3 ' ID UNIQUE Ml fctoryissleni Boajs, Archery and Ghests FTom Peculiar Southern : Oregon Woods Salem soon Is to enter a new znanufacturing field with the an aouncement yesterday of the for mation of the Salem Boat Manu facturing company, which will specialize in the manufacture of outboard motor boats, sea-sleds and fjedar chests. Additionally ar chery, tackle, and archery mater ; eut h as might be used by those who build their own bows, will be made. The latter class will include osage orange staves, ewe wood and eastern white ash as wellas birch dowels and Indian i-arrowwood dowels. i Oregon woods; will be used al most, exclusively by the new con cern, it is announced. Fred L. Langenberg, Stlem expert in man ual arts and mechanics, who re turned last week from a business trip,(to southern Oregon, contract ed tfith the Pine Mountain Lum ber Company of Lookingglass, near P.oeburg, for 2000 feet of raoun- ta in,5 grown incense cedar, a Doug las Qunty product. With the White Cedar Lumber company of yiSkrd. arrangements were made for 4000 feet of Port Oxford boat cwiar. The Metzel Lumber com pany of Coqullle was given a con tract to furnish 2000 feet of red e-idat A contract for a large or- d-sr-for yew wood staves was given here last week Indicated that be was far out In front of the field, at least so far as sentiment of the party chieftains is concerned. Some Hold Smith Certain Many republican leaders regard his nomination as almost a cer tainty. Their view was voiced on th floor of the senate this week by Senator Moees, of New Hamp shire, who during one of Senator Heflin's assaults on Smith, de clared that it was inevitable that i j w the New Yorn governor wouiu uc nominated at Houston. This view Is one of the things often mentioned in the now sprightly republican pre-eonven-tion campaign. The republicans will nominate first, and leaders like Moses already are arguing that man should be. chosen who' would be well fitted to defeat Smith. Hughes Out of It This was one of the' factors entering into the proposal of tbeH r'Viiia v T-tiiehps. Those UBiUC VI V, ... mjr . - advocatine tie former secretary of state argued that he was the logical candidate with whom the party should try to wrest New York state from Smith. Mr. Htfgbes stopped the boom with an announcement that he would not be a candidate. While Hoover and Lowden now probably are the most talked about and written about in connection with the republican nomination, other candidacies are beginning to bid for a place In the picture. Both Senator Curtis, of Kansas, and Senator Willis of Ohio, are openly in the field and their friends are organizing their forces in many states. While Vice President -Dawes Is regarded by many as very much a possmiiuy we " 'uo - "THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, OXYGEN KEEPS LIFE IN BABEj SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1928 J , ISP' ' " 4 s pr m 4 , SfM ' .tea. If 1 it- fn VV A -: . Vv t i - v y nf- rir of m WORK Artistic grooms Attract Con siderable Attention and Greatly Desired H. p. Daily, also of the Roseburg nouncement and so far as. has country. These contracts repne- ii a ...mtA has mid no move oecu uwiiu " sout a preliminary stock whlchj will be laid in at once by the new Salfcm company. Man of Experience 53 r. Langenberg has had about tw8ty-five years' experience in boat building and archery special- ty fork. He took up his residence in Salem about a year ago. He citHB from Roseburg, where he hil advantage of the various woIs which grow in that section, in plying his trade previously. R. N. "MacDonald is associated with MriLangenberg In the Salem en- trproe. 1 One row boat already has been rosntructed for the Oregon Agri cultural college at Corvallis, and is ba display at the Willamette Auto Supply company showrooms. This boat took first prize at the acute forestry department exhibit a:Roseburg. Sea-sleds perhaps; are the most talked of pleasure and sport craft today, according to Mr. Lagenberg. A ea sled is somewhat on the style of the aquaplane, bat still vastly different, Mr. Langenberg a ft. It is a fiat-bottom boat with a tunnel through the center, and in his own behalf. HUGHES MAKES SPEECH GIVING STAND OF U. S. (Continued from pJ 1) said, "but what we are doing there and the commitments we have made are at the request of both parties and in the interest of peace and order and a fair election. We have no desire to stay. We wish Nicaragua to be strone. prosperous and independ ent Vi entered to meet an im perative but temporary exigency and we shall retire as soon as it is possible." Wants Others Strung As for other Latin-American states Mr. Hughes said "we wish for all of them not simply those great in area and population and wealth but for every one. to the vprv sm allest. strength and not weakness. " More than 50 drums of oxygen have been used to keep tiny George Louis Smith of Chicago alive. A new record was reached when arti ficial respiration had been applied for 56 hours. This spurred on firemen to keep pumping oxygen into the youngster at the rate of 150 pounds, or a drumful per hour. The child was believed dead, when the treatment was first given, a victim of yellow Jaundice. By Jane Stewart An artlatla room is more to be desired than a costly one. With the present styles of Interior dec oration It; is not dttficult to turn ish a home inexpensively and at the same time toj have each room attractive; and ingood taste. The vogue for color makes the task especially easy, foij artistic effects may be ohtained through its use at little cost. Color makes a room livable by making ; it cheerful and the importance of this factor! cannot be too greatly stressed. No matter how fine your furnish ings, you will never feel satisfied with them If there Is an ever pres ent air of formality, or if comfort is In anyiway lacking. harmony la sometimes Jut as Im portant as a harmonious scheme within a room. This fact always holds true when there are large double doors or an opening that makes one room quite visible from the other. Where a bathroom or a dressing room opens off from a bedroom, it is always more at tractive, though not imperative, to decorate the two in like man ner or at least in harmonising col ors. Another point of Importance In choosing your scheme is the psy chological effect of color. First vent he formatloa of lea on the airship it wm necessary to cover all metal parts with a thick layer of grease and. above all. the pro pellor should be rendered immune against ice formation. The fatal influence of low temperatures on motors with gas valves was alBO to be considered. From Spitzbergen. he declared, very many important flights could be undertaken, pro vided more appropriate bases than now existed were established. The lecture was attended by a large adience. Including Dr. Eck ener and a numerous representa tion nf government officiate, par- many well and foremost is the fact that color is an absolute requisite for any; Hanientarlans and cheerful Interior. Drab walls j known scientists. and woodwork in brown or dull j tan and lifeless furnishings are; ROGUE SECTION COLD depressing In the extreme. On) MEDFORD. Jan. 21. (AP) the other hand it is important to Freexing weather prevailing OTer avoid the use of very bright col-the upper Rogue river valley the or in quantity. Psychologists pafit weekt was broken this after- have found mat lavenaer ana:noou by purple, in excess, cause nervous ness and irritability. Red is apt to become grating to one's nerves. Too much blue Is sometimes de pressing. Used in moderation. however, these colors are warm showers. Opinion is expressed that the American family 1-3 sonnd as ever. Indeed, with radios, player-pianos, i excel-1 talkinr-machines and saxophones amount of al'rect tax oa property as may be. necessary to meet the deficiency and apportion the said amount among the several coun ties. - : "The total levy, consisting of the levy of direct tax on property and an estimated amount of rev enue to be derived from the tax , levied on incomes for the calendar year, exclusive or milage authorized by the people, shall not raise a greater amount of revenue for purposes other than the pay ment of bonded Indebtedness or interest thereon than the total amount levied by the state in the year Immediately preceding for purposes other than the payment of bonded Indebtedness or inter est thereon plus six per centum per annum." The secretary of state today re ferred the proposed bill to the at torney general for ballot title. It will go on the ballot at the general election next November. lent. Nothing could be more ef- the American family seems to in fective than vermillion or Chinese I largely sound. Philadelphia In- For the living' room most of allied for a single piece of brightly ; qutrer. lacqueieu luruuuie, iu gno m to a dull look'ng interior. j INCOME TAX MEASURE A nnal point as to coior is man the rule of a dark floor, lighter' this is true. Fortunately this quality goes hand; In hand with the most pleasing effects. When the furniture is conveniently placed readings lamps by the easy chairs, a sofa facing the fire place or at right .angles to it, ash tray stands in the spot where they may be ueed, a secretary or desk where the davlight Is good and with "a lamp nearby there is an atmosphere of comfort that is al together j pleasing. The living room must first of all be livable. FILED WITH OFFICIAL walls and woodwork, and very' (Continued from p D light ceiling, is open to but fewjJng Jn th,a pectlon shaU be con exceptions. The rather wide prac- gtrued go a3 to effect the levying tice of choosing white for the cell- f tax authorlzed by vote of mg. nowever. is not to oe recom-the ,e 'In December, 19Z5. and every mended. Cream or Ivory supplies the necessary light without the glare of white, and either Is suit able for almost any color scheme It Is sometimes more attractive to llshes the standards of our states manship according to which we take measure of executive and legislators. "But this idealitfm is that of a practical and Industrious people. We rejoice with you in the ma terial gains of progress. With vast and increasing popuuatlbns there must be opportunities wellj used, to give talent its proper play and workers their full re ward or we should have the dis content that leads to anarchy ra ther than the cooperative efforts which give better standards of living and a widely diffused prosperity." SEEK PASS mniuiiiv HIUHUUnT muiinm paint the ceiling a very pale shade For the dining j room you wantj0f whatever color is used for the an effect that is itltlrAirlnA ; for thfl MACADAM ACROSS CASCADES TO BE ASKED BY COURT J sra the operator stands un as when aquaplaning. The sea sled, how ever,, is powered by its own out board motor and all outdoor mag azines now are featuring this class of , thrilling sport. A cedar chest of the style to be Ctade here has already been ship ped to a Boston house by the local concern. Port Oxford and Moun tain incense cedar are used in the manufacture of these popular household commodities. All chests will be copper mounted. The metal IV burnt, then hammered, then lacquered for the decorative ef fect. Tne boats are made -of Port Oxford cedar and red cedar, with eastern white oak and chimpuapin ribbing. All nailing and fin ing is done in brass and con pT, the company states. Other boats have no nails, but are brass screwed. air. Langenberg is located with thf Willamette Amto Supply Co., Cettage and Ferry. lie will be pleased to talk with all who are Interested In archery or boats. FAVORITE SONS THRONG tO GET BOURBON REINS ' (Continued from par 1) fifcid between this tine and June it-appears that there will be at least a dozen names in nomination when the balloting starts at Houston during the week of June 2. Reed Conceded Strength - Senator Reed. Missouri, has the cbdorsement of the democracy of htsl state and his friends are lay lag plans for a vigorous pre-con-veation campaign In many states and to entering the senator's name on the bollots In presidential preferential primaries In a num ber of states in the west, south and east. - ?Save for his letter to the host3 cf " democracy at the annual Jckson Day here last week in w:ch he gave his views on the lacrsOf the day. Governor Smith Ifcisjkept himself in the tack ground and has reiterated that he Lvbot a candidate for the nomination. VjWhare he has been silent and The United States Eas troubles' enough at home without seeking added responsibilities and terri tory abroad, Mr. Hughes declared. As evidence of American reluc tance to acquire territory aboad. the chaiman of the American dele gation cited the occupation of Santo Domingo and Haiti. After Entering Santo Domingo some mm . W Il J years ago ne saia. tne unuee States at once began laboring to get out. Eventually plans of evacuation were agreed upon and carried out. Imperialism Denied "If we had cherished an im perialistic purpose." Mr. Hughes told his audience, "we would have remained in Santo Domingo: but we withdrew." The United States will quit Haiti at anv time it has reason able expectation of stability there, said Mr. Hughes. Meanwhile 1t is trying to establish this sta bility. Oood will is essential to peace and collaboration but good will does not mean idwaiHy of views said the American chairman. It is not jeopardized by candid dis cussion if friendly. He asserted that the enemiei of happy rela tions between American countries are few although noisy and con stantly active. Mutual respect be tween Independent nations that do not harbor mistrust of each other will rob them of their power for harm, he averred. No Supr-StAte Wanted Cooperation, which Mr. Hughes had named as the fourth pillar of Pan-Americanism does not call for organization of a super-state, he said. "It does not mean that aay of the 21 American repub lics;" said Mr. Hughes, "o any goup of these epublics will at tempt to dominate the others. It is the cooperation of peoples In those directions where there is prospect of success." Mr. Hughes also pleaded with his listeners hot to Judge the United States as a nation without idealism. "You will find up keen in trade," he sfid, "zealous for the advantages of commercial in tercourse, but no one knows us well who falls to recognize, de spite all our shortcomings, the dominance among us of the ideals of Independence and democracy. These brought us to the aid of Cuba in 1898 and again sum moned us with Imeprative com mand to take our part in the ti tanic pnnteal nf thn wnrld war. MISSING FLYER FOUND FROZEN NEAR AIRPLANE (Continued from pf 1) in his parachute as the one glove was found In the plane Indicated he freed his hand to pull the rip cord, of his parachute. Residents .said Hoyt had little chance to find shelter In the win ter bound and isolated territory and expressed the belief he lost his way and was frozen to death. The lost Stearman plane was completely demolished. It was found by Frank Commons, raach er in a deep canyon four or five miles from the Commons ranch. A million dollar macadam high way from Salem over the ascade range mountains to Sisters, Is the proposal that will be presented to the state highway commission Thursday by the Marion county court. The proposed new highway would extend from Detroit, located 70 miles southeast of Salem, up the North Santlam river, or Mlnto Pass, through the mountain range and emerge on the eastern side near the town of Sisters. There it would connect with The Dalles California highway. The cost of the highway prob ably would be borne by the state highway commission, Marion county and the federal forestry department. Search Had Been Planaed SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. Jan. 21. (AP) Five planes will take the air tomorrow to search for Fred Hoyt unless he is found in the meantime, Lieutenant Russell Maughen, army flier who has been conducting the airplane search an nounced tonight. Three planes are! available at Salt Lake and two in Idaho cities. When told by the Associated Press of the finding of Hoyt's de molished plane 20 miles north of Holbrook, Ida. this afternoon. Lieut. Manghan expressed renew ed hope that Hoyt would be found alive. Lateness of the hour pre vented planes leaving here tonight be said. "If he was able to leave the plane In time for bis parachute to open up and did not injure him self In landing we may yet find hf mallve," the army filer said. Body of Drowned Man Washed Up On Shores ASTORIA, Jan. 11. (AP). The body of an unidentified man, believed to be one of three Jap anese oyster fishermen drowned the latter part of November on a mud flat in Wlllapa bay, was washed ashore at Bay Center, near Ilwaco, Wash., late today. Her man Murray, county coroner, said recovery of the body could not be made until 9 o'clock -tomorrow morning owing to high -tides and condition of the-beaihZT One of the bod lea of the trio was washed ashore near Ilwaco several weeks ago. Salem Student To Handle Education Exposition News Labor Council Favors Bowlder Dam Project Inactive, however, his friends; You cannot adequately explain the from coast to coast and border to harder have been very busy In his behalf with the result that in the conversations among the demo- United States in statistics of po notation, of' commerce or of wealth.Thertf is a power above all these which gives- final direction Static leaders at their meetingl to our public opinion and estab- V t 9 DR. B.H. WHITE 1 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 50 V. ft. National Bank Bldg. Office Telephone 850 Re. Telephone 4JW SALEM, OREGON : OREGON STATE COLLEGE Corvallis, Jan. 21. Julian Pres cott of Salem has been appointed to help in handling news on the campus for the fifth annual Edu cational exposition here February! 17 and 18. He will be in charge of material from the school of en gineering, military department, school of pharmacy, school of mines, and school of chemical en gineering. Prescott Is a sopho more In military science and tac tics. Each year approximately S00 delegates from the high schools of Oregon attend this exposition. It's purpose is to help the high school students by exhibits and vocation al guidance lectures to choose a college career wisely, either here or elsewhere. Visiting students see the work of each division of the college and hear national ex perts In vocational guidance. MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 21. (AP) The executive council of the Amer ican Federation of Labor favors construction of the Boulder Can yon dam "in such fashion as to protect the rights of all parties." and approves the proposed senate Investigation of power companies "without making the investigation a political football." Announcement of the council's attitude was made by President William Green at the close of to day's session of the council, which adjourned today to Monday. A telegram from the council to Sen ator Jamea H. Watson of Indiana, rhatrman of the committee In which the power company lnves tlgatlon resolution rests, suggested that the matter be handled by non partisan experts. Cheerful. And kitchen. The sunparlor should ; always be gay. And the bedroom restful. These qualities you may best obtain by the correct use o? color. There are many things to be considered in choosing colors be sides the laws of color harmony. First come the size and exposure of the room. Certain colorB are warm and advancing yellow, cream, rose and orange. The cool receding colors are blue, gray. green and lavender. Green is less recessive than blue and gray. You will want to use warm colors in a room where sunlight Is lacking vellow. esDeciallv is good. But these colors. If overused, make an already bright room harsh. They are also to be avoided for a very small room. Receding colors are best for; this purpose because they give an effect of Increased size The receding colors are also the most restful. The 1 most difficult problem comes In decorating a small sun less room. In this case It will be best to choose a receding color for the walls and to supply the neces sary warmth in furniture, draper ies. rugs, etc. and possibly In the woodwork. Everv color scheme should be based on the laws of color harm ony. The primary colors are red yellow and blue. The secondary colors are orange (red plus yel low), green (yellow plus blue) and vloet (blue plus red). There Is also the relationship of comple mentary colors. ' Yellow Is com plementary to violet, blue to or ange, and green to red. On this basis we have three types of col or combinations, the monochrom atic, the analogous, and the com plementary. The monochromatic uses only one color but In any number of tints or shades. The analogous scheme consists of col ors formed rrom comninaraons oi the primary and secondary colors, adjacent to one another In the col or spectrum. And the comple mentary uses complementary col ors. To Illustrate. A room la the monochromatic type ef color harmony might have cream for the celling, pale yellow for the walls and a deeper yellow for the over draperies. Blue, blue green, and blue violet would represent the analogous scheme, and light green, gray green, grayish red and red the complementary. Remember that, room to room thereafter the tax commis sion shall estimate the total rev enue necessary for the mlscellan eous purposes of the state govern ment, and al30 the amount of any surplus or estimated surplus re maining in the state treasury from whatever sources derived avallaTxle fpr the payment of the general expenses of the state, and tUa otlmstAil riAt ravanua to be the ideal of simplicity Is especially , deplyed from tne t levied on in. mponani, lor iuee lBiures ui. . . t caiendar year. me room are, essenwany, iue .,, tmm th. backgroud. Plain painted walls ',,, oatimfttd surnlus wall. Beauty through color and sim plicity is the keynote to modern decoration. In choosing finishes for walls, woodwork and floors, or walls decorated in son tones, and simple design are best. Some of the novel painted finishes sup ply Individuality In wall decora tion without the pronounced pat tern that is to be avoided for the background. For rugs, likewise,, It is Important that tho figures, should not be too pronounced or! the color in any degree harsh. A final word of advice on the. importance of tnmness. scurrea up floors or woodwork that Is showing the signs of wear, walls that are Just beginning to be grimy, or shabbiness in any form will completely spoil any decora- . . , i . tive scheme. wooawora snouiui be given a fresh coat of enamel or varnish regularly, floors need revarnishing once every year or two, and walls must be kept im maculate by washing or repaint ing. No home is attractive if shabby or untidy, but the simplest room can be coiy If It has color and if It Is kept fresh and Immaculate. and the estimated net revenue from the tax levied on income shall be less than the amount to the an ibe raised for state purposes. commission shall levy such Schaeffer's Herbal Cough Syrup-- One of the Finest Cough syrups made Gives Immediate Relief From Coughing and Throat Irritation Sold only at Schaefer's DRUG STORE 133 N. Com'I St. Phone 197 Fhe Penslar Agency ORIGINAL YELLOW FRONT II V 1- 1 When Glasses Ard Needed "APPEAL TO O'NEILL" New Location Dr. C. B. O'Neill Fourth Floor First National Bank Banding Phone ftl Polar Expedition Now Changed Through Aviation BERLIN (AP) General No bile, the Italian airship construc tor and arctic aviator, in a lecture on "The airship In the service-of arctic exploration." at the Charlot- mhnrr Polvtechnlc. described how aviation had completely rev olutlonized polar exploration I.. that todav It was yum bins v - - possible to fly from Spitsbergen in tfi hours to the spot which took Frltjof Nansen In 1898 three days tn reach. Of the two means of aerial lo comotion. General Noblle gavs preference to the airsiilp, from which, he said, better and more scientific investigations were pos sible than from an airplane, be cause It could be brought to i standstill In midair at a certain k.iht hoaides allowing of a " greater radius of action. From the experiences of his po lar flight. May 11th to 14th, 1926. the speaker deduced that to pre- Death Takes Director of Bank of England LONDON', Jan. 21. (AP). Lieutenant Colonel Michael Sey mour Spencer-Smith, 47, director of the Bank of England, died to day from Injuries received while motoring. - He was the youngest son of the late Rev. Spencer Comp- ton Spencer-Smith, vlcer of King ston, Dorsetahlre. Colonel Spencer-Smith served through the war with distinction and for a time was on the staff of the Canadian corps, heavy ar tillery. In France. Earlier he was in the king's royal rifle corps. Hf referred the military cross and was made a companion of the dla- est 'tribunal tlagulahed service order. her pet. Kansas City Man Takes Money At Longview, Wn. LONGVIEW. Wash., Jan. 21. (AP). Fred Zeike, 28, of Kansas City was today sentenced to from one to 15 years In Monroe reform atory when he pleaded guilty to a charge of appropriating $186 from a stare of which he had been ap nninted manager a few days be fore. Attorneys for Zelke made a plea for his parole, but Judge H. E. McKenney overruled the plea with the declaration that paroles en courage crime. Appeal In Behalf of Dog Thrown Out of High Court MT. ST ERLlNd. Ky., Jan. 21 (AP). The appeal in behalf of "Kaiser Bill.' German police dog. charged with, sheep killing and sentenced to death was dismissed In circuit court here today. Judge Henry-Prewitt decided he had nc Jurisdiction. The dog was convicted in e court and his mistress announced she would take the case to the court of appeals, Kentucky's hlgh- ln an effort to aave ' FOR. Iry-ir" i'' Hundreds of Brand tfew Victor Records Regular 75c Double Face SPECIAL SALE 35c each 3 for $1.00 ,New Songs, Dance Numbers, Instrumental, Hawaiian, in fact almost anything you may desire, inese records hare just been discontinued from the 1928 catalog. DONT DELAY THESE NEW RECORDS WILL GO FAST! i Geo. C. Will Music House . fest. 49 Years 432 State Street To break a cold harmlessly and in a hurry try a Bayer Aspirin tablet And for headache. The action of Aspirin is very efficient, too, in cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago t And; there's no after effect; doctors give Aspirin to children- often infants.) iWhenevcr there's pain, think of Aspirin. --The genuine, Bayer Aspirin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet. All druggists, with proven directions. Physidans prescribe Bayer Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart . U tradit urk f Barr lUnfactan of UaaecUcaei4tatar f tflcrttaa You Wouldn't Race-the "Limited' To a Crossing Eyes once strained cannot help themselves. They neves mend alone. They "keep going" by overdrawing on yeu nervous energy. Right glasses will lift thst "pinned down" feeling that actually holds you back makes yo ln4l,M im.M. tn, rnnr.ntrat wnrrlad because y0 know you're not getting results yea know you're capably f - ' , Pomeroy & Keene Jewelers and Optometrists Salem, Oregon