1 1 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1923 v. 9r B IT 117 2) 1 1: 4 It f t 4-11 2i ; W 45 2 11 REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY FOR - o Realtori Tel. 1644 ANDERSON 16 .-t. Hi I". A RUPERT. BARBLK & Bldg. BOND tOO Gray Tl. T90 BECKE High. if ENDRICKS U N. Tel. 161 A. C. BOiIRSSTEDT Commercial. Tel. 57: II. E. BROWN Tel. 139 S. Com1!. 559 or 2053 LEO N. State St. CHILDS CO., Realtors " Tel. 1721 K. S. CLARKE Tel. S. Cons' 1. 559 or 2053 E. St. c coppock 31 State Tel. 561 FKED Church. (i. DELANO til S Tel. 2$30 1IOMKK D. I j First Nat. FOSTF.R KKALTl iO. Bank BIJ. Tel. 84 Ci ASK ILL iberty St. k EARLE I. Tel. 224. II. ORABENUORST iberty l. CO. Tel. 515 A1ELVIN JOHNSON Hank Bldg. Tel. 637 w. L'jm'l. U. KKLEUEK Tel LAUSLN Oregon Hidg. & RICE Tel 174 W A. LlSiOX Masonic liiilg. Tel. 1321 AKT11 L R NortU Capiu-1. MA Da E.N Tel. 2 SO 7 MELLIMiEk Ur'jun Bldg. -CO il I T U Tel. llTtj O. ' 'rcgju K. M1DDLETON Utd. Tel. 2S0 JOHN Bldg. W. ORB t- w U.izh Tel. 24 85 GERTRUDE J. Court. M. PAUK TeL 1188 PERR1NE Gray Bldg. MARSTERS Tel. 90; MUSKS Mortgages, 451 Court St. Loans, Tel. Insur 2819 .. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, v High St. Realtor Tel. 534 SALEM REALTY a St. Room 7. CO. Tel. 1004 J. St. E. SCOTT ILgli Tel. 1132 CHARLES - m Bldg. SPlHiLlN Tel. 1935 SOCOLOFSKY & SON I irt Nat. B.iiik Bidg Tel. 970 bgt'AKK LEAL HtALTV Nat 1 Bank Bids. Tel. 4 7 I'aVl ANU LE t .urt St. REALTY CO. Tel. 051 ULRICH & ommeriial. ROBERTS Tel. 1354 U. St S. REALTY CO. Tel MC0 L. WOOD HI S: t : St. Tel. 74 BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY . THE BE UTY BOX Comolete Beauty Service te St. Tel. 1985 Till . : N CAPITOL High. BEAUTY SHOPPE l or App. Tel. 366 ELITE 'ie Gray BEAUTY Beile. SHOPPE Tel. 4,'v.r 914 MARINKLLO BEAUTY BiRIwORS i'ermanent Wave Specialist . N High SL Tel. 1690 MILLER BEAUTY SHOP d snd graded before permanent. :sing Text o Meter machine TzTTTraY BE At.TE SHOPPE . First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. li' Ie THE MODEL BEAUTY : Commercial. i'AKMIK Tel. 95n I'll E MODERN MARIN ELLO !:isxnic Temple B!dg Tel. 379 NIFTY BOB SHOP Per.nanent 'A avinj. Hair Cutting and Marcelliug. St. Tel. 270 AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 12 Yrs. Salem's leadicg Auctioneer and Furniture Coaler. Res. A Store. lt10 N. Summer St. Phone 511 ii. F. Woodry & Son r .iii .town town Cash' uatd ."or uscJ "il l mture. Store 271 N. Coinin 1 1P; 75. Agent tor Lane Rnte. .L. A. L. STEVENSON AUCTIONEER t veara exuerleuce in the Willamette vhv for dates or arraugemea.s see F. A Doerfler, farm adviser. I irt Na ti.iria 1 Rank Salem. Phoue or wine A L. Stevenson, CorvaPis. Ore BATTERY - ELECTRICIAN 6 D BARTON EXILE -.-tarter and generator -nth High. BATTER! I S worl. , - J'. 6 C Wiima 3 Tel lrt8 HIGH AND CENTER JOE WILLIAMS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO HOUSE wirina by hour or contract Estimates f-;1rnihed Tel. 0 471 Court St. mcYaREPAi LLOYD 0 V S F RiUSllKN COLUMBIA Bl and repairing. 3i7 aurt CLEANERS AND DYERS 8a l 1 1 E R R Y Doane, CITY CLEANERS. C. ISO N. Liberty. Tel. 93 4. SALEM CLEANERS S Com' I. DYFRS Tel. lo'"'S 1 i SALESMEN 12 ..villi TWO HIGH CLASS EXPERl eiued Auto Salesmen to sell Whippets ai.d Willys Knights. Liberal commie s.oti. demonstrators purchased at dia .... 'i 'Oa Maintenance Alfred Bil ..,.. Motor Co.. 233 Center St., Sa j -lem, Ore. . CHIROPRACTORS 15 Oil O. L. SCOTT, 256 N. High 2104 J PSC. CHIROPRACTOR TeU 828 R. or Res. TrTh. 1 irst B. 8COFFI ELD, P. National Bank Bldg. S. C. 80S FLORISTS 16 f.AlWERS FOR Olsen's, Court ALL High OCCASIONS St. Tel. 801. CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS ' Funeral wreaths, decorations. C. Breithaupt, florist. Hi Stale Street, Tel. 380. INSURANCE 18 FARM LOANS PLESTT Or MOSET to loan on good fanes aetmrity. CITY LOANS We are loaaiag Pru dential Insursac company meaey on city residence and business property at Vi per cent, plus a commission Haw kins 4t Roberts, Ine, 205 Oregaa Building. Insure Tour Home or Cr ww. Phone 151 Eeilig Bldg., lag N. Higa 84. INSURANCE 18 SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mart (Ct. Trust Deed. Contract oa houses Will net 6 to 20 per cent BKKK HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 1(S X. 11 eh St. NURSING 22 HIGHLAND MATERNITY HOME FIRK proof building. New, clean, quiet. The best of care. 270i Maple. PL one 2332 M FOR RENT--Apartments23 ROOM rooaia APARTMENT. 59ti N 4tU. PLEASJ NT WELL Fl" RN I SH Kl APARTMENT. P1A no. first il.vr. 1311 Court St APARTMENT In V N ST A IR. S KtOMa private bath a:.d heat. 11.13 Court. COMPLETELY FL'KSIHIIE l room upartmeiit. ground floor, garnge. ?H4 Mill St. F1Y1 ith FCRN1SHF.D 2 ROOMS ND KITCHEN ette. water. I girt, and fuel. $22 50 Clone in. 555 Marlon. .MODERN THREE ROOM APARTMENT close in, garage; adult. Inquire 12' I'nion. Fl HNISHKD DOWN STAIRS FRlNT apartment. 1 toom and L .'a!ieii-tul 17 5". Water. Lgbt, and furl flose in. 55 Marion. ROOM APARTMENT. 1 BHD RtfO.M lower floor, private bath, with shower hot att-r heat, out M-ie entrance, gar age 24 N. Summer. ROOM KlRNlSHi:i. S. 1 4TH. FUR imi-e he.it. private b:it:. o:ii apartment in n:re pleasant private home-. F. O. DEI. ANU 2i0 N. Church. Teiepliona 2830 Why Worry with Fuel, Ice, Lawns? High claa residential district. New, strictly rmj.Jerii, quiet apart ment. ' . Frigulair. Electric Ranges. Radio Steam Heat, Buck faced Building. Ef fic;ent Service. Two rooms with hath, $30 to $33. Three ooms with bath. f40 to $45. Pullman furnished overstuffed. $30. Two room furnished oterstuffed, $35 to $40. Three rooms furnished overstuffed, $45 to $50. Ambassador 650 N. Summer. Phone 197J New Management FOR REfiT Rooms. 25 .A RG K rent. tM FORTABLE Tel. J3-,"l.l. ROOM v FOR .Vlt ELY hoard. FURNISHED ROOM 405 Marion St. WITH V LAKfTF. WARM ROOM TO RENT TO a buMne-s woman, uar Capitol. Tel. 2352. KOOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD at Alexandria. 10J0 Chenieketa Phone i:i9. t LARGE ROOMS AND RECEPTION hall, suitable or board and rooming, basement, f'irnare. "' fireplaces, ga.s, and large ouJ r.i;ie. J ets of p'uinliing. garage, large lot and il.a.le trees. The liome like place ".J fiti per ti outh. I.o cated 15951 State St. See Geiser' Ileal l -tte. 441 Court St. FOR RENT-Houses 27 VIOHERN HOME 678 S. COTTAGE. URNISH-rD 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, garage. Telephone 1003R. FOR RENT. DUPLEX HOUSE. 94' North Winter St. FCR RENT room furnishoii house 637 or 1933M. with garage. Tel. URNLSHED apartments, St. Phono house garage. 1 8 ij M. AND 1421 MODERN N. Chorob ROOM HOI SE FOR RENT. 971 N C ominerc.il. Inquire at Damons Gro eery store, 809 N. Commercial. FOR RENT I House 6 nwms. good. 6 blocks from business center. $20. Oil 5 Rooms, close in. light, water aitd phone fre l"oo. See I, FLAR A !.. FI.AR La. 1.1 a: Bush Bank Bldg. For Rent Mouses are vscant. Becke & Hendricks 19 N. High Street FOR "RENT-Farms 29 IRRIGATED FARM SEAJt WEST STAY tin for truck gardening, flax, pep permint arid potato growing. Fiaxland Development Co , 411 Masonic Temple, Salem. Oregon. BOARD AND ROOM 31 MODERN ROOMS BREAKFAST AND 522 J. dinner at 8'0 Chenieketa, phone THE FREDFRICKSUN- BOARD AND room, $40 or loom ?.'I5 Tor two m one. 645 Mjrion St. T-l 1 R. LAUNDRIES 32 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The LsunJry of Pure Materials' Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway THE NEW ALEM LAUNDRY' TIIC. W EIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 23. 263 S. High ?RY THE HOME WFrr WASH Street. LACN dry. Tel 171. 1356 B TAILORS 34 H and MOSHER -women. 47 TAILOR Court St. FOR MEN WANTED-Miscellaneous 35 FURSITURE PACKING FOB men'.s Giese- Powers Firnitue SHIP Co. WNTED PRIVATE MOSET FOB farm loans. We have several applica tions on hand. Haw kins 4 Roberts. Inc. ?0. Oregon Bldg MINUTE MOVIES ME FANS CHOICE FOR "tw SlrCOND MOST RDPULAK -W?1MTHEAIR (CJIOOK THE. SE. " SUOTQ 1 4 0JtrP? AND VOU WILL RE CALL "TWAT SENSATIONAL FOOTBALL FILM COE ON . CAP -TUESC GUYS - r-Aoa r j WANTED-Miswlianeous 35 WASTED GOOD WASHED OOTTOS Rag i not amaller than 1 yard to sac for wiping machinery. Highest price paid for good clean rags, apply st btatesraan office, see Sti.'ler. More Than a Tonic ' More Than a Natural Remedy! Pacific Healtfa6re This product supplies Nature with vital working and building materials provides tleinwli to ma ti lain the normal chemical balance to insure the natural harmony and proper fanrtiaaing ot glanda and or fitii and to maintain rich and healthy blood stream. t'sed as a mineral water pleasant to take oue package is sufficient for three months treatment. Sold under a positive .liOiiey-back guarsntee. M AT R ESSES 36 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THS Capital City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol Called for and delivered. All work gusrsntced. Tel. 19. FOR SALE 37 RUO SALE to 4ft discount H. 10' L. Stiff Co. 192? NASH SPORT. SEW JS2 license. l!55 N. W RUBBER. inter St. YOUNG POLAND CHINA BOAR. PHONE 105F1 1. TO TRADE $840 PIANO FOR GOOD automobile. See Burk at FiUgerald Sherwin Motor Co. ALMOST NEW PHONOGRAPHS $35 TO $Go. Imperial Furniture Co., Inc. PEDIGREED AIRDALE MALE PUPS 4 months old. a bargain if taken before Dec. 13th. H. F. Butterf.eld. Pacifie Hwy.. Wood! urn. Ore. Tel. H02. VETERINARIAN 39a FRED W. LAVGE. VETERINARIAN Office 529 S. Commercial. Tel. 1198. Res. Tel. 1666. WOOD SAWING 42 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1677. North Commercial. 1610 WOOD FOR SALE 43 GOOD DRY WOOD. 1'. Mayfield. PHONE 72 F2, FOR GOOD WOOD CALL C. D. OUERY, I'houe 12 7F21. GOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOU D. A. Lauiar. Tel. W30. lu IN. OLD 2 rick) Ti FIR $8 50 1. 2 I S3 PER CX)KI CALL TRACY'S wood. Phone FUEL 23 K YARD FOR GOOD 16 INCH Seisin, OLD FIR. $8.00 Rl. 1, Gervats. CORD. R. N 16 INCH OLD FIR AND ASH. C. U Harbaugli. 10J8 11 gtilanJ Ave. Phone 1990. CAi.L 783R FlR DRY guaraulee4 full cord, i iu. 1 Wood. FIR AND OAK. Beat wood ia GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES 1 1 I. L M A N FUfcL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. . C. 'SEE) A. ANI'FllSON FOR WOOD TO BURS SALEM TR.'NS. J. FUEL Ci. C.ENERAL TRANSFER WORK. TEL 523 OLD 2ND GROWTH $7.50; OLD growth $H Ot' , Best furnace wood aval able. Old growth seasoned $8 50. Phone 2470 M. BEST GRADE OP WOOL Dry wood 4 ft. and 10 inch. Largs loads are cheaper to buy. Mill wood is our specialty. Prompt delivery an J reao-iai.h price. n;m E. WELLS 23 S. Church Tel. 1512 POULTRY & EGGS 45 POULTRY WANTED NY or amount, top market, price. Salem r.ii!try Co St., Foot of tile JiiJgo. KIND. SIZE highest rash . 14 5 Center Piione '.40i. i.N( CBAToi: NEW. NEVER I'M HAT ed. 540-egg capacity. Combination oil and electric. Well-known make Regtilar price 7o, we will take $5o. aiid give ter.ns to responsible party. See Mr. Stufter at Statesman oftice. MUSIC STORES 46 GF.O. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapns. sewing maenines, stieet music and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs an.i sewing machines. 432 State street. Sa.em. KODAK FINISHING 46a FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERT 50c order Kodak work. Rawlmgs, roriiar.n. ore. Newspapers-Magazines 48 THE PORTLAND TEl.tTfTTT A M SALEM Agency. The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per mon'h delivered to your home early each morning. Tel. 23 or 583. FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS OR RENEWALS for Harper a Bazar. International Sin dio. Motor Boating or Town and Coun try. Tel. 23o9J. IF YOU WANT TO GET THL" BEST farm paper send five 2-cent stamps to the Pacific 1 1 Dine .tend, Salem, Oregon for a three months' trial subscription .Mention ibis ad POlLTRiMKN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for perial three months trial for the best and oldest Journal in the West. The articles sad adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of . the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 8. Com merrial St.. Salem, Oregon. PAPERHANGING 50 PHONE GLENS ADAMS FOR HOI gg decorating, paperbanging. tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PAINTING ,50a CHA8. BENNETT. PAISTJSO CON tractor, painting, papr 22S-? J 17 West Mil'er. paprr hanging. MURDER I XL TAKE -ruir OMi" i' syj-a, II li I AW SANyAN V)OHZy) ) THERIc'S MORE TViArv K ( vou said it.rosh ylv&Vv T t " AOVHV:UKKJ ( SVCAtooREl'J J JUST A FOOtALL. CJeME J J "fAT'S UiViy I'M C ItQr a a "-K ? rTl f Vrr?- -n ,A at stake To-dav. .ujyAiNjlcsotNfj To give I iroTT lml MCaP1 "fey TV f CTJ i (rr--v (sour TeamIa. . !Scy " MISCELLANEOUS 51 FOR call SALEM 167. BCAVENCEa SERVIOB OLD MIRRORS RE SILYEttED. PHONE 352, res. 1310-W. WE BOARD l-OQS AT OVB FARM. Flake's Pet'.and, 27S Bute. LAXOE RAStiE AIJkfOST SEW. WILL sell or trade for wood- TeL 2133. FURNITURE CPHOL8TER1SO AND RE pairing. Gieee Powers Furniture S;ore FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 rents a bundle. Statesman office, 215 South Commercial. WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT STUD, fealem's White King. Register number 585941. Service guaranteed. Puppies and grown stock for ssle. Mrs. Baa belt, 1030 Caeraeketa. Phone 1539. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST boosters because when we do your welding, tis done not you. Electric and acetylene welding, large and small. O. i- Oppea. 295 M11 St. Tel. T7i and 2086-J. .... j SlUVi.S ASU &10U KLrAI KINO STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. Alt kinds of woven wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hop baskets and hooks. hgan hocks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Are You, A1I There? Chemical analysis of the human body shows that it is composed of the follow iag elements: Oxygen, Carbon. H'dro- gen. Nitrogen, Calcium. Phosphorus. Potassium tjulphur. Sodium Chloride, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine, Fluorine, Sili con, Zinc, Manganese. You supply your body with these chemical elements through the food yoa eat. the air you breatue aod the Water ou drink. Good health depends much noon the hemislry of the body, as thus supplied and maintained. Many refined foods in -oiuiaon use today are tanking to aw alarming extent in these vital and health promoting properties, and this deficiency responsible for many chronic ailment. Pacific Health-Ore. ia run in the majority of these elements and its use has accomplished msrvelotia result in restoring health. Give Nature rhance you'll be surprised at her re sponse. BEE YOUR DRUGGIST TODAY LOST AND FOUND 53 LOST GREY COAT CONTAINING KEYS. 1818 N. Capitol. Reward. LOST A RED GARFIELD BICYCLE reward. Telephone 1111. Liberal PIANO TUNERS 54 EDWARD WLLP EXPERIENCED Piari tuner. Leave orders Wills Music Store. PERSONAL 55 W. T. RIGDOS'8 NEW BOOK IS SOW ready on tol-3 at any of the book stores. Th.s is an all Salem Book, written in Saieut, printed in Salem, and should be read by Salem people. PRINTING 56 FOR STATIONERY, CARDS, PAMPH lets, programs, boooks, or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 S. Commercial Tel. 5B3. MONEY TO LOAN 57 EDERAL FARM LOAN Wood. 341 State St. 5b . F. L. . II. BELL. 219 U. S. BASK BLDG. Residence and Biiaiaesa loan. TeL 607 or 2141 W Money to Loan on real or personal security. .1-olin Scott. 305 Oregon Bldg. II. $10,000 PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN OH balein Residential Property. SOCOLOFSKY A SOS. 805 First Nat l Bank. MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND ou c'ty property. B. S. Martin and L. K. Martin, attorneys, 413 Oregon Bu.Ming. ToL-2084. CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offer you ex pert ad'iae and service ia all line. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. :417. 205 Oregon Bldg. OCR INSTALLMENT LOANS MAKli IT EASY FOR YOU BECAUSE I lou steadily red ceo the principal with but little greater uiomhlv out lay than rent. 2 Yo.i don't have the total principal due in a lump sum which may be diificuil to meet. 8 Ou a loan of $1000 for J years your total interest is $210,801 4 You are doing business' with an old established firm. ANDERSON i RUT "CRT. Realtors 169 S. High Street. Tel. 1644 Correspondents, Equitable Savings and Loan Association WANTED LOANS 59 HAVE CLIENT WANTING PRIVATE loan. up to $2 5,000.00. DeUuo 290 N Church. Phone 2830. WANTED Private money to loan on REAL ESTATE. W. H . GRABENHORST CO. 134 S. Libetty St. PLUMBING 60 PLUMBING AND C EN ERA L REPAIR work. G ruber Bros.. 144 S. Liberty Tel. 550. BUSINESS OPPR, 61 MONEY FIRST DAY. HALF INTEREST iu barber shop, heart of city, doing fine business, fully equipped. Snap. F. O. DELANO 290 X. Church. Telephone 2830 GOLD MINE: WANT PAJtfTNERaS IX A rich porphyry dyke in Southern Ore gon. very little money needed to prove mine. Financing under the Syndicate plan. Write for particulars, H. ; A Maddock. 511 Merchants Trust Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES; Hardware stock at invoice, about $7001) and fixtures $1000. Batcher shop, all complete, with' ice plant, $3500. Orocery store and filling station. $2500. W. H. KRUECER Realtor 147 V Com'l. Phone 217 .- 62 Radiolas For every purpose, for every parse All standard sixes of Radio Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 335 Court St. Tel. 488. REAL ESTATE 63 2 C.OOD 1 RX)M HOUSES. GOOD La ration, J15O0 each, some terms. Salem Realty Co.. 432 State. WE HAVE A BUYER For a neat little horte of 4 or 5 rooms. Priced from. $100 to $2500. If you can sell your home ir this amount, see us at once. LEO N. CHII.D3 CO Z20 State Street. , Rea!tors Phone 1T2: IYR SALE 4 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE with furnace $-500.00. A Good closed car and cash for 5 room honse tip to $3000. Confectionery and lunch room for 9s!e 135 acre farm for ct'ty propertv., F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PirEt 341 State St. GOOD SOUTH' S.U.EM RESIDENCES No. r. Nearly new modern South Commercial St $5.2.v0.'.'O No. 2.. New; Nob Hill six rooms and- Nook $4,750.00 A C. BOilRNSTEDT Real to r-L Loan Insurance 147 No. Com 'I St.. Salem, Oregon. . Cheapest Lots S200 down. or 5 twej for a aionth. $37 Terms $10 Becke & HendricKs lSjN. High Street GREATFST TRPTN'O ORO.YN 1ZOTIOH OS THE PACIFIC COAST We have ofer 3000 properties listed for exchange.; Every kind of property every price, fevery location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If yoa would like to trade your property TO DAY, come in TODAY. See GASKILL A EARLE. Realtori J 66 S. Liberty. Tel. 2'243 TODAY'S BIGGEST BARGAIN 5 room Bungalow in choice - residen tial district, builtins, nook, large closets, fireplace, full basement, large garage. lot 50x128 ft.. Last frontage, paving t walks in and paid. Price $3700. part terms, or will take small acreage close to Salem as part. . SEE. LEO S. CHILDS CO., Realtor 20 State Street. Phone 1727 : J : & A CHALLENGE: TO ANYONE -TIAT can produce euuai litis new sir-rny irmm room modern bungalow for the price: wonderful view overlooking city to the north: hard wood floors through tut finest materials used; elegsntly fiuish ed : lot COvlOO corner: winter's wood and lots of other extras go with it; priced few days only $4,400.00. Rea sonable terms; Delauo 290 N. Church Phone 2830. ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAIN: Fin 4 room modern home with b'cak fast nook and large attic, a full retreat basement with furnace and laundry trays, fireplace, garage, oak floors, at tractive in every way. Owner will ac cept good lot as first payment and will give attractive terms on the balance. Price i i0. NOW VACANT. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. W. GRABENHORST k CO. 134 S Liberty St. GOOD HOMES $T0O0 for a bungalow. living room, oaa 1- floor. 2 lea rooms aim s. noreh. basement, furnace, garage. $300 down. 4',50 New and modern In every way liiirmslow 5 room anil nook, attic stairway' earage. paving, etc. $500 dow ii. 1T50 Almost new bungalow, 3 rooms. plastered, bath, garage, large lot $2 50 down $1500 to loan at 7. Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON f20 V. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 2; SPECIALS 4 room, modern, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, corner chinas In dinette, floor ed attic, steps in garage, reduced to $3650. best of terms. $7500 7 rooms, modern, large rooms. 2 lets nice lawn, garage; a home any one would Ue proud of. People are transferred and are offering this for $5000. Of course you realize there must be a good cash payment on this deal. BARBER 4 BOND 125 N Liberty. 200 Gray Bldg. Phone 790 A BROKEN LEO or sulden si. k spell may put you out from n rented house but if you have s co iv little home paid for or a good equitv the home will help you bridge over the hard place. We handle ren tals and will be glad to help you find the place you want hut let us help yoa find a permanent home. Here are a few: Six room home in North part of city, full basemeut, garage, wood shed, nice. lane cherry and apple trees. Price $3500.00 on terms to suit. A five room hotise on paved street with five different stages passing at brief Intervals during day. This house new and modern with furnace. Trice $::.20(.00 on terms. A five acre ranch with honse. large gar age. wood shed, fruit trees, one acre strawberries i and other small fruit Close in and; a bargain at $32'0.00. These are inlv samples: we have a splendid line of listings from which to Select. Call in. O. K. MIDDI.ETON Room 304. Oregon Bldg. Phone 2803 ARE YOU THRIFTY? NOT IF YOU RENT Here is tile sir vou can own yonr own home by paying a small sum o money down and the balance like rent. $1.50 cssh down. bal. monthly. Price $8i)0. or $335 cash down, balance at $10, and Interest per month. $100 DOWN. PRICE $1500 Can you imagine it that you could buy a new 5 room plastered bungalow v. ith electric lights, good plumbing, con Crete foundation, garage, wood shed, re nient walks; owner away must tell at a sacrifice price. His loss your gain Buy a home of your own and be thrifty -$550O STUCCO HOME FOR $4500 ti Rooms up to the minute. Fire plare. fnll basement, furnace, sta. wash trays, located on corner lot, east front one of the best locations in town, isi niejtate possession. -STOP LOOK LISTEN Opportunity knocks at y-our door Above uuys you can t pass up If you are Thrifty. Buy and own your own home. See LOUIS BECHTEL or J D. SE.. RS "4 1 State St. Ktsom 2 LOOalS UKt DiCTV tuORVi. FEUOtfC . : 9 M RADIO T REAL ESTA1 E 63 4 rrn. house, cor. lot S1700, paved street. N. & E. front cemer. $2150. 5 rm. house, paved street, chicka park, garage. $JluO, jou djwn. 3 rm house, paved sir. L. :rout. age, $20O0. easv payments. GERTRUDE J. M. PACE 484 Court Stree;. gar 5 rm. modern home, in tion at $5000 t- trade for highway close to Sa!em. 2 j a -re ot tl:j ui.el U edge of city, a ! n nivestm acreage oa unl a: f: an sere Creek thru it 175 A. t nili-r. m.. froni Si t-'ii, i'i.r anxious to iale deal i lJ ;t of fered CASH nil. make a bargain t. soiiieone. We are se"iu fjrms anj .rt m.r listing. Have several buyers :iw we are trying to 'o ate. WiN.ME I'ETT V JOH N. Xej :xir s High st. RF At. HOME BARGAINS 4 A. tract, g mil soil, g.od bl lgs , fruit and lerries. Sacr t ce $110". 40 A. farm near town, half in .n'.t.. 5 acres hearing f'ut. good bldg Est. 500 Cd. wood Snap $.17o.i lerms. Close la Conf ect.onery qoick said $70O. 100 A. farm, fir.e loam sai' In cult Good lo ration, $C0 per acre. T ins 20 A. choice rtver bottom 'ar-,1 town, modern hldgs. Sacrifice $ terms or take resi.le-i e for pait. Good 5 room plastered horn.-, lot, garage and barn, for cash $ PERRINE A MARSTERS near 50 o. srge 5(H) 212 Crrs B'dg This 14 acres with I mlj pg. r ,r.i ng wat-r. berri,- and fruit ood ciisnee to keep chif-kers. f, n iles t'r.on Sa'em. Pri $5oi'0. or will trade for ci'y property Is It ? dairy raiicn of 4" nc-. a ' stock ' ed and rquippe-l. st $7j0.i ,.u wjui.1 l.ke. or trade fori Thrift depends ou y j i Pay $101 down and $20 a mnth until the full amount of $14'Ji a pad atid ss'e rent. New 4 room l.;.nga!ow and garage on thee terms Week s come and go but you go on pay ing rent. Buy this 5 room Li.gi..ii Style home, n" and fjliy modern, for $3750. $.50 down and.ba'auce like rent. Own 100 acre farm I! niiies from Sslem. no improvements, for $4-1 an acre Your chance to buy a dandy North Salem 6 room dome. new and complete. $3675. Eay terms. Home and comfortable income. 10 rooms suitable for r. aiming and boarding. Rents for $50 a mouth to party who tu Diets. wwuer wants a farm or acreage near Saiein. See us about this. If you have anything to trade tU ua about it. ULRICH ROBERTS. REALTORS 129. S. Commercial Street. Phone 1354 REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 i0 ACRES IMPROVED G MILES EAST iu acreage. for close 225 seres 90 under plow, fu to trade for smaller 1 set ot" place. buildings. 10 A awes improved to train for city. Magnificent noma in (aitfortua to trade for tlregou stock A real bargain .u a bouse. See -GEISER REAL State ST. ranc h. 5 room ii'odern T-STATE. 44 li REAL ESTATE-Farms 67, BARGAIN -SELL 10 AIRES. PUR uished home Write or call. Isaac Keyes. Rt. 9. Box 47. Salem. DALRY RANCH 81 vatej, woven wire Excellent buildings dairying, hot and acres. 72 cnlti Icncing ia ten fields, designed strictly for cold water lu house. close to cream station and on rock road. $115 per acre, liberal terms or accept half trade, city or acreage Own er. 1148 Shipping St. Phone 1 477J. CHOICE S ACRE TRACT mile from city limits bus line. fiaved road, electric l glits A telephone ins in front of property. This tract can be cut up and is in an ideal to ration to build some houses. Price $4800. part terms. SEE LEO S. CHILLS CO.. Realtor. T2o State Street. Phone 1727 SPECIAL 20 acres Fast of Salem on Fnli'land Road, has good bldgs.. some stock and equipment. Price $0500. Will trade for home in Saletn. 4 room house close in North Salem Price S320O. Will trade for larger hotise ail J 2 or 3 lots out uear city limits North. SEE Thoma-ion with" LEO N. CHILDS CO.. R-altois .20 State Street. Photie 11 27 TAXIDERMIST 68 WORK GUARANTEED. E. F. WIGGINS, Taxidermist, 1145 Norway. Te! -JOl W. REAL ESTATE-Suburban 69 BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH TYPE SUBURBAN HOME with 1 acre of good lan-i. 5 large rooms built ins A nook, water system, el-ctric lights. woodshd A- garage. Price $3500, cash $1000. balance em.. SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 120 State Street. Phone 1727 TRANSFER & HAULInTTo CAPITAL C1T TRANSFER CO State St. Tel. t3;l. Distributing, warding and storage our specialty, our rates. 228 for Get WE MOVE STORE AND SHIP HOUSE j hold goods. Our specially is piano andi furniture mi 'ing We also make coun-' trjr trips. We handle the best coal andi wood. Call ou us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Laruier Transfer Co.. Tel. 930. WANTED-Real Estate 71 HAVE NUMBER OF ing residence lots. CLIENTS. WANT What have you f a sell them. F. O. X. Church. DELANO Telephone 290 2830 WANTED OOOD LOT : Aa first payment on attractive five room bungalow located on N. 20th St., near D. St.. has fireplace, paved street and in first class condition in every way. Priea $2750. Will take small payment or good lot as first payment, balance easy monthly payments. W. H. GRABENHORST CO.. Realtor 134 S. Liberty Street WATER 74 OREGON WASH. W TER SERVICE CO. Office 304 South C-omaierdjal St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cause unless water is shut off your nremiaes 1 oood eoy rush ) GOOD EOy RUSH r L TWATS GREAT -BuaV "04AT S GREAT - &ULLV SOU FOR y7U rw itsssM-jsja--- -sf USED CARS-For Sale 79 Kirk wood Motor Co. 3311 N. Commercial I ia;7 Hudson Super Coach $!"f 1 1J7 Por'i.;.- Sedan f.."0 1 1027 Essex 4 djor Sedan 545 i 1 !.': Chevrolet Touring 42. s 1 1927 Fcni lonriag 265 j 1 1926 I'oftisc Coupe , 5-5 J 1 1925 D.-d.-e Deluxe Sedsa . $15 . SEVERAL OTHES GOOD L.WTE $ S Save S S Telephone 311 Pettyjohns Automobile Better 192G Dodge 1926 Buick li- N,sh ' 192H Dodge Coupe lojti Jewett Coach 1926 Star 'Touring 1925 Dodge Enclosure Erauklln Derui Seilja OTHER CARS OF V A KlOUsi I N BET. US F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 8 ft 5 Nona Commercial Street. "After VT How Woi.it Yoa Like to Owe I! 926 Master Sax Bulckf Like r.pw- We lade. Terms. See Hunt Bonesteele Motor Co. 474 S. Commercial. Telaphotie 423 Packard Oldsmobiie Two of the Best LookTheseOver Specials 11928 Specials I 42G Packard Sedan Like new $2000 1326 Packard Coupe. Like new $11.00 233 Packard Sedan. Like new $1500 llajo Oldciuobile Deluxe Se.lau. Like I new $ -VI 1924 Willys-Knight Sedan See This $ 525 1927 Ford Steel Pick Up A Snap $ 325 It24 Chevrolet Sedan. New paint $ 300 1923 Maxwjl Coupe. New paint $ f 00 1924 Gardner Sport Touriug . . $ 275 19.5 Star Touring $ 225 1924 Chevrolet 'Touring $ 225 19-'6 Ford Roadsier $ 225 Buick Touring. A Real Biiy $ 200 Two St'idebaker 'Tourings; See Them i $ 150 F'ord Roadster -j $ 125 F'ord Coupe f Oidsiuobile Touriug , . ..$ 6 Essex 4 'Touring .-. j $ 50 We bae a wonderful line of real g.K)d used cars. Flacli- price cut down te the bona and will sell fast at the above prices. Most of them are newly painted. They will give their new owners many thousands of p'easant miles. Just satisfy yourself, come in and look our stock over. Our stock changes often. It will pay you ta come in frequently '.if yon are Interested in a real buy in! good used cars. CAPITAL MOTORS BIDDY BISHOP ! 350 N HIGH ST. i GAS Oil- G RE ISE--AND STORAGE Ol'E.N ALL .NIGHT Tis Rather Co3d for an opn car nrw. lho we've dandy sport roadster with - aver Priced right loo. See Hunt got a drive Bonesteele Motor Co. 474 S. Commercial. Telephone 423 TRAVEI 76 A FINE NEW WAITINC- ROOM IN THE NEW HOTEL SENATOR Frequent Schedules Thirty Ride Books at Rudilced Rates A Swift and Reliable Package Service Courteous Attention From All Employees These Are a Few of the Offerings Made the Public i By PARKER STAGES; INC. Stage Leaving Times: Dallas : 7 a. m , 9 10 a. ro . 1 1 25 a. m., 2:10 p. ra . 5 :15 p ni. Independence k Monmouth: 7 a. m., H: li a. ra.. 11:15 a. cn . 3 p. m.. 5:15 p. in.. 8 .30 p. m. ( Sunday! only. ) Sllvartoo: 7 a. m.. 11 a m., 5 p. m. Falls City. McMinnville, N'ewherg. Hilis- boro. Forest Grove. Sheridan. Tilla mook: 910 a. in.. 2.10; p. .m., 5:1 p. m. F'or Information Call 222 or G9S. AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID TOR FORDS E1KER AUTO By Ed Wheelan WALVDEATZeT WATCH FOR THE SCENES FROM COLD WERE uidM "THE QAME VtX FIELD tStOAL.:: j , II", USED CARS-For Saleffi Sa I MODELS AT VERY LOW PRICES. Vaiues Spnrl Csiupe Roadster ( 4 passenger) ti" I n losur e MAKES AND MODELS. PRICK AS $100. SOME AS LOW BEFORE VOL BCI Telephone 13u0 Sa.l YV Mw. USUD CARS WORTH WHILE We have some wonderful Bargains la used cars. As yon know Dodge Broth ers have just announced the New A'io tory S'i and we have secured several closed cars at the right price. W har 1925 i y-jrt 111 2 7 lH-'8 1125 Dodge Dodge Doil ge Dodge J eit Sedan Sedau S'dau Sedan Sedan 14 eyltaater) )k2a Mastar r Hoick And uianv, other cheaper ones. BONIiSTJ3ELI3 MOTOR COMPANY 41 So. I'u.n'l Mt, START TUB NEW YEAR RflQHT With one of our goo4 used cars. Choice selection consisting of: 19?7 Cadillac Sedan Marmnn Big Six Coup Marrann Light Sedan Willys Knight Sedan Willys Knight Touiiaga Chandler Tourings I Chevrolet Tourings Chevrolet Coupe Dodge Roadslara , F'ord Coupes Some of these ears are almost new. others are reconditioned All are real bargain aa we wish te ilea ap for the new vear. r. n. Mcdonald t'oitage anj lerry. Pnone Salern, Oregoa 40$ WHY BOTHER ABOUT. COLD WEATHER I We have Just traded for 1925 Hod; Sedan. Eace'leni condition. New Rub ber. Bring in ojr old car. See Huai BONESTEELE MOTOft COMPANY I 474 S. Commercial. Telephone 42t Buy Your Used Can Before the Spring Rush 1926 Coupe with $100 worth of estras $38$ 192ft Rdster, natural wood wheels. -new paint $3f5 1926 Tour. Closure. RuekstelL new I paint rtn 1925 Tudor Sedan $35( 1923 Coupe new paint ... $sai 1924 Buick Rdster . $i Many Others All Wita 1923 LiceussX Va,!e Motor Co. j Salem. Oregoa Salem Markets OKAJOI So. I. wheat, white Row wheat, sacked Oats, per bo. mllliag ,.$i.t . $i.u $ .$ 4 W7RM Am mr t 7 Top hog ........ 8aw Tep iteera Cews Spring !aiabe, sire seed Dressed veal ... oaa.oT 1 01 ( Drexaed bogs POtn.TBT Llgit heat Heavy aea . Springs Broilers BOOS, BTJTTYaV. Standard Buttarfat ; Prist Batter BOTTBatPaVr TE0ETAB1X8 " Beets, sacked Kew eabbsge Potato $l.O0Ql.83l.5fl ',- togi.af .... .01 slery, bnache f f i t