! .Marion County Community Clubs Are Planning Greater Activities in the Development of the Rich Resources of Their Sections ' I " City Now Has Paving Petitions on Hand Calling for About the Same Amount of Surfacing This Year as Was Done Last Season TTeather forecast: Rain; continued mild; strong southeast and south winds. Maximum temperature yesterday 61, min imum 40, rirer 5.6. rainfall none, atmos phere part cloudy, wind southeast. One senator suggests that the entire proceedings of congress be broadcast erery day. There are some things which are too serious to Joke about SEVENTY-SEVENTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS me -4 j 1 5 i if . V - y ff UN TO GROUP , ifil CLUBS f INTO DISTRICTS Seven Divisions of Commun ity Organizations Sug gested For County COMPETITION PROMISED Bis Meeting; To Be Held At On of Salem Theaters; New Con stitution Adopted; Bank Presents Movie Outfit There is a movement to divide the 35 or 31 community clubs of Marion county into seven districts. and to hold federation meetings of all the clubs only twice a year, for the purpose of transacting busi ness. There was a fine meeting of the Marlon County Community feder ation at Haysville on Wednesday evening. P. O. RUey of Hubbard presided. He is working up some real enthusiasm on community meetings. The movement men tioned in the first paragraph above was brought forward and adopted It is planned that the officers of the couuty federation will assist the various districts in working out constructive programs. It Is desired to develop local talent and get home folks to take more part In the meetings. Motion Picture Machine Thp Ladd & Bush bank has purchased a moving picture ma chine for use in community club work Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart of Salem are operating this ma chine at the meetings in the var ious communities.". There are edu cational films on dairying, poultry raising, swine, crops, etc.. pro cured from the United States de partment of agriculture; the' agri cultural colleges, etcv ftlso'som scenic films from the railroad companies. The moving picture idea is more than coming up to expectations, because it carries home a real message to the young folks. The idea was brought forward of having all the clubs go togeth- -(Continued on pC 10) ARREST OIL MAN IN SENATE PROBE PROM IX EXT EXECUTIVE TAK- EX FOR DEFYING SENATE Persistent Refusal to Testify Re sults la Stewart Being Taken Into Custody WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. (AP) Robert W. Stewart, one of the foremost oil executiTes of the country, was under arrest by the senate tonight because of his per sistent defiance or lta Teapot Dome committee. He was not taken to jail, hut permitted to remain in his quart ers at the Willard hotel in the cus tody of a deputy sergeant at arms, who is to take him before the bar of the senate at noon tomorrow unless he decides in the meantime to sue for a wTit of habeas corpus. While the chairman' of the board of the Standard Oil com pany of Indiana declined to make any statement, it was said by his close associates that be probably would appear In the senate.' In that event he would be directed to answer forthwith questions as to what if anything, he knows about disnosition ofr Liberty bonds by the Continental Trading company, of Canada, which has figured so prominently in the Fall-Sinclair oil conspiracy trial. Should Stewart again refuse to do so. the senate would have open to it two courses adoption of a resolution directing his Imprison ment in a common Jail or approval of one referring his case to the District of Columbia courts, as was done In the Instance of Harry F. Sinclair, who is now under three months sentence. Senator Walsh, of Montana, the TMsot Dome committee prose- -.itor. favors the first course and y - vVLk.w will insist noon it. The Chicago on operator iusn have recourse to a writ of habeas corpus and a court hearing to de termine whether the senate has the power to imprison for eon tempt. ' i. " The arrest'of Stewart followed a day of dramatic events that swung from committee rooms to the floor of the senate and then to the Willard hotel. There was the anti-climax, however, for the sen ate warrant bearing the signature of Vice President Dawes; was served in the privacy of tha oil man's, apartment. Newspaper men and photographers were locked out. MERGE 2 BOARDS SAYS TAX GROUP BOTH BODIKS OF REGENTS NOT XEEIEI, CLAIM Economy Through Elimination of Dnplication and Rivalry Urged at Meeting PORTLAND. Feb. 3 (AP) One board of regeat3 for the higher educational institutions of Oregon, instead of two, might bring economy by elimination of duplication. The University of Oregon an4 Oregon State Agricul tural college fire supported by millage, based on the assessed valuation of the sjate and the higher the assessed valuation the more money these institutions re ceive. This was one of the most im portant thoughts brought out to day at the first meeting of the committee on reduction of state expenses, which is a part of the property tax relief commission, authorized by the legislature. As part of this committee's work, a study will be made of the advisability of one board of reg ents for the university and col lege; the per capita cost; how far the state should go in higher education and the number of out state students. Mergers of the committee realize that they are treading on delicate ground, but they agree that their job is to see what can be done about reducing state expenses and the study may prove of benefit. The committee also intends to study the twp-mill levy for ele mentary school purposes. Other subjects for considera tion are: The one-mill levy for state market roads. N'on-essentials in state govern ment. A cabinet form of government such as is operating in Washing ton, Idaho and California. A comprehensive state auditing system. The foregoing constitute six topics which will be 'sketchlly submitted when the whole com mission meets the latter part of the month, and later the commit tee will make an intensive Inves tigation of each of the half docen subjects,. with a. view to cutting down state taxes. JUSTICES TO MAKE TRIP Coshow and Belt Will Study Wash ington Court Process Associate Justices Belt and Co- show of the Oregon supreme court will leave Monday morning for. a visit to Olympia, Wash., wheTe they will spend several days ac quainting themselves with the pro cedure followed by the supreme court of that state in the handling of cases on appeal before that tri bunal. The two justices have been assigned to this investigation by Chief Justice Rand in keeping with the recently announced pol Icy of the Oregon court to speed up cases on appeal before this tri bunal. "The Washington court handles a much larger volume of business than does our court and manages to keep right up with its work and we Just want to know how they do it so that we can apply theii system to our work here," Chief Justice Rand declared Friday. Justices Belt and Coshow will spend at least two or three days In Interviewing members of . the Washington court and, leading members of the bar in that state as well as observing methods in use in that court. BOULDER BILL APPROVED Measure Not to Be Reported Formally Until March 15 WASHINGTON, Feb. 3 (APi With an unusual provision that It shall not be reported formally to the house before .March 15, the Swlng-Jchnson bill for construc tion of a huge dam in Boulder canyon on the Colorado river was approved today by the house ir rigation committee. The vote was 13 to 4. Similar in its main features to the measure passed last year by the house, only to meet death In the bitter filibuster that tied the senate in a knot rn tlie closing hours of the last session, the pro posal as approved by the commit tee, carried two amendments re lating to its power features and one covering the navigsllty of the river. ARREST SAFE BREAKERS Bob Coleman and Archie ;Eddy Taken by Eugene Police , EUGENE, ..Feb. 3. (AP) Archie Eddy and Bob Coloman, wanted In San Jose, Cal.. for, al leged safe breaking and burglary were arrested here this afternoon by Traffic Officer Delbert Farrow, who had been watching, for the car they were driving since yes- terday when local police were In- formed by San Jose authorities that the men were headed this way. Both men were armed when arretted, but did" not resist the of-fleer. PAVING GRAVEL AND SAND BIDS ILL BE ASKED 33,600 Yards To Be Pur chased; Marion Street Work May Start Soon MUCH SURFACING ASKED Regular Season Will Start About April 1; City Machines Will ' Be Adequate This Tear, Now Thought Bids on 33,600 yards of sand and gravel will be called for at the city council meeting MondayN night, if present plans material ise. Alderman W. H. Dancy, chair man of the streets committee, said yesterday. There was some talk a few days ago of calling a special meeting this week for that purpose, so that a contract might be awarded, and the materials made available for use in paving Marion street, but it was decided to forego the mat ter until the regular meeting. Parking strips are now being cut on Marion street with a view to immediate paving if good weather continues. Many Petitions In The amount of paving already petitioned for closely approximates that on the books at this time last year. A total of 139.642.24 square yards of concrete was laid last season at a cost of $295,339.56. In addition, pavement on Capitol and (Continued on pace 2) REQUIRE PERMITS FIRST People Who Put Up Signs First - Due for Jolt, Declared Merchants who erect street signs and then petition for per mission to do so are in for a jolt. This has been a common prac tice here, and has virtually made a joke of the light committee which according to law should pass on the Improvement and recommend for or against the grant of per mission. Alderman S. E. Purvine, new chairman of the light committee Intimated yesterday that this prac tice must cease, or steps will be taken to bring the violators to time. STATE WITNESSES, JURY IN HICKMAN CASE i rJr! .. 1 fCf n M wr- ."""vH Y "jV f-'b m if i;TJ '5' s$fc ; i V f- I ; Jf' ' r III 'if f t " i I, . -f r'Z - " VVJC i1 I i.'f.tmmmmmmmmmmmmjii . ncK;.-vv- )ii 1 1 if V - r , tlll: i x'j'.rxlp . ill -m'v ' Will j i ' ( ' . f' r si - X s jsr I 5 t. , w.( X a. x v i 2cX it- t'r .VI - ' -cv : ii 'tl - v ' 5.s t',-i -.ni?'- : - v I ? -t -M tj , ;y x Vt V --r-rj! . MHAnWMsnmJhMBW ' mi i ... i i - mmm ys-r-: ' nZ?-? x?, : $t - - XZCZ$?z -'-'f ' ;. " . . t : i I Above, left, top to bottom: Carol Hok.es. M. K- Wadley and Walter Price, former neighbors of Hickman; center, sunding, Jail Physician Benjamin Blank; seated, H. L. Barlow, fingerprint ex pert; above and to right. Solomon .Laykin, Samuel Burnbam and Hale Sparks, former school com panions of the slayer. All of these witnesses except Barlow were was sane. Below, the Jury. - FIGHT LOOMS UP FOR OHIO VOTES WILLIS AXD HOOTER FORCES AT OUTS IN" STATE Series of Conferences -Fails to Ef feet Compromise; Botli Sides Claim Strength WASHINGTON. Feb. S (AP) The candidacy of Secretary Hoo ver for the republican presidential nomination in the Ohio prefer ential primary was thrust forward today by Representative Burton of Ohio, and the challenge for a contest In that state was imme diately accepted by Senator Wil lis of Ohio, who announced his candidacy some time ago. Coming on the heels of a series of conferences between the friends of Secretary Hoover and Senator Willis seeking an agreement to avoid a fight in Ohio, the declara tion of Mr. Burton tonight was regarded as an answer to the parleys. Although Secretary Hoover maintained his silence about his candidacy tonight the declaration of Mr. Burton will force an early showdown. The Ohio man asked that Mr. Hoover be a candidate. To enter the Ohio primary a can didate must signify his willingness In writing before the filing lists close on February 24. "I have made a careful survey of republican preferences in the state of Ohio," Mr. Burton said in a forma! statement, "and as a re sult conclude that the dominant sentiment is for Mr. Hoover. If (Continued on pare 10.) SMALLPOX CASE IN CITY Adult Vaccination Need, Says County Health Officer The need of more adult vaccina tions, as well as for children, against the danger of smallpox, is a thing which should be heeded in time, points out Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, county health offi cer with headquarters at the Marion county child health dem onstration, in reporting that one Salem residence, that of O. E. Whitney at 1210 North Eighteenth street, is under quarantine for smallpox;-Mf. -Whitney baring taken 111 January 29,. The source of the case is not known. Dr. Douglas is of the opinion that the disease will be confined to this single case as Mrs. Whit ney and the two children, one of whom attends school, have now been vaccinated. . Whitney is a carpenter and the three weeks enforced absence from work, as well as the isola tion of his family, might well have been avoided if the precaution of vaccination had been taken b for the disease had been con tracted, the doctor says. 700 CREDITORS FLING CHARGES S T A R T L I XO DECLARATIONS HURLED AT MEETING Overbeck and Cooke Financially Unsound for Past Two Years, Says Accountant PORTLAND, Feb. 3. (AP). The skeleton in the closet of the late Overbeck and Cook broker age house was dragged out of darkness before an excited meet ing of some 700 creditors of the bankrupt firm at a meeting here tonight. . Four startling declara tions were made before the assem bled creditors by employes of the firm and by those in a position to know. "The firm has been in bad fi nancial circumstance bankrupt is the proper term for a period of over two years." This state ment was credited to William G. McRae, accountant, who had charge of auditing the company's books for seven years. "James P. Cooke, president of the company, drew, in addition to his salary of $19,000 a year, a sum between 1150,000 and $200.- 000 In a single year." This too, was asserted by McRae. "The firm bought long and sold short in one instance on Under wood Typewriter stock an absol ute violation of the rules of the New York Stock Exchange," Mc Rae and others told of this. "The New York firm of Logan and Bryan suepected the local firm of unethical transactions and even sent detectives to check up on lo cal brokerage practices" This was testified to by McRae and by several clients. While the meeting concerned it self mainly with a discussion of these points, the main question at issue among the creditors was that of reimbursement. While it was (Continued on pase U.) HONEY MEETING MONDAY Mead Company to Hold Annual Session at Methodist Church The annual, .meeting - of the Mead Honey company will be held at the parlor of the First Metho dist church Monday, it was an nounced Friday. A dinner will be held in the evening. The forenoon meeting will be a business session for members of the company only, but the af ternoon session, is open to every body interested in the honey in dustry. The speaker will be H. A Scullin of the (agricultural col lege. The evening dinner will be a "picnic" affair, everybody being expected to bring their own food called to testify that Hickman E REQUEST SENT BY PORTA RICO Message Placed In Hands of Colonel Lindbergh On Arrival There PATRICK HENRY QUOTED Legislature In Special Session Also Bestows Medal of Honor Upon "Lone Eagle" From United States SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, Feb. 3. (AP) The Porto Rican legis lature paying a glowing tribute to the brilliant achievements of Col onel Charles A. Lindbergh today took the opportunity to entrust to him a message from the people of Porto Rico to the people of the United States, making a plea for "freedom." The message was entrusted to the American air hero at a special session of the legislature which be stowed a medal of honor upon him. The colonel thanked the legis lature for its cordial welcome, but made no reference to the message, instead he made an address on cojnmercial aviation saying that it would be easy to link the island of Porto Rico and the United States by air, and that figuratively it would be done tomorrow. The first part of the Porto Ri can message was filled with trib utes to the brilliant exploits of the American airman, saying that he had truly been a messenger of progress and good will of the American continent to the old world, answering the message of Columbus who once set foot upon the soil of Porto Rico. Welcome Hearty Declaring that the flier, on his epoch making trip to France, had been guided by the wrathful spir its of those Americans who died upon the battle fields during the world war, the message said : "Welcome to our country, Col- (Continued on page 2) 'BIG BILL' IN CAR CRASH Mayor Thompson Bounces Against Top of Machine NEW ORLEANS. La., Feb. 3. (AP) Mayor William Hale Thompson of Chicago, was slight ly cut about his face today when an automobile in which he was riding with Mayor Arthur J. O'Keefe of New Orleans struck a rut in the road and threw him against the top of the machine. After being treated Mayor Thompson said the injuries were of no consequence and he and his party Continued to the fair grounds race track. He arrived last night amidst a noisy din of riverboat, locomotive whistles heightened by the boom ing of cannon to present the 150, 000 prize and golf cup to the win ner in the New Orleans handicap today and to witness the William Hale Thompson handicap run at the fair grounds. He was accompanied by 830 Chicagoans and a brass band. MINEROCOED BY-BLAST Plant Was to Have Been Reopened on Cooperative Basis ATHENS, Ohio. Feb. 3. (AP) The Luhrig mine of the New York Coal company, six miles west of here, which the owners had proposed reopening on a cooper ative basis, was rocked by an ex plosion tonight. The mine was unoccupied at the time, and although houses in the vicinity were shaken by the blast no one was believed to be injured. Mine Superintendent Charles Fitxer expressed the opinion that the explosion was the work of anion sympathizers. A rumor had been circulated that the Luhrig mine would reopen on a non-union basis,, and this possibly was the reason for the act, he said. SAWMILL FIRE AVERTED Blase Breaks Oat In Boiler Boom, Quickly Extinguished That most disastrous type of conflagration, a sawmill fire, was averted Friday evening by vigil ance on the part of employes at the Charles K. Spaulding mill here and prompt response by the fire de partment to the alarm sent In. Fire broke out in tho root of the boiler room, but it was Quick' ly extinguished with, nominal dam age. . HICKMAN'S CASE BROUGHT TO END rilOSKt I TIOX BEGINS EFFORT TO SHOW SAXITY Los Angeles lirnin Surgeon le-t-larrs Coiifes!ed Slayer Mentally Sound II ALL OF JUSTICE. Los An geles, Feb. 3. (AP) William Edward Hickman made his last gesture today in presenting his in sanity defense for the confessed killing of Marian Parker. The first phase of the youth's battle for life ended late this afternoon. . Hardly had Jerome Walsh, youthful counsel for the confessed kidnaper, killer and mutilator of the school girl, finished the words which put an end to the defense in the sanity trial, than the state set in motion the agencies it had cho sen to attempt to establish that Hickman was sane at the time the crime was committed and send him to the gallows. The first move by District At torney Asa Keyes, when the last alienist summoned by the defense had left the stand was more or less legal routine. He placed on the stand Clark Sellers, handwriting expert and adduced testimony from him to show that ransom let ters written Perry M. Parker de manding $1500 for the return of his 12 year old daughter were pen ned by Hickman. Writing Identified Sellers' testimony was to the effect that the handwriting on the ransom letters was the same as that in the confessions written by the defendant. Walsh had already called wit nesses whose testimony spread over the court records all the de tails of the crime and the state be gan what promised to be a long drawn out effort to break down the expert medical testimony of defensthalienists, two of whom de clared it their belief that Hickman was Insane. A swirl of medical terms eddied about the court throughout the day aa one alienist followed an other to the witness box, told why he thought Hickman sane or in sane, and departed. Dr. R. O. Shelton of Los An- (Coatinutd on pig 10) AUTO THEFTS CHARGED Portland Youth Arrested Here; Two There With Salem Auto Buster Adams and Frank Riley of Portland were brought here Friday to answer a charge o f stealing a Hudson brougham auto mobile belonging to Ellis Cooley of the Man's Shop, and the same day Persha Le Roy Osgood of Portland was being taken to that city after being arrested here in connection with the theft of a Chevrolet car from that city. Osgood, however, claims that he had no part in stealing the car. When a local police officer halted this car about 2 o'clock Friday morning, two youths got out of it and ran away before the officer could stop his own machine and arrest them. Osgood says they had taken the car and that he did not know about it. At another time, however, he said he had been driving and that the others did not know how to drive. HOUSE PLEDGES JAILED Police Object to Fraternity "Hell Week" at Kansas LAWRENCE, Kan., Feb. 3. (AP). Determined to end the outside activities of fraternity pledges during Hell week, which precedes initiation police last night rounded up 34 University of Kan sas freshmen fraternity pledges and held them in jail over night on vagrancy charges. Three youths were released with a warning today but city authori ties announced the remaining 31 would be brought into police court Monday and possibly fined on va grancy charges. University and police officials recently warned the fraternities to confine "Hell week" stunts to their respective houses, as the practice of sending roughly dressed "frosh" out on secret missions was considered dangerous and was causing many reports of prowlers being about with the possibility that someone might be shot. POSTAL RECEIPTS GROW Steady Increase Noted In Post master's Report for Month Steady increase In . postal re ceipts is shown In postmaster John Farrar's report for January. The total for January, 1928, is $1450.- 52 higher than January. 1927 and f 12,203.92 higher than the figure for 19 20. Last month's to tal Is $21,731.54. , ,; January fell short.of tho Decem ber tout, of $25,877.64. Which waa high by reason .of Christmas business. ;,- FOUR PUT OUT DF AFTER 'PARTY' Total of Seven Students At Eugene Feature In Liquor Scandal ANNOUNCE BUT 2 NAMES Two Men and Two Women Barr4 From Further Attendance at institution; others Placed Under Deans EUGENE. Feb. 3 (AP) Three University of Oregon stu dents were expelled, another waa disbarred from attendance at this or any other institution, and three others were placed in direct re sponsibility to the deans of men ana women today as the result of an alleged "party" held Satur day afternoon at which liquor was served. Four men and three airls were involved. Details of the affair were re vealed today after the university's stuaent advisory committee had announced the expulsion measure' taken against the participants in the party. University officials re fused to announce the names of those ruled out, but the names of Adrian Marks of Santa Ana. Cal.. and George Chase, Portland, were connected with the affair. Two Girls Kxpelled Two of the expelled were Sirls. One of the men was ei pelled and another, who "flunked out" last term, was disbarred from further attendance at the in stitution. The other three, two men and one girl, who were placed In charge of the deans of men and women, were not at the "party hut were at the apartment where tfie "party" was given during the afternoon. s The girls, who were expelled, called at the men's apartment Sat urday afternoon on their way to the campus from the downtown district, it was said. The men brought out some "tonic" which they drank. One of the girls be came HI and a physician was called. News of the affair reached university officials and an 'in vestigation was starte. ESTIMATE FIRE LOSS $15,000,000 FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS, MASS OF RUINS Computations of Damage Vary Following Tremendous Con- - f? flagrailon In City FALL RIVER. Mass.. Feb. 3. (AP). For the second time in IS years a large part of the business center of this city tonight was a waste of smoking ruins, the result of a disastrous fire which swept the area surrounding the city hall last night and early this morning. Taking toll of the' losses before the embers were yet cool, residents estimated the property damage variously from 17,000.000 to more than $15,000,000. Insurance in vestigators placed the loss even higher, In some cases at $25,000. 000. Tho damage was even greater than that caused by the conflagra tion of February 19, 1916, which ravaged a similar section of the city. Items in the loss were: Twenty or more buildings de stroyed and as many more dam aged. Approximately 60 stores and (Continued oa pf S) Review "Private Life of Helen of Troy Rules The contest Is open to every one, irrespective of age or set, except employees of this news paper, First National Pictures, Inc., and the Elsinore theater and members of their families. Reviews must be legibly written on one side of th paper, must not exceed 100 words in length, and must be addressed to the "Helen of Troy Review Editor." States man. No review can be re turned. For reviews selected for re production In this paper $1.00 each will be paid. For the best review received during the period of the contest, which enda Fed. 4 a grand priie of f 10.00 will be given. The decisions of the Judges shall be final. , V ' , - " ' Manuscripts mast be in this .ffti ftfnr B n. m " each day starting' this day picture opens) J Tuesday, ,lan. UNIVERSITY