The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 14, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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703-706 First National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon
We Pay 7 Per Cent
An Investment Worth Investigating
Carl D. Gabrielson, President.
C. A. Reynolds, Vice President.
Jas. H. Nicholson, Vice President.
Chas. Wiper, Secretary-Treasurer.
J. J. Elliott, Assistant Secretary.
E. B. Williamson
T. A. Uvea ley.
E. P. Slade.
John H. Carson.
L. C. Fanner
H. M. Hawkins.
Carl D. Gabrielson,
C. A. Reynolds,
las. H. Nicholson.
We hare a 1124 Bulck Touring
equipped with LoTeJoy shocks,
bumpers, 8 ft M spot light, rear
rlew mirror, automatio swipe,
70 new rubber and 1928 11
cense. This Is a fine car In
every way and a snap at S473.
Ill ,. M A
The HoaM That fierrk Bant
on which Dr. Pueyredoo wished
to have Included ctauaet relating
to tariffs, arose when Jacob Va
rela of Uruguay proposed that all
present agree to the preamble
with the understanding that ob
jections to It should be presented
when the article cohtaned In the
convention Itself when ratttflca
tlons were taken up.
Democratic Members of
House Flay Dry Meas
ure and Officials
'ar Stolen
A Bulck roadster belonging to
Kussell Buckles was stolen from
Church street Sunday night. It
carried license number 38-608.
Ttwcher 111
Mrs. Nell M. Doege. mathema
tics teacher at the Leslie Junior
high school, was absent from
classes yesterday due to Illness.
White Mountain Honey Is th
Best. Phone Mead at 8F5.
J.AlbrKlit Fined S230
L E. Albrirht. arrested by city
and state officers Saturday night
on a charge of liquor possession,
was fined $250 in municipal court
I Milliliter Born-
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Richardson,
2277 North Liberty, are parents
of a baby daughter born at the Sa
lem General hospital Sunday. Feb
ruary 12.
A Ij Carte SerTlce
In dining room Marlon hotel.
Three Charges Faced
Teter Sorenson of Woodburn
v. as arrested by a city traffic offi
cer early Sunday morning on a
charge of speeding and driving
with four persons In the drivers'
seat at the same time being with
out a driver's license.
C80 Prisoners Yesterday
Week-end arrivals at the state
penitentiary increased the number
of boarders to 680, reported James
Lewis, warden, yesterday morn
ing. Nine were dressed In, two
coming from each of Marion. Un
ion, and Douglas counties, three
from Tillamook.
MfttthU Old Time Orrheet
Crystal Garden. Wednesday
Ixw to Take Vacation
"Walter S. Low. streets commls
sloner. will take his two weeks
vacation starting next Wednesday
Mr. Low plans to go to Cutler City
where he will build himself a cabin
along the seashore for future use.
He will take his rod and tackle
along and try his luck at fishing.
Your Income Tax Statement
Is due experienced service. O. W.
& Lo S. Ross, Tel. 2098-R.
leader, and Dean Dubach of Ore
gon state college, and Dean Hew
itt of the Willamette university
law school will assist. Rex Garri
son, of Woodburn, is president of
the conference. Vice-presidents are
Don Siegmund, Salem, and Angus
Ware, Stayton. Wesley Heise, Sa
lem, is secretary.
Alaskan Visiting Kin
J. C Ferguson of Kendicott,
Alaska, who is visiting relatives
here, is a guest at the Bligh.
Furniture Uphold t ere
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture Co.
Here From South
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Robertson are
guests at the Bligh. They arrived
Sunday from Grants Pass.
absent, no classes were called.
Mrs. Grace Walgomott. head of the
department, was called to Canby
ny the death of a nephew, and Mrs
La Verne Lanham was 111. Ralph
Bailey, history teacher, wis' in Cor
vallis with the debating team, and
bis classes were cared for by Mrs
J. C. Nelson. Mrs. B. B. Boylan
was called to conduct the classes
of Mrs. Margaret Dickenson, who
Is at he; homt In Portland threat
ened witL pneumonia. Miss Mil
dred Christensen, French teacher
was ill and Miss Helen Rose con
ducted the classes yesterday.
Fab-mount Hill
6 room house double garage
New on Superior between Fair-
mount and John streets. Total
I price now $6900 terms. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 North High street.
White Mountain Honeys
Is the best. Phone Mead at
Port landers at Marion
Mr. and Mrs. W. Van Schuyver
are Sunday arrivals from Port
land. Mr. Van Schuyver is in the
brokerage business. They are
stopping at the Marion.
A Xew Line of Inexpensive
But charming hats Petites
8htp, above Busick's.
Range Demonstrator Arrives
Ethel Murdoch Is here In con
nection with the electric range -exhibit
at the "Better Homee" ex
position being held at the armory.
She 13 staying at the Marlon.
Valentine Dance Tonight
BeneirAmeiican Legion auxil
iary. Crystal Gardens, tickets See
for playground pledge. .
Decorator Hi
R. A. Flsk of Tacoma, Wash.,
who Is in charge of the decorating
at the armoy in connection with
the "Bette Homes" exposition is
registered it the New Salem hotel.
Jason I zee Men to Dine
The Jason Lee Brotherhood at
the church thla evening at :S0
will hold its mid-year rally. About
50 men are expected to attend.
Judge George Rossman of the su
preme court will be the principal
speaker, his subject being "Law
Observance." Special musical en
tertainment Is planned.
Valentine Dance Tonight
Benefit American Legion auxil
iary. Crystal Gardens, tickets BOe
for playground pledge.
I Mm Haddenlv
Charles U Draper died suddenly
at his home at 12M Highland ave
nue sometime Saturday night, the
hodv helnc dlscoTered In bed sun
day morning by the family. He
came to this dry from Jhe east a
year ago. Survivors are: his wi
dow, Lillian, and daughter, lone,
both of Salem: two sons. Gerald,
in New York, and Kenneth, ot Po-
catello, Idaho.
ironfl Invites You
To call and Inspect his new lo-
rstinn with PTescott Jeweler. 19 1
North Commercial street, Maxda
lamps and flashlight batteries.
Piwsbvterians Meet
A family christian educational
conference of the Willamette vai-
ley Presbyterian churches will be
held at Corrallla next Friaay, ana
about 26 local Presbyterians are
nlannlntr to attend. Prominent
out-of-state people will speak.
v Arthur Bates and C. A. Kells are
a local committee to handle trane-
--portation arrangements.
New Homes North-
Here's S priced $2750 to f4(
000. 4 to 7 rooms. All new. wot
sale reasonable. All have furnace,
fireplace, garage etc. Immediate
possession on all. Locations SJ
Korway-$ J 5 Tamarack, Isi Tama
rack. 980 Tamarack. Becke
Hendricks, 111 North High street.
Bicycles Lack Lights
Wilbur Harms. 1910 North Sum
mer street. William Hart, Garden
Road, and Gilbert Anderson were
arrested last week-end on charges
of riding bicycles at night without
rans For 3onfi
The local T. M. O. A. is making
preparations to entertain 100 boys
at the annual Marlon county old-
er boys' conference here March
and 10." Frank Moran,v 'prominent
Lost, Brindle Dog
with four white feet, scar on
back. Answers to name "Mickey.
Has New Orleans license. Finder
call 24CS.
Auction Wednesday Jfight, 7 P. M.
At F. N. Woodry's Auction Alar
ket on Summer street, art goods.
S1SO0 of Jewelry and two house
holds of good furniture. Be there.
Have Baby Daughter
A baby daughter was born yes
terday to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Stawell, who reside on route 6
Mother and baby are at the Salem
general hospital.
Fine Home
6.75 South Church Immediate
possession. Sacrifice for quick sale
SS00 to handle. Landscaped lot
In be-iutlful homes district. Becke
ft Hendricks, 119 North High
Has Measles
LaVern Cain, fifth grade stu
dent at the Auburn school. Is re
ported to be confined with the
measles at the home of Mrs. C. W,
Cady, with whom he Uvea. He
was out of school Friday and the
next day the measles put In their
Piano Sale '
Priced to sell quick SC5-I9E.
S16S-I18S. Such makes as Boh
mer. 6teinway and many others.
These rare bargains. $6.00, f 8.00.
tlO.OO monthly. Tallman Piano
tnra 11th anil Mill atraat '
Teachers Absent
Five teachers were absent from
their , classes at the senior high
school yesterday. Because both
physical education teachers were
Ex-service Men to Meet-
As the official close of the Le
gion membership drive, all ex
service men tn this district will be
invited to meet with Capital Post
No. 9 of the Legion for an enter
tainment and feed February 28.
State and national legislation for
ex-soldiers will be explained.
'Argument Between Countries
Again Develops At Hav-'
ana Congress
Hot Time Anticipated Ovei
Resolution To Probe
Utilities' Funds
HAVANA-' Fs. 13 (AP)
Argentina and the United States
again took opposing positions at
the meeting of the committee on
Pan-American Union affairs today
over the right of nations to as
sess what tariffs they think most
Taking up the cause of all dele
gations who view with disfavor
Dr. Honorio Pueyrrendon's proposal-
to extend the functions of
the Union In the economic field.
Charles Evans Hughes, head of
the American delegation, pro
claimed the Impossibility of allow
ing questions of such purely do
mestic character as tariffs to be
considered by an International
Dr. Pueyrredon, unmoved by an
argument, repeated his categorical
refusal to sign any convention to
regulate the activities of the union
which did not contain a reference
to the necessity of abolishing ex
cessively high barriers to the free
flow of trade in inter-American
Efforts to save the conference
from failure in this important!
task Of concluding a Pan-American
convention however, were
quickly put under way in a pro
posal presented by Jacob Varela.
ot Uruguay, that any conventions
reached here Instead of requiring
the signature of the delegates be
fore being sent to the legislatures
for ratification, should be trans
mitted directly by the president
of the conference to the various
governments for suitable action by
the parliaments.
This suggestion was considered
significant by the delegates, who
se In It the possibility of circum
venting Dr. Pueyrredon's refusal
to sign, by Introducing hts govern
ment finally to approve the con
vention. , The discussion, on the preamble
A showdown fight on the Walsh
resolution for senate Investigation
of the financial affairs of public
utilities corporations was begun
toda In the senate with a vote In
prospect tomorrow or Wednesday.
Wltb the lineup admittedly close
both those advocating and oppos
ing the, resolution took comfort
from some developments of the
day which was marked by a long
address by Senator Walsh, demo
crat of Montana, In favor of his
measure and in which the power
lobby was assailed.
After the resolution was called.
Vice President Dawes, who was
presiding, asked Senator Walsh to
change his resolution so that he
would be relieved of the task of
appointing the special committee
of five which would conduct the
"I am interested in some public
utilities companies," the vice pres
ident said. "I have no desire to
evade my responsibilities but
prefer for this reason that some
other provision be made tor selec
tion of the committee."
Acquiescing in the suggestion
the Montanan amended his res
olution to call for election of the
special committee by the senate
Before Senator Walsh took the
foor to Inveigh against the power
lobby as the most formidable ever
assembled In Washington during
bis long senate service,. Senator
Walsh of Massachusetts.: another
democrat, proposed an ams agrjiat
to the senate rules adtr?irkich
lobbyists would be required to feg
ister with the secretary of the sen
Each person engaged as a lob
byist or a representative of any
individual, soe'ety, corporation or
foreign government would be re
quired to give bis name for the
legislation favored or opposed and
the name of individual or concern
by whom he is employed. Persons
falling to so register could be sum
mooed before, the senate rules
committee or the senate bar.
The amendment was sent to the
rules committee.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. -
(AP) Prohibition was assailed
today In the house by Representa
tives Galllvan of Massachusetts
and Llntblcum ot Maryland, both
Assistant Treasury Secretary
Lowman, In charge of enforce
ment and the Anti-Saloon league
were declared by Galllvan to be
".subordinating" the constitution
to the 18th amendment. He also
demanded the impeachment of
Judge Schuldt, of the District of
Columbia police court tor the dis
missal of a jury which had ac
quitted two men In a prohibition
Llnthlcnm, who Is chairman of
the house unofficial committee on
the modification of the Volstead
act, declared prohibition had not
prevented an increase of liquor
consumption and drunkenness
Urging modification to correct
"the evils of the present law and
to establish true temperance" he
declared that crime has increased
materially throughout the conn
try and that "prohibition enforce'
ment from the beginning has been
characterised by graft, bribery
and pther corruption."
"Prohibition grows more Inso
lent and intolerant daily." de
clared Galllvan. "in its efforts to
listort law and invent new meth
ads of oppressing a foolishly sub
missive people, the pygmies of
prohibition are strangling the
American Gulliver and inaugurat
ing a reign of misrule."
Walter, who was having trou
ble with subtraction, showed i
problem which he had just finish
ed to his father.
"Is this right. Daddy?"
"No. son, it's hot right." dad re
piled. "I can't understand why
you have so much trouble with
subtraction," he, continued. "When
I was in school I did it without
any trouble."
"I guess subtraction musta'
been easy those days." son replied
the Balboa highway at Eureka.
CaL, through San 'Francisco to ef
fect a Junction with the third
highway. El Camlna Sierra, at
Sierra; the Golden State highway,
extending from Blaine, Wash., to
Calexlco. Cal., and 1 Camlna
Sierrt from Orovllle, Wash., to
San Tsldro, CaL
Pilot and Motion Picture Man
Nearly Killed In 200
Foot Drop
PORTLAND. Feb. 13 (AP)
Two motion picture cameramen
and a pilot escaped death today
when an airplane In which they
bad started for Seattle fell 200
feet and struck a Northern Pacific
mail coach In the terminal yard
on the outskirts of the city.
O. C. . ury. Seattle pilot and
part owner""6f the Washington
Aviation company, was cut se
verely on the face and legs.
C. E. Robinson. Seattle, news
At the residence. Haselgreen
February 11, Louis Peterson, age
82 years, father ot Mrs. Mathilda
Williamson of Salem, Mrs. Wa Pe
terson of Shaw and -Mrs. Mary
Heryman of St. Louis. Ore.; broth
er of Mrs. Andrew Peterson of
Michigan: also survived by 15
grandchildren and three great
grandchildren. Funeral service?
will be held Tuesday, February 14
at 1 p m., from Rigdon, & Son
mortuary. Interment in Lone
Oak cemetery at Stayton.
Representative Crail, Repub
lican, California, Intro
duces Bill
At the residence. 1296 Highland
avenue, February 12, Charles L
Draper, age 52 years, husband of
Lillian Draper; father of Kenneth
Draper of Pocatello, Idaho: Ger
ald Draper of New York and lone
Draper of Salem. Announcement
of funeral later by Rlgdon & Son.
A bill proposing establishment
of a Pacific coast national high
way system which would provide
three trunk lines with laterals
along the Pacific coast from Can
ada to Mexico, was introduced by
Representative Crail, republican
of California.
The roads would form a system
of motor truck highways "to meet
the transport requirements of
heavy commerce In time of peace
and of heavy ordnance in time of
war. They would extend through
the states of California, Oregon
aqd Washington.
Landing fields for planes for
which the routes would serve as
gulldlng lines, would be provided
ati Intervals of 25 miles and vari
ous, axeaa alone rue highways
would be set a&lda 'tor the propsH
gatloa of trees to serve s sovsr
against hostile aircraft. ' ' ?
Ths highways would be the
Balboa highway extending from
Port Townsend. Wash., to Los An
geles; the shore line highway
stretching from a junction with
Del mar Henry died at a local
hosnltal at the age of 22 years on
February 11. He is survived by his
father, Ralph Henry, of Aberdeen
Washington: his mother, Mrs. Lu
cy McCoy of Salem: thret broth
ers. Ralnh of the U. S. Marines.
stationed at San Pedro. Elmer of
Valsets. and Robert of Grande
Ronde; and the following half-sisters,
Martha Pennington ot Salem.
Bertha Holem of Salem, and Lan
try Parrlsh of .Valsets. The funer
al services will be held Tuesday at
2:00 p. m. at Webb's chapel with
Rev. Taylor officiating. Interment
will be in the City View cemetery.
reel photographer, received a frac
ture of the left leg affd painful
body bruises.
Hal Cooley, 8eattle cameraman,
received only minor bruises.
The three men are In a hospital
"We had Just taken off frop
the air field," Cooley said tonight
as he spoke calmly of his fourth
airplane crash. "The motor was
roaring beautifully. Suddenly the
bottom seemed to drop out from
under us.
"Robinson and I were in the
forward cockpit. When we hit
the mail car the nose of the plane
was up against the top of the car
and I had tc lump down a few
feet to the ground. Drury was on
the ground unconscious. Robin
son was still In the cockpit. He
was unconscious."
The mer were taken to the bag
gage car of he train and given
first aid vreatment.
Flying men here believe the
ascent of the plane had been too
steep and that as a result the
plane had stalled and then gone
Into a side slip.
The plane, valued at $2,8 IS
was badly damaged. It had been
on exhibit - here and was to be
taken to Seattle for a similar
showing there.
TOLEDO, O. When Mrs. Doro
vhy Kipllnger, prospective juror,
told attorney Robert Newbegln
that she was married, that her
husband was Dr. E. S. Kipllnger
and - Is a dentist, the attorney.
Telephone 380 IIS State St.
deeply interested In the case In :
which he was counsel for one side.-
of which was: "Is your husband
married?" Mrs. Kipllnger decid
edly showed great surprise while
the crowd In the courtroom
laughed heartily. But the attor
ney could not understand what
Auction Market
1610 North Summer Street
Consisting of
Art good, f 1800 of jewelery,
furnishings of the homes of A.
J. Tateman and Mr. Hurry;
also linoleum by the yard; lin
oleum rugs; Axntinster rug.
apples, potatoes, etc.
Sale Every Saturday 1:30 P. M.
svnd Every Wednesday
Night 7 I. M.
Cash Paid for Used
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Cbemeketa Street
Telephone 724
Keep Him Singing
Feed "Songster's v
Favorite" Heed
'parked for choice
birds by Flake's
Petland 78 State
FIXE TORIC isiflf Iihm. W In
var your glsMM (tart brekje.
Exatntioa to.
Thompaon-Glntsch Optical Co.
110 M. Com'1 St.
With est aywaUoa ar 1m ef
Oihw Blag.
for Your Noon Lunch 1
341 Chemeketa
Now Is the Time To
Plant Your
We are offerlno; a fine line
of fruit and nut trees at at
tractive prices, including
the famous Noble prune.
Don't miss seeing us before
buying. Twenty. years' in
the business.
Offiee 174 & liberty St.
Pains - Gas-Dyspepsia
Heartburn - Bloating -
Sourness - Nausea-1';;
vitality. b4 mk 111 niMrmlla. If yo
afftr from thi condition. do t poor
difMtiea. after trying all kind of thinf.
Tt tBoald make th
w xnotea i xta
ota Tt. Thoauidt
r Waff daliffhted.
Many aav t4r ata
efca foal Hka utw -Dlatax
la abaalately
karalaaa to 70011c
ar aid. - ytt work
wltk 1 graat apad
Eat la aoavfart. Try
Dtatax at omr risk
Maaar kaak fini
taa. - XW watt.
Doa't amffa. Oat
TXataa today. Only
Perry's Drug Store
U5.S Cosunerdal
:-- - -
I"" -
Distinctly Correct
John J. Rottle
Expert Shoe Fitters A
AXtl Btata Bi. Z Jl
That comes from honorable
year of serving In thla great
community are put at the dis
posal of all who seek the facil
ities of our organization.
Webb Funeral Parlors
Telephone 120
Rewound and Repaired, New
or lined Motors
Vluoiirti' & TODD
Things Electrical
191 South Hlh Tel. 2112
Ten Tears Practice In
Pbone 625
Dr. L. Ra Bnrdette
401 First National Ban Rldg.
Tour Old Typewriter
tor a New
VERY often people who are considering the purchase of a
modern writing machine are surprised to learn that some old
typewriter, which they msy not have used for a long time, has
a market valus and will be accepted in part payment. If you
have an old machine, perhaps you will be interested in learn
ing what it is worth. If you will fill In ths space below ws
will be glad to sire you whatever Information you require.
Quota me allowance on my ....... , .. . .Model No. ........
Serial No. Send full Information as to prices
and terms ( ) Send me a Corona for one week on free trial ( )
Name and Address
Typewriter Exchange
t i. w! saw
421 Court Si.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1863
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Let Kennell-Ellis
Make Your View and Commercial
- . mmm a srl
Pictures, Any lime, Any riace
Old Photographs Copied
Often you want old photographs reproduced, but fear entrust
lng them to strangers.
Our reputation assures ths safety and proper ears of your
picture, which wa will copy, enlarge, frame or hand color at
a price lower than the unknown agent can offer.
Kennell-Ellis Studio
429 Oregon Bids;.
Long and Short Distance Haulinf
Public and Private Storage
Fireproof Building,
Free Delivery to any part of the city.
Farmers Warehouse
Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-W
A Real High-grade Furniture
auction: s
Next Thursday. Feb. 16, 1 p. m.
305 South 23rd Street
0 Including
1 Bush Gerts Baby Grand Piano, 1 old Violin (a good
one), 1 Grandpa's Seth Thomas Floor Clock (this Is a
very old dock), 1 White Rotary, Round Shuffle Sewing
Machine; 1 Electric EJasy Washer with dryer; 1 7-tube
Holster radio; Phllco eliminator, 1 extra loud speaker
(if you want a good radio don't miss this chance, cost
1350.00); 1 Heater (No. 20), 1 Oak library Table,
Jacquard Vekrar Living Room Suite, davenport and two
chairs, all leather easy chair, mahogany davenport
tables, bridge lamp, table lamp, oak dining room suite, 4
Axmlnster rags, 4 beds, completes 2 dressers, rockers,
1 Pacific nickel enamel range, sanitary base with colls,
garden tools, cooking utensils and many other things.
The above list Is nearly all like new,
- I Particulars Later . , 1
BIr. Anderson has been transferred to Los Angeles, so
everything must go.
- W. Dt ANDERSON, Owner ; ,
- : ' Are the Auctioneers t , ,
271 W. Commercial Bt. Phons T5 IUt Down Town
te.-'Pget SonndtdueatotY wfllta-the4