The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    BenjHur, Most Expensive Silver Screen Made, Based on Greatest Book of Kind Ever Written, Is at Oregon Tlieater One More Day
Automatic Scutching Machine, on Official Trial at State Flax Plant, Does All Expected and Marks an Epoch in the Flax Industry
Weather forecast: Cloudy; no change In
temperature; gentle variable winds. Max
imum temperature yesterday 30, minimum
26, river 7, rainfall none, atmosphere
cloudy, wind southwest.
Thia thirteenth juror Idea for Oregon
circuit courts la fine; it will prevent repe
titions of the Hugh DeAutreuiont double
trial; but hasn't anybody attacked the
plan as a scheme of the furniture men to
sell more chairs to the counties?
18, 1928
S20O.OOO Campaign Contribution
In Illinois Primary Campaign
Subject of Attack
17th Annual Meeting Held; No
Downward Revision Voted AgaJnst
When Ballot Taken At
Washington Yesterday
Capital City Kept at Fever Heat
I'p I'util Noon Yesterday;
S u s pert Ca pt u red
Mention Made of Taking In
King of England
i ; Vtu. i i
Machine Works Well, Doing
All Expected of It; Saves
More Fiber
Bondholders of Deschutes,
Silver Lake and Summer
Lake Meet Here
Ftate Flax Plant Will Kxpand,
But There is a Limit; rutting
lu of Private Plants Bound
To Follow
The members of the state board
of control. Governor Patterson.
Treasurer Kay and Secretary Ko
zer, together with Superintendent
Meyers o the penitentiary and j there was present in even greater
cn W R. Rartram. suoerinten-, measure me bitterness mat nas
Setting itself to the task of fin
ally barring its doora against Senator-elect
Prank L. Smith, republi
can. Illinois, the senate today en
gaged in hours of acrimonious de
bate and heard a southerner raise
voice in defense of the south
against the frequent charge of the
disfranchisement of the negro.
A brief report from the special
slush fund committee, embodying J.,. lmiUsion of Remaining Cre.
a ifsuiuuoii utfuouiiciDg rmuns
credentials as tainted with "fraud
and corruption" and declaring his
seat vacant, furnished the tinder
for the verbal sparks that flew so
thick and so long that final vote
on the resolution went over until
While few new thoughts were
contributed to the dlacuasion.
dent 4f the industries-there, yes
terday made an official inspection
of the automatic scutching mach
ine recently received and installed
in the state flax plant.
This machine has been a long
tine coining. It was ordered
months ago. It is the invention of
a Relgian, and it is being manu
factured at one of the great plants
of Knglund: one that makes bat-
marked consideration of the case
since the senate committee un
covered contributions to Smith's
1926 primary campaign from Illi
nois public utilities officials ag
gregating more than $200,000.
Once more an implied warning
to senators from the south that if
they voted for the resolution to de
clare Smith's seat vacant, their
own seats might some day be put
tie ships for the British govern-j in jeopardy necause or tne general
nient. The machine was ordered ! disfranchisement of the negro was
nfter one of the same invention j hurled a ross the chamber, this
was inspected in Canada by Col. j time by Senator Reed, republican.
Kartram. Pennsylvania.
More Improvement The tenacious Pennsylvanian.
But some improvement and re- who has the lead in defending the
finements were added, making thej case of Senator-elect William G.
machine that is now working atlVare. republican, Pennsylvania,
the Oregon state flax plant morej which is to be considered later,
efficient than the one in use in ! addresreed his remarks t his dis
t'anada. The adding of the newjtant cousin. Heed, of Missouri,
wrinkles was part of the cause ! chairman of the special committee
! hat' made for so much delay in which investigated the campaigns
having the order filled. I of both Smith and Vare.
The members of the state board I The Missourian said he was not
found the mac hine doing all the! to be led away from the main is
vork that was claim 'if fdi '11 by! sue by a reply, but later George of
manufacturers. It take the1 Georgia, arose In h; place before
i'etted straw and "breaks" and a full attendance of senators and
M i-.tches it and turns out a fiber' well filled galleries to hurl back
i" higher quality than ever has what he said was the sonth's an
i.een or can be turned out by'swer to the efforts of eastern sen
siand and recovers more of the ' jtors to "sc are" lie representatives
filler from the retted straw than; into "voting for a wrong."
'ran he done by hand labor. And)
!oes this at a large saving in cost;
( labor. A very large saving in, CYCLE RACE THRILLER
io-t. !
Marks an Fpoch
This niarks an epoch in the flax
;i ul linen industries of the Salemi
lii-trict. where the handling of all Careening down State street to
1 randies .of these industries has ward the business districts, two
reached the highest point of effi-j motorcyclists vie 1 in a spirited,
i : licy in the world, by the use of not to-say hair-rais'ng race Tues
i. in.r saving machinery. i day eveutng. and behind In an au-
The cost of one of these auto-j tonioblle came the official timer,
iua'ic scutching machines Is noti At least, so the aforesaid offic
high. Counting freight and duty,! ial reported when he turned in the
n is around $3000. When the or-! names of the alleged racers at the
tiering of one of these machines police station, along with an in
ditors In Agreements; Coloni
zation Plan Should Be In
cluded, Suggestion
CHICAGO, Jan. 17. (AP)
George Dulaney, Jr., secretary and
organizer of the "Society for Pre
vention of Calling Sleeping Car
Porters George," told the 17th an
nual meeting of the body today
that be had canvassed 100 sleep
ing cars and found only one por
ter whose name actually was
The Pullman company, he re
lated, had started the custom of
placing the names of ita porters
on a card in the sleeping cars. 4
Senator George Moses of New
Hampshire today was elected pres
ident of the society on a platform
pledging his administration would
be "by the Georges, for the Geor
ges and of the Georges." He won
Reorganization of the Deschutes
county Municipal Improvement Ir
rigation district. Silver Lake and out over Senator Walter George of
Summer Lake irrigation districts, Georgia who despite the double
under an act of the 1927 legisla-J George, succeeded only in being
ture and policies adopted by the
state reclamation commission, was
approved by representatives of the
bondholders of the three projects
at a meeting of the commission
elected vice president
The society heard reports indi
eating it was making progress.
"When the new. era dawns in
! this great nation," said Dulaney,
held in the executive department! founder of the societj. whIch now
nere flionaay.
Bondholders of the
County Municipal
numbers 18,000 bona fide Georges,
''it will be possible for a George,
like myself or yourself, to travel
irrigation district were represent- upon the pubi- rarrierg witnout
ea ai me meeiing Dy Arinur a
Dunne of San Francisco. Colonel
able to the members of the recla
mation commission.
The Deschutes project is locat
ed seven miles from Bend and con
tains approximately 15,000 acres
of irrigable laud with 5000 acres
now under cultivation. The dis
trict has bonds outstanding in the
amount of f650,000 and its in
debtedness to the state is $ 1 S !,
000. Interest accruals and water
right credits increase the total in
debtedness to more than fl.OOO.
000. Agreement Needed
Mr. Dunne reported that since
August 1 his committee had suc-
Knti .... ml. J M.P.H.. Sav. "eded in securing control of a
jumping every time we hear our
name shouted onlv to discover ib:ii
E. R. Place represented the bond- another traveler hag taken the fair
holders of the Silver Lake district. name of GeQrpe ,n yajn and js .
while Edward A. Keil appeared I p,ying u to ,Bome porter whose reaj
for the bondholders of the Sum- name probably Js clarence or Eg
mer Lake district. bert Qr Fitzglbon
Will Issue Bonds
Representatives of the bond-:
holders requested that investiga-j PHARMACY OPENS SOON
tions be made immediately with aj
view of issuing refunding bonds in
settlement of the outstanding ob-i
ligations. The request was agree
In Insane Asylum Or
-Taking an exactly opposite pes- slayer Will Be Placed Either
house today went on record j
against aDy downward revision of I
the tariff.
Upon motion of the republican
leader, Tilson of Connecticut, the
house .voted 1S3 to 164 to table
the McMaster resolution declaring
for a scaling down of "excessive"
import levies. The senate yester
day approved the proposal 54 to
In the house- Representative
Garrett of Tennessee, the minority
leader advocated referring ih
resolution to the ways and means
committee where tariff, like rev
enue legislation must originate.
On the vote seven democrats.
De Rouen, Kemp, Martin, O'Con
nor, Spearing and Wilson, all of
Louisiana, and Casey of. Pennsyl-
(AP) John J. Fisher confessed
to the police tonight that he set
two of the series of fires which
raged throughout the capital early
An "irresistable impulse" the
man said, led him to start fires
at the grain warehouse fJOOUDGE RETURNS HOME
at Q street and Reckington Place. I
Open Diplomacy Will Mari:
Pan-American Congress
For First Time
Confessed Murderer K peeled to.
Enter Plea of Guilty to Charge;
Physicians to Effect Ev- 1
FLINT, Mich.. Jan. 17.- -(AIM
Adolph Hotelling. confessed
slayer of Dorothy Schneider, will
be speeded on his wav either to
... r ..... . ! W as
the nospitai ior me cruuiuai m-
northwest and at the woodwork
company at 1:541 W street north
west. Fisher was arrested on informa
tion furnished by suspicious citi
zens who discovered the grain
warehouse fire.
(AIM Twenty-four fire alarms,
several believed to be the result
of work of a pyromaniac, worked
Fond Farewell Taken of Cuba
After Enthusiastic Greeting
Accorded Preside on
Pre ious ltaf
HAVANA. Jan. 17 (Al-7.-.-
The Argentine and American dele
gations took the lead today in d!i-
hiuglon up to fever heat be-! Dof!,nK. in the first informal meet-
vania, joined with 176 republicans' sane or a state penal institution.' , t. . ..... f. nonary session tomorrow .r th.
uiiu .-i hi i itu nit; ii i 1 1 v 1 1 o m
to table the proposal.
Twelve republicans and one
farmer-labor, Kvale of Minnesota,
voted with 151 democrats against
the Tilson ; motion. The republi
cans were Beck, Browne, Peavey,
Nelson, Lampert, Kading, Frear.
Shafer, and Schneider, all of Wis
consin; Christopherson, South
Dakota; Sinclair. North Dakota,
and Clague, Minnesota.
Whilethe McMaster resolution
constituted an expression of views
only and proposed no actual
change in rates, its approval by
the house would have shown that
advocates of tariff reduction held
ir poss.o.e, w, "'"'." "'"Ifighting forces and those of other lth Pan-Ame-ican congress
hies to a dozen blazes in differ-
one of the admittedly thoruieai
problems confronting the cotifer-
Harry V. Carson to Conduct Busi
ness In Senator Building
'Official Timer
sufficient number of bonds to war
rant the promotion of an aggres-
Official opening for the new
Carson pharmacy in the Hotel
Senator building. Court and High
streets, has been set for Thursday.
Friday and Saturday.
The proprietor of the new drug
store is Harry V. Carson, formerly
of Silverton. where he was em
ployed by the George Steelhammer
drug store.
The Carson pharmacy will spe
cialize in filling prescriptions, but
j will carry a c omplete line of all
articles usually handed. As an
opening day inducement, a box of
candy wil be given' with each 50
cent purchase. Kiddies under 12
years of age. will be offered a free
Onw the anticipated plea o f
a w nip nana in wmcn event lniro-i glll;tv nas betn entered a corn-
auction or a Din to lower tantr
rates might have been expected.
After the vote the house
plunged into one of the most heat
ed and extended tariff debates of
Pr,,! W- f.racn , I hp X S.Xl.i t I'll
' lent sections of the capital.
l ivjc... T,H .1.1, .1.., .... I'll.P
The state will make a motion ; e(,Hntetl situation. officials foundj Proposed by the Argentines and
in the Genesee cirniit court prob-tha more ,han .j0 firenien had ; seconded by Charles Evans Hugb
ably Wednesday morning for ajbeen sijgUtly j n j n red, industrial for the I'nited Slates, an oral mo
change of venue to Ingham or Ion- pruperIy ioss,s estimated at sev-t!on was approved today to niak
ia counties, the governor said. era, hundred thousaud dollars had "open covenants openly arrive
Hotelling's presence will not be:been suffered and a psychopathic at" the keynote of the sixth l'an
required. If the motion id allow-! p.ltjell, of Walter Keed hospital ,' American congress by establishin
ed the prisoner will be taken into,wa!j being iield for questioning. ia rule of public committee nn-ei
court in one of these counties at Kjve of th(i fjres wpre (he mul..(ings and plenary sessions,
once and according to the Kver-, (ip,e alaan val-jety uTld ne. essi-; The open committee motion was
nor will plead guilty. Mated the calling for help from ' finally adopted on the understaud-
Exaininatioii Planned neighboring towns. Baltimore. 4l inK tnat executive sessions umli!
miles away, responded promptly' he held in exceptional cases upon
id its lire forces helped tight "e request of committee members.
mission of three physicians will two of the bin blazes, manncil fire1 Outside Issues Fvcliided
examine the slayer. If it is their , houses for protective purposes and ' There was no change n.nteiu
determiuation that he is insane he. incidentally paid a 24 year old ! plated, it was said, in the rule pro-
(Continui'd on page 8)
Officers Seer Good Prospects for
Linen Manufacture Here
hibitiug the discussion In pl-nary
sessions of subjects not on tin
conference's agenda except by two
thirdj vote. This rule, Anieriian
delegates emphasized was at tin
same tine a guarantee that vital
will be sent to the hospital, other-'debt to the capital which helped
wise to the state prison. ( Baltimore combat its big fight of
The governor decided that the. 1904. Ten companies, an amhu-
change of venue will be request-. lance and several deputies made
ed at once and that it now can the long run from Baltimore.
legally be granted as Hotelling i Most of the damage was done!
was brought back to Genesee couu-1 at Woolworth's store on Pennsyl-j subjects to the w elfare of lau
ty for a brief arraignment late to-j vania avenue. More than a score j Americanism could not be ex. Mid
day, of firemen were injured therej Ptl from consideration by mere
Th nrionerwas rushed from' w hen a gas main broke. The ot h-i technicalitU- and also promised
Al! of the officers and directors! tVl ,f., ,.,,.,,,,. ,.-i1(.r.. he : er blazes (lestmve.i stn. '.- :in.i ,.tii-; regular procedure in the session b
of the Miles Linen company were hag been sheltered sin. e a niol) ( er property in "produce row " near j avoiding irregular and unauthor
reelected at Monday night's an-! ,nreatened ,be Flint jail Monday by in a coal and feed warehouse i ize(1 diecussions.
nual meeting. The officers are nisht to tne farm vard of state near the I nion station, a grain Today's meeting was held for an
Henry R. Crawford, president: S(,nat'or Peter h. Leunon. just in- warehouse in another section of exchange of iews between i hi. fs
ueorge nana. vice presiuent, ana,.. , ....... lin ro,irt w.,s ; not theast Washington and a wood(f missions here to agree upon
(Continued on page 8)
Only One Film Aspirant Returns
From Hollywood
LOS ANGELES. Jan. 17. (AP) Jan. 17. (AP). An explosion of
Harry Thaw departed for the 1 a blast furnace in the plant of the
east today taking with him only 'Algoma Steel corporation in the
Two Cities Three Mile Apart
Severely Shaken by Blast
' 1. 1 1 1 .L.! fmnl nfrMtpit t lo t hni" 1. -1 l hit
Vn -C"UB"7 t cue; -. " one of the two young women whom j Canadian Soo today caused the in-
uiu ii muii ii ring ui i lie in was lakeu " iaic u. - "
over by the big English company, iduding intersections.
the estimated cost of landing and! Tne ,w men cnargpn wh
-rectiug one of the machines catj speeaing are ujne johusoh anu
Health Hall, and tney win ne
asked to explain it all to Judge
Heath Hall, and they will be
kept track of their time was Of
ficer Edwards of the city traffic
(Continued on pace 3.)
7: preeiit.tive of Each Building
SeH-ted; IHvided Into
Ninety-six public school chil
dren, four boys and four girls from
each building, will make a tour of
inspection of the four Salem banks
this afternoon at 1:30 p. "m. The
children will be divided into four
squads, one squad to 'visit each
I'd nk.
The inspection tour was ar
: .nged'with bank officials as an
i v ent of Thrift Week.
All schools have not reported
;!,-ir selections but the following
:- an incomplete nsi oi inose wno
will go:
(iarfield Josephine McGilchrist,
Lois Burton, Dorothy Dahlberg,
Florence Fredrlckson, Orville Var-
ty. Walter Cline. v Linfield Need-
ham, and Robert Brownell.
arant- Benecia Spencer, Robert
"tth. Jack Dewey, Jean Anunsen,
V-ck Berry, Alicia Butler, Maxine
Gahlsdorf, Philip Barrett.
Englewood Donald Sumpter,
Virgil Mason, Byron Webster, Mil
ton Beckett. Lois Holt. Lorettb
Pro. Jane Keith, and Irma Dnerk-
Richmond Alexander Potter,
luhard Borden. Erwm Potter.
au-ranoo VT i Ir 1 Uirrn.rK.
Kingston, Betty Taylor, Margaret
I'1 Kenzie. and Ruth Pearson.
High school Margaret Moore,
Maivin Mlllett Dwane Griffith,
. Dorothy Rhafer, John Bostrock,
-Vera -Mollett, Arthur Golden, and
..Delphine Savage.
But It Will he Ixcated Soniewhere
With one member, W. W. Rose
braugh. in the hospital recovering
from the effects of an operation,
the special council incinerator
committee is practically at a
standstill as far as location of the
plant is concerned. Chairman Dan
cy said yesterday.
Dancy has in mind one site
which he personally believes is
suitable for the burner. It is one
of ten acres within two miles of
Salem, the exact whereabouts of
which he would not disclose.
Dancy spiked rumors that the
committee had decided not to lo
cate the incinerator anywhere.
The city is obligated to go ahead
and the matter cannot be dropped,
he said.
six weeks ago he brought west to i jury of 12 workmen and shook
storm the battlements -of Holly-jbo'th cities breaking hundreds of
wood filmland. i windows. The two cities are
Susan Hughes, one of the two (about three miles apart.
film-fame aspirants, departed with
Thaw, while the other, Anita Riv
ers, remained behind to continue
alone the thus far unsuccessful
siege of screen success.
Thaw while in California, was
made a defendant in a $100,000
breach of promise suit, which ac
cused him of engaging in Califor
nia love affair at a time when htjatruction over a large area
Coste ami Lebrix Arrive at
Maracay From Panama
was reported to be confined in an
eastern hospital as an outgrowth
of his trial for the slaying of
Stanford White.
Every available physician and
nurses in both cities were rushed
to the plant and a first aid station
set up within the building. Dam
age caused by the explosion could
not be estimated immediately due
to the force of the blast which
flattened several nearby frame
structures and caused minor de-
, Officials of the plant did not
reveal the cause of the explosion.
The loss to the plant was estimated
it $4,000.
ii.,-.. n- -r..- ...
iicu.y . ...,e.s,,eas-; he,d wI(Q lne urisoner
urer. directors are l. . Hay.; F . (.a,n am, tne uards sit- All of these fires were character
Henry . Meyers. George Shand.i
James G. Heltzel and Henry R.
The report of the year showed
1 Con; miici tm pag S)
Justice working plant in the northwest, procedure In conference anil to lay
:i basis for concerted action re
tired officially as of incendiary or-'. warding organization of the parley.
John Jacob Fisher, 29, the man
aiiiMn iirnrn m fttitirrt being held as a susnect a.Imitte.l
that the company is progressing: MUdlO IVItnUtH rLHliliCU bejUg present at s;vera, of lha
satisfactorily, although no didi- 'blazes hut sai.i h ,nr.i u
Nine LeadiiiR Bureaus CoiwoHditte, lipe4.tator- Arrested at ,)ome
At New York City
rodav s decision must be c on
firmed by tomorrow's plenary ses
sion. CoolidgevRuck in V. S.
President Coolidge, having out
lined policy of the I'nited Stated-
near Walter Reed hospital, a fire' before the delegates to the confer-
bade of the Fallsburgh. N. Y. vol- ence and having been received
dends have yet been paid. The
company has branched out appre
ciably in its production field In
the last year, and plans still fur-, NEW YORK. Jan. 17.-(AIM ; (inlter rir6 departnient wa3 found! with greater acclaim than the head
ther additions in machinery and! Merger of nine leading msici on hIs person of any other government who ever
(fiuuutis. wuc ymti ia i j maiau a, OUieaUS CUIlirUlllUfc uiuic tuau-
netting machine for fish twine.
Attempt to Make New Record
Flight Goes on In California
(AP) The Fokker airplane Spirit
of California, attempting to break
the world record for sustained
flight by airplane reported by ra
dio at 7:55 p. m. that she was
making 60 knots at 1500 feet ele
vation, "All well," the radiogram
The message failed to give the
plane's position, but flight offi
cials presumed that she was over
northern California.
200 musicians was announced to
day by Slgmund Spaeth, author
lecturer and music critic who be-j
comes managing director of thej Outposts Placed by General Sand
new organization. j io Said Withdrawn
The merged bureaus will be;
known as the Community Concerts j MANAGUA, Nicaragua. Jan. 17
corporation and all their interests, A1 Airplane patrols return
visited Cuba, departed from it
REBEL GUARDS RETREAT! shores today on lhe r:,1,ser Mm
phis, bound for Key West.
Six destroyers escorted the
cruiser with the presidential party,
and guns boomed in salute as the
Memphis steamed away. The bat
tleship Texas: from which I'resi-
i Co.t.infd on pafv i )
los Opera company.
n I U !i m 'fry1
:JkS S-' pr. ' ";v''-
'1. r,;V. -I- CTiSS
- i , i- "
i v fir s s?Jz iym j
T;. T I4'" l.HH - '.. .. - " l 1 - " ' '
MARACAY, Venezuela. Jan. 17.
(AP). Dieudonne Costes and
Joseph Lebrix arrived here from
Colon, Panama, at 6 p. m. tonight.
The French aviators made the
1,000 mile trip fa a little leas than
12 hours having left Colon at :52
a. m.
After landing at the flying field
each of the aviators was decor at
ed with the order of the liberator
by President Juan Vicente Gomes
The filers probably will go tol rrt Mm. Mahol Schneider, mother of Dorothr Schneider, aeei 5. who was kidnaped and mwrdered at ML Morris, Michigan, a
Caracas, the, capital, 60 mllesIltbarb.ot Flint.. The boy In her arms is a brother of the slain girl, j Right, detectives standing on a tree trunk under which the muti
away by automobile tomorrow, lated body of the child was found, la Benson creek, three miles fro tj the Schneider home. ; -
will be pooled to carry the bestjlnB from the San Albino region to
iniisfc into territory which in the: day reported that outDosts of the'
past has difficulty in obtaining' rebel general Augustino Sandino, WHEELER GRILLS
the first class concerts. i hul been withdrawn from that te-j & nKXIKIICTD A TffC
Among the artists controlled by j K'on. AIJMlINlO I KA 1
the corporation are Galli-Curci Sandino's outposts around San
Chaliapin, Jeritza. Elman, Hof-i Albino have been heavily bombed MCARAGFAX POLICY A KOl'SKM
mann, PonPelle. Bori. Schipa, Mar-j'or me past tnree days, said Col-j
tinelli, Kaston. Gabriolowltsch.l oned Louis Mason Gulick; marine
Levitski, Lhevinne. Ravel. the i0rPs commander. j
Flonzaley quartet, the Paul White-! At Jinotega It has been rtport-j "didee and Kellog Both Scored
man orchestra, and the San Car-,ed that Sandino left Kl Chipote! in Address Before Kcououilc
jhunday, stating that he would go! f'luh of .New York
to Jinotega and that his arrival!
j would be announced by the explo-j SKW YORK. Jan i7fAP
s on or to bombs. 1 l,e explo-: Senator Burton K wheeler, demo.
. toolace as Precast. but (.rati of MonUna ln an addr
band,no did not appear and it is before the Economic elub of New
believed that the rebel chieftain york tonight, charged that moral
wanted to warn his followers to tbaos in the state department and
leave the town. j moral confuslon ln the whlte
A company of marines left for' House are responsible for the ac
Matagalpa today to strengthen the tivlties of the United States-in Nl-
garrison there. P.ratn 1
"The Kellogg-Coolldge policy,"
he declared, "has led to armed In
tervention ln Nicaragua in behalf
of an American-made puppet presi
dent foisted upon the people
against their will became he Is
ready at whatever cost to Nica
ragua to serve the Interests of
New Tork bankers who for 17
years hare mercilessly exploited
Nicaragua under the protection of
our state department.
"The wide discrepancy between
the words and deeds of the secre
tary of state and the president de
stroys all confidence In their lead
ership. No person of sound judg
ment can review their recent deal
ings in Central America without
coming to the conclusion that
moral chaos reigns In the slate de
partment and moral confusion in
the White House."
American Intervention In Nica
ragua, he said, is a "source of
profoundest humiliations to Am
ericans who realize that.our go-
ernment I band in glove with
Diau, a political reprobate, ia the
betrayal of that little republic.''
Drainage Line Work Aids Fain
ilies; Loral Men Pref erred
Nearly sixty men have been em
ployed by the city this week to
work on the Gaines street storm
sewer line, tile for which has been
purchased from the Oregon Grave!
: The pipe will be furnished as
fast as it is needed, according to
a representative of the firm.
. The sudden opening of Jobs ha
placed a difficult task on the
shoulders of City Recorder Mark
Poulsen, who must investigate
each applicant to see if he is a
local man with a family. Many
of the applicants have represented
themselves as long time residents
here, when as a matter of fact,
they have been in town pflly a few
days. ,."
The rush foc--jobs was partiou
larlybtavyWonday'afternoon and
all dayTuesday.