1 i i ti 10 MARKET AND MERCHANDISE SECTION, SALEM, OREGON,. FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 2928 1 keoflcal? A trial will prove its merit. You must be satisfied - you are the judge - under the pos itive money back guarantee. Ml T Friendly Credit to All" I $10.00 GENUINE KRYPTOK BIFOCAL GLASSES! $10.00 Frame Included For Far and Near Vision FRAMES Any kind you want $1.00 and up. Reading Glasses in frames $2.50 Toric Reading Lenses $4.00 All Work Guaranteed Examination FREE! SAVE DOLLARS SEE US FIRST! BATES "The Eye Man With Burnett Bros. 99 457 State St. WILL THE UNITED STATES EVER FORM Union of Church and State? IF SO, WHAT WILL BE THE RESULT 7 These questions will be answered from the Divine Word SUNDAY NIGHT, FEB. 12 at THE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Corner of N. Fifth and Gaines Sts. For Commercial or WE CURE SICK 'BATTERIES ! Batteries don't tell us about every little pain. They wait until they are too sick to work and then we wish we had paid more atten tion to them. An occasional inspec tion at our service station will keep your battery healthy. Auto Electricians VICK BROTHERS rfigh t. at Trade Salem, Oregon PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY See KENNELL-ELLIS Oregon Building Am Invitation to Attend OPEN HOUSE "' W4 :.WTsV I' i JPbeto by Kennell-Elli. I The Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company will hold an open house on Thursday, .Friday and Saturday of this week. .We cordially invite everyone to inspect our new home, which the Chevrolet Motor Company recognizes as a model Chevrolet plant. We have installed every special tool and piece of equipment that the factory recommends for the efficient servicing of Chevrolet automobiles. In cluded is a complete repair shop, grease racks, wash rack and Duco room. All models of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet will be on display. $100.00 FREE A credit of $100.00 on any model of-the new Chevrolet will be given to someone absolutely free during this open house. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 430 No. Commercial St. NEXT DOOR TO SALEM'S NEW PUBLIC MARKET Telephone 951 if:. Genuine Leather :'Bags and Other Traveling if Ui -.Si - Oar Big Reduction Sale of Luggage has been a success both : from our standpoint and that of every purchaser. , n WHY NOT USE Transportation That You Can Afford? 3t Our aim was to reduce our large stock of luggage so as to use a part of the space for other goods. Every purchaser has saved from $3,00 to $5.00 on each piece of baggage bought during this sale. Still more pieces have been added f o r today's C; ' : SEE W I N D O W -D I S P LA A "WE 2600 ponada to carrr oo man? Rlda die mw way and m 6 to 9 cents vcry mil. Tha Haday Darldaoa SlagU tha mm typm motorcyda take yon over the toad comfortably, afely, quickly. 80 aallca per gallon ef gaaoUa Inata4 of 10 to 201 R2i2lEY WIT TT Wi The 6 Days Starting Monday. Februsoy 6 Will bo Known As Opportunity Week flThls Week Is Opportunity Week. Read Each Coupon on This Page Very Carefully. Use Your Head Use Your Pencil Nominations Open Enter Today THINK! ACT! DO! WIN-CAMPAIGN JUST STARTING. DONT PUT OFIJ' ENTERING TIL TOMORROW TOMORROW NEVER GETS HERE Halo X amber 30 from tfMuBaUa- ad Bgalafjona aa pmb. llabed at thm bogmalaa of tha eaoipalgafya4aau) feUawai 10. Tha waak of Tatoruary'alxth ta rabraary alaraath. In alaslra, will ba known a opportunity waek. During tbia Uma tbara will ba a rota boaua of two bandrad tbouaand extra Tota for vrtry four raaawal inbaerlptlaas of not laaa than one year each; fonr hundred tbonaand extra rotee for erery four new anbacriptlona of not let tbaa one year each and aaren hundred thousand extra TOtea for each elx-year iub - acrlptlon, either new or renewal, but only two alx-year aub aerlptlona ean be turned In to apply oa thla extra offer. ( Opportunity Coupon How to Jump Into First Place Individual Offer 700,080 EXTRA VOTES To each cmadidata turning in jost one 6-yeay nbtcrlptioa (either new or old) to The Statesman either by mail or carrier, before Saturday nighi February It, at 10 o'clock. Only two 700,000 coupons will be credited to any candidate on this individual offer. - This la an unparalleled opportunity afforded en tirely new candidates and the candidates of lower Tots standing: to jump into first place. Name of Candidate . Subscriber's Name . . t.TWs 700,000 coupon Is in addition to the refu lsr vote 'schedule and 'does not interfere with it la any way. . : Opportunity Coupon Good For 200,000 EXTRA VOTES Tale Coupon, accompanied by four (O new er old oneyear (or lonaer). aabacrlytlena to The Stataanaa either by ift&ll or carrier, wUl entitle any candidate t 200. 00 extra votea and boaua aa per tha regular vote aehedule. The four aaaea of aubeerlbera niuat be p?attr written on eoapoa. tofethey with the eandieeie'b kcai Poaltlrety only one eoapoa aocepiad far ever? tear (4) aubeerlbera. Ton may uaa aa many tQO.tvo coupaa rs you like. Thla coupon must be need before Saturday nlgnt, February 21, at 10 o'eloch. Candidate's Name Sfubscribers: 8. "4 I I MotorcSrcie 1 OUlQlO HARRY W SCOTT Tit Cjd. IUxT 147 V-y. Cc-nT Ft"