The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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tan in imtfst
niiLnu in uuii I lw i
had been covered by the contest
ants. He wanted this Information
at first hand. He wanted to know
whether it was true or Just imag
ination. What he found he is almost
ashamed to write. In the localities
j where the loudest laments came
Beuiah Witzell Heads Hcnorifrnm- he found l,,at not even one-
nan or me people nad been asked
Rol! Today and Leads
In Total Votes
i;-u!ah Witzell
arol Smith
;iadyt MrDonal.i
Mrs Leo (irouke
l-td in Wlmle Content
I-jlh Witsell 34.1.000
Ry Contest Kditor
Mi Hmlah Witzell leads the
wkoif rontest today wiih 34 1.000
vjtff -Miss Witzell is one of Sa
ln."! young and handsome young
li!fi and has a host of friend.
lite been doing some very fine
wtsrk which ha-r-ptit her total
wi.ert it is today.
Ml!- Hazel MiMoiria leads the
whelt ( ontest in the radio event
Mis McMorrls is a very hard
Bork: and one who deserves cre
dit. AJrs. Gladys McDonald is a close
fcecond. Mrs. MacDonald pulled a
good one yesterday. A friend of
theirs stepped into their place of
business and in the course of con
versation Mr. MacDonald asked
him for a subscription for the
btaU-sman, but he could not see
his way clear to give them a sub
mripiion at that time, or, for that
matter, at any time. However, a
liltie later on, he called again on
another piece of business and Mrs.
McDonald approached him for a
uns rlption and without any ef
fort, whatever, secured the sub
avjiption she desrred. The story is
uow going around that Mrs. Mac
Donald is a better subscription get
ter than her husband. She is to
he congratulated because her hus
baud Is a go-getter and to excell
bis selling ability, she must have
exertional talent.
Now. randi. lares, do not forget
that :hi radio is an extra special
priie and will be given away at the
cloe of the period on February
20. to the candidate who turns in
tut- most money subscriptions for
ih three weeks ending that day.
Yes-erday. one of the contest
managers was out over the terri
tory to ascertain some facts in re
gard to the canvass being made.
Several contestants have told the
uumagr that they could not get
aty n;ore subscriptions, owing to
thf isut that the entire territory
to subscribe for The Statesman.
In one locality, one candidate told
the contest manager tha she had
e.ured every subscription that it
vas pos.iblf to get in that local
ity. The contest manager went
next door to this candidate's house
and asked them if they had been
asked to take it by any candidate
in the contest. What do you think
th. reply was? They didn't even
know there was t contest on in
The Statesman.
Now what do you think of that,
.ind right next door to the candi
date's house, too. Some neighborly
feeling, now. wasn't it? And some
live candidates. Well, we will have
o make sort of a half-hearted
ipology for the candidate for she
has been doing excellent work and
here is no question about that.
But she hasn't been doing is sys
tematically. She just jumps around
following tho Mae of least resist
ance. In another Instance, the contest
manager called upon one of Its
supposedly "top-notch" candidates.
She had been told by others that
there is no use of any one else
working in the contest, for the
candidates had Just loads of votes
in reserve. Some even went at far
as to predict several million. Well,
the contest manager didn't faint
and fall over during the inter
view for he was leaning against a
tree. The young lady hadn't done
things as they came and never
missing a house. We predict suc
cess for some of them because
they want to win. They want to
win badly enough to work as they
never worked before during the
contest. They are trying their very
best to double their record these
And, after all is said and done,
it all reverts back to the same old
suggestion said over and over
again by the contest editor.
"Make a house-to-house canvass
and see everybody." Attend to
your own business and gather
votes, and you will be so busy that
the sad tales that reach your ears
will have no time to take effect.
If you attend to your own can
vassing the way It should be at
tended to, you will be so busy you
will forget everything else and
what is more, you will win. You
cannot help it, so go ahead and
saw wood: The size of your I wood
pile on March 20 will all depend
on you ,and your little buzz saw.
Best Interests of Pupils
Should Be First Criter
ion, Letter Says
She had such a fine start that she
didn't have to work, as she
thought she was so far ahead
Then one fine day, her hopes were
so rudely shattered that she nev
er did recover. She died and then
and there, figuratively speaking.
Another candidate, a little more
foxy, came along and said "Why,
there's no use of your working for
the automobile, I have a cinch. I
have two million votes." Do you
know, that particular candidate
didn't have 200,000 votes at that
time, and she hasn't very many
more at this time. That young
lady could have had one of the
automobiles practically cinched if
-he had attended to her own busi
ness and left her neighbors alone.
There were several other can
didates who were keeping still
and sawing wood. Some of them
had some wood pile. TheScontest
manager showed them how much
better they could do by taking
SILVERTON, Feb. 2. (Spe
cial). The popular play, "Two
Masters," will be given at the
Methodist church Sunday evening,
February 5. The setting is laid
In one of Boston's fine homes.
"Upper crust" society plays a large
part In the events which are de
plctd. X A young American is sent back
rom China tn ret the henefita nf
a single thing in nearly two weeks.Min American university. A world
traveler livens the episodes with
her refined satire. The cast In
Mr. Van Horn, a lady of
wealth, Ruth Nixon; Mrs. Stuart,
invalid mother. Lilian Neihouse;
Helen Mclntyre, Rachel Crosby
and Charlotte Craig, college
chums. Jessie Paul. Genevieve
Gemmel and Ruth Helgerson;
Mrs. C. von der Witt Jones, trav
eler Elenor McKenzie; president
of women's club. Edna Comstock.
Misa Faye Sparks, popular so
prano, will assist by singing "How
Beautiful Upon the Mountain." by
Harker; "Spirit of God." by
Brown, and "Fear Not, O Israel."
by Buck.
Doors will be opened at 7 p. m.
Children under 12 will not be ad
mitted unless accompanied1 by
their parents.
Read the Classified Ads
Suggestions upon the hiring of
teachers for next year are this
week being sent out from the of
fice of Mary L. Fulkerson. county
school superintendent, to all
echool board members of Marion
The letter aeks that care and
the best interests of the children
be used in signing Instructors for
the next year; that no changes be
made unless those now employed
are unsatisfactory; that boards un
dertake to hire no teacher who
does not have an Oregon certifi
cate covering the entire term of
the contract. It also states that
no temporary permits will be Is
sued by the county superintendent.
The suggestions. In full, are:
"If the teachers you now have
are giving general satisfaction it
is best to retain them for next
year. A new teacher means a loss
of time while becoming acquainted
with school conditions during the
first year. Personal prejudice
against a teacher, of people who
have no children la school, should
not be taken Into consideration in
hiring a teacher. The school Is
for the benefit of the children who
attend it and not for adults who
have no connection with the school
excepting their residence in the
"We have many applicants for
teaching positions, yet good teach
ers are in demand. Many of our
best teachers have been offered
positions for next year. A cheap
teacher often proves to be poor
economy for the district. The best
teacher is none too good for your
"Aocordlng to a ruling by the
attorney general, a teacher's con
tract is void unless she has an
Oregon certificate covering the en
tire term of the contract. This
means that you cannot give a
teacher a contract for eight
months when her certificate is
valid for only three months. School
boards should note this when hir
ing teachers. Require the teacher
to display her certificate before
you give her a contract unless you
know personally that she has pro
per certification. A contract
based on certificates from another
state Is not valid in Oregon.
"No temporary permits will be
issued by the county superintend
ent next year unless no teachers
with Oregon certificates are avail
able. The teachers' examination is
held tn June and anyone wishing
to qualify should take advantage
of the opportunity.
"The county superintendent's
office 'is at your service and will
assist you in getting a teacher if
you so desire. If you wish us to
send you applicants for a position,
please notify us."
Smalley Purchases Farm
In Rosedale Community
ROSEDALE. Feb. 2. Special
Kenneth Cole of Portland visit
ed at the home of his parents. Mr
and Mrs. C. A. Cole, last week-end.
Miss Ben hen Cole, who attends
the normal school was also at
Gordon Potter of Salem has
started to the Rosedale school. His
parents expect to move soon into
the community.
Mr. Smalley has purchased the
Ed. Jory place, which is near the
Albert Bates' farm.
The great Improvement in reli
ability of Insurance service to the
public brought about through the
efforts of the Underwriters' asso
ciation throughout the United
States, was stressed by Clare A.
Lee, state insurance commissioner,
in an address before th Life Un
derwriters' association of Salem at
Us luncheon at the Gray Belle
Thursday noon.
Mr. Lee mentioned the service
given by the insurance companies
in explaining the public the needs,
uses and benefits of life insurance.
j as compared to the more or less
haphazard methods employed a
ifew years ago.
Along this line he compared the
character and reputation of the
j life underwriter agent of today, a
'reputable citizen of the commun
Jlty and state in which he disposes
of his wares, with-the more or less!
j itinerant part time agent who
wandered through the country, and
upon whom the policy purchaser
had to "take a chance" because he!
did not know for sure that he!
would ever see that particular
agent again.
! The speaker stated that the aim
of the association of underwriters
jwas to demand of its members
methods which would S'. ure for
jtheni individually and collectively
i the confidence of the public with
whom they deal.
He explained that while the sell
ing of life Insurance Is a basinets,
its ethics today are as high as
those sought by any of the pro
fessions and that the duty of the
association Is to maintain among
its members the high standard of
business dealing, which would j
eliminate entirely ice aouin sn.i
existing in the minds of a few 84
to the real need of life insurance
and its place in the economic life
of everybody in the community.
The next meeting of -the local
underwriters' association is to be
held March 1. when it will be host
to the bankers and trust company
officers of Salem and the sur
rounding community. A promi
nent life underwriter from Port
land will be the principal speaker.
PUENTE, Cal., Feb. 2. (AP)
A nude, headless body found
near here today has been partially
identified as that of a Mexican boy
about IS years old, deputy sher
iffs said.
'x's -
IP you are suffering with Piles
or other Rectal and Colon
ailments, come to competent Specialists
for examination. Your trouble may be
laiaov. eatily conractM bow. Dby might mean
aateU aary later. Tha duo. J. Daan aMtfcod
atf trwtfaf tack r6m U wttboa kewital
mm fry. Me cuttlas. ao ganaraJ snaHntte. o
eonSflMMOt. Simpiy mild, quickly Htectto offica
its. Am to rcmow al!
all or tend today
StfctrVor I (tit - S tit and (an francUto
'nllTP1!" rftfls MHHLJHIIJfH 1 1 - -
I !
' 1
j iiL UJ J iLj O JT iT Ji v ILy O
S . :
Smart Styles in Spring Suits
Sport Models in beautiful soft
fine tweed mixtures, in the
new Spring colors, Honey j
Beige, Suntan, Misty Morn.
Short jackets, single and dou
ble breasted. Self trimmed
with wrap-around skirts.
Regular $24.75
f f ective February First
Standard Coach
Standard Coupe
Standard Sedan
2 Fflflv7UGag SevGira RtocjOeHs
Standard Landau Sedan
standard Cabriolet . . $925
All Prices FOB Factory
Special Six 4 Door Sedan
Advanced Six 4 Door Sedan
365 Noirtli Commercial St.
"After We Sell We Serve"
Telephone 1260