpretation of his or her part
U Includes Ben Bard. David But
'er, Albert Gran. Em lie Chautard
George Stone and many others al
most equally well known.
"7th Heaven" was directed bj
Frank Borzage. from John Gold
en's stage success by Austir
Strong. It comes to the Capito.
Feb. 26 for a five day run.
New Feature Organist
Plays At Capitol Now
Some one asked the other day
the object in printing the honor
roll of the American Legion. That
is very simple the American
Legion wants the citizens of the
community to know just who are
members of the organization.
It is of interest to note that
some you thought did not belong
are members of this group and
some, you think belong, are not
members. When you learn that
you naturally wonder just why.
The fifty names for todayare:
John F. Curtlss
Ralph Curtis
W. F. Dally
Ivan Dakin
Jess J. Daly
Lester Dalziell
R. E. Dalziell
Earl M. Daue
F. H. Daugherty
C. Ward Davis
Patrick Davis
Paul I. Davis
Ray G. Dawson
Trent Dawson
Robin D. Day
Albert A. Dean
Elsworth Deering
D. E. DeGuire
Julian DeJardin
Lloyd C. Demarest
Ray DeMerritt
Joseph W. DeSouza
Frank K. DeWitt
Emmett A. Dickson
Eugene Dietz
Vena L. Dodge
J. F. Dougherty
Wm. Dougherty
Dr. C. A. Downs
Lyle B. Dunsmoor
Frank Durbin, Jr.
Cecil A. DuRette
Harold Eakln
W. H. East
Walter Eberhard
Eugene Eckerlin
C. II. Edgett
Leo E. Edwards
M. T .Edwards
C. A. Eiffler
W. H. Ellenburg
C. S. Eller
J. J. Elliott
Floyd Ellis
Charles H. Elrey
Vernon M. El well
Sam Emery
L. B. Endlcott
Alfred R. Erickson
G. S. Erickson.
Children's Teeth Can
Always he Saved, Word
Children's teethe In all stage of
decay, can and should be fixed by
modern dentistry. Don't be told
otherwise. To consider them tem
porary, and to treat them ao, is
equal to considering life itself
temporary. All the diseases to
which the second teeth are subject
also .affect the first set; and all
the serious ways by which the
second teeth may affect the health.
the first teeth also mar affect
the health of the child.
The thorough chewing of food
by the child of from two to twelve
years ofage is important, because
it is the great growth period and
habit forming age. Good perma
nent teeth cannot be had without
exercising all the muscles and
tissues of the jaw any more than
an arm will develop wjthout exer
cise. It hurts the child to chew
hard food with decayed teeth and
he will naturally avoid It.
With frequent examinations for
decayed teeth and enlarged ad
noids and tonsils fewer children
would have the diseases common
to childhood, which leaves after
effects and often cause death-
We are only now learning that
so many of our diseases are really
childhood diseases. Tuberculosis,
that great white plague, is a child
hood disease. It always makes its
start in childhood. Anything that
contributes to a lowered vitality
in childhood Increases the Inci
dence of tuberculosis. Heart dis
ease lays its foundation in child
hood. Decayed abscessed teeth
that prevent the child from chew
ing the hard foods that are so
necessary to the teeth and body's
welfare certainly lower the vital
ity. It is estimated that ninety per
cent of our ills are results of con
ditions during the school age of
the child.
Do not forget that clean straight
teeth, well care dfor, and food well
cnewed, are accompaniments to
good health, a sound body, effic
ient service and a competent
Hare your child's teeth exam
ined at least twice a year by a
competent dentist. Save his teeth
and health.
These articles are sponsored bv
the Salem Progressive Dental club,
the members are as follows:
Dr. J. E. Albrlch, Dr. L. E. Bar-
rick, Dr. E. R. Bennett. Dr. A. E
Berger. Dr. Fred W. Burger. Dr.
B. Blatchford, Dr. E. L. Brunk
ur. uaipn l.. Craig, Dr. C. Ward
Darls. Dr. Fred Ellis, Dr. Chalmer
Lee Gordon, Dr. David B. Hill, Dr
w. a. joanson. Dr. George E.
Lewis, Dr. Max A. Moon. Dr. Carl
E. Miller. Dr. O. A. Olson. Dr. Ben
F. Pound. Dr. L. R. Springer, Dr
L. B. Schmidt, Dr. F. L. Utter, Dr.
F. D. Volet.
Leah Holt will preside at the
console of the Capitol Acending
Wurlitzer. she Is possessed witl
the rare quality of interpretative
music which Is so necessary In the
proper accompaniment of motion
pictures. Hundreds of musica
-trains comprise her varied re
pertoir. . Mie lias played in some
of the largest theaters in Port
land. Seattle, and Boise. As r
special feature for Sunday she wil
render "When Dav Is Done."
Transport Pilot To Be
Flying Above City Today
Roy French, licensed transpor:
pilot, will be in Salem today fly
ing a Waco 10, new productior
three place plane He will giv.'
demonstrations at the Trask-Bo
decker school field south of thf
penitentiary on the old Turner
& FOR. -ig00 "
fH - -5 R I
To break a cold harmlessly and in a hurry try a Bayer Aspirin
tablet. And for headache. The action of Aspirin is very efficient.
too, in cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago 1
And there's no after effect; doctors give Aspirin to children
-ti. t - un - a i : xji, c AmUk Tt- !
genuine Bayer Aspirin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet.
All druggists, with proven directions.
Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin;
VJ it does NOT affect the teart
aplrte Is tit txad aurk t Bayw kUasfactnr of UoooMetleaJdMtar 8aUerUcMl4
(Continued from par 1.)
own knowledge which would show
that there Is no fifty-fifty in the
natter, but that one can safely
claim to be a hundred per cent
believer in the life to come.
Instance Claimed Time
I have just room to give one
case for his consideration, and
as.k him. if he honestly faces it.
whether it does not cut the ground
from under his feet. I will use
names, for I am by nature a
Jownrlght person and I have no
use for stories which concern Mr.
Blank or Mrs. X. This matter Is
too important for us to stand
upon form and ceremony.
Some months ago the Hon. D.
Duncombe, the young brother of
he Earl of Feversham, was killed
in a motor smash on the Great
N'orth road. His car at two In;
;he morning ran into a lorry and
his neck was broken.
Young Duncombe was a mem
ber of a little coterie of youths
all at the same tutor's, and all of
them very keen on high speed rae
ing motors, ftiy two ooys. uems
and Malcolm, were of "the gang"
as they called themselves.
Denis was very close with
young Duncombe. and some weeks
ago he felt that he might get Into
touch with him. The reason for
his belief was that some strange
nhvslcal nhenomena the move
ment of objects, etc. had been
observed in his room, and he
imagined, rightly or wrongly, that
they had a meaning.
Medinni Consulted
Therefore he went to consult
Mrs. Barkel. a well known me
dium at the Psychic college lr
Hollard Park. The rule of the
college Is that no name Is given
to the medium, so that until my
son entered the room she knew
nothing of her sitter.
Notes were taken by Denis as
he listened and they He before roe
as I write. The medium falling
Into apparent trance, young Dun
combe at once came through. He
greeted Denis by name and re
ferred one after another to all of
the gang.
He gave his own nickname and
the nicknames of the others. This
ithout apy questioning or
prompting. He then denied vehe
mently that he was asleep, as
stated, when the accident occurred.
He described the accident mi
nutely, drawing a diagram with
the medium's hand and be com
mented upon the evidence at the
Feels Much Healthier
He remarked upon a physical
weakness which in life had made
lancing difficult, and said that he
was quite free from that now. He
referred to a new racing car
which my sons had
showed keen interest la It
chaffed them about It. He men
tioned that one of the gang even
when in evening dress carried a
small spanner in his pocket.
In fact, If the boy had been In
the chair Instead of the entranced
woman, he could not have talked
more freely of all that was of
mutual interest.
Now there is a case for Mr. Ed
ison s consiaeration. uonusion:
that Is ruled out. To quote telep
athy or the subconscious know
ledge in long extended conversa
tions is to explain by that which
is itself inexplicable. These arel
the facts duly noted at the mo
ment. It is one of a hundred
cases, but taxing 11 aione, i ciaim
that Mr. Edison's fifty-fifty van
ishes into smoke and that my
hundred per cent contention must
hold the field so long as there Is
logic and sanity and clear per
ception in the world.
The first annual called meeting
01 &aiem Industries. Inc.. will be
held at the Salem chamber ot
commerce rooms Monday evening
at 8 o clock.
If TOtj ara sra Ifrf m
cldeoU or uletrt of tb stomach. jmi
BIj romnoiiBtl ft h ft k - V i
nectfiil without Hiktnc on cant.
"i oa in for
OTr 32 yean la Califarnla. aad baa baas
raeommaoda4 by phjiieiana in tbalr prme
tica for a niuabar at yaara. ThU Com
poura anjoya a marraloua raoard of iuc
Bnff.rtrl frna. -I.... -J .v. v
"-' VI in. DfcOUJBCIl
ara urjad to writs ut for full particu-
lartr af thfa r.m rkaXl. rAn.nAn.j urv:i-
taking- it, no (starvation liquid diet Is
yon can start to eat aolid
food aftar takinv tht. nnnnnj . -1
a few daya.
Toj offer la (ennlaa and warrants
'""J P aeeeptanea. We will cladly
sand rRKK nnl.i.l... - , e j. " ',
offer to anyone who will write na. Address
Bid-., 8aa Francisco, Oallr.
FEB. 26th
It will stir the hearts and
imagination of the world
and Return
Oregon Electric
on account of
Tickets on sale till Feb. 2 2,
ind. Return limit Feb. 24th
Reductions to other O. E. Ry.
Trains leave Salem for Portland
at 7:15, 10:02 a. m., 1:20
4:11. 5:30, 8:23 p. m.: foi
Eugene at 9:54 a. m , 12:45
4:03. 8:00 p. m.
Phone 7187
0. E. Ry.
(Continued from para X.)
the company of Francis A. Sacchl,
24. Sacchl was made a county
Jail prisoner under $3,000 bail.
The prisoners were ordered held
to the grand Jury which imme
diately started an investigation,
tmrlng the afternoon Coffin was
taken before the Jury and was
said to have issued a lengthy
Arresting officers declared Cof
fin did not deny the charges
Placed against him. Private de
tectives stated they had obtained
a statement from Coffin in which
he is declared to have admitted
that he had been involved in the
activities in question for about
twenty years.
Police say thew discovered a
book in Coffin's possession con
taining the names and addressee
of approximately 200 men in many
cities outside of Portland, and
indicating the operation of a
state-wide vice ring. J
Changes against the men allege
statutory offenses against young
men and boys.
lngton's birthday. Each pounded
opponents around for eight
rounds. Walker used a quartet
of sparring partners, ranging from
a light heavyweight to a feather
weight to test both his punching
power and speed.
(Continued from pace 1.)
with the council. It provides for
IS concerts by a nineteen piece
band, and a vocalist for nine con
certs, at a figure of $1500.
A, resolution will be presented
by the bridge committee accepting
payment of $4,000 each by the
Oregon Pulp and Paper company.
ithe Oregon-Washington water
service company, and the Thos.
Kay W oolen Mills, for extra work
involved by the city in protecting
the Mill creek flume and suction
lines when the Sooth Commercial
street bridge was planned;-
Clth the announcement yes tea,
day by the city attorney that tk$
acMon of the council in giving tt)
Sr utbern Pacific company permit J
s'.on to erect a gasoline tank
12.000 gallon capacity at the or.
ner of Front and Chemek-u
streets was contrary to ordinan
It Is expected that Southern P:1) ;.
fic officials willtappear at t;
council meeting and seek s .;u-.
special dispensation.
Which Stocks
Are the Right
her s'o ',,
This market continues
e roas-furrenta. soase atorl
aWarn at tbe as me time otlis
a np. To profit, one must
tba liffbt steeks. 8end for .
latest market analysts, un t)i ...
Industries aad stocks. si:iv ,
copy free.
American Securities Seivit.
Corn Ex. Bank Bid i ,
Mew York.
Jack Willis and Mickey
Walker Train For Bout
(AP) Mickey Walker, middle
weight champion, and Jack Willis,
Texas slugger, started heavy train
ing today for their ten round non
title bout at the armory" on Wash-
if .
506 U. S. National Bank UM
Office Telephone 85
Ree. Telephone 460.1
Ma. 10c-5Oc
Eve. 2Sc-50c
SpecliU Music Kcore Played by
2:00- 3:00
She betrayed her husband
and slew her "angel," then
laughed at the law
A comedy drama filled
with thrills, laughs and
deep appeal.
Phyllis Haver
A!f D
Victor Varconi
Plates for $15.00
"It Will Pay You to Pay Us a Visit
Bridge Work from
Fillings from
Gold Crowns from
Dental Plates from .
Corner State and
Commercial Sta.
Corner State and
Commercial Sts.
Specials in Draperies
Ruffled Curtains
aftj to o
Per Pair
Pillow Top Specials
Values to $7.50 Your Choice 98c
Silk and Cotton Net
Remnants as Low as 10c Yard
Several Patterns
At Vi Price
New Shipment
Ruffle Curtains-Cretonnes and Damasks
Now On Display
You Will .Always
Find the Latest Draperies and Curtain Material on display in our
New urapery Department