,THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 8, 1928 OF TTb - tTv , riuveuiDuyer ana Seller-Head Them-Use Them For Quirk Re,, Y 1 J 4 "1 :1 ss WANTED Mis.. .3 FURNITURE PACKING FOB 6 HIP nienfs. Glese Power Furnlto- Co. WANTED PRIVATE iTOXET FOB farm loan. Wa have several applica tions o banc, claw Uu aRoaeTt. Inr.. 305 Oregon Bldg. WASTED GOOD WASHED COTTOM nag boi imiuti iasu i yara 10 ua (or wiping machinery. Highest price psia ior fooa ciua ran, apply at biitaintD otiice. see b tiller. MATTRESSES 24 JIATI RESStS KfcAOVATED BT THR tep.tai city aeaainj c, jibo Sorth ( apltol. CaJled for aud delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel 19. FOR SALE 25 T TRADE $840 PtAXa ftJK GOOD automobile. 8e Bark at FiUgerald- Kherwin Motor Co. WHITE CABINET SEWING MACHINE, jnt like new, on third off. Terms if d.ircd. Telephone 2369J. :.AH POSTS. th.j car today at Bl'T DIRECT FROM a reduced price. South -rn Peeler md.ng I'houa 20W6 J. Wayne barber V. .DICRKED AIRDALE MALE PUPS 4 months old, a bargain if taJcen before l.c. 15th. H. '. Bulterfield, Pacific II y.. Woodburn, Ore. Tel. 1102. WANTED Live Stock 26' CtlTLE 1 NEED CATTLE OF ALL kinds. Let me make you ao offer be fore you sell yours. Just phone 2541 or see Waiter Corbet. 1385 N. 21st. FOR SALE Live Stock 27 IIMiH GRADE JERSEY HEIFERS FOR aie. Due to freshen very soon. Call at red barn near Pinrer station, five miles south'.-. tt on Riverside Drive Clem Yeager. VETERINARIAN 28 FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN - Office 52K S. Commercial. TeL U8. R Tel. 1686. WOOD SAWING 29 WO1D SAWISO. TUOSX 177. Nurth Commercial. 1610 WOOD FOR SALE 30 Utmi DRY WOOD. Mayfieid. PHONE 7F1 V. FOR GOOD WOOD CALL Vnone 127FJ1. C. D. QUERY, D DRT WOOD i.irmer. Tel. 830. FOR YOU-rD. A. It IS. OLD FIR 98.50 : rick) Tel. 31S8. PER CORD- t ' I.I. TRACY 8 FUEL YARD TOR GOOD rood. Phone 281f. AI L KIM'S OF Tel 2428-J. WOOD. C. A. TUCKER. M INCH OLD FIR, DRY 2ND GROWTH. a'ia sin. i . i . iiarnaugn, 1 u is High land At. Phone 1990. CALL 783R FOR DRY FIR AND OAK. guaranteed full cord. Best wood in town. M. Wood. C. (SEE) A. ANDERSON f. FOR WOOD TO BURN ti A A I.EM TRN8. FUEL CO. GENERAL TBAN6FEB WORK. TEL. S2 1-. INCH OLD GROWTH FROM LARGE jnd treee. tfl.OO. Dry second growth, T.U0. Phone 2006 J. GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HJj.LMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood 4 ft. and 10-lnrb. Large toads are cheaper to buy. Mill wood is or specialty. Prompt delivery and ietonabJ price. FRjED E. WELLS 2t0 8. Church Tel. 1542 POULTRY AND EGGS 32 I WHITE LEGHORN lets 99.00 per doieo. HENS AND PUL Phone 3758 J. Fft SALE BLACK lt aad cockerela. loorr. MINORCA PUL E. J. Ayers. Tel. F"R SALE, pol'eta, full 1775M. 150 WHITE LEGHORN blood, good strain. TaL BABY CHICKS EVERY MONDAY AND T'jesdsy. 6 leading varieties. Boat local stock. Prices reasoaabla. Salem Chi.-keriae, 264 North Cottage Street, Salem. BttKEDINO COCKERBL8 REDS. BAR red Rocks. White Rocks, White Wyan dottea. Buff Orpingtons. Excellent In d.viduale at reasonable prices. Come and sea them. Phone 183FI. Loo's Hatchery. POULTRY WANTED ANY KIND. 8IZK or amount, top market, highest cash price. Salem Poultry Co., taw Coster Be. Foot of tha bridge. Phono 3490. BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH ing Expert service moans efficiency and aiga qaality. All ay onieks from pareat steek Officially tested and Of ficiallr Approved. Salem'a oldest Cn Iihs Hatching plant. Phooe lllfJ. l.ee s Hatchery. W. D. TESTED CHICKS! HUSKY chicks. Rocks. Reds, Aaconas; 17e by the thousand. Leghorns 14He by tha theuaend. M merest 20a by the theu sand Buff Orplagtons 924 00 per bun dred. Free catalog gives prinoa on oisllr lota and instruction on oaro of chicks. Flake's Petland, 271 State Street. WHY PAY TWO PROFITS ON BABY chicks I Buy direct from poultry farm. Chicks from pure Hanson bene mated to loosters direct from Hanson's Leg horn farm with dams of high egg rec ord Strong healthy ehiaka guaran teed. 911 00 hundred. Mrs. Rnhy Laa ban. Rt. 9, Box 124 Tal 44F81. MUSIC STORES 33 KO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sowing machinea. sheet musie aud piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machinea. 432 State street. Saiem. KODAK FINISHING 34 !!KK ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 50c order Kodak work. RawLogs, Tortlsnd, Ore. Newspapers Magazines 35 THE PORTT.AXn i Ageney. The Ace. x-f.VXJRAM Tel 939. SALKM THE OREGON 8TATE3MAN. 5 CENTS per month delivered to your heme early each morning. Tel. 23 or 583. TO SUBSCRIPTIONS OR RENEWALS for Harper's Baiaar. International Slu ' dm, Motor Boating or Towa and Coun try. Tel. 2869J. IF YOU WNT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send (its 2 ceat stamps to the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a three months' trie! subscription. Mention this ad. . POfLTRYMEN SEND EIGHT tVo cent stamps for special tbrea months' trial for the bet aJ oldest Journal in the West. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to th poultry breeder of the Northwest North t Poultry Journal. 211 S. Com reerc'al St.. Salem. Oregon. NURSERY STOCK 35 TINE .LINB NURSERY STOCK". ALSO aoree flovrerirs; Hawthorne. See these trees before boving. Willannette Val ley Nursery. Home phono 70F8. Sale yard na Court St, across street from Bu!ck store. PAPERHANGING A UAH 3 FOR HOUSE 7. . J"PrnBgiB. lintine- Reliable workmaa. etc. PAINTING 33 CHAS BEKXKrv. COS - " ' " e m uier. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR 8ALEM call 187. SCAVENOER SERVICE OLD MIRRORS RE-SILVERED. PHONE rem., J3I0-W. WE BOARD DOOS AT OCR Flake s Petland. 273 8tate. FARM. FURNITURE CPHOLSTERIKO AND RE lairing. Oiese Powers Furnltore Store DIAn Oaves - - - r-sn a.ii.E. ULH .NEWSPAPERS. 10 "' a uunaie. Statesman ofin. ott South Commercial. TOP GRAFTING Anyone wanting tres grafted rail rromana ."Nursery, 174 8. telephone 1775M. , Liberty WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT STUD Ml" ''ute King. Register number 015031. bervice gtiarantee'1. Puppies ai.d grown t..ck fr.r sale. Mrs. Ben nrstt. 1030 Chenieketa. Phone 1539 STOVES AND STOVr REPATKIWn aiurs tun HALE REBUILT ANTS repaired by expert. All kinds ot wo Tea ire fence. Faacv and nUia. H baskets and hooks, login hocks. Sale Fence and &tov Works. 250 Court street. Are You AH There? Chemical analysis of the human body shows that it is composed of the follow ing elements: Oxygen. Carbon, Hrdro gen. Nitrogen. Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium Sulphur, Sod mm Chloride. .Msgniuiii, Iron. Iodine, Fluoriae, 8i! 'on. 7. or, Mangsne&e. ou supply your body with these enemirai elements through the food you rai. me air you Dreattie and the watar you urinx. -it uood health depends much upon tha cnemisi ry or tne brxiy, as thas supplied uu uiaiaiaineu. Jsany rellned roods i common use today are lacking to a alarming extent In theae Tital and health promoting proportiea, and this deficiency iciuiiiiii. ior many rnronic aliments Pacific iieaSthOre is rich in the majority of these elements and Its use has accomplished marveloua results in restoring health. Glee Nature a cnance you u be surprised at her re sponse. SHE YOUR DRUGGIST TODAY LOST AND FOUND 41 lost. Strayed stolen, one oer- uiau Police dog. Finder Tel. 5S4W. IjOST LA K4i E WHITE PERSIAN CAT in houtli Salem. rinder please tele phone 2747. Mrs E. Kennell, 363 Jer ris Ave. PIANO TUNERS" 42 EDWARD WELP F.XPFRIENCED Piaaw tuner. Leave erdera Wills Maaie Storo. PERSONAL 43 W. T. RIGDON'8 NEW BOOK IS NOW ready on sale at any of the book atoras. I his is an all Salem Book, written in Salem, printed in Salem, and should be read by Salem people. PRINTING 44 FOR STATION KRY. CARDS. PAMPH lots. programs, boooka, or any kiad of r printing. aaJl at the Statesman Print ' ing I'epartroent, 215 S. Coormercial "Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5 T. U Wood, 341 Stew St. P. H. BELL. 219 U. S. BANK BLDO. Residence and business loans. Tal 607 or 2141 W 91500 to loan on Saleitt property. F. G. DELANO 290 N. Church. Tel. 2890. MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on city property. B. 8. Martin aad L. K, Martin, attorneys, 413 Oregon. auiming. lui. .usa. Money to Loan on real or personal security. John H. Bcott, 80S Oregon Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWE8T ratal. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers you ox pert advice and service In all lines. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Ine.l L Tel, 1427 205 Oregon Bldg. OU INSTALLMENT IXANS IV EASY FOB) YOU BECAUSE MAKE 1 Yon steadily red use tha principal wun but little greater monthly out lay .Sao rant. I You don t have tha total principal due in a lamp gum which may bo difficult t moat. us a loan or aiuou for 6 yearn year total interest ts 8216.80. 4 Yon are doing basiaoas with aa old oetahliahed flnr. ANDERSON RlTl T.RT. Realtors 169 S. High Street. Tel. 1644 Correapoadenta. Eunitable Barings aad Loaa Aeeoelatioa WANTED LOANS 46 HAVE CLIENT WANTING 81300 LOAN. rirsl Mortgsge. F. O. DELANO 290 N. Church. Tel. 3830 WANTED1 money to loaa oa Private ESTATE. REAL TV. H. GRABENHORST 134 . Liberty St. CO. PLUMBING 47 PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Oraber Bros., 144 8. Liberty Tel. 650. RADIO 49 Radio las For every purpose, for every parse All standard sisaa of Radio Tabea, FOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 385 Conrt St. Tel. 488. MINUTE MOVIES RAIDERS of the RANGE- PRODUCED EPISODE NINE. J $VfS3 THAT just a mistake. mam vue'll leave uh im voub CARE AN' WE'LL. SOON PWETElDS IriAT EVEf? TUINCJ IS ' ALL TeiS-UT. SallV To TAk GOOD CAr?E CF WANLfey an FOR SALE Houses 50 5 Room, all modern bent, corner lot, garage, going to Canada. Plata gl windows, hardwood floors. Reduced to uu nays a a room eeued house oa pa Ted St., part of psTemeat paid, aido- waiaa in, aome terms. vmaw ouys new, aii modern o room kome with nook and upstairs, which is not tinianea. in rood Mcatioa, con' aiaeraDie easa wanted. Party needs money, will sacrifice new an modern large 4 room hoaae paved street, oast Salem. Ia rontod ior eoo a menu, frlce 93400. '(AAA 1 A ooye an o-roomad Doase, an estate and must ha told. Goad loca tion to rent rooms. Cash deal. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO; 20C U. 8. National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE 51 4 r. uu cor. lot $1700, pared street. N. A E. front corner. 93150. s nr. house. paTad street, chicken park, garage. 92900, 9200 down. 5 in. house, pared str. E. front, gar sgr. 9li'V'. easy payments. " GERTRUDE J. M. PAC?E 484 Conrt Street, GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION OS THE PACIFIC COAST , We hare over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. Wa can match your exctante EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property TO DAY, come la TODAY. See GASKII.I, EARLE, Realtors 186 8. Liberty. TeL 1242 VIEW IJTS Why live ia the fog when there still i "ni'dingv practically r,v Kitr, r ara wonderful view lots to be had ntj101- oue fow. rn machinery, batn full ery low prices f I ran fit vou out at'of nv- 1"0 chickens. toa.i uu4ii..n from 9650.00 to 9800.00 for lots whieii'ALL CLEAR. PRICE 97500. YOU CAN T in me near luture w II se! f,.r lt. more money. k to be shown. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT i Realtor Ixjxns Insurance 147 No. Com ! St., Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE 6 ROOM NEW MODERN 22!'?; Pne of bebt bargains in Salem. 93SOO.00. See J. Lincoln Elli. with Stegner. 9100.00 down, balance in monthly pay mniits. buys a modern 4 room bungalow Dandy location. Why not be your own ."d ord' r mlgbt trade for acreage. 9300.00 for a new 6 room modern house. You cannot equal it for J; o ",y terml- See Stegner, OtBVS Ob. WEEK END SPECIALS 9"000 to loan on lit mroa Lot 6 blocks sooth of 8tate on street oo pavea inis year, curbs are in 9250. i.ui wun nvaoio shack, plumbing ano Dasement dug, lumjier all new and an ue usea in new house or can be as is ior summer, 9700. a room new, plumbing, hot and cold waver, paved street, 18.0. Modern 6 room, large lot. east fronf rnrnace. fireplace, garage. 3 bedrooms, ", or win rent. BARBER A BOND 200 Gray Bldg. ii5 N. Liberty. TRY THE OLD BRAIN If you're a good buyer you're a win ner tune in on this within 2 miles " -,"71 you rai ana sit and s eep ...... " sniiiing acres of good land wun ore Hard and barn and rippling """! waier ana s little timber. uu na we re just waiting to tell you and to show you more and the price is on.'y 3lo0. Or do you not see doubled and re doubled dollars in a sheep ranch of 4iJ0 acres fenced, improved, with 1 00 acres or rami land and only 20 minutes from Sslera for 95 per acre Salesmen draw wages and live in humble- homes Good Jjiyrs draw salaries and live in man -" ve never lost a bet We'd like to talk to rn on lsnd McGII.CHRIST PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140 "BLIZZARDS" Tbis word had a real meaning to ns when we lived back In the east or mid die west. No wonder people keep flocking into such a beautiful city as ours where the flowers bloom and the grass grows all winter. A new family wants a modern, six room house to rant. Call uo and let os know about yours: touietimee with in sn hour we are aMe to put owner and renter ia touch with each other. W n,T r,,r1 coupe in good con ditloa. to trade for a Furdor or Tu dor with Ruxtell gear, aud pay differ once. Call as on anything we will find you a house end tell you how to get out of paying rent if you'll just give use a chance. O. K. MIDDLLTON Room 304 Oregon Bldg. Phona 2801 EXCHANGE Six room house and cash modern honse. for new Nearly new Sedan and eash for home dot over szouu. Strictly modern new home Nortl Ss em tor sma.ier honse. New strictly modern fonr bouse for lots or cheaper bouse. FOR SALfc room Jen acre chicken ranch. 700 hen mum an equipment, good buildings. 140 aera farm 7 miles road. 970 per acre. ont, paved i oree room hollow tile house, and aera ot land, sightly location, overlook lag the city. 91500. A food large bouse on 8tate St., not ier mi, gooa income, price right. Confectionery and I.u-ich room eheao F. L. WOOD. OEO. F. PEED 841 -State St. 1" ton can get 10 acres near Saleaa with naw, fully modern hoase, lend nearly all planted to berries aad fruit; a good buy at 97000, or will trade. It A 5 room modern bungalow and gar age at 93400. very easy terms about what yon are looking forf The Way to appreciate this 18 acres with new 4 room plastered bunga low 7 milat from Salem is to go out and tee It. Price 93500. Easy terms.. Time wtll tel! when you buy this 5 room plastered bwngalow. fall basement and garage wt 9000. It is the greatest value in a bouse you coald tbiak of. To rent and not to buv mum Ia. him who does not boy this new 8 room husgalow, woodshed and fruit honse at 91000. easy terms. Buy this 100 acrea 8 miles from Salem with Improvements, good fences just st school. Hss running wa ter. Price 98000. easy terms. A stock of groceries and fixtures at in voice, a money maker, let na show it. Home e in Salem to trade for small farms. If you have anything tell ns about it. t'LRICU As ROBERTS 129 N. Com' I j Phone 1354 I HIM UNCONSCIOUS OA) THE TRAIL, BUT HE'LL. HOW CON DUCTS 5tM SOON &B ALU RIGHT-' CUlEF Or TH RAN3Er .To THE BEDSIDE OF FRED VWlty SHOOTiM ' VUAS VM SURE Hfe UJ1LL -DADfcV AWD I VWLL LOOW AFTfeC HIM JWuL HE RtrCkOM REAL ESTATE 51 40 ACRES, STOCK A EQCIPPED TO excuaage tor Helens property or acreage juao 7 room bouse, close In. furnished for rent 935. Salem Realty Co.. 462 ovaie os. QUAINT SEW SPANISH TYP1 BUNG A LOW Something entirely different, modern TT way, garage. Hollywood District. f-v uuw a, niases nae rent. STRIKING ENGLISH TYPE HOME New. eaat center, aloao to stores. large cheerful rooms, garage, nothing to criticise, one ox tne lines homes In 8a lam. Sacrifice quick sale. BUILD BY THE BROOK I et 60x100 on Mill ereek. fine loca tion, anade. priced low. eaay terms. r. O. DEXANO 290 N. Chnreh. TeL 20. REAL ESTATE Trades 52 NEBRASKA FARM TRADE FOR PROP erxy nere. Write Bex 025, Staes man. TO TRADE PORTLAND RESIDENTIAL property. I. adds Addition for good 8a ism residential or will consider other property. Tel. 50P21. MINE YOUR OWN COAL 120 acres fin land underlaid with "ai - miins n. K. close to Oil fields near Tulsa. Okla . exchange for farm or 8alm pronerty. F. Q. Delano 290 N. Church. Tel. 2830. FO EXCHANGE FOR S4T.KU TTfna CHOICE 22 ACRE FARM Wlltl EQUIPMENT 2-ressure wthr system. rod land, a)' n cultivation. 2 acres berr'es. New ft room plastered house, bath t naw Urn 'poultry house, brooder h, . .i' u v iuj.nl in dealinc for th a rlc hut you nave to be quick if you get it. For this and other good farm bargains aud Salem houses, see WELLS TiLLMAN 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 737 TO EXCHANGE 18 acre near Salem on paved road and 200 acres near Redmond, Oregon Will trade both for a farm suitable for dairying and pay difference. 1- acres close In, East of Salem, with fair buildings. Price 89500. Will take a gooa noma in Salem to 94500. 45 acre farm with good buildings Will exchange for city property. oo acres, a fine Dairy farm, baa good house and barn and ereek. Moat all Dottom land, riaee is fully equipped Take part in trade. SEE Thomason with LEO N. OHILD3 CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1737 ALL GOOD TRADES Priced Right No Inflated Values 94500 Homo Equity for acreage. 80O Home Roteburg for Salem 8iO(j() Hrtine. Woodburn for farm 99000 Home 9 A. Highway for Salem. $2500 Sllvarton Home for Salem. 94500 Homo for acreage near Dallas. 9t500 Income Monmouth for Salem. 98500 Home l's blks. state house for timber, lots, or smaller house. 97 A farm for Southern Calif. Pron. m rr r r . , , . r.quuy ior timoer or lots. We have property in many of South ern California for Oregon property. What have you to offer! See LOUIS BEOHTEL J. D. SEARS 821 State St. Room 2 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 5 room modern home on N. 15th street, built ins. jrood Dlumbina- fire plsje, full basement, large garage. East front, lot 50x126 ft., paving and walk in aud paid. Price 93700, or will take smau unimproved acreage close in part. Income property, value 910.000. part terms, or win saae acreage close to 8a lem up to 97000. a room plastered Cottage, close to school and bus line, value 92800. Own er wants home In Dallas not over f 2UOU. 4 room plastered Cottage, lares lot, woodshed aad garage, on North Church street. alue 91750. Will exchange ior aome in etna. Oregon. 5 room modern English type home. value 95000. To exchange for tract of iana close to aslem and not to exceed same value. 6 room bouse and 8 lots, oa a cor ner, both streets paved, dob for 9 v more houaas. Value 82600. Will pgy up to 85000 for small farm, preferably Kast. 8 room house, woodshed and garage. In S'Wertoa and close to sawmill. Val ue 8700. Will exchange for vacant lot in Salem. Good ear to apply on purchase of homo In Salem. To Buy, Sell or Exchange year Prop erty SEE LEO N. CHII.DS CO., Realtor. 20 SUta Street Phona 1727 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 80 ACRES 5 MILES SOUTH OF 8AI.EM 95000. Want part eash or srunll place V. Boatwnght, Rt. 5, Box It, Salem, vrerun. a ei. ouo-w. FOR SALE TEN ACRE TRACT OF t-eaveraam land in Lake lbtch seetioa near Brooke, Oregoo. Price 97000. Owner. Frank Kramer, 984 Richardson Koad, Portland, Oregoo. 84 4. near Monmouth: a . . aqaippedt gooa apaa or muiee, 4 cei a, young stock, hogs and chickens. Prleo 910. 000. Will consider house ia Salem. 10 A. close in; modern house; Pr.ee i.uuu. Trade for Ht P.nl Minn See A. K. Homrer with W Q Knanr ' SI 14T 1. Usa L Wall Improved 83 4 . farm near tewa. uueei n oiugs. aoouu, take residence Wood large house, barn, 2 fine lota. wv, easy terms, take ear. Highly improved 20 A. river bottom i arm. f soo, take resideaea. 28 A. farm near town, fiaa soil. bldgs., fruit, timber, crook. 93500. mine or iaae resiaenco. 20 A. soburbsn homo for resldsacs. 10 A. saburbsn homo for residence. 6 A. close in, fine soil, berries aad fruits. 91650. terms. PERRINE MARSTERS 213 Gray Bldg. 8 A. of very productive toll, d rm. cheap hoase, about 3 A. vestch and re ma i n d er ia family fruit and variety ber ries, arrapos, good road, ml. to 8a lem. price 91400. 29 A. 7 ml. south, good looking rm plastered house. 4 or 6 A. logons, soma pruees. an year creek, some tlmbwr, owner in east and will sal at 95300, amall down pmt. to right party. 180 A. dairy farm, 34 stanchions, good buildings, creek, on 8. P. RR. soil you cannot beat, this is an exceptional dairy farm, priced right at 920.000 WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 8. High St. jjuri urTaviu l -vN. mWJ aT 1 . f sIM S a - -t. v - l Lzvir A&btv - I asTW vaw a t m-mm-r a aTaram TXIZ eaew- r I . J' mmmmmm rl. I W a AT - "Bat I tw-T W HV1 M m rsA m ataw W ii- I s M T a i it -rmt t i xfsaeib. I ir r. vrjewv" . w, a r. i a . RlDE AWAV FROM THE "BAR B fSANCH AND sOJ) MANUEL. THE CfcAFT MEKICAN, COVlE FROM " US HIDING PLACE l UJELL TAXIDERMIST WOK GUARANTIED. X. K. WTOOINS. Taxidermist. 114Norway. Tal S81-W; TRANSFER & HAULING 57 CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER CO. 329 o- at. Diatribatiag. for warding and storage ear specialty. Get Mux- rate. " Frank M. Newton Local and long distance heullag Light Country hauling a apeolaltr TaL 661 We Move Store and Ship Hoasehold goods,- Onr specialty i , piano and furniture movinw. We aln make coantry trip. We handle the best Coal and Wood Call on na for prices. Wa eiva rood measure, good qaality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Tel. 930. WATER 58 OREGON WASH. WTER SERVICE OO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Ten per ent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cause unless water la shut off your premises. TRAVEL 59 A FINE NEW WArrntfJ ROOM IN THE NEW HOTEL SENATOit Frequent Schedules Thirty Ride Books at Reduced Rates A Swift and Reliable Packaco Service Courteous Attention From All Employees inese Are a Few of the Offerings Mada the Public By PARKER STAGES. INC. Stage Leaving Times: Dulles: 7 a. m., 9:10 a. m., li :35 a m 2:10 p. m., 0:16 p. m. Independence A Monmouth: 7 a. m 9:15 a. m, llrl5 a. m.. 8 p. tn 5 l3 p. m.. 8:80 p. m. (Sunday only )' -fiilverton: 7 a. m.. 11 a. m.. 6 p. m Falls City. McMlnnville, Newberg Hills boro, Foroat Grove, Sheridan, Tilla mook: U:l a. m., 2:10 p. .m., 5:15 p. m. For Information Call 222 or 696. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO USED CARS For Sale 61 Special Late J 926 Dodge Sport Roadster Fully equipped good rubber, original finish looks like new. Natural wood wheels. Bert-sin at 150 T.i,. u F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 963 N. Commereial. Tel. 1260 Psychological Fords - Winter - Fords NOW IS THEN AND THEN IS NOW ' Now is the psychological trme to buy that Ford. Wa are susceptible t laduoameat. "Old Maa Winter" pas us ovar a barrel. Come oa down aad knock us off. dERE THEY ARK WINTER PRICES 1988 Lteeaae With All Oars 1923 Coupe, Balloons, Hal Do Waldo sport body, aew Pot 930$ 1928 Kdstar, BeauUful blue ir trolite flatah, natural wood wheels It la worth 9395 What will yen offer t 1924 Tudor Sedan These are hard models to find on any market at 9250 192f Ford Touring 9 0 1923 Oakland Sedan with gruae hydraulic snook absorbers. Yours for 500 1933 Star Tour. Make an offer. Valley Motor Co. Salem. Oregon Jewett Coach Late 1926 wood rubber, bnmoera front ssi nar para tiro, original finish like new.! orli- Good Btoehacical conditloi Take this bargala for 9395. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 N. Commereial. Tot. 1880 Salem Markets -o OBAIN No. 1. wheat, white . Red wheat, sacked. Oats, per bu. milliavg 91.18 $1H 9 .64 PORK; irOTTOeT AJTD BBEF Top hogs Bows Top steers . Cows Spring Iambs, dressed .... Dressed veal Dressed hogs PODXTRT Light kens Heavy hens Springs Broilers .143.15 .19(3.91 .18 .20 EGGS. BUTTBK, Standards Butt erf at Print Butter ... BTTTERFAT 28 . .47 470.48 VEGETABLES Beets, sacked ... New cabbage Potatoes Celery, bunchea Sweet potatoes . 02 .- .08 H 91 00 1. 25 01. 50 80(g) 1.25 05 Br HArtDEN'J REtpUEST FrEO, IT LOOK& LKE SOME O' 8.75 05 H 0.09 ..-06 a. 07 h . ..03 3.05 H 18 - .IT .11 MA3 DlSCOVEfceD m SAixy , ujho vexj THERE. THeV GO. CURSB ABOUT ME CR SENOP EAWAoE 7b THEM 56 USED CARS For Sale PACKARD MR. USED CAR READ THESE dob Sedan (Like New j 8 g pekard Seven Peas Sedan " !? Oidamohil. Landau fieri an mew) " EM Oldamoblle Covwe tw Packard Del.ua Touring fSe nis) 1W3T Oidsmobilo Coupe (Like New) . J?2 Stndohahwr Ligkt Six Touring " Hi Mas wall Ownpe (A Real Buy . .. " Loti Ion Trt""k- Jnmbo OearaFtake Body 1934 Ford Cetrpa (Real Bargain) .. atMr Tewrtat tOood 8hape 1926 Ford Roadster Overland Ooupe (Look this over) " Baick Touring 8even Paaa If yoo are looking for real bargains It will pay you to' "look "onr "stock r" OLDwMOBILKf It . H.r." CAPITOL Biddy -OIL CREASE GAS HOLLYWOOD USED CARS 435 No. Commercial Mechanical Each Car Carefully Checked Repaired by Experts Bring Your Own Mechani SAVE HOLLYWOOD OREEN Watch for It Coming Next Week o- -O I -O General Markets pbodttoe PORTLAND, , Ore, Tab. t. (Al). Batterfat steady; 46 station. 47 track, 49e052a fob Portland. Poultry steady; heavy hens 223 34c poand; light 18030a: springe 30031c; broilers 28095e; pekia white duoks 80c: colore, nominal; turkeys alive 89027a. Onions ateadyi loeal 1.5901.50; pota toes 7ioOl. task. UTSSTOOK PORTLAND. Or.. Feb. 2. ( AP. Cattle steady receipts 80 billed throagh. Hoga steady: ao reeoipte; feeder and stoeker Dies. 70-1 10 wouada. medium to choice 89.0009.00; others unchanged. Bhoop steady; bo receipt. DAIRY PORTLAND. Or.. Feb. 8 (AP). Dairy Exchange, net prieea But tor. extraa Se : elaadards 44c: nrlma firsts 43 He; firsts 48. Eggs, extras 27c; first medi um extras 26c; medium firsts 25a? na dersisod 24c. PORTLAND GKAXV PORTLAND. Or.. Feb. S fAl Wheat bida: BBB hard white. Feb M SURH OF fT NOU) . SOU COME. i5HE CALLS MAN LEX SHE ALSO xw . t lltotoaT tk.a a a . . . r' y wWNt AiNT BAD, BUT I'M BM - BAJT I UHT-Ul) s. s mmSL 61 USED CARS For Sale TWO OP THE BEST OLDSMOBILE BUYER OVER 9ioo 120D 1075 950 00 TM 0 375 200 200 200 200 over. C" you th MOTORS, Jnc. New 8er:ee Biahop WASHING STORAGE Phone H027 Invite Inspection anca S $ 5 -At- 914S; Mareh 9141; hard white, blue stem, baart both 91-38; federation. Soft white, western white all 91-37; hard win ter both 91 29; northern spring both western red an ii.il. Osts. No. , 86 pouad W. T. aad ditto gray both 940. Barley, No. 2, 45 pouad B. W. all 836.50. Corn, No. 2. E. Y. shipment Feb. 839 March 987.50; ditto No. S both 936 25. Millrun, standard both 981. HAT PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. . (AP).- Hay buying prices: Eastern Orexea tim othy 920.50031.00; ditto valley 918.00 019.60: oat bar 9 14.50015.00: straw 9.00 per ton. Selling prices 92 a ton more. rxurrs AND V BOB TABLES' I PORTLAND. Or. Feb. 3'. fAP). Local cabbage is being sold at a wide range of prioee from 91.50 to 93.00 per ewt. it u a beat the od or Itt tea sob Sam asw erop California cabbage has beta oa th market but it was net of first qoality aad could not displae th loeal. Mors matured stock Is reported oa th way bow. la supply of orangss Is liberal in towa bat prices era holdin steady. Lettuce prices have advance li slightly in esr lots bat the dealers are plentiful! lly (applied and prices remain tbe same. There is very little activity la tbe oatoa market. The grower ar not dl posed generally to take lower prieaa of ferad but a few tales hsve beea mad. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, Feb. 2. (AP). Selling of the July delivery of wheat here agaiaat simultaneous burinx at WinnlDec hsd a ; bearish effect today on the Chicago wheat market. I here were late reports, too, of ratnt in domestic winter wheat territory tontnwest, where drought baa beea pre Talent. Profit taking sales on th part of holders more than wiped out gains in tbe corn market. Wheat closed, He to 1 1 se net lower, corn 5 8c to 1 1 8c dowa end oats 3-sc to He off. The albatross has the largest wing spread of ail birds, according to an answered question In Lib- .fty. By Ed Wheelan 3"iM - I TbLD THE GAL My ME MlIglS FRED VtUJ 1 UVAS A kAHSET? ' QOiM To STiCk? AROUN PARTS" FDf? A WHILE ! Wen barns y RETUTMS TO HIS F?ANCH VH TO vOORROU)'? EPISODE AHD .WEET5 VfliWA SURPRISB V. ST- 61 1 SOCIETY (Continued from Page Eight) lin solo; and the Misses Creasfl a piano duet. The Bethel Dorcas Commnna ciub win meet triaar ere ma February 3. At this time ft pi a? let. "Arron Slick of Pumpkl Creek" will be siren by the yonrf people of west Salem. Minnesota Club Will Meet February 13 The Minnesota club will me Monday- afternoon, February 1 at the First Methodist church. Dinner will be serred at a o'clock. "Lindbergh Night" will n poobserved. 2oon ur. ueorge h. Aiden is preside of trre local Minnesota club. -H Norman Kendall Tully la rlce-pre ldent and Mrs. William F. Llnfo Is secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Receit Congratulations Mr. and Mra. Sterling W. Smitl are receiving the congratulation of their friends on the birth of son. Douglas Sterling Smith, Ja wary 2$ at ttu roriiaud Sana to 'uin. Miss Crowley Leaves for the East Miss C'arlotta Crowley left ye terday for Nashville. Tennesatj where she will spend t:e next fl months in study at Peabody Inst tute. Recent Guests in Stayton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lutby anl their daughter. Miss Zelnia Lath motored to Sfayton one day r centiy wnere tney were guests Oa' Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gardner. Woman's Alliance Will Mee For Luncheon The Woman's Alliance will U entertained this afternoon with one o'clock luncheon for whlc Mrs. Goodrich. Miss Ethel Fletch er. Mrs. Elitabeth Smith, and MrJ Littlefield will be hostesses. XOTICK OF APPOI.VTMKXT O A DM I XIHTR ATKIX Notice is hereby given that th iiuuersigiieu nas Deen duly su pointed by the County Court d the State of Oregon for the Couti iy oi Aianon. as Aaministratrix d the estate of Henry Eighmey, dJ ceased, and that she has dul qualified as such administratrix all persons having claims again the estate of said decedent ar hereby notified to present tb same, duly verified, to me, at th ornce or Konaid C. Drover, my at toraey, 203 Oregon Building, Sa lem, Marion County, Oregon, with in six months from the date o this notice. nated at Salem, Oregon, thi 3rd day of February, 1928. MARY EIGHMEY", Administratrix of the Estate Henry Eighmey, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. PROPOSAIJ FOR WOOD The Oregon State Doaru of Con Ai hi . . . ... ii ui win receive sealed Mas oil 2,050 cords (more or less) ot 4 ft wood for the state Institutions lo cated at Salem. uiaaers may quote oa frriri growth fir, second growth fir. ot large slabwood. and may bid 01J all or any portion of amount need ed. Prices to be f. o. b. Inatft tiona and yarded. Delivery to bH made between April IS and Octo ner i, i25. specifications a oil blank for bidding will be fur nished upon application to the sec retary at Salem. Bids will be opened at 2 P. M. February 9, 1928, and most be ac companied by certified check in the sum of 10 per cent of total I amount bid. made payable to tbe Oregon State Board of Control. hlch sum will be held bw th. Board as a guarantee that the bid der will enter Into a contract to furnish the amount awarded. The Board reserves tha right to reject any or all bids, or to accept any part of a bid. CARLE ABRAMS, Secretary. Oregon State Board of Control J29-J1F3-T AD.MI X ISTRA TRIX FIN A I, NOTICK Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix i... filed ber final account of the os tate of Hannah Steulioff, de ceased, with the clerk of the County Conrt of the Stat of Ore- ron for the County of Marion, and an order has been made and avn tared by said court, fixing the tu day of February, 12I. at ter o clock la the forenoon as the time ior nearing objections to the sale final account and the settlemen' thereof. and that any creditor heir, or other person interanted in said estate may. on or before salt time, show cause why said final account shall not be settled and approved as rendered. Dated this th day of January 1921. DOROTHEA E. STEUSLOFF, Administratrix of the Estate of Hannah Steusloff. deceased. JOHN BAYNE, Attorney for Admn!slrtrli. J6-13-20-27F: ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has betjn duly ap pointed by the County Court of the 1 State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, as administrator of the es tate of Benjamin A. Pagels, de- ceased, and that he has duly qual Jfied as such administrator; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at my office, 203 Oregon Building,- Saleta; Marlon County, Oregon, within six months from tbe date of this notice, ' - ;. D&ipd at Salem,;, Ore&-6a, thU. 4 5th day of January, 1928. -ROXALD C. GLOVER. Administrator of- the Estate of Benjamin Ai Pagels, deceased.