The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Movement for Still Water in the Willamette Is Assuming Definite Shape; Witness the Hearins in Salem of February First
ne lyumoer oj 1 eiepnones m Salem Exchange Mas Gone Up to and Fast 6173 and Will Soon Be Hovering Around 7000 Mark
Weather forecast: Cloudy and unsettled,
probably light rains in west portion; no
change In temperature; fresh east to south
winds on the coast. Maximum temperature
yesterday 38, minimum 28, river 5, rain
fall .08, atmosphere cloudy, wind north
west. A British celebrity advises .the English
to film Homer's Iliad-and he declares that
Hollywood can't do it. Is that so? Well,
if nobody in pictures at Hollywood can
read Greek all they have to do is call in a
couple of restaurant men.
Meeting February 1 Points
To Year Round Boating
Stage On River
Higher .Authorities at Washington
See Importance; AH River In
terests Urged to be Re
presented Here
There' is scheduled an official
hearing concerning the improve
ment of the upper Willamette
river, to be held in Salem on the
II first of February.
I This is in pursuance of the au-
I thorization of congress in the river
I j n it harhnr art of Jannarv 21.
19 27. There is a scrap of history
..Annafttad 1 1 V t aafMirinfr if that
l During the session of congress
preceding the one that, in the first
iTMiuh . or last year, as siaiea
above, passed the rivers and har
bors act carrying the authoriza
tion for the examination of the
Willamette river from Portland to
Salem, an agitation was com
menced in Salem for securing a
boating stage in that stream the
year through.
Congressman Hawley was ap
pealed to for help, and he immedi
ately had the clause inserted in
the rivers and harbors bill. But
no rivers and harbors bill got
through that session. The matter
was carried in the bill that went
before the next congress, now
ever, and it was retained in the
iinal draft and passage, January
i of last year.
In the meantime. Congressman
Oumpacker of Multnomah county
liccame interested and gave his
Mipport to the idea.
?enator Chas. L. McNary also
"f-jve his support toward the pro
ject, and he found the, heads of
the war department very sympathetic-.
Final Success Certain
The final success of this pro
I jett is t
f long til
ject is certain. The United States
ment will not for a very
time permit the opportunity
Vto He dormant; the opportunity of
the great Willamette valley to all
the deep water ports of the world,
v. ith only an inexpensive transfer
m the Portland harbor to the
ean going vessels; thus in effect
giving the advantagesof a deep
.;er port to every foot of land
: n Eugene to Portland, on both
,.ie of the river.
Large Number Invited
The Salem Chamber of Com
r.t r.e is at work sending out in-
I Continued on paje ")
Cold Temperature Makes Exces
sive Use of Fuel Necessary.
Aviators Assert
(AP) The monoplane "Spirit of
California" failed today in its
I fourth attempt to break the
r world's record for sustained flight
for airplanes. But in doing so it
demonstrated that the record
iK.could be broken and that under
II the right conditions a flight to
New Zealand could be made, its
pilots asserted.
The giant tri-motored Fokker
monoplane, piloted alternately by
contain Charles Kingsford-Smith,
British aviator, and Lieutenant
Ceorge R. Pond, of the United
states navy, took off at- Mills
field at 8:09 a. m. last Tuesday
and was,forced to descend at 10:
16 o'clock this morning due to an
exhausted gasoline supply. The
Diane remained on continuous
flight for fifty hours and seven
minutes, Just two hours, fifteen
minutes and 31 seconds short of
i he world's record established in
(.-nuany by the aviators Edzard
.11. a Histicz.
Deutenant Pond said after the
fW-'ht that the plane performed
eufllently and tbat under normal
weatbwr conditions the flight
ymld easily have gone beyond the
i'rvorq" of 52 hours, 22 minutes
tSid ::i seconds. Enough lubricat
ing oil was left to last forty more
hours. The 1500 gallons of gaso
line taken up would hare carried
the fliers well beyond their goal,
they said, except for the fact that
unusually cold weather was en-
ountered all over the central and
oast region of California; fotctag
them to overwork the engine and
U, lt,e tnrottie frequently
-rnd open the throttle freauentlr
which hastens gas consumption.
fifty mom rolUi.. A mmmm.'
have carried us
hM t 4 .... 4 . n A
hut i. "muni jroua.
. "uuiiui wnemer we
-could have taken off with the
man m.AAc. . , .
load increase.! v
wea,her we could hare
gone several hours more."
Other Officers Elected by Group
Appointed Under legislative
Steps toward carrying out the
inienuons oi ine resolution passed
at the last legislative session call
ing for the drafting of a state
building code, were begun here
Thursday when the recently ap
pointed building code commission
held its first meeting in the exe
cutive department at the capitol.
A. M. Collier of Klamath Falls,
representing the. legislature, was
elected chairman of the commis
sion while Ben T. Osborne of the
Oregon Stat Federation of La
bor was elected secretary. O. R
Bejn of Portland was elected vice
chairman. H. E. Plummer of Portland, rep
resenting the 'Oregon Technical
council, will act as chairman of
the code committee. T. B. Upshaw
of Portland was chosen- chairman
oi the administrative committee
while Carl M. Stebinger, also of
Portland, was elected chairman of
the technical committee.
A. C. Dixon of Eugene is chair
man of the finance "committee.
The proposal to appoint a pub
licity committee was dropped at
the request of Mr. Dixon, who said
it was not the function of the
commission to , sell the building
code to the public.
Pending the next meeting of
the commission the secretary will
confer with officials of other
states and secure copies of build
ing codes now in operation.
Mr. Dixon made it plain that
the public was not courting addi
tional inspectors and bureaus and
that the work of the commission
should be simplified as much as
possible. He also protested
against extravagance in conduct
ing the affairs of the commission.
The various phases of construc
tion to be included in the proposed
building code probably will not
be decided until a future meeting
of the commission.
Governor Patterson submitted
a letter to the commission urging
that some action be taken with re
lation toa state housing law. The
letter was prepared by Mary E.
Muager of the Consumers League
of Oregon. She said the housing
law should cover lighting, ventil
ation and sanitary facilities.
Members of the building code
commission are A. M. Collier.
Klamath Falls; D. I. Stoddard!
Baker; A. C. Dixon, Eugene; Ben
T. Osborn, Carl M. Stebinger, O.
R. Bean, H. E. Plummer, R. E.
Cushman, A. C. Cammack, Frank
B. Upshaw, Fred D. Weber, C. E.
Cowdin and J. H. Lausman, all
of Portland, and Dr. W. B. Morse
of Salem.
The commission will present its
recommendations to the legisla
ture at its next session.
Montana and Wisconsin Youths
Sentenced At Dubuque
DUBUQUE, la., Jan. 19. (AP)
Leonard Cota, "18, of Altoona,
Wis., and Howard Kramer, 19, of
Malta, Mont., today were sen
tenced to life imprisonment in
Fort Madison prison for the kill
ing of Cota's maternal grand
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth McKitrick,
wealthy Zwingle, la., recluse.
Following their arrest in St.
Louis the youths confessed that
they bound and gagged Cota's
grandmother and left her to die
on the floor of the kitchen while
they ransacked the house, finding
more than 920,000 in cash and an
equal amount in securities. AH
of the securities and most of the
cash were recovered when their
penciled eye-brows, painted lips
and cheeks and waved hair
aroused the suspicions of St. Louis
Fred Williams Sought la Seattle
For Jewelry Robbery
SEATTLE, Jan. 19. (AP).
Fred Williams. 32, one of two men
killed in a Portland holdup today.
was being sought here at the time
of his death as a suspect in a
$7,000 Seattle gem robbery.
Emil Mayer, diamond broker
who was slugged and robbed in
the 42 story L. C. Smith building
here last week, was said to have
partially identified a picture, of
Williams as tbat of one of hia as
Williams and Robert Benton,
the man who was killed with him
in Portland, were arrested here
last November as suspected gaso
line station robbers. They were
released after an investigation.
Salem Amthor Sails on Trip
South America Thursday '
(AP). Jamea Steven of Tacoma,
Wash., and Albert Richard Wetjen
of Salem, Ore., well known au
thors were San Francisco visitors
today en route to South America
where the two plan to gather ma
terial for a aeriee of articles on
Pan-American relations.
The writera are traTellnron the
Mccormick " steamship company
f raln tar West Mahwah.
Stevens best known work is a
collection of Pan! Bnnyan raoies
Wetjen is a writer of sea stories.
A. J.
Demorest Kills Two
Men Attempting To Hold
Up Institution
One Man Fleeing in Automobile
Believed Winged by Parting
Shot From Rifle in Hands
of Official
The four bandits 'who escaped
from the Mount Scott bank rob
bery yesterday made their geta
way in a blue Essex touring car
and a Studebaker sedan, both 1923
models. Both carried 1928 Wash
ington license plates.
PORTLAND, Jan. 19. (AP)
Two bandits sidled into the sub
urban Mount Scott State bank to
day each weaving before him a
heavy automatic pistol. Sharp
commands for a moment and the
two gunmen dropped to the floor,
sach shot to death by bullets fired
by A. J. Demorest, cashier-manager
-of the institution. Four mem
bers of the bandit gang who re
mained outside the bank escaped
in two automobiles bearing Wash
ington license plates.
The dead:
Fred Williams. 3 2. former in
mate of the Washington state re
formatory, Monroe.
John R. Benton. 22, who had
police records in Seattle and Spo
kane. Fleeing Bandit Wounded
A shot was fired by Demorest
at the fleeing automobiles as the
"lookouts" fled from the holdup.
It was believed the shot found its
mark as one of the men crumpled
in the seat.
Last night, as Demorest sat by
Uhe , fireside in his home, he read
a magazine article: "Prepared
ness -Prevents Holdups."
"I believe I'll take the .22 down
to the bank in the morning," he
(Continued on page 8)
Weather Bureau Official at Port
land Makes Forecast
PORTLAND. Jan. 19. (AP)
Occasional light snow or rain will
fall in Portland and vicinity to
morrow and Saturday. This was
forecast tonight by Edward L.
Wells, meteorologist of the United
States weather bureau. Little
change in temperature was pre
dicted. For the states of Oregon. Wash
ington and Idaho, the same pre
diction of cloudy and unsettled
weather with temperature remain
ing about the same was made,
with the exception that precipita
tion was forecast only in the west
ern portions of the two coast
1 0&h&
Marine Corps Aviators Bring Back
Reports from Native Head
quarters at 1 Chipote
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Jan. 19.
(AP) Evidence that the forces
of the rebel general, Augustino
Sandino, are dispersing was
brought back from El Chipote. his
headquarters, by marine corps
fliers today.
Aviators who sought some con
firmation of reports that he had
been killed found the town and
surrounding mountains apparent
ly deserted, while roads leading
northward towards Honduras
showed signs of recent heavy traf
The marine garrison at San
Rafael, where Sandino is said to
have been buried after he was
killed in an aerial attack on El
Chipote, Saturday, have been in
structed to investigate any burials
or prominent men since then.
Nicaraguans from the department
ui iuevo &egovia say nis wire, a
telegraph operator at San Rafael.
took his body there for burial, and
aviators observed from the air
what seemed to be a funeral pro
Colonel Louis Mason Gulick, in
command of the operations, said
the fliers who soared today over
n,l Chipote, where Sandino fled
after the marines took his Quilali
headquarters Dec. 10. observed
considerable activity of vultures
in the vicinity, indicating that
Sandino's dead remained unbur
ied. Marine officers believe that
some of Sandino's men have gone
to Telpanca, to join other forces
nd that others have fled to Hon
duras. As the Honduran govern
ment has promised not to allow
concentration of rebels on Hon
duran soil, it is believed that San
dino, if still alive, may be attemp
ting to escape down the Coco riv
er toward the Caribbean sea.
Robert Crawford Kninloved
City to Supervise Task
Hugh Rogers, city engineer, an
nounced yesterday that Robert
Crawford; former superintendent
of the state flax industry, has been
employed to take charge of re
numbering Salem houses, in ac
cordance with the ordinance
passed by the; city council last
year. An amount of 1800 was ap
propriated in the 1928 budget for
this work.
The work will take nearly two
months time, Mr. Crawford be
Campaign on Against Use of
junction Against Strikes
MIAMI, Fla.. Jan. 19. (AP)
A conference of all international
labor unions to further organized
labor's campaign for legislation to
prohibit the use of injunctions as
strike breaking measures was
"ailed today by the executive coun
cil of the A. F. O. L. to meet in
Washington on February 7.
James Potter, Former Millionaire,
Dead With Wife and Two
Sons Aged 16 and 14
CLEVELAND, Jan. 19. (AP)
I-The bodies of James Potter, 46.
his wife Lulu, 43, and their two
sons, James Jr., 16, and Robert,
14, lay in a morgue here tonight
awaiting arrival of relatives who
will take them back to Steuben
ville, Ohio, the city which the
family left last Thanksgiving day
to come to Cleveland in an effort
to recoup their fortune.
:A11 four were victims of a
deadly drug taken Inthe form of
cough medicine last night. Po
lice announced that 12 capsules
of the drug had been found in
the medicine chest at the Potter
I Death of the four brought to a
close a-fight against circumstances
which saw the collapse of a for
tune estimated at one million dol
lars and a struggle to once again
attain financial success.
In Toils of I -aw
; Potter was to have been ar
raigned next Saturday on a charge
of obtaining money under false
pretenses at Steubenvllle.
Fifteen years ago Potter re
signed as cashier of a Steuben
ville bank after It was reported
he had made a fortune in oil.
Success smiled on him and his
wealth grew. His every under
taking was profitable until he was
rated as a millionaire. Then the
wheel of for'ttine stopped. In
vestments In West Virginia coal
fields wiped out almost his entire
fortune when he failed to get rail
road connections to his mines.
- ; With his small remaining capi
tal he entered the real estate busi
ness but in I this he did not suc
ceed and he was Indicted for ob
taining $500 under false pre
tenses in connection with a land
deal. The indictment was re
turned after he had come to
Cleveland, rented a spacious home
and opened I a rooming house.
Woman Hears Scream
i Last night the family gathered
'p. the living room and" a short
time later Mrs. Maude Hohman,
the housekeeper, heard a scream.
; (Contiinued on pace fO
That' Not Real Name, But Slo
gan, "Wives Won't Work"
! The Single Unit Workers league,
which filed ; articles in the state
corporation ; department here
Thursday, would discourage the
working of husband and wife and
at the same time discourage the
employment: of married women.
The incorporators are D. Ar
thur Lowe. P. A. Bowlus and
Frank M. Lowa of Eugene and
T. C. Mountain of Coburg.
The league proposes to estab
lish an Institute of learning and
to provide for family and individ
ual relief. ; The league has au
thority to purchase or publish a
newspaper or magazine for the
advancement of its purposes.
The principal office of the
league will be in Portland.
Branch offices will be established
in other cities. Revenue will be
derived from dues and assess
ments on members and subsidiary
Gustavo Guerro, Opponent
of Yankee Policies,
Heads Vital Group
Elected President of Committee on
International Public Iaw ;
Iitin-American Question
iooms Up
HAVANA, Jan. 19. - (AP)
Significance was attached in cer
tain sections of the sixth Pan-
American conference to the selec
tion today of Gustavo Guerrero.
Salvadorean delegate, as chairman
of the most important committee
of the conference the committee
on international public law.
Senor Guerrero is reputedly an
tagonistic to the policies of the
United States in Latin-America.
His name was proposed by Dr.
Orestes Ferrera, Cuban ambas
sador at Washington, and second
ed by Charles E. Hughes, chair
man of the American delegation.
He was unanimously raised to the
head of the committee at the ini
tial organization meeting of that
Resolutions Controversial
The committee over which Sen
ator Guerrero will preside has
jurisdiction over the most contro
versial resolutions which the con
ference has to pass upon. They
are the draft treaties for the codi
fication of American public inter
national law prepared at the jur
ists' conference at Rio Janiero last
(Contiiiucl on page ")
New Financial Statement Asked of
Union Service Assn.
Before making any decision in
connection with an application for
a permit to sell stock in the
Union Service association, a fu
neral directing concern. Mark Mc
.Callister, state .corporation com
missioner, Thursday asked offi
cials of the association to prepare
a new financial statement.
Representatives of the associa
tion were informed that the pres
ent financial showing Is not suf
ficient to warrant the issuance of
a permit.
It was said that the association
would file" a brief in the corpora
tion department iu defense of its
position that service agreements
which it sells do not come under
the provisions or the Blue Sky
The late George B. Davis, .for
merly state corporation commis
sioner, held that these service
agreements were not subject to
the Blue Sky act.
The Better Business bureau of
Portland has sent letters to the
state corporation commissioner
protesting against granting the
Search Redoubled for Frances St.
John Smith in East
19. (AP) A reward of $10,000
was offered today by St. John
Smith, New York broker for the
return alive of his daughter,
Frances St. John Smith. The
Smith college freshman disap
peared on January 13. Mr. Smith
previously had offered $1,000 for
Information leading to the discov
ery of her whereabouts.
While state, local and college
authorities and detectives em
played by Mr. Smith continued
their search for the girl and
looked into the crop of reports
that someone resembling her had
been seen In various places, br
mother gave the press a direct ap
peal to her daughter to communi
cate with her.
State Detective Joseph Daley, Iim
charge of the search said today
that he still held to the belief that
the girl had drowned herself in
the Connecticut river.
Close Vpon Murderer
Five Year Old Girl
MAHQUETTte. Mich.. Jan. 1.
(AP) The walla of Michigan's
northern prison close to the cold
waters of Lake Superior tonight
bold captive Adolph Hotelling,
Owosso church elder who murder
ed five year old Dorothy Behnetder
Just one week ago near her Mount
Morris homo. .;-
Handcuffed to Depnty Sheriff
Mark Pallthorpe of Flint who as
sisted la the capture of the slayer,
Hotelllac passed through tho pri
son gates at 4: SO o'clock this af
tArnoonv there to stay the remain
ing years of his life.
In the party with Hotelling- were
two other prisoaert, one sentenced
to life Imprisonment tor criminal
tssault and the other sentenced to
t short term for seine an habitual
IrunkareV .
Famous Russian Leader and Aides
Sent InU Exile- In Siberia;
Little Interest Shown
Associate! Press Correspondent
in Moscow.
MOSCOW. Jan. 19. (AP).
Strange indeed are history's con
- When France led Robespierre to
the guillotine, all Paris had been
aflame with passion but today
when the newspapers for the first
time carried briefly an official an
nouncement that Leon Trotzky
and hie chief aides were in exile,
Moscow went about its daily busi
ness in its ordinary drab way as if
nothing untoward had happened.
It was as if Trotzky the very
incarnation of the Bolshevik re
volt had not but a few years ago
played on the emotions and
thoughts of these very multitudes
with the ease and grace of a vir
tuoso fingering the strings of hit
Sun Smiles on City
For weeks Moscow lay half
buried in snow under a heavy
leaden sky with never a ray of
sunshine, but today a bright eun
smiled on the city from blue skies
and underneath it the. Moscovites
went about in their leisurely man
ner quietly enjoying the improved
weather outwardly at least, only
slightly concerned in the fate of
Russia's great rebel and the his
toric import of hie downfall.
There were no extra troops or
anv precautions of any kind taken
against possible manifestations;
the same militiamen went on lazi
ly directing traffic.
Demonstration Lackng
The complete absence of any
demonstrative reaction to perhaps
one of the most tragic revolution
ary episodes was perhaps due to
Trotzky's failure in recent years
to hold vital contact with the mas
ses or to Stalin's talent at disarm
ing enemies subtlely step by step,
forever guarding a martyrdom.
But the fact remains that the
banishment of the leaders of the
opposition was unaccompanied by
a single overt act which might be
construed as likely to challenge
the existing powers in the remotest
The exile of the opposition lead
ership, the authorities declared,
gives the communist party a maxi-
(Continued on pJ5 8)
McIIarpue Couldn't Hurdle Service
Station; Draws I ine
Too much liquor under his belt
while driving an automobile on
January 15, yesterday cost J. H.
McHargue. sewing machine agent
and officially a resident of Texas,
a jail sentence of 60 days and a
fine of $100.
Sentence was imposed by Jus
tice of the Peace Brazier Small.
Sixty days Is the minimum that
can be given in cases of this kind.
McHargue was immediately de
livered at the county jail and be
Kan doing his time. He will not
be required to pay the $100 until
his jail term has elapsed.
On the fatal 15th of January, it
has been disclosed, McHargue not
only struck another car but at
tempted to hurdle a service sta
tion, with disastrous results.
Puyallup. Wash., Youth, Faints on
Arrival at Frisco
(AP) Daniel C. Lyon. 21 year
old student of Puyallup. Wash.,
ended a long distance roller skat
inr trio from Puyallup today
when be was taken to
here for treatment of
hospital i
fracture of the skull.
Lyon, who arriver here early
this week after skating over Ice
and through snowstorms, was
struck by a hit and run motorist
at Corning, Cal.. on his way south.
The student completed the trip
but fainted today and was taken
to a hospital.
Smith of Illinois Makee No Com
ment on Senate Action
D WIGHT, 111.. Jan. 19. (AP).
Senator-elect Frank L. Smith of
Illinois when advised tonight that
the senate bad voted to declare his
senate seat vacant said:
"I have made my statement to
the senate committee and I have
nothing to add or detract from
tbat. In the future action that
may be taken I shall always keep
uppermost In my mind the wel
fare ef the people of Illinois and
the rights of the state."
Property. Damage at Loaisville Es
timated Over 1 00,000
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Jan. 19.
CAP) Fourteen persons were In
jured and numerous houses and
mall buildings 1 unroofed . end
otherwise damaged by a storm
which swept through the southern
part i of Loutsrlile today. PropH
ertjr damage was expected to ex
ceed $100,000. ' ?
Though the wind attained a Te
locity in excess of sixty miles an
hour, no one sntfered Injuries that
are Ukely to prove fatal.
Both Oregon Members of
Upper House Vote Against
Illinois Man
First, -Favorable Ballot Al
tered On Final Roll Call
Count Stands 61 to 23 Declar
ing Credentials Tainted
with Fraud and Corruption
Due To Slush Fund
The senate late today declared
vacant the seat to which the peo
ple of Illinois elected Frank L.
By a vote of 61 to 23 mor
than a two thirds majority his
credentials were declared" to be
tainted "with fraud and corrup
tion and it was decreed that be
was not entitled to a seat.
Before finally barring ite doors
against the former chairman of
the Illinois commerce commission
on account of contributions to an
expenditure in his primary cam
paign in 1926, the senate voted 56
to 27 against giving him the oath
of office.
This was the second time this
session that the oath had been de
nied and by excluding Smith with
out first permitting him to take
the oath the senate established a
precedent in a case unique in its
more than a century of history.
Old Guard Stands Pat
Only the staunchest members of
the republican old guard stuck to
Smith's cause to the finish. They
were joined by two democrats,
one from the south, the fiery
Blease of South Carolina, and one
from the northwest, Steck of
Twenty one republicans and the
one farmer labor senator joined
with 39 democrats in voting to
declare Smith's seat vacaniwhiie
two democrats joined with 21 re
publicans against such a declara
tion. The roll call follows:
To declare Smith's seat vacant:
Republicans: Blaine, Boras,
(Continued on ptje 2;
Fiery Democrat of Alabama Not
Present At Gathering Called
To Consider Matter
Accepting the challenge hurled
at tbem yesterday by Heflin of
Alabama, democrats of the senate
today with but a single dissenting
voice expressed their confidence in
Robinson of Arkansas, both as
their leader and as a member of
the special Mexican investigating
The vote was 24 to 1 and came
after nearly an hour of debute
during which three senators from
the south insisted that the confer
ence5 action should not be inter-
pretatlve of a decision tn any way
on the qtrestions involved in the
row between Heflin and Robin
son over the Catholic church and
Governor Al Smith of New York.
The Alabama senator wbo ab
sented himself from the party
gathering was alternately defiant
and conciliatory. Immediately aft
er the conference broke up he de
clared that it was "in bad taste
and improper" to bring up a vote
of confidence In the party leader
in his absence.
Attacks To Continue
Subsequently on the floor ut the
senate Heflin gave notice that be
would continue bis attacks on the
Roman Catholic "political mach-
(Contiao4 n page 2l
Do You Remember '
Telephone Numbers 7
' Ladies yon can save lots of
time by using the beauty par
lor , directory ' on the classified
pages of this paper. You will
find this directory very handy
for It gives telephone numbers
as well as names and addresses.