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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1928)
MARKET AND MERCHANDISE SECTION. 8ALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1928 11 y v J 1 1 Coming Now A number of vegetables have made'tbieir first appearance for the season on the local markets within the last four or fire daya. Green onions, from the local gardens, are new and as such are moving pretty well. The California sweet potato Is reaching its last demand here, and is being supplanted by yams from Texas. Yams are Just arriving. The flrat carload of broccoli for ine wholesale concern came Just this week, Roseburg supplying the market. First cucumbers, which are both htgh and scarce, came in from Davenport, Iowa, a couple of days ft.""" A- S3, ago r lav tT,1 V. .nM.UA . "W ni l 1 1 1 1 i M I 1 1 (J 1 II IH AIIUIUBI TtvC new commodity, most of this com- Ii-lng from Sumner, Wash., although It la LK;uie uoiiujcu ju a 1 ' i ' from local hothouses. Mustard greens, also, have put In an ap pearance at an occasional place and command a fair price. Cabbage from the local garden is fast breathing its last and is be ing replaced by California's early crop. """"N. Among the increase to the fruit racke are the new crop of cocoa nuts Just in from the south and moving good. days, whether it be spinach or ba- nanas.r Produce is moving good, the merchants say; even better than at the corresponding period last year. Fruit, sale for some of which had clumped, is looking up again and the demand is brisk... The banana, that fruit most in tolerant of being left in the bin too long, looks to have been no drug on the market this week and scarcely was there a place where one could carry away a sack of over-ripe ones for a mere pittance. Oranges seem generally to be of good quality, hut some grocers report that the keeping quality is Lot up to standard of other years Turnover Is rapid enough, how ever, to prevent loss. Grapefruit is now at the middle of th seanon, and coming good. App'-s, especially the locals, are almost a thing of - the past oth at the wholesalers and re-.ail-jrs. S;itrenburgs are almost out, there bein? still a few Wine- saps and Rr.sruf npa'itis. The for mcr are shipped in from Yakima. Vegetables, too, are no drug. Onion Sets Demand Big Judging from the present de mand for onion sets at retailers, the fall onion crop will be small enough to bring a good prie There's really no hope for th grower in this, though, because the selling season for sets is ap parently a little slow they assert, and promises to be brisk if the present weather holds. Onion sets are selling now at 1 '0 cen'a a pound or three pounds for zd cents as a ruie. 4 i Celery Now From South 'Trimmings' Obtainable "Triroirinn!" o'trn make an )therwls (ommnnpiace z m e a 1 ail;hty attractive and because !ouewivps know this, those tnost desired may be found among the ocal grocery rows. incumbers aren t at all sea- on !- now, but Ju?t the same. iiey have a small demand even at thin time a year. That's why wholesalers have secured them all he way from Davenport, la., at 3 price of $5 per dozen. Parsley from California may be had for 75 fonts a dozen whole sale, pnd rreen peppers (though aome people like them for themr--elvir.-s) are high and of good qual ity here at 25 cents a pound whole sale. Irish Spud Low Priced The good -old Irish spud seems to have a peculiar range of prices among the local stores, but ev erywhere the price is lower than usual for this time a year, making them about one of the cheapest of foods. Prices run from 75 cents to $1.00 at one store, to all the way from $1.60 to $1.75 or even as high as $2.00 Burbanks in the main command grade be ing taken into consideration of course. There are also a lot of Yakima, Wash., potatoes on the market here, price differing lit tle from the locals, while the California sweets now run $6.00 a hundred wholesale, while the California sweets none going were SO cents cheaper. ft Vi A , Despite the fact that the Salem 1 territory is one of the greater celery producers in the country the celery that is consumed hr does not come from the field' about here. Labish celery, except for a few hearts that have been in storage has been off the market here fo some weeks and Chula Vista, Cnl. is furnishing this delicacy to lem tables. This is fresh and sell largely in the stalk. The southern variety sells from 15 to 25 cents retail, dependinp upon size and quality, while thf wholesale price is ranging from $4.25 to $7.25 a crate. ,1 Butter, Eggs Prices Firm Following the recent decline ir prices, both butter and epes hnv remained fairly steady on the local markets this week, and one mer chant sees, he believes, a contin uance of present prices unti1 weather conditions become suffio iently warnFTo cause a still lower butter price, . As for the down ward trend nf eggs, dealers say it is just simply a case of too mr eitss, despite a good consumption Epgf: were selling yesterday for 27 cents on up to 32 cer.ts in mr stores, and butter likewise varied a few cents from store to store New Tomato Supply Here Wrren't yon disappointed wher ou ordered" that last tomato salar1 t a lpcn! restaurant, only to have ho p; ripint waitress tell yov1 omatoes were a thing of the past? .Veli. that happens at some rest- !i rants, anyway. Put. with tomatoo just puttinp p thHr appearance from Mexico ;-f tables will b" turned, and "nr :ato salad" will be passe. The r!: of-tomato comine into tb ' "t rrrrui nrp from Mexico 0. re they are trro'n outdoorv The last of thf ;val hot houff imatos were cleaned cit at on roccr's the first of ihis week ind until the spring crop come n. outside ones will be sold there One rftaller had a few loca hot house ones for sale yesterday t 25 cents a pound, while th reneral price for the Mpiican fnr is around 30 cents at the stores Wholesale quotations for the for ten tomato v.-as $4.50 a 26 pounr" ug yesterday afternoon.- Cabbage is another "goner" ''om the local standpoint, only s :ttle of thnt prown around her -omainine: on the market at from to 4 cents. The new crop fror ""alifornia is coming into severa' 'ores, with a price range from to- 6 cents. Favor Local Vegetables Whether the "Buy home pro duce' idea is responsible. Or whether It's just because Oregon produce are naturally be.ter leaves little room for conjecture aa to why Salem housewives are pur chasing more loeal bunch vegeta blea than those shipped In. ' Loeal merchants report that preference Is for loeal bunch vegetables. Carrots, turnips, beets and par snips are all coming in from local gardens in goodly amounts this week and are turning fairly fast at 10 cents straight or three pounds for 25 cento, with the ex ceptions of parsnips which run about five cents. Carrots are" coming from the Portland islands also- and com mand from CO to 90 cents per lug of 30 pounds at the wholesalers, Imperial valley also supplier some arrots at 80 cents to 90 cents a lozen, wholesale. Local radishes of good quality have been on the market for a couple of weeks and are exper iencing a fair demand. These big vegetables retail for 10 cents bunch, in the main. Fresh Fruit Moving Fast Salem grocers are finding a ready market for practically every fresh fruit and vegetable these O O General Market O O PORTLAND ORAIK PORTLAND. Ore., Teh. 9. (AP). Whft idi: HBB hard white. Feb.. Mar fl.39: hard whit, blue itoi, tBrt. both months II 251. : federation., soft while weitern white, both $1.23; hard winter and wpitiri red all S1.21: northers (Drnf both $1.22. Oat. No. 2, 3d pound W. T. and ditto TT both $41. Barley, No. 2, 45 poand B. W.. both Corn. No. 2, T. T. shipment, both $38; ditto No. 3. Feb. $87.25, Mar. $38.75. Millrun, standard both $31. If that air conference that Mr oolidge is talking about is a hot ir might be held at 'leneva with the Russians present. -Indianapolis Star. o Salem TTarkets i r o o sain no. 1, wlieat. wlrte 1 KeA wheat, sacked $1.08 Oat, per bu. milling ..:..$ 4 fOBK, MTTTTON AlH BEEF Top hoyi S.85 Sows .OSHW.Oe Tep ateera 03.07H Oowa 03O.05H Pprinj lambs, dressed .13 Dressed Teal - 17 Dressed hofa .11 POTTLTET Ijipht hens HeaTy hen Pprlnfs Broilers ISf? 15 19.21 18 .30 EGOS, BTJTTEn. BUTTEBXAT Standards Botterfat Print Botter 47(5 HAT PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 9 (AP). ItT burinf prices: Kastern ; n trr oth'v $:0.50O31: ditto alle $lSf.fl 50: alfalfa $1818.50; oat hay $14 SO (a l: straw $9 per ton. Selliuf prices $2 a ton mora. VEGETABLES Beets, tacked New c abba re Potatoes $1.00(31.33 Celery, bnnches Sweet potatoes .02 H .0 !1.50 80(31.35 DAIRT PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 9. (AP). Dairr Firbtcre. net prices: Butter, extras 45e; standards 44c; prime firsta 43c: firsts 43Ve.- EiC. extraa 27 He; flnU 2te; wied'nm extras 23c; medium first 23c; under sized 'J'Jc. PRODUCE PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 9. (AP). I!utvrfat 46e station, 47 track, 49(3 52c fob Portland. Poultry steady; heary hens 2224a; light 1520c; sprinfs 20tle: Lfoi) ers 2325c; pekia white docks 80e; colored nominal; tnrkeys alire 2527e. Onions steady; local $1.80$2.25; po tatoes 75c v $1.25 aaek. T.TVEHTOtJlC T'RTLAND, Ore., Feb. 8. (AP). cv feeder pir. 15c hither; Teeerpts, 835, all 4Irect. resaar ua iwwpr " 7" 1-0 pounds medium to eheis $8.2o 9 25' ' ' 1 'Sheep and Iambs steady; receipt 45. 11 billed throu-U fbtjits aitd -vboetavb PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 9. (AP) Supplies of broccoli are liberal ,nd prices hae declined sharply, specially sme off erade stock ths Is ewntnt; from California. Crates ars plentiful at $1 each and $1.50 Is ths top for the very best. Good celery. Is scarce and prices are advancing. A" moderate- activ ity continues in the msrket with mber one stocks in the Sherwood district net tins; the growers "2.25 per svt, and sseks. A light srire inquiry i fominf for Oregon potatoes and a few sales of nearly faney stock hare bean mad at 85 90c per cwk, to the growers. CHICAGO OBATJf CHICAGO. Feb. 9. ( AP) Predictions of a dollar a bushel corn before th end of the seaaoa had much to do today with big buying which lifted prices fast." - Closing quotations on corn were buoy ant at the highest level sine early in December and showing an 7-8 to 2 5-8r ' net adranr compared with yesterday's finish. Wheat closed 1-8S9U to 8-8e MA! X2 MAHHuf f 4 I a ps-.o radio is snu. tn ' ITS INFAJHCY JuoenH& BY THE CUAX BERRIES NOTED The holiday season is long past. but cranberries were noticeable in noe or two stores this week, ellinsr at 35 cents a pound. The iemand is slow, although the ber : ies are of good grade and keep- ng fine. FARMERS' DAY A LI C T 1 THIS SATURDAY 1 P. M. F. N. Woodry's Auction Market 1610 N. Summer St. la Jersey Giant chicken 20 Barred Rooks, 20 R. I. Red. SO chick brooder, 2 sec. spike tooth harrow, 1 cream separ ator, tools, furniture of all kinds, rugs, linoleum and lruuiy oilier articles. Farmers, bring in what you hare for sale. Auction every Saturday. Cash Paid for Used Furniture PHOXE 511 "LAMPSHADES" THE ORIGINAL CANSLNOS SPANISH DANCERS Lewis and Kellogg Simultaneous Dancers Don and Dorina Adagio Team David Reese Silver Voiced Tenor LAMPSHADE BEAUTIES It1?! an Matinee . Children . Lodges . Evening . Children . Lodges . 50c 15c 60c 60c 25c 75c Monday Matin 25c "LAMPSHADES" on the Screen "FRECKLES" Monday Matinee 25c 0 Sunday Monday THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMEDY TEAM WALLACE RAYMOND JOSIfMINC DUNN TOM KENNEDY 1 a CDWUOSUTHIItl 'FREHEN.SAVE MY CHILD' Here They Are Fast-; er and Funnier -Than Ever Coming to THE ELSINORE ZANE GREY'S LATEST Under the Tonto Rim 8 VICTOR ARTISTS (In Person) And Jean Stratton Porter's "FRECKLES" Feb. 19-20 Kolb and Dill (In Person) On the Screen A Legionaire in Paris" Feb. 26-27 Coming to the OREGON Running Wild are YOU fit 1 Aster f Six 1 To Marry Daya tit 7L Chambers & Chambers Phone 593 357 N. High St. SALEM, OREGOiI c NOISES IT f7T The plumbing that Is "not-so- good" soon broadcasts Its In feriority by continual, annoying repair bills. Be right atthe start. "When yon need a plumber. you need a good one!" . H. EGNER - - ' 1615 Center Street Phones .352 and 1S10-W Fine Fixtures Standard 'Equipment Another lot of Beds at the surpritingly low Price characteristic of this store See others then see our " . Steel Bed, Mattress and Spring $17.95 am 340 Court Street J I Wntr is ONE THIRD OF LOVELY YOU When you realize that one-third of lovely you . - a . . . hosiery . . . then this matter oi hosiery becomes very significant. And more than likely, your choice will be the beautiful, aristocratic hosiery of McCallum. Lustrous service weight for daytime, shimmering cobwebs for evening we have them alL Some of the late Spring Colors that have just A arrived MISTY MORN CHANELLA GRAIN Atmosphere biscuit al'oma t SHADOW TEA ROSE LILAC NUDE CLOUD. SUlHosiog Ask ahout our special selling plan. It will save you money and give you. better hose. Dr. L.-J. Williams Well Known Foot Specialist Now Here THFPRIfT - - Y Repair Work in ; ;.Our New Shop r -- .- . .. v- : : : 1 - - . 8 np and U at $-8e to H5-8o gain.