THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1928 11 o it: I REAL ESTATE I DIRECTORY ANDERSON ft RUPERT. Realtors Tel. 1644 169 8. High. BARBEK A BONO 200 Gray Bldg. TL T0 BECKE ft HENDRICKS 149 y. iiigh. Tel. 161 A. C. BOHRNSTEDT X. Commercial. Tel. 577 II. E. BROWN Cora'l. Tel. 539 or 109 S. :053 LEO X. CHILDS CO., Realtor 820 8fale St. Tel. 172" K. 8. CLARKE 109 S. Com'L Tel. 539 or 2053 E. 831 State St. O. I C0PPOCK Tel. 56" FRED O. DELANO Chnrch. 290 N. Tel. 20 HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. 315 First Nat. Bank Bid. TeL 842 GASKILL ft EARLE 163 S. Liberty St. Tel. 224 '.V. H. C-RABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 515 MELVIN JOHNSON Bank Bldg. 82 1 U. 8. Tel. 637 W. U. KKUEGER Com'L 147 X. Tel. 217 LARS EX A KICK -5 Oregon Bidg. TeL 174 W. A. LI8TOM 404 j Masonic Bldg. Tel. 1321 . ! ARTHUR MADSEN 1 2074 North CapitoL Tel. 2901 MELLINUER COMITTI 409 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1176 O. K. M1DDLETOX f04 Oregon Bldg. TeL 2S08 JOHN W. New B!lgh Bldg. ORB TeL 245 GERTRUDE J. M. PAUE 484 Court. TeL 1186 PERR1XE ft MARSTER3 211 212 Gray Bldg. Tel. 901 W. K. MOSES Mortgages, Loans, Insur ance. 451 Court bl. Tel. 2818 ' WINNIE PETTYJOHX. Realtor 175 8. St. Tel. 534 SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. Boom 7. TeL 1004 JJi SCOTT 231 X. High SC Tel. 1122 CHARLES SPUKLIX 21c Oregon Bldg. TL 1935 fcOCOLOFSKY ft SON 304 5 First Nat. Bank Bidg. Tel. 970 SQUARE DEAL REALTY U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 470 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St. TeL 651 ULRICH ft Commercial. ROBERTS 1.3 X. Tel. 1354 U. S. 412 State St. REALTY CO. Tel. 2660 J". L. WOOD 841 Slate St. Tel. 791 T BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY THE BEAUTY BOX Complete Beauty Service 6-1) State St. Tel. 1985 TMK CAPITOL BEAUTY 8HOPPK 2. J N. High. For Appt. Tel. 366 KLITE BEAUTY 0 r the Gray Belle. SIIOPPE Tel. 914 MARINELLO BEAUTY PJt RLORS l'eriuanent Wave Specialist Hi N. rl th St. Tel. 1680 MILLER BEAUTY SHOP Tested and graded before permanent, using Text o Meier machine M1TZI GRAY BEAUTE SHOPPE 103-1 J First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 197 THE MODEL BEAUTY'' PARLOR i N. Commercial. TeL 956 THE MODERN MARINELLO Masonic Temple Bldg. Tel. 379 NIFTY BOB SHOP ;'ie J ermniif .1 waving, uair luh.uj and Marcelling. 8 1 1 State St. Tel. 270 SALESMEN. 12 V VM i:i TWO HIGH CLASS EXPF.RI fii.-.-d Auto Salesmen to sell Whippets anil Willys Knights. Liberal comuii ion. demonstrators purchased at dis count. Gas Maintenance. Alfred BU iinsl"v Motor Co., 'i'A'S Center St., Sa- lom. Ore. CHIROPRACTORS 15 PR. O. I. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR J56 X.. High. Tel. 82S R. or Res 'J 101 J DU. !!. B. SCOFF1ELI. P. Firrt National Bank Bldg. S. C., 806 FLORISTS 16 rmWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Ul-en's. Court ft High St. Tel. 801 CLT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, decorations. J. t. Bretthaupt. florist. 612 Stat Street, Tel. 30. INSURANCE 18 FOlt SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gai:es. Trust Deeds. Contracts on houses Will net 6 to 20 per cent. BECKK ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 189 N. H gh St. AKM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITi" LOANS We are loaning Pro dential Insurance company money on c tv reaidenee and bnsineae property at per cent, plus a commission Ha k n ft Roberts, Inc., 305 Oregon Building. Insure Tour Home or Car see. BBCXE ft HENDRICKS Phono 161 O. O. F. Bldg., 189 N. High St. FOR RENT-Apartments 23 COM PLETELT PUBNI8HI D FIVE room apartment, ground floor, with garage. 864 Mill St. FURNISHED 2 ROOMS JD KITCHEN ette. water, light, and fuk $22.50. ( Ioe in. 555 Marion. rUP.NIRHED DOWN STAIRS TROUT apartment. 1 room aad kitchenette, $17.50. Water, light, aad fnL Close in. 555 Karion. ROOM FURNISHED. 8. 14TH, TVBr nace heat, private bath, only aparttneat in nice pleasant private bob. r. O. DELANO 291 N. Chorea. Telephone 2830 Why Worry with Fuel, Ice, Lawns? High class residential aistriet. New. strictly aparv ; N Ve.-T-rAs;Jt 1 i Vti D si I "iTI . xJ 1 IX -J TfvOtS MAP?C? lRT I ai' I " - I 1 meats. 1'rigidair. Electric Rang. Badi. Steam Heat. Briek-faeoa Building. Ef ficient Service. Two room with bath. $80 to $8S. Three com wiU aatfc, 40 U 85. rallnaa faraiaaed vrtifa. $40. Two room furnish. 1 entailed, $?5 to 40. Three roosa furnished srvcrstaf fed, 43 to $50. Ambassador 550 N. Summer. Phon 1978 New Hacafemeat INSURANCE DIRECTORY BECKE ft HEXDRCKS Hit. Tel. 189 X 161 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 15 Maeonic Bldg. TeL 9V1 R. D. GRAY 147 X. Com 'I. general Insurance Tel. 2425 'Anderson ft Rupert General Insurance 169 8. High. Tel. 1644 FOR RENTApartments23 ROOM APARTMENT, PLEASANT rooms. S96 X. 4th. MODERN APARTM EST. CLOSE IX. 570 X. L.berty. Phone 99J-W. WELL FURNISHED APARTM EXT, no, first floor. 1811 Coart St. PIA MODERN THREE ROOM APARTMENT. Garage. Close in. Eaqnrr 127 Union FOR RENT Rooms 25 LARGE COMFORTABLE BOOM FOB rent. TeL 2369J. NICELY board. FURNISHED ROOM 405 Marion St. WITH ROOMS WITn OR WITHOUT BOARD at Alexandria. 109U Chemek.ia Phone 1589. FOR RENT-Houses 27 MODERN HOME. 678 X. COTTAOE. FUKNISHSD S BOOM MODERN HOUSE, garage. Telephone 1008R. ROOM HOUSE WITHBATH, RE painted, $30 month. Telephone 709. FOR RENT. DUPLEX HOC SI. North Winter St. 94' FOR RENT 8 room furnished bouse with garage TeL 637 or 1933 M. MMU IinnSF. FOR RENT. 971 X Commercial. Inquire at Damons Gro-I eery store, 899 N. Commercial. FOR REXT 4 HOMES AT $20 a $30 a $37.50 a $45 and $55. Also stores down town and suburban ami service Station Location. Becko ft Hendricks, 189 X. High Street. 10 LAROE ROOM 8 AXD RECEPTION" hall, auitable for board and rooming; basement, furnace, 2 fireplaces, gas. and large wood range. 2 sets of plumbing, garage, large lot and shade treee. The home like place, $50.00 per month. Lo cated 1599 State St. See Geiser Real Estate, 441 Court St. FOR REXT 1050 N. Capital St.. 2 rms $15 1375 N. Com'l St.. 8 rms $30 i040 8. Com l St.. 5 rais $35 1334 Ferry St.. 8 rms. 840 1155 Marion St., 6 rms $10 534 N. Winter St., double house, room for two .small families. 10 rms - $50 Strictly modern home of 7 rms. at -70 N. Kth St $05 CALL LrX) X. CHILD3 CO., Realtors 320 Stat Street. Phone 1727 BOARD AND ROOM 31 MODERN ROOMS BREAKFAST AXD dinner at 800 Chemeketa, phone 52jJ. THE FRF.DEKICKSON BOARL AND room $:I5 for two in a room. $40 for one. 646 Marion St. Til. 1547 R. LAUNDRIES 32J CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pure Materials" Telephone 165. 164 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDEB LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 S. High fRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUX- dry. Tel. 171. 135S B 8treet TAILORS 34 D. II. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. WANTED-Miscellaneous 35 FURXITURE PiCKIXG FOB SHI meets. Giese Powers Furnltu Co. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loans. We have several app.ica tions on hand. Haw kins ftRoberts, Inc.. 205 Oregon Bldg. WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Kara not smaller . than 1 yard to use for wiping machinery. Highest price paid for good clean rags, apply at Staies'nan office, see Stifler. More Than a Tonic More Than a HeaEtfo-Food A Natural Remedy! Pacifac Hca!thOre This product supplies Nature with vital vnrking and huilaing material proviata -lements to maint.iin the normal chemical balance to insure the natural harmony ind proper functioning of glands and or gans and to maintain a rich ana nesnny blood stream. Used as a mineral water pleasant to ake one package i sufficient for three uonths treatment. Sold nnder a positive nonev-back guarantee. MATR ESSES 36 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel. 19. FOR SALE 37 RUG SALE 10 to 40 discount. H. L. Stiff Co. YOUNG POLAND CHINA BOAR. PHOXE losru. TO TRADE $40 PIANO FOB GOOD automobile. Se Burk at Fitzgerald Sherrin Motor Co. ALMOST XEW PHONOGRAPHS $35 TO $65. Imperial Furniture Co., Inc. PEDIGREED AIRDALK KALE PUPS 4 snoataa old. a bargain if taken boforoi Dm. 15th. a. r. Battemeld. Pacific Hwy.. Woodbura, Ore. T.I. II M. VETERINARIAN 39a FRED ft'. LAXGE. VETERINARIAN Office 529 S. CommerciaL TeL 119$. Ra Tel. 1866. MINUTE MOVIES -VIE TWD MOST POPULAR 1927 wt? GOLD WhESE SMCJTS FROM TWtVT CVCLCNlC ST5RV OF OOLDRUSM- DeVS WILL PC CALL TWE FILM To VfcUf WIND MsSsCi -' ,Vd t.WlVCPVpOJl VTbrffi riyARrlJ'r-' -MS SERIAL DCK; ri:'" . I "-r- aa -naf. I 8al.Or. j WOOD SAWING 42 WOOD SAWING. PHOXE 1(77. 1610 North Commercial. WOOD FOR SALE 43 16 IX. WOOD- 7.00 CORD. PHOXE 1669. GOOD DRY WOOD. PHONE 72F2, M. I. Mayfield. FOR GOOD WOOD CALLC. D. QUERY, Phone 127F21. GOOD DRY WOOD FOR TOU D. A. Lamar. TeL 930. 16 IN. OLD FIR $8.50 PER CORI (t rick) TeL 8183. CALL TRACY'S FUEL YARD FOB GOOD wood. Phone 23 It. 16 INCH OLD FIR. 88.00 CORD. Seism, Rt. 1, GerTaia. R. K. 16 IXCH DRY WOOD 86.00 CORD. ON ground. W. G. Baker, 1950 X. Water St. 13 INCH OLD FIR AND ASH. C. V, Harbaugh, 1038 Highland Are. Phone 1990. CALL 783B FOR PRY FIR AND OAK. guaranteed full cord. Beat wool ia IOWD. 1 Wood. GOOD OOAL. DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HJLLMAN FUEL CO. TEIJEPHONE 1855. C. (SEE) A. ANDERSON FOR WOOD TO BURX SALEM TRJN8. ft FUEL CO. GEXERAL TRANSFER WORK. TEL. 529 OLD 2ND GROWTH 87.50: OLD growth $8.00; Best furnace wood avail able; Old growth seasoned $8.50. Phone 2476 M. BEST GRADE OF WOOu Dry wood 4 ft. and 16-lneh. targe loeds are rheaper to buy. Mill wood is oar specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. FRED E. WELLS 280 S. Church TeL 1542 POULTRY Sl EGGS 45 WANTED BUFF ORPIXPTON HEN'S. Will pay good price. I. B. Quieseuber ry, Granddalles. Wash. POULTRY WANTED AXY KIND. SIZE or amount, top market, highest cash price. Salem Poultry Co., 145 Ceater St., Foot of the bridge. Phono -490. INCUBATOR NEW. NEVER UKCRAT ed. 640-egg capacity. Combination oil and electric. Well-known make. Regular price $70, we will take $50, and give terms to responsible party. See Mr. Stiffler at Statesman office. MUSIC STORES 46 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, aheet muaie and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and aewing machines. 4 J 'J Stale atreet, baleaa. KODAK FINISHING 46a FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 50c order Kodak work. Rawlings, Porttand, Ore. Newspapers-Magazines 48 THE PORTLAND TEl.irrfnAM SALEM Ageui-y. The Ace. Tel. 819. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning. Tel. 23 or 583. FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS OR RENEWALS for Harper's Baiar, International Stu dio, Motor Boating or Town and Coun try. Tel. 2369J. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE ITksT farm paper send fivo 2-cent st.imps to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription Mention this ad. POULTRY MEN BEND EIGHT TWO cent sumps for specral three months" trial for the best and oldest Journal in the West. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 S. Com mercial St.. Salem, Oregon. PAPERHANGING 50 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhangmg. tinting, etc K-liat.Io workman. PAINTING 50a CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING CON tractor, painting. paper hanging. 2?s3 J. lt7 West Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 5 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a bundle. Statesman office, 215 South Commercial. . WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT STUD. Salem's White King. Register number 580dl. Service guarantee!. Puppiei and grown stock for sale. Mrs. Ben nett, 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1539. OIK CUSTOMERS AKE OUR BKST boosters because wiieu we do your weidiug, 'tis done not you. Electric and acetylene welding, larg and small. O. O. Oppen. 295 Mill St. Tel and 2086-J. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinds of woven wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hop baskets and books, kjq hocks. b:u Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Are You All There?' Chemical analysis of the hi-man lody shows thst it is composed of the follow ing elements: Uaygen. Carbon. Hldro gen. Xitrofen. Calcium. Phosphorus, Potassium Sulphur. Sodium Chloride. Magnesium, Iron, Iodine, Fluorine, Sili con, Zinc, Manganese. You supply your body with the chemical elements through the food you eat. th air ou breathe and the water yon dnnk. Good health depends much upon the chemistry of the body, aa thus supplied and maintained. Many refined foods in conmma us today ar lacking to aa alarming extent ia these vital and health promoting properties, and this deficiency i responsible for many chronic ailment. I ' Pacific Health-Ore. ia rich in th majority of tues elements and its aa has accomplished marvelou result ia restoring health. Give Xature a chance you'll b surprised at her re sponse. SFF TOI R DRCOOT8T TODAY - BPK- - KGtt&t I SCOTT - THERE'S W -'K' ;yCJ lAi, . Pnh 3 WXl tl 0pU DOWN N THE 4JO&L . - nl&MFim -Stm 5CT wk, - - -' k "2 P"" H. lijrV ?raSSaHW tBARit UPT "TlrpROPS 1926 Master Six! MISCELLANEOUS 51 FOR SALEM all 167. SCAVENGER 8ERVIOB OLD MIRRORS RE-SILVERED. PHOXI res. xaiu-vt. WE BOARD POOS AT OUR Flake "e Petlaaa, 278 State. ; FARM. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND Re pairing. Uiese Powers Furniture Store. LOST AND FOUND 53 LOST GREY COAT CONTAINING KITS. 4 8r X. Capitol. Reward. PIANO TUNERS 54 EDWARD WELP KXPF.RIEXCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Wilis Music Store. PERSONAL 55 W. T. RIG DON '8 NEW BOOK, 18 NOW ready oa sol-j at an? of the book store. This is on all Salons Book, written la Balom, printed in 8aJem, and should be read by Salem people. PRINTING i 56 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS, PAMPH lets, programs, boooka. or any kina of pciouaf, call at the statesman frut ing IH-uartment. 215 S. Commercial Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 57 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5V Wood, 341 State St. : f. u P. H. BELL. 210 U. 8. BANK BLDG. Residence and uaiaaa lean. TeL 607 or 2141-W Motley to Loan on real or personal security. J oh a H. ScaU. 305 Oregon Bldg. $10,000 PRIVATE MOXEY TO LOAN OX belem Residential Property. SOCOLOFSKY ft SOX. at5 First Nat'l Beak. MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AXD on city property. B. S. Martin aad L. R. Martin, attorneys, 413: Oregon Building. Tol. 2084. CITY AXD FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Boat terms obtainable. Our iasaranc department offers row ax part advise ana service ia ail llaoa. HAWKINS ft ROBKKT8 (Inc.) TeL 1437. 0a Orecoa Bids. OUR INSTALLMENT LOANS MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU ! BECAUSE 1 You steadily reduce the : principal with but little greater monthly out lay tbsn rent. 2 You don't have the total principal due in a lump sum which may be difficult to meet. 3 On a loan of $1000 for 5 yean your total intereat is $216.80. 4 You are doing business with aa old established firm. ANDKRSON ft RUZ RT. Realtors 169 S. High Street. Tel. 1644 Correspondents, Equitable Savings and Loan Association WANTED LOANS 59 HAVE CLIENT WANTING PRIVATE loan up to $25,000.00. Delano 290 X. Church. Phone 2830. WAXTEi Private money to loan oa REAL L STATE. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 8. Liberty St. PLUMBING 60 PLUMBING AND GENERJL REPAIR work. Graber Bros., 144 S. Liberty Tel. 550. BUSINESS OPPR. 61 MONEY FIRST PAY. HALF INTEREST In barber shop, heart ojf city, doing fine business, fully equipped. Snap. F. P. DELANO 290 X. Church. Telephone 2830 GOLD MINE : WANT PARTNERS IN A rioh porphyry dyke iu Southern Ore gon, very little money needed to prove mine. Financing under the Syndicate plan. Writ for particulars, H. I A Madd.)ck. 511 Merchants Trust Bidg.. Portland, Oregon. RADIO 62 Radiolas For every purpose, for every purse Al! standard sizes of Radio Tubes. KOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 335 Court St. Tel. 488. REAL ESTATE 63 4 rm. house, cor. lot $1700, pared street. ! N. ft E. front corner. $2150. 5 rm. house, paved street, chicken park, garage. $2900. down. 5 rm. house, paved ptr. E. front, gar ago, $2000. easy payments. GERTRUDE J. M. PACE 484 Court Street. MR. INVESTOR For only $2650.00 we have a splen did 6 room plastered house on a fine corner kt close to the business section of the city. IIiMise is leased for three years to a reliable party, suiall payment down will handle this. Call Mrs. Ellis for appointment. LEO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors H20 State Street. Phone 1727 A CHALLENGE: TO ANYONE THAT can produce equal this aew strictly five room modern bungalow for th price wonderful view overlooking city -to the north: hard wood floors throueh'jut: finest materials nsed; elegantly finish ed; lot 60x100 corner; winter's wood and lots of other extras go with it; priced few days only $4,400.00. Rea sonable terms. Delano 290 X. Church. Phono 2830. THRIFT WXEK SPECIALS Xo reason, why you cau't own your own borne, with such tow prices and terms on th following propert ies : NEW AND UP TO THE MINUTE $5000. Modern 6 rooms ha every thing. Another one at $4500-6 rooms. Also a stucco on a beautiful corner for $4500. Also 5 Room for- $.1500. OTHERS FOR LESS MONEY -Small payment dowa, bal. like rent - $2250. Good 5 R. House, cor. lot. $130O. good 4 R. House, west Salem, lot of bearing fruit trees. Alto 4 Room House in Independence with 2 lota for $600. SUBURBAN HOMES CHF.AP 1 Acre land, cosy 4 R. plastered bun galow. Elee. lights, for $2500. Buy at yonr own terms. Vlf yon don't want to buy list yonr bargain to sell with LOUIS BECHTEL or J. D. SEARS 341 State St. Room 2 We Have Borer Every Iy REAL ESTATE i 63 2 GOOD A ROOM HOUSES. GOOD Lo cation, $1500 eeefc. seme terms. .Sal Realty Co, 462 Stat. FOR SALE t BOOH STUCCO HOUSE with farnaeo $2500.00. A Good closed car and cash far 5 room boas op to $3000. Confectionery and lunch room for sale. 133 aero farm for city property. T. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED 241 State St. GOOD SOUTH SiLEM RESIDENCES No. l. Xearly new modern Sooth Commercial St. $5,250.00 No. 2. New Nob Hill six rooms and Xook $4,750.00 A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor1 Leant Insurance -147 Xo. Com'l 8t Salem. Oregea. GREATEST TRDIXa OROAXIEOTIOH ON THE PACIFIC COAST : We have over 3000 properties listed for oachaugo. Every kind of property ovary price, every loeatioa. We eaa match your exchange EXACTLY. If too would like to trade your property TO DAY, come ia TODAY. Seo GASKILL ft EARLE, Realtors 1(6 S. Liberty. TeL 142 ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAIN: Fin 4 room modern homo with break fast aook and large attic, a fall caveat basement with furnace aad lauadry trays, fireplace, garage, oak floors, at tractive in every way. Owner will ae rmat Mad lot aa first oaymeat and will giv attractive tense on the balaaeo. me juu. . DIATE POSSESSION. W. GRAUEXHORST ft CO. 134 & Liberty St. A REAL BARGIX i e.7750 hnva a brand new 4 room house partly furnished, not far out in North Salera. nas large j i-i.. .mi, built in kitchen. 2 bed woodshed ft garage. Furnishings auTal aa linAlpntlt. ahmdes. drapes, r. eat inx stove, electric range and breakfast set. Street Is paved ft paid. This bar gain will not last long, let na anew jvu now. SEE Mrs. Ellis with : LEO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 820 State S.ret. Phon l27 : 5 rm. modern home. In fnoA loca tlon at $5000 to trad for acreage oa highway clos to Salm. o nf th Ziueot bulb land t da of city, a fine investment at $250 an acre. Creek thru it. 175 A. timber, 7 mi. from Salem, ,w.r anxious to make deal and if of fered CASH will make a bargaia to anrtmone. AY ar selling farms and want your listing. Have eeveral buyer now we are tawing to locate. WINNIE PETTYJOHX, Realtor 175 S. High St. 4- -r.nnn HOMES $3000 for a bungalow, living room, oak floor, Z bed rooms ana si-i""s porch, basement, furnace, garage. $300 down. $4250 New and modern In every wy, bungalow. 5 rooms and nook, attic stairway, garage, paving, etc. $500 down. tlZSO Almost new bungalow, 8 rooms, plastered, bath, garage, large lot, $250 down. $1500 to loan at 7. Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON i20 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 2 SPECIALS 4 room, modern, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, corner china in dinette, floor ed attic, steps in garage, reduced to $3650, best of terms. $7500 7 rooms, modern, large rooms, J llll nice lawn, garage; a home any one would be proud of. People are transferred and are offering thia for $5000. Of course you realize there must be a good cash payment ou this dial. BARBER 4 BOND 125 X. Liberty. 200 Gray Bldg. Phon 700 RKAL HOME BARGAINS 4 A. tract, good soil, good bids-.' fruit and berries. Sacriiice $llr00. 40 A. farm near town, half in cult., 5 acres bearing fruits, good bldgs. Est, 500 Cd. wood. 8nap $-700. terms. Close in Confectionery, quick ss'e $700. 100 A. farm, fin loam toil In cult. Good location, $100 per acre. Terns. 20 A. choice river bottom land near Twn. modern bides. Sacrifice $T.".00, terais or take residence for part. (Jood 5 room plastered homo, large lot, gnrage and bsrn. for cash $1500. PERRINE ft MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. A BROKEN LEO or sudden sick .spell may put you out from a rented bouse but if you have a cozy little home paid for or a good equity the home will help you bridge over the hard place. We hanL'e ren tala and will be glad to help you find the place you want but let us belp you find a permanent home. Hera are a few : Six ro-m house in North part of city, full basement, garage, wood shed. nice, large cherry and apple trees.' Price $3500 00 on terms to Suit. A five room bo.isi oa paved street with five different btaees passing at Jirief intervals during dty. This bo'.iso is new and molern with furnace. Trice $3200.00 on terms. A five aero ranch with lio'ise, large gar age, wood shed, fruit tree, one acre strawberries and other sms'.l fruit, riose in and a bssnin at $3200. no. Those are only samples; we have a splendid line of listings from which to select. Call in. O. K. MIDPT. ETON Room 304. Oregon Bldg. Plione f 403 This 14 acres with buildings, running watjr, berries and iruit. Good chance to keep chickens, 6 miles from Salem-. Pri-e $5000, or-will trade for city property. Is it a dairy ranch of 40 acres, all stock ed and equipped, at $7000 you would like, or trad fori Thrift depends on you. Pay $100 down and $20 a month until the full arjount of $1400 is paid and save rent. New 4f rocnv bungalow and gtirage on these terms. Week s come and go but you go on pay ing rent. Buy this 5 room English style h' me, new and fully modorn. for $3750. $-50 down and balance like rent. Own 100 acre farm 11 miles from Salem no improvements, for $40 an acre. Your chance, to buy a dandy North Salem f. room home, ne- and complete. $367.v Easy terms. Home and comfortable income. 10 rooms suitable fur rooming and boarding. Rents for $60 a month to party who sublets. Owner wants a' farm or acreage near Salem. Se n about this. If you have anything to trade tell n about it. ULRICH. ft ROBKRTSTTtEjt LTOR8 129 X. Commercial Street. Phone 1354 REAL ESTATE - Farms 67 BARGAIN SELL 10 1ATRES. FUR sished home. Write or call, Isaac Keves. Rt. Box 47-Salenv 1 REAL ESTATE-Farms 67 DAIRY RAXOH 87 H aero. Tl ealtt vated. woven wire foaeiaar ia torn flelda. Excellent buildings designed strictly fori aairytn-, not and eold watar la houee, close to cream atatloa and oa rock road. $116 per acre, liberal term or accept half trade, city or acreage. Own er. 1148 Shipping St. Phono 1477J. SPECIAL 60 acres 12 miles out on good read, fine act of farm bldgs., most all cleared lead; good well and creek running through place, 4 good cows. 2 horses. 80 chickens, t pigs, hay la barn aad machinery. All to go for $11,000. part terms, or will take a heme in Salem up so eeow. SEE Thomasnn LEO X. CHILD3 CO.. Realtor 320 State Street. Phone 1727 TAXIDERMIST 68 WORK GUARANTEED. E. E. WIOOIN3, laxidermist. 1145 Norway. TeL 2261-W. TRANSFER & HAULING 70 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Tel. 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get oar rat. Frank M. Newton Local and lone distance hauling Light Country hauling a specially Tel. 663 WE MOVE. STOKE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty Is piano aad furniture m 'ing. also make coun try trips. V.e handle the best coal and wood. Call oa us for prices. V.'a giv good measure, good quality and good aervice. I.araier Transfer Co.. Tel. 930. WANTED-Real Estate 71 HAVE NUMBER OF CLIENTS WAST lag residenc lots. What have yout I can sell them. F. O. DELANO 290 X. Church. Telephone 2330 WANTED OOOD LOT: As first payment on attractive five room bungalow located on N. 20th SC. near I St.. has fireplace, paved street nd in first class condition in every way. Price $2 750. Will take smalt payment or good lot as first payment, balance easy monthly payments. W. H. GKAliKNHORST ft CO., Realtors 134 S. L'bertjr 8treo WATER 74 OREGON WASH. VvJTER SERVICE CO. Office 804 South Commercial St. Tea per cent discount on domestic flat rat paid in advance. No deduction for ab aence or any cause unless wster is shut off your premises. TRAVEl 76 A FINE NEW WAITINO ROtiM IN THE NEW HOTEL SENATOR Frequent Schedules Thirty Ride Rooks at Reduced Rates A Swift and Reliable Package Service Courteous Attention From All Employees These Ar a Few of the Offerings Made the Public By PARKER STAGES. INC. Stage Leaving Times: Dallas: 7 a. m., 9; In a. m., 11:23 a. m., 2:10 p. m , 5:15 p. m. Independence ft Monmouth: 7 a. m., 9:15 a. m., 11:15 a. m., 3 p. m., 5:15 p. m., 8:30 p. m. (Sunday only.) Silverton : 7 a. m.. 1 1 a. m., 5 p. m. Fall City; McMiniiville, New berg. Hills boru. Forest Grove, Sheridan, Tilla mook: :10 a. m., 2:10 p. .in., 5:13 p. m. For Information Call 222 or 698. AUTOS WANTED 77 QASH PAID FOR FORDS--EIKER AUTO USED CARS -For Sale 79 BETTER USED CARS All Prices Reduced! Due to the great demand for the XEW WHIPPET, created by th tremendous Price Reductions WE MUST REDUCE OUR USED CAR STOCK to make way for uiore trade.. Be sure to see our stock before buying and save yourself considerable inouey. xi.l makes, a:. i. Tvrr.s, all riucF.a OUR GUARANTEE Any useil car tvat we so!! you ran be driven for seven das, and if not entirely satisfactory von may return it ani receive full credit on any other new or ned car Hint you may aelect. We cm use your car in trade. ALFRED BILLINQSLEY MOTOR COMPANY Whippet Willys Knight Distributors 3?t Center Telephone 1453 UED CARS WORTH WHILE We have some wonderful Bargains In nsed cars. As you know Dodge Broth ers have just announced the New Vie lory six and we have secured several closed cars at the right prices. W bav 1925 Dolce Sedan 19Jrt Dodge Sedan 192 7 Dodge Sedan 1929 I iodic- Sedan (i cylinder) 19-5 Jewett Sedan 1926 Master 6 Buick And tuaoy other cheaper ones. 0ONESTEELE. MOTOR COMPANY 7 So. Com'l St. USED CARS-For Sale 79 AN ESPECIALLY NICE STOCK OF LATE MODELS AT OUR NEW LOT 1928 LICENSE INCLUDED 1927 LITTLE CUSTOM JORDAN SEDANSAVE - -1927 SUPER HUDSON COACH H927 CHEVROLET TOURING 1927 TYPE PONTIAC LANDAU SEDAN - - . 1926 PONTIAC COUPE 1925 DODGE DE LUXE SEDAN - MANY OLD MODELS IN STOCK SEE THEMDRIVE THEM -HAVE THEM INSPECTED BY YOUR FAVORITE MFCHANIq KIRKWOOD 435 NO. COMMERCIAL Pettyjohns Automobile Better 1P28 Dodge Sport Roadster 1034 Buick Ooupe (4 passenger) 192 Nash "6" Enclosure 1026 Dodge Coupe 1926 Jewett Coach 196 Star Touring 1925 Dodge Enclosure Franklin Demi Sedan OTHER CARS OF VARIOUS MAKE3 AND MODELS, SOME AS LOW IN PRICK AS 3100. BEE US F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Commercial Streot. 'Aftor Wo McKAY'S FOR USED CARS "WITH AN O. K. THAI COUNTS" 1!23 Chev. Trg. '2 lieens $125 lil'J'J Ford Coupo. Balloons 150 1925 Ford Coupe. l ots of estraa........ "J- lf:'. Overland loupe ' ' 192 4 Ilodire Con ie - 75 1926 Chev. Trz 850 190.6 Chev. Conn 5 126 Chev. Sedan 500 19Jfl Chev. Landau Sedan 650 19''5 Dodte Sedan 675 19J6 Pontiac Coun 575 Lots of others from $25. up. WE DO NOT MISREPRESENT, 430 N. Commercial Phon 74S DOUGLAS McKAY . CHEVROLET CO. WHY BOTHER ABOUT COLD WEATHER We have Just traded for 1925 Dodge Sedan. Excellent condition. Sew Rub ber. Bring ia your old car. See Hunt BONESTEELE MOTOR COMPANY 474 8. Commercial. Telepaoe 4SI By Ed Whoelan USED CARS-For Sale 7 V 950.0C 415.0C 675.4X 525.0q 51S.0G MOTOR CO. PHONE 31 1! T Values BEFORE YOU BUT Telephone 1289 Sell W Serve' Packard Oldsniobild Two of the Best LookThese-Over Specia.s .928 Special: 46 Packard Sedan. I.Ik new $200' 826 Packard Coupe. Like new $160 233 Packard Sedan. Like new .$150J 1926 Oldsmouil Deluxe Sedan. Lik new $ 75 1924 Willys Knight Sedan Se This $ 52 1927 Ford Steel Pick Up A Snap..$ 82 li2 Chevrolet Sedan. New paint J $0 1U23 Maxwt.Il Coup. New paint $ 10 1924 Uardnnr 8port Touring $ 37 19.5 SUr Touring $ 28 1924 Chevrolet Touring 22 1926 Ford Roadster 3 Buick Touring. A Real Buy.... 20 iwo btudebaker Tourings. See Them ; $ IS Ford Roadster $ It Ford Coupe $ Oldsmobile Touring . $ - 6 Essex 4 Touring .. ..$ t W hsve a wonderful lia of ral good used cars. F.sch price cut dowa to th boh aa will sell fast at th above prices. Most of them ar newly painted. iney win giv tnair new ownori many thousands of pleasant miles. .' Just satisfy yoarlf, com ia aa look our stock over. Our stock changes often, It will as yon to com ia frequently if yo ar interested in a real buy la good used cars. CAPITAL MOTORS BIDDY BIHOP 350 N. HIGH 8T. ' GAS OIL OREASE AND BTORAGxH OPEN ALL KI0HT . 'Tis Rather Cold for aa opea car now. the we've -t dandy sport roadster with aver drivel Priced right too. 8 ITaat ;' Bonesteele Motor Co. 474 B. CommsroiaL Tokphoa 4a Buy Your Used Car Before the Spring Rush