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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1928)
THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1923 5 fl HDim9t SMimng) nim R3eatt i Hfnms- nnr nwn make. Sucar Cured Liirht Weight PORK To Roast, lb. Nice Dressed PURE LARD I Bring your 173 South Commercial LOCAL Commission Sets Hearing The pubHc service commission, on its own motion, has set Thurs day. February 23, for an investi gation of the rates, rules and prac tices of anywhere for-hire motor carriers operating in Roseburg and vicinity. The hearing will be con ducted at Rosebnrg. The commis sion also ordered an investiga tion in connection with complaints that water served in the Oswego Lake district b ythe Oswego Wai ter. Light & Power company is unwholesome. 1'resh Smelt 4 lbs. for -" Midget Market, 351 State St. t harles R. Archerd Implement Company, Front and State street now have a complete line of new beed3; both vegetable and flower. Also, lawn grass and fertilizer. Catalog mailed on request. ViU in Independence Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bon trager and children of Salem have gone to Independence where they are visiting at the home of Mrs. I'.ontrager's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Becken. A filft Room Devoted Entirely To Inexpensive gifts for bridge party. Pomeroy & Keene's. Leaves Hospital Lawrence Maves left the Dea 1 vesterdav morning T ' after a ten days treatment. 10 real artists. Also a local dance band, Sat. night. Stage aervice. !n Cleaves Have Son A son was born Thursday at the Balem. General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Van Cleave, route 9. tn'W ' Homes Xorth Here's 5 priced $37 50 to $6. 000. 4 to 7 rooms. All new. For Kit reasonable. All have furnace. fireplace, garage etc. Immediate , Iisses8lon on all. Locations ss Norway-935 Tamarack, 955 Tama rack. 980 Tamarack. Becke & ll-ndricks, 189 North High street. Son Born Thursday fr and Mrs. L D. Mix of In- dependence are parents of a son born at the Salem General hospi tal Thursday afternoon. I'resh Smelt 4 lbs. Tor 25c Midget Market, 351 State St. Turner Students Visit Ten civics students of the Turn er high school and their instruct or Professor John M. Watson. dav this week to visit the penitentiary and asylum and to witness the workings pf law in the case of the state vs. Walfred Anderson of Stayton which was completed yesterday. The students were: Herbert ISriggs, Lewis Scoffield, Mervln Pearson. Dollie Richter, Laurr Stewart, Ronald Townsend. Haxel Bones. Evelyn Archibald, MarMn and Lois Robertson CV.ciI to Acres $40O0 Small buildings Pacific way 24 miles from Salem. high Nine acres fruit and berries. Terms. Itecke & Hendricks. 189 N. High street. Many Teachers Being Hired If the present rate of hiring nuchers in the county districts outlnues. practically all these v;,hools will have their teaching usitions filled by April 1, be- :jk Mrs. Mary u. r unc. fUTy school superintendent. Tm key Dinner Served tomorrow at the Gray 1; a .. lit SiHak February Mrs. Helen Burns, field secxe ury of the WCTU with head jaarter3 at Los Angeles, has been elected to deliver the Washing ton birthday address at the sen ior high school. Principal Nelson has announced. She will speak at the 10:30 assembly on the subject "Youth Holds the Key." Classes Wednesday morning,-and toilow- Meat is the mainstay of the diet. The most satisfying part of the meal. You needn't skimp if you buy your meat here. Our prices are moderate, even for choice cuts. And we handle only prime quality meats. O M SAUSAGE Pure Pork, lb. ... BACON BACKS Lb .... sVC 18c Chickens and Rabbits OUR OWN MAKE own pail, lb "Where a Dollar Does Its Duty NEWS BRIEFS ing programs students will be dis missed for the remainder of the day. Free f 25 Cooking Set Next week. Ask about L. Stiff Furniture Co. ' it. H. Now Home Immediate possession $4900 total price. This unusually well built 6 room home with 4 rooms furnished, hardwood, furnace, fire place, garage, shades, linoleums. light fixtures, lawn finished, etc Large rooms. Before you buy see this home. Look into its construc tion. Protected district. Now ready at 935 Tamarack street Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. It Really Waves and Curls Hair that's had a perm, wave at the Capital Beauty Shoppe. Marshall Strawberries Co-operative deals seems to be popular. We are offering a profit sharing proposition that is very attractive. We advance the grower five cents per pound for Marshall strawberries and give all the prof its charging only a percentage for handling, financing, barreling and selling the finished product. Have representatives in all principal cities and we are in personal touch with all new methods of packing and selling. Baker. Kelly and McLaughlin, Office Johnson Clothing store, 4 69 State street. Hear of Birth of Son Friends here have received word of the birth of a son yesterday morning to Mr. and Mrs. James 3. A. Hutcheson at Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. Hutcheson will be re membered as Miss Margaret Rodg ers, daughter of Mrs. George J Rodgers who is now In Vancouver. Fresh Smelt 4 lbs. for Midget Market. 351 State St. neturn to Horn Mrs. Gene Kirk wood. 1272 Third street, was discharged from the Salem General hospital Friday after being confined there for the past two and a half weeks. Special Today Gray Belle French pastry, 10 rents each. Leaves Hospital A. D. Wood has left 1he Salem General hospital where he has been since the Christmas vacation. Mr. Wood came here from the east to visit his son, E. T. Wood. White Mountain Honey Is the Best. Phone Mead at 8F5. . Grange Meeting Today Salem Grange No. 17 will meet at 10:00 this morning in the Labor hall. A debate, sponsored by the state grange, will be a feature of the meeting, the question being "Resolved, that the principles of the debenture plan of solving the agricultural surplus problem, ad vocated by the national grange. ;hould be adopted by the United States government." The affirm ative of the question will be cared for by C. H. Taylor and Mrs. Cus Coll. Negative speakers will be F. A. Myers. Milton Brown and Mrs. C. II. Taylor. See Our Specials Pictures and house paints, Pres- nail's Paint Store, 455 Court street. Ex tradition Approved Governor Patterson on Friday authorized the extradition of Har old Shippy. who is wanted In the state of Iowa for non-support. Shiqpy -Is under arrest in Port land. Genuine: Mazda Lamps Onlv 23 cents. Get at Lock- wood's new store with Prescott Jeweler 291 North Commercial street, phone 86$. Attend Exposition George Lloyd. Joel Dolby. Ber tha Babcock. Mabel Cupper, and Rose Folger, senior high school day to- atteacnae. iwa-uaj- 20c 20c 15 c Telephone 1421 education exposition held on the O. S. C. campus for high school students who expect to continue their studies at the college. The; were accompanied by Mrs. Gladys Jensen, domestic science teacher, and a graduate of O. S. C. where she was a member of Sigma Kappa sorority. The students are mem bers of the senior class and were appointed the first of this month by J. C. Nelson, principal. Eat Turkey Dinner Tomorrow at the Gray Belle. One Industrial Fatality There was one fatality due to industrial accidents In Oregon during the week ending February 16, according to a report prepared here Friday by the state industrial accident commission. The victim was Charles M. Martindale of Wal lowa. There were 5S9 accidents re ported to the commission during the week, Six Room Xew Home Fairmount Hill with double ga rage and all modern features Price now $6900. Terms. Becke & Hendricks. 189 X. High street. Wanted, Men and Women About 10 men and 6 women, to dig and cut hop roots. Inquire Quick Lunch, 178 S. Liberty. Washington Couple Weds A marriage license was obtained from the offive of the Marion county clerk here yesterday by Edward Peterson, 56, of Tacoma. and Cora Kanson. 50, of Auburn. Washington. The marriage is the second for both parties. Elks .Dance Monday night. Marriage License Issued Albert H. Booth. 21, yesterday took out a license from the office of the county clerk to marry Lor- etta N. Frea Ner, 21. Both are residents of Salem. Read the Article On Children's Dentistry by the Salem Progressive Dental Club in today's paper. It pays to take care of vnnr rhiM'a teeth Judgment Taken A transcript of judgment in the sum of $77.35. taken by G. T Wadsworth against S, G. Graves in justice court at Woodburn. was filed In circuit court here yester day. Furniture Upholsterer And repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. Three Kstates .Annralsetl i Inventory and appraisement jwas filed in probate here yester I day In the estates of W. E. Lough miller, Susan Groshong and J. N. Groshong. The Loughmlller es tate was appraised at $7,66 4.10 by A. G. Gunderson. M. G. Gund erson and W. S. Jack, appraisers. The estates of J. N. Groshong and Susan Groshong were found to each consist of just one lot in St. Louis. Marion county. Her lot was velued at $300 and his' at $100. Appraisers for both estates were William Bennett, Charles A. Park and Alice H. Page. Special Sunday Dinner Served 5:43 to 8 p. m. Hotel. Marion TRY THE ARGO'S BAKED HAM DINNER EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Oh Boy" Those Pies! ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired, Nw or Used Motors VlniMkit-r- & TODD Thing Electrical , SAYS We have a Ford ton truck that has been driven but very little and run3 like a new job. Equipped with a good cab. stake body and stock loading platform and priced at $ 175.00. mm ma The House That SerYie Built" IN STOCK MB New York Exchange Flooded With Deluge of Selling Orders Friday NEW YORK. Feb. 17. ( VP) The stock market broke violently today under a deluge of selling or ders which so taxed the facilities jf the New York stock exchange that the ticker was 30 minutes late in recording the final quotation. The reaction, which was the most drastic since the one which fol lowed President Coolidge's famous "I do not choose to run" state ment last August, carried quoted .alues of scores of leading issues iown $2 to S5 a share while a few nigh priced pool specialties col lapsed $40 tr) nearly $20. The day's sales ran close to ?. )00.0u0 shares, with nearly hall jf the day's business transacted in h- last hour of trading. There vere 4S individual issues traded n, a new high record for all time. While there was nothing tangi le with which the day's selling ould be directly associated, spec ulative uneasiness over the largt .olume of brokers' loans, which ire well above one billion dollar. ibove the total a year ago, anc he recent increase in unemploy ment were widely mentioned a jearish factor. Wall street merely egarded it as a "technical reac ion" and further evidence of tht ld adage that "Trees do not grow to neavea. THROW OPEN Ah BOOKS Or PACIFIC PHOXE FIRM SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 16 (AP) Books and records of th Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company, which Is seeking rate increases estimated at $7,000,00 annually, were thrown open to In spection here today to represen tatlves of San Francisco anr1 neighboring communities, which re opposed to the rate raise. The state railroad commission ruled two weeks ago that the tele phone company must submit tc the cities' examination all records bearing upon the company's claim hat it requires higher telephone rates. The company had opposer" vigorously the inspection of Its records but Max Thelen. attornej for the company, said it would co operate fully with the railroad commission's ruling. That the company is actually a subsidiary of the American Tele phone and Telegraph company was the contention of opponent of the raise, who contended that the latter company should be made a party to the hearing. HERMAX TAKES K. O. TWIN FALLS. Ida.. Feb. 16 (API Rocky Moore. Spokane! knocked out Babe Herman of Salt Lake City in the seventh round" of a scheduled ten round bout here tonight. Herman was knocked down for a count of five in the sixth round. Fancy Dog & Cats At Stud Boston and Fox Terriers, Eng lish Bull. German Police, Pers ian Cats. Pets boarded. FLAKE'S PETLAXD 273 State and Pacific Highway PILES CURED Without operation or Ion of tun. DK. MARSHALL 329 Oregon Bldg Now Is the Time To Plant Your Orchard We are offering a fine line of fruit and nut trees at at tractice prices. Don't miss seeing us before buying. Twenty years in the busi ness. Sales Yard So. of Armory FRUITL AND NURSERY Office 174 So. Liberty St. PHONE 377 y ran HI NOTED C S N T NOTES OF TRAVEL He Encounters a New, Un usual and Profitable Pro fession for Woman Editor Statesman: 111 lUfllll J 'J V IU'"ri Uvt - - - 1 ing life in a hundred cities larg; and small, only the unusual things! are worth recording. Will Rogers has made the greatest discovery in modern journalism. The columnist followed the funnyman attempted column of funny items some of them became enemie before they were discontinued. But the Rog ers compressed newsogram ending with a flash of humor. 011 a topic uppermost in the public mind, was 1 real invention. Now I discover fortune telling n The ascendancy as a business. There are one or more in every ity of any size- next to oldet art n the world. Uniform profession al charge, two plunks. Some of the brightest women. ocietv leaders, society matrons. ind a few men. are their consult ants. I. mveisit v cities fall for them urong. Even a College A college with training courses n fortune telling was one of the liscoveries at Los Angeles. The fortune telling art is a perennial .nstitution. and we may look for progressive colleges putting a ourse of study in this iu their t I i 1 i urriculum the always interest-jLettie Brown, and Alberta Hansen ng gypsy reading the future. ThejThese girls can be congratulated higene mystic has rather a localj u securing the good talent thai ractice. I was told on a short top then. Owing lo the prestige f the state college, Corvallis Iraws trade from valley towns. To my greatest surprise. I came iome to find a professional doing 1 good business at Salem. The ;irls have been rushing the money o her. The last two claim to be spiritualistic mediums. COL. E. HUFEH. ;alem. February 17, 1928. General Motors Makes New Records In Profits NEW YORK, Feb. 16. (AP)- N'ew records in both sales and iroflts were established by Gener il Motors corporation In 1927 an )fficial summary of the annual re port shows. Earnings of the com- ,non stock were equivalent to $12.- 9 a share, against $10.90 in 192 alculated on a comparable basis Net earnings for the year were $235,104,826, after deducting $3,214,183, the proportion of earn ngs and losses of subsidiary com- lanies not consolidated but accru ing to General Motors in excess of lividends received. T 0 WARNER LAKES CASE DECID ED FOR UPPER VALLEY Relatives rights between approx nately 70 users of water from Warner Lakes and tributary treams in Lake county, have been letermined in an orderd prepared iere Friday by Rhea Luper, state ?ngineer. The order will be filed lth the circuit court for Lake county. The principal tributary streams ire Twenty Mile creek. Deep creek ind Honey creek, with large areas )f land irrigated from natural ov erflow of the lakes In the spring "reshet season. The proceeding involved approx- $495 FTNE TORIC -reading leaaea. "We ia lura your fUaaaa acainat breakage. Examination too. Thompson -Glntach Optical Co. 110 N. Oona'l St. Distinctly Correct Footwear For Mea Boys For Womem Girls John J. Rottls Expert Shoe Fitters 415 BUte SC. T VERY often people who are considering the purchase of J modern writing machine are surprised to loam that ,ome old typewriter, which they may not hare used for a Jong time has a market ialue and will be accepted in part payment If you hare an old machine, perhaps you will be interested in learn fnV Vhat It is worth. If you will fill in the space below we will be glad to glre you whateTer information you require. Quote me allowance on my Serial No Send fuU Information as t prices and terms ( ) Send ms a Corona for one week on free trial ( ) Name and Address Typewriter Exchange THQ3..BQEX Imately 50.000 acres of irrigated land, and the rights of two cattle companies. The Warner Valley Stock company is in the south or upper valley, while the Lake Coun ty Land and Livestock company Is in the north or lower valley. The decision Is in favor of the upper valley, but the claims of the upper valley users were reduced materially. The controversy was launched through the filing of a suit in the circuit court, which lat er was referred to the state engi neer. Interested parties wUl le allow- jed to file exceptions with the court in case they feel they have not been allowed the water rights to which they are entitled. SOCIAL. COMMUNITY GROUPS ACTIVE AT ROBERTS f ROBERTS. Ore.. Feb 17 1 Special" The members of tht ;. T. club were delightfully enter tafned last thursday at tit- honx f Mrs. William Meier in Salem The following were present: Mrs W. V. Johnson. Mr.-. C. I) Query Mrs. S. C. Davenport. Mrs. Fores Edwards. Mrs. B. D. Fidler. Mrs X. P. Huge!. Mrs. H. B. Carpetit r. Mrs Mabel Higgins. Mrs. Bud Statesman, Mrs Joe Ringwowod and Mrs. A. T. Macklin The cluV will meet next with Mrs. Forest Edwards on Feb. 23. The Roberts Community clul members enjoyed a splendid pro gram last Saturday night. Th program committee included Max ine Pettyjohn. Minnie Hansen made the evening a success. J. P. Bussler intends to mov to his house in South Salem when he will remain for a few week- ind continue treatments. Mrs. Charles Ekin started for Idaho last week and will remain here this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Henningser and family of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Henningsen of Jeffer son and Mildred Henningsen o: Monmouth spent last week end vith their mother, Mrs. Julia Hen lingsen. James Fry is intending to build an addition to his incubator house ;oon. . Miss Melba Davenport was un tble to go to work Wednesday on iccount of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sharp and aby of Salem attended the com nunity club meeting here Satur lay evening. Mrs. Blanche Albright and fam ly have moved to their home on he Garden Road. ' ' CALIFORNIA FREEZES ANAHEIM. Cal.. Feb. 16. t AP). Although the temperature dropped to 29 degrees here last night, no damage to citrus fruit was reported. El Cajon reported a minimum of 24. FLORAL DESIGNS CUT FLOWERS, PLANTS GOLD FISH, BIRDS O. F. BRETTnATJTT Telephone ISO lit State 8t. Look. Vogans Chocolates HAND DIPPED In Light and Dark. Regular Price on this 60c per lb. For Week End Special 36c or Two lbs. for 70c We Reserve the Right to Limit on this Special Only at Schaefer's DRUG STORE 135 North Commercial St. Phone 197 Original Yellow Front Penslar Agency SWAP Tour Old Typewriter for a New Sni?sima .Model No. ne is mm 'S 111 MIES Fifty Names Being Published Each Day: Much Inter est Manifested The T. onion's Roll of Honor con tinues to arouse cousidera V. in terest nnd curiosity in as much as the citizens watch for the publi Htion of th naiii- s ami' if a 1 'end's name is not tlu-re tliy nat urally wonder why. That is the question. If your name is not listed on the roll and if your are eligible there must be something misunderstood. Every ex-service man holding an honor able discharge from the army, navy or marine corp of tha United States or from some allied coun try in the World V:ir is eligible for membership. The list for today follows: 11. F. Butterfield 1. V. T.yrd. OBITCAKY Walker At a local hospital, February 16. Remains are in care of the Ter williger Funeral Home and later will be cremated. H avely At a local hospital. February 17. C. H. Ilavely at the age of 73 vears. The remains are1 being forwarded by the Terwilliger Fun eral Home tor tuneral services and interment. Harp Mary Harp, route 6. Box 1HS-B. lied at the age of 4 years. She 's survived by five children. Re mains will lie in state at the Ter williger Funeral Home this Sat urday morning until 11:30. after which they will be taken to New Sharon. Iowa, for funeral services ind interment. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral SerTlee For Less Licensed Lady Mortician 770 Chenieketa Street Telephone 784 LEGION I I V 1 Li. il 1 LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Let Kennell-Ellis Make Your View and Commercial Pictures, Any Time, Any Place Old Photographs Copied Often you want old photographs reproduced, nut tear entrmst. Ing them to strangers. , Our reputation assure the safety .nd proper care of your picture, which we wlil copy, enlarge, frame or hand color at a price lower than the unknown agent can wtftr. Kennell-Ellis Studio 429 Oregon Bldg. TRANSFER and Storage Long and Short Distant e Hauling Public and Private Storage Fireproof Building GRAIN, FEED and SEED Free Delivery to any part of the city. " QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION Farmers Warehouse PAUL TRAGLIO, Prop. - Day Telephone 28 c. M. Byrd. Dr. R. D. Byr, Frank Cain, A. V. Caldwell, II. F. Cald well. L. P. Campbell. W. P. Can oy. C. E..Carey. Earl Carey. Hugh D. Carroll. Lyle Carrow, Harry V. Carson. John H. Carson, Milton A. Carson. Wallace P. Carson. Karl C. Carter. Albert C. Case, Earl T. Caufield. Wilbur C. Cavender, Ed Chamlee. K. A. Chapler. M. S. Cheek. H. B. Churchill. Ewing ( iatk. G. B Clark. John L. Clark, R. W. Clark. W. E. Clarke. Dr. I.ucian O. Clement. A. J. Cleve land. G. F. Clinton. Ralph S. Coch ran. E C. Coffey. Harry Cohen, Cyril B. Colbath. Dr. William S Cole. Roy J. Cole. Clyde C. Com stock. Bryan H. Conley. Elmer D. Cook. Harold Cook. J. P. Coonse, Deibert Ooper, Walter Corbett, W. F. Coshow. T. W. Creech. Lee Cross. Thomas Curry. INVESTIGATE Thi Highly Secured Plan for Your Money: Why wait to pur-t-tuwso your bonds outright when the Guaranty Trust Co. provides a conven ient payment plan which is truly a "friend of the fam ily budget?" ITCOSTS NO MORE Bonds bought as low a $7.00 month ly. AU depowlts art compounded at 6. All Guaranty Tiust bonds are trust se cured. Clip the Coupon be low and Mail Today r 1 -n -stj a A. K. l.AFLAK, Kut. Kip. OurnlT Trent .. I.arid Huih Bank Hl.U . Sl.-m. Ore. Kindly snd m full in '.rinat on about lit Mtgo. bond oa ltll meul (. Nm Addr rvrc cy a MiNCn I av CLASSES FITTED W ' Ten Years Practice I Salem Phone 625 Dr. L- R. Burdette Optometrist 401 First National Cank BldR. 1 v . 'Night Telephone I267-W J