The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 31, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ttrc n"i?nnv rtattcm ay satjem. OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 81, 1928
Prudhomme and Dr.
Milton Steiner Annmmce
Of much Interest in Salem Is
the engagement of Miss Vera
Y. W. C. A. Campaign For
Founds Will Open Monday
Tho Y. W. C. A. campaign for
funds will open next Monday, Feb-j
ruary 6, and will continue- until
Prudhomme of Portland, daugh- the following Saturday
tpr nf Mr Jospnh Prudhomme to1 5
: JrJiOO is the goal of the cam
Milton Steiner, son of Dr. andipaign workers.
Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner which wasi The Young Woman's Christian
announced at a five table pridge i association is one of the most valu-
party for which Misa Prudhomme's1
aunt, Mrs. J. J. Tyrell was hos-1
tesa Saturday a-rernoon in her
homer in Westmoreland.
Both young people attended the
University of Oregon. Miss Prud
homme is a member of Pi Beta
Phi sorority, and Dr. Steiner is af
filLed with Beta Theta Pi frater
nity, lie is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Oregon medical school
and is also a member of Nu Sig
ma Nu fraternity. He la riow prac
ticing at the state hospital in Sa
lem. I
Although no definite date has
b;?en set for the wedding, it will
probably be an event of the sum
mer. 800 Guests and Members
Attend Woman's Club
A delightful meeting of the Sa-
ler.i Woman's club was held Sat
urday afternoon at tho club-house
on north Cottage street. Three
hundred members and their guests
were present.
The club rooms were beautiful
ly decorated for the afternoon
with pink cyclamen and candela
bra with pink and white tapers.
The feature of the program was
the clever one-act play, "William"
which was given by four members
of the club. The cast included Mrs.
Leonard Nelsonwho took the part
of '"Alfred Blossom;" Mrs. Wal
ter Spaulding. who portrayed.
"Mrs. Bronson;" Mrs. W. M. Pen-
aoie iiisiHuiiona in oaiem. xuar-j k?j$$
velous growth has been made since
US oi ia nun nf i w in in
n a t i s-c n it n v t nrctd t 9 1 7 r rwt
Liberty street, but outgrowing
that, in December, 1916. it moved
to the present location, 126 north
The entire second floor of thei f&m
Roth building is used as associa-' fMWfi
tion neaaquariers wnicn, as every
one knows, if not completely out
worn, is a very "close fit."
The Y. W. C. A. i3 administer
ed by the following capable and
representative women. Mrs. Mason
Bishop. Mrs. Eric Butler, Mrs. B
K. (airier, Mrs. W. D. Clarke,
Mrs. E. K. Elliott, Mrs. Frank Er
ickson, Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, Mrs.
Paul H. Hauser, Mrs. Harry M.
Hawkins, Mrs. D. B. Jarman, Mrs.
W. E. Kirk. Mrs. J. H. Lauter
man, Mrs. L. H. McMahan, Mrs.
John H. McNary, Mrs. Charles A.
Park, Mrs. D. R. Ross, Mrs. A. L.
Wallace. Mrs. Pa B. Wallace.
Miss Nina McNary, Dr, Estella
Ford Warner, and Miss Mable Sav
age. Miss Elizabeth Baker is general
secretary of the local Y. W. C. A.
Mrs. Mildred Bright is house sec
retary and Miss Bernice Mulvey is
office secretary.
The trustees are W. I. Staley. C.
P. Boise, and Mrs. R. J. Hen
dricks. The lobby, with an open fire
place, is used as a reading room
for clubs and parties as well as
hkmr &f2rr I urn
k si hv-i - crv't -jfrr lira
i ll ii
vi y ig.s
. .. , ... ifef CWS
nington, as nenry uronson; ana for general use. As many as 250
Mrs. Karl Becke. whose part wasj women and girls often come in
"Jennie," the maid. leach day.
Following the play, the cast' There is an attractive living
presented Mrs. Merrill Ohling with, room for the permanent guests in
a lovely pot of tulips in apprecia- the house, having a piano, Com
tion of her capable directing of fortable chairs, reading lamps, a
the production. beautiful rug. and draperies. This
Miss Elizabeth Baker, general; room is also used by the board of
secretary of the, . . C. A.; directors, and for the
Fpoke to the club members. She
described the work of the local
association and asked for the co
operation of the club in the Y.
W C. A. campaign for funds
which will open next Monday.
A group of Girl Reserves, dress
ed in their attractive uniforms of
Hue and white, accompanied Miss and sang two songs.
The musical program was in
Large of Mrs. T. S. Roberts.
A piano solo, "Hungarian
M..r h." was played by Miss Helen
1 Hinier. Miss Benner and Miss.
1) u r 1 1 Ross played "Country,
Dance" as a piano duet. I
Mrs. Malcom Ramp sang "Out
of the Dusk to You" and "Little
Old Garden." She was accompani
f (i by Professor T. S. Roberts.
.Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, chairman of
tl:;- carpet committee, reported at
tin business meeting on the cost
if various types of floor cover for the club rooms.
.Mrs. Seymour Jones announced
that the trustees of the club will
sp; n3or a benefit bridge tea on
tl.o afternoon of February 17 in
the club-house.
An informal social hour follow
ed the program and business ses
sion. The tea table was centered with
pink cyclamen and pink tapers in
fcilver holders.
Mrs. Seymour Jones and Mrs.
Joseph Baumgartner presided at
the serving urns.
The tea committee included
Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce, chairman;
Mrs. B. N. Speer, Mrs. Curtis B.
Cross, Mrs. Frank Spears, , Mrs.
Oliver B. Huston, Miss Edith Haz
ard. Mrs. Paul S. Acton, Mrs. W.
G. Allen. Mrs. G. C. Bellinger,
Mrs. Joseph H. Baumgartner. Mrs.
William Bell, Mrs. Martin F. Fer
rey, Mrs. Homer Goulet, Mrs. F.
G. Bowersox, Mrs. Alton B. Hur
ley, Mrs. Seymour Jones, and Mrs.
Homer R. Smith.
, Miss Kathleen Woodward one-time factory-worlter7 who gained
fame as the biographer of Queen Mary, and is one of the literary
leaders of England today, recallsjthedays .when eheused to gU,
salt from door to doorS
Attend Wedding tn Portland
Dr. and Mrs. George H. Alden,
Mrs. O. P. Hoff, and Governor and
Mrs. Isaac fatterson were
guests at the wedding of Miss
Pearl Staples and Gault Oliver
J atton which was solemnized at
fc sir o'clock Sunday afternoon at
tho Westminister Presbyterian
oh arch in Portland.
Rev. James Price read the ser
vic e in the presence of a large as
semblage of relatives and friends.
A reception at the home of the
bride's parents. State Senator and
Mrs. Isaac E. Staples, in Irvlngton
followed the service.
Methodist Men's Council Will
Meet Wednesday Evening
The Methodist Men's council
will meet Wednesday evening at
seven-thirty o'clock at the First
Methodist church.
Chaplain W. S. Gilbert will be
ib.) speaker of the evening.
saver Tea SVUl Be Given
at Home of Mrs. H. J. Bean
Tke ladles of the First Presby
teriah church are sponsoring a sil
ver iea this afternoon from three
untiliflre o'clock st the home or
Judg and Mrs. ; H. J. Bean, 917
Couri street
Mri A, C. Schmidt of Albany,
will sieak on th aubjeet of "The
SouthBea Islands.'?
many com
mittee meetings held each day as
well as for any outside organiza
tion desiring a convenient down
town meeting place. In the evening
however, the room is for the ex
clusive use of the permanent
A very important phase of com
munity service is the free employ
ment bureau conducted by the as
sociation. 1295 jobs were found
for the 2576 women and girls who
applied in the past year.
Sectional W. C. T. U. Cam-
'paign Will Be Held tn
The national campaign confer
ence of the Woman's Christian
Temperance union for Oregon
Washington and Idaho, to be held
in Portland at the First Methodist
church February 14 and 15, will
be the first large demonstration
of the W. C. T. U.'s interest in the
coming political campaign. This
is one of 1 1 national conferences
boing held throughout the nation.1
The national W. C. T. U. states in
its call as one of the objects of the
conference "to promote measures
for the election of undoubted
friends of prohibition .for all offi
ces." Besises the several national
officers and workers, including
Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith, national
vice-president, and Miss Helen
Louise Brynes national field sec
retary, the presidents .of the Wash
ington, Idaho and Oregon W. C.
T. U. will take part.
All women's organizations are
being asked to Join with the W.
C. T. U. in this campaign. Oregon
organizations co-operating and
which will be represented on the
program are the Oregon congress
of Parents and Teachers, the Na
tional League of Women Voters.
the Oregon Federation of Wom
en's clubs and the Portland Fed
eration of Women's organizations.
several Portland organizations
will have special tables at the ban
quet at noon February 15 at the
Portland hotel.
Social Calendab
W. C. T. U. Union hall, south
Commercial and Ferry streets.
2:30 o'clock.
Silver tea. Sponsored by women
of Presbyterian church. Mrs. H.
J. Bean, 917 Court street. 3:30
Round-Up club. Mrs. S. P. Kim
ball, 295 north Summer street hos
Drama League. Auditorium of
public library. 8:00 o'clock.
Banquet given by W. F. M. S.
of Jason Lee church. Church din
ing room. 6:30 o'clock.
Missionary Society, First Con
gregational church. Mrs. John Orr,
S65 D street hostess. 2:00 o'clock.
Aid society, Leslie M. E. church.
Church parlors. 2 o'clock.
Dakota club. Supper served at
6:30 o'clock. Leslie M. E. church
south Commercial and' Myers
Standard Bearers' society. First
M. E. church. 27th anniversary
meeting. Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney,
S28 south 12th street, hostess.
7:30 o'clock.
Monthly business meeting. La
dles' social circle. Cnight Memor
ial church. Mrs. F. E. Brown,
1695 State street hostess 2:30
Card party. Sponsored by Altar
society, St. Joseph's parish. St.
Joseph's hall.
W. F. M. S., Jason Lee church.
Mrs. P. L. Frazier, 79 5 north
Capitol street. 2:30 o'clock.
B. and P. W. club. Gray Belle.
Dinner served at 6:30 o'clock.
Altar society. St. Vincent de
Paul Parish. Parish hall. 2:30
Methodist Men's council. First
ME. church. 7:30 o'clock.
United Artisans. Capitol As
sembly, No. 8. Fraternal temple.
Chicken supper served following
business session.
McDowell club concert. Played
by Miss Mildred Roberts. 8:15
General meeting. Institutions
department. Salem Woman's club.
Club-house. 2:30 o'clock.
West Side Circle, Ladies' Aid,
Jason Lee church. Mrs. T. J
Clark, 1215 north Commercial
street hostess. 2:00 o'clock.
Chemeketa chapter, D. A. R
Mrs. J. Lyman Steed, hostess.
2:30 o'clock.
District meeting, Knights and
Ladies of Maccabees. Open meet
lng. McCornack hall. 8 o'clock.
Valentine Dance Will Be
Sponsored by American
Legion Auxiliary
The American Legion auxiliary
is sponsoring a Valentine dance.
February 14, at the Crystal Gar
dens. Mrs. King Bartlett, president of
the auxiliary, is in general chargej
of the affair.
The finance committee includes
Mrs. John Rottle, Mrs. Bolton
Hamble, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith,
Mrs. Lester Pearmine. i
Mrs. Earl Burch is chairman of
the ticket committee. Her assist
ants are Mrs. Jesse George, Mrs.
Rufe White. Mrs. Lloyd Demarest.
Mrs. Allen J. Cleveland. Mrs. Wal
ter Zosel, Mrs. William Newmeyer,
Mrs. Robert Budrow, and Mrs. A.
L. LIbbey.
Altar Society of St. Vincent
de Paul Parish Will Meet
The Altar society of St. Vincent
de Paul parish will meet at two
thirty o'clock tomorrow afternoon
in tho parish hall.
A social hour will follow, the
hmlness meeting. Mrs. A. Moisan.
Mrs. L. A. Grantz. and Mrs. P. A
Mrs. Clifton Irivin Entertains
With Delightful Luncheon
One of the most delightful af
fairs of the past week was the one
o'clock luncheon for which Mrs
Clifton Irwin was hostess on Fri
day afternoon.
Lovely daffodils formed the cen
terpiece of the luncheon table with
covers placed for Mrs. Ercel Kay
Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry, Mrs. T. A
Livesley, Mrs. John J. Roberts
.-s. Harry Hawkins, Mrs. Fritz
Slade, Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr., Mrs
Frederick Deckebach, Mrs. Frank
Spears, Mrs. Paul Hendricks, Mrs,
John H. Carson, Mrs. Hollis Hunt
ington, Mrs. Orris Fry, Mrs. Clif
ford Farmer, Mrs. Homer Egan
and the hostess, Mrs. Irwin.
Mrs. Hendricks and Mrs. Carson
assisted Mrs. Irwin. ,
Bridge was w.e diversion of the
afternoon. High score honors were
won bv Mrs. John Carson. Mrs
Slade received a guest prize.
Mrs. Donald Young will enter
tain the group on February 10.
B. and P. W. Club Dance
Will Be Given February 11
Another of the series of dances
which are being sponsored this win
ter by the local Business and Pro
fessional Woman-a club will be
Sacred Concert Given at
Knight Memorial Church
A sacred concert was given Sun
day evening by the vested choir
of the Knight Memorial church
The guest soloist for the eve
ning was Miss Tbelma Davis who
sane the recitative from the
The entire program follows:
"Rejoice, O Ye Righteous" ...
Incidental solo, Leonard Chad
Quartet "When Shadows Fall'
Beneitta Edwards, Harriet Adams
N'orval Edwards, Donald Barnard
Chorus "The Ran&omed of the
Lord" . ...Drobegg
Solo Recitative from "The Mes
Miss Thelma Davis
Chorus "Guide Me, O Thou Great
Jehovah" . Monestel
Duet "Sun of My Soul" ..Walden
Pearl Eyre and Leonard Chadwick
Ladies' Four Part Chorus "Any
Way, If Thy Way" LlghthiU
Chorus "Lift Up Your Heads'
Mrs. Pennington Hostess at
Attractive Bridge Luncheon
Mrs. Walter M. Pennington was
hostess at an attractive bridge
luncheon Friday afternoon in her
home on north 20th street, having
as her guests members of the Fri
day bridge luncheon club. Mrs.
Waldo Mills was an additional
Pink rosebuds and fern center
ed the runcheon table with covers
placed for Mtb. Mills, Mrs. U.
Scott Page, Mrs. Elmer Daue, Mrs.
F. G. Delano, Mrs. P. E. Fuller-
ton, Mrs. Leon W. Gleason, Mrs.
E. A. Kurtz, Mrs. O. A. Olsen. Mrs.
Harold White, Mrs. David Wright,
Mrs. Eric Butler, and the hostess,
Mrs. Pennington.
Mrs. Eric Butler assisted the
High score honors in bridge
were won by Mrs. O. A. Olsen.
Mrs. Clair Vlbbert will enter
tain the club in a fortnight.
Senator and Mrs. McNary
Senator and Mrs. Charles L. Mc
Nary entertained at dinner Sun
day in their apartment at the Mayflower.
Mrs. McNary entertained with a
luncheon Wednesday. Later the
group occupied a box at the Town-
send musicale.
In the evening. Senator and Mrs,
McNary were hosts at a dinner
party given in honor of Judge Her
vey Young.
Business and Professional
Women Will Meet For Dinner
Members of the business and
professional Women's club will
meet at six-thirty o'clock Wednes
day evening for dinner at the Gray
Governor Isaac Lee Patterson
will be the speaker. His subject
will be, "State Business."
Reservations for the dinner may
be made by calling Mrs. Maude
Pointer at 2458-R not later than
this evening.
Sen Souci Card Club Enter
tained at Clinton Home
Tho Ban Souci "600" club was
entertained Friday evsning at the
horns of Mr. and Mrs. George Clin
ton. Four tables of cards were in
play throughout the evening. Mrs.
Oscar Dencer and Iran Martin won
the first prise for high score, and
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Swart received
the second award.
In the group were Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. H. F.
8wart. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Den
cer, Mr. and Mrs. Al Propp. Mr.
and -Mrs. William Moses, Mr. and
Mrs. I Frank Rock, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Ficke, and the host and hos
tess, Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton.
Club members will be entertain
ed with a Valentine party Febru
ary 10 at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Ficke, 1065 Shipping street.
Mrs. Deckebach Attends
Announcement Party in
. Mrs. Frank Deckebach, Jr. (El
oise Prudhomme) spent the past
week-end In Portland.
On Saturday afternoon she was
a guest at the bridge party given
by her aunt, Mrs. J. J. Tyrell, at
which the engagement of Mrs.
Decke.bach's sister, Miss Vera
Prudhomme was announced to Dr.
Milton Steiner.
Week-End Guests Return
to Eastern Oregon
Miss Birdie McGreer of Seattle,
Washington, and Ed McGreer of
Antelope, Oregon were week-end
guests, at the home of Mrs. G. R.
They were accompanied o n
their return to eastern Oregon by
Mrs. L. C.fKimsey (Lois Moore
head) who has spent the past
week with her mother In Salem.
Week-End Guests in
Miss Theresa D'Arcy and Judge
Peter H. D'Arcy wore guests in
Portland for the week-end.
Judge D'Arcy attended the
quarterly conference of the Ore
gon Historical society of which he
Is a life member and director.
In Portland For Several Days
Mr. and Mrs. Al Krause and
their son, Johnny, spent the weejt
end in Portland.
A. Llnegar, Dallas; I. O. Arehat,
Surer; O. W. McLaughlin, Inde
pendence; J. D. Mlckle, dairy and
fruit commissioner, Portland;
Ivan Loughary, Corvallls; Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Cooke. Airlie; Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. McClure, Rlckreall; Mr.
Monmouth. Jan. 30. (Special) ana Mre- L- " uooa- feuTer: Mr.
Stockholders and natron, nf th and Mr9- J- B- Rlney, Independ-
Monmouth cooperative cre&merv'
i thA. .T.r.,10i on. ' mute ; Mrs. J
fleers Saturday at Monmouth and
the most Important issue coming
up aside from the election was the
resolution passed which endorsed
the appointment of J. D. Mickle,
state dairy and fruit commissioner
of Portland, as delegate to the
National Dairy conference to be
held in London, England, during
Officers elected at Saturday's
meeting were: Frank Loughary
of Monmouth, president: John
Loy, Buena Vista, R. O. Dodson
and E. W. Staats, Monmouth,
three board members. All four!
w.D uu.u..UUUB.7 - Wunder, Thomas Shaw
elected to serve in the ame cai
PORTLAND, Jan. 30. (AP)
Samuel Murray, assistant chief en
gineer of the O. W. R. & N. com
pany here started a survey of
damage to the Northwestern dock
in lower Alblna caused by the
British steamer City of Osaka
when she rammed the pier last
All elevator equipment was put
out of commission and operations
at the dock were at a standstill.
The City of Osaka Buffered little
in the encounter and following a
urvey today the vessel was given
, certificate of seaworthiness.
Repairs to the dock will start
at once. The force of the steamer
striking the dock cut through
heavy timber construction work
and was sufficient to crack and
push out of line part of a concrete
fire wall eight inches in thick
Captain Herman Frese, Colum
bia pilot, was in charge of the
vessel at the time of the crash.
Captain John Smith Is the master
of the City of Osaka. Twenty men
were working on the dock when
the ship rammed her bow 35 feet
Into the elevator. They narrowly
escaped Injury. Cause of the ac
cident hasi not been determined.
pacity as during the past term.
A noon dinner was served to
the patrons and stockholders of
the local creamery with more than
260 being seated In the Odd Fel
lows hall. Thomas H. Gentle pre
sided as chairman of the after
noon program.
Speakers were: J. D. Mickle.
Portland; Professor Edwin T.
Reed, college editor at the Oregon
State college at Corvallls; F. E.I
Murdock, manager of the Mon
mouth creamy; and Ivan H.
Loughary, field representative of
the American Jersey Cattle club.
Mrs. Irene Bodway Shaw, well
known mezzo-soprano soloist of
Portland, sang two beautiful num
bers. Mrs. Shaw was accompanied
by Sylvia Osborn, head of the
piano department of the normal
school. A group of school child
ren gang three songs under the
direction of Louise Woodruff of
the normal music staff. The
normal school band with O. C
Christensen director furnished
music during the dinner hour.
F. E. Murdock, manager of the
Monmouth creamery, prwented
me 1927 statistics ror tne com
pany's business as follows: butter
manufactured, 366,794 lbs.; but
ter purchased for resale, 21,387
lbs.; butterfat purchased, 296,410
lbs.; butterfat received sweet,
105,815 lbs.; paid producers for,
fat, including sweet cream prem-!
ium $140,026.48; average price
per pound, including sweet cream
premium 4 7 1-3 cents; average
overrun, 23; total expense of
every kind $23,330.11; amount
chargeable to each pound of but
ter manufactured, 6 1-3 cents.
The creamery records have shown
a decrease in poundage output and
amount of sales, while the price
paid for fat showed an increase
over last year.
Among the out-of-town stock
holders, . dairymen and guests
present were: W. F. Good, Suver;
E. Bradbury, Independence; L.
Allen, Kings Valley; L. I. Bursel!.
Dallas; John Blaffas, Rlckreall:
ence; Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Luckla-
Marx. Rlckreall:
Mrs. Mary Allen. Kings Valley:
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Green. Suver.
and Mr. and Mrs. George Plov,
Suver. Those registering who
live in the neighborhood or at
Monmouth were: Mrs. Valem V.
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Gentle: Mrs. Jennie Harvey, Ber
r.iece Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. C. B
Jones. Mrs. Ernest II. Moore, Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Parker. Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
M. B. Lucas, Mrs. Georgia-Fox.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Osborn, Mrs.
jD. W. Tilton, Mrs. G. W. Baum,
I M r and Mrs. A. J. Haley, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas II. Gentle, H.
J. H.
Johnson. Ira C. Powell. A. H.
Cedergreen. D. L. Williams. D.
W. Tilton. Fred Huber. U. G.
Heffley, George DeFrance. J. F.
Thomas, E. R. Moore, F. Osborn,
George Swearingen, C. O. Allen;
Mr. Petzer, M. B. Lucas, George
Jones, John Webber, George Nig
gli, Claude Boothby, R. B. Swen
son. William Riddle. C. II. Parker,
M. Sacre, and many others who
did not sign the register.
LONDON. Jan. 30. (AP). As
London newspapers were being
sold on the streets telling of a
plot against his life, James Mc
Neill left this morning for Dublin
accompanied by armed detectives
in automobiles. McNeill who was
Irish high commissioner In Lon
don will be installed as governor
general of the Irish Free State
Wednesday, succeeding Timothy
TEMPLE, Texas, Jan. SO.
i AP). K. U. Hull, division super
intendent of the Gulf, Colorado
and. Santa Fe railroad was shot
and killed today when he and W.
J. Henderson, a former conductor
for the road, met on the street.
Several witnesses said they saw
Henderson shoot himself.
English compos the committee in gWen Saturday evening, February
charge. " A1 ia
Br All Coughs
and All Ages
Safe and
Children like
It. Mothers
endorse it All
f. users recom-
MARSHFIELD, Ore.. Jan. 30.-
(AP). Robert Green, charged
with slaying his neighbor, Caleb
Green. November 21. today filed
claim for $21 against the estate of
Caleb Green for money advanced
about November 19, 1927, to Caleb
Green for general expenses.
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 30 (AP)
U. S. Senator Charles Curtis
was endorsed for the republican
presidential nomination here today
by the republican state central
committee which unanimously
adopted a resolution supporting
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