11 You Will Find Many Listed on These Pages at Prices and Terms For THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 19. 1928 REAL ESTATE 51 Brk Station and Gsrsg. SNAPS! Far thi week only a well located garage and sorrie station $1600.00. 'A. C. BOHRX8TEDT. lUaJtor Real Estate Loans- IatmM 147 X. Com ! St.. Salem, Oregon, IMMEDIATE PO88ESSION of a food 5 m. cottage not far oat. -) to school and baa line, nice lot SO 165 ft. with shade treea, hoas eoav pVtety furnished " sad soma wood ia woodshed. Prlre FOH ALL, $2000, cash a;-.0. bal. $25 rao. 61. bF.E I.eo N. Child C.. Realtors 920 Stat Street Phone 1727 14500 HOME FOR 3750 Owner is away and writes us to tell bmr home at reduced price. This is an almost new, English style home of 4 i room and hath on 1st floor, nice ly floored apstairs, agitable for 2 food bedroom, has baseness, farasee. fire i. :-, laoadry trays, oak floors, lot f J.-jil ink, good garaga. This is an op portunity for someane. 8ee Mrs. Ellis with T.eo N. Child Co., Realtor Stste Street Phone 1727 BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE IN A CLOSE IN PROPERTY Only 2 !,lks. of the posteffice. large fc.ne on a choice corner lot 74x165 ft., c-i R. K. trackage and paved street with busines house oa all other 3 corners. 32 yrs. ago owner refused t-f.M0 for this earn property and today i offaring it at the jyery low figure of art V)0, part lrmi, or will take a small home as part. HY.t: I.eo. N. Childs Co., Realtors 320 Stste Street Phone 1727 S2'00. 7-room, corner lot 150x120. Thin i a good property and 'cheap. 92500. 6 rooms, very desirable la cition. basement, good house. $1000. Daudy 4 room, all modern, well located. ' Worth inetigat log. $367.'. Kxeeptionally j fin 4 room h-ingalow. large nook, dandy fireplace, furnace. Worth more a-oney. $1000 Splendid new 5 room bunga low, complete in all respect. See this 'VvDERsON k RUPERT, Realtors 169 S. High TODAY'S SPECIAL Sumebody who know values and wsnts s resl home, is going to get the great est sacrifice eer offered in a real hme. Strictly modern, 5 room bun galow. Close in, undisputed bent resi dential district of the city. Price cut from 500 to $4700. Terms. ANOTHER ONE Pi English type. New, strictly modern, up to the minute. Owner leaving city, mast sacrifice for $4000, with $500 down, bslsnce like rent. It would be a good bay for an investment at $4500. Iin"t buy nntil yon have seen the aove homes. Shown by an appoint ment only. Ring 756. Mr. Becbtel or Mr. Sears will be pleased to show you tiies homes, or call 841 Stata St. Itocut 3 and 4, Bayne Bldg. Sir let lit show yea a 100 aero equip ped fsrm. Well improved and will trade for Salem or Monmouth property. 1' is priced right. 10 acre 1 mile from Salt-as. Two houses and oth er haildings. Will sub divide. V. th $140 down, you can buy this 5 room plastered bungalow. Balance like rent. A 111 acres bottom land on good county road. Running water all rear. Good 6 room bouse, V mile from R. R. Station. Price $8000. Will trade for acreage or town property anv where in the Valley. Hone Here is one for $2000. New 4 room. Full basement. Carage. $300 down. I I RICH AND ROBERT8 Realtors 1-9 North Commercial Street. Phone 1354 TRADE FOR ACREAGE FIXE .tEff BUNGALOW 5 rooms and modern in all respect, furnace, fireplace, etc., eaat front. Want 2 to 5 acres up to equal value. Price $4000. FINE LARUE HOME one of the het new tt-room homes in Sslem for srreage up to the same value. Price ti500. EQUIPPED DAIRY RANCH 4 mile .from Independence, 100 i res all in cultivation highly produc tive Good house and 2 modern dairy Lams. 33 HEAD OF REGISTERED JERSEY CATTLE a her 'of real producing cow. Thi proposition will bear rigid inspection and is a good sying proposition. Farm, cows snd l! equipment for the price of $20,000. Will consider trade for income prop erty or smaller acreage. Forced to on scconnt of poor lieslth. ANDERSON RUPERT, Realtors 169 S. High IF YOU WANT TO BUY A MCE MODERN SALEM HOME Investigate these up to date houses Estra nice new 7 room eaet front, fully modem English type house, best Incsf ion. paved street paid, gsrage. f00. $1500 Cash. 1$ years on )! suce, owner will exchange for smaller house. New 7 room fully modern east front English type, choice location, nesr bus line, paved street paid, gsrsge. G5l0. l5tn) rash, good terms on balance. New English type fully modern 6 room houte well located, on bus line, .-ffered for qui.k sale for $4200. terms on part. Nice east front fu!'y modern 5 room I: .ut with stairway in and room to finish 3 rooms on second floor, garage, nice lawn, fruit and walnuts, good lo cation, paved street, neat bn line. fr5'00. $1000 cash. 5 room modern House, east front, good location, paved street paid, extra Isrg fceantifo! lot with nice ehrnobery and flowers, nearly all kinds rf fruit, offered for quick sale at $3200. $tio0 rssh aad good terms on balance. See WELLS T A LI. MAS 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 737 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 EXCHANGE Frame business block in Bandon, Ore., for home in Salem. Sm photo in offire- W. A. LISTON 404 Masonic Bldg. (LEAN 8TOCK GENERAL MKR bandit, located in a fiae section. Do ing nice business. Value $14,000. c!ear. trade for farm. Address Bo 312, Statesman. WANT 4 OR- S ROOM BCNGALOW Palea for pair Flat in Oakland, Calif, t. round 60x200. Double garage. Price $750O.a0. Mortgage S0O0 0t. Ad dress Bos 1 4, care Statesman. EXCHANGE 150 aero, 13 Million. $3500. 20 acres Imp. New berg $$500 for S. D. 19 acre Imp. Polk Co. for Sslem borne to $6000. Filling aad Greasing station. $1,000. y.iarter blk., business twa house fiooo. See Byer with GEISER, 414 toart St. 8AI.EM INCOMK $5000 net yearly FOR SPECIAL REASON will con sider targe Oregon ranch np. ta $35,000. THIS IS YOCR CHANCE. FORCED TO 8 ELL First Clas Iacoma Property. Will consider trada p to $12,000. acreagt r city proporiy. u " ANDERSON A RUPERT. Realtor, 169 S. High Good dairy ranch close to Salem. 87 acres. 15 acres ia pasture. Small sv family orchard. Deep) well, storage taak. Good baaaa. bar aad silo. Will sehaaga for 8a lorn property. S acr tract for $500.00. S acre improved $1050.00. 5 acre improved $1800.00. 5 acre improved $2000.00. 4 acre with fine improvements $3200.00. 5 acre with fiaa Improvement $7760.00. Will trade ay of the for Sslem Ere party. 8e J. I.ineela EUia with tegocr, 27S Stat St. TRADES CAS TOO MATCH THESE Some of tha best farm ta tbVjralley. with slock, eroa aad implemeata. Fiae 22S A. tarns, twa good set mt aulamaga. t2500, . win trad far aa apartment house. Flo saa farm, food bldg, $17,000. Mast ill of trad an a ronnt of era. Fiao ' lit A. farm. $15,000. trad Xr galea ar ilbaay. mp to $4000. fiaa 1164 A. far, $17,475 Tor small traet. Tina 300 A. fares, good Hds, $14,000. take email acreage. eine 73 A. farm, gtfA' oil, good bldg. and location, prieo $10,400. take a reaidoaco ia tUm $4000 t $6OO0. The above farm aro of Ua bt. with food improvomeot. atoek, eroa and implameau. Botoro yea bar a farm it will pay yea U aea Loala Boebtal or . . Sears, wha make a, apeeiolty of farm' 4l Stata lw Tfoaw 8 and 4. Jtayao Jsldc. REAL ESTATE Trades 52 SPECIAL 10 acres close in. east of Salem, has new bldg.. good water system, electric lights. Price tMM. Will exchange for here ia ftaleai about same valne. We have a goad 60 acre dairy farm, toeked and eqeipped. has good bldg. aad email creek, clot to school and on market road. Will take part city property and balance goad term. See Thooaasoa with Le X. Childs Co., Realtors S20 State Street Phone 1727 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 70 MILLION FIR AND gPRCCE. 900 acre, with ideal logging conditions, ad joining railroad aad Siuslaw River. CC8HMAX. LANE COUNTY. ORE GON. Prices right for qoiek sale. J. A. Weber, Bos 8$, Fertlaad. Ore. FOR SALE , Ten have been looking far a snap. Here it rs. 9 ai re good land. 7 acre cultivated. Oo spring. All fenced. 3 room house, small barn and chicken heuse. ail for $1100. $.50.00 down. You can t heat that. Sea Stegner, 274 State St. Good walnut and filbert orchard are hard to find. 1 have aasne extra good buys in those propert.es. One 13H acres, 70 acre in walnut only 30,000.00. A. C. HOHRXSTEDT, Realtor Keai Estate Loans Insurance 14 7 K. Com 1 St.. halem, Oregan A BIG BARGAIN IN STOCK OR DAIRY raacn, acres 14 mile on Paci:ic highway, 70 acres oottom plow land. Best aaady loam . soil. 6 room house, big barn. Ranch lenced sheep tight. Price $7000. $5u0 down, balance long time. W. f. Brown, 1700 Ox lorn. Salens, Oregon. 40 ACRES set to walnuts, filberts aad cherries, 3 mile out, new resi aence, strict ty modern, automatic wa ter stem aad electric lights, bath, pisstered, full basement. iait ia a tin soil. Will subdivide. Tak some unincumbered city property. have cheaper land fartaar oat. with nice timter. V ill take wood in part pay. JOHN H. ScOfT, 805 Oregon B.og. INDEPENDENCE IN SEVEN YEARS bhpw u a littl money, a lot of in tatry, ability to manage, aad we'll how yon financial iaaayeadence in 7 yean; kou can. buy on of tha best larm ia tha Wiliametta valley an a Vaaoeatnng" and yon can pay for it W.th to crops. xoa'v got ta have alUtiO, and Jou've got ta enow ability and wil.ingnea to work, manage anu sacrifice tor a few years ia ardor to acquire thi fiaa farm. If yon think you can till th bttl come ia and see a. McGILCHRIST k PENNINGTON .09 lo l. b. Bank Bldg. Paona 140 $ 400 for 1 acre, 2 room house, small chicken house aad other outbuild ings; spring and soma timber. Terms. $3400 $ acres, 3 room bouse, 2 acres or chard, barn, chicken bouse, creek, J blocks to school, 4 mi. to Saiem. Terms. $3500 for 35 acres good timber lend $ mi. from Sslem, j mi. to station. Terms. 9500 for 00 seres. 45 cultivated, black loam soil, 6 room house, silo, barn, woodshed, garage. etc. Would take Salem residence tip to $3500. Private Money to Loan. Insurance M ELY IN JOHNSON 320 V. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 FARMS FARMS FARMS 1 72 ACRES near Hubbard,. 25 a. un der plow, 50 a. fine timber. Creek. New 6 room home; barn; chicken house; etc. Fine improvements and the best of soil. Price including full line of machinery, 5 cows. 3 horses. $10,500. , cash. Will take modern Salem home to $8000. 83 ACRES southeast of Woodbura. 67 acres under plow, 16 a. timber. Good 6 room honae with electricity, pressure wster system and bath. Two large barna ; machine ahed ; garage'; t , ote. Pr.ee including full line of machinery, 5 cows, 2 horses, '-5 sheep, 2 pigi $17,000. Will take modern Salem home for part. 180 ACKEs Northeast of Oregon City an the beautiful Clackamas River. 30 acres sandy loam soil in cultivation. 100 a. of timber lots of white fir, bal ance pasture. Poor buildings. Prico $10,000. Clesr. Wilt exchange for Poik countv -farm up to $20,000. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Ht. Ground Floor "Headquarter For Farms" WANTED REAL ESTATE 55 J WANTED. HEAR FRO M OW NER RANCH iur wm. oiaie casn price, particulars. D. F. Bush. Minneapolis, Minn. Wanted. Modern house South Sa lem, around $3000.00. r. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED 311 State St. HAVE CLIENT WITH $3000 CASH wants .' or o room strictly modern home, well located, priced around $850Q to 4Oo. Y. . DeLaao, 290 . t'lmr,, Tel, 2839. TAXIDERMIST 56 WORK GUARANTEED. E. E. WIOOIN8. Taxidermiat, 1145 Norway Tel I?81 -W. TRANSFER & HAULING 57 CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER CO. 326 Stat St. Tel. 9$3. Distributing, for warding aad ktorag our cpeialty. Oct our ratea. Frank M. Newton Local aad long distaaca aauliag Light Country haaliag a specialty Tel. 66$ We Move Store and Ship HonsehaM goods. Our specialty la piano aad furniture moving. We alio make country trip. We handle the best Coal and Wood Call en us for prices. We give good measnrc, good quality aad geed eereic. Larmer Transfer Co. Tel. 930. WATER 58 OREGON WASH. "WiTER SERVICE CO. Office S04 Beath Commercial St. Tea per eaat diaeonal oa domestic flat rat paid ia advance. Mo deduction for ab sence or any cause aalesa water ia shot ff year premises. MINUTE MOVIES CYCLONIC UtSTBRH SERIAL RAIDERS OF THE RANG-E EPISODE. OsfEt3TUQHfl But frw : SEIZES SaUV EbGME3 M ' wg;fiTROr4tS. -e ROCKS 59 A FINE WEW wArrrst? ROOM UT THE KIW HOTEL SENATOR Freqnent Schedale Thh-ty Ride Book at Reduced Rate A Swift aad Reliable Package Servic Coartoon Attention From All Eaployoea These Are a Few of th Offarln: Mad th Pnblie By PARKER STAGES. INC. Stage Leaving Time: Dallac 7 a. m, 9:10 a. m., 11.23 a. m 3:10 p. m.. 5:1$ a. aa, ladepandeaca 8) Monmouth: 7 a. m, 9:15 a. a. 11:15 a. m., 3 p. m.. 5:1$ p. an.. $: 8j p. a. (Sunday only.) filverton: 7 a. m.. 1 1 a. m.. 5 p. m Fall City. McMiaaviile, Newberg. HilU baro, Foroat Greve. Sberidaa, Tilla mook: :! a. m.. 3:10 p. .a 5:15 p. m. Far Iafonaatloa Call 85$ or 696. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKEft AUTO USED CARS For Sale 61 McKays for csf.d cam "with an OK that counts' 224 Ford "Pegs. Choic $ 1322 Chev. Tt$ 90 1923 Cher. Trg. 115 1923 Ford Coupe 150 The above cars all hsv license, good tire and ma ftne. 1922 Dodge Conn $175 1925 Ford Coape 200 19? Ford Roadster 275 1926 Chev. Co eh 400 1937 Chev. Coup 525 1928 Chev. Sedan 495 1927 Chev. Coac-h 525 WE DO NOT MISREPRESENT ALL CARS SOLI WITH A POSITIVE GUARANTEE 430 N. Commercial Phone 1802 DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET COMPANY A Ford Dealer for Used Fords Valley Motor Co. sincerely desires that you drive a Satis factory Ford 1927 Coupe, looks like new, loU of extra $345 1926 Touring, new balloon, new paint $C50 1923 Touring, new top k curtains ... $145 1922 Touring, run fin $ 60 1921 Sedan, double Hasslers $ 65 1920 Touring, 2 new tires and new batterv $ 50 1924 Buick 6 Rdster., extras $493 1928 License with every car 5924 Buick Touring equipped with Lovejoy shocks, bnmper, 8. k M. spot light, rr view mirror, automatic awipe, 70 nw rubber and 1928 license. This is a fins car in every way and a snap at $475 Vick Bros. Two of the Best Packard Oldsinobile Read These Over $33 Packard Clud Sedan $1900 133 Packard 7 Ps. Sedan 1200 1927 Oldsmobile 4 Door Leather Sedan 82." 133 Packard DeLuxe Touring 800 1927 Oldsmobile Deluxe Coupe 725 1924 Gardner Touring 300 Studebaker Spec. Six Sedan 2S" 1924 Maxwell Coupe 275 1924 Essex Coupe 275 Ford Ton Truck Jumbo Gesr 250 1924 Ford Coupe 200 1925 Star Touring 200 Overland Coupe 200 Ford Sedan 6. We always have a complete line of good used car to choose from. Com n and look our atock over before yon buy, will pay you. Have you seen the new Oldsmobile I Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop 850 Mo. High Street Prices Right Real Automobile Values 1927 Oakland S-.ljn. 1926 Buick Medan Standard. 1926 Nash Special Six Sedan. 1926 Jewett Coach. 1926 Nasli Six Coupe. Other csrs. every on a real value in it class. 1'iices except ioanlly low. Open Sunrliv snd evening. F. W. Pettyjohn Co, $65 North Commercial Street. Tel. 2'i0 PILOT KILLED FOLKESTONE. Eng.. Feb. 13. (AP) A British pilot was kill ed today during a mock aerial com bat when two fighting planes from the Ilawkin air crew collided 1.000 feet over Folkestone. Both planes fell and one bbrst into flames CAL DISPLEASED . WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. (AP) Congress, in the opinion of President Coolidge. has been too liberal with appropriations and the prospect of tax redaction has correspondingly been endangered. S ME SBES THE WEKlCAW'S CANOE- CROUCHES BB" MIND HI S BOUL DER ??EM3y TRAVEL USED CARS For Sale 61 Hollywood 435 N. Commercial Why Not Save the First Depreciation Late Models in New Car Condition ' 1927 Oakland Sport Roadster Ru labia Seat ...$823.00 1927 Essex Super 4 Door Sedan 565.00 1B27 Type Pontiac Landau Sedan - 675.00 1927 Chevrolet Roadster - $75.00 1927 Hudson Super Coach 9$5.00 1916 Dodge Sport Touring 475.00 1426 Star Coopter $90.00 r 192 o Light Six Nash Sedan 55.00 1927 Snper Essex Coupe 575.00 lt27 Cbrys'or Roadster 563.00 As Is SpecialToday's Best Buy To Mechanic Only- 1921 Tjpe Essex Coach (narrow Post) $163.00 Every Car Checked and Repaired Worn Tares Replacedand New Paint When Needed S a v e S $ $ Hollywood Used Cars Good Condition Guaranteed Terms All Types All Makes All Prices Remember Our Guarantee Any used tar that we sell you can he driven for seven days, and if not entirely satisfactory you may return it and receive full credit on any other new or used car you may select. Trade and Terms. ASfred-Billingsley Motor Company 4 Whippet Willys-Knight Distributors 333 Center St. London Musician Knows 2,000 Scores By Heart LONDON. Eng., Feb. IS (AP) Professor Willlbaid Richter is said to have the best musical memory in England. He has memorized 2,000 classical compo sitions. When 8 years old. Professor Richter gave his first piano reci tal. Liszt, the famous composer. theij patted him on the head and made him his pupil. Professor Richter came to Eng land in 1881, and was music mas ter at Uppingham School until 18S7. He is the father of Miss Lilian Rushworth, the singer. The professor says that no great composer will arise in the present generation. "There is too much noise," he said, "to much hurry scurry. A genius must develop his gifts in quiet and solitude. Beethoven was lucky because he became deaf. His best work was done while he was deaf." -O i A. General Markets LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 18. (AP). Today' receipts: liogs 950. all direct. To tal for week. approximately. Cattle 2.010; Calves 210; Hogs 7925; Sheep, 915; cars 114. Caltll compared with week ago: Mostly around steady; hulk desirable slaughter steers 1 1 1.00W 12.50 ; off qual ity down ta $8.75 and under; fairly good heifers brought $10: good cows $9. Bulk d irahles she stock $7.50&10; low cut lei down to $4 and below; bull mostly $$.5097; odd head $7.50; calves $70 10.50.; Tealer np ta $13. Hogs compared with week ago: Batch er clause 10 to 15c lower; feeder pig 25 to 50o higher: hulk light butcher $9.25(0 9.35: scattering small lots early Monday at $9.40 (( 9.50 ; heavies and un derweight $9 down: extreme heaviea $8 W8.50; packing aows mostly $7Cf7.54; -heice light feeder pigs mostly $9.25(2 9.50; weightier 4tinds $9 down. Sheep, steady ; lamb steady to 35c higher than week ago. Strictly cheice hand weight wooled lambs quoted up to $1825; yearling up to $10; ewe $7 down. DAIXT rORTi.AXP. fre.. eh. 1 Iairy Exchange, net prices: (AP). Butter, extras 44Ve; standard 44c; prime firsts 43c; first 43c. Kggs. extras 26c; standard firsts 25c; fresh medium extras 24c: frewh medium firsts 22c. Prices to retailers 3c over ex change price. CHICAGO OKAJjr CHICAGO. Feh.H (AP). Announce moot of big flour sale apparently point-1 ing in surprising icarrnj ch xinur is me eastern part of the country led to higher Sriee todny for wheat. As much - a 00.000 barrels were reported to have been bought overnight far shipment east, the large baciaaa of the kind thi year. Closing fjaatetiaas aa wheat were firm half to . net higher, with corn $-$ to EH' BARNES DAUGHTER IS ee- MJiLDERED FRECMS ITRBAU.V WW BV THE HZSS Of UAPPEWEtx USED CARS For Sale 61 Used Cars Telephone 1027 Telephone 1146(0 t eat Vj (a, 5 8c up anil equal advance. 1 Sc oft to an PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore.. Feu. IS. (AP. Wheat hid: BRB hard white Keb., Mar., April. $1.42; hard white. blue stem, baart. Feb. $1.30'; Mar. $1.S0; April $1.312 ; federation Feb.. Mar . $1.27: April $1.24; soft white Feb., Mar., $1.27',, April $1.2$H: wetern white Feb., Mar.. $1.27". . April $1.28", : hard winter Feb.. Mar., $1.22; April $1.23; northern spring Feb.. Mar., $1.23'. ; -April $1.24'; weatera red Feb., Mar., $1.22; April $1.23. Oats. No. 2, 3d pound W. F. and ditto grsy Feb., April $43. Barley, No. 2, 45 pound B. W., all $40. Com. No. 2. E. Y. shipment Feb. $39. 75; Mar., $33.50; April $39.50; ditto No. 3. Feb. $38.75; Mar. $38.25; April $3U.5o. Millrun. standard Feb., Mar., $31; April $31.25. HAT PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. H (AP). Hay buyingjprice: I'.astern Oregon tim othv $20.50if21; ditto valley $18 18.50; alfalfa $13 18.50; oat hay $14.50$ '15.00 ; straw $9 per ton; selling price $2 a ton more. . NEW INCORPORATIONS j O . .. O winKieman Bag ana iturnap company, with headquarters in I Portland and capital stock of $30.- 000, has filed articles in the state corporation department. The in corporators are Isadore Winkle man, Meyer Winkleman and Abe Eugene Rosenberg. Other articles filed follow: Brown Oil company, Eugene, $50,000; Fred Gimpl, Dew Is A. Borde and George A. SImkins. Owl Furniture company, Port land; $,0,000; S. Zavin. Jacob Bromberg and Edith Zavin. Portland Bio-Chemical Clinics and Laboratories. Portland, $50, 000; Charles B. Zeebuyth, M. Zee buyth and Ralph Sbadduck. Irvimeda company. Portland; notice of dissolution. Move Made In Washington To Abolish Fish Traps OLYMPLA, Wash.. Feb. IS. (AP) First steps toward an in itiative measure for the abolition of fish traps, fish wheels and purse seines, primarily to protect salmon and steel head in Washington, were taken here by the Fish Con servation league, Bremerton. Roy Hatfield, representing the league, submitted the proposed bill for a ballot title. President Coolidge does not cnoose to run around any more telling people what he meant In the first place. Detroit Free Press. raro NOD AS rOAN UE Lf 2? CANOE .GUDES FfcST ROCK , FPED GNES A.TERPIFIC LEAP, AT THE SAME T5ME BF?IN6-INS-DotUtt THE BUTT Of -45" ON "THE WON APE R'sf VeS.SALLV, VOU &BT its we GECfwe- Vtil ALL I RULES COMMITTEE in By Alaa J. Gould (Associated Press Sports Editor) NEW YORK (AP) The widely advocated policy of a minimum of tinkering with the football play ing code appears to have been adopted by the national rules committee. With the long period of shifting regulations, experimentation and balancing of offensive and defen sive features at an end the com mittee now looks forward, starting in 1928. to an era of stabilizing and standardizing the game. Mast of the committee's energies for the next year will be concentrated on recodifying and rewriting the existing rules rather than casting about for further changes. This policy not only is expected to meet with the widespread en dorsement of coaches and official proval of gridiron fandom which has become dizzy in recent years keeping step with the changes. This Is not to mention the play ers themselves who. In the opin ion of so prominent a mentor as Gil Dobie. are ready to quit col lege by the time they have begun to master the rules. Came Now "Ct stalized" Few games anywhere involve as intricate possibilities of team play or as varied a collection of rules as football. The game's law-makers have recognized this while at the same time they have been wrestling with the problems of putting It on a firm basis, weigh ing criticism or dealing with the fruits of experience. "We feel that the game in it present form has crystalized." said Edward K. Hall, chairman of the Rules committee, recently. That the committee as a whole now shares this view is evident from Its latest deliberations. Where the year before a half dozen more or less radical chang es were decided upon, only three have been made effective for 1928. All three of these are designed more to clear up disputed point, or correct abuses than to effee any decided change in the code. The screen pass, for instance has been pretty well outlawed bu ;the new rules administer the death blow to what Ihe committee con siders unfair tactics by a passing attack. The lateral pass and murred punt rules remain but id such form that they will serve only their main purposes and not be ambiguous or subject to con troversy. Sfety First The goal post will stay where they were placed last season, ten yards behind the actual goal line. There was considerable agitation to restore the uprigts to their time-honored position but the rules-makers feel that this came either from the reactionary wing of the game or from spectators who had found it difficult to de termine the exact location of the ball without the goal-posts to aid them. The prims argument in favor of the new location and one that likely will be convincing; enough for some time to come Is that it removes a menace to life and limb in scrimmages at the goal line The game, its rules-makers feel has enough physical risks without needlessly making it more dan gerous. The possibilities of touchdowns on flukey recoveries are now re duced to a minimum. On muffed or fumbled punt as well as on grounded lateral passes the ball now may be recovered by the op posing side but in neither case can it be advanced beyond the point of recovery. L Mi MS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM OF EXPANSION OPPOSED WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.-- (AP). A vigorous assault on the administration's three quarter of a billion dollar naval construction program was made here in the senate by Senator King, democrat, Utah. Reading a long prepared ad dress, with occasional interpola tions the senator declared that the American government is now spending on its regular military establishment more money than any other nation, and traced the rising tide of expenditures. Adverting to recent remarks at tributed to Rear Admiral Plun I MONEy. t eN UJONDERiK WHAT IDAS THE MATTER VfliTW WE tATEl BUT THE MlNUTg,X SEEN YOU: UiAS IN X KN&urJt sally; in aWava tiaa taaV awSa. aW aaaa SV . W . wW - u aaas aw kett, who hat just retired, Sena tor King said bis utterances were "un-American, unwise), most fool ish and calculated to mislead the people of America and arouse the suspicions of the people of tor eign laW" Canadians Favor Many Tariff and Tax Cuts OTTAWA. Feb. IS. (AP) Sharp reductions In taxes and tar iff featured the budget presented to the house by J. A. Robb, min ister of finance. Tax reductions, which included a ten per cent drop in personal in come tax and cutting of the tax rate on corporations to eight per cent were estimated to total $19, 000.000. The outstanding feature of cus toms tariff amendments In the budget was the revision of the tex tile group. The maximum rate on cotton is reduced, with one excep tion, to 30 per cent, and the duty on various forms of cotton is low ered. Yarns for the weaving of woolen cloths are made free and there are reductions in other forms of wool. U. S. Shipping Board Goes On Record For New Policy WASHINGTON. Feb. 18 (AP) The shipping board today took a definite stand for a new policy, submitting to congress recom mendations on legislation pro posed to facilitate the carrying out of the merchant marine act of 1920. Embodying the report compiled it a conference in Januarv of the! leading steamship men of the country, the board declared none of the proposed bills provide all the legislation necessary to meet the present requirements of the merchant marine act. A combination of the best fea tures of the Jones. Copeland, Wood and White bills was sug gested. White House Raccoons Riot After Christening WASHINGTON. Feb. IS. (AP) Dissension broke out to day In the cage of the two White House raccoons at the very time 't became known that Rebecca's mate has been christened Reuben by President Coolidge. Reuben broke loose and climbed a high tree in the south lawn of the White House and as evening came on he still refused to return to his home. Reuben was presented to the president some time ago after having bet'ii caught by a White House policeman in Virginia and was dubbed by some of the un knowing ones as Horace. But It was made plain at the White House today that the president himself had given the raccoon a name and that he wanted him known hereafter as Reuben. Hindu Temple Tentative Plan for New York City BOMBAY. India, Feb. 18. (API Advices from Indore say that a Hindu temple may rise in New York in celebration of the initiation of Miss Nancy Ann Mil ler of Seattle, Wash., into Hindu ism if it takes place at Poona. It is understood that the Maharajah Mission at Poona will erect the building in honor of the warrior 'Shlvaji, who founded the Mahar- atta power in India. The initiation would precede the marriage of the American girl to the former Maharajah of Indore. The youngest of his two wives Is stated to be plunged into despond ency over the approaching mar riage. STI DENT FOUND DEAD BERKELEY. Cal.. Feb. 18. (AP) Lawrence Murphy, 21, a student at the University of Cali fornia was found dead in his room Friday. An autopsy disclosed he died of heart disease. Police at first believed the youth had taken his own life. PASTURE CLASSIFIED WASHINGTON. Feb. 18 (AP) A bill classifying as pasture lands all unreserved lauds within a radius of 20 miles of the boun daries of any federal irrigation project, was reported favorablyto day by the senate public lands committee. By Ed Wheelan ODur WHAT OF The RUSTIER.? AtOTHE RANGERS ? U5MAT OF WAMUELT WUAl ujuaT opj patch e T SEE NeVt WEEK'S ODtACIAJDiN dr Vf Pi i CODES - .. ,.. .2,-1! r 1 Salem Xarkets N 1 wheat walen Red wheat, narked . Oats, par ba. milling- rOXK. afTJTTOaT AMD BBKT Top heg . .TJ Sow , O5 4 0.9S Too steer . ..09fi .1 1 0ow :.03.O5H Spring lamb, dressed .1 Dressed eaal .IS Dreesed bog : .11 4 POTTLTBT Light hn Heavy hsa Spring Broiler BOOt. BUTTEB. BUTTEXTAT Standard , , . Bntterfat ,4T Print Butter -7j.4i VEGETABLE Beets, acfcd . New eebbag . rota toe Ce!ry, bunches Swt potato .024 04 1.0, 11.5$, $1.35 1.S5 .OT OREGON STATESMAN AUTO CONTEST List of Candidates Received, Noon Sat., Feb. 18 The list of nantastTon InrluA tXa aaaiss roi4 up ta aaoa Saturday, TU- tt a hra do sol arart'jr iw rlud all vol earaad. a sulseripiin r subjaet t varificatiaa. Dlatrirl No. 1. Cut of Salam: Hazel Mnderaoa Owiaa Baraaos ?S9.tH Mis Hattnrosaa M.0OU Mrs. fei Boaaar 5.0n Geo. H. Cauasr SIS.SSO a an Chrrin SO.OOt Charts 0!att 40S.20C Mi. WItr Cilaa S0.0OO B. Cooler 864.800 Mrs. I,. O. Curtis 50.000 Mr. 11. E. IoaIdsoa Ttt.SUO Totu Down 70I.SOO Alvin lurkson S0.0O r, ..v w. ..-..I 4ts Ana Mrs. Chns. Fit suti 5o.0M Mrs. Klliott S4S,S RalDk Krr 70a.60(i KdttU r'mdlay 8 44.0OO ( l-renr Fast ISl.SOrt Mr. I. Uraaka 70.40) Howard Ur SO.OOS Ea Ooff 421.SOO Bernico Uodr 14.VOt ltiill Gsutry 477.200 Uartia lrlcr 60.000 tMora (irdar 1S7.000 Bonnie Hamilton S0,Mt Berth Halaeth S13.SOO Sarah IlaWorssn 70O.SO Ksthrr HansoH aO.OOv Wilbur Harms (W.OOO Clrd Hsrraaa 711.40 ! Himr BO.OOO Loraine llorc 50.000 Mrs. C. Hooa-srhro 740.SW Mrs. Marietta Hot 60.000 Nettie llutcneoa 60,000 Mr. Krank Hutrhlasaa 50.0O Joseob Johasoa 70S.SOO Robert Krurer 50.000 Mr. Klawsoa 2B.IHH Kdrsr Kinr - 7tH.40l Klorenee Karst 60.000 Kennrth Lewi 2S1.SM Mr. Thelma l.inhar BO.OOti Orill l.istoa 197.SO0 Mrs. Cullea Lang 24l,tll Miss MrCartnpy 50.000 Ulad.TS Marlonald 741,000 IVSST Mcltowell 803,SO T. 3. MrKenzi ISS.mio Hazel MeMorrt 737.SOO Mrj. Iorlh Murlin - 50.000 Mr. Henrietta M.rtiaaala 720.300 llflrn Miclk 50.000 Mrs. .tames Moormaa 400.00 Itose Morrsti 50.0O" Lao Uorley 739.500 Allert Mourer 50.0O Robert Newburih 601.400 laniel Newman AO.IMlf Mr. Orvill OfWHr 740,3m Mildred Oshnrn 60.0aa Lillian l'eruwoltl 60.0Oi llarrl l'ro l4.0O. l oraioe Uoliin 6O.O0A Kidon Slavea 7I3.6O0 Carol Smith 74,4(H llsrpl Sneod 50. (Mm Ted Snrder 740,200 Kthel Ktarkrr 601.40'' tirare Strnn 60.00( Bruc Stewart T40..iH Mrs. Zens Thorns .'.O.tHH' Mrs. (;eo. Tnrksr 726,80) lieorfu rdnejr 61.2i A lir Vandnrvort Sh.Wf l.onij Warner SOJiW' Maxwell White 14."o Mrs. Mildred Wiefand 7l2.20r Ho J. Wiikee 7J5.20" W. G. Wilson 137.0O Mrs. Millie Williamson SO OO Mrs. W. I,. Wilsoa 740.40C Keulah Wltiel 73.-JO' Chester l.averu Wilts 60.40 Ms Young 742.2S Pitriet No. 2 (Outside City at Salem) Ruth Anfaerheld 127.60" Ann Baillio 420. 8 Doris Bennett 716.01" Olaf Blizseth 240.0OI D. B. Bordstoa 740,6(V .lark Beathy 5l. Baraer Camphoil 702. 8t Mr. .. H. Cahb TSS.HO Robert Caanall 740.8c Vesta CoquilUtt 50. IX Maria Creasy 60.0O--M Dnaehartr 50. OO Mr. Downing 640.60' Mary Jan lvaTa 60,04 nazal Fields 60.0 Amij Fiedler tO.Of Klmer I(naa 60,0 Tbelia Haagea 743,60 lohn Hangea 7SO.SO" B. L. Holland T4S.OC J. U. Johaatoa 70S.0H Harlan Judd iO.OO Mary C. Kinder 60.04' Kit her Kraft 60.0' Mr. O. KIly 60.0' I. re Leslie 60.Q4 rVenri l.orelt 60,0 Floyd MrCall 716.4 Dalor MeKisaoa 741.41 Pern Miller 60.0: Ohristsl . IfiMar 60.0 - W. W. Pawall 45S.S Pradcac Pattersea . 60,0 Howard Robiason 60,04 - Mr. Joha Sekaoider -. 60,0 " John W. Bcett 60.0 Darit Smith 60.0 - K!k 8teen 60,0 Mahal If. Straw 64.04 Joha Strati . 60.04 Mrs. J. T. Taraar 60,0 Garnet Whadbwa 60.0 Vorl Whit 6I.8 E. William . 160JSt Politics Grows Along New Lines In Germar BERLIN. Feb. 18.(AP Gcrmsn polities dsreloped an tirelr new sncls hers when ft four parlies constituting the pre ent coalition-nationalists, perapl party, centrists and . Bavarians decided no lonter to consid consider tbemselres as . fori -Ins - the sorernment bloc.' - Th . approved howerer, leaving th respectlre ministers In the cs' lnet. . ; ';- -The members of tfa6 cablor therefore, altbough orlf Inall de ignated by the parties, must her sfter act on their Individual r orosslbUltr. and dc the best th can ontU absolutely easenti: bndgetsry legislallon Is passed I the .RelcaiU. 1 ;v; cbaxdit tltxxed : ' TACOMA,Wash...; TeW lt.-(AP)- One bank, robber 'was ki! ed and another wounded and ca tared la. a .bank holdup at Pet Wash.,, shortly before- noon, s cording to dispatch, to the i;e Tribune Lere,'- - "ff" ltS.ll .145.1T ..... , ,,, g ?