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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1928)
1 ' v:.i THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1928 n f - is U JL' v South Central Circle of First, M. E. Church Entertained at Taylor Home The South Central circle of the First Methodist church was very afternoon at the home of Mrs Fred C. Tayior. A buffet luncheon was served at one o'clock. Red carnations in a crystal bowl centered the serving table. Mrs. Fred Lange, Mrs. 11. H. Vandevort, Miss Margaret Suther land and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, were special guests for the after noon. Mrs. E. S. Fortner sang a group of annra. I ' - Members present were Mrs. Ilewett, Mrs. E. E. Gilbert. Mrs. A. T. Woolpert, Mrs. Tallman, Mrs. E. T. B. Hill. Mrs. O. W. Emmons, Mrs. E. R. Macy, Mrs. J. R. Payne. Mrs, L. W. Lepley, Mrs. F. A Beard, Mrs. Ralph Alien, Mrs Laura Clueter, Mrs. E. S. Fortner. Mra. P. F. Stoliheise, Mrs. Yornell Mrs. W. E. Tripp, Mrs. II. R White, Miss Lois Taylor, and the hostess, Mrs. Taylor. International Relations In stitute Will Be Sponsored By Woman's Club The Oregon Federation of Wom an's clubs under the direct spon sorship of Mrs. Sadie Orr-Dunbar, chairman of Institutes, will hold a legislative-international rela tions institute In the Central Li brary at Portland, Saturday, Feb ruary 2S. Mrs. Leander Martin, chairman of legislation, and Mrs. Ida B. Callahan of Corvallis. chairman of the department of international re lations will have charge of the pro gram. The speakers will be an nounced later. The all-day sessions will con vene at 10 o'clock, registrations, beginning at nine-thirty. A luncheon will be serve-d at 12:15 in the assembly room of the Y. W. C. A. All legislative and internation al relations chairmen as well a? Ufljjjthera interested are Invited ,"4tattend. -J of American Legion .i'l'jry Will Be Held Monday Evening A meeting of the American Le gion auxiliary will be held Monday evening. February 20 , at eight o'clock in MeCornatk hall. As the membership drive will lose at this time there will be a large number of new members to! be initiated. -Mrs. E. Burch is chairman of the membership committee. Cap tains of the three teams are Mrs. Walter Zosel. Mrs. Lyle Dunsmoor. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Knight Memorial Choir Will Cire Concert in Rickreall Tho choir of the Knight Mem orial church, under the direction .. of Rev. H. C. Stover, will give a - ; concert at Rickreall on Wednesday jyiijp renin g, February 22, at seven $ tf rty o'clock. T There will be no admission fee ;C 1 Id the public is invited to attend. 'Z&Z offering taken for tWe-beWIT orih'e tehewSleces of i f t Portland i ?J pliss Thelma Young is spending 1 J f e week-end in Portland as the Best of Miss Gene Belle. hlem Music Teachers' Asso ciation Will Meet 'iThe, Salem Music TeacIiC-rs as sociation will meet at eight o'clock Vdesday evening at the home of JiJrs. Bertha Junk Darby, 679 .North Cottage street. Miss Elma Weller will be Joint hostess. v, E umeustll : I have real merit I I must be better I jt I thancommonpLace l i ' I baking powder II ftjjgjffi or it couldn't be I ssngyjjCJ the favorite of mil- II , . (lAIEji KorWthemost I CAWK3 IASIZR lsrZ Miss Bamett Entertains L celesta ClttD Members Miss lveoiyn Bamett entertained Wednesday evening with a delight ful Valentine party, having as her y , club. Entertaining with Miss Barnett were Miss Louise Hitler, Mrs. Marlowe Jones, and Miss Ruth Cole. The living rooms of the Barnett home were attractively decorated with red carnations and pussywil lows in combination and Valen tine hearts. A Valentine box was a feature of the evening. After several hours of games and music, initiation services were held for four new members: Miss Ruth Moore, Miss Louise Bryan, Miss Ruth Kitchen, and Mrs. Ma bel Erickson. Plans were made at this meet ng for a St. Patrick's dinner hich will be given sometmie in iarch by the club. Members of the club present in luded Miss Mabel Alrick, Miss Ivy iowden. Miss Zelma Bush. Miss lyla Chambers. Miss Violet Bow len. Miss Esther Erickson, Miss jwendolyn Jennings, Miss Char- otte Lindquist, Miss Anna Mcln .yre, Miss Hazel McMorris, Miss rhelma Meech, Miss Vema Ro ai Ig, Miss Bern ice Strand, Miss Flora Turnbull. Miss Ha Volkel, vliss Marguerite Wann, Miss Ruth Moore, Miss Louise Bryan, Miss Mabel Erickson, Miss Ruth Kitch en, Miss Golda Wheeler, and the hostesses, Mrs. Jones, Miss Bar nett, Miss Hiller, and Miss Cole. Mrs. N. C. Lawrence Hostess xt Meeting of Ladies of ' the G. A. R. The Ladies of the Grand Army it the Republic were entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home it Mrs. N. A. Lawrence, 14 78 erry street. Mrs. Myrtle Henderson was a special guest for the afternoon. Members present were Mrs. T. C. Josser, Mrs. Mary Gearheart, Mrs. Jeorge Smith, Mrs. Lloyd Straw, VI rs. Arnold. Mrs. Laura Clutter, Mrs. Sarah E. Oliver. Mrs. E. B. raylor, Mrs. L. W. DuBois. Mrs. Paul Traglio, Mrs. May Jardin. and the hostess, Mrs. N. A. Lawr- nce. Mrs. Sarah Oliver, who returned Wednesday after spending several weeks in California told the club members several interesting inci dents concerning her visit in the outh. Mrs. T. C. Gosser assisted the hostess in serving at the tea hour. D. U. C. Club Members Enter tained at Eckerlen Home Mrs. Eugene Eckerlen, Jr., en tertained D. U. C. club members Wednesday afternoon with an at tractive one o'clock luncheon at the Elks' club. Mrs. Richard O'Leary was an additional guest. Covers were placed at the lunch eon table, centered with red tulips and red tapers, for Mrs. O'Leary, Mrs. E. A. Skelley, Miss Alta Jones. Mrs. Ed Viesko, Mrs. Vic tor McKenrie, Mrs. Carl Chort ridge, Mrs. Mert Hemingway, Mrs. Kenneth Bell, and the hostess, Mrs, Eckerlen, Jr. Mrs. McKenzie won high score honors to bridge as a result of the afternoon's play. Mrs. Viesko re ceived the second award and Mrs. O'Leary, a guest prize. Play Will Be Presented Sun- da u Evening at Knight Mem orial Church A medical missionary play, "The Pill Bottle" will be presented at 3even-thirty o'clock tomorrow eve aing at the Knight Memorial burch by the senior and interme iiate Christian Endeavor societies f the church. Social Calknoab Today A. A. U. W. Gray Belle. Dinner served at 5:30 o'clock. Phone 333 for. reservations. W. R. C. McCornack Hall. 2:00 o'clock. Sunday Sacred concert and dramatic re cital given by Professor Edward Brigham of New York City. First Congregational church. 7:30 o'clock. "The Pill Bottle." a medical Missionary play, presented by Sen lor and. intermediate Christian En deavor societies of Knight Mem orial church. Church auditorium 7:30 o'clock. Monday Stated communication. While Shrine, No. 2. Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem. Masonic tem ple. 8 o'clock. Program in charge of Oregon Shrine. Willamette Shrine, Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem. Mason ic temple. 8:00 o'clock. Oregon Shrine Patrol will be guests. "Heritage Banquet" sponsored by W. F. M. S. of First M. E church in honor of Standard Bear er Girls. Church parlors. 6:00 o'clock. Tuesday Benefit card party, sponsored by Teachers of St. Paul's Sunday school. Parish house. 8:00 o'clock Colonial tea. Benefit of Student Loan Fund. Chemeketa chapter, D. A. R. Mrs. A. D. Hurley, 975 South High street hostess. Salem Music Teachers' associa tion. Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby, 679 North Cottage street hostess, 8:00 o'clock. Wednesday Benefit bridge and "600" party. Sponsored by B. and P. W. club. Miss Burch and Miss Dimick, hos tesses. 468 North Winter street. Reservations 2 4 6 8-R. Concert. Choir of Knight Mem orial church. Rickreall church. 7:30 o'clock. Junior Pupils of Miss Dibble Presented in Recital Miss Carol Dibble presented her junior pupils in dramatic reading in recital Tuesday evening in the auditorium of the Nelson building. Piano pupils of Mrs. Walter Denton assisted on the program which was as follows: 'The Origin of St. Valentine's Day" Julia Johnson 'Eatin' for Premiums" Lucille Hackett "George Washington" "Ethics In the Nursery" Stephen Stone, Jr. 'A Zealous Patriot" "What Was It?" Gordon Carl Piano "The DeU" Gilbert Ha Mills "Was Lincoln King" Hokey-Pokey Man" Willa Ellis "Tragedy" "The Lost Purse" "A Little Girl's Secret" 1 Ann Tartar "A Boy's Remarks to his Stomach" "The Piece I Have to Speak" "Our Lincoln" Jerry Stone Piano "Santa Claus is Coming" .... Hlllen "The Wood Nymph's Harp".. Reed Virginia Pugh "The Shopping. List" Willa Ellis Piano "Spring Showers" Frances Ellis Piano "Spanish Dance, No. 1".... Morzkowski Doris Burnett "Booth Tarkington" Julia Johnson "Rondino" Kathleen Llndbeck "On Contest Night" Lucille Hackett "Valentines" Willa Ellis, Ann Tartar A. A. U. W. Members Will Meet For Dinner This Evening Members of the local chapter of the American association of Un iversity Women will meet at five thirty o'clock this evening for din ner at the Gray Belle. Mrs. Melvin Brannon of Port land, sectional director of the north Pacific section of the A. A. V. W. will be a special guest and will speak of the work of the as sociation in Oregon. Reservations are being made by phoning the Gray Belie at 333. Guests For the Week-End at Neskowin Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Griffith had as their guests for the past week end in their summer home at Nes kowin, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Baker, Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Olinger, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Caughell. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. GUlingham,. andf Dr. W. B. Morse. ETTA KETT The YAcn-r is snu tast UPON fttE RtXlkS Ar4D HOTHirAS TO Do r3ur vatt roc? HELP- Us r "TVf WEAH- The hao- - CAPfAlM DOES VS BESTTD TvE FAlf? QAEER OP -TVETRF- If fit GLADLY LAY TJOwN m Interesting Valentine Party Held at the Home of Mrs, C. E. Wagner Miss Margaret Wagner enter tained one evening of the past week at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wagner on North Summer street with an In teresting Valentine party. Dancing and games were the dl ersions of the evening. The guest group included Miss Dorothy Moore. Miss Gertrude Wlnstow, Miss Doris Ross, Miss Margaret Heltzel. Miss Helen Hemingway, Miss Evelyn Ross, Mis Ruth Fick. Miss Elisabeth Boylan, Miss Edith Mae Jenks, Miss Josephine McGilchrist, Miss Grace Elizabeth Holman, Miss Vel- ma May, Miss Katherine Goulet, and the hostess. Miss Wagner. Miss Katherine Goulet assisted Miss Wagner in serving. Miss Virginia Scott Honored On Birthday Anniversary Mrs. John Scott entertained Monday afternoon with a delight ful party in honor of her little daughter, Miss Virginia Scott, the occasion being her 1 1 birthday an niversary. Red flowers and Valentine hearts decorated the living rooms. The dining table was attractive with a birthday cake, candies, and flowers. Mrs. Clifford Parker and Miss Helen Richfield assisted the hos tess In serving. The guests were Betty Dotson. Eunice Holt, Doris Barnett. Mary Nunnmaker, Mary Elizabeth Strong, Margaret Hill, Mary Fran ces Entrees, Esther Callison, Shir ley Parker, Grace Holmes, and the honor guest, Virginia Scott. Recent Guests in Corvallis Mrs. W. Al Jones and Mrs. Rex Davis motored to Corvallis Thurs day to visit their daughters. Miss Rosalie Jones and Miss Hester Da vis, freshmen at O. A. C. Both girls have recently been Initiated into Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Park Have Guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Park had as their guests on Thursday of this week, Mr. and Mrs. Rnrt Brown Barker of Portland. i Returns From Oregon City airs. u. stearns has returned o her home in Salem after spend ing the past few days in Barlow, Janby, and Oregon City. Spending Several Days in Portland Mrs. James Lansing is spend ing several days in Portland with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Hill. CALIFORXIANS WED MEDFORD, Ore., Feb. 16. lAf). THirty-two marriage li censes were issued in this county during January to California cou ples apparently wishing to evade the California law which requires publication of intention to wed for three days before the wedding. O C I General Markets I v DAIRT PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb b. 17. (AP)- Dairy r.jcchange, net prices Butter, extras 44Vc; standard 44H; prime firsts 43c: firsts 43e. Eggs, extras 26c; firsts ,25c; medium extras 24c; medium firsts 22c. PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 17. (AP) Wheat bids: BBB hard white, Feb., Mar., $1.40; hard white, blue stem, baart, all 1.30; federation, soft white, weatern white, all $1.27; hard winter, western red all $1.21 ; northern upring all $1.23. Oats. No. 2, 36 pound W. F. and ditto gray all $41. Barley. No. 2, 45 pound B. W., all $38.50. Corn. No. 2, E. Y. shipment all $39.75, ditto No. 3. Feb. $39, Mar. $38.75. Millrun, standard all $31. HAT PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 17. (AP) Hay buying prices: Eastern Oregon tim othy $20.50(i.21: ditto ralley 18g18. 50: alfalfa $18(218.50; oat hay $14.50 (gl5; straw $9 per too; selling prices $2 a ton more. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 17. (AP) Supplies of broccoli have cleared up con siderably and the market is firmer for good stock. There Is plenty of number 2 on the market that la being Bold for nearly any price offered. Ahe buying of potatoea is increasing with prices rang NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, his duly verified final account, as executor of the estate of Fred G. Blum hart, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 20th day of March. 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House, at Salem. Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 18th day of Februray, 1928. W. A. LISTON, Executor of the estate of Fred G. Blumhart, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Executor, Salem, Oregon. "F18-25M3-10-17 f-ETTY OeA VWIU unr twee's Hofv our". COTAES TO VOfcT iff I . X II I I aT L' I I X m 'i X S S III T I I 1 aaw J 111 II I . , I ' J J I ; I I : . 1 1 cMrWini.rB,--sha J I - vTlgjbSg Spring Time Traveling Time-Many The Oregon Statesman PuMlhd Try monitor xept V on day, at Elm. th plUl mt Offon. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Dally or Sunday S resti Dr wrl On Urn Bli timet 8 east par word I mo. daily nd 8un..20 eU par word In ordar to aarn ma mora w tima mta. adTartiaisf nut ran In oon cutiT Usnea. No Ad taken for las una S5e. Ad run Sunday OK LI cbarfad ana-tJno rata. AdTertiiemeet (axeapt Parsonaia and Situation Wanted) will bo taken var the telephone If tne ndTertlier is subscriber to phona. The Statesman will receive edrer titemonta nt any tima of the t7 or night. To insure proper class fication Ada should bo la before 7 p. an TELEPHONE at" OR S3 o- o - ADVERTISEMENTS HOME8T A D VEKT161NU These ecl- nmns must be kept free iron- anytnir.g of a questionable nature. Misrepresen ts Uons will tot be tolerated, informa tion showing nay questionable inter t en the pert of tha .advertiser should be reported to this newspaper or the Belem Ad emo. LODGE ROSTER CHEUECETA LODGE NO. 1, I. O. O. T. Meeta every Wednesday evening at 7:0 o'clock: third floor of I. O. O. V. Temple, corner of oCurt and High Sts. AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 13 In. Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer. Re. Store, 1610 N. Summer St. Phone 511 H. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cosh paid for used furniture, store n w. coram i. TeL 75. Agent for Lange Ranges, S COL. A. L. STEVENSON AUCTIONEER! as year experience in me muaineue valley, for date or arrangement e r. A. l'oemer, rarm naTiter, xii tlonal Bank, Salem. Phone or A. L. Stevenaon, Corrallis. Ore, BATTERY-ELECTRICIAN 3 BROWN ELL ELECTRIC CO.. 853 STATE TeL 95t. Contract wiring. Electric suiplles. Call u for etestnesl work. R. V. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES Starter ad fnexator work; 203 South High. 6 Tel. 168 HIGH AND CENTER JOE WILLIAMS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring br hour or contract. Estimate furnished. Tel. 980 471 Court St. U. S. L. Service Station AutomotiTe Electrloians Vick Bros. , High St. at Trade. Tel. 1841 BICYCLES Repairing 4 LLOTD E. RAMSDEKr COLUMBIA Bi cycles and repairing. 887 Court. CLEANERS AND DYERS 5 CHERRT CITY CLEANERS. C. F. Doane, 250 N. Liberty. Tel. 084. SALEM CLEANERS DYERS 1073 U. Com'l. Tel. 1868 HELP WANTED Male 6 THREE OR Long job. Oregon. FOUR WOODCUTTERS. J. M. Peebles, Falls City, SALESMEN SALESMEN WANTED DUE TO OCR tremendous reduction on our Whippets, we must have additional sales help to take care of trade, experience in auto mobile sellinr not necessary. Liberal commissions. Alfred Billinriley Motor Co., Whippet Willys Jtnigtit UlstnDU tors. 883 Center. CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. H. B. SCOFFlELr. P. S. C. 808 First National Bank Bldg. DR. O. L. 80OTT. PPC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Tel. 828-R.. Res. 2104-J ing 75c$l per cwt., according to qual ity of the crop. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 17. (AP) Cattle steady; no receipts. nogs itriuy; so rrcpijus. Sheep steady ; no receipts. PRODUCE PORTLAN'r Ore.. Feb. 17. (AP) Butterfat steaHr. 46o station, 47o track. 40rtt52c fob Portland. Poultry steady: heavy hens ZiWt: light 15.20c; springs 20a21c: broiler 23a2S'; pet in wBite 'neits one; eoioreu nominal; turkeys alive 2527e. Onions steady; local $1.80a2.2j per cwt. ; potatoes 75c$1.23 sack. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO. Feb. 17. (AP). Discredit ins; of reports of bisr purchases of Cana dian wheat for Russia did a good deal to bring about a ret-back in wheat val ues today. Furthermore widespread snowfalls in pro cress were rerarded a brightening1 the crop outlook for United Spates winter wheat. Closing quotations' on wheat were weak, 5-8c to 1 3-8c net lower, with corn 8c to 1 3 8c down and oats 1-8 w Uc off. . cixsTt r u UMm iBlin MUAfa t ii.aaei ST ee ert. 8ast. Rmabio. Bar Nw I rtou by jmuwcuis imri-u Captain Courageous i r SHR I fCEEGZ OP TTfTA DEAR-WLE. pNRrtr. tAe's ) GEE" TTAAT" MOST-TS 1 I 1 7- Yj,r "THEES UfE THES? HOFt - S I WOT HORK UVEir I I HWE OEEK A Bl- s i I i rr fa w , . . J -ruu & rh.-r- I I . . wAvrr . . I 1 I I r-. Sr - - S h , I HWI tr MJ i wurt ) f inrn . ii I I 1 I wrwt 1 Tf"T I s I T". . H (--,1- T iu siADiYUvr" n " I - J I 1 I s w .ar XJ la. " M aw - 1 MM f I I f X II I I w ... ....... l)JMk; . 4J REAL ESTATE I DIRECTORY ANDERSON RCPERT. eetora 160 B. iiich. Tel. 16 utirt nnvn 200 Gray Bid:. Tel. 790 nrKC A HIVTIKICU IAS N. Hia-h. TeL 161 A. O. BOHRKSTrDT 147 K. Commercial. Tel. 5n H E. BROWN 100 8. Oom'l. Tel. 639 or 2CSS W. V. BROWN J75 State. TeL 1961 .THE BUNGALOW REALTY 447 8 tale St. MO N CHILD? CO.. RoaltOT 120 Stat tit. Tei 1TS7 B. 8. CLAXRE 109 S. Ccm'L Tel. 559 or 205S E. G. COPPOCiC $81 Eiat St. TeL 507 FRED Q. DELANO 2l)0 N. CLurch. TeL 2830 HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. $15 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. S2 OASKILL EARLE 168 8. Liberty St. Tel. 3242 W. II. OttABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. TeL SIS MELVIN JOHNSON .20 U. S. Bank Bldg. TeL 8ST W. O. KRCEGEB 147 N. Com'L Tel. 317 ' LAFLAR A LAFLAR Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg. Tal. 646 LARSEN OR RICE 226 Oregon Bldg. Tal. 174 W. A. LISTON 404-6 Maaonlo Bldg. TeL 1821 ARTHUR MADS EN 207 NorU CapitoL TeL 2$07 MELLINGER COM ITT I 400 Oregon Bldg- TeL 117$ . O. K. JsTIDDLETCN r04 Oregon Bldg. TeL 3808 $81 Bute St. TeL 175 1 W. K. MOSES 451 Court St. TeL 3318 JOHN W. ORR New Bligh Bldg. TeL 2486 GERTRUDE i. U. PAGE 484 Court. TeL 1186 PERRINr: A MARSTERS 211-312 Gray Bidg. TeL 901 WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Liiwr 15 S. Higt St. TeL 534 RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor 319 N. High St. Tel. 965 SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. Room 7. TeL 1004 J. E. SCOT 281 N. High St. TeL 1132 CH ARIES Sri'RLIN 210 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1035 SOCOLCFSKY A EON 304 5 First Nat. iuk Bldg. Tel. 070 SQUARE DEAL REALTY IT. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg. TeL 47 J TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St. TeL 651 CLRICH ROBERTS 120 N. Commercial. Tel. 1854 U. S. REALTY CO. 442 State St. Tel. 2660 r. L. WOOD 341 State St. Tel. 794 FLORISTS 11 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Olsen's, Court A High St. TeL 801. CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funersl wreaths, decoration. C. F. Breithacpt, florist. 612 State 8tret. Tel. 340. INSURANCE 12 FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Trust Deeds, Contract-! on house Will net 6 to 20 per cent. BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. . Insure Your Home or Car now. BEOKE A HENDRICKS Phone 161 t. O. O. r. Bldg., 189 N. High 8t. FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance company money on city residence and business property at 6Vi per cent, plus a commission Haw kin A Roberta, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. WANTED Employment 13 BOOKKEEriXO ALL OR PART TIME. A. N. Anderson. Tel. 1174-W. FOR RENT Apts. 15 3 RM. APT. WELL FURNISHED. DOWN stairs. Private bath. 1133 Court. YOTT CAN PLAY O-OLF, FISH AND MOTOR. WE TAKE CARE OF YOUR HOME. High 'lata residential district. New, strictly modern, quiet apart ments. Frigidalze, Electric Ranges, Radio, Steam Heat, Brick-faced Building, Efficient Service. Two unfurnished rooms, bath. $30, $35. Three unfurnished rooms, bath. $40, $45 Two rooms rurimrieij overstuffed, $87.60 to $40. Three rooms furnuiied overstuffed, $45 to $50. Children Welcome New Matiatgement, Redecorated Ambassador Apartments 550 North Snmmer 8t. Phone 1C72 - FOR RENT Rooms 16 i ROOMS, WATER, LIGHT, FUEL, $20.00, close in. 555 Marion. (in Conversation) BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY THE BEALTT BOX Complete Besuty Service 520 SUte St. Tel. 185 tub- riPTTftr, Ttr.ArTTY HHOPPE 223 N. High. For Appt. TeL 36$ rt itp TirrTV sUOPPE rw.r tha Unr Bella. TeL 914 LA ROSE CEALTY SHOP Marcelling 75e. Phon 754 MARINELLO BEAUTY PARLORS Permanent Ware Specialist 245 N. High St. TeL 1M MITZI GRAY BEACTE SHOPPE 709 13 First Nat. Bank Bldg. TeL 187 THE MODEL BEAUTY PARLOR 112 N. Commercial. TeL t5$ THE MODERN JiAKINELLO For Men, Women and Children 206 Masonic Bldg. TeL 879 NIFTY BOB SHOP Eugene Permanent Waving, Hair Cutting and1 Marcelling. 811 State St. TeL 270 o HOTEL DIRECTORY Salem' New Hotel Senator Tea finest chain cf Terminal Hotels In Oregon OW UpC rnnt For All OreSTon Pickwick Hammand and Parker Stago strictly first viaaa Up to the Minute in service and Accommodations Meztarine Floor With Baby Grand Piano Large Writing Room, 111 Room 00 with Bath and Shower Stage Terminal Mote! Company W. W. Chadwick, Pre. W. A.Cummlngs, Local Mgr. Cbss. V. Cowley, Am. Local Mgr. INSURANCE DIRECTORY Anderson A Hud art General Insurance 168 8. High. TeL 1644 S. H. BAIREY, Life. Accident. Sickness 828 Oregon Bulg. TeL 1747 BECKE A HENDRCKS 180 N. High. TeL 161 G. H. BERG, Life. Accident, 81ckness 328 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1747 CENTRAL LIFE GEN. AGENT 806.-7 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 400 R. D. GRAY General Insurance 147 N. Com'l. Tel. 2425 LAFLAIt A LAFLJR Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg. Tel. 546 W. A. LISTON, General Insurance 404-5 Masonic Bldg. Tel. 1821 RICH. L. RE I MANN Gen. Ins.. Loans 219 N. High St. Tel. 865 Wash. Fidelity National Forge Phllippi 405 Bank of Com. Bldg. Tel. 2180 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 315 Masonic Bldg. Tel. 082 FOR RENT Houses 17 SICE FURNISHED HOUSE $30. F. L Wood, 341 State. 5 ROOM MODERN HOUSE: FURNACE; fireplace; piped for gas; gas hot water heater; garage. Tel. 1300-J. BOARD AND ROOM 20 ROOM, BOARD. SINGLE MEALS. SUN day dinners. Alexandria, 1030 Che meiceta. Phone 1580. LAUNDRIES 21 fRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Tel. 171. 1356 B 8treet. CAPITAL TDITT LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pure Materials" Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 8. High TAILORS 22 D. H. M08HER TAILOR FOR MEN n $. .,. i7i Ok 1 WANTED Misc. 23 FURNITURE PiCKI.,0 FOB SHIP wnis. Giese Power Furnitn Co. J. JOHNSON. CARPENTER jND BUILD er. Reasonable charges. Figures free. 1993 North Commercial. WNTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loans. W have several applica tions on hand. Haw kins 'Roberta. Inc., 205 Oregon Bldg. WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Rags r.ot smaller than 1 yard to use for wiping machinery. Highest prie paid for good clean rags, apply at 8tatesmsn office, eoe Stifler. More Than a Tonic More Than a HeaSth-Food A Natural Remedy! Pacific Health-Ore This prodoet supplies -Nature with vital Working and buildinz materiala nroviitea elements to maintain the normal chemical balance to insure the natural harmony and proper functioning of glands and or gans and to maintain a rich and healthy blood stream. Used as a mineral water pleasant to 'ake one package Is sufficient for three months treatment. Soli under a positive money-back guarantee. MATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY TTIK Capital City BeUdinj Co.. 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel. 19. . ltlCh New First National Bank Building Directory BASEMENT Pe Lu Shining Parlor Expert for Ladies and ij-sntlemen. SECOND FLOOR Coffey' Photo Servlo Tel. 708. Over the Bpa THIRD FLOOR Morria Optical Co. $01-802 tul lit. Ututy E. Morris. OpWmetrUt Telephone 239 C. F. O llette Suite 310 11; Lawyer Telephone 1 ) 8ocolofky Son. Tel. 970 204 115 Real Estate, Loans, Insuraoo liT. David B. Hill. Orthodontia (Straightening of irregular teeth) Suite (06. Hour 9 to 5 Every day eaeept Thursday FOURTH FLOOR rtwm rt K.ill A HnHallr On:nnltril fhn'e2S - 401-40'i 'M 404 40$ SIXTH FLOOR Geo. R. Vehrs M. P., Physician A 3urgeci '"3 Suite COS. TeL 2378-2379 Res. Robin D. Day and Donald W. Miles Attorney at Law felephone 198. flASU U EIGHTH FLOOR Jr. C. Ward Davis. Goners! Dent'strf Tel. 816. Evening by- appointment. Room 803 Dr. H. B. Scofiald t-Osj Chiropractor. Neuroaometr Service KIN TH FLOOR Dr. H. M. Ilrown, Eye, Ear. Nom ac4 Throat S; ciallat. S i.l 901 TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Johnson, Dentist relephone 1385 100t FOR SALE 25 BOSTON TERRIER PUPS fcLlC-JH: )J to register. Tel. 96F3. ORCHARD HORSE, WEIGHT 1-00 i n. works either single or lu.i. I',,. 101F14. 5 YOUNG PERCHON MARK.', Y' ' " Mules broke, 6 Orchard Mui. t -Mission St. WHITE CABINET SEWINO MAI Hi Nr. just like new, one third off. Ttrc - t desired. Telephone 23 Hi J. CLOVER HAY. BALED. LARGE . 'I small lots. Very resionable. Pi. 2840W, Salem. Or wr::e A. M. ! i . ris. Black Rock. NOBLE FRENCH PRUNE TREK? reduced prices. Rt. t. Hpjc jT. miles East of the State H.ttpital, it Fruitland Road, Noble Andrews. PEDIGREED A1RDALE MALE PH. months old, bargain if taken !-'' Dec 15th. H. F. Butterfieid, '. ' o Hwy., Wood burn. Ore. Tt.. Ilu2. GULBRANSEN, CLAREDON, CAM: 1 . Pullman, Howard and I.-idwig j. that we have repossestaJ, f -.i ! m 1 for the balance due on th;u. If : i want a nearly new piauo. cheap. your chance. Terms to leNpci - 1 parties. Oregon Fiaaaaw ttuuit' Phone 2381. j WANTED Live Stock 26 CATTLE I NEED CATT-!.E OF A J. kinds. et me Disks you an :ft r 1 fore you sell yours. j-it ihune or see Walter Corbet. N. JUt FOR SALE Live Stock 27 7 FRESH COWS. HEAVY Mll.klhr-, East side of Park anJ Li Su. 1 i i 827-J. VETERINARIAN 23 FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN -Office 629 S. Commercial. Tel. U. Res. Tel. 1666. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWING. PHONS IS77. lt:0 North Commercial. WOOD FOR SALE 30 GOOD DRY WOOD. I. Mayfield. PHONK 72F2. V. FOR GOOD WOOD CALL C. D. QCES.Y. Phone 127F21. GOOD DRY WOOD FOR TOO- D. A. l.armer. Tel. 930. 16 IN. OLD FIR $8.50 PER) GOhI- t rick) TeL 2188. CALL TRACY'S FUEL YARD FOP OOOD wood. Phone 23 If. ALL KINDS OF WOOD. C. A. TUCK Hi. Tel. 2 02 8-J. 16 INCH OLD FIR, DRY 2.VD GROW 1 11. and ash. C. TJ. Hsrhaugh, 138 11. k land Ave. Phone 199 C. ISEE) A. ANPERSON POR WOOD TO BURN SALEM TRANS. A FUEL CO. GENERAL TBANSFER WOUK. TEL. 8-9 By PAUL ROBINSON