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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1928)
CHURCHES FIRST CHRISTIAN Hifh and Center. 1). 3. Howe, pastor. Ree. 785 X. Cottage, Phone 2438W. Serrieea: 11 a.m., "What i Spiritual 1'owert"; 7:30 p.m., "The Builders of a Nation. Patriotic aerrire at 7:30 p.m Patriotic sonft and termon in honor of the great Americana whose birthday are relabelled tnis month. All patriotic or dera are cordially invited to attend this ervie. Bandar achool. 9:45 a.m., O. J. Hull, Supt. Intermediate and Senior So rietiea meet at 6:30 p.m. Morning music. sole (Selected) Victor Wolfe. Evening mnaie, anthem by large choir. "Eye Hath Not Been Hall. Prayer meeting and Bible study Wednesday. 7:30 p.m A pre-Easter evangelistic neeting will be- gia on Sunday, March IS, and continue until Easter Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD 1346 N. Church 8t. J. 3. Gillespie paster. Res. 1315 N. Church, Phone 2018-J. Service, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.. Sunday school. 10 a.m., James Davis Supt. Young people's meeting 6:30. Mrs W alter Barkers, leader. Prayer service and study of the sixth chapter of Revela tion Wednesday evening 7:30. Teachers sneetiag Friday evening 7:30. FORD MEMORIAL M. E. West Salem. T. I,. Cannell, pastor. Res. 75 Edgewater St. Thone 1341 R, Service : 11 a.m., "Christ Our Daily Helper": 7:30 p.m.. My God Shall ftapply All Your Need". Hnnday school 0:45, D. C. Rebern. Supt. Junior league. 11 a. as. Epworth and Intermediate iyeague at 6:30 p m. Bible study Thursday eve 7 :30. GLAD TIDINGS MISSION J3V Court St. C. S. Johnson, pastor Rea. 431 8. Cottage. Services, 3 and 7 :30 p m. Sunday school, 2 p.m., W. Remington, Supt. Week day services on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday eve sings- FIRST MZTHODI8T EPISCOPAL Cor. State and Church. . C. Taylor, pastor. Res. 636 State. Phone 75. Di rector religious education, Margaret K Sutherland, Phone 872. Services: 11 a.m . "What Has the Church to Ofert ' by the pastor; 7:30 p m.. Service in charge of the Methodist Men's Council. Prof. JL. A. Msgruder of (.wrvalhs will speak n The Religion of Kutiii Anthen "The Lord's Prayer". Offertory "lle.t the Lambs'' (Oh Feed My Sheep), Bi;r leta-h. with incidental solos by R. D. T!ar ton and Miss Aldeane Smith. SunJs) school. 9:45 a.m.. H. F. Shanks. Supt Enworth Leagues: I'niversity Chapter Topic "The Most Beautiful Book Ever Written". Bible studv in the Book I-uke led bv Miss Sutherland. Firs hurch chapter Topic "Writing Our Owr 'In His Steus . leader, Mary Trindle Junior High chapter in charge of Mis Roberta Vannice. Monday evening in the i-barch parlors the Heritage Banquet giv en for the standard Hearers ot toe worn ea'a Foreign Mis.ionarr Society. Wed nesday afternoon at 2:30 the General Aid Wednesday evening the February party of the First Church Epworth League. Thurs day evening the regular mid week service, tho lesson on "Things Which Accompany Solvation" given by the pastor. Junior Church at 11 in the chur-h annex. Mes sage. "Deliver Us From Evil" given In -dialogue by ten boys and girls. of Mrs. Caroline Jackson, 1463 N. Win ter St. Thursday evening at the church it the general mid-week prayer service. Sunday school 8:45 a.m. J. A. Barham, Sopt. Classes, 1, 2, and 3, under their respective leaders, meet at homes as an oounced each week. CHRISTIAN BCIXKCE First Church Corner of Liberty and Chemrketa streets. Sunday morning ser vices at 1 1. Sunday evening aervicea at 8. subject of lesson sermon, "Mind." Wed nesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Sunday school aeaaions convene at 9:45 and 1 1 a. m. Reading room, 406 Masonic Temple, open daily from 11 to 5:30 except . Sunday and holidays. UK 11 ED BRETHREN CHURCH Cor. 17th and Neb. Ave. W. X Blodgett. pastor. Res. 1743 Xeb. Ave. PhMie 2612J. Services: 11 a.m., "The Surrendered Life"; 7:30, "Decision for Ood". Sunday school, 10, A. Bradfieid. Supt. Young people's meeting 0:30, Floyd tla:le, president. Junior C. E. at 3 Mrs. Working, Supt. Ladies Aid Wednes lay Prayer meeting Thursday evening st 7:30. A hearty welcome extended to an at ine Chureii ith the Open Door EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL MISSION 420 State M. Ralph D. Bui look, pastor. iwes. 4DU s. cottage St. Phone 93M Servires at 2:30 and 7:45 p.m. Sunday scnooj, :ju p.m. loung people s meet ng. 6 p.m. Week day services on Wed nesday, J hursds and Saturday nights at 7:45. Honest souls who are hungry for iod and Hit word without additions or subtractions are invited. "Ye ought ear nestly to contend for the faith once de- ivered unto the saints. Jude-3. FIRST 8PIRITU ALI ST CHURCH This church will hold services in their hall, "Fraternal Temple", 447 Center it., this Saturday eveuing, Feb. 19, at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Louella M. La Valley ill be speaker and message bearer. The .jublic cordially invited. CENTER ST. METHODIST EPISCOPAL 13th and Center Sts. Kev. E. J. Asch enbrenner. usstor Res. 681 X. Winter St Phone 680 M. Services at 11 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The male quarter will sing for the morning service. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Martin Schreiber, Supt. Epworth League devotional service. Top ie. "Christian Conqnpsts in the Congo" This is a continuance of onr m'ssion study ana will be conducted in the Lnglish Jan gnage.. The regular midweek prayer mooting will be-held on Wednesday eve lag at 7 :45. The morning services are ia German and the evening services Eng lish. The nunaay school employs bo'h languages. You are welcome at all of our services. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Center and Liberty. Charles E. Ward, paator. R." 440 Center. Phone 591 K Services: 11 a.m.. "The Message f Christ"; 7:30 p.m.. Sacred concert and recital. At the morning worship the pas tor will begin a series of sermons on Christ. In the evening Prof. Edward Brg ham of New York City will gave- a sacred concert and recital. Sunday school, 9:45, Mark McCalliater, Supt. The Fortnightly Clab will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30. Mid-week Bible study and prayer meet ing Thursday evening at 7:30 taking up ' ' Fellowship of Prayer" topics used throughout America during the Lenten aeaaon. RICKREALL CHURCH Rev. W. O. Kantner will preach in the tickrtall Community church at 11 a.m. Sunday. Subject, "The Gospel Accord ng to You". Sunday school at 10 a.m. Mrs. Ixiwry. Supt. Dr. Kantner will Iki nreai h at the Oak Point school house it 2:30 p.m. Sunday, subject, "Some Com rier.aUons of the Christian Life". CHURCII OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday school will be held in the Nel son Bldg., Cbemeketa and Liberty, at 10. (Crght missionaries will be in attendance. BETHANY REFORMED CHURCH Corner of Capitol and Marion Sis. Sun day school at 10 a.m. and German ser vice at 11. M. Denny, minister. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE One block south of Center on 19th. L. D. Smith, pastor. Res. I960 Marion St. ?hone 479-W. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Mr. Frank M. Litwiller, supt. in charge. Jorning worship 11, sermon subject. 'The Bride of Christ". Song Evangelist loyd W. Hawkins of Tarouia. Wash., will e with us and have charge of the sineinji ind will also sing a sio. Evangelist Haw Wins can sing the glory down. This will e the beginning of a revival meeting or the next two weeka. Mr. Hawkins wil lava charge of the music and singing nrougnnut the meeting. J he young peo ple's service at 6:30 in the evening has een turned into a young people's prayer neeting lor the revival. Lvening evangel stic service 7:30, sermon subject "Signs f the Times." There will be services each vening at :sn except Saturday, the com ng week. The orchestra will play each vening. The messages will be on the tecond coming of Jesus Christ to this sarth. "The Appearing of Jesus" "One raken the Other Left" "The great Trlbu latlon". "The Last Prayer Meeting" The Man of 8 n". ! ?. 1s5a3r Tnin. ':80, fa Leslie .ii W week meeting for prayer and study Thursday evening at 780. Ckoir reheersala. J. William Belcher of Port land, director, Thursday evening. Jun or at 6:80 and Senior ehoir at 8:80. Wo urge tho obaervaaco of Lea ton medi ation and prayer upon all our people ind request them to keep the week from April 1 to 8 free from all aocial or other engagements which woald interfere with their participation in Holy week services. JASON LEE MEMORIAL M. E. CHURCH Corner North Winter and Jefferson streets, extends to the public a glad wel come to its services on the coming Sun day morning at 11 a. m. Public worship. Tho pastor will preach on them: "Stand ing True to the Colors." At 7:30 p. ra the pageant: "Two Masters" will be pre sented. A group of yoang people from Silverton will constitute the cast. 8pecial music by choir for both services. Junior church in Wesley hsll at 11 a. m. A special service for youth. Robert Witty will preach. Church school meets at 9:45 a. ra. Classes for young and old'. Th ree chapters Epworth league meet at 6:30 Jnnior high: High school; and Young people's. All meet in separate "onms. Open forum for adults st 6:30 in church school snnex. Fellowship, in spiration, and earnest gospel message in svery service. Bring your friends' and neighbors with you. THE SALVATION ARMY 241 Sta4e St. Public meeting tonight, commencing at 8 o'e'ock. Everybody wel come. Snnday program as follows: morn ing at 11 o'clock: Sunday school (big -ontest running). 2:30 p. m.: young peo ole, 6 p. m. : and salvation rally at 8 p. ft. Special announcement. Brigadier Jordan, revivalist of 25 years' experience, will conduct a week's revival campaign, from February 23 to 23, inclusive. Mrs. Jordan will assist. Cheerful, free and easy meetings are bers in the presentation of the play. the order, with but one object, namely to bring hope and encouragement to the wayfarer in life. 7:45, than prayer meeting and study of Revelation. A cordial invitation to tho general publle to all aervicos. Two. are always welcome. Com sample tho fin spirit manifest. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS CHURCH S. Commercial and Washington fits. Sunday services: 10 a. m., Sandsy school. Mrs. Marguerite Elliott. Sunt. 11. meeting for worship; sermon t "Two of God's Statesmen." 6:30 p. ro., C. E. prayer meeting. Topic: "Are tho Teach ings of Jesus np to date!" 7:80, temper ance meeting ia charge of Rev. R. E. Close. The five reel picture, "Lost Ws Forget," will be given to illustrate Rt. Close's address. Thursday 7:30 p. m., prayer meeting. Wo cordially invito the public to these services. Chaa. C. Ha worth, paator, 1655 S. Liberty atroet. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. (Episcopal) Church and Chemeketa Sta. Rev. H. Duncan Chambers, rector. Quinquagesima Sunday. (Sunday before Lent). Holy Euchariat in th chapel at 7:30 a. xa. Church achool at 9:45 a. m ., in the par ish house. Morning prayer with sermon snd music at 11 a. m. Tee Young Peo ple's Fellowship meets -at 7 p. m., in the pariah house. Ash Wednesday, th 22. the services wilt be at 7:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m., and 7:45 p. m . atlett, the girl, wanted him bac&T he consented. Some time later, we find New ton ministering to a little parish at Olner, a curate of the Church of England. Here he entered into the lives of his people with hearty sympathy and told them of his wanderings In far countries. In hlg sermons and books and hymns, he nerer tired of telling them how God had lifted him up from the horrible pit into which he had fallen. Cpl5rrrTf tW4Jriwt this, period was "Amazing Grace, now sweet the sound" which tells the story of his life. Like the apostle Paul, he nerer could quite forget that he had sinned away so many years of his younger manhood. Newton was a close friend ot William Cowper. a friendship which grew because of the great similarity between their lives. Newton was a wild, disbelieving blasohemer: Cowper an irresolute, tunalrinr wonld-be suicide. Both turned to God, both sought his cerfound it and sang it to the ages. They worked together and many of the hymns are considered "Indistinguishable." The teachings of his pious moth A tnror ift XAwton and even in the darkest years of his life, he . tv l never forgot her. It is possiDie ht tittr nlrlt eventually led him to the high life which he lived while a minister of tne cnurcn in England. 7 WORKMEN KILLED NEW YORK, Feg. H.-Ar Three unoccupied houses on t:.. western fringe of the theater rti trict collapsed Into a subway ex r ration in Eighth aTenu todnv burying several workmen. Of :: workmen working In the ex. a . tlon at the time eeven vere i. lieved to have been klllei. Read the Classified Ads THE KNIGHT MEMORIAL CHURCH 19th and Ferry Sts. H. C. gtover. minister. The church school meets at 10 a. m., C. C. Harris, Supt. Mornini serv ice at 11. Sermon, "The Habit of Hap piness." The junior choir wiil sing "Our Faith in Thee" (Lowden). "Father We Thank Thee" (Jewettl, will b sung by Mrs. O. C. Kewgent and Miss Myra Gleeson. At 7:30 the Senior and Inter mediate Christian Endeavor aocieties wil'. present the medical missionary play en titled "The Fill Bottle." The choir will assist with several musical num- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Liberty and Marion St. Robert L. Payne, preacher. Fred Broer, Sunday ichool Supt. Miss Minette Magers direct or of music. Mrs. W. F. Foster, organ ist. Sunday school 9:45. classes for everybody. Morning preaching service 11 o'clock. to;ic, "What Is a Baptist Church." Young people's meeting 6:30 ). m. Evening preaching service 7:30, 'opic. "The First Question Cod Ever V'ked Man." Special music at both ervices by the choir. Pastor will speak it both services and will answer the chal 'enge as published in The Statesman of February 17. and it is indeed a worthy statement, there should be a great church :iuilding in Salem and if we have the aith we claim to have, why not 1 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Church street between Chemeketa and Center. Rev. K. K. Tully, D. !., pastor. Sunday school, with elssses for all ages, 9:30 a. m., followed by public worship at 10:45 a. m. Sermon by the pastor on "The Stewardship of Life." Young Peo ple's societies at 6:30 p. m. Evening worship at 7:30 o'clock. I'r. Angus B. MacLeod of Corvallis will preach. Dr. Tul ly exchanging pulpits with hira. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, 7:30 o'clock. CHEMEKETA STREET EVANGELICAL Cor. Chemeketa and .V (i. K. Erskine, pastor. Res. 2: N. 17th St. Phone 1008W. Services: 11 a.m.. "The Place of Christ's Feet Made Glorious"; 7:30 p.m., no evening preaching service. Raadsy school 10 a.m.. O. R. Stransbsugh, Supt. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m. There will be no mid-week services as this congregation is cooperating in the re viral meeting in progress at the First Evangelical church. V are also joining the First Church in the Sunday night service. FREE METHODIST Corner ot Market and X. Winter Sts. Preaching at 1 1 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The pastor. Rev. W. N. Coffee, is giving, as a prelude to the morning sermon, a short dissertation on the "Articles of Religion". Article IV is the one to be considered eat. A aeries of sermons on the general aabiert of holiness is being given at the soming services. Prayer meetings. Wed- 6:30 in church parlor esday, i. p.m., for women, at tne home 'service. EVANGELISTIC FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 13th and Ferry Sts. H. Hansen, nastor. Phone 2121 R. Evangelist M. R. Tatman from Oakland, California, will be with us over Sunday. Evangelist TatiCan ia a orceful and convincing speaker. Sunday services, morning, 10:30, devotion and praise service: afternoon snd evening vangelistie message. 8 and 7:30: Sun- lay school. 1:45 p.m.. Roy C. Ferguson. Supt. Grest interest is being taken in our Sunday school work, parents are in- lted to come with their children. The Sharon Scouts (Junior Young People) un- ler tne leadership of Sister Alma Dul- leck' will meet for the Rainbow Bible Study course Thursdav evening at 7. A special meeting of the Sunday school offi cers, teachers, parents and Christian work ers will be held Friday evening at 7. The Ambassadors for Christ (young people's society) will hold their service Saturday evening at 7:30, Howard Olsen. presi dent. Meetings every night except Mon day during the coming week, at 7:30. LESLIE MEMORIAL CHURCH (Methodist Episcopal) South Commercial St. at Myers. P. Darlow Johnaon, pastor. Res. S43 E. Myers St., Phpne 274. Hours of service 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sermons by the pastor, morning, "The Forgiveness of Sin"; evening. American Shrines with New Neighbors", an illustrated address. Morning anthem by adult choir. "Blessed is the Man." Church school at 9:45 with cordial welcome and interesting study for every member of the family. Junior League in Leslie Hall at hour of morn ing worshir. Asbury Epworth League in Leslie Hall at 6:30, topic, "Writinr our own 'In His Steps!" Intermediate League ith i patriotic Church school workers ronfer- 30TJRT STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST Court and 17th streets. Norris J. leasoner. minister. Res. 144 S. 19th St. The coming Lord's day should be an im portant one. The morning theme lies ;lose to the very heart of Christian civil zation "Family Devotions." The Bible school, beginning 9:45. continues to ;ro and the next session should wit less the best attendance of the year thus ar, aa was last Lord's day upon that late. Special music is expected also. In the evening the various Christian En leavor societies will meet at 6:30. fol- owed by evening worship at 7:30. Dur ng the evening. Mrs. Youngblood will ender a solo and Miss Gladys Newberry will be the first to present a short talk r sermonette before the sermon. This ustora is to be followed with the Touni eople for a time, each speaking upon ome theme of his or her own choice. Let us make these evening occasions pest ones, snd thus glorify our Msster. Mid-week services ss nsual. Thursday evening being devoted to teacher training -lass and volunteer bank from 7 until FIRST EVANGELICAL CHURCH Center and Liberty Sts. F. B. Culver, castor. Sunday school at 9:45, L. L. Thornton, Supt. Premehing at 11 by the paator. Evangelical league of Christian Endeavor meets at 6:30; Sa villa Phelps, president. Lois Miles, leader. Topic, Are the Teachings of Jesus t'p to Datel" At 7:30 Rev. C. P. Gatea will conclude the series of evangelistic serv ices which have been held for the past two weeks. Prayer meeting Thuraday evening at 7:4s. INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Meet every Sunday for Bible study. Meetings are being held temporarily at 1160 Broadway. Hours i':JO to o p. m. Evening services from 9 to 10 p. m., are broadcasted from Portland. Radio KEX, 239.9 meters. Funeral services In Salem and vicinity, conducted free of charge by local Bible class. Fnon 2726. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH State and 18th, Rev. A. L. Heine, pas tor. German services' at 9:45 a. m. Eng lish services at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 9:40 a. m., Martha Batterman. Supt. Luther league meets at 7 p. m. Martha and Erna Batterman will sing a duet. Religious school Saturday at 9 a. m. Choir practice Tueaday at 7 p. m. Next Wed neaday evening at 7:45 will be the first of our special Lenten services in th Ger man language. rrtntiflmiBttx. hex. 13 El y?orv Amazing Grace. How Sweet the Sound Rev. John Newton, 1725-1807 "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound "That saved a wretch like me ! "I was lost, but now am found "Was blind, but now I see." John Newton was taken away to sea y his father, a sea captain, at the age of eleven, the beginning of 18 years of stirring adventure, during which tim he sank to the lowest depths of After seven years, he camo back to England for a vacation and met a young r.Irl of fourteen years, who com pletely captured his heart. So great were her charms, that ho missed his next boat. After three more years at sco. he wast brought home a deserter in irotn, degrad ed and flogged. , This incident eventually led him to a position as a slave trader and V found his wry to an island off 'fct African coshi, where he lived a profligate, profam? and licon ficus life, eatln? what bits of food! the slaves would give him. When vessels neared, he would hide, out of shame for his condition. Finally he flagged a boat which came near the island, one day. and after eome hesitation, the captain took him on board. A luckier circumstance there could riot have been, for this very cap tain had been commissioned to find the young man, by his father, who had heard of his condition. At first Newton refused to return! home, but when the captain lied and told him that he had come lito a fortune and added that Mary BasssssassaeanassssaammmmssaaiaassaMaaaa.m I: Today will be our grand opening sale of a new store. We have arranged a most remarkable list of matchless economies for thrifty cash purchasers. Now come the greatest values in this underselling event. A chance to buy desirable merchandise at worthwhile savings. A sale worthy of the at tention of every person who realizes the economies these special offerings represent. ! 184 S. COMMERCIAL STREET FINE DRESS SHIRTS $1.50 quality, coat style shirts with attached collar in fine Madras, oth ers in neat new patterns in stripes and figures. All sizes 14 to 17. Reg. 1.75. Opening Sale QCn Price ivDC DRESS CAPS Light or dark patterns, some have all leather sweat bands. Reg. $2.00. Opening Sale $1.45 gjj CORDUROY PANTS College Brand wide bottom, all sizes. Reg. $5.00. Open- fQ A r ing Sale Price $D.nkD Chambray Work Shirts Chambray, blue only, two pockets, all sizes. Opening Sale 7C Price DC MOLESKIN PANTS for hard wear. Reg. d0 QP $4.00. Opening Sale Pricetw-ID SHOES Shoes at worth while prices. quality. Reg. $2.00. Opening Sale Price .... Good $1.65 New Spring Neckwear In fancy stripes and block patterns, a large selection to choose irom. Reg. 95c. Opening Sale Price 50c BELTS of all leather, plain or fancy pat tern. Reg. 95c. Opening 7C . f Jl Sale Price WORK CLOTHING at worth while prices. Overalls with bib or without. Heavy qual ity, all sizes. Opening Sale Price 98c UNION SUITS service heavy weight. All sizes. Reg. $1.50. Opening AP 7JC Good Sale Price DRESS OXFORDS Wide toe, a snappy, clean cut ox ford of solid leather. Reg. $5.00. Opening Sale Qr Price $atwD SUIT CASES Luggage at worth while prices. All Samson cases in stock. A d0 QC case with a guarantee. PjD FANCY DRESS SOX f mixed colors, rayon and cotton mixed, some silk. Reg. 75c. jr Dpening Sale Price xDC WORK SOCKS Reg. 35c. Opening Sale 1 r Price .1 ... 10C DRESS PANTS Some are plain, others have fancy stripes with wide bottoms. All sizes. Reg.. $5.50. Open- O' QC ing Sale Price PAINTERS OVERALLS Good quality, all sizes. Reg. QQ $1.50. Opening Sale Price JOC CANVAS GLOVES 16 oz. weight, red wrist. Reg. 2)c. Opening Sale Price 15c Athletic Union Suits All Sizes. Reg. $1.00. A r tJl Opening Sale Price DRESS SHOES Solid leather. Reg. $6.50. tJ nr ... tyVd Opening Sale Price 1S4 S. Commercial St. Shoes Cloth ing FURNISHINGS Near Frry ' ' ' , , a n ! Jr hi rait Hire 5 ; M ark e t All Wool Mattress This s indeed a wonderful value. 40 lbs. all wool with a heavy ticking. Priced at only $14.00 4 jcSftn. 7 Piece Dining Set This is walnut table with 5 straight chairs and 1 arm chair. These chairs have a blue tap estry seat. The table is 54Mx45" and extends to 6 feet. An attractive looking set at v "WHERE CASH BUYS MORE tore It Will Pay You to See This Merchandise and Compare Prices COMBINATION Library and Dining Table with the folding leaf inclosed and finished in mahogany. $19.75 Bedroom Furniture For Saturday only we offer a three piece Bedroom set con sisting of Vanity, Bed and Chiffonier, finished in ivory with a dainty floral design. 3 Pc. Set $65 DESK A walnut console desk with a drop leaf. A very practical desk for a small room. $15.50 5 Piece Breakfast Set decorated in orange and black. -This is a Medium DAVENPORT With .full spring construction, covered with Rose and Taupe Jacquard Velour. An at tractive and serviceable piece of furniture. 69 DAY BEDS These beds have the metal head and foot in a walnut finish, a one piece spring and covered with creton. They are simple and easy to operate and have storage space for the bedding. Under Priced $24.00 Aluminum Special Roasters, set of 3 Sauce Pans,, No. 6 Covered Kettle, Double Boiler, Dish Pan, 10 qt. Pail, Covered Kettle, Percolator, your choice 79c SPECIAL Crystal Water Glasses As if by Magic a Gulbransen will Transform Your Home TE btoutr of the Gal branten Small Grand will add tho fiwiaMwg tooch of luxury and martness that may now be lacking in your home. Iu rich, golden tone will create a pleasing niswirnl ataiospbere. GraxMU NationaDj Priced 650 675 850 $U75 WmhutU Ughtly McW i: Hi Hi A5UJL BRANSEN $68.25 $19.00 6 for 25c fuxnos