) l 1 f THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON, S5UNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 12. 1923 'Fir 5 Gypsy Tribal Dances Shown in Photodrama s The patters n of a gvspy train .Death." which will culminate in Lue yiugcuuur ui uuiuoor a- Graham' onrf T nv ,vertialng. according to a theory Seitz. di rector of ' The Tigreaa." the Co l.umbia Picture production, star ring Jack Holt and Dorothy Re rler. which will be shown at the Capitol theater on today and to , morrow. Pietro. the Bold, resents a rep riE(ind given by Mona. the tigress, daughter of ins cr.nsr ana resolves to tame her. V.Tiile on a poaching expedition on the estate of Win ston Graham. Earl of Eddington, Mona's father ia killed. Pietro t. and Pippa, a mate boy, are the ii only "wltnfsed to the accident. ? V Pietro acet 3 Graham of the deed ;ind Mona swears vengeance upon ":.".-th earl. An injury renders Mona ' unconscious and a patient in the J?-:-rl's estate. Through her inro ; -.herent mutterings Graham reams that the girl is out for his life. He resolves to keep her at the ;,ra3tle by telling her that the Earl Wis away and that he is a servant. During the days which follow t-c a romance aeveiopu which is by Pietro. who lack Holt in 3 jiuua wun roreetune her .rengeance. At the camp, where he goe3 that nUht to inform her v' people of the reason for her delay, Pietro reveals the identity of Ora 4 : ham. conquers vengeance and Mona is unable to strike the fatal blow. pitro rushes in and prepares for Gra ham's execution, when Pippa. who . -as $t rudely shattered ;:-cHargea gj'. fiv THRILLING Sill II HERE THIS WEEK Another Zane Grey Story Comes On the Screen At Elsinore Theater The Tigress. a Columbia Production has been held prisonel by Pietro, escapes and runs to Mona. In sign language the lad tells Mona t.. .... . . 11 was rieiro ana not ura- Moaa. enraged over the decen- ham wi, ha.i L-mi i, has been uracticed ' r; v.. fS-if k leap3Kto a ArSe. aDd Graham. They both leap into a ;7wi,5T m?mn ot hr h- covered wagon and struggle wildly -iie. sDeas the frightened horses wuiuwuus uer men 10 cut tne T'tion which . ifiepoone wires and guard every r avenue of escape. Then she dash- -? lino lue r3ii iriemening the; jU3t as the aurmuicu Kueiu at a reception. . Graham admits Hie deception, and iioua to quiet the guests and ac, Jomplish he purpose, volunteers : to dance for them. She calmlv e irigniened norses plunge madly forward. As Piftro gets the upperhand Mona ride3 alongside, kills Pietro and rescues Graham wagon catapults over a precipice carrying the lifeless Pietro with It. As the girl aad the nobleman view the wreckage, the truth dawns upon them. They realize that now the way is clear awings Into the tribal 'Dance of for their courtship H FILM LAUGH CMS TO N ''Firemen Save My Child" To Be Shown For Two Days In Salem Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton. the greatest comedy team Ir. motion picture history, have come back to the screen in a pic ture which is said t outdistance both "Behind the Front" and "We're in the Navy now." This new laugh film "Fireman. Save My Child" will be shown at the Oregon today and Monday. ;v As uniformed laugh makers, t " Beery and Hatton today stand without peers in the film world. ' After appearing In doughboy garb find then in naval whites and blues, they have temporarily left the fed V, , eral service. This time they're lj wearing the fire fighter's garb. ' ' '- What these two have done with -f fire trucks, hose and water is de vVvrlared to keep an audience con- u Ued tu a riot of laughter from if'the opening shot to the final fade--j rout. They find themselves induct v.j ed into the fire department wholly v.ithout their own volition, and jvl-vi from the time they make their J1 '"'rst s"de down the pole in answer 2a? jto an alarm, they proceed to crash V through regulation and tradition Si with such careless abandon that giiuthey all but wrek one of the coun ivt'try's finest fire departments. fcjlL- Tom Kennedy, wlio was the r,-i Bli a rd -boiled sergeant of "Behlrid f-the Front" and the equally harder- toiled "chief crow" in "We re in ?ffrthe Navy Now once more rules Sliieir destinies with an iron hand ty s the fire captain, finding his ef- cisively in "Love's Greatest Mis take." Walter Goss appears as the Juvenile. Both Miss Dunn and Goss are graduates of the Para mount Picture School, who have been progressing notably ever since their graduation. Joseph Girard Is again with Beery and Hatton as the fire chief. Edward Sutherland, director, and Monty Brice. comedy con structor, who oervd iu those ca pacities for "Behind the Front" and "We're in the Navy Now" again directed the team's destin ies. ( One of the fastest moving, most interesting, thrilling and enjoyable Zane Grey stories that ha yet been made Into a motion picture will be shown on the screen at the Elsinore theatre Feb. 15. 16. 17 Under the title of "Under the Tonto Rim." this Paramount pro duction bring to the screen a tale of adventure and love and compli cated situations that brought gulps of deligiit from those in the audl- ' ence who admire these real Ameri , can pictures. ' "Lnder the Tonto Kim Is. un- i der the skin, a Western story Speaking more correctly, it may be termed a typical adventure yarn that bristles with amazing events. one following the other in ma chine-gun-like order The plot is laid in tRat part of the great . Southwest now known as Tonto Basin, at the time when It was a small rattle section nestled beneath the precipitous Tonto Rim in Arizona. The cry of "Gold" changes the town over night from a peaceful spot to a bustling gold camp. Gamblers. crooks, cabaret girls all of that type are drawn there. The story develops from the arrival of the Government claim agent, his intro duction to Sam Sprall. fearless gambler, and the ultimate loss of his money at cards at the hands of a harme&s and genial old prospect or. Dad Denmeade. Sprall accuses Dad of cheating, and shoots him in the back. Dying. Dad tella his son, Edd. Just who shot him. The claim agent believes he did the killing, and Sprall holds it over his head to get possession of rich gold ore claims. Right finally wtns. Sprall is sent out of town by the Vigilantes, organized by Edd, and Edd. wins the girl. Lucy, sister of the Federal agent. Ml ST.l; HI 'XT IS COSTLY RENO - Ridding the. Nevada range of mustangs is being ac complished at a cost of $7 a head. The expense of slaughtering th wild hor?e8 is calculated front fig ares suppLied by James E. Gurr, forest supervisor of the Toyabc national forest. Twenty-five men working under government super vision killed 1.04 6 of the animals in a single drive in lone valley. who have a large following by virtue of many successful pait per formances. make their debut as leading man and woman In a West era story. The others In the cast include Jack Luden, Harry T. Mor ey. Billy Franey, Harry Todd, Al fred Allen. Bruce Gordon and Jack Byron. Herman Raymaker directed "Under the Tonto Rim", and J. Walter Ruben wrote the screen play. C. Edgar Schoenbaum is credited with he excellent photog raohr. which helps to make the production more worth while. All In all. "Under the Tonto R!rnr is fine entertainment. LAMP IBM FOUND TO tTTMCT Fanchon and Marco's Latest Entertainment Idea Tak en From Home Fanchon and Marco's colorful "Lamnshade" idea comes to the Elsinore theatre today and tomor row., as the stage attraction, and It is most opportune now that nlghu falls early and. the light from lamps takes Its place In the home early In the-evening. Many are the thoughts that pass throurh our minds while sitting under the tinted lamp light, some fantastic and weird, often touch ing on the supernatural nand then thoughts of days gone by. of friends and maybe a love or of things we've done or wished for and so it Is with the "Lampshade" Idea, lust bits of everything a trip through shadowland The fiery and brilliant Spanish iota, danced as only the Original Casinos can the Sunkist beauties with lamp shade dresses, each a dream In itself David Reese, the silver voiced tenor Lewis and Kellogg, two oriental nymphs with their shadov.fy movements and Don and Dorina. a mighty clever pair these two, really this is one of the best Fanchon and Marco Ideas Richard Arlen and Mary Brian, we have had In quite some time time rts at disciplining his "rookies" more hopeless than ever. Every Kennedy appears in a film P.i'f with these two stars, he comes out ..jj?, with a few added gray hairs. though when he started with them -"t.fois mane was black as the ace of Ijf-epadee. $-' Love Interest in the film Is pro 'vided by Paramount'! fascinating fiTliew young blonde leading woman. Josephine Dunn, who scored so de- :r COMING SOON FEB. 26th II ..X ;i it win NO ONE SHOULD MISS IT! stir the hearts and imagina tion of the world. siLsnir5iais Tuesday Mite Feb. 14th Lillian WITH r i i ICtH uits MANS TUE. NAUTICAL MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS OF NEVJ yO&UOtlDON AND CHICAGO VICTOR ARTISTS COMING TO SALEM -Interesting Program Ar- ranged for Elsinore Next Sunday This is a rery high class musical act the names of the artlets in the ensemble guarantees a more than ordinary musical program. A musical act such as this has never before been booked over the circuit and for an ensemble of individual artists such as these tnen, appearing am they do as The Eight Victor Artists the Elsi nore one of the finest musical acts ever presented. They will be here February 19-20. Their program consists of light semi-classical songs, popular num bers, piano solos, a Xylophone solo, songs by the Peerless Quar tet and a number by the entire Eight. This Is a resume of their rou tine at the Metropolitan Theater. Los Angeles. Opening announce ment and song by Billy Murray, who also acts throughout the act as master of ceremonies. He then Introduces Frank Banta pianist who plays "Dancing Tam bourine" at the end of which two of the artists come on stage and sit at the other two pianos offer- Ins a Dlano trio of "Me and My Shadow" with a Tocal duet on tne last chorus. Billy Murray then In troduces James Stanley who offers a baritone eolo. after which he Is followed by Monroe Silver, the "Cohen on the Telephone" of Vic tor Records, he tells some funny stories and sings a few comic songs. He Is followed by Henry Burr, tenor who sings "Are You Lonesome Tonight" and as an en core "When you Played the Organ and I Sang the Rosary." Billy Muray then follows with some of! his comic songs and impersona tions, after which ha introduces Sam Harmaa, zylophonlst who of fers "Novelette" and as an an core "Mirhtr Lfk a Rose." The Peerleaa Quartet then offer sev eral numbers and the remainder of the ensemble finish the act. FIRE 10SS SHOO BITLVS RESULT FATALLY TO ONE; EXPLOSION GREAT LONG BEACH. Cal.. Feb. 11. (AP) A fire believed to have had its origin In a refinery today destroyed property, valued at $700,000 in the heart of the Sig- able nal Hill oil field here. Ray Thompson. SI. died late ttiia aftarnonn from burnt re ceived when a portion of the re rtnarv Avnloded. Thompson was alone In the plant. The flames spread to four near by derricks, which were destroyed. The fact that several thousand barrels of crude oil were shipped from the field a few hours before the explosion, prevented a much more serious fire, officials of the refinery said. Two hundred thousand barrels nr rrnrlA oil and 300 barrels of gasoline were consumed by the blase. The fire was brought un der control only after all avail- apparatus had been sum moned from the Long Beach rtia department. The concussion of the explosi :t was felt tor miles. Si , -v Coming To .Thrill You J BLIGH'S CAPITOL T V MUSICAL VUSKM QFUOKUM BY UEKKKI ICLDS MUS1CW VINaHT YOUMAKS. COMPOSM 5TOfttlWN1tfM VSCUAPrV The Original Casinos, thoee Cas tilllan dancers whose work hare brought them international fame, head the idea and Incidentally are appearfing for the last time on any stage. Don and Do rina's dance j la moat unusual you'll rainy hang on to your seats as they go through their steps, their "dance of the flame". The Sunkist beauties have some thing new In costumes, everyone a lampshade, and lighted with dreamy colors. Fanchon and Mar co have made this idea one of their most beautiful tableaux and with the acts heading it you're sure to see an exceptionally clever stage show. V To Help Equip Tour Better Home WE EXTEND THIS Special Off Your Choice of Three Premiums MANNING BOWMAN PERCOLATOR MAJESTIC ROOM HEATER or EXCEL COOKER FR With each Electric Range order we receive this week Delivery to be taken not later than June I st Portland Electric Power Co. 237 N. Liberty Salem Prices Floor: first 20 rows $3.30; last 5 rowa $2.7o. Mezzanine first two rows $3.30; balance $2.75 and $2.20. Balcony first 2 rows $2.20. next 8 rows $1.6 and last 7 rows $1.10 Tax Included. BOX OFFICE NOW DT ACTS 5 VAUDEVILLE Viola Vercler . Holman's Orchestra Totnjr Thompson At the Wuriitaer 'ijp XBRIETirS fl-r I ill II ! I VL ...J . L ZANE GREY'S LATEST j i - - - - -" - - 1 ) On (Ia J V JJ, 4 IHIOSS COOKING 100L AND X SPONSORED BY WILLAMETTE GROCERY CO. STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. VOLLMER CLEARWATER CO., Ltd. H. L. STIFF FURNITURE CO, FREE LECTURES and DEMONSTRATIONS! Given By Mrs. H. M. Cummins, Portland Authority On Better Cookintr Ethel Murdock with the Universal Electric Range At The Salem Armory February 14, 15, 16 and 17 EVERY AFTERNOON AT 2:00 P. M. IFflaEij? will be used exclusively both in bread and cake baking Elsinoflre Canned Goods will be Ceatnred ENTRIES All bread entries must be accompanied by a sales slip, showing the purchase of a 24 or 49 lb. sack of Princess Flour. Cake and roll entries must be accompanied by a sales slip showing the purchase of a 1 0 lb. sack of Princess Flour. No entries will be registered unless accompanied by this sales slip. PRIZES FOR ALL WHO ENTER! 3 t BREAD DIVISION First Prize... -..$10.00 in mercKandise Second Prize ....$7.50 in merchandise Third Prize... CAKE DIVISION 1st 2nd Best Layer $2.50.. ..$1.50 Best Sponge 2.00. .. 1.50 Best Angel 2.50:... 1.50 3rd .$5.00 in merchandise . . FREE! 5 Ib,t Birincess Flour to all who enter biscuits x , and a 10 lb. sack to all who enter loaf 1 $1.00 . 1.00 . 1.00 - t