The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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Tonight 's Fight Card Greatest of all Time Offered Salem Fans
Matin event 10 rounds "hack
Hellnuui v. Phil Bayes
Seml-windup 6 round Ter
ry Kileen vs. Battling Y oak
ley. Special 4 rounds Bddle Gra
ham vs. Eddie Moore.
Special 4 rounds LeRoy
Watson v. Frankle Monroe.
Opener 4 rounds Foity
Hickman ts. Wayne Slusser.
It's all arranged:
The time 8:30 p. m.
The place Salem Armory.
The Important event Chuck
Hellman versus Phil Bayes, with
a strong supporting card.
The popular bantam arrives in
Salem this afternoon. He weighs
in at 2 o'clock in the armory. He
is likely to scale about 122
Phil Bayes, his opponent,
weighs in a moment afterward. He
must make 126 pounds or forfeit
$100 to Bobby Evans, Hellman's
The two men will meet in the
ring tonight. It will be a great
fight, the winner to meet WJllie
Gordon on a future Salem card.
Hellman is the greatest boxer
ever to appear in Salem. His
progress is being watched all over
the country. In his campaign
against featherweights. Hellman
deliberately plans to build up a
reputation which will further his
bantam title chances. He will be
out to win.
Won twice from Doc Snell.
Won from California Joe
'Won technical-knockout over
Bud Ridley.
Dropped Dixie La Hood thrice
and won that fight.
Won a diamond studded belt by
defeating Young Nationalists for
the coast title.
Gained technical-knockout over
Anaell Bell, bantam champion of
Fought a furious draw with
Bud Taylor, recognized as bantam
Knocked-out Sailor Maybe'rry.
Took a decision from Georgia
Whipped Iy Swartt, recog
nized as flyweight champion.
Punished Johnny McCoy, Cali
fornia flyweight champ, severely
to gain decision.
This Hellman is one tough
fighter, aa his recoTd shows. He
Is victor over champions a real
coming contender for title honors.
Bayes Is In splendid condition
to take on Hellman. He Is deter
mined to make it a fight. Hell-,
man will find no set-up in Bayes.
Tom Loutltt, Portland referee.
Why Risk
the Dangers
that result from
A Bad Cold
It is easier and safer to
stop that cough now with
185 N. Com'l St.
Phone 107
The Penslar -Agency
10 Round Main Event
"Chuck" Hellman
Portland's Slugging Bantam
"Phil" Bayes -
126 Lbs of Salem
BSSSM C555sjissV 1553
- 8:30 Sharp
telephoned Plant that he would be
down to officiate, good weather or
bad. Loutltt will get a big hand
when he enters the ring. He is
popular here.
Plant has lined up a strong sup
porting card. The semi-windup
scrap between Terry Kileen, 17
year old Independence welter
weight, and Battling Toakley, a
rugged fighter. Is attracting inter
CHEMAWA. Ore., Jan. 17-
(S p e c i al) Wednesday evening
the Chemawa basketball team em
barks upon its hardest week-end
of the season. The Redskins play
three games.
On Wednesday the Indians play
the Salem Black Cats. Thursday
the Columbia Cliff Dwellers, and
on Friday Linfield college.
The Black Cat and Columbia
games will be played on the home
floor, the Linfield game at Lin
field. Coach R. G. Downie encoun
tered at the start or the season
some difficulty in finding two
men to complete his machine, but
finally found a combination that
works effectively on both offense
and defense, and as a result, won
the last four games by good mar
gins, and against teams that took
their measure early in the sea
son. Every man on the squad was
given his share at working with
the regulars on Monday evening,
and it appears that a large num
ber will be used in these games.
However the regular five will
start the games, and as many re
placements will be used.
Peter Rassmussen, center; Eld
red George and Jesse Prettyman
forwards; Rob Peatrovich and
George Meachem as guards; are
the five men who have been car
rying the brunt of the attacks so
James Spencer, a big man who
stands over 6 feet tall makes a
good utility man and works well
in any position. Cliff Meachem.
who plays either guard or forward
is another dependable man.
In addition to the boys' games
the Chemawa girls team, which
is fast rounding into shape after
losing to Scio high school by a 19
to' 20 score last week, will play
Scio, a return game on Wednesday
and will accompany the boys to
McMinnville where they will play
the Linfield college girls team in
the first of a two game series.
S. H. S. 2 GAMES
Eugene, Jan. 17. (Special)
Two basketball games have been
added to the Oregon freshman
schedule, making 11 in all re
maining. They will be with Sa
lem high school, one to be a pre
liminary to the Oregon-Willamette
tilt fn Salem January 31, and
one here February 16. Complete
Jai. 19 Ashland high
at Ashland.
Jan. 20 Medford high
at Medford.
Jan. 21 Klamath Falls K
Klamath Falls.
Feb. 4 O. S. C. Rooks
Feb. 11 O. S. C. Rooks
Feb. 16 Salem high
Feb. 17 O. S. C. Rooks
Feb. 18 O. S. C. Rooks i
Feb. 25 Washington frd
at Seattle.
17 (AP) Again the m
plunged downward early
finally coming to a stop at
above sero at 4 a. m.
throughout the Klamath
were covered from shore to
with Ice. Upper Klamath
the largest body of fresh
west of the Rocky mountain
hidden underneath a cloak i
Barrage of Challenges
Fired at Ring Champions
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. (AP).
Champions of the heavyweight
lightweight and bantamweight di
visions ran Into a barrage of chal
lenges today at the bi-weekly meet
ing of the New York state athletic
Right on the heels of an unsatis
factory ehowing against Tom Hee
ney, Australian champion. Jack
Sharkey posted $2500 with the
commission in support of a chal
lenge of Gene Tunney's heavy
weight diadem. The boxing fath
ers decided today Gene still has
months to spare before answering
an opening gong, in view of the
champion's title defense against
Jack Dempsey in Chicago last Sep
tember. Six months' rest is allow
ed a titleholder between cham
pionship matches.
Two challengers for Sammy
Mandell's lightweight honors de
veloped today when Bruce
Monmouth, Jan. 17. (Special)
Boxing and wrestling fang en
joyed a lively smoker staged at
the Monmouth normal school last
week end by the men's club, the
leading athletic organization on
the campus. In the bouts 'staged
some top notch amateur mat ma
terial was discovered among the
men enrolled this term.
Leading the program was a
bout between Rees. former wrest
ler at O. A. C, and Mauling Mur
phy, an old timer in club wrest
ing. Horn threw Lefever in the
first event of the evening. Smith
and "Curly" Lehman followed
with a speedy no decision exhibi
tion. In the third bout Alley,
with more experience in the art.
downed "Slim" Nelson. In the
ast wrestling bout "Spud" Roland
threw Bunny Van . Loan for a
:ouple of fast falls.
Three boxing events were
staged. In the first match "Tiny"
Ayres, with lots of power and
weight, scored against Red Thom
is in a lively mixup. Battling
Hyte. showed promise of a real
oxer in the way he put out Den
lett. Friesen and "Skip" Lehman
closed the amateur program with
l no decision battle with the
A special feature of the evening
was a boxing exhibition given by
Danny Moore and Wildcat Wat
renberger of Independence. This
?vent was received with great en-
Bill Crow announced all bouts,
"Chappy" King refereed the box-
ng events and Chestnut handled
the wrestling matches. Much
credit for the success of the eve
ning was due to the efforts of
Oscar Christensen, faculty mem
ber of the men's club and a leader
in all athletics on the campus.
In New York, betting on boxing
has made legal. But it's still dog-
50n foolish.
Flowers, YonkerV negro, added
hit defy to that of Sid Terrls, the
latter on rue here tor many
months. In view of Mandell's
aversion to risking his title in
New York, the commission sug
gested that Flowers fight Terrls
for the "logical contendershlp."
Cleaning up "loose enda" here
and there, the board formally re
instated Jack Sharkey as a result
of his draw bout with Heeney. The
Boston sailor was indefinitely sus
pended when an injured left hand
prevented his meeting Heeney last
month. Indefinite suspension was
meted out to Dave Shade. Califor
nia middleweight for reporting
sick to the Genesee valley club of
Rochester, N. Y., where he was to
have fought Dick Evans of
Youngstown, Ohio, last night. Per
mission was given the club to sub
stitute Maxey Rowenbloom of New
York for Shade againet Evans Fri
day night.
Coach Lestle Sparks will take
his W. U. '31 Bearkittens to Port
land this afternoon to meet Ben
son Polytechnic. This evening.
they will vie with West Linn high
at West Linn.
Coach Sparks will take about
ten men on the trip. The starting
line-up will find Waddell at cen
ter, De Harpport and Troxel at
forward. He did not announce
who would start at guard. There
are several likely candidates for
those berths.
The Giants' statement tliat
Hornsby was traded to Boston for
two unknown youngsters "for the
good of the team" makes us won
der what team.
The Yanks ought to follow suit
and trade Babe Ruth for the good
of neighborhood windowpanes.
With Gehrig thrown into the
bargain, Huggins ought to get a
pretty fair high school pitcher for
the Bam.
Boston Braves fans were
speechless when they heard the
news. It was the first time they
ever owned a ball player.
McGraw hurried to Cuba right
after the swap. Maybe he's going
to trade the Polo grounds for a
stein of real beer.
Now that Boston has Hornsby,
the team has only eight more pos
itions open.
Speaking of swaps, the Indians
gypped the Whites when they
traded Manhattan Island for a
pint of real whiskey. You can
find islands anywhere.
iii L J.
Two basketball games, neither
of which is expected to be tough,
face the Willamette Bearcats this
Next Friday, Coach Keene's
men motor id. Forest Grove where
they open their conference play
against the ; Pacific. Whitman
college walloped the Badgers. 57
to 27. last night, and Willanfette
is conceded an easy victory.
Columbia university will vie
with the Bearcats in the local
gymnasium Saturday -evening.
Wliile the Cliffdweilers defeated
Gonzaga the bight after Willam
ette gave the Bulldogs a drub
bing, it was only by a six-point
margin, and Keene's men are ex
pected to find little difficulty
there either. ;
The playing of Cardinal, Regin
ald Depoe, and Hauk have been
bright spots in the Willamette
line-up and Keene will probably
use these three men regularly.
Ledbetter at guard also is play
ing well. Litchfield and Ashby
are not quite up to last year's
form. Litchfield is good one night
and decidedly; poor the next. At
Oregon, in the; first tilt, he played
a fine floor game, but has failed
to show much in others.
Speed is what Coach Keene
wants. A fast break from the
tip-off will be the team's scoring
strategy and !wil require snappy
' The Pacific Badgers seem likely
to lan don the lower rung on the
conference ladder this year. They
have been defeated already by
Linfield and Whitman.
FOREST GROVE. Ore., Jan. 17
-(AP). Whitman college scored
i victory over, Pacific university
here tonight in a northwest con
ference basketball game, by a
score of 57 to 27. The outcome
of the game was never in doubt
after the first half when Whitman
overcame a slight Pacific lead.
Captain Buck. Whitman, was
high man with 18 points. Walker
led the Pacific scoring with 11
Corvallis, Jan. 17. (Special.)
Oregon State rook basketeers will
travel iO Portland this week end
where they will meet Franklin
high on Thursday, Benson on 1
day. and V?&in?jBktntAaigi rfilatiliave Dlaved 16
uaj. i no nxuh -&jrre wonTnrpa
out ofwot'gwtjUyed so'far
lin-2 to) 12:0 AlhWn'r 'rAllciro i q
ta 5Jfca4JWshington, 24 to 19.
oeHBun iuub. : xne Doys aown a
notch by the Score of 19 tot 20.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 10 a. m.
Moving Pictures --Lunch at Noon
This; will be both
210 State St
Early Lead Gives Salem
Victory Over Eugene 30-19
An early 13 point lead, run upn
largely through the scoring efforts
of Robert Kelly, playing at for
ward, enabled Salem high school
to defeat Its ancient rival, Eugene
high, at basketball last night 30
to 19.
Four times. Kelly circles his de
fense on alley dribbles in early
minutes of play to stretch the net.
An additional two baskets by Ly
ons and free throw contributions
from Kafoury and Ecker gave Sa
lm 14 points before Eugene
could collect more than one point
that on a free throw by Jeff
ries, Eugene substitute at guard.
Shortly after the second quar
ter opened, Eugene started a rally
which cut down the Red and
Black lead at half time to eight
Coach French's state champion
ship team played Salem practically
on even terms for the remainder
of the game, scoring 11 points to
Salem's 14.
The Eugene outfit had none of
the dash and spirit which char
acterized it last year. Playing a
modified Percentage style, with
out a capable pivot man, and pass
ing erratically when an opening
presented itself, the visitors re
lied largely on shots from the open
floor "beyond Salem's defense line.
Bessonette, forward, had a keen
basket eye and roped in some
pretty ones.
Corvallis, Jan. 17. (Special.)
University of Idaho will furnish
the competition for the Orange
men in the opening conference
game of the season here Friday
night. Idaho is considered as
having one of the strongest teams
in the conference this year
Comparative strength of the
Vandals and Beavers may be had
by taking a glance at the scores
made by both teams against Whit
man. Idaho defeated Whitman by
the score of 27 to 24 while the
Orangemen turned the trick 3 4 to
27. These scores would indicate
that the Beavers had the edge on
the Vandals by four points, but
four points is a slim margin to go
on in doping out a basketball win
ner. Anyw'aya-reit; game is
looked forward tflrbhe fans.
cocoerwace iaano ana
QS each winning eight, so the
game on Friday will break the
tie. Six of the 16 games played
were decided by a one point mar
gin. One game was decided by 2
points, another by 3, and another
by 4. The most decisive victory
instructive and entertaining to everyone
in power fanning. Come early
and spend the day with us.
Salem, Oregon
It was a ragged, uninteresting
Tame throughout. Salem showed
even poorer form than In the
Washington game. Little or no
teamwork was displayed. The
starting combination which found
Shafer and Bob Kelly at forwards
looked good at the beginning, but
Coach Anderson soon sent in
Charles Kelly for Shafer. and still
later in the game, placed Bob
Kelly back at guard, took out
Kafoury. and sent in Siegmund
and Perrine. None of the suc
ceedinr combinations looked as
?ood as the first.
The playing of young Siegmund
at forward when he went in dur-
tng the second half made a bright
spot In the game. Siegmund
found the hoon for four baskets
and two free throws. Three min
utes before the game ended, he
fell heavily, opened an old scalp
wound and was forced to retire.
The summary:
Salem (SO). Eugene (19)
Shafer F (13) Near
R. Kelly (9) ...F. (7) Bessonette
Lyons (8) -C. (3) Britcher
Ecker (2) O. .. (3) Teague
Kafoury (1) . . G Wright
Siegmund (10) S (3) Jeffries
C. Kelly S Osborn
Perrine ....... S McDonald
S Hargraves
S White
Referee Mason.
was won by the Beavers In 1916
by the score of 35 to 14. Last
year Idaho took both games
played by the scores of 29 to 28
and 24 to 17.
MONMOUTH, Ore., Jan. 17.
(Special) Parrish Junior high
school defeated Monmouth high
school here tonight. 22 to 17, in
a fast, snappy basketball tilt. Pet
tit and Burgess scored six points
each. Kitchen, one of Parrish's
best players, was on the bench
with an injured hand.
Parrish meets St. Paul high
school at St. Paul tonight, and
Friday evening will tangle with
St. Marys school of Eugene in the
Parrish gymnasium. Loren Kitch
en, star forward, is expected to be
able to play Friday, Coach Frank
Brown said last night.
Nfcw YORK. Jan. 17. (AP)
Tex Rickard's plans for devel
oping a suitable opponent for Gene
Tunney underwent another shuf
fle tonight when the promoter
outlined a program matching Tom
Heeney and Jack Delaney for
New First National
Rank Rnilriin?
De Lux Shining Parlor
Expert for Ladle and fientlemen.
second rliooa
Coffey's Photo SereJeo
Tel. 708. Orer the Bp.
Morris Optical Co. SOl-30? :
Dr. Hear k. Morns, upiometmi
Telephone 239
C. F. Gillette) Suito S10 1 1
Lawyer Telephone 1054
Bocoloffkr Son. Tel. 970 I
Heal iitate, ioans, lnanraoca
Dr. David B. Hill, Orthodontia
( Straightening of irregular teeth'
Suite COS. Hour to j
Erery day except Thursday
Drs. O'Neill A Burdette. .iptonirir;
Phone 625 401 40 .: 1 j 4
Geo. R. Vehra 11. 1., I'hysi tan S aurK'
Suite 603. Tel. i.378 2ST) K.-. 7
Kobin D. Day and Donal l V. . il . -t ,
Auornot at La
Telephone 13. illCIl
Dr. C. Ward Davis, (;.. Iut..;
Tel. 810. Evecing h i;iM!utm,t:
Rooiu HWi
Dr. II . B. ScofieM
Chiropractor, Xeurocalomi -r St
Dr. H. il. Brow n, Eje, t r. No..- :
Throaf Specialist. Suit- '.' i
Dr. W. A. Johnson, Deu'.t
Telephone 1285 1
Local Rates
For Classified
- Daily or Sun.,
One time 2 cents per
Three time 6 rent per i
Six time.. H r :iti per m
1 mo. daily and Sun. .20 cnu per i
In order t earn the mr tliau i
time rate, adtertiaing mui! r in iu u
terutire issnea.
No Ad taken for less thin "'
Ad run t?uuda UNLV i-nntt..
one time rate.
Advertisements (tcfi: Vnm-....,
and B:tuatKns Wanted) to '..
over the telephone if tu aJm:,-'
is a tubscriber to phone.
The Statesman will f. o a : -
titementa at any time of (' iv '
nifht. To insure proper ota.f.'.-: i
Ada ahoald be in before 7 p. at.
The Oregon Statesman
Publiahed every morning- iv: j : ' i
dajr, at 8alem, the cap::! .' '.!..
wu oaaft be kept ire. from t.ji ig
f jueationable nature. M ;r-
tatioaa will not bo tolerated. iu'v:u-
tlo showing any question Me m tl
oa the part of the advertiser i-io-J
bo reported to thia nee .paper or .i
Salem Ad elsb.
Meets STery Weduesdny
7:SO o'clock; third floor .if 1
Temple, corner of o urt auJ
t .
March 1 and Johnny llk . : 1
Jack Sharkey for Mar h 1:'.
These matches are tntativ. ' -t
Rickard stated definttp arm::
meets would be nial lt'fii'- ' -departed
for Miami tiu v
night for a conferen with J
Read the Classify'
Drugs Excite
the Kidneys,
Drink Water
Tak 8alts at First Sign of
Bladdar Irritation or
The American men and wotnn
must guard constantly against kidney
trouDie because we often cat too murtt
rich food. Our blood is filled wiih
acids which the kidneys strive to filter
out; they weaken from overwork, be
come sluggish, the eliminative tisfuf
clog and the result is kidney trouble,
bladder weakness and a general de
cline in health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
of lead; your back hurts or the urine
is cloudy, full of sediment, or you are
obliged to seek relief two or three
times during the night; if you suficr
with sick headache, or dizzy, ncTTom
spells, acid stomach, or if you h
rheumatism when the weather is bad,
begin drinking lots of good soft water
and get from your pharmacist about
four ounces of Jad Salts. Take a
tablespoonful in a glass of water be
fore breakfast for few days and
your kidneys may then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice, com
bined with lithia, and has been used
for years to help flush and stimulate
clogged : kidneys, to neutralize the
acids in the system so they no longer;
are a source of irritation, thus often
relieving bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in-
Jure, makes a delightful effervescent
ithia-water drink and belongs in every
home, because nobody can make a
mistake by having . a good kidney
fiushing acy time. ,