The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 15, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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Monks Of Old Drew Pictures Now Used To
; ' Carry Messages ' :l ".
History Of Earth Found By Scientist In
Butterfly Wings
Competition Wiil Bring In
This Organization Will Soon
It's' a Wise Father Who
Newspapers Cause Things
Knows His Own Son; or
Himself, for That Matter
They Advise Other Forc
es To Suppress
crease: In Efficiency
During 1928
Celebrate- Its. Forty
Sixth Birthday
s y h
- '' t
ft-- ) .
(Book review written especially
for The Statesman by Beatrice
Crawford-Newcomb) -The
.Inner Wtorld of Child
hood, by Frances O. - Wickei
(Appleton's) with an lntrodactlon
by Carl O. Jans. Switzerland, on
der whom Mrs. Wlckee has studied
and by - whom she was arced -to
write this book.
The mental and emotional life
of the child as revealed by snalyt
leal psychology Is here the subject
of-a moat Important and readable
stndr. In "The Inner World of
ChildhoodMrs. Wickee has writ
tea a book -.of special Interest to
parents, educators, and child spec
ialists. No one who deals1 with
children, no matter bow sym
pathetic he may be, can expect to
attain a complete understanding
of the child's Inner life without
the aid of such a volume as this.
Mrs. Wickes describes the Inner
world of a child's conscious ac
tivities and its relation to the es
tablishment of sound mental and
spiritual health.
Contrary to' Freudian analysis
Ir. Jung has become convinced
through bis laboratory work with
adult patients, that the funda
mental problem of a neurosis was
not to found In the disturbing
experiences that lay in the early
Ufa of the patient but was rather
concerned with the present, and
was shown in a failure to meet
some duty or task which life now
presented. The obstacle which
was considered too great might
lie in some outer circumstance,
or it. might arise from some inner
necessity. In either case there
was need for a new attitude to
ward life, for a different concep
tion of the. self and of human re
lationships. Failure to make the
new adaptation produced conflict,
and a desire for retreat, which re
sulted in a sense of defeat. To
overcome this the patient took
refuge In a more infantile form
of life, 'or in a neurotic illness
which furnished him with an ex
cuse which he could present; not
only to others but even to his own
unconscious, for his failure to ac
cept life. The real problem in the
analysis became: from what pres
ent duty Is the patient retreating?
It Is true that to understand a
neurosis it must be traced back
to its very beginning. It is not
enough to cut off the top of a
weed; the roots must be dug up.
Often a shock, either real or in
phantasy. U found to be the start
lng point of a neurosis. Never
theless, the crucial problem con
tinues to be the present attitude.
When we study children, no
matter how young, we see that
thls principle holds good also with
them. It Is when the task la too
hard that there is a tendency to
slip back into an easier way, a
more babyish adaptation. In ord
er to avoid the feelings of Infer
iority that this would give, the
problem is pushed down into the
unconscious, and much of the life
energy la withdrawn from use in
the conscious life and becomes
busy with regressive phantasies.
or finds expression in infantile
acta whose meaning Is not under
stood by the actor himself. In
the unconscious of each of us lies
izj- an Image of childhood as a pro
tected, carefree time, a - period
when life makes no difficult de
mands. This picture may be ab
solutely untrue in any individual
fm, yvi ii remains m me uncon
scions of each one of us and may
operate regressively.
- Two Kinds of Children
If a child falls to make,. his
adaptation to a new situation, he
may be seised 'With wild furies of
self-assertion. By these rages he
tries to obtain for himself the
thing which he cannot get in any
other way, and tries also to com
pensate for his sense of defeat
lie.. may make childish demands
upon, the mother, or cruelty to a
smaller child or animal, or a sick
ness used to command attention
Throughout the book Mrs
Wickes places emphasis upon the
understanding of the parents,
teachers, or others in charge of
children, to be used in solving
ineir proDiema ana stress Is laid
upon love properly used as a tre
mendous asset. When the child
feels back ' of the personal love
the- parents' adherence to the
higher guiding principle and the
desire to help him to be true to
that higher law. all the forces of
loyalty and truth are enlisted on
the-; side of obedience.
Dr. Jung has found that all
children can be placed in one of
'two classes: Extra verted or In
troverted. " The -former is the
child who finds his chief relation
ships In the outer world of things
and people. , and the latter one
whoso inner thoughts and phan
tasy life are the greater reality to
him: 1 ? f ' .--
Mrs. Wickes has a particularly
helpful chapter dealing with the
problems of adolescence.. It Is
during this period when the new
lndlvldual'ty is unfolding and as
sert lag Itself that parents are jtnost
often baffled. ' Here - again - she
places ' the blame - where it truly
belongs and is often,' hardest to
accepts : upon the parents them
selves :, . ' : ; '.-' i
Children Belong to Selvee i
' She says: "From'the first we
must remember that-our children
6o xiot belong-to na.: htj belong
i. .v..
Illustrations drawn bv monks
Books of Hours are reproduced on twentieth century post cards. One
of the cards shows "Christ in Majesty" (above), from the Arundel
manuscript in the British Museum. r
Movement To Relate School
and College With Needs
-of Homa Hopeful
By Ji. W. Crabtree
:8rTctary. Nation! Edaeattoa BocUty)
studying the tendencies in educa
tion one can forecast the condi
tions ahead with the same degree
of accuracy that the weather bu
reau forecasts weather conditions.
An appreciation of this tact en
ables those who understand the
racial mind to stimulate and pro-
value. In 1117 and 1918 men and
women of vision In education, as
in business, seised upon this prin
ciple to accomplish - great ends.
There was the desire to not only
rehabilitate education but to place
It for all time on a better basis
than ever before. The work was
necessarily accomplished largely
through the National Education
There is no way of knowing how
much the recent advancement is
due to the vision of those leaders
and to the work of the national as
sociation. A few of the striking
gains since 1918 are as follows:
Then l.COO.000 students in high
school and now 1.000.000; then
about 1.000 groups of teach
ers studying the problems of the
profession and now about 25,
000; and then 8.000 members in
the N. E. A. and now 180.000.
There is a growing tendency to
look upon education as guided
growth. The influence of this
point of view has already led to
Important changes fat method and
policy, and will produce results of
tremendous value on the schools
of tomorrow. The closer relation
ship between thweehools and the
i?s w it. . a.
puouc is aemonsiraiea dj iae ob
servance of American Education
week Is a tendency which means
reacer actual progren tor the
schools than have yet been real
ized. ; -.
The- movement ta : relate the
work of the school and college
more closely with the wofk and
needs of the home and community
ia one of the most hopeful of ten
dencies. "It gives point and pur
pose to courses of study and puts
life into daily tasks. It Increases
school and college attendance.' It
adds buildings for the schools. It
creates new Junior and senior col
leges and adds vchalra In colleges
In harmotfy with the ' movement
adn It will later result In vacant
chairs In others. It Is having and
will have for many years a most
marvelous effect on educational
development. v.. -'f-
Battles are yet to be fought.
With the backtnr of public senti
ment they will be more easily won
than were the earlier battles for
common schools at public expense,
high schools at public expense and
nnlversltleai public expense. The
next are to be battles for school
betterment, for efficiency, for anal
oppoitanliy.-and'fof general Im
provement In the territory which
has "been won.' The tendencies
that have given the outstanding
results of the Oast decade snd that
promise still greater achievements
for 1988 and the years following
ire ss fixed in their course as the
current , of the gulf stream, and
Just as certain.
ELTRIA, O. The city Jan has
one inmate who Is so well satisfied
with The treatment received, there
that he refuses to leave. The man
is 78 years old and was placed1 in
Jail for a minor x offense several
days ago. Bis ttee Is' vp but ev
ery time police swing; "the door
and askliim to go' he most emphat
ically refuses. Authorities are pus-
jled what to tfo. The man says he
has no home, - - - -
V . 1
,VH .'t t-'
of the middle ages for Missals and
LONDON (AP) The cowled
monks of the middle ages who sat
at heavy oaken tables in mouldy,
stone cells, busy the live-long day
illuminating Missals and Books of
Hours, little thought that they
were painting, for post cards of
the Tear of. Our Lord 1928.
Out of the dim recesses of the
past the authorities of the British
Museum have drawn some of these
page illustrations and have repro
duced them as emblems of good
wishes to be mailed to friends, '
Three cards In particular have
been Issued. One Is "The Building
of the Tower of Babel," from the
famous Bedford Hears, done in
Paris In the early part of the flf
teenth century. Another Is "Christ
in Majesty," from the Arundel
manuscript, and a third. "June,"
a pastoral sheep sheering scene.
by the famous Flemish Illumi
nator. 8imon Bening.
Two series of pictorial cards
have also been Issued by the Brit
i&h Museum for post cards. One
set consists of reproductions from
the Westminister Abbey Psalter,
considered among the finest ex
amples of late twelfth; century
English illumination. The other
comprises reproductions from a
Flemish Book of Hours of about
the year 1500.
Applause of Home Folk
Pleasing To Harry Lauder
EDINBURGH. Scotland (AP)
Sir Harry Lauder, in receiving, the
freedom of Edinburgh, his native
city, said it was the proudest mo
ment of his life.
He had been honored by many
citiea he said, but to be honored
by Edinburgh was the great finale.
The honor had given him fresh In
spiration he said, and he had de
cided to return to the stage from
which he retired after the death
of his wife several months ago.
ali -din
War-Proof Vaults D eep in
Uy lamis P. Howe V
LON'DON ( AP) At sbe ripe old
sge of 234 years, ?the old lady of
Threadneedle street" is putting
her hotrse In order for other cetH
The Old Lady, as the Bank of
England is known, began the task
of rebuilding in 192S, and It will
take five years more to complete
the task at a cost of approximately
25.000.0jj0. ' - , -t :i
The new bank .win be the most
substantial burglar proof structure
in the British Empire and it will
last. It has been - estimated,' at
least a thousand years' .
The most Important problem is
the construction of vaults where
the nation's gold will be kept
Special attention has been paid to
precaution against attack In time
of war, and it is said that means
of safety hare been designed with
a view of resisting any bomb at
tacks yet conceived by man. ,
Down underground In the heart
of London's financial district the
Editor Statesman:
I am sending yon for publica
tion a letter which I sent to the
Morning Oregonian on December
88 and which was returned to me
on December 88 with a note from
the editor saying the letter was
too long by publication.
Salem. Ore., Jan. IS, 1928.
Salem. Oregon, Dec. If, 1927.
To the Editor of the Oregonian:
Since Hickman Is on his way to
prison, trial and probably death.
for a most atrocious crime, may
we hope to find something more
wholesome, more elevating.. In the
the papers for the next few days?
We are all "fed up" on crime
news., Take the Oregonian of De
cember 23 and we find every one
of the eight columns on the front
page leading with stuff about
Hickman and his crime. Four of
these front page columns have top
heads in large black type standing
out boldly to catch the eye of the
reader quickly and hold his atten
tion while he devours the news of
one of the greatest crimes In the
history of the Pacific coast coun
try. Other papers have done as
well as the Oregonian, Insofar as
their ability permitted.
It begins to look as If the trag
edy of this awful thing were being
capitalized by every individual
and every agency tn any way con
nected with it. Men never before
heard of rush forward to get their
photographs on front pages. News
papers vie with one another to be
first with an "extra" on the street
We behold the notorious Hickman
In his grated cell and near by half
a dozen officers who have come to
take him back to the scene of his
crime. There are pictures of the
ghastly packages containing the
body ' of the murdered child all
played up In aspects most hor
rible. For what purpose T
Every warden of every prison
in the country who is honest
snough to tell the truth, knows.
t he nses the brains that God
?ave him to think with, that the
publication of crime news in all
lta lurid details results In the
making of more criminals than
any other agency in existence.
What else can be reasonably ex
pected when crime is commercial
ized? Column after column, day
after day, devoted to crime news,
ud "extras" put out several times
a day when a flash Is received
giving some unpublished detail of
the crime committed 'or the hunt
d criminal
The effect of all this Is as cer
tain as death or taxes.' But the
warden who might have the cour
age to tell the truth and defy the
commercialised press w h ten
thrives and fattens every time a
Leopold, a Pender or a Hickman
appears, would probably lose his
Job, because some politician re
sponsible for his appointment
would be forced by the press to
oust him. Right or wrong, we
must stand In with the all-powerful
If one of the dally papers sees
fit to publish, in all its filthy de
tails, the "Peaches' Browning di
vorce case, as one of the Portland
daily papers did. of course we
Gold in N ew Bank of England
Il:f. H
- ! nil i in
- ' 1 . . ..
left mi&vm
pM-'.te; -; . h t
Vaults far underground, built
will bold Great Britain's gold in
land in London, shown above as
Is the- present home of the -13 4
iTraaiuonai ucaname u . ine oiu
. jtn a. . aa . in
"old lady" is shown at the right as c&rtooued la 1894 In Punch,
br permission of which It Is reproduced. N- L . - -
The following statement rela
tive to business i conditions In the
United States was made recently
by Earl C. Sams, president of J. C.
Penney company.
'General business during 1928
should continue along about the
same lines that it followed during
the year Just passed. It will be a
good year tor such business enter
prises as are properly adjusted' to
the general j economic conditions
of today. ;
"General commodity prices will
undoubtedly' be subject to the us
ual short swings! up or down de
pending upon local conditions and
upon the changing phases of In
dustrial and agricultural activi
ties governing Income and produc
Any general movement in com
modity prices should be downward
out there is no reason at the pres-
enttlme to believe that there will
be any marked lowering of prices.
The usual discussions which
characterise! any presidential elec
tion year will prevail but the ec
onomic structure of the country is
on such a well defined basis of ec
onomy and progression that It Is
unlikely that political differences
bearing on economic activities will
have any pronounced effect on
general business. Any differences
which may exist In relation to the
present economic standards on the
part of political parties are appar
ently too slight to be disturbing in
their import.
Competition in all lines is in
creasing and the effects of this
ipetltion; will be keenly felt
during the present year. The mar
gin of profit which may be antic
ipated by the distributor of gen
eral merchandise ' 1 s growing
smaller and greater efficiency Is
being shown In distribution metta
ods. i
I V a ; ja '
in me j. u. renney co. we
hare been j studying the elements
of working efficiency in each of
the retail store units and have
been organizing all phases of our
general distribution methods
down to the point which main
tains the highest standards of ec
onomy In handling fnem the time
the merchandise is completed by
the manufacturers until it Is fin
ally placed in the hands of the re-
tall buyer.;
"This applies to shipments made
by rail or by water, to pricing of
our merchandise and to organiza
tion of individual effort in the J
C. Penney; Co. stores.
"The percentage set aside for
gross profit is, I believe, on a bas
is which Is eminently fair to re
tail customers, to competing mer
chants and to the J. C. Penney Co
it is a low percentsge and yet the
operations of the individual J. C.
Penney Co. stores has shown that
it is a percentage which will give
the company a fair return while
affording-j the buyer a high value.
. "It. Is on such a basis as this
that general business will have to
organise Itself this year If It is to
survive in the competitive condl
A. .
uons woicn are certain to pre
Did yon ever notice that all the
husband killers immediately put
on deep mourning for them.
Earth Guard
to withstand any' sort of attack,
the new borne of the Bank of Eng
it will look when finished. --Below
year bid 1 institution. . The bank's
a a . m ;.. im si a,as .am.
lauy oi i i oreauneeaie eireew oe
'M- ...
I ; -. '
t .., V- . ... 4
.- :.,.v..C.:- '; .
V -. ,v .iw- s, s
Butterflies become more brilliant in their coloring as the ell
mate grows colder. J. D. Gunder, Pasadena entomologist, finds after
rears of research. Above is Gunder in his "butterfly den." Below
is a normal specimen of modem
B. C.
Science League Presents
Interesting Report of
Various Activities
war between anti-evolutionist and
teacher of evolution, according to
an informal report of the Science
League of America,, Is likely to
continue in 1928.
The substance of a s u r v e y.
made public by Maynard Shipley,
president of the league, sets forth
that advocates of enti-erolutlon
bills, defeated in various legislt-
turea In 1927, plan to revive the
Issue this year.
The league also declares that
there Is an organised and well
financed effort to "purge" the pub
lic libraries of the country of
books and magazines regarded as
too tfoder n." The -crusade
against evolution, the Science- Lea
gue's report asserts, did not die
at Dayton, Tenn., scene of . the
Scodos trial, but got renewed in
spiration there.
The Science League of America
Is an organization of scientists.
consisting largely of university
professors and research workers.
George B. Coleman, research bac
teriologist of the Hooper Founds
Uon, University of California, Is
secretary-treasurer and Dr. David
Starr Jordan, chancellor emeri
tus of Stanford University, heads
Its national advisory board.
In the league's resume of actlv-j
Ities for and against evolution It
says in Its report that In Florida,
Arkansas and Louisiana antl-ev
olutlon bills passed the lower
house of the state legislatures, but
were killed in senate, in some
cases by a close vote. In Oklaho
ma, Alabama, Maine, West Vir-j
gin la. North Carolina and Missouri
the bills were defeated in the low
er house, but in the case of Mis
souri by a narrow majority. In
California, Delaware, New Hamp-I
shire, North Dakota, and Minne
sota the bills were killed In com
In each case, says the report.
the advocates of the measures say
they will renew their effort at the
next session. In 1928, It is declar
ed, the opponents of the evolu
Uoaaryw theory witleenter their
attack on Arkansas through a in
ltlative measure which now has
9,000 names out of a necessary
12,800 necessary to quallyf an in
itiative petition.
The . only two states having
laws prohibiting the teaching of
evolution at present are Tennessee,
which passed the law in 1925, and
Mississippi, which passed a simi
lar law In 1928. w
The, report also deals with tea-!
ehers and professors dismissed, al
legedly for their views with re-j
ard to evolution and - other doc
trines" considered' by some as not
tn accord with religious teachings.
An instance, of this as cited by the
report Is Des Moines University,
wnere u is declared -20 or more
members pf the faculty ware die-
answer satisfactorily a question
missed because they could not,
nalre In which questions were
ed touching their views. ;i y j
The report continues: TroL W.
G. Burgin . was dismissed from
Wlnthrop collegeT South. Carolina,
because ef his anti-fundamentalist
views In scientific matters; and
in Brooklyn, Charles A. Wagner
was discharged as a high ' school
instructor because he taught evo
lution In bis geography classes.'
KNOXVILLE, Tsnn -Chivalry
In the south again has won a vic
tory. Signs posted In elevators of
a building here lnstrnctint men
removed, after several months' ex-
ice- oecause no neeo wae given
-thenx- .
'"' I
times (left) and the type of 8073
study of butterflies has convinced
J. D. Gunder, Pasadena entomol
ogist, that the hues of butterly
wings reflect the waning of the ice
age and in effect tell much of the
j history of the earth.
When a climate grows colder.
Gunder declares after many years
of research, wing colors are less
brilliant. The present trend away
from glacial days Is recorded in
the increasing brightness of the
nues. it is posstDie, ne Deiievesj
to predict the wing patterns for
the erratic little garden butterly
10,000 years hence.
In the vear 11.927. he says.
man's" descendants will fin4 that
the butterfly la somewhat .larger
in size and has more vivid and
lighter hues on its wings.
"It It were possible to bring as
many humans together as we have
butterflies, he adds, we probably
could look posterity . In the face
and predict1 the physical and men
tal characteristics of the person"
who would catch, those butterfller
in 11,927."
America Said To Be Produc
ing Greatest Amount of
Standard Works
NEW YORK (AP) America Is
producing the greatest quantity of
I high standard literature of . any
time in the history of the Held of
letters, asserts M las Viola Roee-i
boro, literary adviser, magazine
editor, and author.
"Today and every day there are
new books off the press, books by
very young authors, first, novels
by older people, and great num
bers ot works by authors of es
taoiunea standing." she says.
"There is more literary outpnt. to
day than at any other period of
American history. ' :
"And it Is all of excellent Qual
ity. Of course with the greater
quantity there la much that is lost
In the scramble of, literary evalu
atlon. But even the -material that
is lost is of greater merit than the
stuff that was lost a few decades
ago. The. whole standard has ris
en." .
Miss Roseboro, who has grown
up with literary. New York; since
before the days ot O. Henry, bas
seen great changes in the Ameri
can output.
It was during the days when she
was a reader on magazine staff
that she read a manuscript by a
man who signed himself "O.
Henry." ' 4 ,
" 'It's a gift from Heaven.' I
told Mr. McCIure (the publisher)
who had been in the depths of de
spair over the standard of . our
fiction," Miss Roseboro said. "He
read it out ot deference to me but
sent It back to the author In the
routine of editorship. :;
'When I heard what he - had
done I cried. I Just couldn't help
It. It was such a : lovely little
story, so American, and so much
what we wanted. -
"Well, when Mr. McCIure saw
those tears, he couldn't stand it.
iiTrninu ninrniiT Nrr
li i ttifln i uu i r u
ask-l"4 t about six office boys out
after O. Henry, to get -the stbry
back. . ;:; :-:a:; -
That was the ; history of O.
Henry's first recognition : In
American magaslne. 21
Her reminiscences brought forth
stories of ' other "discoveries.
Among them are Booth Tar king-
ton. Wills Cather, Dana" Oatlin,
Amelle Rives Samuel Hopkins
Adams." Marcaret Banning and
Mateel Howe Farnnam. v
ATl I try to do In this work of
mine la to aive writers some sort
of a stimulation. People of tal
ent are discoaraged easily because
thev have nut real feeling
Ithsir, effort, and if it Is despised.
vLt k .a.. their van-
i 7 -
liUes. are. bruised.
Editor Statesman :
It occurs to me that your r
era will be Interested In tbe-Yu
lowing' historical events as con
nected with the W. C. T. U., of i
Salem, as It was organized so Ions
ago. when Salem was young, and j
has kept np the organization con
tinually since, until at the present
time an incorporated institution. t:
and occupying Its own building in J
Dusy portion or me city, tneSat
W, C T U. is now as it ever has J
been a strong force In the city
when we reckon up the organiza
tions' for righteousness and so
The first day of February, 1882.
a little, band of women met to or
ganize the "Woman's Christian
Temperance Union of Salem."
(Let me note here that the State
W. C. T. U. had not yet been or
ganized).; We find from the rec
ords that are carefully preserved
"The object of this organization
shall be to : plan and . carry fur-
ward measures which, with th
blessing of God, will result In the 1,
suppression of ; intemperance."
Thns it was at the beginning of I
what these women knew would bo ' t
a nara ana a long ngnt, xney in
voked the help and the blessing r
Almighty God upon the cause, and
lie' Surely strengthened the hand
of " these brave women, and not
only those who came together at
that time, but down through the
years since: All they who, lifting
up the mantle of some sister, who XjF
heard the higher call, have placed
aced If
this garment of service upon
shoulders and Invoked the bl
lng of her Heavenly Father upon
tier efforts. We here give the
"pledge" as we find they took it
at that far away in the past meet
ing: "We the temperance women
of Salem, feeling that-the use of
Intoxicating liquors has reached a
point no. longer silently to be en
dured, do, ! by the help of God.
promise to use our utmost en
deavors to banish the evil from
smong us. We hereby pledge our
selyes to discourage the use of
anything" which" can Intoxicate,,
and, in order to strengthen our in
fluence In this regard, we promise
not to use any intoxicating liquors
as a beverage, nor In cookies, and
not to furnish them for social en
tertainment." ''r:-:;:
f'Gentlemea may be admitted to
honoray membership by signing
a corresponding pledge and payr
msnt of enet dollar t or a vr?'
(The' dues ot women tfimbers
w first 50 cents, but "iatet raised
to annually.);-;
At "this- meeting twelve women
signed , the pledge, and thus was "tl
sUrted a force that the liquor in- JT
tereata.hare ever feared, for they
found that the numbers sometimes
were few, but God was the leader
and the. purpose. was a high one.
The names of the twelve charter
member I give here:
- Mrs. 8. C Hatch, Congreca-
Mrs. . & M. Patty, Methodist
Episcopal church.'
Mrs. W. O. Piper, Methodist
Episcopal church.
Mrs, L. H. McCullough, Con
gregatlonal church.
Mrsv F. A. Mstthews, church
not known.
Mrs. A. J. Leslie, Methidost
Episcopal church.
Mrs. A. M. Bewley. Methodist
Episcopal church.
V Miss M, L. Allen, Presbyterian
Mrs. 8. C. Gsrdner, Methodist
Episcopal church.
' Mrs. T. Jeffries, Methodist
Episcopal church.
Mrs. B. W. Cooke. Congrega
tional church.
Mrs. L W. Huston. Presbyter
ian church.
,We find that although Mrs. S.
C. Hatch . presided as temporary
president at that first meeting.
that Mrs M. A. Royal, who jomea
at ther next meeting, following
March Kth was elected the first
permanent president of the organ
ization, and that Mrs. Belle W.
Cooke was the first secretary. Mrs.
Hatch was , the second president
elected. - She was the mother oi
George Hatch, spoken of recently
as one of the first mall carriers
In Salem, Mrr. Belle W. Cooke.
whose beautiful penmanship re
corded the facts thst I am able to
give to you, served as secretary
for several years, and was heart
and soul a part of the Womans
Christian Temperance Union of
those years. In fact, such wss
the seal of all the women who in
those "Dloneer days" of the or
ganization wore the little bow of
white ribbon, that Qot rrom
the minutes of a meeting several
years later; when Mrs. L. Hstcn
was secretary, the words. "The
little knot of white ribbon
small thins In itself but the
..t..n r which it is an em
blem, has msde Its Influence felt
throughout the world, until the
sight of this same little white rib
bon strikes terror 10 w Z
the home; so to strengwwa
Influence should be our i
. ... v fnnnif without
we snouia b ----- - , ,w.
Sur badge." f will endeavor from , s
time to lime w vi -
tide' snd to give to the readers
..... m 1 Va will
many iscis "s""
impress npon each and every one
whst Oddr batb : wronght. and
thst this ' little - praying band oi
twelve women have sent tneir m-
- Mtfcnttaia frica page U)
.(OoatlMd ea.pag 18V
(CoatiatW irom psf 14)