; j U ,U-1 u THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEMr OREGON. .SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1928 ; i SOCIETY (Continued from page 10) 31 Salem February 21st and 22nd 1kad will gte several addresses, j The eighth anniversary of the !Sth amendment was observed in 0!2ie devotions and program. Short talks and readings in observance . Victory Day were given by Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Sieforth. Mrs. ileeder, Mrs. Charlton, Mrs. Hogue t-nd Mrs. Bowerman. Several guests called at the tea hour. Mrs. Reed presided at the ea table. Mrs. L. F. Griffith Hostess it Attractive One O'clock puncheon Mrs. L. F. Griffith was hostess Wednesday afternoon in her home on East Center street at an attrac tive one o'clock luncheon, having as her guests members of the Cap ital club. Miss Mabel Creighton was an additional guest. Covers were p.actd at the lunch son table," centered with red car nations and fern, for Miss Creih :on, Mrs. Edwin L. Baker, Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner, Mrs. Frank :j-r YV. Durbin, Sr., Mrs. W. II. Dancy, Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mrs. Milton L. Meyers, Mrs. Frank Meredith, Mrs. H. H. Olinger, Mrs. R. E. Lee Stelner, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith. Mrs.1 George L. Rose. Mrs. V. Al . Jones, and the hostess, Mrs. Grif- nth. Bridge was the diversion of the afternoon. High score honors were won by Mrs. Edwin Baker. CO The club will be entertained in a fortnight at the home of Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner. Y. K. K. Sunday School Class Entertained at Scott Home Members of the Y. K. K. class of the First Methodist church Sun - day school were entertained Fri day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Scott on North ; , Fifth street. Refreshments were served at i the close of the evening which was spent playing games. t!V Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Kletzing, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. i'-Paul H. Acton, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McMillin, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Marsters, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. C4 Shanks, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Nel son, Mr. and Mrs. Hobart E. Shade Mr. and Mrs. Hagedorn, Mr. and r , Mrs. Marlon Curry, Dr. J. D. Mc- -Cormick, Vernon O. Tyler, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Scott. , Mr. and Mrs. David Wright Surprised With "House warming" Mr. and Mrs. David Wright who have recently moved into their new home on Stewart street were honored Thursday evening when a group of their friends arrived at their home to surprise them with "housewarming." Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daue, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Fuller ton, Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Glea- son, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kurtz, , Mr. and Mrs. U. Scott Page, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pennington, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Vlbbert. Mr. and Mrs. Harley White, Mr. and Mrs. G. Delano, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Grote;' and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Flack. The, evening was spent playing p--tide. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Glea- son received first prize. The group presented the honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. David Wright with a lovely gift. Refreshments were served later in the evening. . Guest In Salem For the Day Mrs. C. E. Barker of Beaver ton is a guest today at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Blatch- ford. General Aid of Jason Lee Church Will Elect Officers Officers for the year will be elected at the business meeting of the General Aid Society of the Ja son Lee Methodist church which will be held at two-thirty o'clock Wednesday afternoon, January 25th. , Guest in Portland For the Day Mrs. W. B. Johnston .spefit Sat- . urday visiting Ja Portland. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Poling , Guests in Salem i Mrs. Ouy Phelps has as her guests her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Poling of Portland. Dr. Poling will speak this morn ing and again this evening at the services' at the First Evangelical church. v Unusual Program Will Be I Offered at Presbyterian , Church " -What is reputed to be one of jtRe most Versatile and entertain , , ing programs ever Offered a Pa cific Coast .audience, will be pre sented at the First Presbyterian Church Tuesday evening, January 2 tin. wnco jay uore anq nis com pany, under the Independent Ar . " t Is ta Toots, will present an even ing of mystery and music. The program Is given after the , 3- continental mode of nnit con m- V ity, and Is divided Into three . parts. , The show opens with a novelty art number which is fall ; of beautiful lighting effects j of artistic skill, - 'Jay Gore, occupying the center - of the stage during this acf, holds yf the audience spell-bound with his 1 clever tricks. He Is assisted la - - ' the - act by Dorothy Dial r Gore, who is co-author of the original t--.."smoke pictore", t r . The musical part of the pro- - i gram Is presented by Miss Doro- ' thy Reynolds, gifted pianist and . whistler, end- by -Dorothy Dial ; Gore, sonrano and. 'oalloUL : who is well-known to Pacific Coast audiences. - The last part of the entertain ment, which is presented by Jay Gore, is said to surpass anything in the Ly.'um field. This act is beautifully staged and carrie with it the elaborate equipment necessary for the varied effect of illusion employed. Three Lovely Affairs Gitfen at tyiisenberry Home , The past week will be remem bered for the three lovely affairs which were given at the home of Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry on Lincoln Hill. On Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Quiscnberry and Mrs. Donald Youag were hostesses at a five table bridge tea. They entertained vUh a similar delightful affair on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Qui3enberry was hostess Friday afternoon at a four table bridge party. Mrs. Dan J. Fry. Jr. won high score . honors in bridge on Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. W. Conneil Dyer received- the second prize. Mrs. Curtis ... Cross and Mrs. Paul Hendricks assisted the hos tesses at the tea hour. ' On Thursciav Mrs. John H. Car son won the first prize as a result of the afternoon's play and Mrs. Frank Dec ke bach. Jr. the second. Additional guests came in at the hour. Sixteen prominent Salem ma trons were included in the guest group ort Friday afternoon. Mrs. Charles K. Spaulding woni hih score prize in bridge. The second award went to Mrs. Ken neth Brown. Mrs. II. L. Stiff. Mrs, W. L. Philips, and Mrs. Donald Young assisted Mrs. Quisenberry in serv ing at the tea hour. Ejitre Nous Club Entertained on Wednesday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smart enter tained the members of the Entre Nous club on Wednesday evening of the past week.. The evening was spent playing "500." High score prizes were won by Mrs. Herman Humniell and, Albert Raraseyer. Mrs. S. Collard and Paul Bassett received the second award. The affair was in the nature of a costume party with each guest dressed to represent a day of the year. Mrs. Chris Hampshire and Mr. Hummell received the prizes for the best costumes. Those present were Mr.- and Mrs. Paul Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard, Mr. and Mrs. S. Collard, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook, Mr. and Mrs. William Gerke. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smart, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodenough, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hummell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ramseyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Potter, Mr. and Mr. William Moses, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hamp shire, and Miss Constance Smart Guest of Parents for the Week-End Mrs. Will Knight of Portland. Is spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Miles. R. N. A. Sewing Club VM , Meet Tttesday Afternoon" The Royal Neighbors Sewing club will hare a social meeting at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Pearl Llckiss. 840 North Twentieth street. ' Mrs. Sarah Nelson and Mrs. Bertha Reeder will be assistant hostesses. American Legion Auxiliary Will Sponsor Valentine Dance At -the last meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary ar rangements were made for the Valentine Dance which will be sponsored by the group on. the evening of February 14th at the Crystal Gardens. The committee in charge of the affair includes the chairman of each standing committee. The proceeds from the dance will be added to the fund which the auxiliary has pledged to the children's public playground. Mr. and Mrs. Skiff Hosts at Dinner Patry Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Skit J were hosts at an attractive din ner party on Wednesday evening. in honor 6f Rev. and Mrs. Rob ert Lee Payne. , Covers were placed at the din ing table, centered with red car nations and red tapers, for Rev. and Mrs. Payne, their daughters. Misses Dorothy and Marguerite Payne, their son. Bobby Payne. Miss Dorothy Tweedale, Miss Jen nie Calvert, and the host and hostess, Dr. and Mrs. Skiff. Sons of Union Veterans and Auxiliary -Will Have "Hard Times" Party Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and their Auxiliary will have a "Hard Times" party Tuesday evening, at the Woman's Club-house on North Cottage street. Each member of the auxiliary is asked to bring an appropriate basket and each guest is asked to appear In a "Hard Times? cos tumev " v , A' short business session: will precede the social meeting. Mr and Mrs. Kay Observe i0tK Wedding' Anniversary - An event of the past week was the dinner, party given Tuesday evening, at the Thomas B. Kay home on Court street In obser vance of Mr. end Mrs. Kay's for tieth wedding anniversary. The dining table was centered with a lovely arrangement of sweet peas, cyclamen." and acacia In pas tel shades in combination with maidenhair fern and tall ivory ta pers. . Covers ..were arranged - for the honor, guests, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Kjt Dr. and Mrs. B. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY AKTJEKAOH A KCPEST. Km tor . 69 8. Hick. ' Tal. 1644 BARBER BOND .00 Gray bid. TL 190 BECKZ A aXIKlCK8 .89 N. Higli. TL 161 A. C. BOflRNSTrDT 147 N. Coancrcial. I TL S77 U. E. SHOWN .09 8. Com'L TaL 559 r 3053 W. F. BROWN .73 Stat. Tel. 1961 THE BUNGALOW REALTY .47 Sui l. LEO X. CHILD? CO, Realtors ;t Sat at. Tel 1727 K. S.-CLAKKE 109 S. Com I Tel. 5S9 or 2053 E. a. COPPOCE 331 Stat u TaL 567 1'K.EU 6. iELANO f -0 S. CbBi-ca. TaL 1A30 HUJIEK I. FOS7KH KEALZT CO. la first .Vat Bank Bids TaL 842 'O : O U ASK ILL A EAKLE THE BEAUTY BOX 166 8. Liberty St., -TaL 2248 Complete Beauty Serrice , i I 520 8Ute St. TeL 1985 w. a. ouABExfioRST a co. 34 8 Liberty 61. TeL 615 THE CAPITOL BEAUTY SHOPPB 1 223 N. High. ror Appt. TeL 866 li ELVIS JOHNSON ,i V. 8. Bank Bldg. TaL 687 ELITE BEAUTY SHOPPE Orer the Gray Bella. TaL 914 W. U. KKUtUER 147 N. Com'l. TeL 217 LA ROSE BEAUTY SHOP Marcelling 75c. Phone 754 LAFLAR A LA FLA It"- iidd Bo.B Bank Bldg. Tel. 646 MARINELLO BEAUTY PARLOUS Permanent W aTa Specialirt LARS EN RICE 245 N. High St. TaL 1696 2-5 Oregon bldg. TeL 174 MILLER BEAUTY SHOP W. A. LISrON Teated and graded before permanent, 404 5 Masonic Bldg. TaL 1321 using Text o Meter machine " ARTHUR UADSEN MITZI GRAY BEAUTE SHOPPE .074 North Capifc.L TeL 2807 709-13 First Nat. Bank Bldg. TaL 187 MtLLINMER OdMITTl THE MODEL BEAUTY PARLOR 409 Oregon Bldg. TaL 1176 112 N. CommerciaL TaL 956 O. K. MIDDLETON THE MODERN MARINELLO ?04 Oregon Bidg. TeL 2808 .06 Maaonie Tempi Bldg. TeL 879 W. E. HOSES 451 Coart St. TaL 2818 JOHN W. ORE New filifh Bk. TaL 2485 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 84 Court. Tel. 1186 PERRINE MARSTERS 211-212 Gray Bldg. TeL 907 WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. High St. TaL 584 RICH L. KtlMA-SN, Realtor 219 N. High St. Tel. 865 SALEM REALTY CO. 462 Stat tit. Room 7. TeL 1004 J. E. SCOTT 231 X. High fit. TeL 1122 CHARLES SPCRLIN !10 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1935 BOCOLOFSKY fcO.N 304 5 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 970 SQUARE DEAL HIALTY V. S. Nat l Bank Bldg. TaL 473 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St. TaL 651 ULR1CH ROBERTS 1Z9 N. ComnierriaL TeL 1354 V. 8. REALTY CO. 442 Stat St. TeL 2660 r. L. WOOD 341 Stat St. Tel. 794 E. Lee Stelner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Spencer, and Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Roberton. Bridge was tbe diversion of the evening:. High score prizes were won by Mrs. Frank Spencer and Dr. Steiner. l$th Amendment WiU Be Observed at Services at First Christian ' Ch u rch The eighth, anniversary of the passing of the 18th amendment will be observed at the services this evening at the First Chris tian church. The pastor, D. J. Howe, will speak on the subject, "What Shall We Do With the ISth Amend ment?" A section of the church will be reserved for members of the W. C. T. U. who will be in attend ance. Special musical numbers will be given by the male Quartet, the mixed quartet, and the church choir. SXOW HITS PORTXAND i PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. L (AP) Snow which started to fall at noon was still falling at 2 o'clock and had Increased in dens ity. There was no wind. IRISH PRISONER TAKEN DUBLIN, Irish Free State, Jan. zi. KAf) jamei xsugent, a wounded political prisoner, who made a dramatic escape from St Bricin's military hospital early to day, was recaptured 12 hours lat er at Callan. Kilkenny, 20 miles from his borthplace. Clonmel. METHODISTS PICK MERIDIAN LAGRANDE, Ore., Jan. 21. AP) Meridian,' Idaho, was se lected for the 1929 western dis trict conference of the Methodist. Episcopal church during the clos ing hours of the meeting here yes terday. Now that President Coolldge has given it such wide publicity it oc curs fo ns that "I do not choose to run" would make a proper slogan for the marines. ETTA KETT ( lock Ar ai ru -ruAr- I r LOCK AT Hit tSOUXK TrVT CAS3 - Vt'LL TUP Ofi.Kfr Orr SCJO AND ALL. "THAT t 7. work: to r I K WDRC TO I l MEETVOO 1 V H M rSw to- -f .t-Vi- I itxr yarr-rJr J I -l V talRUOJT itt. cscr . X X -V, W 1 - 8 aTal m m m -w m -wax lAfl fW P t W . f a - a. w - f I 1. 1 TV! 1 Jal y 1 rvaA - f tm yv vsH v y , u4jrr - pkv ' ' CaUtS.WC-a.rA-," T V . Mt. 1 I I N HTIC 7. .W: ; - fj f t t - .... ... . , ii i - i I i i i .i mmm . :- - i .- . - . - - ; -: . . , 7 INSURANCE DIRECTORY o- 19 8. Hig-a. . TeL 1644 E. H. BAIRET. Liia, Accident. Siekaaaa 328 Oregon Bldg. TeL 1747 BECKE k HEND&CKS 189 X. High. TeL 161 O. H. BERG, Life. Aceideat, Skkaeaa 328 Oregon Bldg. TaL 1747 CENTRAL LUX GEN. AGENT 306-7 Oregon Bldg. TaL 490 R. U. GRAY General Insurance 147 N. Com'L TeL 2425 LA J" LAB a LATLAR Ladd 4 Buh Bank Bldg. . TeL 546 W. A. LI&TO.V, General Inraranca 404-5 Xatonie Bldg. TeL 1321 Weak. Fidelity National Forge Philippl 405 Bank of Com. Bldg. TaL 216Q WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 315 Maaonie Bldg. TeL 982 BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY NIFTY BOB SHOP F.ngen Permanent Waring, Hair Catting and Marcelling. Ill Stat St. TeL 970 Local Rates For Classified Advertising Dally or Sunday 2 cents per word On time Three times 6 cents per ward Six times 8 re3ts per word 1 mo. daily and Sun. .20 eenta per word In order to earn the mors than one time rate, advertiaing must run in con ecutir issues. No Ad taken for less than 23c. Ads run Sunday ONLY charged at one time rat. s.r Advertisements laxeept Personals and Situations Wanted) will be taken orer the telephone il . th , advertiser is a subscriber to phone. The Statesman will receive adver tisements at any time of th day or night. To insure proper classification Ads should be In before 7 p. m. TELEPHONE 2 OR 683 The Oregon Statesman Published every morning except Mon day, at Salem, th capital of Oregon. ADYTKTI SEMEN'S. HONEST ADVERTISING The eel naus saaaa b kept fr tram anyining f questionable nature. M iarepreaea tatioaa will n b t4raUL In forma tion ahowing any ooeauanabl intent oa th part of th advertiser eaaid be reported to lain MWapaser r toe Salem Ad elan. LODGE ROSTER CUEMEKiTA LODGE NO. 1, 1 O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock; third floor of L O. O. F. Temple, corner of oCnrt and. High St. AUCTIONEER F. N Woodiy 12 Trs. Salem'a Jeadiag :atioaer aad Furniture Daif. Ew. A Store, 1610 N. Summec St. Phoo 811 H. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cask paid for used furniture. Store 271 N. Comm'l TeL 75. Agents for Lang Ranges, 2 COL. A. L. STEVENSON AUCTIONEER 28 yaara experience ia th Willamette valley, far data or arrangmnia a F. A. DoerfUr, farm advieer, Fi Na tional Bank. Salem. Phone or wine A.. L. Stevenson. Corviilia. Ore BATTERY-ELECTRICIAN 3 BROWN ELL ELECTRIC CO.. 8S3 STATE TeL 958. Contract wiring. Electric aupplies. Call us for electrical work. R. D. BARTON EXIDS BATTERIES Starter and generator work; 202 Sonth High. 8 E TaL 168 HIGH AND CENTER JOE WILLIAMS r LEE NER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estiaute tarnished. TeL 980 47: Court St. BICYCLES Repairing 4 LLOYD E. RAM8DE COLUMBIA BI eycles aad repairing. 887 Court. DISCO RY CELEBRATED WA1MEA, T. H. Jan., 21. (AP) Thousands of residents of the Island of Kauai gathered here yesterday to observe the 150th annrrersary of the landing of Cap tain Cook, discoverer of the Ha waiian islands. Ground was bro ken for a $3000 monument to be erected In memory of Captain Cook. m WMa m a ta w aw si ar - - 1 1 Bvi it l a uu sa a A . n ana ihh Bar-1 " r W . - t fa I could avt TrE' Q-trY IVcC . cmVvT &xt jr-i i CLEANERS AND DYERS 5 CHERRY C1TT CULAJTTB3. a T. Douu, 3S0 N. Ufcnty. T.U SI4. SALEM CINXRS A DYERS 107S S. OovtL TaL 1868 HELP WANTED Male 6 urv aTTl mnrsr savour JOB: ti4(.19AA a .nA mb fnrnlsliaA: hnnt. fish, trap. ate. Tor details, write Norton, 1926 Temple Court, Denver, Col. Learn Welding uooa wages at a gooa uae. We wfll i teach you OTeniags. Acetylene Welding Courses from J25.oo ap. i Electric i Welding Conrsea from J 5.00 up. C. D. Oppen 695 Mill St Telephone 372 2086 J. 4.930 WAS CHARLES HICKEY'S profit for 5 months selling Face-A-L:tes, nv aeientifie all metal dare shield; Face-A-Lite make glare from passing aatos impossible; write for territory proposition, i Fill in coupon below; mail at once. rAl'b-i-LiiiE mv. w. A-193 Logai Bldg, MitcheU. S. D. Kama .. , ., AddreSS Town .J3tate SALESMEN CLOTHING SALESMEN: FASTE8T selling Una today. Suit or Top Coat 815.00, commission $3.50. Two gar ments $28.50, commission $8. Caion Tailoring Co., Waver, Colo. TAILORING SALESMEN SELL SIMP son's new $28.50 par virgin-wool un ion made-to-measure suits, topcoats; commission : in advance; exclusive ter ritory; big outfit 175 samples FREE'. J. B. SIMPSON, 83 Adams, Dept. 1478 Chicago. LF YOU WANT $8000 THIS YEAR, writ m personally. Strong line fox retail store, nationally advertised. Established company, big season now. Liberal weekly advance to producer. Dyk William. Mgr, 2010 Euclid, Dept. 974, Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMEN j PEOPLE EVERYWHERE now practicing morning mouth rejuv enation by using Spearmint Tooth Past with piauant minty flavor, ad vertised ia magazine section Hearsts Sunday newspaper with five million circulation. Exclosiv sale rights now open, writ naming county. Dept. 1, WRIGLEY PHARMACEUTICAL CO., Boardwalk Atlantic City. N.J. HELP WANTED Female 8 NEW INVENTION PREVENTS SHOUL der straps slipping. Earn $60 up week ly. Selling experience unnecessary. Women adore this amasine Comfort Chain. FREE Sample Offer. Lingerie "V Co.. 304 so. uearoora, vnicago WOMEN INEXPERIENCED WANTED BY manufacturer who can earn $20 weekly spare tlm sewing aprons. Materials cut; No selling; stamped envelope briaga particulars. Morning Glory Apron Oo., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. WOMEN EARN BIO MONEY SEWING aprons. Absolutely no selling. Experi ence unnecessary. Materials cut. in structions furnished. Stamped envelope brings particulars. Art Dress Co. Stamford, Conn. WOMEN EARJ 818 DOZEN SEWING aprons. Experience annecessary; no selling. Easy, steady work, materials rut. Addressed envelope bring detaila. Goahev Dress, Ooha, M . Y. ADDRESS ENVELOPES AT HOME Spare time. ; -Experience unnecessary. --Dignified work $15 $25 weekly easy. Send 2e stamp for particulars. Maxell. Dept. 1)15 Uary Indiana. LADIES EARN $17 DOZEN SEWING aprons home, experience unnecessary : laatruetione furniahed; materials cut; addressed envelope brings psrticulars. Milo Gament; 235 Broadway, Bayonne, N. J. LADIES EARN $17 DOZEN SEWING smocks home. Experience unnecessary; no seilinsr: materials cut r addresssed envelope brings instructions World"! to., 340 6th Ave. N. I. AGENTS WANTED 9 BANKRUPT AND RUMMAGE SALES 85O.O0 dsily. We start yon, furnishing everything. WHOLESALERS, Desk 465. 420 W. Superior, Chicago. WE WANT EXCLU8IVE COUNTY MAX- agers prepared to put up gioo.oo cash security. W guarantee earnings of $60.00 to $200. OO weekly depending on ais of county. M. W. DuBoys, Dept. 2311. Pittsburgh. Pa. MAKE $50-$75 WEEKLY WRITING OR dara with new Spring liaa of America's greatest tailored shirts. Big double 16t4K samples sell on sight. FREE outfit. No experience necessary. Have yoa sold before ; ror woomi . writ to day. Sinclair Shirt Manufacturing Company, 741N Kingsbury, Chicago. DISTRICT MANAGERS EXCLUSIVE territory I Small investments I attrac tive commission I Sensational metal spe cialty! Merchants amasedl Write quick! Print-O Graph, 126 East Third Street, Flint.; Michigan. WANT DISTRIBUTING AGENT FOR Hansliek. powdered aandsoap; removes anything from hands without injury to skin;, everybody a customer; great op portunity for hustler to get in busi ness; sample free. SOLAR PRODUCTS CO., 2144 Sd. Troy, Chicago. JIM-MIN-IE! HERE'S TOUR CHANCE to clean up with Christy Polishing Cloth. Removes tarnish from all metals. without us of powder, paste, or liquid Works like magic Sells lik wildfire. 160-300 profit. Writ for fro sam pie. Christy, Inc. 8196 B'way, Newark. New xora. DISTRIBUTOR FOR 100 STORE ROUTE this couaty; experience unnecessary; a ' selling, distribute and collect; should net $70.00 weekly. PERIS MFG. CO., Florin, Fa. j CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. IL B. 8COFF1ELD. P. S. C. 806 First National Bank Bldg. DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. TaL 828 R. or JUL 2104-J Stifling Comietition FLORISTS - 11 TAiLUKb w : ;2CTM tlOWXRS TOR ALL OCCASIONS Ola'. Court High 8. TaL $01. CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Fan era! wreath, deeo rations. C F. Breithaapt, florist. $13 Stat Street, TaL 880. INSURANCE 12 FOR 8ALE FIRST AND 8ECOND Mort Sag. Trust Deeds. Contracts oa oases Will net 6 to 20 per sent. " BECKE a HENDRICKS -Heillg Bldg., 188 N. High St. FARM LOANS PLEXTT OF MONET to loan oa good farm security. , CITY LOANS W are loaaing Pru dentla Insurance company money on city residence and business property at 5 per cent, plus a commission Haw kina 4 Roberts, lac, 205 Oaegoa Building. Insure Yonr Home or Car now. BECKE HENDRICK8 Phone 11 -I. 6. 9. r. Bldg.. 188 X. High St. FOR RENT Apts. 15 NICELY FURXTH.r' . FIRST FLOOR Apartment. 590 Union. .... WELL rURNI8HEr APARTMENT. PIA no. first floor, 1311 Court St. FURNISHED 2 ROOMS LSD KITCHEN- ette. water, light, and fuel. $22.50. Close ia. 555 Marlon. FURNISHED DOWN STAIRS FRONT apartment, 1 room and kitchenette $17.50. Water, light, and foeL Close in. 555 Msnon. Attractive New Flat 4 rax, hwd. floors. Frigidaire. hot water heat, overstuffed furnishings, garage, best residence district. $50. WINNIE PETTYJOHN Realtor ,175 6. High, TeL 5S4 Why Worry with K Fuel. Ice Lawns? High class residential district. New, strictly modern, quiet apart ments. Frigidair. Electric Ranges, Radio, Steam Heat, Brick-faced Building. Ef ficient 8ervice. Two rooms with bath, $30 to $35. Three ooms with bath, $40 to $45. Pullman furnished overstaffed, $30. Two rooms furnished overstuffed, $35 to $40. Three rooms furnished overstuffed. $45 to $50. . Ambassador 550 N. Summer. Phen 1972 New Management FOR RENT Rooms 16 LARGE COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR rent. TeL 236PJ. - NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH board. 405 Marlon St. COMFORTABLE ROOMS NONE BET ter Close In Moderate price. Phone 747W. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD t Alexandria. 1030 Chemeketa Phone 1589. STRICTLY MODERN ROOMS. GROUND floor, good, beat, will suit party taking meals out, f 25 N. .High. FOR RENT Houses 17 MODERN HOME. 678 N. COTTAGE. 1 ROOM HOUSE. 833 MISSION. LN quire 702 N. Church. FOB) RENT. DUPLEX HOUSE. 4' North Winter St. ROOM HOUSE. WOODSHED AND garage. 1835 N. Church. 5 ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS. NEW GAR Ala . . . I age, f 10 per mourn. rnooi xa-. 4 ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. OAR- age. $10 per month. Phona 2566 J. FOR RENT 8 room furnished bous with garage. TeL 687 or 1983M. 4 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. JUST refinished inside. Oarage. Phone 76V2-RL 5 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. 971 N. Commercial. Inquire at Damon Gro cery stor. 899 N. Commercial. 8 ROOM HOUSE AT. 932 N. 16TH street. half block from bus, $3O.00 month. Rang connected, also heater garage, fruit, walnuts. Tel 1862M. FOR RENT HOUSES: $15 $17 $20 $25 $30 $40. Furnished Houses and apts.: $25 $85 $60 and $75. See Louis Bechtel or 3. D. Soars. 341 State St.. Koom 2. FOR RENT t HOMES AT $20 a $30 a $37.50 a $45 and $55. Also stores dowa town and suburban and service Station Location. Beck h Hendricks, 189 N. High Street. FOR RENT 10 Room plastered house 1599 State Basement, furnace, fireplace, wood and gas range, two seta plumbing, $50 per montn. GEISER, REAL E8TATE 441 Court St. 10 LARGE ROOMS AND RECEPTION halL suitable for board and rooming; basement, furnace, 2 fireplaces, gas, and large wood rang, 2 sets of plumbing. garage, large lot aad shad, trees. Th name-lie place, ou.uu petmontB. Lo cated 1599 Stat St. See Geiser Real Estate, 441 Court 8C BOARD AND ROOM 20 THE FREDERICK SON BOARD AND room $35 for two la a room, $40 for one. Marlon Bt. Tel. 1547 R. LAUNDRIES 21 FRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. TeL 171, 1858 B "Street. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laondry of Pure Materials" Telephone 185. 1S64 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY Te1whn 25. 263 S. Hirh D. H. KOSHER TAILOR- FOR MEN ad wemea, 474 Court Si. - WANTED Misc. 23 FURNITURE PCKISfV rOB SHIT taenia. Qiese-Pavers riiraua vo. QUILTING AND COMFORT WO Ladie Ai. Conrt Street Chrtatian Church. Phone 1332-J. WANTED FRIT ATE HCNET FOR farm loaaa. W have aeveral appuca tioaa oa hand. Haw Uaa orris Ine, 205 Oregon Bldg. WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Rsgs not smaller thab 1 yard to use for wiping machinery. Highest price naid for rood clean rags, apply at Statesman elfic. see StifUr. on that gives lot of .rich uijk,1 not necessarily registered: uoisiein or iioi stein Jeraey preferred. J. R. Chap man, Kt 2. Box 101. Phone 17F3. More Than a Tonic More Than a Health-Food A Natural Remedy! Pacific Health-Ore Thi finulart miKiI'M Nature with vital wui,ib wu.iw,.. . ... - , dements to maintain tbe normal chemical balance to Insure tne natural narmony and proper functioning et gland and or gans and to maintain a nea aaa neaimy blood stream. I ' J . alunl .laP.nlMIllt lO v BT-v m9 m m. u v. v . -- - . 1. .nff i-int for tllMS Ml AO VUV . . . months treatment. Sold under a positiv MATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY -TH Capital City Bqddia U livo none Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. TeL 10. FOR SALE 25 WEANING PIGa-B. WALLACE. RT. 6. Bx. 103 C. OAK CHINA CABINET. BUFFET. Alr tnost new universial range, rugs, room 1081-W. TO TRADE $840 PIANO FOR GOOD automobile. Seo Burk at r-itxgerata-Bherwia Motor Oo. ORDERS TAKEN FOR 24 AND 30 INCH ahakea. Correspond with r. xw nor rison. R. 1. Lyons, Oregon. PEDIGREED AIRDALE MALE PUTS month old. a bargain It taxen dot Dec 15th. H. F. Butterfleld. Pacific Hwy, Wood burn. Ore. TeL 102. FOR SALE Live Stock 27 FOR SALE A CHESTER WHITE BROOD aow that will farrow soon. Also some six weeks old pigs. Very nice for $5.00 each or 6 head for $30.00. John H. Soott. Phone 254 or 622. VETERINARIAN 28 trRED W. LANGE. VETERINARTAK Office 6-U H. commercial, in. i Rea. Tal. 1668. WOOD SAWING 29 WOD SAWING. PHONE 167T. 1610 North Commercial. WOOD FOR SALE 30 16 IN. WOOD $7.00 CORD. PHONE 1669. GOOD DRY WOOD. PHONE 72K2. M. LV Mayfleld. FOR GOOD WOOD CALL 0. D. QUERY, Phoa 127 F21. GOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOO D. A. Lamer. TaL 930. 16 IN. OLD FIR $8.50 PER CORD (? rick) TeL 2188. CALL TRACY" 8 FUEL YARD FOR GOOD wood. Fbon 23ir. 16 INCH OLD FIR. $8.00 CORD. R. N. Seism. Rt. 1. Oervsia. 16 INCH OLD FIR AND ASH. O. D. Harbaugh. 1038 Highland Av. Phn 1B90. OLD GROWTH 18 INCH DRY $8.75; Old 2nd growth 16 inch $7.50. Phone 2176 M. CALL 788R FOR DRY FIR AND OAK, guarantcod full cord. Best wood ia own. K Wood. 16 INCH OLD GROWTH FROM LARGE aound trees. $8.00. Dry second growth, $7.00. Phon 2096 J. GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES 19LLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 185S. C. (BEE) A. ANDERSON FOR WOOD. TO BURN SALEM TRi NS. A FUEL CO. . GENERAL TRANSFER WORK. TEL. 529 BEST GRADE OF WOOl Dry wood 4 ft. aad 16 -Inch. Large loads are cheaper to buy. (Mill wood ta our specialty. . Prompt delivery aad reasonable price. ' FOED E. WELLS 280 8. Church . Tel. 1542 MEDICAL 31 EPILEPSY HOW POISONED BLOOD . . - IT . . : . . I auiic. i(t. uu 9 twp- iita promptly. Free treatise , and instructwns. Write Western Medical Asa'a. 188 W. 62nd St.. Chicago. POULTRY AND EGGS 32 ACCREDITED " RHODE ISLAND RED Cockerels $2.00 to $3.50. Phoae 91F14. WANTED BUFF i ORPINGTON HENS. win pay gooa price, x. u. Vuleteaber ry, Graaddalles, Wah. POULTRY WANTED ANY KIND. 8I2S .or amount, top market, highest eaah price. Salem Poultry Co., 145 Center St., Foot of ' the ; bridge Phoa 490. EXCHANGE NEW, 4 room, nook and bath. Oar age. Trad for small acreage or lot. SOCOLOFSKY BON First NatM Bank Bid. New First National Bank Building liuectory . BASEMENT" D Lax Shining Parlor Expertai for Lad.ea and Gentlemen. -t '.; i " SECOND FLOOR Coffey's Photo Berv ie . TeL 708. Over the Spa THIRD FLOOR Jorr Optical Co. . SOl-ioa-Sil r. xxeary x. r Telephone 239 C. T. CiiletU- Suit 310-11 11 Lawyer -Telephone 1956 Socolofsky Soa. TL 870 -.204 3 J Beal KStato, teana, aav. Dr. David B. HilL Orthodontia t Straightening of irregular teeth) Suite 06. Hour 9 to 5 Keory day xcpt Tharaday FOURTH FLOOR r ?:u a. Hnn(.tlA OntoiBflt r i k t tin, v " thon 65 . 401-402-403-404 4ti ?EIXTH FLOOR 3eo. R. Vehra M. D.. Physivlaa A Sure-i uite 803. TeL a7-a7 Jtes . Rabiav X Day aad Donald W. Mi'.cs . Atsoraeva at Law folephone 183. f IQ.6U . ; EIGHTH FLOOR Or. O. Ward Uhvla. General Dent stif Tel. 816.- Evening by appotntEcut. Room 802 l)r. IL B. Scofield SOI Chiropractor. Neurocawnnter Service K1NTH FLOOR M. Brown. Ey. Ear. Note art Throat S: icialist. V Suite 901 TENTH FLCR Dr. W. A. Johnsoi,' Dentist Telephone 185... 10ft MUSIC STORES 33 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHO.NO- graphs, sewing asachiaei, sheet nwi e and piano studies. Repsiriog phono graphs and sewing atahiai. btai atreet. Salens. KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERT SOc order Kodak work. ttawM.gt, Portland, Or. Newspapers Magazines 35 THE PORTLAND TELtlCfTtAM SAL KM Agency. Tb Ace. lei. 3. TnE OREGON 8TATF8MAN. 50 CrTNIS per month aeliverea to your nuu.e early each morning. Tel. 23 or 5e;i. FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS OR RENEWALS for Harper's Basar, Intemationsl St j dio. Motor Boating or Toon and Coun try. Tel. 23691. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE Bl sT farm paper send five 2-eent stamps t th Pacific Homestead, Salem, Ore t o, for a three months' trial subscript. to. Meotioa this am. POULTRYMEN BEND EIGHT TW- ceat stamps for special three mcntU trial for th beet aad eldest Jowri,il la th West. Th article aad adr tismcnt ar f apecial interest to poultry brooder of th Northwest Northwest Poultry Jaurnal. 211 S. lb mercial St.. Salem, Oregon. PAPERHANGING 37 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOi se decorating, paparhaagiag. tlatrng, Heliatil workman. PAINTING 33 CHAS. ' BENNETT, PAINTING CON tractor, painting, paper hang eg. 2283-J. 187 West Millar. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR SALEM SCAVENCER SEUYK'S aU,167. . OLD MIRRORS Rif-SILVEUKD. riloB 8526. 1310-W. WE BOARD DOGS AT OCR FRM. FlaV.'s retland. 273 State. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERJNO AND Re pairing. Uiese-Powers FuAiiture hr. FOR. SALE - OLD XEWSPAI'r K-v 10 nam a nuadl. - statesman oince. South Commercial. WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT rl' l'. Salem's Whit. Kiag. Register nuu,i-r 585981. Bervio guaraateed. Puw "t and grown stock for tal. Mrs. Ui netL 103 Chemeketa. Phona 1539. OUR ' CU8T6MER8 ARE OCR BKST boosters because when we do joi.r welding, .'tis doe aot .you. Electr.s and acetylen welding. Urge si.4 smalL QT'D. Oppea, ii MiU St. T... t73 and 20S6-J. CEDAR POSTS, FULL SIZE, CUT FRoM Jargld growth trees. I will hstc sr load arrive about Feb. 1. Buy dirtt from car at $17.50 per 100; 9 rr 50. Order now. , I also bsv wood : r al and d trucking. Wayna BarUx IH70 Market St. Phoa 20(6J. By PAUL ROBINSON aiV .H CMS EM- "THAT LTtJE.TRCV WORK ArW4X A