The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 22, 1928, Page 11, Image 11

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:uilt Quality and Stamina
of Car Proved By High
Since the recent announcement
, , John N. Willys, president o
Wi.iys-Overland, Inc.. placing tht
'. i.Vjirt in direct price romp;
,.:cn with the lowest priced cars
the light car field, a greatel
:j:r rest than ever before is beinj;
nutered by motor tar buyers ot
New Graham Half -Ton Delivery Car Emphasizes
Smartness and Speed Plus Other Qualities
V1 nation on the notable record-
alilished by this car since its
y jMr. traduction 19 months ago.
t- This unusual attention beingl
ted on the Whippet perfor
mance is said by automobile au
thorities to be based on the fact
that the motor car buyer of today
i.i. asurcs quality, material, work
manship, economy of operation
and general serviceability chiefly
by performance.
Over a period of 18 months the
"Whippet has been put through a
trtater number of tests than any
Mier car in the history of the
automobile industry, each test
made to definitely establish
the inbuilt stamina of the car.
Tht-se tests have been staged In
t-vt-ry section of the country, many
of them by independent owners.
Among the tests staged were
Meed. power, economy and stam
ina performances.
It i? pointed out that one of
th" notable records established by
a Whippet is the fuel economy
: :iark of 43.28 mile to the gallon
of fv.i I. This was made in a coast
i .-, -.-oast trip of 3.559 miles under
. i f icial observation of the A.
,V A.
m Iii power accomplishments the
jiV' 'hi; pet also has set notable
r It T . ..: L ...
;::nl) up the almost trackless side
of Stone mountain near Atlanta.
;a . a few months ago. Only two
otht r cars ever accomplished this
!iinl). both of them being much
linger and more expensive than
the Whippet.
In a stamina test a Whippet ran
continuously for 30 days and
nights In the vicinity of Elmira,
N. V., traveling a total of 12.008
ini!-s at an average of 31.10 miles
to he gallon of fuel.
looted by Joe Lusignan of
Ffo kton, a Whippet covered
" - i fi " S T" I
ls-fV I
strument board, you duck, and
trust to luck and an all-steel body.
If there's no time to duck, you try
to relax and use your arms to pro
tect your face. . Other than minor
scratches and bruises, the prelim
inary experiments on the Victory
Six have caused no casualties."
seek trouble; If they have no
trouble they try to make it.
Because of the testers hard
ships and griefs and , exceeding
pains, the American motorist now-
a-days drives his car In all wea
thers and all seasons; confident
that the margin of preventable
But yes, there was one casualty; error In construction and design
that Kiel admits at his own ex
pense. It shows that experts have
something in common with duffer
has been reduced to the minimum.
And the American motor car
manufacturers, with enormous
capital and valuable good will to
"Nineteen miles from a filling Drotect. have equal confidence
station, on the Mojave desert, I that their products, having sue
near Oatman, California, two ofrcessfnny passed the corps of ex
Beauty and smartness in ap
pearance are as important in com
mercial cars as in fine passenger
automobiles. So say engineers and
body designers of Graham Broth
ers, the truck division of Dodge
Brothers, who believe the com
mercial car reflects the character
of its bwner's business. Thus in
the new Vj-ton delivery car of
Graham Brothers these qualities
are demonstrated their latest
This addition to the Graham
Brothers line is fitted with
handsomely finished low panel
body with the ultra-smart cadet
front and visor. The extra tire
is carried at the side in the re
cessed fender. Note the single
driver's seat in rear view at lower
laft. This can be augmented by
a folding scat if an errand boy is
carried. The extra space provided
at the right of the driver by the
elimination of the full front seat
allows carrying space for extra
long bundles.
The quick getaway and high
speed for which 'Dodge Brothers
four - cylinder engine is noted
give the new delivery car ability
to do its work quickly and eco
nomically. The same dependa
bility which characterizes the
Graham Brothers trucks of larger
capacities up to two tons is said
to be inherent in the new cars.
429.9 miles in 19 hours, climbing
five mountain peaks, one of which
was over 9,941 feet high.
In a challange race from Casp
er, Wyo., to Rawlins and return,
a Whippet was an easy victor over
another light car.
Willys-Overland officials de
clare that with nearly 150,000
Whippets in the hands of owners,
these cars have traveled a collect
ive total of a half billion miles
and cite the low service cost of
the Whirpet as an indication of
its inbuilt quality and stamina.
(Continued from page I )
dealer in the most remote part of
the country. Inflexible standards
apply here as they do in the mak
ing of the Buick. Attention must
be centered on the Buick owner,
or prospective Buick owner, who
is being served at the moment. By
assuring bis complete satisfaction
tho sale of future Bulcks Is assur
ed. There is no need to set a goal.
Untiring attention to the wants
and needs of Buick owners assures
that" the demand for Buick will
increase at an ever faster pace.
Tho three million goal will be
reached in time. Not because Buick
has set out to reach it, but because
more and more motorists each day
will find in Buick the value, the
complete motoring satisfaction! something else.
gineers and designers In other di
visions of the factory were right
or wrong.
On the Indianapolis speedway-
other testers were tearing around
and around like all-possessed;
hour after hour and day after day
Not until the Victory Six demon
strated, over and over again, that
it would hold nearly 70 mile-per
hour averages for thousand-mile
grinds did Department 95 men let
nn on Kneed tests and turn to
that already has pushed the de
mand for Buick to the two million
(Continued from page I)
level. Then the same car was
driven 14,000 feet into the snow
clad Rockies, all in an attempt by
Department 95 found out. Re-
Strangely, perhaps, the occupa
tion of experimental tester does
not come under the heading of ex
tra-hazardous employment. With
all their speed, tho spills are few
and almost never are the hurt
severe. Kiel, who often goes ou
on the road himself, looked sur
prized that the question of in
juries should even be mentioned
"When a crash conies," said he
"it generally conies quick.
there's time to duck under the in
us ran out of gasoline one day last
summer," said he. "We had to
hike it."
Department 95 men are habitu
ally serious and thoughtful. But
they have their fun, and it takes
odd quirks. Long before the sales
department christened the new
car "The Victory Six." the experi
mental testers Invented one of
heir own. They needed a name
to answer the 'constant question
hat a sworn-to-secrecy tester gets
rom the public as he drives
around the nation on his testing
work. And so the new Dodge, to
enquirers on the road, was known
as the "Scoots." Sometimes it was
a French Scoots sometimes a Ger
man Scoots, occasionally an Ital-
an Scoots.
We met many a wise-guy."
said Kiel, "who was thoroughly
familiar with a Scoots car. Some
of 'em had driven Scoots machines
n Europe!"
Down In Mexico is a sad Mexi
can with a sadder mule; made sad
by an anticipated two dollars they
failed to get from one of the test
ing crew. They watched a tester
try to cross a river. Deeper and
dener went the car into the
stream. Up oyer the hubs came
the water, to the frame, to the
floor boards. Finally the car
"Pull out?" called the Mexican
from the bank as he pointed to his
mule. "Pull out? Two dollars!"
"Where do you get that at?"
yelled back the" tester. Jumping
off his seat and. in water nearly
to his waist, wiping off the coils.
In a jiffy his motor was running
and the car plunged across the
stream safely to the opposite
It's a life of hardship in Depart
ment 0 3. but there's constant in
terest and action which attracts
the highest type of men. From
Detroit to Arizona, 2. .600 miles, is
a 5-day cruise for a tester when
he's in no particular hurry; to the
Rockies, to the Coast, to South
and North and West" and East
they go; in summer and winter;
by night and by. day. Always they
penmental engineers, will per
form in accordance with expecta
tions when placed in the hands of
the public.
Distributor Says Mexico
Faces Era of Prosperity
That business condition. 14
Mexico are 1 mproving and that an
era of prosperity is ahead for tht
republic is the opinion of Janitv
G. Shirley, general manager fo
Cia. Vnida De Ventas
company which distributes Dodge
Brothers cars and Graham Broth
ers trucks throughout two-th'rds
of Mexico. Mr. Shirley has spent
the past week conferring with the
executives of Dodge Brother--.
Inc., at the Detroit factory.
Good roads are being built in
Mexico and the public is becom
ing more familiar with the valu?
of automotive transportation, ac
cording to Mr. Shirley. In many
instances railway and street trans
portation companies have sub-, ti
tuted Dodge engines for mules or
other power. Hus lines are spring
ing up In many parts of the coun
try and a constantly increasing
tonnage- Is beins carried on trucks.
Recently a Dodge Brothers car
made tho first transcontinental
trip across the central part of
Mexico in SS hours, a non-stop
run and thereby setablished a new
accomplishment. The trip wa.; a
conditions in Mexico the revival ot
prosperous times is foreseen by
Mr. Shirley who has been in Mex
ico for over ten years. - Prior to
this he w as in the automotive
j business In Texas and is thorough
1 ly conversant with conditions in
the southwest.
test of tho stamina of the Dodge jng factors,
cor and the endurance of thci
driver. It was heralded through
out the country and the perform
ance greatly stimulated Interest
in this car
Oscar P. Pearson, statistician
of the National Automobile Cham
ber of Commerce, as delegate of
that body has been attending the
conventions of the American Sta
tistical Association and the Ameri
can Economic Association. The
trend in forecasting business, in
the view of these associations. Mr.
Peareon reports, is departing from
the formula method and favoring
the method of analyzing dominat-
Records of the reerless Motor
Car corporation show the export
business of that organization in-
With the clearing of political creased 300 per cent in 1927.
Six months on the highways of the world have established
this car's riht, beyond dispute, to the title "America's
Fastest and Finest Four".
If mile-a-minute performance, lightning acceleration,
custom beauty, and limousine comfort, were all it pos
sessed, the story would not be half so impressive.
In Dodge Brothers Four these are simply thel. outward
expression of exceptional inward fineness. No Dodge
Brothers Four in thirteen years of tjuality building has
been built so welL
Traditional Dodge Brothers standards of inspection and
workmanship have been more than adhered to they
have been advanced to even higher levels.
Materials that go into the building of this car are selected
with every advantage of Dodge Brothers vast purchasing
resources, and fabricated with minute precision.
Every point that sustains excessive stress is fortified by
the finest metals that the world's markets afford.
The performance, comfort and style you get in Dodge
Brothers Four are not therefore the fleeting attributes of
newness. They are deep-rooted in the car's structural
quality the surest guarantee of long and dependable
service at low cost.
Now equipped with Steeldraulic 4-wheel brakes at no
extra cost.
Tune in for Dodge Brothers Radio Program every Thursday night
9 to 9:30 (Pacific Time) National Broadcasting Company
Pacific Coast Network
. S. A., tl:.
V v it-: "The Battery Man"
A i See him today-He'll save you money and
Irf Nr,h SJrJ five vou sefvice that satisf les U
II 111 ff VJ U I Mil HIHIU hI 5a:
474 So. Commercial
Telephone 423
lDxd dcibe
R0TT DH E R. , OfclC
"X TEVER before have we offered V
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FREE Installation. Free Loan Battery If your
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Our Trade-In Allowance
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pendable 'Wizard" can give . . . and let your old battery help
pay for it... 1
Deduct Trade-In Allowance from
these New Low Prices..,
18 Months
Wizard Batteriea are designed
right and built right . . . Casea
andjara are all one-piece seanv
leal rubber, grid are especially
designed to prevent buckling;
Elates are extra thick and long
ved, and separator are of
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Wizard batteries arc well wor
thy of "Wtftera Auto's" repu-
f- tation for better value givirjfc.
Hc oar Uom CVri Cnarr-.
18 Months of Satisf ao
tory Service,..
(Wizard Special l year)
If amy Wtxpri Batttry deudopj
troMMC dut to defects in materi
als or workmanship, within the
guarantee Period, we will repair
it free of cJusrft or replace it on
a service basis.
6-11 Special
6-11 Standard
6-13 Special ,
6-13 Standard
6-15 Special ,
6-15 Standard $12.95
6-17 Standard . 1485
6-19 S.M.. . 16.50
6-19 A. M. . 19.20
12-7 Standard . 12.95
Ojxst Smtttrdeeyss
-Mm than 150i8&aca in tb&TCst
210 N. Commercial
The Worlafs larf
est retailers of Asrto
Supplies. ..Servtnf 1
tke tnefrist tine '
XiHff fetmnte
AccervrUs. Three,