The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 17, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    MUlwns Hm on tlie Screen Four Days at the Elsinore
The Detour" by the Moroni Olsen Players, at the Cxipital Tonighty Benefit Salem Lions Club for the State Convention in June
- Weather forecast: Generally fair, but
cloudy and unsettled In west portion; not
much change In temperature; moderate
east to south winds. Maximum tempera
ture yesterday 32. minimum 26. river 8.6.
rainfall1 none,, atmosphere clear, wind
.. . .
- 'K SA - . .
Adolnh Hotellinq Makes
Confession of Brutal
Kidnaping Crime
prisoner Makes Desperate ' At
tempt to Commit Suicide on -Way
to Jail; Horrible De
tails Recounted
FLINT, Mich.. Jan. 16. (AP)
-Adolph Hoteiling, deacon of an
Owosso, Michigan, church and a
ontractor, arrested in Owosso to
day confessed to the brutal slay
ing of five year old Dorothy Sch
neider kidnaped and killed at
ount Morris, near nere iasi
Hoteiling confessed to sheriff's
ials after he had been posi-
i tively identified by Archie Ba
con, farmer who unwittingly naa
assisted him to escape after the
killing, by removing HotelUng's
machine from a mud hole. The
knife with which the man told of
ficials he had dissected the child's
body was found in his clothing:
and in an old Dodge sedan in
which he drove to the Mount Mor-j
r's woods with the little victim
was found In a garage where at
tempts had been made to change
its appearance by repainting.
n . - ,
i I ueconies xij si-r i
The man was taken to the local
II jail by officials and according to
police immediately went into hys
terics, raving about his cell and
tearing his hair.
Police at Owosso where he was
r rested declared llotelling had
children there over a period of
two-years. The text of the con
fession was not immediately ob
tainable as Hoteiling was being
! riven about the state to a
ob violence.
The arrest, made in Owosso. fol-
S$wed information given by car-
n pent era employed in construction
of a Flushing. Mich., school house,
who declared the man bragged
that when the rewards offered for
if the capture of the girl's slayer
II was large enough he would sup
ply the necessary information to
U-ad to arrest.
Deputy Sheriffs Mark Tail-
thorpe," Henry Munger and Tbom-
a Kelly of Genesee county sher-
(Continued on paga 8)
Maiiy Sleepleaa Nights Preceeded
Captvrre and Murder of
Dorothy Schneider
FLINT. Mich., Jan. 16 (API
Adolph llotelling, slayer of 5-year
old Dorothy SchnXir, was Im-
Hed to commit the crime by
ooding over the Hickman case.
declared in his confession, po-
sald tonight.
Although the complete text of
his confession was not available,
because the officers who took it
rushed out of town with him. tha
stenographer's notes show that he
declared the "terrible Hickman
case" kept him awake night after
Hoteiling said he spent sleep
less night, after sleepless j night
turning over In" his mind the do
tal' of the. Hickman crime. .
When he picked up the Schnei
der girl and drove her on to the
deserted " road he told her he
would kill her if she carried out
her threat to tell her mother, ac
cordinr to the oolice notes. After
walkinrthe girl across the field
from where his car had. stalled, to
the bank of Benson creek, she re
peated her threat and he did kill
ber. by "stabbing her twice with a
F.u iaaD iniie. -
, , i J . . ,
Celling asserted he did not
Jiiorture the girl. She died, from
the knife wounds. He plunged the
weapon through her heart, he con
fessed.. Afterward vh .mutilated
the body and finally threw It Into
the creek. -
"I thought of the crime all the
time. I thought of giving myself
up last Saturday." he said,
Hoteiling said , he .painted his
ar last Friday.! i When the hue
and cry about a blue, four-door se
dan went up he purchased a can
of black paint and hurriedly
daubed it on, he said.
j Alter the crime, he drove down
,to Flint and then to his. home In
'Owosso, lie stated.
Militia Uses tear Bomb In Two
Hour Battle With Angry Men
at Flint, Michigan
FLINT, Mich., Jan. 16. AP).
A mob estimated at ten thous
and persons that stormed the
county jail here tonight in an ef
fort to lynch Adolph llotelling,
confessed slayer of Dorothy
Schneider, was dispersed by -na
tional guardsmen.
The guardsmen were called out
after jail officials had battled the
crowd for several hours with tear
gas bombs. A score of disturbers
were arrested during the clash.
The troops mobilized at a local
armory, charged through the
crowd and threw a cordon about
the jail and then rushed the gath
ering again. The crowd gave way
after several persons received
cracked heads, and dispersed grad
ually. A heavy guard was being
maintained about the jail in the
fear that when factory shifts came
off duty in the morning a new mob
might replace the one dissipated
The gathering refused to be
lieve Hoteiling had been spirited
out of the city early touight even
after a committee from their
ranks had been permitted to In
spect the Jail. Special newspaper
editions containing this informa
tion were scorned and the mobs
men apparently thinking they
were being duped, drove newsboys
from the streets.
FLINT. Mich.. Jan. 16. (AP).
A company of national guard
troops was ordered out tonight to
stem a menacing mob gathered
about the county jail here clamor
ing to lynch Adolph Hoteiling, al
leged slayer of five year old Dor
othy Schneider.
Although officials declared Ho
teiling had been spirited out of
the city, the mob was unconvinced,
even after a committee appointed
by them had inspected the Jail
without finding trace of the
leged slayer.
The order calling out the militia
followed unsuccessful attempts by
police and sheriffs officers to
void!oue11 tne mob with tear as" Hand"
to-hand fighting between tne oui-
Continued on pg 4.)
Canvas Glove Factory Here Only
i One In State, Reported
Information about small indus
tries of Salem will be featured at
future chamber of commerce lun
cheons, according to George Vick,
Leon Gleason, pro
prietor of the Gleason Glove fac
tory, gave a few facts about that
The Gleason glove factory has
operated in Salem 17 years. It
operates 12 months of the year
and employs between twenty-five
and thirty people, mostly women.
Last year, it produced $75,000
worth of canvas and leather faced
The local concern is the only
canvas glove factory in the state
and one of four on the Pacific
coast. Two are located in Ta
roma, and one in Seattle.
The factory is located at 1455
Oak street. Mr. Gleason extended
member, ;! TheP
an Invitation to
chamber to visit and Inspect the
Nine Entombed Below Ground Ta
ken Out This Morning
HAZELTON. Pa., Jan. 17.-
fTuesdavl ( AP) Rescue of thei.
nine men entombed in the number j
1 mine slope ot the Lenign vauey
Coal company at Oneida, was ef
fected" shortly before 2 o'clock this
morning.The men were caught
behind a rush of coal about 300
or 400 feet from the bottom of tber
1,000 foot slope yesterday after
noon. None suffered any injuries
or appeared weakened by their or
deal. . -
Company officials announced
that a barrier of coal more than
50 feet In the thickness had block
ed the" gangway. A hole about four
feet in height was driven over this
tall of coal 'to . allow the men an
avenue of escape. J
First Death From Disease Report
ed at Marshfield
MARSHFIELD. Ore.. Jan.- 16.
(AP). The first death this
Lmonth from Infantile paralysis oc
curred here yesterday when Wal
lace Matson, 7. died from the di
sease after an illness of five days.
He was a pupil in the second grade
of the Harding school. The school
will not close.-- -'
Cheers Fill Air At Sight of
Coolidge On Mission
of Good Will
Strong Plea Made At Pan-American
Conference For Good
Will and Harmony Among
New World Nations
HAVANA. Cuba, Jan. 16
(AP) With all the prestige the
American presidency conveys to
the nations of the new - world.
President Coolidge made an ap
peal at the opening session of the
Pan-American conference today
for , peace and good will in the
western hemisphere.
Journeying outside of his home
land for the first time since he en
tered the White House, Mr. Coo
lidge lifted his hand in a sign of
admonition and urged the dele
gates of twenty one Central and
South American countries to adopt
the doctrine of adjusting their
differences, not by resort to force
but by the application of the prin
ciples of justice and equity.
He was acclaimed as the head
of the most powerful nation of
the new world but his speech was
filled with terms of conciliation
and helpfulness. In which he
placed the United States as mere
ly one country among many seek
ing the way toward a closer and
more complete intercontinental
Applause Greets Words
Although the audience w
jammed the Cuban national thea-
al4ter -was predominantly spantsn
aoeaklnf, President Jjoouage ire
qu entry was interrupted with
bursts of enthusiastic applause.
This was taken up spontaneously
by the vast crowd which owing to
its unfamiliarity with the English
language, had come more to see
than to hear. The tumult Tose
first among the few who under
stood, to be carried back In waves
to their neighbors on the main
floor, to the boxes and the balcony
and finally to the far distant seats
in the gallery.
It was in this atmosphere of al
most frenzied happiness that Mr.
Coolidge spent his second day in
(Continued on pa(e 8)
Contract Let For Construction of
Huge Machine Shop
PORTLAND, Jan. 16. ( AP)
Contract for construction of a ma
chine shop to cost $250,000 as an
addition to the Southern Pacific's
terminals at Eugene, Ore., was
announced here by E. L. King, dl-
vielon superintendent of the sys
tem today. The contract was let
to H. E. Wilder, of Eugene.
Terminal equipment of the road
already , developed at Eugene In-
pianw roununuuse ana bwiuuiui
tracks. ,
"i. "i ' i.
i , v t
national conTentlo" HoroYao Cleveland, picg! d ;Miami -1 lb.
v v..... . v. ivmimtiii nartv in tbi vAiri Bresldcntlal camoalgn. . .1
population estimated to be ta excess ot 160.000. It la an Important railroad, eeater. being located on th Southern ractne. the amu.
Colorado. Santa Fe and other railroads. It la located in progressive farming territory and ranks.high ia shipment of cotton,, corn, sugar
and other products. . .;
Riot at Walsenburg. Colorado, De
clared Unprovoked With Offi
cers at Fault
WALSENBURG. Colo., Jan. 16.
Responsibility for the riot of
January 12 at Walsenburg in
which two striking miners lost
their lives was placed directly on
the state police In a verdict reach
ed tonight by a coroner's jury in
vestigating the deaths.
The verdict, rendered in the
case of Klemenz Chavez, killed
outright, said the riot was "unpro
voked" with state police showing
"total disregard for human life by
firing through windows Into the
street outside and we do recom
mend further investigation into
the case."
A second verdict, rendered in
the case of Salestlno Martinez. 16,
who died the day after the riot of
wounds received as a bystander,
declined to place responsibility for
his death.
Testimony indicated that state
police standing in the alley behind
the hall wherein the strikers were
hiding had fired clear through the
wall and into the street beyond,
killing Martinez who was directly
across the street from the hall.
Thirty one witnesses testified,
all but three of whom admitted
either participation in the parade
which the state police attempted
to break up, or being present In
the I. W. W. hall during the day
of the shooting. The verdict was
reached by the Jury after an hour's
deliberation. -
Public Service Officials Confer
On Cross-state Road
Members of the public service
commission left here Monday for
a tour of Southern Oregon where
they will confer with a number of
commercial organisations m tuu.
nection with the Central Oregon
raiimaii A Avolnnment camnaizn.
tlM Am AAnstPlI Q W Aftfit Atldl
west line through Central Oregon j
state commerce commission and!
will be heard within the next 60
days. The public service commis
sion will urge the various cities
of southern Oregon to have rep
resentatives at the hearing.
The public service commission
was at Eugene last night. It will
spend tonight at Marshfield, Wed
nesday noon at North Bend. Wed
nesday night at Roseburg, Thurs
dav noon at Grants Pass and
Thursday night at Medford.
Members of the commission
were accompanied by J. P. Newell,
engineer of Portland, and W. C.
McCulloch. attorney. Commis
sioners on the trip are L. E. Bean,
Edward Ostrander and II. H.
Rubaker Would Operate Lauch on
Willamette; Asks Landing
Fred E. Rukaber, of 411 North
Front street, wishes to operate a
motor launch on the Willamette
river for the transportation of pas
His application to the city coun
cil for a landing for the launch on
the water front between Cenfer
and Chemeketa streets was re
ferred to the etreeta committee.
? , -
't i
V .Mtnn jit ttnniitmi. Tftxai. which has" been selected
i?tto WMri part of Texas, it is some.50 mile
- .
Drastic Measures Necessary to
Fight Flames at City of
Washington, D. C
(AP) Half a dozen fires of sus
pected incendiary origin, scattered
throughout tvishington early to
day called out all of the city's fire
fighting equipment and forced of
ficials Jto appeal to nearby Vir
ginia and Maryland points for
Two of the three major confla
grations were in downtown Wash
ington, an F1 W- Woolworth com
pany building i on Pennsylvania
avenue between Ninth and Tenth
streets and a cluster of produce
stores at Eleventh and Little B
streets, opposite the Smithsonian
Institution. The third was a feed
store at North Capitol and H
streets. .
From three io five alarms were
sounded for these fires and while
they were burning several false
alarms were turned in and blazes
broke out in three other widely
separated points at residences or
small shops. ,
Fire Marshal Leonard Seib and
Inspector WiXiali Shelby, assist
ant superintendent of police, ex
pressed the opinion that all of the
fires were of deliberate origin.
They stressed the fact that nearly
all: of them developed, within an
hour or two and that related false
alarms scattered the tire fighting
The first alarm, that for the
Woolworth company building
came shortly after midnight when
the produce stores began to burn,
both points being close together
in the center of the city whe;e an25o candle-power lamps at all in
alarm calls out virtually all of the! ter3ectlong now lighted by 400
fire fighting apparatus, officials! candiep0Wer lamps .and at all in
appealed to nearby cities for help. tersections having a circuit which
Several Virginia and Maryland J dQ not now have iignt. Practically
pieces of equipment were put to: intersection in the city will
action bnt a second call went to
Baltimore for ten" engines. They
were put aboard a special train
for the forty mile run to this city.
Nearly a dozen firemen were
overcome by smoke in fighting the
Woolworth lire which was more
severe because or a Drosen g
Charge Preferred Against
i Portland Boys and Girls
PORTLAND. ! Jan. 16 (AP)
Charges of crimes against ten Jboys
and girls, ranging in ages from
12 to 19 years, resulted in the ar
rest todj of William Armstrong,
40, said to be the owner of a candy
shop, and Arthur Dart, 37, a sales
man. They are In the county jail,
where they are held for grand
jury investigation.
A warrant also was Issued for
Clarence Brazell, who recently
was arrested on complaint aworn
to by several boys, and who was
released under $1,000 bail. Bail in
this new charge is fixed at $5,000.
Fear of Mob Violence Causes Po
lice to Take Precaution
LANSING Mich., Jan. 16 (AP)
Adolph llotelling, confessed slay
er. of Dorothy Schneider of Flint
was spirited into the Lansing city
Jail about 10:30 tonight by Cap
tain John Cleghorn, in charge of
the uniform division of the Michi
gan state police. Sheriff Green of
Genesee county, a Genesee deputy
and a state trooper, officials here
announced. j
Two Improvement Projects
Authorized By Vote of
City Council
Bids on Fire Hose Received
lng Petitions Come in Rapidly;
S.P. Gets Permit to Ex
tend Tracks
Two distinct steps forward In
i Imnrovement of Salem were,
taken at the city council meeting
last night when resolutions to pro
ceed immediately with re-number-
ing of houses in the city, and to)glneer Rogers had announced that
authorize the Portland Electric
Power company to install 250 candle-power
lamps at every street in
tersection were passed.
The city engineer was Instruct
ed to employ the necessary help
for. re-numbering the houses, for
which an item of $600 was includ
ed in the 1928 budget.
The new lighting plan, for
which provision in the budget was
also made, was suggested by W. M.PPe
Hamilton, local manager
of the
light company, last fall.
Lighting Improved
It calls for the substitution of
have a lamp under the plan.
The light company pays the cost
of installing the lamps and the
city will pay only the cost of the
current to operate them.
The work will be done gradual
ly but It will be completed within
six months according to presem
Hose Bids Received
Bids on fire hose from three
firms, American Rubber manufac
turing company, A. G. Long and
company, and Howard Cooper cor-
(Continued oo pee 8)
Walford T. Anderson Asks Addi
tional Time to Enter Plea
Walford T. Anderson, Stayton
garage man, was yesterday ar
raigned before Circuit Judge Per
cy R. Kelly on a charge of receiv
ing stolen property. He is accused
of having received a $54 radio
set. Officers declare, however that
a number of sets belonging to a
Turner rarare comnanv were
found in Anderson's possession.
He asked time in w h I c h to
plead and was given until today
by Judge Kelly.
The parole of Richard Myers,
granted several months ago by
Jndge Kelly, was revoked yester
day following advices received
from Attorney J. Ben Hall of Eu
gene, to whom Myers was paroled,
that Myers was not living up to
the terms of the parole. He will
be brought here from Lane coun
ty to serve a one year's sentence
I for theft of an automobile.
to entertain the lJ2tDemocratl
raca. tor the gathering thaT
from th. Galf of Mexico and has a
Enough on Hand to Permit Im
mediate Construction
Of Gaines Line
The Oregon Gravel company, a
local firm, was the successful bid
der on 4040 feet of sewer pipe and
accessories, bids on which were
opened at the council meeting last
The firm bid 53.25 per foot for
re-inforced pipe, and $2.85 for
plain pipe.
Other bidders were Gladding-
jMcBean company. C. K. Spaulding
(Logging company, Collins Con
Pav' crete pipe company. Pyramid con-
I crete pipe company, and the Eu
gene concrete pipe company.
A representative of he success
ful firm told the councilmen that
there was enough tile on hand to
permit the city to begin imme-
ate construction oi me ua.ue.
....-. n . - . n w. n . .4 m 1 a 1 1 n . n wi ,i That
. .... ...
the tile would be furnished as the
work progressed.
It is believed the work will get
unitd, tViJ2 urA1r aa f ' i t V Vn-
securing tile was the only thing to
hold up the job. Several men will
be employed on the work.
A communication from the Os
wego Pipe company, of Oswego,
that the firm had a quantity of
cast iron pipe suitable for culvert
use which would be sold at $1.90
per cubic foot was referred to the
sewer committee. This is said to
be an unusually low price for iron
Resolutions covering salary in
creases for the city recorder, the
city sanitary inspector, and police
and fire department officers were
passed. These increases were pro
vided for in the 1928 budget.
Man Shot to Death in Attempt to
Rob Portland Resident
PORTLAND, Jan. 16. (AP)
Shot to death in a holdup he had
planned for four weeks, the body
of an unidentified man rested in
the county morgue tonight the
victim of a revolver in the hands
of the man he sought to rob.
After announcing early in thei
day that the body had been identi-j
fied as that of a former employe
of an amusement park here, police
tonight admitted the reported
identification was incorrect when
they received word from Vancou
ver, B. C police that the man
known here was in that city.
Mike Matulewsky. 32. who
killed the holdup man when he
found him prowling in nis nouse,
told police he had been informed
four weeks ago that the robbery
was to take place, and that he had
gone armed since then. A woman
heard the holdup men laying their
plans, and told Matulewsky. The
men were desperate she said. She
auoted them as saying that "quick
shooting" would h necessary to
make the holdup "successful."
President and Wife Refuse to-Partake
of Cocktails
HAVANA. Jan. 16. (AP)
President and Mrs. Coolidge rose
to the occasion today when the in
evitable cocktail added the ques
tion of prohibition to the many
problems facing an American pres
ident on a vfsit abroad. They both
met the situation by ignoring on
one occasion and by sticking to
water on another.
At the official banquet offered
in honor ot the American presi
dent by President Machado to-,
Bight, to wnich all the delegates
to the Pan-American congress were
Invited. President Coolidge ans-
wered -la' water-to the toasts of
fered. Officials ot the. president's
palace , asserted that not only on
this occasion but throughout his
visit water was the only liquid
diet, of , Mr. Coolidge. ?
Traffic Eastward From- Portland
i; Begins Tbls Morning t '
- PORTLAND. Jan. 16 AP) -p-Pecision.
to ; open the Columbia
highway eastward at 8:39 a. xn.
tomorrow was made by couaty
commissioners today after a con
ference with representatives of the
Oregon State Motor - association.
engineers'" and .stage ' and auto
freight men.
" The highway will be open from
8 : 3 0 a. m . to 4 : 3 0 p. m. to permit
road -crews to complete clearing
operations daring the night hours
The .regnlations.-Itwat expected.
would remain fn effect about
three days. ;, ' ; 7.
One way traffic will be ia effect
between Mist Falls and Horsetail
Falls and between Bonneville and
the Hood River county line. Trat
fie over these stretches , will be
regulated by county officers. 1 Mo
torists were warned that chains
were necessary, .
Plans and Specifications of
Two Approved At City
Council Meeting
Diminishing Employment and Tak
ing Advantage of Low Cost of
Material Reason For Hur
rylng Construction
Completion In 1923 of sevel
bridges in the 12-brldge $350,001
construction program voted by the
people at the last election, as re
commended by the bridge com
mittee, of which Watson Town
send is chairman, was approved by
the city council last night.
Plans and specifications on two
of these bridges, one on North
17th street andthe other on South
Winter street, were accepted by
the council, and Recorder Poulsea
was instructed to advertise for
bids on these two projects, to be
opened at the next meeting.
The first bridge in the program,
the one on South Commercial
street, is now under construction.
Four More Planned
The other four bridges which
the committee recommended for
construction in 1928 were:
South Liberty street.
North High street.
East State street.
North Summer street.
Lack of employment In the el'y,
prevailing low cost of materials,
and the necessity for speeding up
the bridge work to get It within
the three-year period alloted in
the bond proposal passed by the
voters were reasons for the re
commendation by the committee.
Will Employ 150
The committee estimates that
the program outlined will give em
ployment to ir0 heads of families
and others during the year.
That local men with families be
given preference on Jhe Jobs will
be stipulated in the contract'
signed for the bridge work, and
all applicants for work will be in
vestigated carefully to make sure
of their merit.
The committee also estimates
that savings of from 10 to 15 per
cent on the estimated cots of the
structures can be accomplished if"
contracted for now. The savings
can be applied to extend the num
ber of bridges to be covered by the
$350,000 bond issue by at least
two or three small bridges.
The 17th street bridge plans.
(Continued on vt
Garfield Building Emptied in
Seconds; Inside Escapes
Public schools in the city art
safe from the standpoint of fire
hazard whether they are equipped
with outside fire escspes or not.
This was the opinion expressed
by three deputies from th state
fire marshal's office who msde a
tour of inspection yesterday ia
company with George Hug," city
superintendent; L. J. Simral and -W.
H. Dancy, alderman; Hugh
Rogers, Buck Hutton" fire chief;
city engineer; and G. W. Smalley,
building director. - .
At Garfield school a special test
was made. When the fire bell " .
sounded, th e 3 5 6 pupils left t b f
building in one minute and six -
seconds. ' ' - .-; I
Garfield was one of the - four r
school buildings Included in the
city engineer's report on struc
tures two-stories or more in height
not equipped with "outside fire es
The other school buildings were
Englewood, Richmond, and High-, .
land. They were equipped in the ,
same way as Garfield school, with
inside lire escape sUlrwsys. open
ing to the rear.
It is not likely that the city,
council will-insist that the sthool . "
board install the'flre escapes un
der the-ilrcumsUnces, especially
considering "the stringent financial
conditions under'which the board
is working. ;
; Alderman Patton. chairman of
th building commute, who ind
catd last week that th fire ordl- - .
naace might b revised to accom
modate the school board, if th
buildings were declared safe, pr- .
bably will initial such action at a
future council meeting. ; .