0 Place of Buyer and Seller-Read ThemUse Them For Quick Results THE OREGON STATESMAN; SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 4. 1928 t 25 TO TRADK 840 PLANO TOR GOOD automobile. Sao Burk at Pitig.reld STierwia Motor Co. V? hTtE CA B I N T SEWlNvi , ACHiXE. - int like new, one third of;- Term if drred. Telephone 2S89J1 CEDAR POSTS. BUT DIRECT FROM the ear t:ay at reduced price. Houth era Peetlic siding. Wayne Barber riitni 2086 J. PEDIUREED AIRDALE HALE PUPS 4 month old, a bargain if Ukn before Dee. 15th. H. P. Butterflid. Pacific FOR SALE y t Mwy- Woodbora, Ore. Tel. Uua. WANTED Live Stock 26 C A TTLE 1 NEED CATTLE OF ALL kinds. Lt m make 70a aa offer be fare 70a tall your. Just phona 234. or Walter Corbet. 1385 N. 2 1st. FOR SALE Live Stock 27 UIOH UKADE JERSEY HF.IFERS FOR sale. lna to freshen v.ry toon. Call a i rad barn near Piuser slat.oo, five mile southwest oa Kivemde Drive Clem Yeager. VETERINARIAN 28 FKED W. LANGE. VETERINAJtl AH Offica 829 8. CommoreiaL TaL 119a. Kn Tal. I860. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWIXO. PHONE 1877. North Commercial. lolO WOOD FOR SALE 30 GOOD DRY WOOD. PHONE 72F3, M. . Maytield. FOR GOOD WOOD CALL 0. D. QUERY. . Pnoue 127F21. GOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOD D. A. I armar. Ttl. 030. 1-5 IX. OLD FIR M 50 PER CORD rick) Tal. 3183. r o I. t ALL TRACY'S FUEL YARD FOR OOOD wood Phona 231f. Al l. KIM'S OF WOOD. C. A. 11C&R. r: 2023 j. 1 . INCH OLD FIR. DRY 2ND GROWTH, siil ash. C. I'. Harbaugh. 103S High I n.-i I Ave. 1'hon.j 1990. C 7S3R FOR DRV FIR AND OAK. i'i rxntead full cord. Best wood in ui a M. Wood. C. I SEE ) A. ASDKRSON Fft WOOD TO BURN SM.K.V1 T1UNS. FUEL CO. CK.NF.RAL TRANSFER WORK. TEL. 620 IT IN' H OLD (iUOWTH FROM LAIUIF. a.i :il treei. in). Dry second growth, : . I'hone -u J. OOOD OOAI. - DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES IDLLMA.V FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. BF.ST GRADE OF WOOU Dry wood 4 ft. and IS Inch. Large loads are cheaper t buy. Mil! wood 14 oaf tpe slty. Piompt del.e-ry ant reatooablc price. FHED E. WELLS 20 8. Ch irh Tel. 1542 POULTRY AND. EGGS 32 l . i WHITF LFUkloRX HKSS AND PI L :tt 99.00 per doreo. I'hone 275S-J. F ilt SALE -BLACK MINORCA PI'I, let aad co'kerelt. E J. Avert, Tel. 1 "if! FOR SALE. 150 WHITE LEGHORN pl tts full blood, good s'.ratu. Tel. 17T5M. v BABY CHICKS EF.RY VOXDAY AND Tue4ay.--6 leading varieties. Best lcM-a! stoi'k Privet rtinb!e Salem TI-. n:kerie. Z'i Noith to;'.sg Street. Saim. B n F F rTNP COCKERELS -REDS. BAR red Rokv White Rockt. White Wyan dotte. Buff Orpingtona. Excellent in dividuals at reatomtbl prtcet. Com and see them. Phcns 13iF2. Lee'i Hat -hery. POULTRY WANTED ANT KIND. SIZE or amoi'nt. top market, highest rath prfte Salsm Poultry Co,, 145 Center St.. Foot of trta brldg. Phono 1490. ItABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH lug--Expert tervice mean afficlenry and hifh 'luai.tj. All baby chick from pirent stock Offi-isily letted and Of ft.'ial'r Approved. bs em's oldest Cua lm Hstchlng plant. Phona 183F2. l. Hatchery. ii W D. TESTED HICKS! HUSKY chi'ks. Rocks, Reds. Anconat; 17c by the ilioutand. Leghorns 14 We by tba thousaad. M'uorras 20 by the thoa eaii'i. Buff Orpingtons 924.00 per bua drad Free catalog give prices oa smaller lota and instruction on rare of chicks. Flak, s Petlaad. 278 Stat fetreet. WHY PAY TWO PROFITS ON BABY ehicktf Buy direct from pooltry farm. Chicks from pur Hantoa ha mated to rooster direct front Hanson' Log horn farm with dam of high egg red urd. Strong healthy chik guaran teed. 811 00 huadred. Mr. Ruby Lau baa. Rt. , Bo 124. Tal. 44JI1 MUSIC STORES 33 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHOMO graph. aawiag masaiae. shoot atusl aad piane atadlos. Rapairiag pbaao graphs and aawiag atacblnea. 439 Stat street. Salens. KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY SOe order Kodak, work. Bawliaga. Portlaad, Oro. ' Newspapers Magazines 35 THE PORTt.AND Xef.rUIRAM SALEM Agency. The Aee. Tel 9t9 THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your boat early each morning. Tel. 23 or oil. FUR SUBSCRIPTIONS OR RENEWALS for Harper' Basaar. International Stu dio, Motor Boating or Town aad Coun try. Tel. 2S89J. IF YOU WXT TO GET THE BEST farm paper aend f:v 2 cant (tamps ta the Pacific Homestead, ga'eat. Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription Mention this ad. 1MULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO rent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest Journal in the Welt. The articles and adver tisement r of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry journal, ill . loin mere iai St.. Salem, Oregon. .. NURSERY STOCK 36 FINE LINE NIRSERY STOCK. AISO some Towering Hawthorae. Se those tree be for buying. Willamette Val ley Ktirtery. Home phone 70P3. Sale vard 2J9 Court St.. across street from flusick s tvr PAPERHANGINQ 37 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paprhnging. tinting, etc Kallablo workman. PAINTING 38 CH A8. BENXET-- t-AIJCTINO CON tractor, ptinting, psr hanging. 22.83U 197 Wot Millar. MISCELLANEOUS 39 POR SALEM SCAVEN0ER SERVICE esll 167. - TOP GRAFTING Aaron wanting trees grafted call at PrultUad Nursery, 174 8. Liberty or telephoB 1775M. MISCELLANEOUS 39 OLD MIRRORS RE SILVERED. PHONE ?., iitiu r? . rURXITL'RE UPHOLSTERINQ AND RE-l-atrlng. Gie Pcwer Furniture Stora. FOR 8ALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 19 cm, a ninsie. Statrsmaa office. SIS bo ut o Commercial. WHITE RCCYTCU rn' in t- c-t-t-. Bale i White Flog. Register onmbar a-trT.ra guaraaxeei. Puppies grown aio-:x tar taie. Mr. Ben n.tl. 1020 Cheniktn. Phona ltl. 8TOVF.S AND STOVE KEFATR1NO STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. AH ktads of nm wire fence. Faacy and plate. He basket aad book. lcaa hjeka. galea Peoe cd stova Works. 150 Caw street. Are You All There? Chemical analytic of the batman body above that it it composed of the folWw iug elements: Oxygen. Gerboa. Hyilro gen, . N:t.oren. Caicium, Phosphorus, Potassium Sulphur. Sodium Chloride), Magootiuui, Iran, ludina. Ftuariue, Kill ;oa, Z Df, Mangaoeaa. Voa eupily your bndy eritb tbeae chemical elements through tf&e food yaa et. ids air yea breeiLa and tke water ou dru.k. Good health depenaVs much upon tke -lieu.lt try cf the body, at that auppliad and maintained. Usuy refined fooaa ia .ommoa use today are bjekiag to oa alarming extent ia these Tltal aad bealtk promoting propert.es, and tbla doficiaaey it responsible for many chronic aliments. Pacific Health-Ore ia rich in the majority cf toeae elements and ita use hat arcompliabed inarTelous retulta in restoring health. Gia Nature a chance - you'll be sorprned at her re sponse. Si-IE YOLK DRUGCI8T TODA.Y LOST AND FOUND 41 LOST IX DOWN' TOWN DISTRICT blsrk n1 jiild fraterrity pin. kite fi'.spfJ ll. J d amonds. Reward. I.eio at titutesuiau WILL PAIiTY WHO FOUND WHITE irold wrist watcn. amathyst setting; In stem, black leather ttrap, Thursday erening on Ltberty street return to Mlxpab . 1'alruerton. Y . N . C. A Watch valued highly at gilt. Sub ttantlnl reward. PIANO TUNERS 42 EDWJI KD WHI.r-F.XPFRIENCED Piano tuner, i.eoea rdr VilU Muaie Stare. PERSONAL 43 W. T. RIGDOX'S NEW BOOK IS NOW reaJy on sale ft any of tbn hook atore. Tb s is an all Salem Book, written in Klera. printed in Salem, and should be mu by Salom people. PRINTING 44 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PVMPH let. program, bciooljt. or auy kind of printing, oall at the Stall taian Print ing Department, 215 S. Coiamarcial Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5H . T. L. Wood. 341 But St. P. H. BELL. 219 U. . BANK BLDO. Resldeare and busiueas loans. Tel 007 or 2141 W 91500 to loan on Salem property. F. G. DELANO 290 N. Church. Tel. 2830. MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on city property. B. S. 3Jatiu and L. R. klertin. attorney. 413 Oregon Building. Tel. 2084. Money to Loan on real or peracual security. John H. Sectt. 805 Oregon Bldg. CITY .XD FARM LOANS AT LOWE8T rate. Best term obtainable. Our insurance department offers yon ox pert advice and eervlce in all llaee. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. 142? 905 Oregon Bldg. I have a client that wants to buy a few food fust mortgagee on real estate. HOMER D. FOSTER 315 ltt Nat. Bank. Tel. 842 OUR INSTALLMENT LOANS MAKE IT EASY POrn YOU BECAUSE 1 Yon steadily red use the principal with bat little greater monthly oaV lay .ban rent. 2 You dan't have the total priaelpel duo 'In a lump cant which may h difficult t meat. 8 Oa a loaa of 91000 for S years jroar total interest I 8218.80. 4 You are doing business with aa old established firm. ANDERSON RU. RT. Realtors 169 8. High Street. Tal. 1844 Correspondents, Equitable Saving aad Loaa Association WANTED LOANS 46 HAVE OI IENT WANTING 91800 LOAN. First Mortgage. P. G. DELANO 290 X. Church. - Tel. 2830 WANTEi Private meney to loaa oa REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHOR8T ft CO. 184 . Liberty St. PLUMBING 47 PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grabar Broa.. 144 S. Liberty Tel. 550. BUSINESS OPPR. 48 Pleating outfit hemstitching ma chine, button outfit machine. some stock, for sale cheap or exchange for real property. Call and we will let the owner show it. BARBER ft BOND I.C5 X Liberty '.'00 Gray Bldg. MINUTE MpVIES RAIDERS -Ten JUSTAS -C RUSTLE V?f vjJAT V3.0M To TaRC Ht CWWER'Cf t T'BA Returns - T?OM Tb -)N 49 Radiolas For eery parpoaa, for ecry purse -All ataadard aliea at Radio Taeoa. KOrr ELECTRICAL SHOP. IJ5 Court St. Tal. 489. FOR SALE Houses 50 S Roora. all asodara beat a. coraor lot. garage, going te Coaada. Pla4o ajkm windows, hardwood floors. Kodaeod to 8100.00. S800 bays a 5 room eoiiod beaaa paved at., part of oaTemant saai. si da- walks ia. sotBo tanas.' 8A&00 buy a avow, ail modera & rooas -with aock aad apaAaira. which ia ant finished. Ia-good loeattoa. easv otdarable eaok waatod. Party aeoda aaaoay. will saoxifica new all asodara Uca 4 roost Wm oa sovod stsoot. oaot xtelsns. Is ran tod for ffTS a month. Triee $8W. 000 boys aa 8-raoaaod bows, am state ud most bo -sold. Oaed loso tioa to rant roans. Cash dool. SQUARE. DEAL REALTY CO. 20C V. 8. National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE 51 BY OWNER A REAL BARGAIN FOR quick sale. 7 room modern bora, large lot. paving paid, garage, fruit. 1140 N. 15th. For Sale Nifty three room bunga low. with furniture, pared street. 92700. New two room hous. large lot with fruit treat, fine location gldOO. Apartment bouse close la to ex chug for small farm. GEO F. PEED r. I.. WOOD ?41 State St. 4 rm. '.ouse, cor. tot 81700, pared street. . N. a E. froni corner. Jll'.O. 6 rm. house, parsd street, chicken park, garage. $J900, 200 down. 6 rm. house, pared atr. E. front, fsr ge. 8001. easy psymeota. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 4dl Court Street GREATE8T TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 8000 proportion listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. W eaa match your exchanre EXACTLY. If you would like to trod your property TO DAY, com in TODAY. See G A SKILL ft EARLE. Realtor 166 8. Liberty. Tel. 1242 VIEW LOTS Why live in the fog when there ttill are wonderful view lot to b had at very low pri.et! T can fit yon out at from 8650 00 to 8800.00 for lot which in the near future will tell for lota more mnnev k to be shown. A. C. BOHRN8TEDT Realtor Loan Insurance 147 No Com 'I St:. 8alem, Oregon. OWNER WRITES US TO CUT THE PRICE AND 8KLL His homo here of 5 nice room, built ina, good plumbing, basement, furnace, nice lot. paved street and walks in close to school. House now vacant Price anly $3000 with 8500 caih, bal easy. SEE LF N. CHII.DS CO. Realtor 320 Stat Street. Phone 1727 ' 'BLIZZARDS'' This word had "a real meaning to us when we lived bark In the aaat or mid dle west. No wonder people keep flocking Into such a beautiful city aa our where the nowers bloom and tbe grass grows ail winter. A new family wsntt a modern, tii room house to rent. Csl! up aad lat us know about yours; sometimes with in an hour we' are able to pat owner and renter in touch with each other. We have a Ford oupa in good con ditlon. to trade for a Fordnr or Tu dor with Ruxtell gear, and pay differ no. Cll ns on Anything w will find you a house and tell you how to gut out of paying rent if you'll jast give use a chance. O. K. MIDDI.FTOX Room 304 Oregon Bhlg. Phone 2408 Now You can get 10 acre near Salens with new, fully modern boase, lsnd nearly all planted to berries and fruit; a good buy tat 87000, or will trade. 1 Is A 5 room modern bungalow and gar age at 68400. vary easy term about what you are lookine fori The Way to appreciate this IS acre with new room plastered bunga low 7 miles from Salem is ta go out and see it. Pries 83500. Essy terms Time will tell when yoa buy this S room plastered bungalow, full basement and garage at 6000. It is the greatest valu in a house you could think of. leTo rant and not to buy mean loss to him who doe not bay this new 8 room bungalow, woodshed aad fruit hoots at 91000, assy term. Buy this 100 acrea -6 mil front Saloa with Improvements, good foaeo. Juat at school. Has running wa ter. Price 98000, aa term A (toek of groceries and fixture at In voice, a money maker, 1st us show it. Homo ia Salem to trad for amall farm. If you have anything tell ut shout ft. ULRJ0H ft ROBERTS 129 N. Com'l Phone 1854 I.AFLAR SPECIALS 8 room house, '2 fine lots, large wood hoaso, garage, la small town near Sa lem. Term. 1 Nice apartment hous on paved street, close to bus line. 4 two room apartment and 1 three roora apartment. Doobl garage, good wood house All in first class order. 94500. Ttrmi. Trad for good small houte. Good 6 room bungalow all modern ap to date. New garage. Pavement in and all paid. An alegaat home. Price 9420O. Term. ' WE WAST Strictly new modern borne to trade for 13 H acres 4 miles oat on paved road a real country home. 30 acre, close to Saleui, Bldg. mod ern : lights, hath, etc. Some fruit rich soil -trade for nice Salem home. 10 acres North River Road. No bldgs A bargain for quick sale. All under cultivation. Beautiful modern English bungalow North Kalem, 8000 good Urmt (General Insurance Loan Bonda I.AFLAR ft LAFLAR Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg. HAVING FALLEN IN LCTnTE MlTU THE MJ00MDEO iSy. UWOM S4E AND HER FATHER rWMON DIABLO r?AN(3E . SALLY &ecAjt?e HE. AVB VkS NAME AS BILL RADIO -Tftti-ru VCM ift MELLO, VUHAT ALL )J REAL ESTATE 51 WEEK END BrCCIAL 9200O to loaa' oa 1st xaortgaga. Iot b tacks swath of State oa stroot to bo Bared this roar, carba are la 9850. Lot with livable ah ask, plaaeassrg la aad baaoavsnt dac lumber all bow aad eaa V seed ia new boat or ssa Vs asol as is far aaauaar, 9700. 8roas aew.evplaatblnc, hot aad oold water, pared stroot. 8150. bfadora d roaaa, largo lot. oast froat, furnaoa, fireplace, garage, 8 bedrooaas, 94400, or wQI rent. BARBER BOND 900 Qrar Bldf. lit ti. Lfbort. QUAWT HKW SPANISH TYP1 BUN OA LOW Seatetklag aatlraly diffaroat, aaodara oeorr way. garaa. Hollywood LMatriet, 900 dowa, balaaoo like roat. STRIEINO ENGLISH TYPE HOME Haw. oast osatsr, ctaao to t tares, 7 las ahaaefal reaant. geraae. aothiag ta titiaiso. asso of the fiaast boats la Sa lsav. Saerifle fuiek sal. BUILD BY THE BROOK Lot 801 100 oa bHH eraak. ttao looa tloo, abode, priaod Way. easy torams. . G. DELANO 2 to X. Cnurok. Tel. 2890. ARE YOU RESTING OR JUST WAITTNOf And will you run these through your thinking machine A very fine 10 acre faraa with good house and barn and other building close oa good road and all equipped with stoek aad ear and tool awd household good and yon eaa uo a bona la Salem; Or would you want a 8 arrs tract riot and all good load with fair improvement and frtttt and all equipped with chicken and stock for 84500 and you can. use a town property; Or 80 acre with small improvements, fina pasture, tillable! land, 5 milaa out worth 85000 and your house will trade; Or bow about '.0 acres 2 miles out all good land, run ning stream, timber, orchard, bsru, big chicken bouse, good road for only 93150. MeGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 200 10 U. S. Bank Bldg. PLone 140 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 NEBRASKA PARM TRADK FOR PR0P srty her. Writ Box 923, St man . 40 ACRES. STOCK ft EQUIPPED TO exchange for Salem property or acre age. Salem Realty Co.. 4(32 State St. TO TRADE PORTLAND RESIDENTIAL property, Lsdds Addition for good Sa lem residential or will consider other property. Tel. 50F21. MINE TOUR OWN COAL 120 acres fine land underlaid with coal 4s mile R. R. close to Oil fields, nesr Tulsa. Okla., exchange for farm or Salem property. P. G. Dslsno, 290 N. Church. Tel. 2830. OWNER I.IVES IX BEND, ORE. And will exchange their home here of 4 nice rooms. plum bin, electric lights, woodshed' end garage, price SITDO. for a home in Bend, Oregon. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 820 State Street. Phone 1727 FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALEM HOUSE CHOICE 22 ACRE FARM WITH EQUIPMENT Pressure water system, good land, all in cultivation, 8 aero berries. New 6 room plastered bout, bath, new barn poultry house, brooder house, gsrsge; al! building practically nsW. Extra good team, on cow, farm machinery, barn full of hay. 150 chiekns 6 ton potato ALL CLEAR. PRICE 87500. YOU CAN T GO WRONG in dealing for this place, but you have to be quick if you gat it. For tbla and other good farm bargain sad Salem houses, see WELLS TOLLMAN 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 737 ALL GOOD TRADES Priced Right No Inflated Valuea 6600 Home Equity for acreage. 86500 Home Roaeburg for Salem. 95000 Home. Wood burn for firm. 99000 Horn 9 A. Highway for Salam. 92500 8ilrarton Homo for Salem. 94800 Home for acreage nr Delia. 96500 Income Monmouth for Salem. 8500 Home 1 i blk. state bouse for timber, lots, or smaller house. 97 A. farm for Southern Calif. Prop. ouuu r.quity for timber or lot. We hv property in many of South i ra California for Oregon property What have yen to offer! See LOUIS BEOHTIL J. D. SEARS 821 Stat St. Room 2 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 80 ACRES S MILES SOUTH OF SALEM 95000. Want part cash or amall place V. Boatwright, Rt. 5. Box 11, Salem. Oregon. Tel. 505 W. FOR BALE TEN ACRE TRACT OP bsaverdant land ia Laks Labith section near Brook. Orsgoa. Prioe 97000. Owner, Frank Kramer, 984 Richardson Road, Portland, Oregon. CHOICE 1 ACRE TRACT Not far out, good road, eloae to pav ing. Nw ft room plastered house, built in, alectri light. A real SXiP for 92630. cash 9500. bal. easy. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtor 820. State Street. Phona ,1787 Do yon want a real barraia in a 78 acre farm, best of soil, all nw build ing. wall located aad weU equipped. Se J. I.incola Ellis with Stegnor. Here is a real 20 aer farm, om fruit and berries. Modern 7 roam house, good out building. Every con venience. 11 acre. Good fruit aad chick ranch, gravel road, elos la. Pair building, itat fruit beginning to boar. Will tall, or trad any of the for Salem property. Baa 8TEGXER, 275 State St. Wll Improved 82 A . farm assr towa, modern bldg. 96600, taka resldeaea. Good lrg hoot, barn, 2 fin Iota. 98000, ary term, taka ear. Highly improved 20 A. river hottest farm. 7800, taka residence. 26 A. farm aasr towa, flas soil, bldg. fruit, timber, crook. 93500. term or tsk resldeaea. 10 A. labarban homo for residence. 10 A. suburban horn for residence. 6 A. cVos la, fin soil, berries aad fruit. 9I860, term. PERRINE ft MARSTXR8 212 Gray Bldg 8 A. of varv produativ soli. 4 rm. cheap house, about 2 A. vestch sad re mainder in family fruit and variety ber ries, grapes, good road. 8 mi. to Sa lem, price 91400. 29 A. 7 ml. south, good looking 8 rm. pi altered boose. 4 or ft A. logana. soma prunes, all year croak, some timber, owner ia esst and will sell at 95800, small down prat, to right party. 180 A. dairy farm, 24 stanchion, good buildings, creek, oa 8. P. &R, ll yoa cannot boat, this ia an exceptional dairy farm, priced right at 920.000. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 178 8. High St. ( SUrSE. MISS, BUT I ReCVJOA X. WAS 1 j jvi' AcTitf oyjas-J Tell mc the. ? DoNr TRUST. ME ?J n V m. BA)w2NES, A CATTte. AS A fiLiND , TO ODVEH MIS ING- .. . . .... REAL ESTATE Farms 53 84 A. soar afoataoatk; equipped; good paa of mniea. 4 cows, yoaag took, hogs aad ahlekaas. Prlaa 810, 000. W1U coastdar hoaso la Salon. 19 A. elot iai asodara basse; Price 97.000. Trade for 8k Pan! aflna. ee A. I. Hsmysr with W. O. Xruersr t at? I4T . Cos I TAXIDERMIST 56 WORE QUAaVAJfTEED. K. B. WIOOtNS. Taaidaratiot, 1141 Norway. Tel StSl-W. TRANSFER & HAULING 57 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 894 trtato St. Tot. 998. Dlstribatiag. for warding aad storage our apoetalty. Get oar rates. Prank M. Newton Local aad long distaaso kaaliag Light Country baaltag a vpeeialty Vol. V We Move Store and Ship Household good. Oar Specialty Is piaae aad furniture ntoving. Wo also make country trips. Wa haadle the best Coal and Wood Call on as for price. W give good msaewre, good quality aad good service. Larmer Transfer Co, Tel. 930. WATER 58 OREGON WASH. WJTER SERVICE CO. Orflc 804 South Comnoertsal St. Tsa per cant discount on domett I o flat rata paid in advance. No deduction for ab aecce or any csuso unless water i shut Off your premise. TRAVEL 59 A FINE NEW WATTINf? ROOM IN THE NEW HOTEL SENATOR Frequent Schedules Thirty Ride Books at Redueed Rates A Swift and Reliable Package Service Courteous Attention From All Employees These Are a Tew of the Offerings Msd the Public By PARKER STAGES. INC. Stag Leaviug Times: Dallas: 7 a. m , 0:10 a. m . 11 .25 a. m., 2:10 p. m , 5:15 p. m. Independence ft Monmouth: 7 a. m., 9:15 a. a, 11:15 s. m . 8 p. m, 6:15 p. m.. 8:80 p. ra. (Sunday only.) Pilverton : 7 a. m.. 11a. m., 5 p. m. Fall City, McMlnnville, Newbarg, Hllla boro. Forest Grove, Sheridan. Tilla mook: 9:ld a. m., 2:10 p. .nr., 5:15 p. m. For Information Call 222 or 696. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO USED CARS For Sale 61 McKays for Used Cars "with aa OK that counts" ' Ford Trg 9 33 Chev. Trg Mt 23 Ford Trg 85 24 Ford Trg n loo 23 Chev. Trg 12 24 Star Sport Rds. 183 27 Ford Rdst. Ruxte'.l 295 26 Chev. Coupe 4-3 27 'hev Coach 525 27 Imp. Landau 750 WE DO NOT MISREPRESENT 430 X. Commercial. Phone 745 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. HERE'S TWO MORE Juat the car for the kids to drive to school; 1924 Ford Coup. new paiut. lot of accessories, only 9130. I have another car that most any on would be proud of. Look like nw Evan your neighhor would think it new. Ir'e a 1926 Master 6 Buick Only 9950. With all the trimmings, even a 1928 license in cluded. HUNT At BONESTEELE MOTOR COMPANY Psychological Fords - Winter - Fords NOW lg THEN AND THEN Ig NOW How 1 the pyhlog1cal tiaso t auy that Port. We are susceptible to ladnemnt. "Old Man Winter" fca us ever a barrel. Com oa dowa and kaook as off. rIERE THEY ARE WINTER PRICES 1929 License With ill Oar 1995 Coup, Balloon. Hl Da Waide sport body, new palat 8293 1926 Rdtr, Beautiful blue ir t relive finish, natural wood wheel It 1 worth 986S What will yau offer f 1924 Tudor Sedan These are hard modsls to find oa any market at 8350 192? Ford Tearing 9 90 1928 Oakland Sedan with grata hydraulic shock absorbers. Yours for 8500 1923 Star Tour. Make n offer. Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon jHANUWlLE,l-C nAN6Er?5 HAVING DERARTeD FTBOM TWE- BftR E r?ANCM tANUEL .TUB rAEjfJCAH , CALL? TbtStlrvER SDMB Or 1r4i CATTife THrEVBsf TViAT And ma wtuEt: HASTEN lb sue BABNE? EEft0c2& SALiV SpEAV-i? 0nrt HtM USED CARS For Sale 61 TWO OF THE Bl&T PACKARD MR. USED CAR READ THESE 88- 188- Packard Club Sedan (Like Nw Packard Sevea Pass Medea .. P.-0 Oldamobito Loadau dea (mw1 n.-u stamo:i oarpe (New) 126 Packard Dal.uxa Touring 8o Thit) 197 Oletaatobil Cam (Like New) 1984 Studebaker Light Six Tearing 1934 Maxwell Oospe i A Real Buy Ford Tea Track. Jumbo Ooaeey take Body 1924 Ford Coapo I Real Bargain ) ... 1088 Star Tvariag i Good Shape t Pord RoadaSer Overland Coop. (Look this overi Baiek Touring Seven Ta . If yau era too wing for real hsrgoias It wit! psy you to look our We always hav a good leeiioa to choose from. Have you see the 'P OLDSMOBILE f It s Hr. CAP5TOL MOTORS, Inc. Biddy Rishop OAS OIL GREASE WASHING STORAGE HOLLYWOOD 435 No. Comrnerciai We Invite Mechanical Inspection Each Car Carefully Checked Repaired Bring Your Own Mechanic- and SAVE HOLLY TO TRADE 8400.00 EQUITY FOR litest model Stsr Sport Roadster, for 1924 or 1925 Ford or Mtsr Lsll Hon day afternoon. 412 X. 2 lat. Ford 2Door Sedan This I a 1925 model ha ruxtell axis balloon tire new paint njost everything on it In the line or extras. Sea thi first. 1923 licence. A snap at 9250. NEWTON MOTOR CO. Opposite City Hll QREEN Watch for It Coming Next Week o- I General Market PRODUCB PORTLAND. Ora.. Fab. 8. (AP). Butterfat 4da station, 47a track, 49., 52c fob Portland. Poultry ateady; heavy baa 2S024e pound; light lVgSOc: spriags 2021c; broiler 2(qpoc: pea in waite dues tut; rolored nominal. Turkeys alive 25ti27o. Onion ateady: local 81 55 W2. 50 par cwt.; potato 7 jcft l .2 j sack. PBTJITS AND VEOBTABLEJ PORTLAND. Or.. Feb. 3 (AIM SplnSch of fine quality arrived from The Dalle today aad sold at 8c per pound. A few het hoaaa cueambor from Cali fornia brought 63.50 per dot en. Orange AM' I TfeLL VOU TVHS fitANGER .HANLty. WHO I SHOOT LAS' AiltSHr BUT CO VUOUNDED HOMBBE SOU AM" BRlriS HERB TVHS" MOVcNlM' -WE IS TfeXAS. RAHGER. uwo r s-5frn5r-rtrf USED CARS For Sale 61 OLDSMOBILE BUYER OVER 91900 HOC 1 OTA SS0 800 723 800 275 230 200 2tK 200 . ... 200 200 atoek over. New Serio USED CARS Phone 11027 by Experts $ $ 5 At- WOOD price are lower, with many price cut oonaidersbiy on account of poor keeping qaanty. J.emons sr slightly weaker too but Florida grapefruit Is holding steady. LITE STOCK PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. Cattle steady: no receipts. (AP).- Hogt steady: receipt 100 aM direct Sheep steady ; ue receipts. PORTLAND ORAIN PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 3. (API. Wheat blda: BBB hard white Feb.. Mar 81.40; hard white, blue atom, baart both 61.28; federation both 61.27; soft whit, western whits both 91-264; hard winter all 91.22; northern spring both 91.24 western rad .oth 91.21. Oats. No. 2. 16 pound W. F. and diMo grsy both 840. Barley. Xe. 2, 43 pound B. W. both 933 50. Cora, Xe. 2, E. Y shipment both 387 -50. ditto No. 8 both 6(6 26. Millraa, standard both 931. RAT PORTLAND, Or., Fb. 8 (AP. Hy buying price: Eastern Oregon tins othy 620.50r21: ditto valley 916(318. 30; alfalfa 819fa?lS.50; oat hay 814.504 15; straw 69 per too. Sailing price 82 a toa more. DAIRY PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 8. (AP). Dairy Exchange, net price: Butter, extras 44He; stanjsrdt 44c. prime first 43Vc; firsts 46c. Egg, extra 27Vr; first 26c; m dinm extra 26c; madium firsts 24c: no derslted 24e. CHI0AOO ORAIN CHICAGO. Feb. 8 (AP). Better ex port trading basis stronger and no pre sure of offering, gave an evident up ward trend to coru vslues today. On the other hand wheat was easier. Argentine sbipmauts iucrsasing Corn closed firm 18 to 'rt nt higher. what unchanged to t'i 6 off and oat a hsd to Sc up. The national budget for next year is $4,000,000,000. and Amer ica is able to budge it. North Powder News. By Ed Wheelan MOT VOLL - HE S MEKT r rid o Him Muy DtaMl?-! t' 1 TVV1V1W SALLy, hour SrN JATiOi AL SCENE H&RB S- ""riy W VI J ' rC i i rrl LU I - I 1 vxaani orv waaaxa, a aw' a Salem Market, Q E AMI NO, l. wheat, whits Red wheat, eacked... . Oats, per bu. milling PORK. hfUTTOS AND BEEF Top hogs 8.TS Sows 05A4Q 0" Top steors 06S.0Tt Oow. 08 3. Oft Vb Spring lamb, dressed .18 Dreed veal .IT Dreeaed hogs . .11 POULTRY Light hens Heavy hen Spring Broilers 193.91 48 - .20 BOOS. BUTTER, BTJTTERTAT Standarda 96 Buttarfat 4f Print Butter 47Q.49 VEGETABLES Hvets, sacked . New ctfabage Potatoes Celery, bunches 9weet potatoes .09 08V. , .81 00 d 1.93 01. 80 60l.S , 06 o- -o 1 LISTEN IN I it OO 9 00 KXL 220(. Early Rlr pro gram. s .i) 9 00 - KTBi: (283). Old Tim ma nic 9 (h) 10: 00 K EX i240l. Pat tie Cooke. 00-10 00--KX1. Portland Early Bird. ' m.e Il.iw N 1 HK. Women excnn- li) 00 1 1 Jo -KGW (192). Household helps and nmoi' 10 00 12 00- KOIN iH19). HouMwif' prugrsm. 10 oo 12 oil KXL. Live Wire and cour Irtsv proiTraii-s. SATURDAY AFTERNOON I : -00 I :00 KFEC i 2;4. Weather re port an1 music. 12 Oil 1 ') KMX. Organ concert 12 t'OVO'l KXL Afternoon pretenU tions 12 oo fl ((- K11V Recording concert. I UII I :i)-KVJJ 229 1. I". 8. Postal ervic 1 00 2 oO KTBR Request program. j HO S 00 --KTHfv Pip organ recital. 2 00 6 no -KW1.I Mukic. A nO-4 oo KolN Nw and music 5 00 K KKC Mu!c. l:iW 8 IW--KW1W 0t). Concert. 5 ..id r. OO -KXL The Mountaineers. 3 -15 6.00--KOIV Topv Turvy Tims. SATURDAY NIGHT S . in) R : :io KE X (240 1. News an.l H;iort. 00 ti ;)0 --KTa (2JD. Concert. ii .o I 7 no -KKHC I'.'lt). Coaeert. li mi 7 oo -KOIX i?,19) trgsn concert. 6 00-7:00 KliW ii92. Concert. ii oo 7 .00 KXL i220). 1 tlity end or gsn concert ii 00-7 :(o KWJ.I i229i. Dinner concert ii oo h.jo- KWBS (2001. Conoort. (I W ; Hi) KEX. Studio program. 7 00 3:0O -KEX. Dance orchestra. 7 oo ii 00 - KW.1,1. Amusement guide. 7 oo h 00 KGW. Concert from KOMO. ' oo H :to -KXL. Courtesy program. H UD8.45 -KEX. ( llii.uship program, t oo 9 oo - KTBR Varied program. 4 no Ii. oo -KWJ.I. Studio program. .00 12 ;00 -KOW. NBC program. H .10 9 00 KXL Carl Sciinkr. tnor J "0 I I HO --K WUS (2001. Musical p cialties. 9 oo 1 2 00 K XL Dance froll.' 0 00 12:00- -KEX. Dance frolic: 11 00 1 00 la m.t KOIX. Mer.rymak ,er' frolic. 12 00 9.00 ii. m Sinday ) KXL. Sleep Wreckers program. NBC -8 9. Orchestra and soloist; 9 1" or.-lustre and Madam Vrd ; 10 12 dance orchestra and soloists. K(iO Oakland (11 . 6. concert: '?, ue hook; 7:13. port; 8 11, NBC. Kllg -Smikane i J7u i n. orchestra; 7 from KOMO: 8 10. NBO; 10 12, dance iuu:r KI'O San Francisco ( 402 ). 8, town crier : ii :to, dance orchestra; 6-12, NBO. KT.'.B -Oakland i 280) .-a:45, 8. lecture. KKHC Sin Francisco (454). 6, 6:30. t i'ians, 8. 9 12. dance orchestra. K V Wi -San Vranctsco (26S. 6, mulc: rt, vocal and piano music: 9, orchestra. 10. KII.I"-T0 Angelns (4001. 6. doingn (:15, music 0:45. news; 7, club; H Besreata; 9 orchestra and bar'tone: 10. Merry Mnkera. K EON l ong Bech ( 242). 6. 6 :15, or chestra; 7, Hawaiian trio: rt, banj; 0 nrcjiet ra ; 10, music; 11, dance ore hoi 1 ra K Y A -San Francisco 309. 6, 7. sports rt. old time fiddlers; 0. popular mu s.c; 10 1, Goofy Bird Frolic." ADMINISTRATOR'S NOT1CK OF APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby given that tb undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Marlon, as Administrator o the estate of Aaron Levertdgc Ueckner, deceased, and that h has duly qualified as such adoiln Istralor; all persons having claims against the estate of safti decedent are hereby notified t present the same, duly verified to me, at the office of Ronald C Olover. my attorney, 20S Oregon" Building. Salem, Marlon County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notlcs). - Dated at Salem, Oregon, thl 28th day of January. 1I2S. C. L. BBCKNER, Administrator of the Estate Aaron Lereridge Beckner,' De ceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney tor Administrator, Salem, Oregon. J28F4-11-18-2& NOTICK OK APPQLVTMKVT Ol' - KXECUTRIX Notice Is hereby given that th andersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court o the State of Oregon for the Coun ty Marlon, as executrix of tb last will and testament and estat -of Jennie V. Hunt, deceased, an!., that she baa duly qualified a such executrix; all persona hat ing claims against tbe estate o' said decedent are hereby notltle t to present the same, duly verifier, to me, at the office of Ronald C Olover, my attorney, 203 Orego.i Building Salem, Marlon Count) Oregon, within six months fro. . the date of this notice. Dated at 8alem Oregon, th'. 14th day of January, 1928. CLARA COOLEY. Executrix of the last will and te tament and estate of Jennie V Hunt, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for executrix, Salem. Oregon. J14-21-2SF4-1 : NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT . ADMINISTRATOR Notice is hereby given that t! undersigned has been duly a pointed by the County Court -the Sfate of Oregon for the Cou ty of Marion, as administrator the estate of Dora Mae Townsen deceased, and that he has du qualified as such administrate; all persons having claims again . the estate of said decedent a hereby notified to present t " same, duly verified, to me, at t office of Ronald C. Glorer. my ! torney. 203 Oregon Building, S lem. Marfon County. Oregon, wlf In six months from the date c this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon,, tb 28th day of Jaauary, 1928. . B. Fj TOWNS END, Administrator jot tha Estate .' Dora Mae Tdwnsend, Deceasec RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney far Administrator, Salem, Oregon. . . J2SF4-Ll'!3-2..