THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21. 1928 WANTED Misc. 23 MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR SALE Houses 50 REAL ESTATE 511 USED CARS For Sale 61 USED CARS For Sale 61 USED CARS For Sale 61 r JR. 4 Learn Welding Good wsge at a good t-d. We will teach T " Acetylene WasdiEg Courae fro J25.0t up. Electrio ?i.00 up. c. 6 '.15 Mill St Welding Coursa from D. Oppen . TeleDho 372 2086-J. CHIROPRACTORS 10 O L SCOTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR liDO - illgU. u-- - 'J 104 J 11. B.. SCOFFl'F.LP. P. National Bank Bid. 8. C 806 ,st FLORISTS . 11 oorJsios's niWF.KS KOil ALL o.ieu'k. Court tt High St. TeL 801. 1 FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, decoration. C. F. i::e.:liaupt, floriit. Hi Slat Street, ', i-i. 3 v.'. - INSURANCE 12 rVJt siALE FIKST AND SECOND Mors Trust Deeds, Contract on i;iues Win net fl to 20 per sent. HECKE UENDB1CKS Heiiig Bid.. 18a N. St. FARM LOAN'S PLENTY OF MONEY to ioan on good farm security. CITY UUSS We are loaning Pru d.'Utial Ic-uraare company monay on city residence and busine property at 5 per rent, plus a commission Haw A Robert , 1 dc. zo? Oregon Insure Your Home or fir now. BF.OKE & HENDRICKS I'hona 11 0. O. V. Bldg., IS'J N. HiglwSt. FOR RENT Apts. 15 ROOM APARTMENT, ;t N. 4th. PLEASi NT ; ELY Fl'RSItillKl) FIRST Aprtui-nt. oi)0 I'nion. FLOOR ! 1ERN APARTM l.NT. CLOSE LN. N liberty. Phone 991-W. 570 . n.-RNISHEI APARTMENT, first floor. 1311 Court St. PIA- H'EHN THR.EE ROOM APARTMENT. Close in. Eniriire 127 I'nion. :rage. .Vl :NI3HED 2 ROOMS NI KI ' 1 lai vr-. water, light, and fuel, I I Cu -e in. 55S Marion. vITCHKN- $22.50. ft 'SNISHED DOWN STAIRS FRONT ai.arfment 1 room and kitehenrt'e 17.50. Water, light, and fuel. loe in. 555 Marion. . Why Worry with. Fuel, Ice, Lawns? High clas residential district. New, strictly modern, quiet" apart ments. Frigidair, Electric Ranges, Radio. Steam Heat. Brick-faced Building. Ef fic ent Service. Two rooms with bath, $30 t $J5. Three wimi with bath, $40' to $45. Pullman furnished oTerntuff ed. $:10 Two rooms furijisitwd oerstuffed, $?5 io $40. Three room furnished orerituffed, $45 to $50. Ambassador 550 N. Summer. Thone 1972 New Management FOR RENT Roo'ms 16 LARGE rent. COMFORTABLE Tel. 2369J. ROOM FOR NICELY board. FURNISHED ROOM 405 Morion St. WHH COMFORTABLE ROOMS IfOXE BET ter Clowe in Moderate price. Phon. T47W. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOAfcD at .Alexandria. 1030 Chemeketa Phone 1589. , FOR RENT-Houses 17 MODERX HOME. 678 X. COTTAGE. ROOM HOUSE. 333 ijuire 702 N. Church. MISSION. IN- FOR REST. DUPLEX HOUSE. North Winter St. 94' Fl itNISHfTD 6 ROOM MODERX HOUSE, enraae. Telephone 1003R i ROOM PLASTERED ace. $10 per month. HOUSE OAR- Phone C566-J. FOR RENT 8 room mlhed house with garage. T-1. 637 a 1933M. Jot'SE Fi il. Inqui ROOM I FOR RENT. 971 X. Commerci nuire at I'amons ur r.-ry store. P99 X. Commercial. i-nn rrf HftrsKS: S15 $17 $20 -5 gart $40. Furnished House "'d -. i35 $50 and $ -K Rer.htel or J. D. Sears, 341 Stati st.. Room 2. run nr'T A HOMES AT $20 a $30 i $37 50. a $15 and 55. Also store .!...- town nd suburban and service Ststinn Iorstion. Beck A Hendricks, 1 39 N. High Street. 10 LARGE ROOMS AND RECEPTION l-a'.l. suitable for board and rooming: basement, furnace, 2 fireplaces, ga. and Urge wood range. 2 sets of plumbing, parage, large lot and shade trees. The 1 otne like place. $50.00 per month. Lo cated 159'i Stute St. See Geiser Real 1. state, 441 Court St. BOARD AND ROOM 20 ODERX ROOMS BRKAKFAST AND dinner at 860 Chemeketa. phone 52:J. FREDERICK SON BOARD AND i 3S for two in a room. S40 lor 64i Marion St. Tl. 1547 R. LAUNDRIES 21 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pure Material' Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway THE XEW SALEM LAUNDRY THZ WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 8. High t Y THE HOME WET WASH LAUX Jry. Tel. 171. 135 B Btreag, TAILORS 22 T II. M08HEB TAILOR FOB MEN aad women. 474 Court St. WANTED, Misc.'.- 23 I C m WVXTED GOVERNMENT- BEASTTNO f,ewder. Elvia Uerr. Rt. 2. -Syrraxtea. w7kTET PRIVATE HONEY FOB farm loan. W have several api'ra- band. Haw kiaa Roberta, t ons on -.c, 205 Oregon Bldg. More Than a Tonic More Than a Health-Food A Natural Remedy I Pacific Health-Ore Thia nvndne annnliaa Nature with vital working aad building material providee element to maiataia th normal ehesafeal balance to insure the natural aarmoay and Diwoer functioning of glands and or gan. aad to maintain a rich aad healthy blood stream. Ud aa a saiaeral water oleaaant ta tsk. one package ia suffideat far thro month treatment. Sold under a poaitlT FURNITURL PACKI5G FOB SHI mania. Gieaa-Power Furniture Co. WASTED GOOD WASHED COTTON wp M smaller thaa 1 yard to ns tor wiping machinery. Highest prie tor geoa cieen rags, apply Stateamaa office. see Stifler. WANTED FIRST CLASS FRESH COW, woe ism give lot or nca milk, not necessarily registered; Holstein or Hol atria Jersey preferred. J. R. Chap man, Rt. 2. Bo 101. Phono 17F2. MATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY TUB Capital cily Bdmj Co., 1180 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel. It. FOR SALE 25 WEAN IN O PIUS. B. WALLACE, RT. 6, ui. iojc. OAK CHINA CABINET. BCFFET. AL most new uniTiertial range, rug. Phn 1031-W. TO TRADE $S40 PIANO FOR GOOD automobile. See Burk at Kugtrald. Sheiwin Motor Co. PEDIGREED AIR DALE MALE PCP8 4 month ole a bargniu if takaa (Mifore Iec. 15th. K. F. fcjtterf.eld. Pacifie Hwy. Woodburti. Ore. TL 10. VETERINARIAN 28 fRF.D W. LANCE. VETERIS ASIAN Offi 52 S. CoamorciaL TeL 119a. Roe. Tel. 166S. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWINO. niOXE 1677. North Commercial. 1610 WOOD FOR SALE 30 16 IN. WOOD fT.OO CORD. PHONE GOOD DRY WOOD. IV Majfield. PHONE 72F2. M. FOR OOOD WOOD Prone r.'TF-'l. CALL C. D. QUERY, ;OOD DRY WOOD Unur. TeL 930. FOR TOU D. A. 16 IN. OLD FIR 8.:0 t riet) Tel. 213. PER CORD CALL TRACY'S Ft'EL YARD FOR GOOD wood. Phone iili. 16 INCH OLD FIR. 00 CORD. Seism, Rt. 1. liervaia. R. N. 16 INCH DRY WOOD $6 00 CORD. ON ground. W. G. Baker, 1950 X. Water St. H INCH OLD FIR AND ASH. C. tT. 4Irbaugh. iOii 11 cnlaud Are. Phone 1890. CALL 783B FOR DRY FIR AND OAK, guaranteed fu.l cord. ueat woa ua iuwi. Wood. C-OOB OOAL - DRY WOOD PKMPT PE1.IVEKIES HJi.LMAN KL'EL CO. TELEPHONE 155. C. tSF.F.l A. ANDERSOX KfiR WOOD TO BURN CM EM TK.'NS. FUEL CO. GENERAL TRANSFER WORK. TEL. 529 OLD 2ND GROWTH 97.50; OLD growth $8 00; Best furnace wood avail able; Old growth seasoned $8.50. Phone 24 i ti-M. BF.ST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood 4 ft. aud 16-tnch. Large loads are cheaper to bny. Mill wood ia our specialty. Prompt delivery and reaaonabti- price. FliED E. WELLS 2S0 9. Church Tel. 1542 POULTRY AND EGGS 32 ACCREDITED RHODE ISLAND RED Cockerels $2.00 to $3.50. Phone 9.F14. wxTEDBUFT ORPINC-TON HENS. Will pay good price. T. TJ. Quiesenber ry, Uranddalles, Wash. POULTRY WANTED ANY KIXD, SIZE or amount, lop market, nignest c.u Salem Poultry Co.. 145 Center St. Foot of the bridgo. Phono i4Oj MUSIC STORES 33 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHOXO- graphs, sewing machines, aneet inusie and piano studiea. Repairing phono graphs and aewing machines. 432 Stata street, Salem. KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE EM LA RG EM EXT WITH EVERT 50e order Kodak work. Bawliags, Portland, Ore. . Newspapers Magazines 35 rirw PORTLAND TELTOWAJB oxm.M Agency. The Ace. lei. viw. THE OREGON STATE8MAX, 50 CENTS naaih rf.Hvereil to your " early eaeh morning. Tel. 23 or 5b3. FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS OR RENEWALS for Harper's Baser, International Sta dio. Motor Boating or Town and Coun try. Tel. 2369J. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper eend five 2-eent stamps ta the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription Mention thia ad. POLLTRTMKX SEND EIGHT TWO- cent stamps lor special tnree nraui trial for the beat and oldest Journal in the West. The articles aad adver tisement are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 8. Coat- mrrcial St., Salem. Oregon. PAPERHANGING 37 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOU8E decoratiar. . tinting, etc Reliable workman. PAINTING 33 CHAS. BENNETT, tractor, paiajing, 2283 J. 187 West FAINTING COX paper hanging. Millar. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 rnnii a bundle. Statesman office. $15 f 'a- ".ma! i MINUTE MOVIES ! iTcSrf HWS WAS jy V LIKE A TteACE Or THE. SECFT r XR. . T INVESTIGATE. TWS i .THE GREAT LJW UJMtCW TWE T X Zt VpOiS-UP.1 ) SERVICE 2 YE- "IWPiT C STRANGE ACsJA AIR WAIL neuj star. Paul yj vmieLSs lJxh -tustpianb wyTV 13 I I feUT TOR yoU, " SCAJ?" RcaOMAVWOULD STILL EeI ( MOURe uifTH rr?EMS . NCtf) A &WO UCRijfcRU 1 1 To-tORROV) FOB SALEM can 187. BCAvrxezB sxryiob! OLD) MIRRORS RE SILVERED. 859, m. 1II0-W. PHOXS WE BOARD POOS AT OUB Flaka'a Petland, 279 Stat. FJRkL furniture cyholstebuto axi be- pairing. tiiese-Fower Furniture baor. WHITE SCOTCH COLLI R AT STUD. Salem 'a Wait Kin. Begielar uabw 585831. Service guaraaveed. Puppiee . aad grown atock for aala. Mr. Bea- BSliiO ChsuMketa. Phone 1539. O.CaV CUSTOMERS ABE OUB BEST beoatera" beeaoae wbaa wo da your welding, ;ti aona not yoa. tleetri aad acetylene welding, largo saaalL O. D. Oppea. 295 Mill St. Tat tii ami SOetf-J. r CEDA& POSTS. KCLL S.iE, CCT FROM larce eia arawUi trea. 1 will have ca load arrive about k'eb. 1. Buy direct from car at 17.ou ptt 100, fit tfe 60. Order now. I also have wood lor aala aad do trucking. Wayne Barber, 1870 Market bt. fhoaa zuoj. blOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES i'Oit SALE iiLiUJILT AND1 retired by expert. All kiada of wovea wire fence, raacj and piaia. Bop baaketa and books. kgan hock. Salem fence and Stove Wturka, 250 Court street. Are You All There?' Chemical analysis of the bemaa body thowt that it ia com poked ol the follow inr elements: Oxygen. Carbon. Hldro- geu, X.trogen, Csicinm. Paaspbonu, fotaaaium Sulphur, Sodiom Chloride, Magneaiiua, Iron, Iodiaa. Fluorine, SiU- .OQ. Zinc. Manranese. You auuuly your body with these chemical element through the food yea eat, the air you breathe aad the you drink.. Good health depend much apon cheanietTy of the body, aa thus supplied and maintained. Many refined food ia common use today are Lsusatag to aa alarming extent, in these vital aad health promoting properties, and thia deficiency a responsible for many chronic ailments, Pacific Health-Ore. a rich ia the majority of these element and ita use has accomplished marreloua tesulta ta restoriag hea.lh. Uie Mature a chance you ii be surprises at aer ro- sponae. SEE YOUR DRCJOIST TODAY LOST AND FOUND 4 FOUND A SILK UMBRELLA, OWNER phone 24(8. .... PIANO TUNERS 42 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piana tuner. Leave rders Wills Aluaie Store. PERSONAL 43 W. T. BJGDON'S XEW BOOK IS XOW ready on ol-j at anr of the booh stores. Thia is an all 5S Book, written la Salem, priutedJSSaJem, and should be read by SaWm people. PRINTING 44 FOR PTATIOXWIY. CARDS. PAMPH lets. Drorrama. boooks. or any kind of Drintinc. call at the Statesman Print mg Department, 215 8. Commerci Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAX 5tt Wood, 341 -State St. F. 1 P. H. BELL. 219 U. 8. BANK BLDG. Rteidenr.e and buaiuaaa loan. Tel 607 or 8141 W ; Money to Loan on real or personal security. John H. .Sfatt, 305 Oregon Bldg. $10,000 PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN OM Salem Residential Property. SOCOLOFSKY SOX. 805 First Nft'l Bank. MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AXD an city aroporty. B. 8. Martin aad L, R. Martin, attorneys, 413 Or. go Building. Tel. 2084. C1TT AXD FA&M LOANS AT LOWEST rataa. Beat Urosa adtalaaoia. CM a -tMoxance dopartmaat atler you ax pert adviae and aervioa ia all liaaa. HAWKINS A UOBEKTB (Inc.) TeL 1427. 0a Orecoa Bldg. OUB INSTALLMENT LOANS MAKE IT EASY rOB YOU n TP 'Arras You steadily reduce the principal with but little greater mommy ouv 2 You don't- have th total principal QUO IB a luioy .uw wumu i. $ Oa a loan of $1000 for 5 years your total interest is aaio.ou. 4 Yoa are doing buaiaee with aa aid estahlisned tirm. ANDERSON RU. RT, Realtor 169 S. High Street. Tel. 1444 Correspondents, Equitable Savings and Loan Association WANTED LOANS 46 WANTED Private money to koaa aa REAL ESTATE W. H. GRABEXHORST CO. 134 8. Liberty St. WANTED LOX OF $800.00 OX FIVE acre on the paved highway between St. Paul and Xewberg about three mile from St. Paul. All under cultivation. House, barn aad chicken house. Build ings iaaured for $1000.00. Will pay 7. Address, 603 Franklin St.. New berg, Ore. PLUMBING 47 PLUMBING AXD C-EXERJL REPAIR work. Graber Bros, 144 S. Liberty Tel. 550. BUSINESS OPPR. 48 GOLD MINE: WANT PARTXEBS IN A rich Dorpbyry dyke in Southern Ore gon, very little money needed to prove mine. Financing under the Syndicate plan. Write for particular, II- A Maddock. 511 Merchant Trust Bldg., Portland. Oregon. RADIO 49 Radiolas For every parpoeax far every pur, All (tandsrd izs of Radio Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 335 Court GOOD VALUE $8750 lmy a rod 9 room bo-nee whh furnace, garage, aad large; lot, -only a sSart distance freae the HoW lyweod baaiaeas center. We axa ia a poaitioa te take sonae trade. , Come In, let's get acqaaiated One client a are satisfied customers. There' a a reason. W. Q. KRUEGER Be alter Phone 117. 147 K. Cons'! St. REAL ESTATE 51 H ACRES WELL IMPROVED, FOB SALE or trade. Phono 10J1-W. . rtSH RTTYER FOR A HOME WiU nar ud to $2000.00 cash for ..t a or 4-raKim Bansrslow. Thia ens tamer has the money and wants ta M17 richi ewer. See Louis Bechtel or J. D. Sears, Boom 2, &41 State St,- up stair a. Look Quick 50x100 high terraced lot corner North Winter and Belmont, best rest- dent district eilT. restricted, street im DroTemeaU. Exelasiva tla 11420. F. O. DeUno, 290 X. Church. TeL 2830. 4 rm. ouea. aor. lot 91700, paved street. N. A E. front earner. $1150. 5 rm. aauee, paved street, chicken nsrk. raraca. 929O0, $20O down. 5 rm. house, paved sir. E. front, gar age, $2004, easy payments. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 4S4 Court Street. MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE AX ESTATE S2150. Good 9 Room house, close in walkina- dWtanea to business district. close to university, canneries, pojtoffiea, immediate posesaaa. Sea LOUIS BECHTEL or J. D. SEARS 841 State St. Boom 2 WOULD LIKE TO LIST A FEW OOOD lota. Also bring in your listing on city houses and -farm priced to sell. It is nseless to work on over-priced proper ties. We have soma god bargains both ia city and country properties. We would like to prove it to you. BARBER & BOXD, 200 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty. Phone 790. 6 rm. modern home, In good loca tlon at $5000 to trade for acreage at highway cloae ta Balsas. 25 acrea of the lioest bnlb land et edge of city, a fine investment at $250 aa acre. Creek thru it. "175 A. timber, 7 mi. from Salem, owner anxkras to make deal and if of fered CASH will make a bargain to someone. We are selling farms and want your listing. Have several buyers now we are trying to locate. WINNIE PETTY JOHX, Realtor 175 S. High St. REAL HOME BARGAINS 4 A. tract, good soil, good bldgs., fruit and berries. Sacrifice 91100. 40 A. farm near town, half In cult., S acrea bearing fruits, good bldgs. Est, 500 Cd. wood. Snap $2700, terms. Close in Confectionery, quick sale $700. 100 A. farm, fine loam soil in cult. Oood location, $100 per acre. Terns. 20 A. choice river bottom land near town, modem bldgs. Sacrifice $7500, terras or take residence for part. Gool 5 room plastered home, large lot, garage and barn, for rash $1500. PERRLwE A MARSTEBS 212 Gray Bldg. $1350 for a 3 room plastered home. toilet, light, water, garage, $200 down. $1400 for a 6 room home, bath, lights, water, garage and fine coruer lot, $200 down, balance easy. $1850 for a 6 room furnished home, fire place, bath, double garage, $3uu down. $3000 for a new bungalow, basement, fur nace, fireplace, living room, kit chen, nook, 8 bed rooms, garage, good location, $400 down. $4250 for a new bungalow, modern In every way, 5 rooms aud attic, stairway, garage, paving pd. etc.. $500 down. $5500 for a modern bungalow, 6 rooms on lower floor, attie stairway, dou ble garage, paving, large bed room and good location, xiuou down. Business lot in. North Salem to trade for a residence lot. $2500 ta loan on city property. Ma.LV IN JOHNSON 820 U. B. Bank Bldg. Phone 687 IX THE IXTEREST OF THRIFT WE SHOULD ALL STRIVE TO BECOME HOME OWNERS Let U Show TOU These Garage house and 2 lot for 9700. 3 room house in Xorth Salem, city water, electric lights and plumbing. A rood buy for 91200, little down and balance monthly. 5 reoen house, plumbing, electric lights, choice lot 70x142 feet, close to boa line and achoeL Price 91500, cash 9200, balance monthly. "A acre at city limit. 4 room shin gled Bungalow, eleetrie lights, good welL garage and chicken coops, for only 91650 cash 9450, balance terms. 6 room Bungalow on X. fith Street, built ins, good phraVbiag. electric lights, paved street, garage and woodshed. Price $2700 with liberal terms. 6 mom Cottage semi-modern. large lot. East frontage, paved street and walks, nica lawn aad shrubbery, seme choice Cherry end Wslnut trees. Price $2800 with liberal term. SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO., Realtors 820 State Street. Phone 1727 Spring Is Coming Better get that little farm and get your garden in early. We have aeveral beautiful, little tract close in at real bargains now bnt the price will be advanced with the next two months. Here are two from our list: 5 acres, splendid black soil, nice slope, taklag rare of the drainage question, very close in. easy terms to right party. Price only $1500.00. Another: 5 acres finest kind of soil and all set to fruit Just coming into profit bearing. No finer build ing spot to be had. All woven wire fenced. Price $2200.00, $1000.00 down. Thia will not be on the mar ket long. I have 3 houses of which you can have your choice by turning in good building lot and making monthly paymenta on balance for one of them can use 3 to 5 acre tract close in. See me regarding these homes. I have some good furnished apart ments to rent at reasonable rate, al so small furaished bouse at $12.00 per month, right down town. Call O.-K. Middleton nidr. Telenhnne GOOD 4 ROOK HOUSES. GOOD LO catioa, $1504) each, some terms. -Salem Really 'Co.. 463 Sute. FOB SALE 4 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE with furnace 925OO.00. A Good eloaed ear aad cash far house up to 99900. Confectionery aad ranch room for sal. 1S5 acre farm far city property. I F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED 41 State St. GOOD SOUTH 8i LEM BE8IDEXCES X. 1. Nraaas) oew modern Spnth Commercial St. $5,250.00 Xo. 3. Xawi Xob Hill six rooms aad Nook J $4,750.00 A: a BOHRX8TEDT Realtor Loan I nsa ranre 147 Xo. Cc-m l St., Salem, Oregon. GHEATFST THL DIN ft ORGAJtlZOTIOH OX THE! PACIFIC COAST We bava oyer BfOO properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property every ance. ivery location. We caa match yaw erchanga EXACTLY. If yon would-lka tar trada roar property TO' DAY. coma in TODAY. Sea GASKILL EARLE. Realtora 196 s. Liberty. TeL STOP i jTOKtJ,T9TEX I If you are -too king far a good lot eheao yoa can't pasa these up: $ $00, on 14th near State. Paviag paid. $1000, Shipping near Capitol street. $ 850, Buys 2 lota. Paving paid. Some other lota $150 and aps Far Bale Only By LOUIS BECHTEL or J. D. SEARS 341 State St. Room 3. ATTRACTIVE HOME BAJUJATJf: fine 4 roam mod era home with break fast nook and large attic, a full eearant basement with" furnsca and maodry trays, fireplace, garage, oak. floors, at tractive in every way. Owner will ae- : cept good lot aa first payment and will give attractive terms on the balance. ' Price $4 '00- SOW VACANT, IMME- ! DIAfE POS8ESSIOX. W. GRJLUEXHORST A 00. , 134 8. Liberty St. A BROKEN LEO or sodden sick spell may put yon out from a rented houee but if you have a coxy little home paid for or a good eqtiifv the home will help you bridge aver the hard place. We handle ren tals and will be glad to help you find the place you waat but let us help you find a permanent home. Here are a few: Six room house in Xorth part of city, full basement, garage, wood shed, nice, large cherry and apple trees. Price $3500.00 on terms to suit. A five room house on naved street with five different stages passing at brief intervals during day. Thia house is new and modern with furnace. Price $3200.00 on terms. , A five acre ranch with house, large gar ace. wood abed, fruit trees, one acre strawberries aad other small fruit. : Close ia and a bargain at $3200.00. These are only samples; we have a snlendid line of listings from which to select. Call in. O. K. MIDDLETOX Room 304, Oregon Bldg. Phone 2308 BE THRIFTY OWN YOUR OWN HOME A RENTED HOME IS ONLY A SHELTER A HOME OF YOUR OWN IS BETTER CARED FOR AND AX ADORNMENT TO YOUR CITY Lot Us Show YOU These Choice Homes Good 5 room house, built Ins, best of ' plumbing, basement, nice lawn, paved : streets and walks, close to school. Price ; reduced for a short time to $3000, cash ; $500, balance easy. A beautiful home of English Stucco ; type, 6 cheerful room and nook, bni't ins, fireplace, best of plumbing, full basement, laundry trays, garage, nice corner lot, located in good residential district. Price $5750 with liberal : terms. Just the kind you have been wishing for, modern and beautiful, now open ; for inspection. 6 rooms aad nook. built ins, hardwood floors in part, best of plumbing, fireplace, full base ment, furnace, laundry trays. A choice lot 50x100 feet. East frontage, in a choice residential district. Price $6500, with liberal terms. To Buy Your Home, SEE LEO N. CHILD 8 CO.. Realtors S20 State Street. Phone 1727 For Sale or Trade 8 Room house, large wood bout. 2 good Iota on corner and paved street, small .town near Salem. Take good Sedan Car not ma aver 10,000 mile oa first paysaeat. $1800. 8 Acre Cherry Orchard just out of city limita, good income. Want new bouse in Salem or sell for $8500. Stock ef mere hand! in small town with More building and warehouse water works; electric lights, living quxrtera, water system (modern) $5500. 4 Room new house. West Salem. Clear of Incumbrance. Garage. Small payment down, balance easy. $1250. 6 Room house one year old. Bath aad toilet. ' 2-8 basement. Paved street. Will sell electric stove. Price 92800. 190 Acre: timber 4,000.000 feet saw timber near Salem en good road. 1000 cords Wood. What have You I Good income property in Portland for good farm in the valley. 15 Acres--Ahout 20 mln. north of Salem. ail Cultivated trade for Sa lem heme. 80 Aeres-j-H mile R. R. town with tore, churches,' and school. Jood Modern Bldgs. Water system. Elec. lights, etc. A bargain for someone trade for Salem property. Insurance Loan Bonds LafSar & Lafflar Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE 55 AUTOMOBU.ES TO TRADE FOR VA cant lot or Improved city property. See Delano, 290' X. Church. Tel. 2830, WANTED GOOD LOT: Aa first payment on attractive five room bungalow located on N. 20th St near D.J St.. has fireplace, ..paved street and in first class condition in every wsy. Price $27.0. Will take small i payment or good lot as first payment, ' balane y monthly payments. W. H. GRAlifcXHORST & CO.. Realtora - 134 S. liberty Street TAXIDERMIST -56 WORK GUARAXTEED. E. E. WIGGINS, Taxidermist., 1145 Norwsv. Tel. AN ESPECIALLY NICE STOCK OF LATE k MODELS AT OUR NEW LOT 1928 LICENSE INCLUDED : 1927 LITTLE CUSTOM JORDAN SEDANSAVE - ,$8'IMLGQ 1927 SUPER HUDSON COACH - 950.00 1927 CHEVROLET TOURING - - 4HS.00 1927 TYPE PONTIAC LANDAU SEDAN - - 675.00 1926 PONTIAC COUPE - 525.00 1925 DODGE DE LUXE SEDAN - 515.00 MANY OLDER MODELS IN STOCK SRR THEMDRIVE THEM HAVE THEM INSPECTED BY YOUR KIRKW00D 435 NO. COMMERCIAL Better Automobile 1926 Dodjre Sport Roadster 1926 Uu'ick Coupe (4 passenger) 1926 Nash "6" Enclosure 1926 Dodge Coupe 28 Jewett Coach 19'J Star Touring 1925 Dodge Enclosure Franklin Demi Sedan, OTHER CABS OF VARIOUS MAKE8 AND MODELS. IN TlilCE AS $100. SEE US BEFORE YOL' BUY F. W. Pettyjjohn Co. 365 North Commercial Street. 'After We McKAY'S FOR USED CARS "WITH AN O. K. THAI COUNTS" 1923 Cliev. Trg. '28 license 1922 Ford Coupe. Balloons 1925 Ford -Coupe. Lots of extras 1925 Overland Coupe 1924 Dodge (oupe 1926 Chev. Trg 1926 Chev. Coupe 1926 Chev. Sedan 1926 Chev. Landau Sedan 1928 Dodge Sedan - 1926 Pontine Coupa - $1C5 . 150 . 223 . 2 7 . . 3."0 .. 485 .'. 5:0 .. 575 .. 575 Lots of others from $25 up. WE DO NOT MISREPRESENT 430 N. Commercial. Phone 745 DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. TRANSFER & HAULING 57 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22$ State St. Tel. 938. Distributing. ior warding and atorage our spcialty. Get our rates. Frank M. Newton Local nd long distsnce hauling Light Country hauling a specialty Tel. 063 r WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP house bald good. Oar specialty is piano aaa furniture mi ring. We also make coun try trips. e handle the best coal and wood. Call on us for prices. W give rood measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Trnfer Co.. Tel. 930 WATER 58 OREGON WASH. WTER SERVICE TO Office 304 South Commer.aal St. len per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ah sence or any cause unless water is shut off yoor premises. TRAVEL 59 A FINE NEW WAITINf? ROOM IX THE NEW HOTEL SENATOR Freqnent Schedules Thirty Ride Book at Reduced Rate A Swift and Reliable Package Service Courteou Attention From All Employees These Are a Few of the Offerings Mad the Public By PARKER STAGES, INC. Stage Leaving Times: -Dallas: 7 a. m., 9:10 a. m., 11:25 a. m 2:10 p. nv. 5:15 p. n. IndeDendenoe St Monmouth: 7 a. m 8:15 a. m.. 11:15 a. m.. 8 n. m 5:15 p. m.. 8:30 p. m. (Sunday only.) Silverton: 7 a. ra., 11 a. m., 6 p. ra. Fall City. McMinnville, Xewberg, Hills- boro. Forest Orove, Sheridan, Tilla mook: 8:10 a. m., 2:10 p. .m., 5:15 p. m. For Information Call . 222 or C96. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PATD FOR FOUDS FTKFR AUTO FAVORITE MECHANIC MOTOR CO. PHONE 31 1 s ues SOME AS LOW Telephone 12G0 Sell We Serve' The women folk have been com plaining long enough about that old shabby touring car. You should see our slightly uicd sedans. See Hunt. BOXLSTEELES Packard Oidsimolbille Two of the Best LookThese-Oyer Specials I92S Specials 426 Packard S-dan. Like new $2000 326 Packard Coupe. Like new $1600 233 Paekard Sedan. Like new $1500 1926 Oldsmobile Deluao Sedan. Like new $ 750 1924 Wiilys-Knight Sedan See This $ 525 1927 Ford Steel Pick Up A Snap $ 825 1624 Chevrolet Sedan. New paint ...9 300 1923 Maxwell CeuDe. New paint 9 L00 1924 Gardner Sport Touring 9 275 195 Star Touring - $ 225 1924 Chevrolet Touring $ 223 1926 Ford Roadster - $ 225 Buick Touring. A Real Buy....$ 200 Two Studebaker Tourings. See Them -$ 150 Ford Roadster 9 125 Ford Coupe 9 75 Oldsmobile Touring 9 $$ Essex 4 Touring 9 0 We have a wonderful lias of real good used ear. Each price cut down to the bone aad will eell fast at the above prices. Most ef them are newly painted. They will give their new owner many thousands of pleasant mile. Just satisfy yourself, eoane in and look our stock aver. Our stock change often, it will pay you to coma in frequently if you are interested in a real buy in good used cars. CAPITAL MOTORS BIDDY BISHOP 850 N. HIOH ST. GAS OIL GREASE AXD STORAGE OfEN ALL NIGUT BETTER USED CARS All Prices Reduced. Due to the great demand for the NEW WHIPPET, created by the tremendous Price Reductions WE MUST REDUCE OUR USED CAR STOCK to make way for more trades. Be snre to see our stock before buying and save yourself coasidersble money. ALL MAKES, ALL TYPES. ALL PRICES OUR GUARANTEE Any osed cr tht we sell you ca be driven for seven days, and if not entirely satisfactory you may return it and receive full credit on any other new or used ear that you may select. We can uae your car in trade. ALFRED BILLINGSLEY MOTOR COMPANY Whippet Witlys-knight Distributor 331 Center Telephone 1460 By Ed Wheslan Tou'd be surprised ' what $75.00 will bay at onr Laed Car Lot. Fwrda. Overland. Stars, aad Podge, aad eaa Keo. See Hant. BONESTEJELES Buy Your Used Car Before the Spring Rush 1926 Coupe with $100 woith ef extras $3J 1926 hV3ter, natural wood wheels, new paint $265 1926 Tour. Closure, RuckstelL new paint 9?H 1925 Tudor Sedan 25 1923 Cuupe new paint $1J5 1924 Bulck Rdkt.r - f 550 Many Others All With 192a License. Valley Motor Co, Salem. Orecoa A- Salem Markets chain- No. 1. wheat, white ..$1.15 Red wheat, sacke I $1.12 Oats, per bu. milling 9 PORK. bfUTTO AND BEEF $.75 05H.I 06(0.0714 01(5.05" Top. hogs Sow Top steers Cows Spring, dressed. Dressed veal Dressed hog POULTS. .13 .17 .12 Light hens .. Heavy beaa Sir:rgs Broilers .13$?. 15 A .1$ .! .20 EROS. BUTTER. lTDTTEBFAT Standards $2 Butterfat 50 Print Butter 50351 VEGETABLES Beets, sacked .. New cabbage .. P.otatoea jCelery, bunches Saeet potatoes . .Of .03 H $1.00 3t J31.50 80(21.25 .05 o- Genernl Market I o- PRODUCE PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 20. (APV Rutterfat 47e station. 48c track. 50(j54e foh Portland. toultrv teady: besvy hens 22fit24e: light 15di20c; spring! 204f21e; broiler 23 25c ; pi'kin white ducks 30c; colored nominal; turkey alive 25fi27e. Onions steady; local $ 1.80(fi 2.C0 ; po tatoes 7iet $1.2."i sack. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 20 (IP). Caltte steady; no receipts. Hogs steady; recciuts 190. Sheep steady; no receipts. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 20. .P). The onion market is considerably weak er. The grower are still holding for $2.50 er rat. and sack? fnr number 1 stock but with California market and Seattle now well supplied no buyers are in sight to pay the jirice. In the meantime no salts are bung made and it i matter of conjecture a to what price will re open the market. Ixical trading rontfn nes light with the price of roost vegeta bles high.. Artichokes are bringing $1.7 j ;er doien isnd bunched vegteDe per rate. Some sacked cabbage is being offered a low a $1.75 per cwt DAIRY PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 20.- -UP). Dairy Exchange, net prices: Butter, extras 46c; standards 4te; prime firsts 44c: firsts 43c. Eggs, extras 34c; first 4e; medium extras f2c; medium first 32c; under sized 28c. PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 20. (AP). Wheat bida: B3B hard white Jan.. FebM March $1.43; white winter, blue stem, all months $1.84; federation all $1.30; soft white, western white all $. 29; hard winter all $1.25 Vi; western red II $1.25. Oat. Xo. 2, $6 pound W. F. all $40; ditto gray all $40. Barley, Xo. 2, 45 pound B. W. all $39. Corn, No. 2 E. Y. shipment Jan., Feb., 937.50; ditto No. 8, Jan., Feb 936.50. Millrun, standard all aao.BO. HAT PORTLAXD, Ore.. Jan. 20. (iP). Hay buying price: Eastern Ore go a tim othy $20.50321; ditto valley $18 18.50; anaiia io(o io.v; ot nay straw $9 per ton. Selling price 92 a ton more. CHICAGO OBAIV CHICAGO. Jn. 20. ( AP). Wheat and ry took a decided upward swing to day largely the result of low temper stare endangering new domestic winter wheat. Oompreaensiv advice showed that snow protection bad disappeared throughout tht entire winter wheat ter- ritoiy. Increasing movement at the corn crop pat selling pressure on the corn market. Wheat closed strong IVitflHc net higher with rye le to 1 7 8 up. corn varying from 5 8 decline to l-Sii le advance and oats L8c to 8 8c up NOTIC K OF APlOINTMEXT OP EXECUTRIX Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for th Coun ty Marlon, as executrix of-the last will and testament and estate of Jennie V. Hunt, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such executrix: all persons bar ing claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building Salem, Marion Couuiy. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at 'Salem Oregon, this 14th day of January, 1928. CLARA COOLEY, Executrix of the last will and tes tament and estate of Jennie V. Hunt, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for executrix, Salem, Oregon. J14-21-28F4-11 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby givea that tha undersigned has filed In the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, her duly verified final account, as ad ministratrix of the estate of Wil liam Newton Savage, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 6th day of February. 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House, In Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, thia 10th day of December, 1927. . ETTA M. SAVAGE, Administratrix, of the Estate of William Newton Savage, De ceased. RONALD C" GLOVER. " Attorney for Administratrix. Salem. Oregon. ' D21J7-14-21-2S Because an Austrian woman said she wouldn't shoot an enemy, the American government: would n't give ber citlxenshlp papers. But if she had shot an enemy they would have given her lite imprisonment. 'f - U n' ' V. J- si money-back guaraatee.