The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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Com pounds 1
in the Owl
An excellent tonic containing the nourishing qualities of Beef and the
strengthening properties of Iron, combined in a specially selected
Sherry Wine of the best quality. Owl Beef Iron & Wine is very pal
atable and pleasant to take. It improves the appetite and energizes
the system generally.
Regular price for 16 oz. bottle is $1.00.
good only until February 16.
The special price of 69c is
Owl Agency
405 State
m (lqj
We have a 1 ton Ford Truck
equipped with a good stake
body, suitable for a wood
saw. Price $50.00.
"The House That Serrice Built"
I if
: v.. a.-. v. .w.v.v, ..- . :v.. w.v . ..
suffered shock and a bruised hip
Bhortly before noon yesterday in
an auto collision at the Junction
of Fifth and Market. The Frank
lin car driven by Mrs. A. B.
Stewart, 347 Court, and Har
baugh'a Ford truck were both bad
ly damaged. Officer George
Thomason was called to investi
gate the accident.
Women to Banquet
"Women's gymnasium classes at
the YMCA will hold a banquet
February 24. Demonstrations of
dancing and gymnasium work will
be given. Mrs. B. Flack Is ar
ranging the program. Covers will
be laid for fifty women.
i.. V. . . f . -r
3 11
and Mrs. Eliza Wenger of Salem,
Mrs. Rosella Flannlgan of Cali
fornia, Lee Cl7PQl of T?;as,
Fulton Cdaypool of Washington,
Herman of Chicago and John of
Denver. Funeral services will be
held at the Webb Funeral parlors
Saturday at 2 p. m.. Rev. Driver
officiating. Interment will be in
Cltyview cemetery.
John I.Iad. 65. died at a local
hospital on January 31. He is sur
vived by his widow. Chloe Llnd.
and a son. Ernest, both of Salem.
Funeral services Friday at 1:30
o'clock at Webb's chapel, with
Rev. J. J. Gillespie in charge. In
terment in Cltyview cemetery.
Suddenly in this city. February
1, Gerald J. McCauIey. age 6
years, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Ray H
(McCauIey. brother of little Harold
McCauIey. Funeral services Fri
day, February 3, at 10:30 a. nv..
from the Rigdon Mortuary chapel,
interment Cltyview cemetery.
Gladys Glasser. of Freeport, I1L,
Mrs. Lottie G. Stettler and Mf
Janice, McfjeqfAugusta. 111.
Afso survived by three brothers
and two sisters in Illinois. Fu
neral services Friday. February S,
at 1:30 p. m., from the Rigdon
Mortuary chapel, interment Clty
view cemetery.
At Long Beach. Cal., Sunday,
January 29. Mrs. Dotta (O. G.)
Smith, mother of Mrs. Janette
fckey, Miss Constance Smith.
Fred J. Smith, and Ted Smith, all j
of Long Beach. Mn. Ruth A.
Cpok of Roseburg, Mrs. Dorothy
Flnkblner of Salem. Oscar Smith
of Portland, and Archie Smith of
Seattle. Funeral services Friday,
February 3. at 3 p. m., from th
Rigdon Mortuary chapel. Inter
ment I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Tuesday. January 31. George E.
McAfee, age 61 years, husband of
Rovilla McAfee, father of Mrs.
Thi4 yoQBf man la not an aviator, but he geta sort of an airplane
lew of part of Illinois. He's shown here doing his bit in the
twenty-third annual ski jumping tournament, of the Norge Ski club,
Cary, IU.
Janitors 111
f. Hyler, janitor at the Mc
Kiuloy school, was unable to at
t"tid to his duties yesterday due
1i an attack of the flu. Ho will
probably be absent several days.
Another janitor, J. T. Burch of
th Washington school, ha3 been
.!"r duty since Wednesday, suf
fering with a shoulder which he
htt lined while at work about the
fv'tiiol furnace several days be
f ir lie was forced to lay off.
MUs Hughes at Portland
Miss Madeline Hughes. R. N..
was a Portland visitor yesterday.
Miss Hughes, v.-ho is superinten
dent of the Salem General hospi
tal, attended a meeting of the Ore
gon League of N'urses
while there.
Education 'per iences
lights" in
t ill 1 ll.l-J
A.'xiut Cedar Posts.
Carnival Dance at Schindler'.s
Sat. Nile. Take stage at Ter
Brown is spending a recess at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Brown. He will rejoin his
company in San Francisco wlien
called. Brown, better known here
as "Buster" gained his first ex-
under the "glaring
local productions, es
pecially of the DeMolays.
See Our Saturday Shrub
Specials. Pearcy Bros,
south Commercial.
Tt". liers Off Thursday
Two teachers in the Salem
H lnxls. Miss Hazel Brewers. Par-Try tjw
i i.sii junior high, and Miss Lola
MnUrd, Rii hniond. were absj?ut
fr-.m rlases yesterday due to 111-n-t.
Mrs. William Evans, former
1. Sihyl Harrington who taught
l.r last yiLtr. substituted for
Tim Evaut. Both teachers are
b i k at work today.
Stayton Ladies Vinit
Among Stayton visitors to Sa-A'ks sl Sl Kturn;
Jem Wednesday afternoon werej Alice Blake Butz, seal sale di
Mrs. Hattte Ficklin. Mrs. O. E.I rector, has requested that all
Gardner and Mrs. Blen Fox. 'schools send in Christmas seal sale
'returns to her in care of the Mar-
Xi-w Kiifjene Permanent ion county child health demon-
Wave. Satisfaction guaranteed. i filiation. Box 336, not later than
Capital Beauty Shoppe. Tel. 366. jFebruary 15. The contest will be
checked up at that time and prizes
W'lit Mountain Honey
Is the best. Phono Mead at
I'oMk itj for Lake Labish
W. L. Teutsch, of the Oregon
"re college, spent yesterday at
ih Lake Labish eountry gather
i'is -lata on its products which lie
will incorporate into an article!
for a magazine
Duval Fined S2T
Charles Uuval was yesterday!
lined $J iis justice court here fori Dr. Frantz President of Clul
having possession of untagged elk! Dr. A. I. Frantz last night wa
meat '.ti violation of the Oregonielected president of the Montana
game laws. 'club which met at the chamber of
Icommerce rooms. About fifty for-
t'edar Posts Jmer Montanans were present. Leo
A few- still on hand, nice large; Hai laud w as chosen as secretary
!o9t. Cobbs & Mitchell Co.. 349lfor the coming year, and Mr. Clark
So. 12th St. A. B. Kelsey. Mana- was elected treasurer. Old time
Benefit Old Time ami Moleri
Dani-iiiK. Woodmen hall, t'hem-
awa. Friday. February 3
distributed; P jblic vited.
songs were sung.
throughout the country. He also
ict'-rvie wt'i Ronald E. Jones of
Rrook-i and L. O. Herrold of Sa
I.mii. .
Dame Tonight
Thomas' Orchestra, Dome's Pa-
in hi. McCoy.
FitKerald Arrested
11. A. Fitzgerald was
bupier. l.f hursday afternoon by state pro
hibition officers on a charge of
selling intoxicating liquor.
Mildred Roberts Pleases
In MacDowell Club Event
If anything happened to be
lacking that would serve to place
little Miss Mildred Roberts firm
ly in the hearts of Salem music
lovers it failed to show in the at
titude of the audience that filled
the concert hall of the Nelson
are Salem young people
The artists received many love-ithe onl' remaining one.
ly floral gifts at the conclusion of
their first groups. The stage was
beautifully decorated for the eve
ning. Dozens of pots of red tulips
stood before the footlights with
last night to hear the baskets of red carnations and
concert which she played as the
January program of the Saiem Mc
Dowell club.
ThU talented young violinist
jpened her program with Max
Burch's "Concerto in G Minor."
a composition that the most ex
perienced violinist f:nd.s difficult.
This piece, with its brilliant tech
nical palace.), was played in three
tempos. Miss Roberts' technic was
fern placed on either side of the
stage. The piano was banked
with rosebuds, carnations, violets,
jonquils and other spring flowers.
Miss Roberts has studied for
several years with Professor Wil-
lauding. Nearby i? the site of the
first warehouse built upon the
Willamette river. This site be-j
longs with Champoeg park. There i
was a time when four warehouses
stood here, and all doing a good!
business. The state has acquired
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 186S
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m.'to 3 p. m.
Mr. Zorn will put in 4 0 acres of
flax this year. B. M. Smith will
grow sixteen.
Read the Classified Ads
Lydia E. Dencer died at her
residence at 72 3 Ferry street on
February 2 at the ag of 4 2 years
liam Wallace Graham of Portland,1 Survived by her husband. J. Z.
who was In attendance at the con-; Dencer. and four brothers and
cert last night. three sisters. Mrs. A. II. Hammer
The February concert of the Sa-'
lem .waeuoweii ciun win De an
Let Kennell-Ellis
Make Your View and Commercial
Pictures, Any Time, Any Place
:.t all times adequate and she diB-jevent of February 27. Ted Roy
rdayed a remarkable- command of.0' Pilot. Rock, Oregon, the young
her tone. jman who won the Oregon district
Miss Mary Jean Porter, harpist, i Atwater Kent audition and later
was tl,? assisting artist for the!won second place in the national
evening Her first number was audit at Washington. D. C.. will
"Valse de Concert" ( Ha-selmans) ! sing- Thl3 concert is arousing
which she played with a delicacy I miK'h interest in adjoining towns!
1 iuternretation ThJof the valley as well as in S.
Perfect Cuneral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 CTiemeketa Street
Telephone 7'J
Old Photographs Copied
Often you want old photographs reproduced, but fear entrust
ing them to strangers.
Our reputation assures th safety nnd proper care of your
picture, which we will copy, enlarge, frame or hand color at
a price lower than the unknown agent can offer.
Kennell-Ellis Studio
4119 Oregon HMg.
Annuls Funeral at Albany
Amos A. Carper, son of Mrs.
J ;':a K Allphin who died at her
h mn- in the Dever district Sunday,
v. as in Albany Wednesday to at
t ; 1 the funeral services. Mrs.
Ailphin was buried at the Millers
l.-i cemetery. Mr. Carper is
( ':;' clerk with the Southern Pa-
ii i here.
furniture I'pholsterer
An J repairing. Gies-Powers
F imiture Co.
I Has Pneumonia
Krnest Banyard. 5, son of Mr.
t. i i Mrs. Arthur O. Banyard. of
(. i vals, is in a local hospital suf-t--ri,ii;"
from pneumonia.
I.iiiye White Persian Cat Ist
i"!ud-!- p; aee telephone Mrs
Kenne;i 2747 or return to
a . : .lenis Ave.
1 iiidllinint Largo
l'n til;; at the senior liih school
r ,, , :,, second semester of work
n w total ll!f. according to fig-i.-.'-
from the office of the prin-
j-.a. This is nearly 15 more than
it- anticipated when enrollment
l.-;in Monday and is I'SO more
th .o the total for the first term.
Lik-. Dance
.Monday night.
1 M A Director to Speak
What We Can Do for the
P.os" will be the subject of Al
bert E. Roberts, national YMCA
director of city and county work,
a' the Friday noon luncheon of
the Lions club. Mr. Roberts has
headquarters in New York City.
For Sale
Eight-room house and
wo lots on corner; east
Q-ont; paved street; g&r
Sgc; two blocks from
Hchool; good location and a
bargain at $3000. Only
$300 down and balance $25
per month at 6 interest.
Come In and about
442 State St. Tel. 2600
I look Lv change at Hljfli
Aulden Keeder.has been placed
lu charge of a book exchange
of which students at the senior
high school are enjoying the ben
ef its. All old books that are In
use In the classroom work are in
demand. Mr. Heeder Is well qual
ified to manage the exchange', as
he has had previous experience In
a Portland school.
Old Time Dance Sat. Night
Castilian Hall, open at S:00.
Italian Reader Wanted
Read Italian? Then you ar
j ust the person t . E. llson. man
ager of the chamber of commerce,
is seeking. He recently received
a letter from Menu Carlo. Gorgo
San Dalmazzo. Italy, which lie can
not translate but which he thinks
;s a complaint about not receiving
jouie information requested.
A La Carte Service
la Diuing Room Hotel Marion.
Itdlcs I'ncar thed
Relics that were once an inte
cral part of life for the historir
Hudson Ray company, have been
added to the Champoeg pioneer
memorial park relic collection.
The curios were recently un
earthed by Henry Zorn on his
farm near the park and are an
old sk.ite, nn Indian tool, and shot
mold, evidently hand-made.
Cobbs & Mitchell Co . T, 19 So.
12th St. A. H. Kelsey, Manager.
Everything in building material.
Auto Reported Stolen
Ellis Cooley of the Man's Shop
reported last night to the police
that his Hudson brougham, with
license 39-990. had been stolen
from in front of the Royal Court
Reward for Watrh
Will party who found gold wrist
watch, amethyst setting in stem.
black leather strap, Thursday eve
ning on Liberty street, return to
Mizpah V. Paimerton, YWC.V. Sub
stantial reward.
Pay Traffic Fine
Cecil Jackson Thursday paid a
SI fine for riding a bicycle at
night without lights.
Xo Lights on ltir3-rle
J. F. Hart, 1220 North 12th
street, was arrested Wednesday
evening on a charge or riding a
bicycle at night without lights.
Accessories Stolen
M. O. Ogden, 2775 South High
street, reported Thursday that the
previous night a spare tire and
rim and all the gasoline in the
tank, were btoleu from his auto
Roundnry Roanl to Meet Today
A meeting of t!' district boun
dary board will be held at 1:00
this afternoon in the county court
room. Among other things, the
board will act upon a petition
presented by a few residents of
the Hubbard school district who
seek admission to the Wood burn
Old Time Dancing
At Crygtal Gardens every Wed
nesday and Saturday night at
Wilbur Brown Visits
Just returned from six months
playing juvenile leads with a stock
company In Honolulu, Wilbur
1927 VUKb. nakLPAi CR
Call, phone or write
179 N. Commercial Salem
Msvke Home in Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Volk have!
come Irom l alirornia to make
their home at 1277 South Com
mercial. They were married in
the southern state recentlv, Mrs.
Volk having been a Nw Orleans
and careful interpretation. The'
harp seems always to arouse in
terest in an audience.. The beauty
arrestee:! 1 1 "e instrument in conjunction
with the 8killful touch of Miss
Porter proved especially pleasing
to the audience last night.
"Legends" (Henri Wieniawsky)
is a beautiful melody and received
full jtitsice under th? capably dl
reefed bow of Mitss Roberts. Tones
from the loudest to the softest and
most fairylike characterized the
playing of "Romance" (Joseph
Miss Porter's, second number,
the well-known "Minuet" by Lud
wig Van Beethoven, judging by
the applause of the audience, was
played admirably.
In response to the demanda of
an insistent audience. Miss Porter
played a short encore. I
The picturesque and seintlllant
number. "Hejre KatI," concluded
Miss Roberts' formal program.
biie piayeu mis piece in a manner
hat would have delighted the
mrvU conservative music devotee.
The audience was most unwill
ing ti let the artist go. Miss Ro
berts whose sweet disposition com
pletely won her audience, gra
ciously responded with a delight
ful encore number.
The concert which was given
last night was all that the audi
ence hoped it would be. Every
one felt just a bit proud to realize
that these talented young artists,
Miss Roberts, Miss Porter, aiid
Carl Wenger who so capably
played all, piano accompaniments,
and Corvallls
2. Henry H "ere B
I Watch I
Zorn attended the Willamette
river meeting in Salem on Wed
nesday. Mr. Zorn owns the land
that was the terminus of river
steamboatlng when boats were!
first plying the Willamette river. j
He owns the site where the first
gristmill south of the Columbia
river 6tood. He owns the land
where the road led out to the Sa
lem country from the said boat
Tree Across (). K. Wires
Power service on the Oregon
electric lines was suspended for
10 minutes Wednesday noon
when the upper branches of a
falling tree fell against the wires
on North High street, opposite the
high school.
Man Hurt in Collision
Glen Harbaugh. 1033 Highland.
FINE TORIC reading lni. W in
tun year (!ihm riBtt breakage.
Examination too.
Thonipson-GIntflch Optical Co.
110 K. Cmm'l Bt
Distinctly Correct
John J. Rottle
Expert Shoe Fitters A
4 10 State St. Z J
New shipment of St.
A ndreaslerj Hollers
"The canary with a
college education."
Flake's Pet land
273 State. Free ad
vice on care of pets.
Vf? r 1
When Glasses Arfi
New Location
Dr. C. B. O'Neill
Fourth Floor
First National Bank Building
Phona 631
Big Farmers Day Auction
One Consignment of Mortgaged Goods
and Other C onsignments Go At
nib e
Telephone S80 61 i Stajta St
AU Makes Uaad Machinal
Phona 651 421 Court St.
Rewound and Repaired, w
or Used Motors
Things Electrical
101 South High ' Tel. 2112
Entire Stock Reduced
Betterbilt Davenports
We can sae you money. .Ml hardwOiHl frames and guar
anteed. The best at real low prices.
vSr. $47.00 10 $59.00
All Mohair 7 Cft to OC Hfl
Davenports DOl.OU $?0)J.
Baker cut Velour Bed Davenport with 2AQ Cfl
coil springs and mattress, special DU
Choirs to Match
Cogswell GO A CA
Chairs PaVi.DU
These Davenports must be seen to appreciate the
wonderful values offered.
2 used Davenports and chairs to match. d J A AA
Special your choice davenport and chair 0laUU
Walnut, green or ivory dusted enamel, fiC flfl
3-piece Bedroom Suites 'ipOD.UU
Get OUR Prices Before You Buy
We can save you money on anything in new or used
H. F. WOODRY & SON, Auctioneers
New and Used Furniture Dealers
271 N. COM'L ST. PHONE 75
Rite Down Town
Agents for Lang Stoves and Ranges
Cash for Used Furniture Phone 75
Saturday, Feb. 4, I P. M.
F. N. WOODRY'S, Auction Market
1610 N. Summer St.
1 Duroc hrood sow. 1 yr. old. to farrow alnmt Marrh IS; 1
Chester White Ihmm1 sow. I year old. to farrow rIhhH April
1st; 10 flg, O weeks old, Berk, and Chester White; 1 stork
trailer, 1 anvil, 1 forge. lO" berry plow, all con.sljrned by
Renj. Ieiitx; aNo ." or OO Jersey Clants, ."( or M Plymouth
Roeks, 15 liuff Orpinjctoiis anil !." Wliite rto-k pullets, con
signed by Mrs. Heyleit: also 2 tiO-gal. and 2 SO sal. and 2
13-gul. Ralv. jras oil lanUs. 3 counter ru.s-s, 1 toaiiter, 1 lnrK
coal Inciter, 1 range, I good piano, 5 bels, springs and mat
tresses, it dressers, 1 large roiiis of linoleum, K. Queen, K.
cupboard, con-lgned by Mrs. Buck; also 1 A No. 1 gas engine,
1 good blryile, 2 hot water tanks, a lot of gotol furniture In
cluding linoleums, rugs, dressers, library tnb'es, small stools,
fruit, and nw ftOxA Vi cord llrew, applet, potatoes, onions,
prunes and many other miscellaneous articles -oiilgnel by '
different owners. Terms cash. ,
If anylnxly has anything to sell bring it in and I will convert it
Into cash for you. Want cows, horses, machinery, inoro
Otto Busch's Farm Auction
Will he held at hU farm March 1st Greenwood Station
Farmers Take Notice
Hereafter I will hold a farmers' day auction every Saturday at
t P. M. Send In your listings not later than Wednesday night
for advertising. I want our help. Yotirs for success. F. N".
Cash Paid for Csed Furniture Tel. All
Private Sales Daily of New and I'sed Furniture
Long and Short Distance Hauling
Public and Private Storage
Fireproof Building
Free Delivery to any part of the city.
Farmers Warehouse '
Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-W