THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24, 1928 Hi Fri-Ni-Da Club Dance an Attractive Affair of the Month One or .the most delightful af fairs of the month was the Frl- .' Nl-Da club dance which was an event of last Friday evenlng in Castilllan Hall. Clever Leap Tear feature dan ces were siren in the evening. The ladies of the club made out the , programs. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. ' Gregg led the grand march. . The club membership includes: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn IX. Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, Mr. and ,. Mrs. Glenn Paxton, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Os car Zeller, Mr. and Mrs. Howard ... Young, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. ,' Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Chap ; i ler, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Sand, Mr. and Mrs. George Reynolds, i Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rex, Mr. , and Mrs. Thomas Woods, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hathaway, Mr. and ...Mrs. L. K. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. . E. H Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. How ? h ard Hulsey, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fol- t lis, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Power,! Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Smith, Mr. and Mrs ! W. E. Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. J. H Willett. Mr and Mrs. H. Huber, Mr. and Mrs. C. Haber, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Rasmussen, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bidwell, Dr. and Mrs Armin Berger, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kruger, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burch, Dr. and Mrs. Cal Emmons, Mr . and Mrs. William Neimyer, Mr and Mrs. Jesse George, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Orall Lem- mon, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paulsen, Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Rowland, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Laban SteeTes, Mr. and Mrs. James Teed, Mr and Mrs. Tom Wolgamott, Mr. a&nd Mrs. Guy Young, Mr. and Mrs. Hatton Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Ken X', neth Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. X.loyd Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Carl j5cLneider, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Richards. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. ,t;harlton, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn . snoemater, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold .r, Kr.eger, and Dr. and Mrs. August OJutsch. Hal Hibbard Auxiliary Entertained on Friday - Afternoon BaH Hibbard Auxiliary, U. S. W. V., was entertained Friday aft , .. rnoon at the home of Mrs. Charles ' Brant' on South Winter street. Mfs. Henry O. Miller, president of the auxiliary, conducted the short business session. The birth day of William McKinley, the Spanish War president, was fit tingly observed after which a so clal hour was enjoyed. Miss Dor othy Brmt assisted her mother in serving refreshments. In the group were Mrs. Henry O. C. Miller Mrs. Charles McKinlfy Mrs. C. T. Ellison, Mrs. Carle . Abrams, Mrs. Fred Thompson Mrs. Harvey Evans, Mrs. E. Raymond, Mrs. M. W. Baker, Mrs V. B. Newcomb, Mrs. Lulu Hum phrey, Mrs. Arthur Welch, Mrs B, w. Walcher, Mrs. A. Tyher ' Woolnert, Mrs. C. T. Harrington Mrs. John Bertelson, and the hos- : tees, Mrs. Charles Brant.. Miss Veda Martin Hostess at. Attractive Evening Affair An attractive birthday party was given Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H Kletelng north of Salem in honor , of Miss Genevieve Martin, the r occasion being her birthday an alrersary. Miss Veda Martin was hostess at the affair. Refreshments were served at . he lose of the evening which was spent playing games. A large . white birthday cake was cut by i the honor guest. e . Ir the group were Miss Gene vieve Martin, Miss Ruth Burch Miss Carlos Williams, Miss Lucille . CummJngs, Miss Mildred Gardi V ner. Miss Grenda Savage, Miss .'little Grimes, Clyde Strassbaugh . Weld on Martin, Glenn Savage, ; William Savage, Earl Rlggs, Ken ' neth Grimes, Robert Witty, Cur . tls Williams, Milo Ross, and the hostess, Miss Veda Martin. . iUUf frtS a . a C 1 I r.u mw it "" Review Much Discussed s Book Rev. Martin F. Ferrey will re view the much-discussed book, "Companionate Marriage" writ ten by Judge Ben Lindsey, Fridaj evening, beginning at eight o'clock In the Emerson room of the Unitarian church. Rejr. Ferrey will also crltlciMLp the "Erolution of Marriage and "DiTorce." , The public is inritcd to attend this Interesting entertainment, the proceeds from which will be added ; to the Sunday school treasury' "Hard Times" Social Will Be Sponsored by Sons of Veterans . Sons of Veterans and their Aux iliary will enjoy an old-fashioned oara vunes aocuu vuim iTtauii at the Woman'. 2. clnb-hons on North Cottage atreet. : Each' member ,ot the auxiliary Is asked to bring a basket and each guest will appear in costume. . . . . , . i as. ! MmeM Founders' Day Observed at Recent Meeting of Chapter GP.E.O. Chapter G of the P. E. O. Sis terhood met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. J. Huff man on Saginaw street to honor ihe memory of the seven girfrkwho met at Wesleyan University, ML Pleasant, Iowa, in 1869 to organ ize a sorority which they called the P. E. O. Sisterhood. The founders were Mary Allen Bird. HatUe Brlggs. Alice Virginia Coffin, Luella Pierson, Frances Rhodes, Ella Stewart, and Mary Allen Stafford. Mrs. Mary K. Logan of Tualltan a former state president of the Sisterhood, was a special guest at the meeting and gave a most inter esting talk on the aims and ideals of the organization. Miss Iva Clare Love, violinist, Dlayed the "Old Refrain." Kreio ler, and "Anglaise" Ditterstorf. Special guests were Mrs. Mary K.i Logan of Tualltan, Mrs. Victor Looney, Mrs. B. E. "Sisson, Mrs. A. C. F. Perry, Mrs. Thomas Hardy of Silverton, Mrs. C. Leland Smith, Mrs.- John Cradlebaugh, Mrs. L. L. Laws. Mrs. Eusenia Harrison, Mrs. Mary Rauch, Miss Mae Hall, Miss Iva Clare Love, and Dr. Mary Rowland. Members present were Mrs. D. X. Beechler, Mrs. Frank Church ill, Mrs. W. T. HIckey, Mrs. Har old Hughes, Mrs. William Hughes Mrs. P. J. Kuntz, Mrs G. W. Laf- lar, Mrs. Fred Lange. Mrs. C. K. Lanar, Mrs. Fred Lange, Mrs. C K. Logan, Mrs. William McGilch rist, Mrs. B. J. Mils, Mrs. W. N smith, Mrs. A. C. Temple, Mrs. F. D. Voigt. Mrs. A. T. Woolpert, Mrs. a. u;. Kobbins, and the hos less, Mrs. Huffman. Lovely baskets of pink carna Lions, neatner, ana rern were arranged about the living rooms. Mrs. W. W. Moore, chapter president, presided at the urns at the beautifully appointed tea 'able. Mrs. Vitcor Looney assist 3d with the serving. Mrs. Frank Church will enter tain the chapter at Its next meet ing. Mrs. Fry and Mrs. Roberts Hostesses at Two Lovely Affairs Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr. and Mrs T. A. Roberts were hostesses at two charmingly appointed affairs recently. On Friday afternoon they entertained In the Fry home on LeFelle sjreej. with a seven-table oriage tea. Mrs. T. A. Llvesley won high score honors as a result of the afternoon's play. Mrs. Asahel Bush received the second award At the tea hour Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn, Mrs. Ercel Kay, Mrs. Keith Powell, and Mrs. E. V. McMechan assisted the hostesses. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Fry and Mrs. Roberts entertained with a similar attractive affair. They were assisted at the tea hour by Mrs. William Phillips, Mrs. William Mott, Mrs. E. V. McMechan, and Mrs. Clifford Far mer. The living rooms and the din ing room of the Fry home were beautifully decorated with heather and pink carnations. Unusual Entertainment Will Be Given at First Presby terian Church Elaborate setting, sophisticated lighting effects, and novel cos tumes, are some of the features which will make the entertainment offered this evening at the First Presbyterian church one long to be remembered for its many, en joyable surprises. Novelty art numbers from the most popular wizard acts of the east are executed with lightning speed and variety by Jay Gore. A surprise feature of this act is the "Smoke Picture Presentment" or iginated by Mr. Gore with the assistance of Dorothy Dial Gore. A group of whistling solos will be given by Miss Dorothy Reynolds, whose talent, beauty, and clever costumes conspire to make her act of interest. Two numbers from the program of the famous Houdini will be pre sented as a conclusion to this eve ning of "mystery, music and magic." Annual Burns Club Banquet Will Be Held Tomorrow Evening The annual banquet of the Sa lem Burns club will be held at six-thirty o'clock Wednesday ere- nlntr. January 25th. at the Elks' a em pie. . The affair la In observance of the 168th annirersary of the birth of Robert Burns. Dr. W. C. Kflritnr will ha th nrlnolnal Bcotch muilc and nc- big will be featured in the eve- Ladies of St. - Vincent de Paul Parish Sponsoring Card Party The ladles of the Altar Society of Bt Vincent de Paul church are sponsoring a card party Wednes day afternoon, January SSth. Mrs. KUey With Mother in Salem Mrs. Lois Klsey of Bend.- Ore gon anired in Salem a short time ago to be with her mother... Mrs. O. R, Moore head who Is now con- ralescing from a eerious illness. Social Calknda Tuesday Social afternoon meeting Chadwick Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Masonic Temple. '2 o'clock, i R. N. A. Sewing Club. Mrs. Pearl Llckiss, 840 North 20th street hostess. 2 o'clock. Program at First Presbyterian church. Presented by Jay Gore and company. 8:00 o'clock. 'Hard Times" party. Sons of Veterans of Civil War and Auxll iary. Woman's Club-house. 8:00 o'clock. Barbara Freitchie Sewing club. Mrs.1 Jennie F. Miller, 351 South 19 th street hostess. Wednesday General Aid Society. Jason Lee church. Church Parlors. 2:30 o'clock. Burns club banquet. Elks Tem ple. 6:00 o'clock. Cantata. Given by students at Leslie Junior High SchooL School Auditorium. 8:00 o'clock. - Friday Rer. Martin F. Ferrey will re view Judge LIndsey's book, "Com panionate Marriage." Emerson room. Unitarian church. 8 o'clock President Appoints Standing Committees of W. R. C. For the Year The following standing commit tees were appointed by Mrs. Ber tha Loveland, new president of the W. R. C. at the meeting of that organization held Saturday afternoon In McCornack Hall. Relief committee: Lizzie Smith, Julia Blodgett, Sarah Drager, Hat tie Jewett, Phoebe Smiley, Louisa Krapps, and Louisa Koon ; execu tive committee: Rose Verls, Jessie Martin, Mary Neyhart, Pauline Clark, Catherine Low and Mae Townsend; auditing committee: Florence Shlpp, Mary Ackerman, and Sarah Peterson: conference committee, Louise King, and Ger trude Remington: Americaniza tion committee: Laura McAdams, Emma Thompson, Fanny Fisher, and Antoinette Bennett; Home and employment committee; Lou- dena Alley, Martha Mason, and Clara McDarby; child welfare: Mary Watson, Jessie Crossan, and Charity Gamble; fairgrounds com mittee: Bertha Loveland, Hattie Cameroon, Helen Southwick, Sar ah Peterson, and Cordelia La Bare. A letter from Comrade Thomas Harris who has traveled more than five-thousand miles alone In his car, was read to the group. Mr. Harris is eighty-nine years old. Young People of Unitarian Church Delightfully Entertained The Young People of the Unitar ian church were delightfully en tertained Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mey ers on Court street. Bridge was the diversion of the evening. High score prizes were won by Miss Rose Huston and Mr. Mundorff. Mr. Daily received the second award. In the guest group wereMr.and Mrs. Frank King, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ruble, Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Harding, Mr. and Mrs. William Daily, Rev. and Mrs. Martin F. Ferrey, Miss, Rose Huston, Miss Stella Atwood, Miss Helen Pol lock, Richard Mundorff, Bob Sturrett, M r. Babcock, Lester McDonald, Mr. W. G. Sharp of Boston, Massachusetts, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Meyers. i The club will be entertained on the evening of February seven teenth at the home of Miss Rose Huston. Barbara Frietchie Sewing Club Will Meet This Afternoon Members of Barbara Frietchie Sewing club will meet this after noon at the home of Mrs. Jennie F. Miller, 351 South Nineteenth street. WEIGH WHAT YOU DESIRE If you over-weigh, the cause may not lie in over-eating or under-exercise. It may lie in a fault in nutrition which modern research has discovered. And which science now corrects. The method is embodied in Marmola prescription tablets. People have used them for 20 years millions of boxes of them. And many of the people you envywith slender zures. new vivacitv and health will urge you to adopt this way. The use of Marmola does not require abnormal exercise or diet. In every box you will find the formula, also the rea sons for results. You will know just why your weight comes down and why every effect is nelpniL Learn the facts, and do it now. Do so by asking your drug gist today for a $1 box of Marmola. ETTAKETT PUT IN rSN" AD TCR (V ClAAlmJR--RVCrV50 VA ' KM ALUTVAfiOUCH AT ME tOR ltm ov.MfT niar iinrst rni mpi. . I T IU.HAVE TO sgo-XRS I n : Cantata Will Be Given by Students of Leslie Junior High School A cantata will be given at eight o'clock Wednesday evening In the Leslie Junior high school auditor ium by the students of the school. "Hiawatha" will be dramatized in costume. Indian chiefs and braves in war paint and feathers will take part In the "War Dance." The "Rainbow Dance" will be another interesting fea ture of the cantata. A chorus of eighty-five voices will sin. "On the Nile" which is an interesting and beautiful por trayal of Egyptian life. Life on the Nile will be pictured for the audi ence in the songs, "Flow on Mighty River," "Moonlight on the Nile," and "The Rowing Song." which is of authentic Egyptian origin. The 8 ones. "Camp Fires and Drum Beats," "Dance of the Worn en" and "The Battle Song" will also be sung. Other numbers on the program will Include "Japanese Inter mezzo" ( Aemechik ) , "Polish Mazurka" (Zamecnik) and a 'cello solo played by Glenn Brown. Miss Muriel White Honored on Birthday Anniversary On Saturday evening, Mrs. Gil bert White entertained with a din ner party In her home on Ferry street in honor of her daughter, Miss Muriel White whose birthday anniversary was the inspiration for the affair. Covers were placed for the honor guest, Miss Muriel White Miss Irene Blackerby, Miss Chrys- talee Maxwell, Miss Doris Clarke. Miss Sarah Dark, Miss Dorothy Gutekunst, Miss Barbara Moberg, Miss Catherine Mulvey, Miss Lila Cation, Miss Georgia Mills, and Miss Esther Arnold. Miss Mary White assisted her mother. The evening was spent with music and games. The honor guest was the recip ient of a number of lovely gifts. Entertain With Card Party at Home of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Ellis' Mr. and Mrs. William P. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hathaway entertained members of the Order of Amaranth Saturday evening with a card party at the Ellis home. Four tables of bridge and "500" were In play. Mrs. Lester won high score prize in bridge and Mr. Campbell won the second prize. In "500" Mrs. Crawford received the first prize and Mr. Crawford the second. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Lester, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bur ton Crary, Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel, Miss Cfmpbell, Mr. Bunting, Mr. PUT CREAM IN NOSE AN0 STOP CATARRH Telia How To Open Clogs ed Nostrils and End Head-Colds. You feel fine in a few momenta Your cold in head or catarrh will be ?one. Your clogged nostrils will open, he air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharges or dry ness ; no struggling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a littte of this fragrant, antlaeptio cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of ihe head ; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes instantly. It is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer needs. Don't stay stuffed-up and miserable. it I1E1ITIS SO BAD CQULDIJT USE ARM" "My right arm was almost useless from neuritis. The nierciiur nain bothered me all day. At night the sharp twinges would wake me right out of my sleep. I suffered ter rihty until one day I tried 'St Jacob's Oil'. The relief I got from this simple oil was unbelievable. My arm feels fine now." Good old "St Jacob's Oil" is one remedy that really stops the cains and aches of Neuritis, Rheurnamm, Back ache, Lumbago, and Neuralgia. The relief is almost instantaneous because this marvelous oil goes directly to the affected part and as quickly draws out all the ache and pain. And it doesn't burn or blister the skin. Get a small trial bottle of St Jacob's Oil" today at your druggist's and see bow it re lieves pain. f VtXUTME MOOfvfTAlM XXDnT CDme f J . A ( I L ALL FOOLINS ASIOS ITS N-vCvCT fDR YOU tSO -TOmH-MCUrTOMM - GOOt? - , MVSS KETTy- o.(oTt "KE I HOPE YOORE fATHECD CATCH ME SHUNCS - S. i MORNING ROVARD M6 iTiTrS-TT- Siv SOCTTHtYv NCJT PS S ATVDO 10 GET tVC Alf? f srk '' Ve and Mrs. J, B. Protzman, Mr. and Mrs. J. H; Hathaway, and Mr. and Mrs. William P. E1115. i January Meeting of Salem Music Teachers? Association This Evening The January meeting ol the Sa lem Music ! Teachers' Association will be held this evening at the home of Mrs. J. P. Frizzell, 261 North Summer street. Miss Fran ces Virginia Melton and Mrs. Walter Denton will be assistant hostesses. I Mrs. Clifford Moore, state pres ident of the association, present. AXGORA RUG COMPANY DOES GENERAL TAXXIXG For 25 years, the Angora Rug company has been in Salem at 1230 Ferry street, doing a general business of tinning skins and furs. and turning Out custom work. L. LaChele, proprietor of the concern, so informed members of the chamber! of commerce at the luncheon yesterday. He was the second speaker of the year on Sa lem's small industries. The company plans an extension of the plant to include the general manufacture! of. leather goods which meet the needs of outdoor sportsmen. I The local plant furnishers prac tically all cowboys in the north west with the "chaps," made from tanned leather. It Is also the only one in the country specializing in Angora Bkins. SCREEN STAR VISITS LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Jan. 23. (AP) Mary Allies Minter, former screen star, j traveling incognito and slipping Into the city without notifying any; of her former close friends, is said to be making a complete mystery of her trip here. She declares: that she merelv "wants to be let alone." New York cabarets are not par ticularly averse to the 3 o'clock closing hour, j The money seldom lasts longer than that anyway.- Philadelphia Inquirer. B LB BEeS mm mm Hospital Surgery Eliminated VreOESSlTY for hospital sur L gleal operations in con- nectkm with treatment for Rectal and Colon ailment was eUmlnated by oar mar ad vanced mettMd 15 yean afo. EUmfaatad, too, wa the canst of extreme uflerfas. uncertainty of result, big cxptnat for hospital, and loss of tinw ltd aamlns power. Our method I mttd. aoothfai tad tjotckly eflectr. Thousands of case ha aeea aveceasfutty treated at our offices fo Port ana. Seattle, saa Francisco aad Los Anflrlca. Yet is positive proof of result, we se WRITTEN ASSURANCE TO PERMA NENTLY RELIEVE ANYCAS1 OF PILES, mm matter tow vre T ahrenle. OR REFUN1 THE PATIENT'S FEE. Call e write for FREE book oa Recta and l4)ioa Lnseates. LDEAN.MXUnc ur oi soon Bf MX DEAN BLD6.5cfc 4-MAlk t-rg.Wtry citcc XL SHE WENT FROM BAD TO WORSE Down to 98 Poun Finally Restored to Health by Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cleveland, Ohio. "After har- ing my first babr, I lost weight, no matter what I did. Then a doc tor told ma I would be better If I had another baby, which I did. But I got worse, was al ways sickly and went down to 98 pounds. My neighbor told me about Lydia Ei Pinkham's Vege table compound, as it helped her very much, so I tried it After tak ing four bottles, I weigh 116 pounds. It has just done wonders for me and I can do my housework now without one bit! of trouble." Maa. M. RusiNora, 10004 Nelson Ave, Cleveland, Ohio. If some good fairy should appear, and offer to grant your heart's de sire, what would you choose? Wealth T Happiness? -Health? That's the best gift Health is riches that gold cannot buy and surely health Is cause enough for happiness. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound may! be the good fairy who offers you better health. Faint H PIONEER X4 V :iiTsfTT1 mi ORTiLANDO REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ANDERSON RUPERT. Realtors 160 8. High. Tel. 1644 BARBER BOND 200 Gray Bid. Tel. 790 BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 S. High. Tel. 161 A. O. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial. Tel. 577 II. E. BROWN 100 S. Com'L Tel. 559 or 2053 W. F. BROWN 275 State. Tel. 1961 THE BCNG1L.OW REALTY 447 Stat St. LEO X. CHIUS CO Realtor 320 State St. Tel 1727 K. S. CLARKE 109 S. Com'L Tel. 559 or 2053 E. O. 331 State St. COPPOCK TeL 56i FRED O. lELANO 290 N. Church. TeL 3830 HUilER D. POSTER REALTY CO. 315 first .Nat. Bank Bids TeL 842 GASKILL EARLE 166 S. Liberty St. TeL 2242 W. H. CRABEXHORST 4 CO. 134 6. Liberty St. Tel. 515 MELVIN JOHNSON 20 C. S. Bank Bldf. TeL 63: W..Q. KRCEGER 147 N. Com'L Tel. 21' LA FLA R A LAi'LAR Ladd A Bush Bank Bldr. Tel. 546 LARSEN HIC'E- 2-5 Oregon bidf. Tel. 174 W. A. LIS f ON 404-5 Masonic Bid. Tel. 1321 ARTHUR MAD3EN 2074 North CapitcL TeL 2807 MELLJNUER COJtlTTI 409 Oregon Bldr. Tal. 1176 O. K. MLDDLETOX 704 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 280b E. MOSES 451 Court St. Tel. 2818 JOHN W. ORB New Bligh Bldg. TeL 2485 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court. " TeL 1186 PERRINE ft HARSTERS 211-212 Gray Bldg. Tel. 601 WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 S. High St. . Tel. 534 K1CH L. KhlMAXNf Kealtor 219 X. High St. Tel. 8C5 KALEM KKALTY CO. 4C2 State St. lfcootu 7. TeL 1004 J. E. SCOTT 231 N. High St. Tel. 1123 CHARLES SPLRLIN 210 Oregon Bide. Tel. 1935 SOCOLOFSKY & EO.N 304-5 Firtt Nat. Bai.k Bid. .Tel. 870 SQUAKE DEAL REALTY S. Kat'l Bank Bids. ' TeL 470 TKIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St. . TeL 651 ULRICH at ROBERTS 129 N. Commercial. Tel. 1354 U. S. REALTY CO. 442 State St. Tel. 2660 F. L. WOOD 341 State St. Tel. 794 o- 'INSURANCE DIRECTORY Anderson & Rupert General Insurance 160 S. High. Tel. 1&44 . H. BA1REY, Life, Accident, Sickness 328 Bids; Tel. 1747 BECKE ft HEKDRCKS 18S N. Hieh. Tel. 161 O. H. BERG. Life. Accident. Sickness 328 Oregon Bide. Tel. 1747 CENTRAL LIFE GEN. AGENT 306-7 Oresroo BMi. Tel. 490 R. D. ORAT General Insurance 147 N. Com'L Tel. 24: LAELAR LAFLR Ladd t Bush Bank Bldf. Tel. $16 W. A. LISTON. General Insurance 404-5 Masonic Bldf. Tel. 1321 RICH. L. REIM ANN Gen. Ins.. Losns .219 N. High St. Tel. 865 Wash. Fidelity National Fortje-Philippi 405 Bank of Com. Bldr. Tel. 2160 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 315 tonic Bldr. Tel. 082 BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY , THE BEAUTT BOX Complete Beauty Service 520 State St. Tel. 198S TnE CAPITOL BEAUTY 6HOPPE 223 N. Hixh. For Appt. Tel. S68 ELITE BEAUTY SHOPPE Over the Gray Belle. Tel. 914 LA ROSE BEAUTY SHOP afareellin'r 75c. Phone 754 MARINELLO BEAUTY P4RLORS Permanent Wave Specialist 245 K. Hifh St. Tal. 1690 MILLER BEAUTY SHOP Tested and rraded before permanent, using Text-o-Metpr machine . MITZI GRAY BEACTE SHOPPE 709-13 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tal. 187 THE MODEL BEAUTY PARLOR 112 N. Commercial. TeL 953 THE MODERN MARINELLO 206 Masonie Tempi Bldg. TeL 879 NIFTY BOB SHOP Eugene Permanent Waving, Hair Cutting and Marcelling. Itl Stete St. Tel. 270 Heart The Oregon Statesman PublUhed erery maraing except Hoa Uy, at Salam, taa capital t Orejoa. Local Rates For Classified, Advertising Daily or Sunday V 2 cent per word 6 cent per w6rd One time Three timet.. Six timet.. 8 ceau per word 1 mo. daily and Sun. .20 centa per word In order to earn the more than one time rate, advertising mutt run in coa tecutive issue. No Ad taken (or lest than 25c. Ada run Sunday ONLY charred at one-tune rata. Advertisements (except Personal and S.tuation Wanted) will be taken over the telephone it the advertiser it a aubitcriber to pboue. The Statesman will receive adver tisementa at any time of ibe day or night. To inture proper clarification Aut should be in beiure 7 p. in. 'i ELLi'tiOXt it OK 583 ADVERT ISEXK". HONEST ADVEKTlbUUi Taeee col umns taut be kept tr train tr.y turn Of a queatiaoable nature, iiarepreaea tatiobk will not be toieraUd. lalorsna ttoa ahowinf any qi.etioub invent on the part of tha adverutvr aaouiU be resorted to thia Br.oa?tr or the 8 slew Ail einb- J LODGE ROSTER CHEMEKiTA LODGE NO. 1, L O. O. F. Meet every Wednesday evening at 7:40 o'clock; tbird floor of I. O. O. F. Temule. corner of oOurt and High St. AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 12 Yrt. Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture L'eaier. Ret. ft store, loll) N. Summer St Phone 511 H. F. Woodry & Son ight down town. Cash paid for used furniture. Store '471 N. Comm'l Tel. 75. Agent for Lange Ranges, 2 COL. A. L. STEVEN SOX AUCTIONEER 23 yrart experience in the Willamette valley, for datet or arrangement tee F, A. Doerfler, farm adviser, lirsr Na " tional Bank. Salem.1 Phoue or wine A. L. Stevenson. Corvillit. Or BATTERY-ELECTRICIAN 3 BROWNELL ELECTRIC CO., 333 STATE Tel. 952. C'ontrsct wiring. Electric supplies. Call us for electricsl work. it. D. BARTON Stsrter and South High. EXIDE BATTERIES generator work; 2u2 6 CHID Tel. 163 HIGH AND CENTER JOE WILLIAMS KLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSB wiring by hour or contract. Estimate furnished. TeL 80 47! Court SU BICYCLES Repairing 4 LLOYD E. RAMSDE.V COLUMBIA Bi cycles snd repairing. 387 Court. CLEANERS AND DYERS 5 CHERRY CITY CLEANERS. C. T. Doane, 2S0 N. Liberty. Tel. 934. SALEM CLEANERS & DYERS 1073 8. Cora'l. Tel. 1R68 HELP WANTED Male 6 Learn Welding Good wages at a good trade. We will tearh you evenings. Acetylene Welding Courses $25.00 up. Electric Welding Courses $?5.00 up. from from C. D. Oppem r,9.- Mill St. Telephone 372 2086 J. CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. II. B. SCOFF1ELD. P. First National Bank Bldg. S. C. 806 DR. O. L. SCOTT, P8C. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Tel.. 828 tt. or Res. 2104 J FLORISTS 11 FLOWERS FOR ALL 6CCASI0NS Olsen's. Court k High St. Tel. 801. CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, 'decorations. C. r. Breithaupt, florist. 512 State Street, Tel. 880. INSURANCE 12 FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Trust Deeds. Contrscts on nouses Will net 6 to 20 per cent. BECKE A HENDRICKS Heillg Bldg., 189 N. H'gh St. FARM LOAN8 PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm aeenrlty. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance company money on city residence and businett property at 6 hi per cent, plut a commission Haw kins A Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. Insure Your Home or Car now. BECKE A HENDRICKS Phone- 161 O. O. F. Bldg., 189 N. High St. FOR RENT Apts. 15 FURNISHED 2 ROOMS ND KITCHEN. ette, water, light, and fuel, $22.50. Close tn. 555 Marlon. FURNISHED DOWN STAIRS FRONT apartment, 1 room and kitchenette, 117.50. Water, light, and foL Close In. 655 Marion. Attractive New Flat 4 rat., hwd. floors, Frigidaira, bot water heat, overstuffed furnishings, garage, best residence district. $50. WINNIE PETTYJOHN Realtor 175 S. Tligh. Tel. 534 New First National Bank Building Duectory BASEMENT Le Lux Rhining Parlor Expert for and Oentlemen. SECOND FLOOR Coffey's Photo Service Tel. 708. Over the Spa THIRD FLOOR Jfoms Optical Co. 801-302 t, Dr. Henry E. Morris. OjHometrlbi Telephone 239 C. F. Gillette Lawyer Suit 310 11 -1 -Telephone 105i Cocoloftky ft Son. TeL 7 204 3 i Real Estate, Loans, insurance Or. Pvid B. HilL Orthodontia straightening of irregular teeth) Suite 06. Hour to- 5 Every day except ffhersday FOURTH FLOOR Drs. O Neill 4 Burdette, Optometrist VLone 625 401-4.! -403 404 4: i SIXTH FLOOR Seo. K. Vehr M. D., Phyi. tan Sur- i suite 603. Tel. S7d-2379 lies. i Robin D. Day and Donald W. Attorney at Law felephone 193. f.10 611 EIGHTH FLOOR Jr. C. Ward Davis. General Dent.::? Tel. 816. Evening fey- appointment. Room 002 Dr. H. B. Scofield !'0 Chiropractor, Nfiiroca'omter Service MNTXl FIXOR Dr. H. M. Brown. Eye, Throat S; ,cialist. E ir, oe a i.4 Suite 9ii 1 TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Telephone 1285 ... Johnson, Dentist 10t FOR RENT Apts. 15 FURNISHED .APARTMENT. Liberty. Phone 991-W. .70 M. NICELY FURNISHED VIICST Fl.t toil Apartment. 590 Union. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 1! room apartment, tirirug;. phone. Lfil, water are furnished. T. J. Allien, -4 Mill St. Why Worry with Fuel, Ice, Lawns? High class residential district. New, strictly modern, quiet aj r ments. Frigidsir, Electric Ran. Radio, Steam Heat. Brick-faced Building 1.1- ficient Service. Two rooms with liath, $30 to f.l Three ooni with bath. $40 to t-KV Pullman furnished overstuffed. J 'J. Two rooms furnished o ertufft J. ?: to $40. Three room furnished overstufVd. (45 to $50. Ambassador 550 N. Summer. Phona 1972 i New Management FOR RENT Rooms 16 LARGE COMFORTABLE .JOOM 1 oa rent. Tel. 2369J. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM board. 4,0oJ-fteon St. WUU ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOAHD at Alexandria. 1030 Cheuitlttia Phone 159. FOR RENT Houses 17 MODERN HOME. T Ss COTTAGE. 7 ROOM HOUSE. 3 it l quire 702 N. Church. MISSION. FOR RENT. DUPLEX North Winter St, HOUSE. 849 FOR RKNT 8 room furnished house with gsrsra. Tel. 637 or 1933M. 5 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, 971 1. Commercial. Inquire at Damons tro eery store, 899 X. Commereisl. KINGWOOD COURT OF NIN'B Bl"N; lows just being completed. ftrdwit floor, fireplaces, garsges. built it" ranges installed, and inlaid linolr.iirs In kitchen and bath. $22.50 and 'b. Several furnished $32.50 to $3i. In spection invited. Phone 2716. 10 LARGE ROOMS AND RECEPTfc' hall, suitable for botrd snd reonrr.g; bstement, furnace, 2 fireplaces, gas. trd large wood range, 2 seta of plumtieg, garage, large lot and shad trees. TLe home-like place, $50.00 per month. Id eated 1599 State St. See Geiser Ileal Estate. 441 Court St. FOR RENT 7 room bouse at 6'6 S. 1st stre plumbing, electric lights, garage, large) lot for garden. Price $18 per mor.'b. Another one of 3 room at 605 aW 22ad street, $10 per month. SEE LEO N. CIIILD3 CO., Realtor. ?20 SUtt Street. Phone 1T.'7 FOR RENT R 11 10 N. Com'I 4 R 1825 N. Winter 4 R 1334 Norway '. 25 . 39 W. O. KRUEGER Com'L Tel. 217 117 N. By PAUL ROBINSON