THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM; OREGON. WEDNESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 18. 1928 When It is Something New or a Special Item in irna We offer you Coty for a limited Coty Compact power with refill One Extra Coty Compact refill Owl Agency LOCAL Ha worth to Address Rev. Charlfs C. Haworth, pae t'r of the South Salem Friends uirch, will be the speaker at the U-itary club at noon today. Ills subject will be "International ivace."' Walk'-r Bros. Crystal Gardens Wednesday, IVrt-olateri Coffee Always c Black Cat Restaurant. There's :te better. Visit to Portland Mr. and Mrs. James Daly were r-vent visitors in Portland, where f-;oy were registered at the Coll ar hotel. Bargains in Winter Coats " K urn mage Sale. 14So. High. A ' Im Carte Service In Dining Room. Marion Hotel. Koniicke Released August Romieke. arrested re f ntly on a charge of driving while intoxicated, was yesterday releas h,i on $500 bond pending further developments in the case. Try Nifty Bob Shop for Kujfene i PtTin. wave or marcel Tel. 2.0. Furniture Upholsterer - And repairing. Giese-Powera Furniture Co. " Bank Sues on Note The State Bank of Huobard yes t i day began action in circuit curt against Hardy E. DimicJc. for $iS5 alleged to be due on a note. Ij'erest, costs, and $75 attorney's f -es is also asked. Rummage Sale 9:00 o'Clock . . Thursday and Friday. 148 So. HUh. White Mountain Honey Is the best. Phone Mead at F5. The Jury in the case of George ( Wills vs. J. II . Shafer returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff in the sum of $373 in circuit court h -re yesterday. ltM Calendars Free, Homer H. Smith Ins. Ageucy. over Millers. Start the Day Right With a refreshing up ot per olated coffee. Always 5c. at the Black Cat restaurant. Stockman Relea-ed Ernest Stockman, who was ar rested the day before for investi gation, was released from the city jail Tuesday. 7 150 Beautiful I-ot . Perfect view loads of trees. .';w $3100. Fairmount Hill on I.effelle between Fairmount and Jo'ar.6. Becke & Hendricks, 183 N. High street. I.atin Program Tonight The Latin club of Salem high school is offering its annual en tHrtainment at 7:30 p. m. Wed nesday, January 18 In the high school auditorium. An excellent program of music and plays has been arranged, and reminiscences of Rome will be given by Miss FOR SALE 21 acres two miles from Sa lem, all fenced and level; old house, good, big barn. Price $3 800. with small payment down and easy terms on bal ance. 8-Room house and two lots, good location. $200 cash and balance $25 per month at 6 Interest. 27 Acres five miles from Sa lem; fruit, running water, 12 acres in cultivation, nearly two acres in peaches. Price $2000, halt cash. 600 To Loan We have $600 private money to loan at once on good real estate security In Salem. 442 State St. Tel. 2 6 SO tt'Iftqit!Bfii3fift You will find it at The Capital Drug Store The two at special price 98c CAPITAL DRUG STORE J. H. WILLETT NEWS BRIEFS Heist who has just recently re - turned from that city. The pub - lie is cordially invited to attend; this program. A small admission; fee will be charged. Coffee 5c per Cup Made fresh every half hour the'ond usher; Elma White, first di percolated way at the Black Cat. j rectress; Elizabeth Atkinson, sec- Would Yon Give a t.lft Of something entirely different? i Visit the gift room at Pomeroy &j Keene's. Bicycle Ugh! less IMllio Skewis. 1697 Center street, was fined $1 in police court' Tuesday for riding a night without lights. bicycle at Gond'fi or 7 Per Cent Investments. See Lafiar, Ladd! & Bush Bank Building. For Sulwwriptions or Renewal For Harper's Bazar. Interna- j tional Studio, Motor Boating or i Town and Country, Tel. 2369J. Held For Investigation James Purcell and James Lar-( . . . ,, son were arrested ov uie nonce1" a t.-.r !,.. otira.l tion. Auction Wed. Night 7:00 p. m. Lady's wrist watch, jewelry, electric sewing machine, furniture, rugs, etc. F. N. Woodry's auction market, 1610 North Summer. Will Build House J. F. Callahan took out a build ing permit Tuesday for construc tion of a dwelling costing $200. at 1175 Rural avenue. Fir Street Fairmount Lot Trees view -A. 45x150 for $1250 cash. 5S other Fairmount Hill lots from $800 to $5500. Becke & Hendricks, 139 N. High street. Speeder Draws Fine E. J. Coffey, who was declared by the arresting officer to have been driving 45 miles an hour on South street Monday, was fined $7.50 in municipal court Tuesday. A Number of Installment Bonds at a sacrifice for quick sale or would trade for lot or car. See Lafiar, Ladd & Bush Bank Building. Company Given Verdict A verdict in favor of the plain tiff was returned yesterday by the jury in the case of Ames Hard ware companys vs. Richard Arsel ainan. The company was awarded the sum of $204.26. Why Get the Wife Out Of bed these cold mornings? Special 30c breakfast with perco lated coffee always 5o at the Black Cat restaurant. Tire and Rim Stolei H. G. Malson, commander of Capital Post No. 9, American Le gion, reported to the police Tues day morning that a tire and rim had been stolen from his auto mobile. 4 Center Street Corners. Two for sale two for lease. Look ahead 5 years and in vestigate now". Becke & Hen dricks, 189 N. High street. Stolen Car Quickly Found L. A. Wheelright reported to the police Tuesday forenoon that his Dodge automobile had been stol en from Church street opposite the postoffice. In less than two hotir3 after the report was made, the car was recovered. Mr. Wheelright's address is 1855 Center street. $500 Down Brand Xew Home Five rooms and large attic, every modern feature including re frigeration eystem complete with paving paid off large lot. Price now $5500.00. Finished to aolt at 955 Tamarack street. Becke Hendricks. 189 N. High street. Adelantes Elect The Adelante Literary society of Willamette university Tuesday afternoon elected officers for the coming semester as follows: Irene time $1.00 50 51.50 405 State Merl Crites, vice president; Kath- ryn Everett, recording secretary; Georgia Fairbanks, corresponding secretary; Ruby Curtis, treasurer; Dorothy Ellis, first critic; Cynthia Pier, second critic; Dorothy Brant firsh usher; Loretta Fisher, sec ond directress; Norabell Pratt, first kitchen custodian; Agnes Emmel, second kitchen custodian. Auction Wed. Night 7:30 p. m. Lady's wrist watch, jewelry, electric sewing machine furniture, rugs, etc. F. N. Wood ry's auction market. 1610 North Summer. Visit Salem Friend Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Bright Miles City, Montana, were visitors in Salem last night, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Heathfield. proprietors of the Argo restaurant. They were formerly fellow townsmen at Mile's City. Mr. Bright is cashier of the First National bank here. A Good Investment Filling station, store building. r .... Kin i. anH rr a 1 a 1 t -l fTa t f laiirl ""'" " " - See Melvin Johnson, 320 U. S. Bank BldJ?hpne 637. Former, -Local JPfrto Wes--.., Rev.A.t4CAwU,: litfwerty pastor oi tne varviiM iiiauc; Tabernacle here, di4Jh BcaHe Sunday evening at 7:1a otlocls. The body will be brought to Sa lem for burial. Funeral services i will be held at Rigdon's chapel this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. W. W. Newberry, district superin tendent of the Christian Alliance, will have charge of the funeral. Rev. Caswell is survived by his wife. Boxing Salem Armory Arena Wed., Jan. 18. Phil Bayes vs. Chuck Hellman. a real Madison Square Garden Main Eventer, SnaDDV preliminaries. 28 rounds of boxing scheduled. License Issued A marriage license was yester day issued from the office of the Marion county clerk to Francis E. Ellis, 25, of Silverton. and Eth el Glennon. 24, of Garden Valley. Idaho. Announcement was made of performance the ceremony at the Presbyterian manse last night Mr. Ellis graduated from Willam ette university last spring and since that time has become asso ciated with the J. C. Penney store at Silverton. FLAX SCUTCHER SUCCESS SHOWN CONTROL BOARD (Continued from page 1.) be brought and installed in the state flax plant for around that sum. Will Pay For Themselves Each machine will pay for it self every little while, by the sav ing on fiber; by the greater per centage-of high quality fiber re covered from the straw, and by the higher priced product i deliv ered for the market. To say noth ing of saving on labor cost. There will no doubt be some short cuts found in operating the! machines. It would be strange if thi3 were not done, in this inven tive American setting. But the principle of the operation of the machine is correct. And withal simple. One wonders why it was ind All Ages Safe and Reliable Children like it. Mothers endorse it All users recom mend it. in ii m SAYS We hare several cheap touring cars of different makes, that are in fine condition and will give real transportation. Priced from $35.00 to 1150.00. t the House That Service Built not invented before, at some point along the way back 6000 years to the beginnings of the flax indus try, in Egypt, and in the Bible lands. But that Is true of every great invention. Each one Is sim pie to the Inventory and to most other DeoDle after the trick is turned. A Lot of Things A great many things are sure to follow the installing of this auto matic scutching machine. It will mean the easy handling of 3000 acres of flax to be planted this year, against the 2000 acres of last year for the state flax plant The same as to the 4000 acres that will probably come next year and the 8000 acres that will be grown for the state within a few years. And the growing of addi tional thousands of acres for pri vate account, to be finished in lo cal scutching plants all over the valley, by free labor. For the state flax plant, this will mean more retting talks. It will mean more room for drying the retted flax. It will mean the extension of tho walls around the prison at least the enlarging of thtf srttek"des, in order to have more room to carry on the opera Lions of the industries there. It will mean the erection of an office building, in order better to accom modate the growing business of the industries there. They run up above $1000 a day now, for seed and cow feed and fiber and tow and agricultural lime and all the rest. The business will double, and double again, and then keep on mounting. The limit will likely be SOlmj acres of flax for the state llax plant but there is no pre dicting what the limit will be for the state lime plant. The pri.son machine shops are working now on the making of 10 new flax pulling machines, for use in harvesting the crop of this year in addition to the 20 mach ines now in this district. No tell ing how far this may go. Likely 4tthe flax pulling machines for thfjUtedjStates will be manu fAfURttCfiittrJJkiajirison shops. Jh&: f ociaivHft - a reryarSA erer4 r Ofe-UflAheaiw g The state flax platl working on orders now from Belfast for line fiber and tow. Already, in the past nine months, there have been sales of this kind running up to $150,000. There will be increasing use of the fiber and tow turned out here in the two Salem linen milli. The Miles Linen companyJJ"7J, its annual meeting on Monday? ning found that, excepting your charges for depreciation, etc. La old mill held its own for 1921 fori that it is now working full 44 on orders, including sack j ,nJ and fish net twine and harness thread; and is empl-l fjC) a night force for some of t hi j erations. And is doing a p-1"? akin K.,ol-nnn I.V. . larger profits In the near fu h A machine for making nets'. been ordered, which, when re ' ed, will enable this mill to i?' very substantial advances i profitable operations. 0 The time will no doubt when the two Salem mills w .IP A I ft 'liberty quire a much larger popotio the fiber turned out at the I o flax plan. But there will ha 0 ' be a lot of speeding up, andjRKST time operation, to keep wis hailing distance of the larger larger operations at the state30; plant 7x"i And with the private plants Ore will spring up all over the r,"T, ley, now that their profitable! j eration is in sight, with the us "! the automatic scutching maeh-2 a ; But Songster's Favor fci((. Seed for choice S birds. on Free advice on t care of pets. Flake's Petlanlrt 273 State TYPEWRITER IV C. SMITH CORONA SUNDSTRA-ND ADDERS Jul Makes Used Machine THOS. ROEN Phone C51 421 Court St. YICK SO HERB C J. HJLEONO. Mgr. Our life's work 4r been spent in study the healing propei of Chinese herbs now daily we rel those suffering stomach, liver and ney trouble, rheu V-J tism and gall sto also disorders of women and children. Free Consultation Call or W Open 0 A. M. to 8 P. 420 State St.SaIem.Oreg "THE OETOUR" FINE PLAY WELL HANDLED Moroni Oisen Cast Pleases Jn Veracious Story of ; American Life By Roxella Bunch A! packed house witnessed the delightful presentation of Owen Davis' clever drama. "The De tour'f at the Capitol theater by the Moroni Olsen players last night. This play. one of the best American dramas vividly depicts the narrow attitude toward life of the inhabitants of remote sections of the older states. Charming Janet Young might be called the "leading lady" of the play only that that terra is too limited for her remarkable versa tility. Miss Young has appeared in character roles from that of a child to a grandmother. In the production last night she took the part of Helen Hardy. Moroni Olsen portrayed Steptten Hardy, a farmer who had become a slave to his land; whose one goal in life was the acquiring of more land. Perhaps, Mr. Olsen is best de scribed by the adjective "big." He is six feet three and one half inch es in height. His acting, too, has a quality that can best be de scribed by this one adjective. Al though he has a most generous attitude toward his fellow players he dominates the scene complete ly when he steps on the stage and speaks in his deep, resonant voice.1 The daughter of this couple Kate, was portrayed by the lovely Dorothy Adams who won all hearts when seen here last as one of the twins in the presentation of "The Lilies of the Field." - Byron Kay Folger appeared once again' in the character roles which he does so admirably. Last uight he took the part of Tom Lane, a neighboring farmer whose numerous troubles and tribula tions added some exquisite humor :o the production. ; The work of Mr. and Mrs. La nont (Gordon Nelson and Leora Thatcher) was noteworthy. Other well-known members of the company who had prominent parts included Harry R. Allen (Ben Glenney: Joseph E. Wil liams (Weinstein); and Thomas Osborn (Jake). "The X)etour" concents a fam ily living in an isolated commun ity. The mother, blessed or cursed with a Jittle education, regrets having given up her girlhood am bition that might have led to a great career as an artist, to marry Stephen Hardy, a farmer. Denied all cultural expression for herself, she lives in the determination to see her daughter advanced in the career that she, herself, gave up. To this end she scrapes and saves for years to have th enecessary sum that will enable Kate to study painting in New York. The love element enteis into the story in the person of Tom Lane who hag chanced his all in the building and' equipping of a garage to cater to the ever-growing tourist traffic. At the same time Stephen, the father, whose ambition is to acquire more and UJ.more- land for as he says he coit little lioius pa:a lar or n go.,.. equity Um hom will hr!p you bridif over tl hirJ place. We liamll ren tals and will 1 glad to help tou fin the jj!nrlf yuu want but let in help you fiud a permanent home. Hera are a few : Sin roim house in North pnrt of eit-j. full baneineut, garage, wood alirJ, nice, largn cherry and apple tress. Price $3500.00 on term to utt. A fiv room home on paved street with five hffernt stafe passing at brief Internals during day. This home 1 nw and modern with furnace. Trice $ :200.00 on i.-r:us. A five acre rani:h with laree gar ajre. wood shed, fruit trees, one acre itrawherrie and other small fruit. Close in and a barzajn at $300.00. Thee are only samples: we have a splendid linn of listings from which to select. Call in. O. K. MIDDT.ETOV Room 304. Oregon Bldg. I'hone 2308 AH F. YOC THKlKTYf - NOT li" YOL RENT. TTere is the way you ran own your own home by paying a small sum of money down and the balance like rent. !." csh down. bl. monthly. Price $idO." Or $335 caih down, balance at $10, and Interest per month. $100 DOWN. PRICE $1500 Can you imagine itf that you could buy a new 5 room plastered bungalow w ith electric light, good plumbing, eon i Crete foundation, garage, wood shed, ee ment walks; owner away must sell at a sarrifiee price. His loss your gain. Buy a htne of your own and be thriftT. j j"oo KTfc x home for $5O0 u xvMoius up 10 me minute. r ire- place, full basement, furnace, sta. wash trays, located on corner lot. east front one of the best locations in town, im mediate potesion. 5 TOP LOOK MSTE.V- Opportunity knocks at ytiur door AbnTe buys yon can't pass up if you are T.brifty. Boy and Own your own home. ' See I.OriS BECHTEL or J. 1). fEKS " St te St. K:vfi C -j ' :. SUHLC W fc&NyAN MtfNEyj J RW.WY.y ) THERE'S MORE TH&H ilWl oUND. NICK jg ( SyCAtoORB V JUST A rOOT&ALL 5Al rr ' r Si .... J is tarn, gives It to Tom Lane, who Is thus enabled to satisfy his creditors. K&ts, the daughter, finds hap piness In her awakened love for the boy and the others are satis fied each in his own way. Even the mother finds some solace in commencing ggain to save for the graciughter who hasn't been born yet. that she may have the opportunity that her mother re fused. An undercurrent of simple humor born of comic lines nad sit uations lightens the seriousness of an otherwise ecthralliug drama. The end of hte play left the audience with a feeling not quite of satisfaction, and with an ache in their throats for the mother who sacrificed so much for a dream which proved in vain. The players have been brought to Salem under the auspices of the local Lions club. Those who were privileged to view the play last night and the previous production of the season, by John Hastings Turner. "The Lilies of the Field" ar eeagerly anticipating the nex appearance in Salem of the Moroni olsen players. PI T I P "DANGER" SIGN WHEN BROKEN WIRE FOFND Commendation of the actions of General Volk, 12" South Com OBITUARY Bartholomew Arthe residence, 1174 N. 17th itreet, Monday. January 16, Fred O. Bartholomew, age 66 vears husband of Carrie Bartholomew, father of Gladys and Lyle Barthol omew and Mrs. Lurline Gillette )f California. Funeral services Thursday, January 19 at 1:30 p 'ii., from the Rigdon mortuary, in erment Lee Mission cemetery. Caswell At Seattle, January 15, Rev Howard Eaton Caswell, age 76 vears. Survived by his wife, the Mrs. Rev. Caswell. Funeral serv ices Wednesday. January IS, at 3 :. m.. from the Ridgon mortuary. Interment Cityview cemeterv. Darby At the residence, 554 North Liberty street, Monday, January 16, Mrs. Mary A. Darby, widow of the late W. II. Darby, stepmother f W. F. Darby of Ashland, Mrs. Bertha Logan of Seaside. Mra Laura Crass of Vancouver, Wash.. Mrs. L. Belle Stum of Toppenish. Wash., and Dr. W. H. Darby of Sa lem, sister of J. T. Rankin, of Ran kin, Okla. Funeral services Wed nesday, January 18th at 1:30 p m., from the Rigdon mortuary. In terment Cityview cemetery. Reed In this city. Monday, January 16., Mary Elizabeth Reed, age 67 years, wife of Oacar Reed; sister of J. E. Havner of Pasadena. Calif.. James Havner of Los Angeles and Dual Havner. of Colorado. Fun eral services Wednesday, January 18 at 10:30 a. m.. from the Rig don mortuary. Interment City view cemetery. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service KtML LdlJW-'STjuuiuaii VI BK.U TIM'l. KN( I ISM TYPE M HI KBAN HOME with 1 acre of good land. ,'i larga rooms. nuill ins nook, water system, c . .c t r ic lichts. woodshed A' caraee. Pr:t $3500, cash $1000. balance eat.. I.KO N. OHI1.DS CO.. RealjM ' -0 State Street. Phone 1.'7 TRANSFER & HAULING 70l CAPITAL CI TV TRAN'SKKR CO 22d State St. Tel. t'3.t. Distributing, for warding and tturaje our specialty, (let our rates. WE MOVE, STORK AND SHIP HOt SKj hold good. Our specially is piai.o and . furniture un iti aj. We also make coun trjr trips. We handle the best coal nj; wood. Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality ':d gnod service. I.aruier Transfer Co.. Tel. 930. WANTED-Real Estate 71 HAVE NUMBER OP CLIENTS WANT ing residence lots. What nave you f I can sell them. F. . DELANO 290 Jf. Church. Telephone 230 WANTED GOOD LOT : As first payment on attractive five room bungalow located on X. 20th St., near IV St.. has firepljce. paved street and in first class condition in every way. Prle tiT.0. Will take small payment or good lot as first payuieut, balance easy monthly payments. W. II. GRABEXHORST CO.. Realtor 134 S. I.'bert) Street WATER 74 OREGON WASH. W t TER SERVICE CO. Office 304 South Commensal St. Ten per cent discount on domestic fiat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cause unles water is (hut off yiMir premiaes CITIZEN APPLAUDED mercial street. In putting a "flan ger" sign opposite a broken pow r wire la front ot tb e t City Superintend George Hog and ther notifying the company of the situation) Is contained In a letter which the Portland Electric Power company has sent Mr. Volk. The letter, a copy of which was furnished The Statesman by the I'omptury, follows: Dear Mr. Volk:, We have just learned that it was you who during the recent storm placed a -"Danger" sign op- posite one of the broken wires in j front of the residence of your for-j mer neighbor. Mr. George Hug, on South Commercial street, and then notified our Trouble Depart ment that the wire was broken. We wish to expre&s our appre ciation of your actions in this mat ter, for by so doing it is quite pos sible that you prevented one or more persons from being serious ly shocked, if not killed. Such public spirited service in , -eekiag to protect the life and pro- perty of ones fellow citizens, is most deervink of praise,. Sf .av . v y LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Let Kennell-Ellis Make Your View and Commercial Pictures, Any Time, Any Place Old Photographs Copied Often you want old photographs reproduced, but tear entrust ing them to strangers. Our reputation assures the safety and proper care ot your picture, which we will copy, enlarge, frame or hand color at a price lower than the unknown agent can otter. Kennell-Ellis Studio 420 Oregon Bldg. U. S. L. Golden WE SELL U. S. L. BUT SERVICE ALL OTHER MAKES j 1. We do not sell a new ktter value by repairing his f. d I i I 2. We give an eight months adjustment guarantee cover ig every repair. 3. If a repair cannot be guaranteed we do not make It ana P bow the owner why. I 4. We supply for replacement the exact size ana type ui attery designed to go in the car. & Before making a repair or placing a new battery In a ar we check up the operation of the other electrical unlta. -a or rMnonalhle to the owner for satisfactory operation of B lie battery regardless of conditions outside of it. 6 We consider that our Job Is to render aepenuauie mm , e and that "the longer we can make the old battery last, the urer we are of eventually selling the owner a new one." 7. We pledge to our customers the kind of service we ould want to receive. AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS Vick Brothers ligh St. at Trade Salem, Oregon 1 T A tuur fRANSFER 'ASF, Lng and Short Distance Hauling Public and Private Storage Fireproof Building GRAIN, FEED and SEED Free Delivery to any part of the city. QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION Farmers Warehouse PAUL TRAGLIO, Prop. Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-W It It regmtable, but tn; that tSTeften Mr. Average Citizen, ing a broken wire, s dangerous hole tn a sidewalk or street, or some dangerous obstruction In a street, Is inclined to say to him self "O, well, that Is none of my business. Bomeoae whose business It Is to do so. frill take car of It" and very often that "Someone" does not come along until after there has been an accident. It is surprising In how many cases during the recent storm we were not advised of broken wires until our own men saw them in th course of their work, whereas hundreds and probably thousands of other citizens had seen the bro ken wires before our men came along. Of course in most cases we were advised soon after the wires fell, by citizens who were public spir ited and thoughtful, as you were. Again thanking you for your cooperation in the matter, we are, Yours truly, Portland Electric Power Company. W. M. Hamilton. Division Manager. When Glasses Ard Needed 1 "APPEAL TO O'NEILL" New Location Dr. C. B. O'Neal Fourth Floor First National Bank Building Phone 6$ Rule Service battery if we can give the owner old one. , . it 1' a i Stora