2 0 DORMITORY AT U.Q. BETS REGEHTS' OK Building To House 228 Men Students Approved At Meeting Saturday UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, January 21. X Special) A new, strictly modern, fire proof dormitory, to house 228 men, will be constructed by the University of Oregon, It was ani nounced today, .following th, meeting of thet board of regents here. Action on the proposed struct ure costing $300. 00. which will be financed by a bond issue, un der the enabling act passed, by the last session of the legislature. wa3 taken following the present ation of survey recently made by the university officials showing the need for the building, Under the enabling act both the University and the Agricul tural college may finance build ings such as dormitories by bond Issues, these to be retired over a period of 20 years by earnings" from the structures. Np state money will be used, either for building or for maintenance. The new dormitory, which will be erected near the present Friendly Hall, will be three. sto ries in height, with service base ment. It will be constructed of brick, and the style of architect ure will harmonize with other buildings on the campus. It will be absolutely fireproof. In the dormitory the students will be housed in units of 28 men each. These will be separate, and while they will all connect with a common room and dining quar ters, they will not connect with each other. A saving in hall space is made possible by this arrangement and in addition greater privacy is gained. Each group will be self-governing and will constitute a social unit. Membership in the groups will be so arranged that it will be agreeable to all. Social ac tivities, such as dances and par ties, will be carried on by units, while all will unite in occasional social events. The completion of the hall will make available accommodations for a total of 323 men. Friendly Hall now hold 95. When the new structure is occupied a Uni versity regulation will then re quire that all underclass men live In the dormitories, fraternities. Eugene homes of parents, or must obtain permission from the dean of men to live in private quarters. This is in line wth a nation-wide movement to give undergraduates more personal attention, and it has been approved by the natlon- alTter-fraternity council. It-is hoped eventually to provide suf ficient quarters for men so that all freshmen can live in halls, and at the beginning of the sec ond year Join fraternities or if they choose remain in the dor mitory. ROBERT BURNS THE POET OF HUMANITY (Continued from page six) The flowering banks of bonnie Doon will be forever memorable because of Burns; but how many scenes made famous In his songs attract tourists to Tarbolton. Dumfries, Manchlln, and Kilmar nock? How many go to Alloway to look at the ruins of the old kirk. Its hell silent these hundred and fifty years, because Burns wrote Tim O Shanter? What COMING TO SALEM Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST In Internal Medicine for the past fifteen years DOES NOT OPERATK Will be at MARIOX HOTEL SATURDAY JAN. 28tu Office Hours: lO a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY 'o Charso for Consultation Dr. Mellenthin Is a regular graduate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of ironn Tio rf nes not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones.! ulcers of stomach, tonsils or aaen- nids. He has to his credit wonderful! T-tKMifa in diseases of the stomac'i. ' liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, if:,rt VMnov hl.ldder bed Wet- ' catarrh, weak lungs, rheum-; Ism. sciatica, leg ulcers ana rec i ailments. Below are the names of a few f t his many satisfied patients in Oregon who have been treated lor one of the above named causes: Emer Booker, Condon. " Chas. Desch, Portland. D. G. Horn, Bonanza. - Fred Shields. Klamath Falls. Daniel Steinon, Central Point, j Joe. Sheoshlps, Gibbon. . itemember above oaie mat consultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. .f Married women must be accom panied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bide .Los Angeles. California. Pilgrim feet find their way each year to that fAuld Clay Biggin" where Burns was born, all 'be cause of the magic of his creative genius? I-ove of Lower Animals His creativeness is seen, not only in hi3 disregard of conven tion his perfect naturalness, spon taneity, freshness, and the way in which he reaches back into the past and shapes his materials, but also, I think, in QUICK AND TENDER RESPONSIVENESS TO WARD THE LOWER ANIMALS. We have ceased to marvel that a poet should find poetic material in a sheep's adventures, a mouse's misfortunes, a horse's "loyalty, and the charming conversation ol chum doss. - But Is it not that be cause men like Walt Whitman and John Burroughs, Kipling and Jack London. Jean-Henri Fab re and Seton-Thompson, have made us more familiar with the habits of our dumb friends? The way la which Burns .meshes us sympa thetically with these dumb crea tures, and the manner in which he illuminates their subeonseiout world with sportive human ten derness is a new note in poetry magical In its cttezta upon our tensibilities and emotions, creat ing novel charm and edification, ills humanizatloti of animal ex periences is the height of art. - - Insight That Transforms Then, too, our poet had THE INSIGHT THAT TRANSFORMS Consider how he wove a cloth of gold and threw it like a cloak around Scotia's erstwhile gran deujr. In one of hl3 letters he ays to Peggy Kgnnedy: "Poets, Madam, of all mankind, feel most forcibly the powers of beauty . . . their feellhirs must be finer, and their taste more delicate, than most of the world" This eensi tiveness and Dwer of penetration he exhibits as he bends his imag inative genius to sing the praises of his country in terms of the straightest. sturdiest, moral pa triotism. Ills instinct and In sight were sound, and his passion for beauty was pure. His insight into nature Is so well known as scarcely to need mention. He saw beauty in na ture where others passed her by without a glance. The scudding clouds, the frosty light, the sym metry of a silhouetted tree, the leaves a-twitter like the tongues of a thousand maidens, the piay of sunlight,. on flowing waters, the mist trailing over Scottish hills, the snow on the river's bosom, white a moment then gone for everover all these he threw a veil of loveliness. The wind soughing through the winter woods filled him with wild and mingled delight, and the tender eye of a mountain daisy was like the tlrought or a friend beloved, and a wee fallen bird " set him dreaming of the meaning of the world and all the glory that is to he. He does not philosophize much about nature; he sees na ture not with the eye of the phi- n n mm at Closing Out Orthophonic Victrolas and Records All New Machines at Following Prices $300 160 85 Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg, THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. losopher so znaeh .as with the playful happy glance of a little child. He is quickly moved by nature's natural charm; and as quickly he moves from nature to man ; the world without mirrors for him the universe within: It was his power to transform the humble homely scenes of his country and his kind that consti tutes a good deal of his charm and power as a poet. When Burns published Jhe first edition of hiii poemi at Kilmarnock, we read that "old -and young, high and low, grave and gay, learned and ignorant, were all delighted, agi tated, transported. Even plow boys and maidservants would hare gladly bestowed the wages they earned most hardly; and which they needed to purchase necessary clothing, if they might procure Ihe works of. Burns." '. Do we ask the secret . of all this? We shall find It, f feel sure in THE COTER3 SATURDAY NIGHT. In walks the cotter, a humble man returning after his toil to his bumble borne; he Is (egrimed from top to toe. An al together unimpressive sight! His children run to meet him, the mother and wife stands to greet him. ,. Her. face bears the marks of toil and struggle, even as does th children's attire. The even ing meal is brought on, and it seems bare and poor. A rushlight lacquers and burnishes the bare place to brightness; but It is not the only brightness there is the childish glee, the playful mirth of the family, their profound con tent; and to this scene add the gathering of friends who later troop in for fellowship. What a picture it is of the deep piety of the human heart, the loveliness of family life, the glory of friend ship, and the grandeur of Scottish life! Seen scores of times by Burns the scene has affected him 30 deeply as to inspire him with the wonder of our Human world. Princes and lords are but the breath of kings, An honest man's the noblest work of Clod. Think you not tKit every poor laboring man stood Inches higher when he read the transporting and transfiguring words that Burns sang? A prince can mak a belted knight, A margins, duke, and a' that; But an honest man's aboon his might, Gnid faith, he mauna fa' that! For a' that, and a' that. Their dignities, and a' that. The pith o' sense and pride o' worth , Are higher rank than a that. Those brave and splendid word have sung their way into our forums and platforms, our state houses and law courts, and shed their Influence into our demo cratic thinking. We say with em phattc finality. j. ,.JJ - t- ' K ' ' i . Credenza model Granada model No. 43 model - NEW VICTOR RECORDS All New Not Used 75c $1.00 150 1.50 3.00 5.00 10 in. 10 in. 12 in. 12 in. 10 in. Red Seal Records 99c 12 in. 12 in. Come Early and Get a Stock Almost; Complete GIESE-POWERS furniture Company - A man's a man for a that. It Is onr parting shot! Oablnets beware! Sympathy That Strength Again, Bnrns had THE SYM PATHY THAT STRENGTHENS exalts, redeems. Poet of pity, we might call him. Holding the han dles of a plow, a mountain daisy Is no more to most men than the primrose was to Peter Bell at the river's brim just a posie, that's all. But to Burns with bis poet's eye to beauty, and his poet's sen sitiveness, the crashed and slen der stem of the .flower is a trag edy of deep . dimension. A field mouse's uprooted- nest opens his sympathetic heart- and igjves to the world a famous : ptmm. A Winter's Night slakes , the win-: dows and also the. poet's thoughts as be thinks of the, poor 'beasts of the field. . . List'ning the doors and win nocks rattle. I thought me on the ourie ' cattle. ! But Burns is at his best in think ing and singing of the helpless and weak, the oppressed and de pressed. The lash of his satire and the deep springs of his sym pathy are seon Jn The Twa Dogs. Oh, ye who sunk in beds of down. Feel not a want but what your selves creatSr- Think for a moment on his wret ched fate Whom friends and fortune quite disown. Sincerity That Awakens Wonder Still further. Burns )id THE SINCERITY THAT" AWAKENS WONDER. Now sincerity Is dif ficult to attain, either In one's self or in another. Even in our own blatant days, it is sometimes accounted bad taste to say what you really think. There are bind ing and restraining and necessary influences . of our admirable conventions, and the reticenc es they Impose upon us by our queer civilization, that must be observed. At all costs the CONVENANCES must be ob served! So when a man stands in our midst who is frankness itself, we generally misconceive him, miss his measure. "Burns," says a great writer, "was very like another man In what he had to tell, and differed from other men only because he told it." One cannot read Burns' poetry with out feeling the depth of his sin cerity. He sings what he feels sings all that he feels." It Is a great relief (at least so it appears to me) to turn from the "Remnls cences" and "Autobiographies" that quite clearly have been writ ten for ulterior motives and pur poses, and the novels that smell of the yellow peril, and the poetry that masks Itself, to the pellucid poetry of Robert Burns. I shall not agree with all the Scottish bard mav slnr. but I may thank him for singing so sincerely. Hisinau inquirer Black Records Blue Records Black Records Blue Records Red Seal Records $2.29 Red Seal Records 3.25 Good Selection SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1928 sincerity Is a quality of his strye. There 'are no dark corners In his mind, j He . speaks . the winged word, the barbed word, the forth right Word. . Truth is in him. and It ffnds expression. This is one of the marks of his power. Here Is a man without decoration; here is a poet without wax! Ixrvo That Holds Immortality Finally,, there Is In Burns THE LOVE L THAT HOLDS IMMOR TALITY. in the best of his lyrics he passes over all that Is calcula ted to be low and unrefined In his nature;. Into the transforming power of the beauty of the world as expressed in love. . No man can live in; this Inspiring realm and not be for the moment as pure as the; realm itself. It Is in this medium that all things are made anew, j -j My love Is like a red, red rose That's newly sprung; In Jane; My love Is like the melodie . -That's, sweetly played in tune. - - i ; ; He seems to have played -aa al most eyery note In the gamut of our . human love-story. From mountain to mouse, from daisy to star, from dawn to .sunset. , from the gray ; ways - to the celestial highways, he sings enchantlngly of lovei He is not only, the poet of pity but the poet of passion, tne pure burning splendor of the hdman heart. Genius never dwelt In finer measure in a poet's mind. song, wit, wisdom, perception of nature's loveliness, understanding of character, knowledge and ap preciation of values he had them all. But he was mastered by LOVE; because of this he masters the world. NEW INCORPORATIONS r 1 i o Herbal Company. Portland. $1, 000: Andrew KOerner. George L. Buland and Herbert L. Swett. Goldberg Brothers Bag. com pany, with headquarters In Port land and capital stock of $65,000. has been incorporated by M. Goldberg. Isadore Goldberg and William; Goldberg. Columbia Creamery company, Portland, $10,000; Martin B. Nielsonj Andrew S. Anderson and John Olsen. The Mountain View Cooperative Telephone association, with capi tal nil and headquarters at Lewis berg. Benton eounty. filed articles In- the state corporation depart ment Thursday., The incorporat ors are;W-N. Locke. Robert Wy- Ue and 19 others. National Construction company. Portland, 110.000; Clarence M. Michael, Norman B. Olson and Dan J. Kenney. Lumber Purchase Bureau, Port land, 11000; Robert Treat Piatt, Arthur D. Piatt and C. G. Buck ingham; Once There Was a Dodo. Back In the days when skirts swept the groundj it wasn't unusual to see a daughter sweep a room. Cincin- a . $19750 97.59 67.50 - 49c - 69c - 89c j- 99c While VALUABLE RECORDS H 8 OUGHT Eastern Visit of President Cahse Will Help This Cause Along President John M. Canse of. Kimball School of Theology re turned yesterday from an "extend ed trip In the east. He attended several educational meetitngs, in cluding two, conferences jjf- tbo-i oiogieal school executives. One was at Detroit. Mich., the day be fore - the "student.' volunteer cori Yention. This was the largest gathering ever held bringing to gether representatives of semin aries of all denominations that train their' ministry. The central idea throughout the-, discussions was the cooperation of all church es, looking toward the more un ified program of Prostantism. Dr. Canse represented the Paclf'c states division at the closing ses sion. The other meeting' of t he- ological school presidents was at New York. Philadelphia. Bait! j Atlantic City, held January lO.'mor and Washington cv m,t-l at the St. Charles hotel. This Dg members of several church meeting brought together the ex-j boards to whom seminaries re ecutives of the several Methodist port. There is a wholesome un- Episcopal theological seminaries. A memorial to the general confer ence that meets at Kansas City in may, looamg toward a better sup-.0f growth and influence. He also port of such schools, received con- interested himself In one of his siderable attention. There is a hobbies, finding some valuable growing belief that the churches' books, and examining rare col- must more adequately support their training schools for the min istry, and this memorial is cal culated to bring together all standard seminaries of the church, under the board of education and with a systematic sharing in sup- pott from all the churches. Kim ball school seems to be a pioneer in tbia advance movement, qs un der?3:present administration,-all theanroaJ'cxroferenees'oX the pat ronizing" territory are committed to some definite financial support. Dr. Doney Valuable Member The addresses and discussions during these conferences were all.plected field. Dr. Canse Is given of a character to suggest the! credit for initiating this move- awakening of school men to the importance of a conservative pro- Opportunities in Real Estate rTrHE way to find real values, money-mating real estate propositions, and good home sites is through our Want Ad columns. You will find many unlooked-for opportunities in real estate investments through bur paper. Property of all descriptions is offered in our coltannt daily. " Make a habit of reading the Want Ads. They hold a new wealth of exceptional opportunities every day. THE OREGON STATESMAN Telephone 23 or 583 gram of finances and a more care ful statement of doctrinal beliefs with the evident importance of a definite and vital spiritual Inter pretation of Christianity. There was no attempt to establish a new creed or to explain away the pres ent accepted beliefs by any subtle theories of unsubstantiated scien tific facts. . Dr. Canse returns with a deepened conviction that the leaders of education, through out the church in America, are concerned to stand for a positive belief in the gospel, intelligently Interpreted. He found, though several professors of eastern schools have seemed to be anxious for a rewriting of Christian be- lief, to suit behavloristic theories. Francisco to the Orient. , Mrs. Ota that the men responsible to the at that time was on a "trial sen- v, constituents of the schools were'aration" from her third husband. .s possitlve in their conservative a't- Robert M. Ross, newspaper man . tltudes on the content and meth- and son of former Federal Judge odi now receiving the major at-Erskine Ross. She obtained a dl- r tention In religious education andlvorce from Ross In January, last Y.-...TA..I 1 . II.. it. . , . ! uicuiuKKOi siuuirt, - says naiyear. President Doney,ifrom hs long The brlde a slster of the lata association with the association.! Hancock Banning, southern Call- proved a valuable member and was able to express himself in a wholesale manner when difficult moments of discussions arose important Movement President Canse also rtsltedi deretanding among these men that Kimball School of Theology is set ting out well In a new program lections of pictures and letters of the earlier periods of American history. He Is satisfied that the old Oregon families are in posses sion of many books and early let ters of real value to the rewriting ot wortnwest History. He says that arrangements are being made to create a department In the li brary at Kimball School of The ology to' receive all such Rouven ira.ot the pioneer day. v Next week there, will be In New York City a meeting of the commission of'the Methodist church looking toward a better cooperation In this ne- ment at the last general con feMrKEE j,?J,r orl day trll of ence of the church. The Bird Who Uses His Head If you ever watched an Oregon woodpecker at work, yon probably noticed how he stored nuts in the holes of trees and then ate the worms which they attract thus living on the "income" Instead of the "principal"! It Is hard to believe that a woodpecker Is wiser than the fellow who spends every cent that he earns. Just the same,.v?; that bird uses his head! How about your Savings Account? Aa4 Isn't this a pretty good, time to come in and start one? " United States National Bank "The Bank That Service Built" f M11IE FINISHED'' WOMAN AND JAPANESE MAS OFF OX HONEYMOON SEATTLE. Jan. 21. (AP). Mrs. Lucy Banning Ross Ota, wealthy Los Angeles woman, and SetsuEO OtaJ her Japanese hus band, left tonight for New York City en route to Europe on their honeymoon. They were married here yesterday. The couple met three years ago on a steamship en route from San for n la capitalist and land owner. In obtaining the marriage license. she gaTe ner age at 50 ota sal4 he was 31. AT, Mil Afl III ntf I ( !hfl,f III I Jt V l llUll ULUUI PAINS STOPPED 0 . t JJ 4 to Buffer another day wit i th aroniilnf paint l itomach ulcer. , We politicly aasure yon full relict with out retorting to an operation. . If you or any of yonr friendi are suf fering the health 'destroying ravagei of stomach ulcer, or chronic acidoala, write tt once for full ptrtie ultra of the re- markable WOLFE'S ULCER nd ACID- , OSIS TREATMENT. This treatment hat been tnccesifully used for more than 21 yetrt, many doe- , tort prescribing it regularly. It is now offered to the general public for the firtt time. It begina at once to give relief front the severe pain, vomiting and other, diacom.'ortt and agoniet.'and from day 0 rlty the improvement it tteady and In' ' creasingTy rapid. No starvation liquid 's diet ne-ssarv. You can eat anything yon with after taking our treatment few dayt. ' Now you will be able to eat again at , you did when a child, it la poaaible if you will take WOLFE'S ULCER ami ' ACIDOSIS TREATMENT. Tho cott ! rery little and you are guaranteed your r money bark if it deet not help you to yoiir-entire tatitfartion. Write today for fer. X. McKondriofc, Desk A.2. 21 lie. fit JUuildiBg. flan FraMiaos 3Hf." VER? 1IGHT I