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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1928)
-"""MARKET AND MERCHANDISE SECTION, SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1928 663Tnffime no Isnuesr99 Don't waste it trying to work with an old, broken harness. If it's" too good to throw away take it to Shafer for repair and oiling and it will last much longer. If it's worn out, secure a new set made by Shafer. His price will save you money. When you need luggage, brief cases, purses, gloves or belts to run your machinery, remember that Shafer has it, if it's made of leather, and his price will please you. "NOTHING TAKES THE PLACE OF LEATHER F. E. SHAFER 170 S. Commercial Established 1891 One of the Best Harness and Saddlery atabllshmcnU in the Valley. 'WW PRICES REDUCED Pettyjohn's Better Automobile Values Greatest Bargains Late Models Old Price $ 650 1926 950 1926 675 1926 1025 1926 550 1926 1100 1926 Prices Cut Down To Jewett Coach . 575 Nash Special Six Coupe 845 Dodge Coupe . . . 585 Bulck Victoria ... 885 Special Six Nash Enc . 690 Bulck 4-Door Sedan . 1025 Greatest Bargains Greatest Bargains Studebaker Ford Durant Rds Nash Open Cars As Is . $ 50 Essex ... 5 99 85 Franklin . 145 135 Ford Coupe 65 . 50 Oldsmobile . 245 Chevrolet $49 Pettyjohn's Used Automobiles are Always Found to be Worth While Values. The Price on Pettyjohn's Used Automobiles Is Always Reasonable and Right. Pettyjohn's Used Cars Represent Merchandise Strictly Recommend ed by High Class Attention and Sterling Busi ness Methods. , ; ... t , ' .t- ; , F.-W. PETTYJOHN CO. J 365 No. Com'l. St. .Telephone 1260 "After We Sell We Serve" . Use Theater Coupon on Page One Shrubs Rose Bushes Shade Fruit & Nut Trees Why risk soft California-grown shrnb offered by peddlers when we offer acclimated Northern grown stocks? Pearcy Bros. 178 S. Commercial Large Stock to Select From Advance Style Notes in the Spring Footwear Parade i Idealizing: the ingenuity of clev erest shoe modistes these ad j ance creations of lovely foot wear. OBSERVE THE NOVEL f STRAPS - The Intricate Cutouts The Use of Lattice-work The Two-tone Effects. All very moderately priced. Sea display windows featuring the new styles and art of the Style Show. Visit Oar Choe Repair DspartsM Prompt Barrios Fitzgerald-Sherwin Motor Co. Corner Liberty & Cbemeketa Telephone 1122 A fine car for less than half! Why wait? Little Cash! Ride and Pay! 1926 Chrysler Sedan 1926 Chev. Sedan . . . 19 27 Chev. Coupe . . 1924 Jewett Sedan . . Buy a fishing car for $950 $475 . $600 $500 .$75 Fitzgerald-Sherwin Motor Co. Corner Liberty & hemeketa Telephone i; "V2 "The House of Conrtcus Service" Our Stock of MORCROP Field, Garden and Lawn Fertilizer will arrive within a few days; when we will be in a position to make prompt delivery. Anyone interested in fertilizer for their lawn, garden, or field grains should get in touch with us and learn the facts about this wonderful fertilizer, MORCROP. Ask any one who has used it. CHARLES R. ARCHERD Implement Company Good Furniture A Practical Investment 210 State Street Salem, Oregon New Spring Suits Tailored for Men Your choice of over 300 Spring and Summer Suits Patterns for 1 928 Blade to Measure Guaranteed to Fit D. H. MOSHER TAILOR 474 Court St. m 105 This Distinctive Suite Will Add Luxury to Your Home J at Small Cost You will find comfort, smartness and superb sat- 0 isfaction in this living room group. It is staunchly built with spring filled cushions, spring edge construction, graceful roll arms, and richly carved frames. The set comprises a club chair and standard size davenport, all upholstered in heavy Jacqyard Velour. A wonder saving at such a low price. ; r"" TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNIT BrEv4 Let your old furniture help pay for the new. Just i select the furniture you need and our appraiser will ollnw vrtii iha iraliio nf vnur nlrl flirnitlirp nn fh nUr ! T J m. - - I chase price of the new. It's a service you will appre ciate, especially at thia time of the year, as so many people are finding out. Give us a call. Terms Without Interest EmmpeFlall gMllllllllllillll inc TLlJ i ii i i i i m n a ; j i t ii i i i n n un ii in iai n i u ui; i iii utiiuiiu in in i iui inn r uiiiiiiaiuuiijataurts- li 467 Court Phone 1142! I nwv IL " I Irw Tr?Tl dfPTrn cm run 1 1 IVI 1 lUli ''MA. I L I IIIIII w " . W W J W J . . B M M 7 MM I m mm m J V M I M M V i 1 II COVTgACT COMPACTS BY POIRETTE are batter than corsets because they correct the figure outlines and give comfort to the wearer. Models for stout, medium, and lender figures. GTfje &perialtp &fjop Miss Reuska L. Swart New Location 244 N. High St. is n All the New and Late Styles, we carry a Com-? -plete stock all widths and sizes and you can be ' correctly fitted. Most Styles This your Brake Thb TrsDrmU Lata b giv Ing beaks) Inaaraace to thoat ends of tnotortot wbo wast perfect brakea. It takes tha gfoovai and scotta ejsjt o tsa drnma, aavms llnlngt and . tins. . It troes the drn to atop wneras wear. No brakao . should be refined without bavw inr the drmna txned and peri . fecUy smooth. Aa4 that! part oc MKEPANEK t SALEtrS BRAKB 8PECX4XIST 275 S. Commercial gt, Hjdraullo and Beadlx Brako : THERE IS MORE STYLE AND REAL VALUE ; IN A IOli3HEi:i lh DxlW inAn An i onubui iiil wuhlu. wUlVLci iri AND GET YQUR SIZE NQW. tr. U J. Williams illio "well Iqxaw foot epeo ialist In Chargo of Chiropody Department ipa-nnisfo; SK0Z Axel Jacobson in charge of Jour Newly Equipped V Repair Department'-; 1-