THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31, 1928 - The Oregon Issued Daily Except Monday by THE STATESMAN PC BUSHING COMPANY 2i: tout Commercial Street. Salem. Oregon L. 1. Hendricks Manager Managing Editor CUy Editor Rporta Editor Society Ed tor irl 3. MeSherry - alph C. Curtis -etor D. Carlson ilosalla Bunch .. UEMBBR OF THE Til Associated Preea ia exclasiTeiy Mt diiptebe credited to it or not otherwise credited ia thi afr and also th focal new published bnroin. CUember Selected Oregon Newspaper (Hype, lar, fortlanl. Secant Bide: San Francisco. Sharon 31d. : Lot Anfalee, ObamWer of Commerce B!dg Ckomnn T. Clark Gt, New Tork. 129 138 TELEPHONES Newa t'ept-.-'i or 106 Bsainaas Office..2 or 383 Society Editor 108 Entered at tho Poat ftire in Saiem, January 31, 1028 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not tall from the heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: Lnd then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven; and then hall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Matthew 24:30-31. j TOMORROW'S The river improvement meeting at the Salem Chamber of Commerce at 10:30 tomorrow forenoon is an important one, and the reasons for providing in the Willamette all the year around should be made a? strong and exhaustive as possible. Congressman Hawley, who introduced the amendment in the rivers and harbors bill providing for the investiga tion, advises this. 1 ! Of course, the time will come when the United States government will undertake this work. It is the natural thing. It is manifest destiny. A boating and barging stage will connect the great Willamette valley by water borne transportation with all the deep sea ports of the world. That convenience will not be neglected for very long, as a matter of course But the present generation needs this. We want to see the consummation while we are alive; and witness and par ticipate in the benefits. It is the major general development matter on the tapic for this city and this whole valley For it will add to the selling value of every pound and bushel and bale and article produced in the industries on the land and in our cities and towns. If you can add to the weight of testimony or influence In favor of this project, it is your duty to act. 4THAT PEPPERMINT OIL SMELL "Salem, Ore. The pungent readers of the Oregon Statesman the other day when they 1 opened the paires of the paper. "An editorial note explained: 'If The Statesman smells of mint this mornin do not be alarmed. There is peppermint i oil in the ink. It is a pleasant and penetrating smell. It ii . good for you.' i "The minted edition was printed to celebrate growth of the peppermint industry in Oregon and the increase in I capacity of peppermint oil refinery at Salem from 25 pounds to 225 pounds an hour." Publishers' Auxiliary. Now we just wonder whether some of the big metropoli- j tan papers couldn't be induced to adopt some snr.h deodor- j izing agent ! The Prison Mirror. (The Publishers' Auxiliary is a sort of house organ for the newspapers of the United States, and goes all overthe country. The Prison Mirror is the newspaper published in the penitentiary at Stillwater, Minnesota; the prison that stands at the head of all the institutions of the kind in this country, or in the world, in its industrial organization, coupled with the high percentage of reformations. It has been self supporting since 1905, through the making of bind er twine and manila rope and reapers and mowers and rakes and other farm implements. The Stillwater institution ha a surplus in its revolving fund of between three and four .cnillion dollars. The Oregon revolving fund law was copied after the Minnesota law. Oregon is following in the foot- " steps of Minnesota in making its penitentiary an industrial plant, the best possible foundation for a reformatory in stitution. The difference is that the Oregon institution is working its way up to self support, while the Minnesota penitentiary was given a fund and borrowing privileges (from state funds) sufficiently large to go into full oper-l ation at once, and thus to make the prison self supporting from the first, without 1eing required to earn its own way to self support which, however, events have shown it could have done. (This peppermint oil stunt of The Statesman has carried . the fame of the mint industry here and the name of Salem very far.) Col. W. B. Bartram, in his talk at the noon meeting of the Salem Chamber of Commerce yesterday, advanced a recommendation for a change in the parole law, giving men employed in the industries at the penitentiary the benefit , of good time earned in faithful work, in lieu of the $25,000 a year they nowt receive in wages, and the $50,000 and more which they will earn as the industries grow. This is a suggestion t least worthy of discussion. But nothing can take the place of the aid that is given through the wage system to the families of the inmates on the outside the innocent sufferers; keeping the families together against the day of release of the bread winner. That is the strong est kind of an element of regeneration and reformation. In Oregon, that is one of the chief objects of prison service, according to our Constitution. Col. E. Hofer, in his letter to The Statesman, printed this morning, tells of the celebration in San Francisco over the report of the Bank of Italy, snowing for ivzi twenty mimon dollars profits, and the voting by the directors of a present of a million and a half dollars to President uianmi, wno gave the money to the University of California to develop agriculture. That is a munificent gift for a great purpose. The remarkable setting of the story is the fact that Presi dent Gianini came to the United States an immigrant from Italy, and started life as a fruit broker. Rosedale People Visit With Portland Relatives n os K DALE. Jan. SO. (Spec ial Mr. nd Mrs. Haldy nd hildren Tlslted relatlTea in Port laid Fridaj' Ed Saturday, Mrs. Statesman Ralph II. K letting, Lloyd E. W. H. Henderson. E. A. Rhoten W. C. Ccnner AdTortiaiog Manager Superintendent Circulation Manager r Litestock i-ditor - - Poultry d-.tof ASSOCIATED PRESS entitled to liie ci- (u Duo'-.nliot cl all Pae:fie Coast Repres erttie Doty tt - V. Slat St.; Chicago. Marquette Bldf. Job Department .. (" rculati n O'ftce S8S .Sue Or-t n. a ut Hase matter. give her light, and the stars shall RIVER MEETING a boating and barging stage j smell of peppermint greeted Haldy's sister and fire year old son returned with them for a few days' visit here. Kenneth Cole, who is employed in Portland, rlslted his parents here orer the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith are moving into the Blcesten noose. - The OUTER GATE By OCTAVUS ROY COHEN CEITTRAX. PRESS ASSW., Inc. READ THIS FIRST Bob Terry is released after serving three years In prison for a crime he did not commit. Peter Borden, bis employer, was chiefly responsible for sending him there, believing It was his "duty," as he put it. With Bob's release, Bordon takes him in his home and offers to share his fortune because he is sorry for him. Bob Terry accepts Borden's hospitality but deter mines to make .him suffer as he has suffered. In Borden's home, Bob meets his daughter, Lois, who he has always admired from afar. Bob also meets Kathleen Shan non, niece of his prison pal, Todd Shannon. Kathleen is John Car body's private secretary. Carmody is the state's political boss and is a criminal lawyer. Carmody also hates Borden and determines to get him through Bob Terry. He offers Terry a position in the law office, Borden's business associates are taking him to task for permit ting Bob Terry (to stay at his home. John Morri weather, Bor den's business rival, is particular ly angry about it. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY Chapter 14 YET it was not that which wor ried Lois Borden, unfair as it was. The thing which preyed upon her mind was the fart that Bob was not entirely out of con tact with life. Somewhere he had discovered human Interests. John Carmody, of course, that silken voiced, ultra-courteous man who controlled the city, the county and a goodly part of the state. And Kathleen Shannon. Lois didn't know Kathleen and could not understand why she hated the girl. It did not occur to her that she was jealous. She thought simply that she was afraid for Bob because the kindly Bruce Richardson who never -poke ill of anybody had told her of the scandal which people were pleased to imagine existed between the Shannon girl and John Carmody. That seemed to indicate, then, that Kathleen Shannon was no fit woman for any man to know in timately particularly a person suffering from mental unrest. Lois envisioned the girl: blatant. coarse, indifferent to moral and social standards, superficially efever, niece of a convicted crim inal, and speaking the same horrid language which Bob Terry had learned in the penitentiary. It was Kathleen who appealed to Lois as the real menace with which Bob had to contend; and because she could think of nothing except this other woman, she quite naturally minimized the danger of John Carmody. The door df Bob's room opened and he stepped into tn nail. Sight of him restored Lois' courage and she moved forward quickly to his side. "Bob," she asked. ("won't you stay home tonight? I wi3h to talk with you." His "face was expressionless. "Why?" "I do. It Is important. Won't you, please?" Bob had not yet learned to re fuse, but he asked one question. "Alone?" And Bob Terry looked at her with an expression which caused her soul to shrivel. It was agate hard, and his voice was . like the rasp of a file. What he said was. "No!" She shuddered then spoke kindly again. "Yon will stay home?" "Yes. ma'am." He himself flushed at the "ma'am." "I'll tel ephone " She could not help but overhear his call. It was to Alfred Greg ory State Senator Al Gregory. Lois knew htm of Carmody's, a legal associate well-born, hand some in $. coarse, riorld way; a loud and fluent orator and a thor ough political spellbinder who was overly cautious, utterly unscrupu lous, and who was spoken of gen erally as a gubernatorial posslbil lty. There was grave danger in Bob's association with this man. It seemed that the Carmody web was wearing about him, meshing him inextricably in its invisible strands; Carmody himself, Todd Shannon, who was Carmody's ell ent; Kathleen Shannon, his sec retary; Whispering Willie Weaver and now State Senator Al Greg ory. Lois listened to the conver sation, innocuous enough In itself. but conducted by Bob Terry with a freedom and lack of restraint which had never been apparent In his relation with her. It was with a feeling of desperation that she led the way into the living HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied in Nos trils Opens Air Passages Right Up. Instant relief no waiting. Your dogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of jour head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snaffling, blowing, headache, dryness, No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get ia small bottle of Ely's Cream Bain from your druggist now. Apply a little of tfiis fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It s jnst flo. Don't stay stuned-up jrith eotd or nasty catarrh. ad-- (room and seated herself on the lounge beside the young man with tired eyes. It was a scene of quiet softness, of soothing domesticity: the big homey room with its handsome. unobtrusive furnishings. the balmy air of spring which bore in through the wide-flung windows. a symphony of night sounds. The room breathed gentility and safe ty and softness yet she could see that Bob was under a strain as though he could never again fit into such an environment. She did not equivocate, al though her voice was rather strained. "Bob," she questioned, "why won't you accept that position which Dad offered you?" His eyes were focused blankly on the opposite wall. "I donit care to work in that of fice again." His unblushing candor helped her. "Why?" "Isn't that obvious?" "Not exactly. Dad is trying to help you." "I don't want any help. I don't need any." "But Bob you do. It has been a long time now and you've done nothing. Oh! I know you don't need the work for the money it would bring you. When Dad said he owed you an irreparable debt, he meant it. He meant that you could call on him for every cent of his personal fortune. But that isn't the point. You're In an un healthy mental condition " "It that unnatural?" "Certainly not. And it isn't un natural for one to contract pneu monia after exposure but then, one tries to cure the disease. You have been sitting around thinking, and thinking isn't good for you." "I got the habit in prison." "But you're not lu prison now. Bob " "Is that so?" "Yes. Oh, can't you see what It is all leading to: this inaction, this refusal to let us help? What are you waiting for?" "Todd Shannon." "Your cellmate?" "The only friend I have. Mr. Carmody says he'll be out any day now. I can talk things over with him. He understands." "But he's the one "person who doesn't understand. He's a crim inal. Bob a convicted criminal." "So was I." "But you have said that he doesn't even claim to have been innocent. I don't say he's not a loyal friend, and that you should n't be fond of him, but I do say that hia Judgment cannot possibly; be good. Ills judgment ia warped." "It's good enough for me." j "No-o you merely think it Is. Ploaso try to pull yourself out of this. Work any kind of work outside interests " She leaned forward earnestly: a cool, slim blonde thing, through whose golden-brown hair the soft light of the reading lamp filtered exquisitely.! "Your real friends axe here. You are bitter against Dad I under stand that; but he Is trying to help. Bruce Richardson Is trying to be your friend. Don't you like him?" i There was a touch of animation in the man's set face. "Yes. Richardson 13 all right. But he doesn't understand." "What?" "Things," he answered vaguely, "The same sort of things you don't understand, either." "Well, then myself. I want to help, and if I don't understand, it's because you won't let me. Is that fair. Bob? Is It fair to shut me out as though I didn't exist?" lie faced her, a puzzled expres sion on his countenance. He closed bis eyes slowly and opened them again. It was as though be were seeing her for the first time. She took shape before his eyes now, and he knew that once he had worshiped Lois Borden from a great distance, and It came to him that here was the same wo man pleading with him to accept her friendship. A warm glow suffused him. He experienced an emotion which he PREVENT GRIPPEFLU HILL'S ti with amazing Quick- a. t. Cold, are crocked ZoYuZ, Js Be Sure ItiUJt Prlce30c Get Bed! With portrait Cvfcr 4 Wo 3stoC BECKE & 189 X. High had not known since that ghastly day three years and a half before, when they had arrested him for embeselenient. He turned away as though blinded by the white light of this revelation that prison had not robbed him of woman consciousness, and he felt the first vague stirrings; of a desire to please this slender girl. "I I do know that you exist," he said slowly. "God knows " He bit his lip. "And you win let me help?" "If you think I'm worth while yes." "Worth while!" In her exulta tion the words were out before she realized. "You are the most worth-while thing in the world!" It was not her words, but the timbre of her voice which caused him to turn and gaie straight Into her eyes. And there, alone in that room, they realized that they were man and woman and the barriers of he past were momentarily swept away as they sensed that from this moment on their rela tions could never be other than Intensely personal. (To be Continued) - -O I Bits For Breakfast River meeting tomorrow ; S And that's the biggest develop ment project on the tapis now. mm m The Southeast Salem Improve ment club is to hold a meeting to morrow night at the Knight Me morial church. No trouble on, this time. Everything peaceable. The incinerator: row la in a state of Innocuous desuetude, In the words of Grover Cleveland on a historic occasion. The club is go ing to talk about plans for mak ing that the most beautiful section of Salem, the City Beautiful. A philanthropist bearing the seduc tive name of Kluck Is to give every one in that section who will plant an ornamental shrub or put out a flower and attend it, a elip or cut ting or the necessary seeds. To begin with the Richmond school grounds are to be made beautiful. Good Idea. If any other section has ambitions to be more attrac tive than Southeast Salem hopes to become, let that section get busy. W S "Talking about the incinerator again, there is only one place for it. That Is, any place below the level of the city, and that means any place to the north of the city. Salem 13 not for long going to be allowed to dump her sewage into the Willamette river; (ought not. This means a sewage disposal plant, and that the incinerator and the sewage disposal plant must be together. And sewago will not low up hill. S S Here is another Idea. Col. Bar tram told the Salem Chamber of Commerce yeeterday that Salem is going to surround the present site of the penitentiary. So it la. Al so. Salem will surround an inciner ator site not located down near the river bank to the north, and a considerable distance out. And the incinerator should not be lo cated In the city or at a point that will be In the city before long. There are two springs In a watch, a mainspring and hair spring, according to an answered Question In Liberty. WOLD'S GSZUKTEST S<RGCLlCZI SYSTEM (Same redaction to Sacramento and Oakland.) Here's a big saving in Year end travel cost, effective Dec. 12 to Jan. 12, with 30 day re turn limit allowed on round trip tickets. Finest coaches, best terminals, most daily schedules. ( Los Angeles $22.50 Similar low fares to San Diego, all California cities. Phoenix, El Paso, St. Louis and East. Depart ures 1:80, 10:10 A. M. 7:20 P. M. STAGE TERMINAL HOTEL TeL 696 SOtp fL - 73 fro se. JVM. y & e y HENDRICKS Telephone 101 i i Special Lot TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO o o (Prom columns of the States man, January 31, 1903.) The Willamette university bas ketball team will leave this morn ing for Tacoma to make a short tour of Oregon and Washington. Baker The arrest of Peter Peterson, a miner, brings to light the most gigantic ore stealing scheme in mining annals of the west. HOIUIECOIUK EVENT FORMER STUDENTS VISIT LIB ERTY SCHOOL LIBERTY. Jan. 30. (Special.) Friday and Monday were home coming days at the Liberty school. The following former students were welcomed as visitors: Tillie Berndt. Richard Allen. Magdalena Schmidt. Sabina Schmidt, Janette Dasch, Dorothy Judd, Dorothy Coffey., Lela Fox, Ellen Neuens. Bessie Brown. Bar bara Schotthoefer and Harlen Judd. Other visitors were Genevieve Davis. Lugene Britzky, Mrs. R. Gibson, Mrs. K. Audcr.son, Mrs. Joe Williams, Mrs. EslN'in, Mrs. Belamy, Mrs. Cleveland, Mrs. Fair and Mr3. Copley. Mrs. FSank Hrubetz recently purchased a new radio. Mrs. Ed Farr of The Dalles re cently visited her sister. Mrs. F. J. Browning. Miss Jessie King has resumed her teaching in the intermediate room after an abence of three weeks, caused by the illness and death of her mother, Mrs. Elmer King of Silverton. Mrs. Y. L. Shattic has returned from Los Angeles, where she ha been visiting for several weeks. Florenoe Copley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Copley, had the misfortune to scald her foot badly by upsetting a pan of boil ing water that was on the stove. She will be out of school for some time. William Esch May Run For Sheriff, Reported Friends of William Esch. now auditor In the office of the secre tary of state and Marion county sheriff from 1913 to 1917, are urging him to enter the political arena as a candidate for sheriff, he Bald yesterday. Mr. Esch has not fully made up his mind whether or notyhe will seek the nomination. Mr. Ksch tra vels under the republican banner. Before bis two terms as sheriff of this county, he spent eight and a half years as deputy sheriff, R The N four under Sheriff W. J. Culver and the other period under Sheriff Harry Mlnto. O O 1 General Markets I O O PRODUCE PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 80. (AP. B jtterfat steady ; 47c station, 48c track, bu :i 5r fob Portland. Poultry s'-ady; heary bens 22(5 21c; lifht 15&20r; springs 20(fl21c: broilers 3ig25c: pekin white ducka 30c; colored nommai turkeys alive 25427c. Onions quoted U'5c lower. iroenient nominal: local J 1.55 $ $- 25 ; potatoes slow. 75o(u$I.-5 sack. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore.. Ju 30. (APV Cattle ful'y '5c lower. irot bids 50c lower; receipts 2250, including 80 direct lr through caUe 28. Steera 1.000 1.300 p!imii good $ I l 2 5 (a 1 2 2 : ditto medium 95" H0Q pounds $1 1 :C" 12-25 ; ditto S0O pourd"i up. medium $10.00 11.50, ditto, ail w.-i;!its. common' common SS.COia 10.00 t--ifer "d S50 pound flfwn $ 10.00 (fir 1 1 Ou : drtto common $8 00(3 10. uJ;"vws goiMl s.50'7; 9.25 . ditto com mon to medii.m $6.50 8.50 : ditto low cutters to cutters I 505.SO; bulls, yearlings excepted, beef good $7.50a (v"l; ditto common and lueilium $fl.75i4 7.50; calves. 500 pounds down, medium to chj ce a.5(."3 1 0.50 . ditto culls to coninn.u $0 50tg 8 5i . vraters milk fed. choice $10 50fa 12 50 : ditto medium $10 Ml 11.50; ditto cuils to common $7.50(g O.iiO. Hogs steady; receipts 2,905 including 236 direct or through: heavy weifht, 250 joo pounds, medium to $7.75(4 8.75; medmm weigM -00 250 punds, me Jium to choice $8.25 '3 9-00 . light weight. 160-200 pounds, medii'm to choice $9.00 4'.'.25; light light. i:M-lJ0 pounds, me dium to choice $8. 501..V s 25 ; packing hogs, rough and nmooth. $6.00 vf 7.50 ; slaughter jiK. 90 13U pound, medium to choice C0rH00: firder and stocker pig. 70 130 pounds, medium to choice $8.00(a 8.75. (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pigs excluded in aliove quotations. 1 8heep strudy; receipts 1 1 HO. including COO direct r through. Lambs 4 pounds down, good to choice $11 5i'(4 1.1.00; dit to med.'im. 92 pounds down. $10.00fa 11. "11. ditto culls to common, a!! weights, f 7.50m I" .00 : yearling wethers to choice fn OU '(l JU t 1 ewes. l-'r uouiius , . I 'v.';...- iwmLnn. Hi.frtithere is reason medium to choice 120 150 pounds $4.00 (si 5 .00; ditt i culls to common, all weight $3.'''.' d 4.00. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES rOHTl. AM). Oie.. .In". 30. l APV Cauliflower ront'inies firm at $1.75(t 2.00 per crate. growers marketing! wnsh.-d carrots, beets and turnips in , boxes holding 25 to 28 pound are being rewarded u : III au si ion ueuia:iu iui hettr ;ippenring stock. It Is moving at 55 -4 i0 per box tor the turnips and 45 C4 ouc for the carrots. The orange prices are s!i?h!'y weaker locally. Lettuce con tinnes plentiful and of a wid range cf uuailtv ana Tirice. .itiee h i i .ruit- mr lieiiis; offered at $1.50'.il.5O per iloren. PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 3. (AP). Wheat bids; HBB hard white, Jan.. Feb.. Mnrch $1.42; hard white, blue stem, baart all months $1.27; federation, soft white, western white all $1.27; hard winter ail $1.23; northern spring all $1.J4, western red all $1.22',. FREE VOTING BALLOT This ballot is good for 200 votes for the candidate in The Oregon Statesman Subscription Campaign, whose name is written on it. Do not fold. Trim. Name Address VOID AFTER MARCH 10T H, 1928 ANYONE CAN VOTE FOR FRIENDS .. m a ,iiijuaa.s..M.aawMlMa w i deserves the same attention you'4 give to any other good motor car. Use RJchlube 100 Pure Pennsylvania Mo tor Oil in your new Ford f irs the finest, safest lubrication you can buy. -and for the Model T Ford con tinuc to use Richlube Forlubefz. non-chatter Motor Oil designed and recommended especially for Fords. t at leading service sta tions and garages everywhere foRLUbe FOR, TOKDS a m I C H L U B E , Oata. So. 3. E6 ponnd W. T., and d.tto gray Jan., Feb., March 940.50. Barley, No. , 45 pound B. W . all ;'. Corn, So. 2 E. Y. ihipment Jan., Feb . 37.23. Ho. 3 ditto Jan., Feb.. $35 75. Mitlrun, standard all $31. DAIET PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 30. AI'i. Dairy Exchange, net prices: Butter, extras 45c; standard 44c; prime firsts 43 He; firata 43c. Kgjts. extras 8l)c: firata 9c ; madnun extras' 29c; medium firata 28c, unjr sued 25e. , HAT PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 80 APi Hay tujing prices: Eastern Oregon tim othv 20.5o'i2l: ditto valley iHj)0 13 5i; alfalfa H.003 1 S 50 : oat hay 4'.4. 50'g 15.00; straw $9 per ton; sail ing prices $2 a ton more. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAUO. Jan. 30 i.AP). BrUk de mand for good grades of corn and scant! ness : of rural ntforinra. lifted the corn J market today notwithstanding receipts here were tho largest thia season. Wheat went lower because of selling ascribed in part to European account. Corn closed firm at the day's top !vel of prices. to lVc net higher, with wheat at l-8o to half cent decline and oats iinctiajiged to 1 8c advance. COm STAY FAT m THESE DAYS You see countless people who have pained new beauty, new health and vim, by fighting excess fat. Some have dona this by abnormal exercise and diet, some in a modern, scientific way. Why not follow their example? There is a way based on scientific re search. It combats a cause of execs fat which starvation cannot fight. That method is embodied in Marmola pre scription tablets, now used for 20 years. Millions of boxes of them. The result you see wherever you look should in duce you to accept them. Each box of Marmola contains tho formula, also the reasons for results. S to fear I harm. You will know that all the good j results come in a natural way. Go loam ithem now. bv asking vour dniftrlst fur a $1 box of Marmola. . -- - YiTU'l-' ltOf' ' V l--lti T.'V'1 , ,M , , L tlder tilt1 present law all dug ejsl,t mouths old or over must bo licensed, and this l;iw reads: On March ltt a penalty of $1 will bo added on all Male and Spayed Fe male dog licenses unpaid making them $2 ou March 1st. and u pen alty' of $- will be added ou ail I. male dog licenses un.paij nukiiii; them $4 on March 1st. The law applies to the. keeper of ilot well as owner. I'. G. KOYKK. J29 County Clerk. Jrosrcl 4 4