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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1928)
THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18. 1928 Good Used Cars Listed Here- Very Reasonably Priced-Its TheTimetoBuy ST WOOD FOR SALE 30 16 INCH MUX WOOD PARTLY SKA Boned. $3.50 per load at Traeey's. Tel. 2413. IaXNCH"o7j GROWTH FROM I-ARGE sound trees. $8.00. Ury seeoad growth, $7.00. Phone 2080 J. CAl7. 7iK FOR DRY FIR AND OAK, Cusranteed full cord. Best wood ia ' wo. 41 . Wood. OOOD OOAb DRY WOOD PicO MPT DELIVERIES -XiJLLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. BEST GRADE OF WOOD Pry woo J 4 ft. sad 16 Inch. Large loads are cheaper to Luy. Mill wood ia oar specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. (RED E. WELLS 280 S. Church Tal. 1542 POULTRY AND EGGS 32 fLl.L fl.VUOl.TH ROCK IIATCHIXU '' 2 J 15 South Cottage. Phoua I ,.i . gT.1RY WANTED ANT KIND. SIZE or aiuuunt, tup mark it, highaat rash juice. Salem Poultry Co., Corner High and Mill. Phone 2490. fcUY CHICKS EVERY MONDAY AND Tuesdaj.- 6 leading varieties. -Beat iocl .tuck. Prices reasonable. Salam I ,.; ;er;i. 2t4 North Cottage Street, Salem. LL.s'lOl! HATclllNU. JO YEARS OK exnen-nce back of our aerv:ce to you. Kin- la! rate on 1000 or more egg. Oregon Capital Hatchery, 2144 North Pi.'!. i street. Salem. Oregon. Better pauii-' 2t20 and reserve jour data. I'AitY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH ,u i.prt service tueau tfficiancy and nifti quality. Ail haby chicks from omen', stock Officially teeted and Of II.-. al... Approved. Saletn'a oldest Cus tu.u Hatching plant. Phone 13312. s Hatchery. V VV I. 1 EST ED CHICKS! HUSKY rtu s KuCkS, Reda. Aucouaa: 17u by ii.e 'hrjsaad. Leghorns 1 i Vi ' by the Im.huJ Mlnorcaa 20e by the thou f,:i i. Buff Orpingtons $24.00 per hun dred free catalog gives prices on Mi,.i..-.T lots aud instruction on cure of hi k & Flakes Petland, i73 State hi i ect MUSIC STORES 33 (, i-O C WILL PIANOS. i'HONO gia;iiis, sowing machines, eheat music and piano atudlea. Repairing phono--ia:.hs ml sewing machines. 4J2 State tir-t. lu'i'in. MUSIC TEACHERS 33a Al.iUhK.N PIANO JAZZ FUAS'K SIT ii'ii. vW.ttriiian course. Studio 154 S i i ..-Tt- Tel C"7 or Res. 21S5J. KODAK FINISHING 34 f::kk knlarokment with every jc order Kodak work. Rawlings, i'oriiand. Ore. Newspapers Magazines 35 r 11 pok n.Axr) t-B.-r.oR am salkm A,.-!icy. Thj A -e. Tel. 939. 'J J I ! UK.KCOX STATESMAN, 50 CENTS ij r month d-Iivered to yor home ! v each morning. Tel. 23 or 53. . 1 ); SUBSCRIPTIONS 'K RENEWALS I ir Harper's Bjiaar. I titernatio'ial St i I ii M tor P.oating or Tuwu and Coun :, Tel. 2369J. It VOL WNT TO OET THE BKST :'n ni paper send five 2 cent stamps to th-- Pacific Home'.tead. Salem, Oregon, f i ii three months' trial subscription. .Mei.tioii this ad. PCX :. IKY. MEN SEND EDSHT TWO ci.t tliiupi for special throe mortha' ru the best nd oldent Jonrnni in !!i- Wove The article, and adver t iv'iii-n : i are .if special interest to the u.i i it iv breeders of the Northwest i . NiiTliet Poultry Journal. 211 S. Com rtifti al St.. Salem, Urccuu. NURSERY STOCK 35 IiNr i INK V, li.Sfc' It Y STOCK. ALSO s.iu.i fior ng Hawtbornes. See these ti-' before l.uving. Willaniette Viil-1- v N',iri.r.. Ii'nne p'mae 70F3. Sale tid 239 ( ou t St.. a. r Si .troet from limn It's store PAPERHANGING 37 l'MNti GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE d- .rating, p iperhangmg., etc. U-.!ole' workman. PAINTING 33 (M'S BENNFTU ATJTTl COX incvor. painting, paper hanging. .'S3 J 1H7 West Millar. MISCELLANEOUS 39 I!t SAI.EM SCAVENGER SERVICE -all 16T. 1 PKRT LAUNDRY WORK WANTED to do at niy Iniuie. Phone l 'i9o. I 'UNITL'KF UPHOLSTERING AND RK pairing Oiese Powers Furniture Store. KK SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a handle. Statesman office. ?tS South Commercial. WHITE SCOTCH COIX'E AT STCD. Salem's White King. Register number 5359il Service guaranteed. Puppies and grown stock for aa!e. Mrs. Ben nntt. X030 Chemeketa. Phone 1539. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING bTOVF.S FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinds ot wove wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hop baskets and hooka, logan hocka. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court atreet. LOOKING POK SOME GOOD MANU factured article to market nationally, i'omtuiasion baaia. Will bndTe adver tising. Albert O. Burns at Heatlinun Hotel, Portland, Oregonv attending Northwest Sales Conference, February 2Ul to 24th only. CAPITOL BARGilN AND JUNK HOUSE. 105 145 Center. Tel. S98. All kinds of Junk bought aud sold; Rags. Socks. Buttles. Barrels, Hides, Palta. Wools, ' Fur. Taliow, Cakcara Bark, Crape Hoot, Pitch, Peppermint Od. AM kinds of Iron sV Metal everything from a ned!e to a locomotive. Onion Skin Carbon Paper Typewriter Ribbons W. S.JDu Fresne T88 E. Oth St. N. Portland. Oregon Are You All There? Chemical aaalysis of the human body shows that it it composed of tha ff ""' lug elements-. Osygeo, Carbon. Hydro--., Nitrogen, Calaium. VkPK SftaslB HnlphBr. Sodium Chloride, -a i tj;. riuarin, iii- Zmc. Manganese. . , " You supply year body with thnsa ch-mlcal elements through the foea yo ea:. the air yoa breaths and tha watar yo.i drink. , . OooJ health depends moah vpn th eh-mtsuy of the bd-, M tU and maintained. Man twttead oo4g U common use today arn laal"f alarming extent is then TiUl a4 heallh promoting properties, and this daflesesiay u responsible for many chronic nlmeata. Pacific Health-Ore Is rich in the majority of these alemeati ani its use haa aecnsapllahad asarvelous ras'jlts in reatoriog health. sIrs Watmrs chaace you'll be srjriied at her ra- (ponsa. BEE YOUR DSC00I8T TOPAT PIANO TUNERS 42 tnwirA wtii WTTT1PKiTBtrj Plana tuner. Leave srdera WUla Maie Stare. 43 CLASS FOR CHILDREN AGES 8 TO years iu Ballet, alao business girls class in Phys Ed. Barbara Barnes Studio. Phone 594. W. T. RIGDON'S NEW BOOK IS NOW ready en sale at any of the bok atores. This ia an s!l Sslem Book, written ia Ealem, printed in Sa'em. ai.d should "is py patera people PRINTING 44 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS, PAafPH lefs, programs, bonoW. or any kind printing, U at the Suteisata Print ing lepartmat, 215 8. Commercial Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 6Vi . T. L. Y.'ood. 341 Stat St. P. It BELL. 310 U. H. DANK BLOO. Residence and buaiueAa loana. Tel 001 or 2141 W $5000 PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON Salem property. fcOCOLOFSKY & Ss)N MONEY TO LOAN FOR BCILDINO AND on city property. B. 8. ila.Uo and L. H. Martin, attorneys. 413 Oregoa Building. Tl. 2084. Money to Loan -on' real or personal security. John XL Scott. 805 Oregon BIdg. CITY AND '.liACT LOANS Reasonable Kates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS X 703 ti First National Bank Djilding Phone 4.17. Salem, Oregon. OUit INSTALLMENT LOANS MAKE IT EASY FOB YOU BECAUSE 1 You steadily reduce the principal with but littie greater monthly out lay .haii tent. 2 You ilon t have the total principal due in a lump rum which may be am, 1.. meet. 8 On a loan of fioOO for 5 years your total interest ia $214.80. 4 You are doing business with aa old established firnr. ANDE'lSON t RU. RT. Realtor 169 S. High Stret. Tel. 104 4 Correspondmta, Equitable Savings and Loan Association WANTED LOANS 46 HAVE CLIENT WAXTISO $1300 LOAN First Mortgage. F. (X. DELANO 290 N. Church. Tel. 2310 Vi'AXTEO Private uiouey to lotn on REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENIIOilST A CO. 134 B. Litertv St. PLUMBING 47 PI.PMBINO AND CENKRiL REPAIB work. QiMher Bros., 141 3. Liberty T" .. I ' in act. k v . BUSINESS OPPR. 48 Hdw. arid liniienient Store well lo ca'ed in Eeie to exi-liaaxe for goad Si. em property. Invoice about $9500.00 lining KuOi buMnes.v We have a cah customer for tract ioil cordA'ood s'.uiiipage. to Sa le. ), SALEM REALTY CO. 4'.2 State St. .VI A N I I ( Tl Kiilt WANTS EXCLUSH E distributor for O:e.;ou mid Washing toil. Open office, hire and train sales .-foTi-e. Sp'e".d 'il rTmnneration. $t00 neiit il ti tiiian-''- w lnle oriraniing. (,ivc reirit-i:. i-s and full qualification l-ttfr on!;.. At 1 1 oathtna n Hotel, Port land, Oiv.. J'. lo-uury -.'1st to 24th. Ad ilri-1', A. C. m itN.--. WANTED PA ItTN K It IN SMALL FOOD manufacturing b'isincss. Only few Imn dred iieeili-d Partner abolute'r pro ti-cteil and cm hand! money himself while eiiiri r, god wages. Sale al r-ady csla lii hd for prod'ict. Entire oiitp.i: coiiira tel at (food profit. 1 yu have a IVw imndred and want to treble it in short time aud earn good wages in audition, this is your chance No curiositv seekers. I mean business Full invest 'gat .on invited. Apply at ulU South . nt-r Street. Qojrjg Out of Business Stock of Dry Goods and Shoes, about $45oO 00 for 30 cents on the dollar. Dry Oo'hIh. mostly Marshall Field & Co. S!iu"S. Endicott Johnson. A real o;urtuiiit for a profitib'e busine.s.' -F2xture American No i0 Multigraph and tvpp. good as new. fost $233.82 for $75.00. Standard Remington Type writer, cost $100.00 for $50.00. Tole do Computing Scale, cost $295.00 for $70 00, Htioison Computing Scale $40.00, Coles Electric Coffee Mill $40.00. oval, bipiare and floor show cases. flat top ad roll top desks anJ a lot of other fixtures at bargain prices. All lu good condition. Will sell fixtures with or without merchan dise. Tunis cash. No agents. Address Box 03. care Statesman. RADIO 49 Radiolas For -very purpose-, for every purse All standard aixes of Radio Tnbea. FOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 835 Court St Tel. 4S. FOR SALE Houses 50 CHEAl BUT DIGNIFIED 5 Koorn English type modern home. Fast fron'. Wonderful view, garage, nnk floors. !arge cheerful rooms, high lot $1500. Jjuu cash. Balance like rent. if your wife likes It. but it 5 Rooms, corner lot. splendid view, modern every way. garaga attached to house. $5000. $500 Down. Easy terms. Both of these homes are new and outside heavy tas district. Dun 1 let thi one slip - One of those coxy homes on South Church across creek, that ,o manv de air The Price will surprise you. DELANO 290 N Church Tel. 2930 REAL ESTATE 51 GOOD BUILDING UT $10 00 DOWN. $'.0.00 mouth and interest. llbO Broadway. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 159 ACRE stock farm. 80 miles S. K. Kansas City. Mo., al-o residence in Vancouver, Wah i '"irra Utter. 33 A L. Str., Van couver, Wn. MINUTE MOVIES OF THE. Am ED WHEEL Atf End novaj uirw wt? rope. t&d ib ihe- PUMME-L OP HI 5 SADDLE , ?tt SUCfeS QOiCKLy tJOUiN TO SOME- PERSONAL REAL ESTATE 51 FOR SALE OR TRADE 61 AND 3 10 acres near Xal!as for small p'.a- near Salem. L. F. DornhecUer, Rt. 3. Dal las, Oregon. A Real Oning Maskrat farm, stocked and equipped, well located, for eaie at a real bargain. Piiee $4,000.00 and term. Fine Home and Acreage near New berg to exchange for Salem property This ia real choice. SALEM REALTY CO. S2 btate St.. Salem Fineat Hotel location in the city Of Salem, buy now while price is law. 5 rm. house, fruit at nut trees. $2300. $300 down. $20 t int per mo. 5 rm. house. $2000. $350 down. $15 A int. per mo. 4 rm. house, eor. lot. $1750 $150 down. GERTRUDE J M. PAGE, Realtor 4d4 Court Str. A -HOME TO BE PROUD W 5 room Bungalow with large attic, plenty of hicilt ins, nooks, hardwood fl'Mrs. fireplace, full basement, fur cars, laundry trays,;e lot with lawn and shrubbery, pared street and walks in and paid. Price FOR A SHORT TIME $5300. part terms. SFK LKO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727 Y'OUR HOME DREAM REALIZED in this lovely six rooni home. all new and modern to the minute, large living room with a BEAUTIFUL FIREPLACE. dining room. kitchen wired for electric range, tiled drain hoards, lots of built-ins, coiy break fast nook, downstairs bed room, tiled bath room, buiit-in tub. Two bed rooms upstairs, lots of closets and stor age space, ni co light baiement and garage. This is on a corner lot. both streets paved, close to grade school and junior high. In a district of new homes. Call for an appointment. LEO N. (H1LDH CO. RsItots 320 State Street. Phone 1727 TWO STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOWS T II AT MUST BE HOLD AT SACRIFICE PRICE One is a iipw English Type. 5 Room, has everything that is in a modern home, forced to sell. $."iiio down, bal ance like rent. Price $4000 Yes it is really worth $5000. ANOTHER ONE -of 5 Itooms, built 2 vtars. has fire place, furnace. I.uiit ins i lawn, shrub bery a real home, owner a widow and also forced to sell. she has rut the price from $t"i,".no to $4TOi. Only $1700 cash will handi.. deal. The above properties shown by an appoint ment only. Our Phone i 750. or rail !!1 State St.. Rooms . and 4. See cither Mr. Ilechtel or Mr. SeHrs. New modern 4 room house, garage and woodshed for sale at $'.'200 $400 down. bal. like rent. North Silem. New modern 3 room house, garaje. east front, $aoo down, good terms on bal. Price $2400. For Sale 5 acres at Sslein Heights, lots of cherries. 7 room house, chicken house. loganberries, garage. Price SfJiOO, loiut leruis. 7 acres east 1 ' mi!ps on Si!verton road all in cultivation. 2 room plaster ed house, family orchard, good terms to responsible parties. 12 seres on good rosd north of Stlem. 2t seres of him k cap .. 7 a'-res of young prune, iust beginning to bear, fine iat-d. 6 room house, chicken house, near eiectric line Price $4J0O. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Nat. Hank BIdg. $3500 for a modern up to date roiii home, fine corner lot and fine lo cation. Terms. $6250 for a modern bungalow, 7 rooms and nook, corner lot. paving a'l s paid, close in. $1000 down. Tii 250 for a modern bungalow, on Centri st.. 5 rooms and attic stairway, larjfe lot. $ 1 oOO down. $3500 for good home, 5 rooms and nook. basement, fireplace, p.iin; and fine location. $5oi) down. $2500 for a 5 room cottage, bath, base ment, garage, good location. $200 down. $2200 New bungalow. 2 bedrooms, hath. oak floor in living room, fireplace. kitil:-Mi and nook, bahement, piv ing. walks and garage, close to school, $ 3 0O down. $1S00 New bungalow. 3 rooms and nook, 'hath, garage, and paving, $200 down. PrivatB money to loan. Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 f. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 For Exchange or Sa3e Ten acres all in fruit end berries right at city limi.s on paved road. Eight room modern house, fall base ment, water system, e!e-lric lights. A real home on acreage that Is steadily increasing in value. Owner will exchange for apartment bouse or other Income property. Might take in smaller residence on a trade. U. S. Realty Co. 442 State. Phone 2660 FOR SALE You have been looking for a snap. Here it is. 9 acres good land. 7 acres cultivated. Good spring. All fenced. 3 room house, small barn and chicken house, all for $11(10. $150.00 down. You can't beat that. FOR RENT Furnished bungalow, all modern con veniences. Furnace, fireplace, electric washer, etc. Also new unfurnished 4 room bun galow aa well as many other furnished and unfurnished homes. Office space or desk room on ground floor, good location and moderate rent. EXCHANGE Good dairy ranch close to Salem. 87 acres. 15 acres in pasture. Small new family orchard. Deep well, storage tank. Good house, barn and silo. Will exchange for Salem property. 5 acre tract for $500.00. 5 acres improved $10.10.00. t S acres improved $1300.00. 5 acrea improved $2000.00. 4 acrea with fine improvements $3200.00. 5 acres ' with fine improvements $7750.00. Will trade any of these for Salem property. See J. Lincoln Ellis with Stegner. 275 State St. ArD WERE 2.ET US MOMENT TO LWE1?EP FRED vAviiPV.r vifiTfe vex w To THE ANGERS . . A sssaS RETUEaSINCr I FIND M12 WftER ZJ&t S2e REAL ESTATE 51 For Sale. New modern 4 Room house with new furniture. Choice lot. paved St. North Salem. Owner going East and must sell. $3150.00. F. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED 341 State St. GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION O.N THE PACIFIC COAST Wa have over $000 properties listed far exchange. Every kind of property. evry price, every location. We can match yopr exchange EXACTLY. If you would lite to trade your uroperty TO DAY, come In TODAY. Bee GASKJLL EARLE. Realtors 1S S. Liberty. TeL 1242 $1800.00 BARGAIN $1800 00 MUST BE SOLD A eoy 3 room plastered house, wired for electrio range, haa basement and furnace. 2 large East front lots on a corner in 8. Salem, room for 3 houses, beautiful fir trees. Owner leaving Salem is giving you the benefit of his labor. See this at once Small payment will handle. SEE Mrs. Ellin with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727 4 rms. snd dining alcove, new, full basement, fireplace, garage, on creek, beat rosidence district. $2650, te-in. Attractive fi rm. new house with fins view, hwd. floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, $45U0 terms. 8 rm. new home, in choice district, stucco, with tile roof, beautiful trees surrounding, rooms Israw and a home to be proud nf. $12000. Winnie Pettvjohn, Realtor 175 8. High St. Really Desirable New strictly Elodern home. 5 large cheerful sunny rooms, 3 bedrooms, every convenience, best materia',, fine ly finished, beautitnl high lot. 42x156, garage, a sensible home priced right. F. Q. DeLano 290 N. Church. Tel. 2330 5 room honse. garage, fruit house woodshed, large lot, paved St. $-100. take good car. 18 A. choice land, hldgs., water, ber ries, team, cow, - fowls, machinery. $0500. Beautiful large residence lot closo in, sacrifice $2000, terms. Fine comer lot State St.. $2500. t fine large lots N Salem just off Canitol St., $750 each. (iojd woodsaw for sale cheap. 3 residences for suburban homes. PKRRINE & MAR8TERS 212 Gray Bldg. SNAP SNAP SNAP A BUILDER'S ( HANCE - Speculator or an Investor's Chance to Buy Bunch of lots at half Price - 4 lois. ' are corners for $1 too 4 other ones same price $100 12 other ones , $!''00 The above lots, most of them front on paved street, which are bonded and one payment just paid. The above lots can be sold very easy terms to light party or the 20 "lots for J2400, one third cash the Buyer assume bal ance of paving. Just put on market and for sale only by Louis Bechtel. J. D. Sears, 341 State St. Rooms 3 4, Bavne Bldg. SHOWN BY AN APPOINTMENT A 6 room new fully modern Eng lish type house, garage, paved streets and paid. See it. Price $4300. Good terras. BETTER buy this 10 acres, 8 miles from Salem with new fully modern bnngalow, place is all in good state of production, 3 acres of strawberries anil other frtiit. An ail around dandy suburban home and st a bsrgain of $7000 or will trade for house in St. Paul. Minn., or other property. HOME means so much when you have a good one and ran pay for it like rent. 5 room bungalow in North Salem with modern con veniences, except basement at $2100. $100 down. bal. like rent FOR $3500 you can buy a 7 room ful ly modern home, close in and al! t laving paid. Easy terms, lave a chance here to buy 10 acres, 4 miles North of Salem, with a 4 room house and good barn, fl acres under cultivation, planted to berries and other fruit. A very good buy at $3100 SH'iO down, balance easy pay nients. If you have anything to trade, tsll us about it. CLRICH ROBERTS 129 No. Commercis! St. Phono 1354 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 25 acres sub divided Into 5 aero tracts. Chance for some one to buy ail. improve and market the tracts. Make jrosvl wages and work at home. 28.1 acres, better than 200 acres In rultivat.on. one of best farms in this part, good buildings, stock and equip ment, take good home in Salem or tract near as part. BARBER Sc BOND 200 Grsy Bldg. 125 N. Liberty INDFPENDENC E IN SEVEN YEARS Show us a little money, a lot of in dustry, ability to manage, and we 11 show you financial Independence In 7 years; You can -buy one of the best farms in the Willamette valley on a "shoestring" and you can pay for it with the crops'. You've got to have $1000, and you've got to show ability and willingness to work, manage and sacrifice for a few years in order to acquire tins fine farm. If yon think you can fill the bill come in and see us. MeOI LCHRIST PENNINGTON :09 10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140 "A little farm well tilled. A littie barn well filled A littie wife well willed. Give me, give, me." Young man that's an awfully niee little song and the best of it is the longed for situation can be realised. This is Leap Y'ear You get the little farm with the lit tle barn (and house) and you'll be picked off before you know it. Let us he'p you, we've been through the mill. We have a 1 acre farm almost ad joining the city limits, with carafe souse, ome fruit, electricity handy, ex cellent soil. Price only $1085 00. 1 10 acres excellent soil, close in. beau tiful little grove, balance all aet to wal nuts and fruit, pries reasonable or will trade for Salem residence. 5 room residence, 2 lots, house com pletely furnished, good condition, lots nf fruit and walnuts. Prioe only $1700.00 with $200.00 down, balance $15.00 par month aad interest. This i. a rare bargain as you will be con vinced if you will allow ma to take you to it. Theae are only samples of oar list ings. Come ia aad talk your real es tate and other Blatters over with us. Don't forget that ws specialise on ren- t",, O. K. Middleton Room 304. Oregon Bldg. Phone 2808 RILL UNCONSCIOUS UJILD RDE TO MEAD HIM Off1, MANUEL PADDLECy' ALONG Ui"W SALLy EOUrsiD AV4D SAGc5ED ja, WANTED REAL ESTAtE 55 Wanted. ' Modern house South Sa lem. around1 $3000 On. F. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED 341 State St. HAVE CLIENT WITH $3000 CASH wants 5 or 8 room strictly modern h-ime, well located, priced around $3500, to $4000 F. G. DeLano. 290 X Church. Tel. 2830. Have a client wanting up to "00 acres of principally maple and alder timber, withia 40 miles of Salem, give location snd price. A C. BOHRNSTKDT Real Estate Loans Insuran.-s Phone 577 147 X. Com l St., Salera. Oregon TAXIDERMIST 56 WORK GUARANTEED, E. E. WIGGINS. Texidernuat. 1145 Norway. Tel 1261 W. TRANSFER & HAULING 57 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22$ But St. Tel. 038. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. : Frank M. Newton Local and long distance hauling Light Country hauling a specialty Tel. 683 We Move Store and Household goods. Our specialty is piano aad furniture moving. We also make country trips. We hand!e the best Coat amid Wood Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Larimer Transfer Co. Tel. 930- WATER 58 OREOON WASH. WTER SERVICE CO. Office 304 South Commercial 8t. Tea per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cause unless water is ahut off yiisir premises. TRAVEL 59 A FINE NEW WAITTN'C ROOM IN THE NEW HOTEL SENATOR Frequent Schedules Thirty Ride Books at Reduced Rates A Swift and Reliable Package Service Courteous Attention Fiona All Employees These Are a Few of the Offerings Msde tha Fublic By PARKER STAGES. INC. Sta-ra Leaving Times: Dallas: 7 a. m , 9:10 a. m., 11.25 a. m., 2 :10 p. hi.. 5.15 p. m. Independence St Monmouth : 7 a. m., 9:15 a. m . 11:15 a. ui., 3 p. m., 5:15 p. m . 8:30 p. m. (Sunday only ) Pi'.verton : 7 a m.. 11a. ui.. 5 p. m. Falls City, McMinnville, Newberg, Hil!s boro, Forest Grove, Sheridan. Tilla mook: 9:10 a. m., 2:10 p. .nr., 5:13 p. in. For Information Call 222 or G9S. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO USED CARS For Sale 61 A Ford Dealer for Used Fords VaUley Motor. Co. sincerely desires you drive a Sat5s factory Ford 1927 Coupe, looks like new, !o's of extras $34i 192(3 Touring. new balloon. new paint . 'Ji-o'J 1925 Touring, new top & curtains $14"i 1922 'louring, runs fine ... $ 00 1921 Sedan, double Hassiers .. .$ 65 1920 Touring, 2 new tires and new battery $ 5'1 1924 Buick' 6 Raster., extra $193 2928 License with every car ' -2924 Bukk Touring equipped with Lovejoy shocks, bumpers, 8 te M. spot light, rear view mirror, automatic awipe, 70 new robber and 1928 license. This is a fine car in every way and a snap at $475 Vick Bros. Two off the Best Packard Oldsmobile Read These Over 333 Packard Clud Sedan $1900 133 Packard 7 Pass. Sedan ... 1200 1927 Oldsmobile 4 Door Leather Sedan . . 825 133 Packard Del.nxe Touring ... 800 1927 Oldsmobile Deluxe Coupe 715 1924 Gardner Touring: 800 Stndebaker Spec. Six Sedan 285 1924 Maxwell Coupe 27$ 1924 Essex Coupe 375 Ford Ton Truck Jumbo Gear 250 1024 Ford Coupe 200 1925 Star Touring 200 Overland Coupe 200 Ford Sedsn 65 We always have a complete line of good used ears to choose from. Come ia and look oar stock over before you buy. will pay you. Have you seen the new OldsmobiUsI Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop 350 No. High Street u)riiL& FRED AtaO" PATCHES " ARRWE AT THE- uoodem BRirx?e ACROSS THE. STREAM. AND FRED pCEPPsr?E? Tb RESCUE SALty FROM THE MtvlfAs a i s ' . vr-y w y I USED CARS For Sale 61 Hollywood Used Cars 435 N. Commercial Telephone 1027 Save a Year's Depreciation Late Models in New Car Condition (,2 7 Oakland Sport Roadster Ram hie Seat $825 'O 1927 Essex Super 4 Door Sedan ... 585.00 !i)27 Type Pontiac Landau Sedan . . 675.00 1927 Chevrolet Roadster . 375.00 1927 Hudson Super Coafh . . 935.00 ! Dodge Sport Touring .... 475 OO 1925 Star Coupster . 2o 00 132(1 Light Six Nash edan . 545.00 1927 Super Essex Coupe 575 00 As Is SpecialToday's Best Buy To Mechanic nly Ui'i Type Essex Coach (narrow Post $103. oo Every Car Checked and !r$epaired Worn Tires Replacedand New Paint When Needed Save S $ S At Hollywood Better Prices On Good Used Automobiles 1926 Buick Victoria 1926 Jeweit Coach 1926 Nash Sedan. Light Si 1926 Dodge iuue OPEN t ARS A3 13 Essex $ 99 Franklin . . $145 Ford Coupe $ 65 Nash $ 50 Ford Touring .. $ 85 Olds $245 These aud a number of other good used cars at price that will pay you. Pettyjohn's used cars are bargains see them today. F. W. Pettyjohn Co, 165 North Commercial Street. Tel. 1260 ''After we sell we serve'' Svuopsi-, of th Ai.ii'iai 's'euvoit n: FAP-MER'S MUTUAL FIBE INS AS3 N if Washington (oun:. in the - i'o o: Ot eg. ui on the t . veiny fir5! day of He -em oer. l'J27, mad-? to t.e 1 :i an ( oui m.ssloner of tiie S ila of 0:i-:.. ;ut -sLant to law : Capital Amount of ca;ii'.il s-.i.-k pa d i . o .. $ nor. I.icoiue Net premiums reee-ved- duritig ti e ;Jir $ 1.462.7 "i Imprest, dividends ani rent received d : i i ng the y mi 644 1 : 3 icome. 1'iom o'i.ep source received diir.ttg tit ; ".ir 24.50 2, i ';i.6-i Ti ii ICO'll Ii Disbursements Vet 'os."s paid -1 iiing i'ii y -ar including udj st lll"l.t expense. -$ pa: 1 on t i ! stock ii i, i i ,i g Mii y 1 1 . ( o:n in : - :o m s and si.ii.ftl ;i.i: i d iiing tiie .-.ti Taves. licenses a.'.i 1-"' pud d i; rin g t :.e e ; Amount u! aii i,iei .-v p-nd.ti.ies 1 S67.9.I 5 9.79 Total ex4e-nl.ti.r-s i A.iiets Va'ue of teai esfiM nrt n' I in like' '. :l !ue 5 'a i'ie of : o. k . i t i Son I s owned tll.i riv''l a 'u- ' Loans on luort4ig-s iinl coiiateral. etc. Cash in banks and on. haul Pieuiiatus in c iui s of co'.lect ou written ...nce September -in, U -' Interest and : -u's l ie) and accrued o . i CI . t o noni ti t ' 4 75 i." "Loo 7 r.s.n nan 3s. 97 H.'Hl.C Total admitted n ss-" s . J Liabilities lif'in tiiiims for losses unpaid $ Amount of unearned pro iniuius m aii i it sta nd- ing risks . Due for commission and brokerage All other iia i . ' 1 1 ei noun n una Total liabilities, exclu sive of capita! stock of $ t non-1 Business la Oregoa for tli Year Net premiums received during the year $ 1,162.75 Losses paid dining t!ia year .. - -3 4 '. t.50 Losses incurred during the year " 134.50 FARMERS MUTUAL KIRK INSURANCE ASSOCIATION of Washington County, Oregon S ui. F. Haase, President. Hiilsboris. Oregon. Ervln Hitter, Secretary. . ILllsboro, Oregoa. NOTICE OK APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned haa been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as administrator of the estate of Dora Mae Townsend. deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such administrator; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my at torney. 203 Oregon Duilding, Sa lem. Marion County, Oregon, with in six months from the date of this uotice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 28th day of Jauuary. 1928. B. F. TOWXSEND. Administrator ot the Estate of Dora Mae Townsend, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administrator, Salem. Oregon. J28F4-11-18-25 111 M UE OUGHT To ROUND TWAT BEND VS THE NEJC FIVE. toiNoTeff T ' J: VUAlTi KG- r USED CARS For Sale 61 M.-KAYS FOR USED CARS "'with an OK that counts' ' 2 24 Eord 1 rgs. Cl.oioe . s ". 1 922 ( liev Trg o 192:: liev. Trg. . 11". I ' I Til Coupe 1 V l The above cars ail have licence, good tifes and run fine. 192J Dodge Coupe 17i 192 5 Cord Coup ' JOO 19J6 f'o-.l Roadster 275 1926. Chev. Cos eh 400 IO-J7 ( liev. Coue .-'J.'i 1926 Chev. Sedan . . . 495 19-J7 Chev. I och 525 Wli DO NOT MISREPRESENT ALL CARS Sol I' WITH A POSITIVE (. CAR AN TEE 4.i X. Commercial Phone 1902 DOUGLAS MrKAV CHEVROLET COMPANY NOTICE OF 9M.K OP CIOVFrtNT JIKXT Tl.MliKR ;knkhai. oimtck Washington. I . ' l-Vr. 4. I'.t.'S Notice Is l.erotiv glo-n subject to the r-otiil t f i ins ami limitations of the a.-t of J'.int? it. 1916 I ii'.t Suit. IMS i. iukIJ pursuant to iIo.irtiii"iital rrWulHlioiiM . of April n. i'.t'4 (5o i. n. tii-j timluT on the following lands will li -sold Motvli 26. 1928, nt 10 o'i lo. k a. m. ' nt pub'.ii- auiiion at the U. S. latiii offii o at Kitsr-liut'C, On-Koti, to ti.oj iitglu-st l-'liMer at not li-ss than tin ap i praiseii vahi" ns shown by tin's notice, i sale; to b sooject to th" api' of j the Secret J ry of t lie ln'.'ilor. The 'ur. base ririce. with an aibiit iotial, if one-fifth of one' .er cent thereof, !e!;ij commissions allowed, lousl bo le-i li'lVted 11' toil" ot i-s'e nioo lo he te t MI'Ileil f -I'll'" ' - out Il'inriO.'d, other; v Is patent will I-SU-) for the timber, u h I -1 1 must 1 1- .'icii'I u 1 1 . . i . . i o j voh'.m. Kid's ii! be t"i e!V"i from i!!l :'.et:s of the United St lies, a-socia i iouh of stirh citizens and . loos ot -1 eatiized under the laws of tha United. State, ir any Stat.', '- rritot y or ills-1 til. t tloteof i.nlv Upon n ppllc it ion of a nu.i iif b'll ten 'IllSei th- timber on. any lesrnl fuilxit Islon will be off-red st-para'eiv ie-t'ore belnu included In auv I offer of a larger unit. T. 20 8., It.' ! W . Sec. 7. lot I. red fir 1 850 M, lot i ir-d fir 1'is i .!. red cedar 40 M. hem lock Jo M lot 0 yellow fir 1030 SI, red cedar 25o M, hemlock 90 M, hit 7 vellow fir 1 3 to M, red fir " :o M. red' (edar :t M, hemlocli 100 M, . ed. u poles 37 M. lot S yellow fir Jt'io M. red fli 210 M, red cedar 2 40 M. clar poles 6 M. 1 't 9 yellow fir ItiSi M. red cedar 190 M, cedar poles 15 M. lot 10 vellow fir SHO M. red cedar 110 M, hemlock 50 M. lot 11 yel low fir 2150 M rod cedar 200 M. hem lock 100 M. cedar poles 12 M, lot 12 cellow fir Jihui M. red cdar 419 M. hemlock 220 M. cedar poles 4 M, lot 13 vellow fir 3720 M, red cedar 70 51. hemlock 1" M. lot 14 yellow fir 203O M red cedar 170 M, cedar poles 7 M, SK4 NF.V red fir MO M. N R Vs SE' velb.w fir 100 M. red fir 4 00 M. NW Sir-, red fir 470 M. SEW SIC'4 yellow fir sol M . red cedar fiO M. hemlock 10 M. Sft'i; SEU yellow fir 310 M, red ft- 100 M ra cedar 40 M, cedar pol. s 9 M. T 39 8.'. It. 1 W., Sec. 5. SW't NW1 yellow pine 150 M. red fir 175 M. T. 2H S. H I W.. Sec. 35, SW. NW i, ted fir 1201 M, NW't Srt'i, red fir .1 T5 M. T. 32 8.. R. 5 W , Sec 13, Sl i1. RRl, red and yellow fir 7oo M, sum; pine 20 Al, T. 30 8.. R. If VV. Sec. 5. SW NK's douglas fir 3iM) M. wh te cedar 50 M, T. 9 S.. It. 2 E.. Ses-. 13 NWU NE Vi red fir 810 Al. NK't NV' red fir 1180 Al, none of the timber on tlcose sections to be sold for less than 11.50 ir Al for the red, yellow and dotiKlar fir, 60 cent per Al for the red cdar, $1 par M for the hemlock, $: per M for the white cedar and $3 per Al for th yellow and pine. T. 2 N., R. 3 V., Sec. 3, N'W'a SE'i ted fir 1100 At. rd ce.lnr 75 Al, SW'Vi SE"si red fir 500 M. Sec. 5 lot I red fir 1750 M, red cedar 75 Al. lot 2 red fir 750 M, red cedar 25 Al, imiM of the timber on these section to be sold for less than $1.50 per Al for the red fir and red cedar. T. 3 N., It. 2 W. Sec. 33. HEVs SEV4 yellow Ur 1100 Al red cedar 200 M. T. 19 S.. R 1 W.. Sec 21 XE's NVrV red fir 850 M, red cedar 10 M. XWVi SW, red fir 1060 M, red cedar 15 M. T. 20 S., R. 1 W.. Sec 5, SEVs NE'i red fir 900 M. SVS'U NEW red fir lSlO M. non of th timber on these sections to l Bold for less than $1.75 per Al for the red fir, $2 rwr M fr th yellow fir and $1.60 for the red cedar. T. J 3.. R. 8 W.. Sec 9. SK'4 8EW red fir 480 If, white fir 40 Al. red cedar 70 M. rd cedar poles 10 M, r.on of th timber on thU section to be sold for less than $1.75 per Al for the red fir, $1.25 pr Al for th red cedar and 00 cent per M for the white fir. T. 29 S., ft. 10 W.. Sec. 31, NE'a NE'i whit cdar SS5 M. red fir 10 Al. red cedar 28 M, NWV NEV4 white cedar 100 M. red fir 360 M SEV4 NEW white cedar 85 M. red fir 265 M, red cedar St M, SW NE1 whit cedr 210 M, red fir 20 M. red cedar 25 M. none of th timber on this aectlon to be aold for than IS pr M for th red fir. 11.50 per M for the red cedar and $ pr M for th white cedar. T. 18 S R. 1 W.. Sec. 17, NEW SW4 red fir 770 M, red. cedar t M. thlte fir 50 Al. non of the timber n tflla e tlon to be sold for I than $1 per Al for th red fir, $1.2$ per M f.r th red cedRr and 7 a cent pr M for tha white fir. THOS C. HAVKLL. Acting Commissioner. F 18-25 Al 8 10 17 By Ed Wheelan i give the mjord, J TIIPM PSiVSWPSr UUTtl M I i 1 LmRIAT ". DoiST r ' .' WENT TO FAHS : TT ' I TFT r. I 20 rc.&.J ",4I.J- BY fk-f) - I Salem Markets o- BATH S' . 1, wheat, white Red wheat, sacked .. Oats, per bu. milling .... PORK, MUTTON AJfD BEET Toy hogs Sows - -.05 H Top steers 08 Cows 0$ Spring lambs, dressed Dressed veal Dressed hogs POULTRY L'ght hens Heavy hens Springs Broilers . . .119 15 ..lailai ..l8frf.IT ..I3if.29 EOOS. BUTTER. BUTTERFAT Standards .21 Butterfat 47 I Frint Butter 47(a). 4$, . VEGETABLES - Beets, sacked .024 New csbbsge 08 Vi Potatoes $1 001.2S1.5o Celery, bunches 80tfl.25 Sweet potat 05 AUTO CONTEST List of Candidates Received, Noon Fri., Feb. 17 Tiie I t o n i nitiations Ull.-S ic e led UI) to In chides floss noon Friday, necessarily ie- The vole- as shov.ui do not . Iuue au otes earned, aa ire suli.iei t to urdii-stian. DUtro-t No. l, Cut of 3 Ila-i'l Aiid-r-on subscriptiout .000 100 Cw;ii!i liartiam 721, 50 50 614 5i 40,-1 s.-., 3o4 50 f-'o. lol. fill. TO 4, 50 24(1 702. 344 Rill M is P. u ti l ma ti ilr. Itesie Hon ley teo. It l Mihcv c. nna Cheroi Oi'O oun ,4'Wl 0M ,200 OOO OOO soo ioo nod 4O0 OOO (100 ''HI .liOll Charles Ciuirgctt vi l s. Water Clin Neva H. ( o.!e Mrs. 1. ( . Curtii Mrs. H E. L)ona!l- c' Tom l.w ii s t ! V' n I 'in rk s I'J.-Othy Ea.-tl :dg Mrs. Cl.ns lid soo Mrs. Elliott Ralph F re Edith 1 oidliy l in iv ru e I '.i st ! rs. I .--e i ' ronke Mow ; rd I i I :iy i V.I ( Off Hern ! liedsey l;'i -. i I I . 1 1 1 1 y Mll't II to lire! i . !do ci 1 1 h i d rier r.oni. e 1 1 'i in i ! t o ri liei.i I Is .el I, .small Ilalvnr .a ' j t h e 1 l.i ii oii Vv i i Ln . I ! i in , I ! v J I i t r ma a Ie'e II oe. Lou.;:-.' Ib.'g Mrs. f. liooge, ,. ! Mr.. M h ric : i a I 1 Nettie II tci "Oil 7o:t. 400 So ,0O( 421, '.I I 4 .' 7 l.c 1 .7 50 4 l-t KOO OOO Ml OOO oao (100 . OOlJ i2 I . fiii r,o 51 fto 5o T-o. 50 50 r.o too. So. TOO. r.o. 2-o 5 a 157 SU. 5o. 719, 8 o2. 1 ii 717. .Ii S7o. 5 i 4!0. r.o 000 Slr. l iatik lief hi .! o.c jilt -t I1-..CI (ll'.CIt K'liiger Mr- .? Is' aw sua I .l-i. r h o:-I'luti-i'. !. -o hen i .o I I .,!, son Mr- T' eima I llt Cc lile I. .tell Mrs ( -1 1 1 ' ii Long 'Iks M.C-irtiiev I. In.)', s Macllonill I'.-g-v Mi D .vrel! T. S McKen.-l- lla'ei McMorrs Mrs. I )o rot hv M-irCn Mrs. Henrietta Msrtindal Helen M'l'lki. Mrs. .dines Moormaa Rose M'irgali l.S'le More') Albert Mooter Kohert Newhuig'a Haniel Ni-wnirin Mrs. Oivi'le Og'esby 'Mildred Ostium . Uilhnn Perewolii I la r el Pro ' oraine liohina hi! don Slaves Carol Smith llB7e! Sliced ld fln viler l it Ii el , I ;i I Ice V (irace Stevenvon P-rnce Stewart Mrs. .en.'i Thoiiiis Mrs. (ieo. Tucker I (ieorCe Vedne.v Alhe Vandervort l.otiis Warner Maxwell White Mrs. Mildred Wlfa4 Rose J. Wilkes W. 0 Wilson Mrs. Millie H illiainsoa Mrs. W. I.. Wilson Metilah Witrel (hester l.avern Wilts Ms Younf I'istrict No. 2 lOntsid Clt Ruth A ii fderheide Ann Raillio Ikiris Bennett Olaf Hhxsetii D. B. Itoydston I in L Heathy Harney Campliell Mrs L. H. Cobb Robert 4'annel) Vesta Coonillette Maris Creasy Mav Daiir!iert7 Mrs. Dowaing Mary Jane Donovaa llnre! Fields Amy Fiedler Elmer Hanson Thelitis Ifsugea John Haugen B L. Holland J. H. Johnston Harlan .lurid Mary C. Kinder Father Kreft Mrs. O. Kelly Lee Leslie Fienda l.ovett Flovde MeCall fe. Delores MeRinaoa Kern Miller Chrietaf K, Millar W. W. Powell Prndenee I'atteraoa Howard Robinson Mrs. John Schneider John W. Scott Deris Smith Ella Stevens Ms bal M. Straw John Struts Airs. J. T. Tarnor Garnet Whedbe Verl Whit N. E. Williams OI11 .2 oft noil .ootl OOl) 0' io() 4O0 unit rem Out) .1100 710. so Btil So Tjo. r.o" r.o. 114 50 fills 7 IU. 50 714 5o I 5 "Ol, .M) r.o!i ,0'il . 700 loo OOl) 20(1 4O0 .mil -.oft intft ,'ltl 51 2oa una tioq sod 20l illft 5(. 5o 31 4 fli 4 714. 157 .004 50 7K 7o l. 5o 722. ,000 toft I oft 40l ooi) 8 75 9-043 .0$H .1$ .18 .11 Sslem ) : 127.60ft . 4 20 MOO 720,iOft S l' Ml 4l2.jl'M) 721 Aoft BSl.iW) 5iuoa 50, iM 50 (MlH 04. BOO 60.000 5o.ooa i0." r.o.ooa 72(.s9 720UJL 702.000 iO.OOO 50.000 50.00ft SO.OftO 50,0 no r.o.fHto Tl,40 -fl4.4ft ' : 5o,oo - 45.2'v A0.0OO 5'I.OOft 50.000 50.000 50.000 50.000 60.(M)0 50. OOO 50.000 51. HOO 72J,20t) ADMINISTRATOR'S XOTICK pP APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ag- pointed by tho Count. Cour of tbe State of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Marion, as Administrator of the estate of Aaron Leveridf Beckner, deceased, and that ho haa duly qualified at ach admin istrator; all penons hatrlng claims against the estate of said decodent are hereby notified to present the same, duly reriried, to rue. at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building, Salem. Marlon County, Oregon, within alz months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 28th day of January. 1928. C. L. BECKNER, Administrator of tho Estate or Aaron Lororldge Beckner, Do ceased. ' - "a; -!, ' RONALD C. OLOVER. Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. - J28F4-11-18-J! The Italian Korernmont ba pro hibited tho dancing of tho Charles ton "and th black-boUom' . 0Tr tliore. ilsybe- tha lUUaus -IWak Eur69o la abakj enongl M U la. -o I OOO (0(l on oii OOO ! ll OOlJ IIHll ood SOil non il'IO 400 OOl) IIOII 2 1 K04 iithr it.MI' OOO ool son s; n 3 4 f i t t ; k ir '4 V r