The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 04, 1928, Page 10, Image 10

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in n
Session At Silverton To
Draw Many From Salem
Public School System
The Marion County Principals
association meeting will be held
at Silverton Saturday, February
11, beginning at 10:00, in connec
tion with a local institute at that
place. Meetings are to be held at
the high school building thfre and
it is expected a larpe number of
Marion county teachers will be
present as programs have already
been mailed to the county schools.
The complete program for the
institute, arranged by . Superin
tendent Goetz of Silverton and
County Superintendent Fulkerson,
iu:uu opening exercises, au
10:15 Departments: room 4,
primary, "New Grading Methods,"
Miss Olga Johnson: room 3, in
termediate, "Remedial Teaching.'
Miss Ruth Nixon; room 5, ad
vanced, "Writing in the Upper
Grades," Mrs. Vida Bennett; room
C, high school, "Developing the
Point System for Girls Athlet
ics," Miss Louise Medler.
11:05 Departments: primary,
"Number Work." Miss Blanche
Hubbs; intermediate, "Effective,
Co-operation in Attendance and
other Activities." Miss Ruby Pet
erson; advanced, "Creating an In
terest in Seventh Grade History."
Miss Genevieve Gemmel; high
school, "The place of Vocational
Training' in the High School Cur
riculum," Warren B. Crabtree,
Each department session is to in
clude a class demonstration, fol
lowed by a round table discussion.
The principals' association will
hold a business meeting in the
high school auditorium beginning
at 10:15. to be followed at 11:05
by an address by C. A. Howard,
state superintendent of public in
struction.. In the afiernoon both sessions
will join for the following pro
gram, beginning at 1:15:
Music: vocal solos, "Madam
April" (Butschoff arcl "The Sum
mer Wind" (Ralph f'Ax), Beatrice
Booth; piano solos, "Elfin Dance"
(Sapellnikoff ) and "Automne"
(Chaminade), Violet Gerigstad;
vocal solos, "The Winds in the
South," Fay Sparks; violin solos,
"Norwegian Dance" (Grieg) and
"Elegie" (Massenett), Irene Mor
ley; songs, "Carry Me Back to
Old Virginny" (Bland) and
"Sleepy Hollow Tune" (Kuntz),
Silverton high school girls' glee
"Marion County Health Pro
ject," Miss Anne Simpson, director
of health service with the child
health demonstration.
Address by Oliver J. Lee, Ph. D.,
late of the University of Chicago.
Address by Dr. William De
Kleine, director of the Marion
county child health demonstration.
The missive closed with a request
that the recipient tear It up.
Text of Note Given
Hickman wrote to "Dale" that
he believed he could trust him and
wanted his advice. The letter said:
"I Intend to throw a fit la court.
All these depositions won't save
me. I will ask the judge to let me
talk without my attorney batting
in. Then I'll throw a craty, raving,
diving fit.
"I will take a crack at Keyes
too before the thing's over. For
God's sake tear this up or it will
ruin me."
It was figned:
"William E. Hckman, alias the
Uox. Ha: Ha! Ha!
"P. S. You know and I know
I'm not insane however."
"Sane" S.ijh Reynolds
After Sellers had testified Keyes
called for Dr. Cecil Reynolds, Los
Angeles brain surgeon and men
tal disease expert. Taking the
! stand the Dhvsician raM h haA
examined Hickman four times
since his return from Oregon
where he was captured. Without a
moment's hesitation the witness re
plied "Sane," when the chief pros
ecutor asked him for his opinion
on the youth's mentality. He had
found many diseased brains among
persons he had examined, but not
in the case of Hickman. "Extreme
ly tough" was his description of
the mental structure of the defeiw
A decided sense of humor. Dr.
Reynolds said, and the absence of
any trace of delusions proved to
him that Hickman was mentally
normal. Then followed another
tale of the crime given the med
ical man in answer to questions
put to Hick man Jn his cell. The
killer "thought he felt sorr
while he was strangling the
tie girl, he told the alienist.
Walsh's vigorous cross exam
inatlon. begun as the hour ap
proached five o'clock was inter
rupted by adjournment. Judge
Trabucco ordered court reassem
bled tomorrow at 9 a. m. for a
three hour Saturday session.
USE w Buiun
Axes Used To Break Into
Community Hall At
Ferndale, Oregon
(Continued from Page One)
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Feb.
3 (AP) Locked out of their
community hall by the man who
donated the land on which it was
built. 20 irate citizens and farm
ers of Ferndale, Ore., near, here
today took matters into their own
hand?, using an axe to smash the
nadlock on the door.
James O. Howton, justice ofJ
the peace of Milton, Ore., deeded
the land to the Ferndale com
munity 17 year3 ago. The deed
contained a proviso that the la
and the building to be erected
upon were to be used only for
"community" purposes. Howton
contended that use of the building
as a school house violated the
The building which was erected
upon the land following the gift
to tje community was built by
popular subscription and com
munity labor. It was used in
connection with the Ferndale
school as a gathering place for
the production of plays, basket
ball games and similar events.
The Feridale school burned
t.vo years ago and authorities de
cided to use t!; building tem
porarily as a school house. Re
cently Howton gave notice that he
w'shed the deed of gift torn up,
'aiming that it was forfeited
ough use of the building as a
The board took no action and
Howton then demanded 1100,
threatening to lock it np if the'
money was not forthcoming. Yes
terday, when basketball teams
went to use the hall for a game
a padlock and "no trespassing"
slen were found. So the citizens
opened the hall with no ceremon?
Howton could not be reached
for a statement tonight.
i-f, 1 t t h Iff -,4V
!o Im) m & 4 rft
Here is an unusual photo of President and Mrs. Coolidge, snapped with the members of their party
aboard the U. S. S. Texas while en route to Havana to the Pan-American conference. With thejn Art'
seen Charles Evans Hughes, Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg, and Morgan J. Q'Brieiu
Ford Power Appliance
Patented By Local Man
(Continued from ptfe 1) J
geles, one of the defense medical
experts who took the stand late
yesterday, continued today as the
target for a stiff cross fire from
the prosecution. His "dementia
praecox" theory came in for a
heavy battering from District At
torney Keyes.
Symptoms Recited
"Divine guidance," in crime, as
claimed by the prisoner, was the
text of much of Dr. Shelton's tes
timony. Indicating to the medical
man abnormality amounting to in
He was followed by Dr. A. L
Skoog of Kansas City, who said
that he had examined Hickman
six times .between January 25 and
February 1, and "believed him to
be- insane."
The state turned a searching
cross examination on Dr. Skoog
who was regarded as the chief de
fense alienist, but the Kansas City
expert stood firm in his expressed
belief that the prisoner had an
unbalanced mind.
To Keyes the witness listed what
he considered the outstanding
characteristics of the confessed
killer's mental condition, delu
sions of grandeur, assertion of di
vine guidance and ideas of super
Everything Explained, Claim
Dr. Skoog cited the facts of the
killing and dissecting of Marian
Parker's body as "most likely the
result of an abnormal mind "
The fit which officers said
Hickman "faked" in the jail at
Pendleton, Ore., after his capture
there, his flight from Justice, his
confession that he kidnaped and
killed Marian Parker and dismem
bered her body to get $1600 from
her father all could be explained.
the witness maintained, jjy insane
At this point Keyes introduced
In evidence a photostatic copy of
a. letter written by Hickman to a
fellow' prisoner in the county jail
after the sanity trial was well un
der way. It was given to Dr. Skoog,
who was asked if It shed any light
on the mind of the medical scien
tist as to" whether the defendant
was sane or insane. The physician
replied that It did not.
The letter was addressed to
"Dale Budlong" and voiced Hick
man's fear that the deposition to
be submitted as the bulwark of
his defense would prove Inade
quate. "I intend to throw a fit in
court," he wrote, and added that
he would take a "crack at Keyes.'
r and put on a big program at
ne of the theaters in Salem. Thi
ippeaiea to all present. There ic
ome fine talent available, and it
would be a great advertising fea
ure. '
The Hajsville Program
Meeting called to order by Pres
'dent P. O. Riley.
Lloyd Reynolds introduced i
esolution regarding the part G. E.
McAfee performed in helping
ommunity work. Adopted and
"opy. ordered sent to the widow of
-Mr. McAfee.
Ivan Stewart, secretary, ex
plained the proposition to divide
the county into districts. There
was a fine program of orchestra,
vocal and piano music. President
Riley suggested the Idea of the
federation putting on a program
in Salem. I
There was a talk by Henry
Crawford endorsing the commun
ity club work and the idea of di
viding the county into districts.
Motion made by Lloyd Reynolds
o extend a vote of thanks to Ladd,
& Bush bank for the gift of the
motion picture machine and to Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Stewart for oper
ating this machine at club meet
ings throughout the county.
Senator Lloyd Reynolds and
other members discussed the idea
of working up interest in the dif
ferent community clubs, through k
contests and debates, etc., leading
up to large gatherings, like the
one proposed for a Salem theater.
The Fairview club was admit
ted to membership in the county
The new constitution, with its
amendments, was adopted.
The Proposed Grouping
The proposed grouping of the
"lubs was discussed. The follow
ing is the tentative plan:
Woodburn, Hubbard, Donald,
Aurora, St. Paul, Gervais.
Lablsh, Kelzer, Haysville, Clear
Lake, Hazel Green.
North Howell, Parkersville
Central Howell. Brooks
Mt. Angel, Monitor, Silverton
Silverton Hills. Victor Point.
Pringle, Salem Heights, Liberty
Sunnyside. Fairview, Rosedale.
Auburn, Fruitland, Pratum, Mid
dle Grove.
Aumsville, Turner, West Stay-
ton, Marion, Stayton, Jefferson.
The New Const it at ion
The aims are to promote a bet
ter understanding and to build up
the various communities. It is
non political and non sectarian.
Candidate clubs are admitted by
a majority vote.
The federation is supported by
a 92 assessment from each local
club. Each local club shall send
three voting delegates to the an
nual meeting of the federation
Annual meeting at the last
Wednesday in October. A bus!
ness meeting to be held in Febru
ary; time and place to be deter
mined by the executive board.
"Tammany hall is spectacular
evidence of what Is wrong in mun
icipal government," A. E. Roberts,
of New York, representing the na
tional organization of the Y. M. C.
A. told members of the Salem
Lions club yesterday.
"If Tammany hall Is the last
word In democracy, I want none
of it. Municipal government has
fallen down for the reason that
too many people have been miss
ed. Every nation has died of the
same disease -over-urbanism."
The country is menaced by a
dearth of leadership because the
well-spring of supply, the farming
communities has been neglected.
The country boy is a better poten
tial leader, Mr. Roberts said, be
cause city boys are steeped in ab
normalities and artificialities. He
urged that the scope of commun
ity work extend to getting coun
try boys a proper chance for an
(Continued from page 1)
his friends wish that he should
seek the support of the republi
can voters, and Mr. Hoover la
willing to respond to that wish
SaS ma . m
it. is my opinion mat nis nam
should be entered in the primary
(Continued from Page One)
impossible to make an accurate es-.
tlmate of the assets and credits of
the company, it was said tonight
that the creditors in the f 2,000,-
000 failure Wrir receive approxi
mately 25 cents on the dollar for
their Interests.
'J inn. Tka
Am for
COLUMBUS. Ohio, Feb. 3 -
(AP) The republican state cen
tral committee today selected
Senator Frank B. Willis as Ohto'r
choice for the republican pres!
aentiai nomination by a vote of
19 to 1 with one not voting. Op
position 10 ine endorsement wa
expressed by two Cincinnati com
Never take a cold lightly. Serious
complications may follow. End cold
quickly. HILL'S Cascara - Bromide -Quinine
taken promptly end a cold in
adar. That's the helD you need, fied
box, &f. Ail druggists
Checks 0Ws
a wmwm www
lata Uv If ww I
itnmiua bmsbsbsm
r Tones .
Edward Dancer, who maintains
his headquarters at Pohle and
son implement store has a patent
on a new aulck nower annllanr
for Fords, which Is receiving
marked attention throughout the
valley. .
The appliance will operate a
standard right hand wood saw at
tached to tht rear pf the car, or
operate ensilage cutters and feed
grinders and similar machines
from the front.
Dancer has been a wood-cutter
in Salem for three years. He has
one of the appliances to operate
a wood-saw on his own automo
Read the Classified Ads
Mike McTigue No Match
For Aberdeen Assassin
Associated Frees Sports Writer
NEW YORK, Feb. 8. (AP).
The comeback cruise of Michael
McTigue, perennial challenger,
and sometimes champion in the
light heavyweight division, was
halted tonight by the youthful
Leo Lomskl, iron-fisted blonde
slugger from Aberdeen, "YVaSh.
For 10 rounds, the tlrelees
punching youngster threw every
thing he had at McTigue In an ef
fort to bring the ancient of the
prize ring down. The veteran
wobbled, skidded, danced" and par-
ried, and although blood streamed
from gashes above his eyes and his
legs were stiff as stilts, Mike wae
still on his feet and fighting game
ly at the final gong.
It was a battle of youth confi
dent, and old age easily tired and
bereft of almost everything but
the canny fighting brain that
made Mike McTigue famous. And;
although Lomski slashed both of
Mike's eyes, open in the fifth
round, he could not floor him, and
Lomski himself ran Into one stiff
left hook that ripped his right
From the start, the corn-haired
westerner threw himself Into the
fray recklessly, fists pouring In a
steady stream at McTigue's head
and body. Mike blocked and re
treated, fended and ducked, and
saved the right hand that bowled
over a dozen opponents until the
fifth round.
Then as the etorm became un
bearable, Mike threw away his
lng power on the flailing young
ster. One vicious chop cut Lorn-
ski's eye In the fifth, but both Mr.
Tlgue's eyes were gashed in tLe
exchange and Leo refused to re
treat. From that point on, each round
added to the venerable one's din
comfort. Carrying an added bur
den of nearly 40 years, Mike wjq
punch dreamy at the close of t)i-
seventh ana elgnth sessions, sxzi
gering when the ninth was o
and barely navigating, although
still struggling through the n na
tions when the match ended.
McTigue had a slight advant;.?
in the weights, scaling IT.) j
pounds to 170 4 for Lom-Ui.
CORVALLIS. Or.. Feb. 3 Sja
cial) The Salem DeMolay teai.i
tonight defeated the CorvalHs To
Molays. 25 to 17. in a fast ga:r..
Schafer, Salem forward, starred.
Don't let your skin
torture or embar
rass you another
day I Lasting relief
Is yours if you will use the remedy that
works two ways at once. The sulphur in
Rowlet Mentho Sulphur clears the
skin, while the menthol heals the sore,
red and broken tissue. All itching
stops instantly on application! Soon
the trouble is cleared up and vpnr
skin is in a fine, healthy state. This)
is the combination you have- been look
ing for. Rowles Mentho Sulphur is
Inexpensive and all dnutriits sucrlv
i it in iars readv ta use. Be surr it.'
caution and loosed his full punch- Rowles.
(fc x
Of Bishop's Great Expansion Campaign
Our vast assortments of fine quality Men's and Boys' Clothes at remarkably low prices has
made this store the most talked of store in the Willamette valley, and there is nothing more
gratifying than the knowledge that you are buying your clothing from the right store. Make
every effort to realize on these savings before we close this sale today.
Bishop's Feature vfev.
II No. 220 Denim. Fall Cut, 11
11 Ribbed Style - II
V $1.11 J
II New riaid Designs In II
1 Rich Colors
$2.65 J
l In grey and ecrn colors, ,1
II Jjong sleeves and
V Ions; legs II
85c 'J
$5 MEN'S "
If ' Can't Bast 'Em Make. J
It Light Tan
V ' $3.65 J
900 Men's Fine Suits
900 of our very finest Suits grouped to offer the most substantial
redactions. Hart Schaffner & Marx and Michaels Stern and other
nationally known makers comprise the group.
$50 SUITS $39
$55 SUITS $44
$60 SUITS $47
$30 SUITS $23
$35 SUITS $28
$40 SUITS $32
$45 SUITS $36
900 Collar Attached Dress Shirts 2 for the price of 1
Virgin Wool Over
coats in the new
loose fitting styles
in the newest fab
rics. $12.75
Hart Schaffner &
Marx and Michaels
Stern fine quality
coats. Values to
Hart Schaffner &
Marx, Michaels
Stern and other
style creations and
fabrics. Values to
The choicest coats
In the store. Val
ues up to $65.00.
$13.50 Boys'
4 Piece Suits
Coat, rest, golf and long pants.
All wool materials, in real man
nish suits for little fellows.
. $12.50 Boys'
4 Piece Suits
Coat, vest, golf and long pants of
all wool fabrics in the season's
newest patterns.
Bishop's Clothing
& Woolen Mills S
C. P. BISHOP, Pres.
R. H. COOLEY, Genl Mgr.
S3.0O and $2.50
II Fast Wool and Cotton I I
I Ribbed, excellent weight f
$1.65 JA
Chalmers fine Merino, VU 13 I V
1 I I g y
AY $1-95 11
I W Men's Athletic p I
j Val. to $1.50 ) I I
Fancy and Plain Designs IE J
V 85c Ji !
II i HOSE - 1 s p
ml Famous InterwoTen or II - I i T
JI other fine Hose j ,
3c 1 vgr