THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 17, 1928 T Local Rates For Classified Advertising Dally or Sunday On time 2 cent pr word Three timei 6 cent per word Six times 8 cents per word 1 mo. daily and Sub. .20 cents per word In order to earn the more than one time rate, advertising oust run in con secutive issues. Xo Ad taken for lees than 25e. Ads ron Sunday ONLY charged at one-time rate. Advertisement (except Personals and Situation Wanted) will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser 1s a subscriber to phone. The Statesman will receive adver tisements at any tim-of the day or night. .To insure proper .claasif ication Ads should bo la before 7 p. m. TELEPHONE Z OH 583 The Oregon Statesman Published every morning except Moa ' day." at Salem, tb capiwil of Oregon. ' ADY r RTISEMT.X. HONEST ADVfcKTUUNU Tb col sunn Bill be kept tra from anyuuna Of a questionable oat ore. Miarepresaa tatioa will tot bo tolerated. laloraaa .luiatiM tor Questionable latent oa the part of tb advertiser saould te reported to ttaie oewsper or U baiena Ad eiun. . . . . LODGE ROSTER CHEMEK-TA LODGE NO. 1. I. O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday evening at 7;;i0 o'clock; third floor of I. O. O. P. Temple, corner of oCurt and High St. yUCTSOr I0NEER 2 F. N. Woodry 12 Yrs. Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furnitur UMiar. Ra. A Store. ItilO N. Summer St. Pwono 511 11. F. Woodry & Son Wgtt down town. Cash paid for used furniture. Store 71 N. Comm'l Tel. 75. Agents for Lange Ranges. 2 COL. A. L. STEVENSON AUCTIONEER 23 years experience ia tbe W illamette alley, for dates or arrangement see V A. Doerfler. farm adviser, Firt Na tional Bank, Salem. Phoae r u A. L. Stevenson, Corval'ia. Or BATTERY - ELECTRICIAN C R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES Starter and generator work; 20V South High. 6 Tel. 168 HIGH AND CENTER JOE WILLIAMS JLEENER ELECTRIC CQ. HOLSfc wiring by hour or contract. Est invite., furnished. Tel. 830 471 Court Su BICYCLES-REPAIRING U LLOYD K. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI evciaa and repairing. 37 Court. CLEANERS AND DYERS 8a CHEllRY CITY CLEANERS. C. t. Doane. 2o0 X. Liberty. Tel. 931. SALEM CLEANERS ft DYERS 1 1 7 J S. Cn'l. TeLloOr CHIROPRACTORS 15 IH, o L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 2.-8 N. High. Tel. 82 S R. or Kes 2104 J DR. H. B. SCOKFIELD, P. S. C, 80. t .rsl National Bank Bldg. FLORISTS H n-OW'ERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS OUen's. Court ft High St. Tel. 8ol. CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, decorations. C. r. Breitbaupa, florist. 512 Stat Street, '1-1. 3o0. 0 INSURANCE .It? 1R SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mor gages. Tniit Deeds, Contracts or Louses Will net o to 20 per tent. BECK.K & HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., ISO X. H gu St. JfAKM LOAN'S PI.EXTY OF MOSEl to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning I'm detitial Insurance company money or c.ty residence and business property a. 51 per cent, plus a commission Ha kins ft Roberts. Inc., 205 Orejo; Building. Insure Your Home or Cur now. Phbne 161 Heilig Bldr. 189 X. High SL FOR RENT 21 MODERN' ROOM S BREAK FA M I" dinner at 8t0 Cheiveketa, phone AND 52.2.1 NURSING 22 HH.HI.AND MATERNITY HOME. FIRE- pr..of building. New, clean, quiet. Tbe l..t of care. 2705 Maple. PUou 2.132-M. FOR RENT-Apartments23 2 ROOM A PA HTM EN 1', rooms. S90 N. 1th. PLEAS XT WEI. I. FURNISHED APAUTMENT. IMA jt.o. first floor. 1311 t'onrt at. APARTMENT DOWNSTAIR. 3 ROOMS. private tsta and li-ai. i i toun. n-KVISHED 2 HOUMS '.NO KITCHEN itte, water, light, and fuel, lose in. 555 Mai ion. MODERN THREE ROOM APARTMENT-i-Iose in; garage; adults. Iaquire 12 I n:on. Ft -itvtMIFT) DOWN STAIRS FRONT ....-i.m,.iit. 1 room and kitchenette i'lTMi Water, litrlil. and fuel. Close iri. 55o Marion. it kOOM APARTMENT. 1 BED ROOM lower floor, private bath, with shower hot water heat, out side entrance, gar age. 248 N. Summer. S ROOM FURNISHED. S. 14TH. FUR pure heat, private bath, only apsrttnen in Eire pleanant private home. F. O. DELANO 290 N. Church. Telephone 2S30 Why Worry with Fuel, Ice, Lawns? High clas residential district. New, strictly modern, quiet apart rr.ents. ' . Frigidslr, Electric Ranges. Radin. Steam Heat, Brick faced Building. Ef ficient Service. Two noms with bath, $30 to $35. Thre oomi with bath, $40 to $45. Pullman furnished vvrstuffed. $30. Two room frnlhd overstuffed, a -. A uti Three rooms furnish! overstuffed. $45 to $50. Ambassador $50 X. Snnrraer. Phon 1971 New Management FOR RENT-Rooms 25 NICE WARM 5S5W. ROOM. TELEPHONE WITH REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ANDERSON RUPERT. Realtors 169 S. High. TL 1644 BARB EE. k BOND 200 Gray Bid. Tot 7M BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 N. High. TeU 161 A. C. BuHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial. Tel. 577 U. E. BROWN 109 S. Com'l. Tel. 559 or 2053 LEO X. CHILDS CO., 320 State St. Realtor Tel. 1727 K.' S. CLARKE 109 S. Com'l. Tel. 559 or 2053 E. Q. COPPOCK 331 State St. Tel. 567 FRED O. DELANO 290 X. Church. TeL MS0 HOMER D. POSTER REALTY CO. 313 rrrt Nat. Bank Bldg. TeU 843 GASKILL & EARLE 166 S. Liberty St. Tel. 224: W. H. CRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 615 KELVIN JOHNSON 320 V. S. Bank Bldg. TeL 637 W. U. KKCEOEK 147 N. Com'l. Tel. 217 LAKSKS A KICK 2-j Oregon Bids. TeL 174 W. A. L18rOS 404 5 Masonic Bldg. Tel. 1321 ARTHUR MADSEN i074 North CapiU-1. . TeL 2807 MELLINUER COMITTI 409 Oregon Bldg. TL 1176 O. K. MIDDLETON .'01 Oregon Bidg. Tel. 2908 JOHN W. ORR New Bligh Bldg. TeL 2435 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court. TeL 1180 PERR1XE ft MARSTER3 111 212 Gray Bldg. Tel. 00' V. E. MOSES Mortgagee, Loans, Insur ance. 451 Court St. Tel. 2818 WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. High St. Tel. 534 SALEM REALTY CO. 462 8tte St. Rom 7. TeL 1004 J. E. yjl X. High St. SCOTT Tel. U CHARLES SPURLIN 110 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1935 SOCOLOFSKY ft SON ;04 5 First Nat. Bank Bidg. Tel. 070 SQUARE DEAL REALTY U. S. Nat 1 Bank Bidg. Tel. 470 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 42 1 Court St. TL 651 ULRICH ft ROBERTS 1-9 X. Commercial. Tel. 1354 U. S. REALTY CO. 142 State St. Tel. 2660 i F. L. WOOD 41 State St. Tel. 794 BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY THE BEAUTY BOX Complete Beauty Service 20 State St. Tel. 1985 THE CAPITOL BEAUTY SHOPPE ;23 N. High. For Appt. Tel. 866 ELITE BEAUTY SHtfPPE ,-r tl.e Cray Belle. -V Tel. 014 MAKINEi.I.O BEAUTY P.1. RLOR3 Permanent Wave Speciaiixt 4" X. 8t. Tel. 1690 MILLER BEAUTY SHOP Tested and graded Sefore permanent, using Text-o Meter machine MITZI GRAY BEAUTK SHOPPE mt U First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 187 THE MODEL BEAUTY PARLOR - X. Tel. 956 THE MODERN M A III NELI.O ("j Masonic Ten-.iile Bldg. Tel. 379 NIFTY BOB SHOP .igene Permanent Waving. Hair Cutting and Marceihag. 1 State St. Tel. 270 FOR RENT Rooms 25 LARGE WARM ROOM TO Kr.N I TO ;i luioines wumau, near Capitol. Te! 2352. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD at Alexandria. 1030 Chemeketa Phone 1539. FOR RENT Houses 27 FOR - RENT. DUPLEX HOUS.. 94' North Winter SU KURNISH-"!) fi ROOM MODERX HOUSE. taratje. Telephone 1003R. FOR RENT 3 room f lrnislied house with garage. Tel. t;J7 or 19:I3M. FURNISHED HOUSE AND MODERN 1121 X. Church apartments, garnze. St. I'tione !8"2M. luR RUNT 1 House 0 r'ins, Rood, 6 blcrks from hiiftipfss center, $20.00 5 Rooms, close iu. light, water and phone free $ir.0'i. See LA FLA 11 ft LA PEAR I.a4.i A Bosli Bank Bldg. For Rent Houses from $12 to $j.". are vacant. Bscke & iiendricks 189 X. High Street FOR RENT-Farms 29 IRRIGATED FARM NEAR WEST STAY ton for truck gardening, (lax, pep permint and potato growing. Flaxland Development Co., 411 Masonic Temple, SHlm. Oregon. MINUTE MOVIES VSCU MOST FDPULMi. rOF 193.7 ... HfctfDS or THE LfcW I -mE LU MUST V GREAT WU.OL- TIMP TAKH ITS C0Ur?SE. 1 MBS GONNA ) P' j - ciev: fi v 1 tjji 1 3 --i BOARD AND ROOM 31 THE FREDERICKSOX BOARD AND room $35 for two ia rooas, $40 for one. 644 Marion St. Tel. 1547-K. LAUNDRIES 32 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pur Materials" Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 SvJIigh f BY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN- dry. Tel. 171. 1856 B 8tro4. TAILORS 34 D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. T WAN1 tu-Misceiianeous do FURNITURE PACKING FOB SHIP tstenU. Gies Powers Furoltae Co. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loan. Wo have several applica tions on hand. Haw kins aVRoberte, Inc.. 205 Oregon Bldg. WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Rags not smaller than 1 yard to nse for wiping machinery. Highest price paid for good clean rags, apply at Statesman office, see Stiller. More Than a Tonic More Than a Health-Food A Natural Remedy I Pacific Health-Ore This product supplies Nature with vital working and building material provide elements to maintain the normal chemical balance to insure the natural harmony and proper functioning t gland and or gan and to maintain a rich and boalthy blood stream. Used as a mineral water pleasant to ItftlcA on ntrkiM ta auffieient for thrM aoQthi treatment. Sold under a positive money-back guarantee. MATR ESSES -3d MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Beddin Co., 1100 North Capitol. Called for aud delivered. All work guaranteed. TeL 10. FOR SALE 37 RUG 8 ALE 10 to 40 discount. H. L. Stiff Co. 12? NASH SPORT. NEW RUBBER, 1928 license. 1855 N. Winter St. YOUNG- POLAND CHINA BOAR. PHONE 105F11. TO TRADE $840 PIANO FOR OOOD automobile. See Burk at Fltigorald Sherwin Motor Co. ALMOST NEW PHOXOC-RAPH3 $35 TO $65. Imperial Furniture Co.. Inc. PEDIGREED AIRDALE MALE PUTS 4 month old. a bargain if takes bofora Dec. 15th. H. F. Butterfield, Pacific Hwy., Woodburn. Ore. TeL 102. HOME BURNED, TOT1L LOSS. QUIT . ting poultry business. Sacrifice price on 1000 Hansen strain White Leghorn hens. Wonderful layer. My loss, our gain. Miahler. Phone 358J. VETERINARIAN 39a FRED W. LANGE. YETERLXARTAN Office 529 S. Commercial. Tel. 1198. Res. Tel. 1666. WOOD SAWING 42 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1677. 1610 North CommerciaL WOOD FOR SALE 43 GOOD DRY WOOD. PHOXE 72 E8, 1. Mavfield. FOR GOOD WOOD CALL C. D. QUERY, Phone 12 7F2I. GOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOU D. A. Lamar. Tel. 930. 16 IX. OLD FIR $!i.50 PER OORD- (2 rick J Tel. 2133. CALL TRACY'S FUEL YARD FOR COOD wood. Phone 231?. 16 INCH OLD FIR. .00 CORD. Seism, lit. 1, Gervais. R. X 13 INCH OLD FIR AND ASH. C. U Harbaugh, 1033 Highland Av. Phone 1930. CALL 783R FOR DRY FIR AND OAK, guarantee fu.l cord. Beat wood town. K Wood. GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES IJI.LMAX FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. C. (SEE) A. ANDERSON FOR WOOD TO BURN 8ALEM TR,NS. FUEL CO. GENERAL TRANSFER WORK. TEL. 52.1 OLD. 2XD CROWTH $7.50; OLD growth $8.00; Best furnace wood avail able; Old growth seasoned $8.50. Phone 2470 M. BEST GRADE OF WOOu Dry wood 4 ft. and 10 Inch. Large kals are, cheaper to buy. Mill wood is our specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. FRED E. WELLS 20 S. Church Tel. 1542 POULTRY & EGGS 45 POULTRY WANTED ANY. KIND. SIZE or amount, top market, highest cash ' price Salem Poultrv Co., 145 Center St., Foot of the biidge. Phone 2490. INCUBATOR NEW." NEVER UXORAT ed. 540-egg capacity. Combination oil and electric. Well known make Regular price '$70. we still take $50, and give terms to responsible party. See Mr. Stifrler at Statesman offire. MUSIG STORES 46 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machine. 432 Ststa street. Salem. KODAK FINISHING 46a FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERT 50c order Kodak work. Rawlings, ortlnd On fljEEr; SOME "SHOTS" "FPOM TUAT 5REfcT ASTERN FlLvi - DfcAm vjJHICH FEbTuRBD DICK DAftE AND "THE U)ONEER WORSE, "PATCHES" Newspapers-Magazines- 48 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM SALEM Agency. The Ac. Tl. 939. THE ORE (JON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each mora tag. TeL 28 or 588. FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS OR RENEWALS for Harper' a Baxar, International Stu dio. Motor Boating or Town and Coun try, TeL 33C9J. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST - farm paper send five 2 -cent stamp to the Paeifio Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three month' trial subscription Mention this ad. POCLTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special thro month' trial for the beat and oldest Journal in the West. Th article end adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeder of th Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 8. Com mercial St., Salem. Oregon. PAPERHANGING 50 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOU8E decorating, papernanging. tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PAINTING 50a CHAS. BENNETT, PAINTING CON - tractor, painting, paper banging. 2.M3-J. 187 West Millar. MISCELLANEOUS 51 FOR SALEM call 167. SCAVENGER SERVI0M OLD MIRRORS RE-SILVERED. PHONE 852, res. 1310-W. WE BOARD rOGS AT OUR Fi RM. Flake's PetUnd, 273 State. LAXCE RANGE ALMOST NEW. WILL sell or trade for wood. Tel. 2183. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE pairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Store FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, : 10 cent a bundle. Statesman offic, $15 South Commercial. WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT STUD. Salem's Whit King. Register number 685881. Service guaranteed. Puppiaa and arrow n stock for aala. Mrs. Bis I "fJett, 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1580. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST boosters because when w do your welding, 'tis done not you. Electrie and acetylene welding, large and mall. O. D. Oppen. 295 Mill St. Tel tli and 2086-J. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinds of woven wire fence. Fancy and plain. Bop baskets and books, logan hocks. Saleat Fence and Stove Work, 250 Court street. Are You 4All There?' Chemical analysis of th human body shows that it is composed of the follow ing elements: Oxygen. Carbon. Hldro- gen. Nitrogen, Calcium. Phosphorus. t'otassrum Sulphur, Sodium Chloride, Magneaium, Iron. Iodine, Fluorine, Sili con, line. Manganese. You supply your body with these chemical element through th food : yoa eat. tn air you breath and th water you drink. Good health depends much upon - the liemistry of the body, as thus supplied and maintained. Many refined -food tn ommnn us today are lacking to an alarming extent in these vital aud health promoting properties, and this deficiency is responsible for .many chronic ailment. Pacific HeaSth-Ore, s rich in the majority of these element and its use has accomplished marvelou result in restoring health. Give Nature a chance you'll be surprised at her re sponse SEE YOUR DRUGGIST TODAY LOST AND FOUND j 53 LOST GREY COAT COXTAIXIXG KEYS. 118 X. Capitol. Reward. LOST A RED GARFIELD BICYCLE Liberal reward. Telephone 1111.1 $25. 00 REWARD for return of yellow card hoard hox containing unfinished piece of tapestry aca yaru. i-ost sturnay niii ut lem or on Pacific highw.-ir tui'th ' -" or return to Mrs. Joise, Phone 2451 S, 3:?'J X. Church St., Saieru. PIANO TUNERS 1-54 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders W ills Music Store. PERSONAL I 55 W. T. RIGDOX'S NEW BOOK IS NOW ready on sole at any of tbe book store. This is an all Salem Book, written ia Saiero, printed in Salem, and should In- read hy Salem people. PRINTING ; 55 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS, PAMPH- lets, programs, boooks, or any kind of printing, call at tbs Statesman Print ing Department, 215 S. Commerci Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 57 FEDERAL FARM LOAN' 5 Vs . Wood, S41 State St. F. I P. H. BELL. 210 U. S. BANK BLDG. Residence and business loan. TeL 607 or 2141-W- Money to Loan on real or personal security. John H. S-ott, 305 Oregon Bldg. $10,000 PRIVATE MOXEY TO LOAN OK Salem Residential fruperty. SOCOLOFSKY & SON, : 8u5 First Xat'l Bank. . CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates Best term obtainable. Our insurance department offer Ton x pert a! vise and service i umil'iv'c n ior t-wTi a a line. HAWKINS t ROBERTS (Inc.) lid w I I TeL 1427. 105 Orttcojs Bldg. OUR INSTALLMENT LOANS MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU : BECAUSE 1 1 You steadily red tiro the principal with but little greater monthly out lsy thsn rent. 2 You don't have th total principal due in a lump sum which may be difficult to meet. 3 On a loan of $1000 for 5 years your total interest Is $21i.80. 4 You are doing business with an old established firm. ANDERSON ft RUI :RT. Realtor 169 S. High Street. Tel. 1644 Correspondents Equitable Savings and Loan Association 1 : - AFTER IM.BOX, ? KEEP IT up . XIERE. GAININ' ON MM EVER . GeT the 3"UMP MADE. BV PATCHES tJCATH o ?r. 1 MONEY TO LOAN 57 1 MONET TO LOAN TOR BUILDING AXDIFOR SALE 4 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE on city property. B. 8. Mania and L. R. Martin, attorneys, 413 Oregon Building. Tel. ,204. WANTED LOANS 59 HAVE. : CLIENT ' WANTING PRIVATE loan up to 8-i5.e00.oe. Delano 2ao N. Church. Phone 1H30. WANTF.O Private money to loan oa REAL ESTATE. W.i H. GRAB EX HORST ft CO. 134 8. Liberty St. PLUMBING JO PLUMBING AND C-ENF.RVIL REPAIR; work.: Graber Bros., 144 S. Liberty TeL 550. j BUSINESS OPPR. 6) MONEY FIRST PAY. HALF INTEREST ia barber shop, heart o city, doing fine business, fuily equipped. Snap. F. G. DELANO 290 N. Chnrch. Telephone 230 ' BUSINESS OPPORTrXITIFS Hardwarntock at Invoice, about 70O01and fixturus $1000. Butcher altop, all complete, with ice plant; 83SOO. Grocery store and filling station. $2300. i. W. H. KRtECER . Realtor 147 X. Com'l. Phone 217 RADIO 62 Radiolas For every parpo, for every par All standard sixes of Radio Tube. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 335 Court St. Tel. 488. REAL ESTATE 63 2 GOOD 4 ROOM HOUSES. COOD LO cation. $1500 each, some terms. -Sslem Realty Co., 462 State. CHOICE CORNER LOT WINTER AND E. street, pawing and sidewalk both streets, restricted di&trict, price $loOU. Owner, phone 1175 11. WE HAVE A BUYER For a neat little home of 4 or 5 rooms Priced from $1800 to $2500. If you eaa sell yoeir home for this amount, see us at once. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtor 120 Stat Street. Phone 1727 GOOD SOUTH SLEM RESIDENCES No. 1. Nearly new modern South Commercial St $5,250.00 No. 2. New Nob Hill six rooms and Nook $4,750.00 A. C. BOHRX8TEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 No. Com'l St., Salem, Oregon. Cheapest Lots $200 or two for $375 down, $5 a month. Terms $10 Becke & Hendricks 180 X. High 6trt GREATEST TRDIN OROANIZOTIOS ON THE PACIFIC COAST Ws hsv ever 8000 properties listed for exchange. Ever kind of property very price, every location. Ws eaa match your exchange EXACTLY. If yoa would like to trade your property TO DAY, come in TODAY. See GASKILL h EARLE. Realtor 166 8. Liberty. Tel. 243 SNAP Owner leaving the city, must sell his home. Completely furnished, over stuffed furniture. 6 roouas, bath, Elec. lights, garage. Fruit and shade trees Paving paid. Located seven blocks from 1st National bank. Pric $3700, good terms. Take a ear or lot part payment. See Loul Bechtel or J. D. Sears, 341 Stat St.. Room 2. STOP LOOK LISTEX Onaortnnitv knoekinr at your door. A $5500 6 Room modern homo in every rasoect. stucco house, in excellent lo ration for this week only $4450. St. paved and paid. Easily worth $1000 mora, immediate potssesaion, let us show von this home. Will give terms See Louis Bechtel or J. D. Sears, 341 Stat St., Room 2. TODAY' 8 BIGGEST BARGAIN 5 room Bungalow in choice residen tial district, builtins, nook, large closets, fireplace, full basement, large garage lot 50x128 ft.. East frontage, paving ft walks in and paid. Pric $3700, part terms, or will take small acreage close to Salem as part. SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO, Realtors 20 Stat Street. Phon 1737 A CHALLENGE; TO ANYONE THAT can produce equal this new strictly five room modern bungalow for th price; wonderful view overlooking city to the north; bard wood floor throughout; finest material used; elegantly finish ed; lot 60x100 corner; winter' wood and lots of other extras go with it; priced few dsys only $4,400.00. Rea sonable term. Delano 290 X. Church, Phon 2830. ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAIN: Fie 4 room modern bom with break fast nook and large attie, a full cetrent basement with furnace and laundry trays, fireplace, garage, oak floors, At tractive in every way. Owner will ac cept good lot as first payment and will give attractive terms on th balaae. Price $4:00. NOW VACANT. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. W. GRABEXTIORST ft OO. 134 S. -Liberty St. ft SPECIALS 4 room, modern, oak floors,- fireplace, furnace, corner chinas in dinette, floor ed attio, steps in garage, redooed to $3050. boat oi tarma. , $7500 7 rooms, modern, large room, 2 lot nice lawn, garag; a bom aay one would be proud of. People are transferred and ar offering this for $5000. Of course you realix there must be a good fash payment on this deal. B ARRETS ft BOND 125 N. Liberty. 200 Gray Bldg. Phon 90 TOOLISH TO PAT RENT When you can buy a cozy 3 room bun galow with 2 large lots, with large bearing fruit, trees, 5 cherry, 8 pears. 3 apples, 1 almond, 1 crab anple, 1 pom. 1 quince. Barn. Pric $800 only $150 cash or if yon eaa pay m $335 cash I will take $7.50. Balance at 910 and interest per month as I am leaving city must sell at a. sacrifice. Drive oat on Sunday; go East on Madi son to 17th St. go noth blocks then 2 blocks West, or See my agent, they will show you this -big snap. See Louis Bechtel or J. IJT Sears, Room 2, Kavne Hldr . 341 Mtate St. I I l lN.ce-i ( I I I V REAL ESTA1E 63 with furnace $2500.00 A Good closed car and cash for 5 room houie up to $300i. Confectionery and lunch room for sa'.e. 13i a-re farm for city property. F. L. WOOD G EO. F. PEED 341 State St. BUYS YOU CAN "T PAi-S IP Ciiy 3 R. Bungalow. 2 !ol. Fruit, for $750, only $335 cata, bal. $10 pr month. Xw eoiy 5 E. Flastered Bunga'ow. Elee. lights, sewer connection. Price $1500. only $1" down, balance like rent. See Louis Bechtel or J. l. Sear. 341 State St.. Room -'- 4 rm. house, tor. lot $1700, pnved street. X. t E. front corner. 2l."f. 5 rm. ho'Jte, paved Ureet. chicken park, garage. 29vo. $20u down. 5 rm. house, pave I tr. E front, gr age. $2000, esse payment. GERTRUDE J. M. PACE 4S4 Court Street. (iiHin HOMES $3000 for a ImoKalow. litiii room. o.ii floor. 2 led room and sleeping prrli. Uasemept. furnace-, garage. $l0 down. ' $4230 New and modern in everv wsy, hangalow. 5 rooms and nook, attt.- stairway, garage, paring, eve. $".'!. down. $1T50 Almost new bungalow. 3 ro-n plai'ered, hath, garage, large ht. $-0 down. $1500 to loan at 7 . Tns-.irance. MEI.V1X JOHNSON 720 V. S. Uank BUg. Phone C7 5 rm. modern home, in good loca tion at $5000 to trail.- for ac reage on uignway close to Salem 25 acres of the finest huMj land at edge of city, a fine investment at $250 an acre. Creek thru i 175 A. timher. 7 sni. from Salem, owner anxious to make deal and if of fered CASH will make a bargain to someone. We are selling farms and want your listing. Have several buyers now we are tring to locate. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 S. High St. REAL HOME BARGAIN'S 4 A. tract, good soil, good bldgs., fruit aud berriea. Sacrifice $1100. 40 A. farm near town, half in cult.. 6 acres bearing fruits, good bldg. Est. 500 Cd. wood. Snap $U700, terms. Cks in Confectionery, quick sale $700. 100 A. farm, fine loam soil in cult. Oood location, $100 per acre. Terns. 20 A. choice river hott-oat land near town, modern bldgs. Sacrifice $7500, terms or tske residence for part. Good 5 room plastered home, large tot, garage and barn, for rash $1500, PERRINE k MAR8TER3 212 Gray Bldg. mis 14 acres with buildings, running water, berries and fruit. Good chance to keep chickens, 6 miles from Salem. Pri-e $5000, or will trade for city property. It it a dairy ranch of 40 acres, all stock ed and equipped, at $7000 you would like, or trade fort Thrift dependa on you. Pay $100 down and $.0 a month until the full amount of $1400 is paid and save rent. New 4 room, bungalow and garage on thee terms. Week s come and go but you go on pay ing rent. Buy this 5 room English style home, new end fully modern, for $3750. $.50 down and balance like ent. Own 100 acr farm 11 miles from Salem, no improvements, for $40 an acre. Your chance to buy a dandy North Salem 6 room home, new and complete. $3675. Easy terms. Home and comfortable income. 10 rooms suitable for rooming and boarding. Rents for $fi0 a month to party who sublets. Owner wants a farm or acreage near Salem. See us about this. If you have anything to trade tell us about it. UliRlCH ROBERTS. REALTORS 129 X. Commercial Street. Phone 1354 REAL ESTATE-Farms 67 BARGAIN" SELL 10 ACRES, nished home. Write or call, Keyes. Rt. 9, Box 47, Salera. FUR- laaac DAIRY RANCH 87 V acres. 72 cnltl vated, woven wire fencing in ten fields. Excellent buildings designed strictly for dsirying. hot and cold water in house, close to cream station and on rock road. $115 per acre, liberal terms or accept half trade, city or acreage. Own er, 1143 Shipping St. Phone 1477J. CHOICE 8 ACRE TRACT i mile from city limits ft bus line, paved road, electric Eght ft telephone line in front of property. This tract can be cut up and is in an ideal lo cation to build some hdhses. Price $4800. part terms. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtor 20 Stte Street. Phone 1727 SPECIAL 20 acres East of Salem on Fruitland Road, has good bldgs., some sto-k and equipment. Price $3500. Will trade for home in Salem. 4 room house close ia North Sslem. Price $3200. Will trade for larger hous and 3 or $ lota out near city limits Xorth. SEE Thomaeon with LEO X. CHILDS CO, Realtors T20 State Street. Phon 1727 TAXIDERMIST 63 WORK GUARANTEED. K. E. WIGGINS, Taxidermist, 1145 Norway. Tel.-2261-W. REAL ESTATE-Suburban 69 BEAUTIFUL EXOLI8H TYPE SUBURBAN HOME with 1 acre of good land, 5 large rooms. buiit ins ft nook, water system, electrie light. woodshed ft garage. Price $3500, cash $1009, balance easy. . SEE LEO N. CHILDS OO, Realtor 120 State Street. Phon 1727 TRANSFER & HAULING 70 CAPITAL CITY TRAXSFER CO. 228 State St. Tel. 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. J. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty la piano and furniture mi rag. e also make coun try trips. V.'e handle th best coal and wood. Call on us for prices. We glv good measure, good quality and good service, l.armer Transfer Co.. Tel. 930, WANTED-Real Estafe 71 HAVE NUMBER OF CLIENTS WANT ing residence lots. What have you f 1 can sell them. F. O. DELANO 290 X. Church. . Telephone 230 VDU CONVICT t?AT-h. 7sPK?EftD vNVjCN. ( THERE HE GOES bf J - IWDEfc TFtS MXM USED CARS-For Sale 79 Kirkwood Motor Co. 32 1 N. Commercial 1 1927 Hudson Super Coach .... 1 1127 Pontia; Sedan 11927 Essex i door Sedan 1 192: Cherot Touring 11927 Ford Tot-ring 1 19-ii Pot tisc Coups 1 1925 DoJje Deluxe Sedan SF.VUAL 0THF.3 GOOD LATE $ $ Save S S Telephone 311 Pettyjohns Automobile Better 1926 Dodge Sport Roadster 1926 Buick Coupe (4 passenger) 1926 Nash "6" Enclosure 1926 Dodge Coupe 1921) Jewett Coach 1926 Star Touring 1925 Dodge Enclosure Franklin Demi Sedan OTHER CARS OF VARIOUS SEE US F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 8G5 North Commercial Street. 'After W McKay's For Used Cars (With An OK That Counts) We hav several good running cars priced under $100. Some as low as $35. Also a fine stock of lata type cars. 1922 Ford Coupe, Baloons 19,23 Chevrolet Trg 1924 Chevrolet Trg. 1924 Star Roadster 1928 Dodge Coup 1025 Chevrolet Trg 1926 Chevrolet Coup 1925 Dodge Sedan 1926 Chevrolet Sedsn $150 165 200 185 275 350 485 575 500 The above list of cars are recondi tioned and guaranteed. WE DO NOT MISREPRESENT 430 X. Commercial. Phone 745 ms McKay Chevrolet Company Buy Your Used Car Before "the Spring Rush 192G Coupe with $100 worth of extras $365 1920 Rdster, natural wood wheels new paint $2C5 v 1926 Tour. Closure. Ituckstell, new psint $roo $250 1925 Tudor Sedan 1923 Coupe new paint 1924 Buick Rdster $13 $550 Many Others All With 1928 License. Valley Motor Co. Sslem, Oregon WANTED-Real Estate 71 WAXTED GOOD LOT: A first payment on attractive fire mora bungalow located on N. 20th St.. near D. St.. has fireplace, paved street and ia first class condition in every way. Pric $2750. Will tak small payment or good lot as first payment, balance easy monthly payments. W. IL GRABEX HORST ft CO., Realtors 134 S. L'berty Street WATER 74 OREGON WASH. W TER SERVICE CO. Offic 804 South Commensal St. Tea per cent diaconnt on domestic fiat rate paid ia advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cans unless wster is shut off your premise. - TRAVEI 76 A FIXE NEW WATTTNO ROOM IN THE NEW HtSTEL SENATOR Frequent Schedules Thirty Ride Books at Reduced Rates A Swift and Reliable Package Service Courteous Attention From All Employees These Ar a Few of tho Offerings Made the Public By PARKER STAGES. INC. 8tage Leaving Times: Dallas: 7 a. m., 9:10 a. m., 11:25 a. m.. 2:10 p. m , 5:15 p. u. Independence ft Monmouth: 7 a. m.. 0:15 a. m . 11:15 a. m . 3 p. m, 5.15 p. m.. 8:30 p. m. (Sunday only.) gilverton: 7 a. m., 11a. m., 5 p. m. Falls City, McMinnville. Newherg, Hills boro. Forest Grove, Sheridan. Tills mook: 9:10 a. m., 2:10 p. .m, 5:15 p. m. For Information Call 222 or 698. AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PUD FOR FORDS KTKER ATTT By Ed Wheelan V iVV, as a .' i. i .- a. USED CARS-For Sale 79 4 i -$950 050 43 433 SS SXS BIS MODELS AT VERT LOW PRICM, H Values MAKES AXD MODELS, SOME AS LOW IN PRICE. AS $100. BEFORE YOU BUT Telephone 12C9 Sell W Serv' t USED CARS WORTH WHILE : We have some wonderful Bargains tal used cars. As yon know Dodg Broth era hav just announced th New Vie tory Six and w hav secured severs closed cars at th right prioaa. W bar 1925 Dodge Sedan 196 Dodge Sedan 1927 Dodge Sedan 19-28 Dodge Sedan (4 cylinder) 19-5 Jewett Sedan 192G Master G Buick And many other cheaper ones. BONESTEELE MOTOtl COMPANY. 474 So. Com'l St. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT With one off our goc used cars. Choice selection ; consisting of: 1927 Cadillac Sedan Marmon Rig Six Coup Marmon Light Sedan Willys-Knight Sedan Willys Knight Tourings Chandler Tourings Chevrolet Tourings Chevrolet Coupe Dodge Roadsters Ford Coupe Som of theae cars are almost a others are reconditioned. All ar rl bargains as v? wish to clean up for th new year. r. n. Mcdonald Cottage and Ferry. Paoa 40 Salem, Oregon Packard Oldsmobi! Two of the Best LookTheseOver Specials 1923 Special 426 Packard Sedan. Like new $200 H2d Packard Coupe. Like new ... $ICl) 233 Packard Sedan. Like new $150 1926 Oldsmobi.'e Defuse Sedan. Lik new j ; , 75 1924 V illys-Kmght Sedan See This i; $ 55 1927 Ford Steel Pick l'p A 8nap.'$ fi JS-H4 ( hevrclet Heain. New paint ...$ 0 1923 Maxw.ll Coupe. New paiot....$ t0 124 Gardner Sport Touring $ t. l-5 Star Touring .. J.. $ 22 1!24 Chevrolet 'louring ....j $ 22 JV-l ord Koadster , $ S2 Buick Touring. A Real Bay $ 30 lwo btndebaker Tourings, tie Them . j $ 1 Ford Roadster i, $ 12 Ford Coupe .: $ 7 Oidsmobile Touring ,, , $ Easez 4 Touring ; $ fc WW hsvs a I wonderful lin of re good used ears. - I Each price rut down to the boa an will sell fast at th above pric. Most of them ar newlr painted. Thej will giv tlreir new owa many thousands of pleasant miles. Just satisfy yourself, come ia ar. iook oar siocn over. Our stock changes aftn. It wiH p,. joa to com in frequently II 7 am a interested ia a real buy in good cars. ...... CAPITAL MOTORS; biddy nisnop 350 N. HIGH ST. CAS OIL illfcAfE AND STORAGE- OPEN ALL NIGHT A- Salem Markets URAIB No. 1. wheat, white... Red wheat, sacked Oats, per bu. mlllinc.. rORR. MXJTIO AND SEZ7 . Top hog ." ews OS H 0.08 Too Mrs AH. OH! Cows o$a.$ Spring ' dres4.. . . .1 J Dressed veal ,. .IT Dressed hog .... POtTtTRT Light hen .. Heavy kas Springs Broilers .l$O.It .1 .1 . I I ...... coat. BUTTER, mmrAt . Standards , . Butt erf at - - m Priat Butter .MQI1 TEOBTABIX Beats, sacked -' New cabbage - i -.$ I .o$v. Petateoe .$1.OO31.01.M Celery, boaehe . Sart peUIpe . T .05 NICELY board. FIRNISHED ROOM 405 Mai Sun Si.